t-s fc;. ij- r P.AGI3 SIX MWnrORD MAIL TIMBUNW, MMDVORI). PHMPON; SATURDAY, NOVMMHKR 11, 101 f. I ! It. Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mr. HiHPoll of Medfonl wns hero J-Ylilny looking idler his properly in turCHUt here. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Hnrimnl of AbIiIiuhI nllonifcil tlio funonil of iMrs. JJiirimrd'K fiinlor, Mrs. ltobcri Asli worlh licro FritlnV. Mirts Florence. Youiif? of Conooiil, New Hampshire, nrrived licro Thurs- TALENT ITEMS. Dr. Forties mid frnnily stint for Seattle Fiitlny, whoro they will make thoir home IhN winter. Dr. Forties has been the only doctor residing in Talent for three years, His many friends regret departure. Mi.s liutli Handall pivc a party for her schoolmates at her homo Sat urdav afternoon. Some iiiteroKliiii lay night to visit V. A. Cowley and frames were played, after which re- family and others. ,1. V. llieks of Ashland was here Frldny to ntlund the funeral of Mrs. Ash worth. Tlio Do Fonl sis.le.rs linvo iiit housekeeping and Miss Fay and I.y din will return to their homo at Sam-' Valley and go to school there and Miss Hose will remain hero and stay with Mrs. Will Nichols. Mrs. Sam Dunn has cloed her res iatiraut hero and will hack to Med io nl. KANES CREEK ITEMS. Airs. UorrIs mid Mrs. Hlglnbotlwm spent Wednesday on Galls creok. Tom Norrls and Mnck Blowers spent Tuesday In Mcdford, returning liomo Wednesday morning. Wo nro having a Bhower of rain today which Is greatly needed to moisten tho ground so the farmers can plow and sow their fall grain. Will Itlioten of Applegate spent a day here recently tho gucat of rela tives and friends. Mrs, John Mardon was a recent Gold Hill visitor. Tho Dardanclls school is progress ing nicely under tho efficient man 'ngement of Mr. Haselton. Visitors Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Hlgin- botham, Misses Cap Lumsdcn nnd Mary Boggls, Mrs. Fink and Mrs. Drown. Mr. Byrley waB a Gold Hill busi ness visitor on Thursday. jrchiitciits were served Mis Marie Carnnhau will leave for her home near Scuttle, 'n., Sunday. Ilaxel Quackcubush has returned from Fugle Point whore .she has been visiting with relatives. The V. 1 1. will meel with Mrs. Viogle Satunlay evening The ninth grade of Talent gave a reception to the eighth grade olax at the home of Miss Kdythu Tryer Wednoday evening. A very pleas ant evening was spent. Dee Ilendiickson of Mcdford was at Talent viMting his sister, Mrs. Hert Dougherty Saturday. Miss Lizzie Nethcrland siwnl Sun day with her sister, Mrs. Lena Helms. iiterta heaman, wlio lias been ill for sometime is rapidly improving. Mrs. 1 Souash has been serious ly ill with pneumonia but is slowly recovering. Donald Van Dusen has been ab sent from school on account of ill ness. The teachers' and parents' meet ing was held in the school house Fri day night. A program was rendered and discussions held. The Talent school althletic club will give a box social Friday even ing, November 17, for the purjHse of raising funds to equip their gymna shim. A maximum price will be set no one be afraid to come. Can You Blame Him? MAKSHALLTOWN, Iowa, Nov. It. The Friends church of this city i without n pastor today because ihe members of the congregation voted to reduce the salary of Kev. E. How ard Brown from $1000 to $800. As Kov. Brown has u wife and six chil dren ho quit. HRlcIna for Healtn. JACKSONVILLE Howard Kllham. a prominent busi ness man of Portland, mndo Jackson ville a short visit. He was accompa nied home by his wlfo and children, who bavo been visiting hero for sev eral wccks. Alex Thompson, Joseph Martin and Genrgo Xlatcn wcr: recent visitors in Mcdford. yl. It. Buck. Benton Peel and A. S. Klolnhammer woro over from Appli gito Wednesday. Sheriff Jones has been serving a largo number of legal papcrn during tho week. Frank Johnson of Uoguo ltlvor traded with our merchants tblH week. C. K. Wlkstrom and Frank Ames, who operate nenr Talent, spent a few hours In Jacksonville Tuesday, 11, 10. Itanoy was a lato visitor In Jacksonville. Ho will soon open a billiard parlor In the Hotel Mooro building at Mcdford. Goo. W. Jones, road supervisor of Ashland district, had business at thoj cuurthquso Wednesday. Miss Mabel Noriullo has opened dressmaking parlors In 11. K. llaiiey'a residence In Third street. There will bo a sale of cooked ar ticles of food at the Jacksonville It briry, for the benefit of tho Proshy tertin missionary fund, on Saturday, November 11. Mr. Gillette Is having a well dug on his place In the northern part of town nnd has struck a big flow of water. He oxpects to get enough to Irrigate most of his land by pumping It with electricity. George W. Dunn, former count; Judge, wns among those down from Ashland lately. Y. 11. Allen and F. M. Smith of Sterling traded with our merchants during tho week. Mr. Klsor, a brother of Frank Klsor, was up from Los Angeles not long ago. He was considerably sur prised -with tho Improvement that has taken place on this section since he was hero last. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Hartley or Talent aro visiting G. S. Kpperson and his family. C. M. Ituch, Fred Coppel, William Smith nnd William Bostwlck of Ap plegato transacted business In Jack sonville tho foro part of tho week. Miss Kate Chapman, tho milliner, Is In Josephine county visiting rela tives and friends. Frank Boundtreo, who is located at Wlllets, Cal., and following his occupation as an engineer, was mar ried not long since. Mrs. Mary Day, who has been visiting nt Salem and other places in the Willamette valloy, la at homo again. M. H. Boundtreo bad returned from n visit to bis former homo at Centralla nnd Chehalls, Wash. Will Henry has returned from Weed, Cal., and entered tho Jack sonville public school. Tho board of trustees has wlsoly ordered tho improvement of tho hill road south of town and A. Throck morton has been engaged to super vise tho work. Our Applegate friends will appreciate this very much. Operations on Jacksonville's water snthtfaclory to all and our city will have an nhumlnnt supply of puro water In duo course of time. This In nn Improvement that should huvo been made long ni;o nnd will bo ap preciated nil tho'moio when It Is completed. Mrs. W. T. Kvntner of Medford was tho guest of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. T, J. Klernoy recently. Miss Molllo Maury of North Jack sonville visited In our city Tuesday, J. Nuunn Is haliifi garage built by J. A. Mnrsh ami Ahuor Grimes which will house a Imndsoiuo mi to soon. Mr. Chavo, who has been engaged In selling real estate mid mines, with headquarters In Jacksonville, linn gono to Chicago for surgical treat ment. Dillon Hill, the horticulturist, was In Jacksonville Tuesday. Klbert Coleman, second son of County Clerk and Mrs. W. It. Colo- man, Is suffering with an obstruction of tho bowels and nn operation may he necessary. Dr. 11. P. Hnrgravo of MedCord was called in consultation with Dr. Golden. John Boaveuuo Is lying seriously 111 nt tho residence of K. A. l-nngloy, being stricken with a hemorrhage of tho bowels Sunday. Dr. Hobluson Is in attendance. Fred Flcko nnd his forco of car penters are building n handsome bun galow on Mr. Tracer's farm, located a few miles north of Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Janics T. Buckley of Applegate were lit Jacksonville on Wednesday. Mrs. Fletcher of Joe Bar waB a business visitor In Jacksonville on Wednesday, Miss Mny Buchanan of Mcdford mndo Jacksonville a visit one day this week. Tho remains of tho late Mrs. II. Hatinn nrrived from San Francisco Thursday evening nnd were Interred in tho Jacksonville cemetery tho following nfternnoa bosldo those of her lato husband, Judge II. K. Hunnn. Mrs. Hnnua wns In her C3d year. Coming to this county from Gurmnny with her parouts, Mr. and Mrs. Hosso, when a child, tho greater part of her llfo was spent In Jacksonville. Two sons nnd two daughters survive her. Mrs. F. C. Klsor left for Imh An geles a few dnysslnco. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. J. Nunnu arc visiting In Portland. Harry Treat Is filling tho plnco of Miles Itlchnrdson, V. A. Gorut'fl chauffeur. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Month Hlvorslde New nnd Up-to-Date Modern In every particular, km cook In, steam beat, etc. Women nmt girls must bring refer ences. W. M, HM1TH Home Phono H4K. I HAVt YOU EXAMINED CAREFULLY 'JHIIOLINWOb1 EXQUISITE STE&L, ENGRAVINGS Will AMY) NOW SIIOWINCT Prices Range From $3 to $25 The Merrivold Shop 134 W. MAIN BT. We Have Moved Tho J. T, Brondley flower Btoro Is now In tho M. F, & 1 1, store, ncross tho Btroot from former locution. Choice lots of cut flowers, bulbs, ferns, palms, ate, al ways on hnud. J. T. BR0ADLEY Clark & Wright XJtwYzxa WA8KINOTOH, D. a Public I.nntt Mnttcrn: Final Proof. Desert Lands. Content nnd Mining Cnnca. Her In. Ansnctntn Work for Attorney!. Hnsktns for Healtn. ...First... National Bank -of-MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivitlod Profits $58,000.00 Uniird Stntt'H and Poslnl Savings Dono.silory Wo solicit your Ini.sint'SH, which will receive our care ful attention. F. K. Douol, Prosidont M. L. Alford, Gashior Orris Crawford, Assistant Cashior works are progressing In a manner To Car. a Cold In On. Dy Tako I.AXAT1VI5 IJUOMO Quinine Tnb IctH. UrUBBlatM rrfiuul money If It fnlli to cure. K. Y. OnOVlTH ulentt- ' ture In on each box. :5c :: 'i 'i '. i ' i. 'i s 'I 'I '. '. s 'I 'I I I 'I 'I Page Woven Wire Fence All sizes of Page Steel Gates Garden and Poultry Fences Economy Lawn Fence First class R. F. D. Mail Boxes End and corner posts Northern cedar lence posts Call on or write us for Everything in the fence line. GADDIS & DIXON "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" HIONE 2081. Dlulrihiitorrt for Southern Oregon n nd Northern California. MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDF0RD, ORE. . t rtiftifctfri)iftifti0iirtirtgiiiftiftiiii0iiwflifi ARE YOUR TEETH FOR OR AGAIN ST YOU? -r?v c: trr-rsst TEETH SPECKED IJY DECAY AND SPOTTED WITH DISCOLORATIONS, AN OFFENSIVE HHEATH. ARE IIAHS TO SFCCE8S SOCIAL OK C'OMMEItCIAL. TACT. MAY HIDE THE FACT, HUT THE IMtEFEIlENCE FOU THE WHOLESOME MOUTHED IS NONE THE LESS MARKED. IF YOUR TEETH ARE SOUND AND WHITE, IF YOUR .MOUTH IS HEALTHY, YOUR IIREATH UNTAINTED YOU POSSESS ONE OF THE CHIEF ASSETS OF SUt CESS, AND SHOULD VISIT YOUR DENTIST REGULARLY AND SEE THAT THEY ARE KEPT IN THIS CONDITION. IF YOUR TEETH HAVE ALREADY WEAKENED UNDER ATTACKS OF ACIDITY, IF SPOTTED OR DE CAYED, YOU SHOULD DELAY NO LONGER, BUT CONSULT A DENTIST AT ONCE. IF YOU LOSE YOUR TEETH. YOU LOSE YOUR HEALTH; IF YOU LOSE YOUR HEALTH WHAT PLEASURE IS THERE IN LIVING7 IF YOUR TEETH NEED ATTENTION COME TO MY OFFICE AND I WILL GIVE THEM A THOROUGH EXAMINATION FREE OF CHARGE AND TELL YOU .IUST WHAT IT WILL COST TO HAVE THEM RESTORED TO A HEALTHY CONDITION. REMEMBER, I USB ONLY THE MOST EXPENSIVE QUALITY MATERIALS AND ALL MY WORK IS GUARANTEED. . m LADY ATTENDANT 22 Karat Gold Crowns Porcelain Crowns . . Bridge Work (per tooth) Silver Fillings .... ... N. . . $5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 AND UP. Gold Fillings Full Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate Best Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate Painless Extraction ALL OTHER WORK IN PROPORTION $1.50 AND UP 7.50 10.00 .50 DR. BARBER, The Dentist s 207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, corner West Main and Grape Streets, Medrord, Oregon . OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.-Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Pacific Phone Main 653; Home Phone 287-L f i ! : ; ; : ; : : j0VWVVVVVVtyVVVWVVW MMWWWWM0 MMMWlMMMMMMr'MMMMMMM'MMMyvij