TRIBUNE, MliJDffOItD, OlclWONT, TODAY, NOVIOMTHSTl 10, 1 n 1 1 . PAC1E SEVEN !l :.j : rtc m,iiwam - - - - - u , " - -. MIOOirORD MATT, '.-. j- . r- FORTUNE HUNTER Novelized by Louis Joseph Vance From the Piny of the Same Nome by WINCHELL J5MITH Copyright. 1910. by Wlnchell Smith end I.ouli Joiopli Vnnto (Ciilitilllioil lYoin Monthly. "Do you iniiMii. tlmt ?" nIid riling ni lliiliiiii. IIo nliiillilciii(l iii mill lu'lil hiiiiNi- Wl'll llllllll. "IM 1 lilt) tit hi ;uii Iiiim Ijimnl of MY' "V." Hlio looliwl ItiriulrltiKly m llIT fllllllT. "Why tlltln't you It'll lierV" IIoIiiiii piTNlNlttl ImiHlily. "Vk you nfrnltl?" "Nti." Hiiin nIiooI. hit licinl xlowly "1 wmin't ufrnlil, Inn it wiih imniriw Miry. Vou mm-, llntiy, Colonel lloliun It ullllllK to tlt nil (IiIh for you on mV thI wiiiIIIIiiiih. Ynii iiiiini mi' mill ihv'P Mfii iik ituiiln. You iiiuittn't t'vtin ri'coKiilr.o hid xlmuM w mevi upon tin) niii'iit. You limit rliuiKt your iimiiic to lluliuu mill uour per nil youritt'ir to lit' known tin Hetiy tlni hum. 'J'lii'ii you inunt"- ".Ntivnr tiilml. itiulili; tlfiir." nihil (hi Itlrl. 'Tlmt In enough. I know now I iiiiiUinitninl why jou iiomt told im H'h liupowtlble. Coloncf 'IIoIiiiii i.ncu tlitit tit'ii ho iiimlu the offer, of ruiirvu. I In iiihiIi It ntiiiiy to mr:ii j on, tlmlily. It'H IiIh revenue." "Ami thnt'H your iiiiKwer. uil-otV" minpiit'tl tht eolouel. Ilvhl with wmth "1 would not." nho tolil him H'owly "iiffupt ii favor from you. lr. If I were MnnliiK." Iiolmii drew hlumelf up. "Then ntnrve." ho toltt her niiil wnlketl out of the tIioi. OHAI'TKU VI. ON my wiy Imolc from my wnlli I me neros Duiujiiii nit tlti on the wnll of the bridge. I Introduced myitvlf to lilin, nml we wntluM nleni: ItiKi'thtT. I'lnnlly I (inked htm Hid rcmum for IiIh pnttetice In ttm town. "I'iii midlne; Inw, Mr. Uttlejehn: Hint I Hhnll contiuup. In iliu inonti time I hhnll keep my oyen optm for u Joh," he niuwercd. "At itny ilny. nt imy nmoiiut, tint npiHirlunlly tuny pre hi'iit ItMnlf, tho oiportuulty I'm lool;lii for." "l'nihnhly you're rlKht," I nwontetl. Iiiiprejmed, ni wo turuetl u rtiruer. A young woiniiu In n very iiltrnctlve linen jjown wiin NtrollltiK townnl mi. tiulto prettily eiiKtiKCtl with n hook which itho renil nit itho walked, her fnlr young lienil howttl heiienth u huumIiiuIc which llutetl her fnco hocomlnjrly. She guve me n nhy hiiiIIo nml ii low voiced greeting ni wo pu5etl. Only my knowledge of the young womnn pre veutetl me from being blinded hy her ongnglng iippcnrnnce. "Thnt." unhl I when wo were out of windint, "hIiowh you whnt n furnro n good looking you iik innii enn rrentc In n town llko thli. JohIo Look wood linn JOtltU I.OCKWOOD. put on lior howl hlh nml tucker to ro p'ulkluR In thiu ufteiuoou on tho off l.hunce of invothiR you, Mr. Duncnn." "Kl nttcry jioto," ho coiiinientoil. "WIio'n .TohIo Lockwood?" "PmiRlitvr of Illlnky Loclnvood, tho 1;1'M until hi lliiavlllc." "Ahl" ho hmIiI crypllciiiiy. I iniiiiiigi'd'lo henr iniicli of Mr. Dun en n whllo I tuynclf wnn ongnged In forniuliillng mi eMlliiuilo of tho young mini. IIo lefl Iho holol nml look moil ohI iircomiuotlntluuii ill tint hoimo of Jlelly Ciiipeutiir. IIu engiiged tho lioiiulni' linuglnitllon no lotm tluiii inlno nvvii, ultliuugli I vn moio lutltntitely liKHooliili'd wllll hhn nri n fellow reiil dent nt Hetty Cnrpenlor'n. My pro. fcHNlomil tluthm iniildiiK their hiihlttml ileiunuihi upon my tlmo, I imw, It uiny he, leim of him tluiii iiiiiuy of our poo. plo. Ortnlnly I lenrueil leim of IiIh wnyii from llrHt hntul ItiiowleilKt), lint from my ilenk It'll tho nniireitt to thu window rlnht nhovo tho pontolllcotloor -1 wnn iiuiihli'il to keep n pretty clone Hue upon IiIh IiiiIiIIh nml iuovouioiiIh diiilnir tho tlmt fortnight of hli ittuy In Itmlvllle. At homo I hiiw him with unvnryliiK ri'Ktihirlty nt uieiiltlineH null leiot fre quently nfter mippor. Iletween wIiIIch ho Heeinetl to olmervo n fairly nwilnr riiutlim. In tho morulnx nfter hienk OikL ho walked nhronil for IiIh henlth'n luiko. In tho nfternooii nml ovciiIiik ho neiiieHteretl hlninelf In IiIh room for tho purmilt of hln Ii'kiiI hIiiiIIch. Ahoiit tho Ki'iitilnciifKH of theiio hitter I wnn loiiK without ii quoHtJou. IIuvIiik heeii prlvlleKitl to luHpect tiltt room, I found It redolent of mi iitiiiotphcrc of highly coiuuieiiiluhlo iippllcutlou. If Ih writ lux tnhle wi:m n motlel of neiilni'Ki, nml IiIh Htoro of IckhI Iri'iilhten ImprcflHcC ono viiHlly. 'l'lint no one. not even Het ty Carpenter, over mi v tho room with m rM MM IH SB - i kISH J. jif?Wt 'Kiv "JIK'H OUT nx UUI1K OK CfiOTlinS." out reuinrUhiR the open votuuio of "Tho I,nw of TortH," with IIh nutner out pnccH puluituklui;ly npnetHl hy hIIih of Hiper by wny of bookmnrkH, Ih mi iitlfNtftl fact. Tlmt It wn ill tviij'H the miiiiio votumo In lesa widely known. IenH tllrectly thnt Ih to sny, vln my window I lenrnetl of him coinpen. tllotiNly from miurccH which would linve heeu iiiiouymoiiH hut for my Ioiir ncipuiliitiiucc with tho voIcoh of tho townspeople. write theto piiReu nt my (lt'nk nt homo nml. If (ruth'it to ht told, souiowhnt HurrcptltloiiHly. Hut with these voIcch rliiRliiR In my mem ory 'm enr I Heeinetl Htlll to ho nlttluR nt my cnttwlillo tlenk hy tho window. lookhiR out over Courthouse Ripinre, chowliiR the ruhber heel of my pencil tho while I listen. Imuictllntcly opposite, on tho fur Hide of tho Hipuire, tlio courilioiiHo tIm'h proudly hi nil the mnjcftty of Uh columiied front mid elnphoimletl hlttcH. I'urther nloui; thero'H the MctliodlHt chinvli. very M-veie, with ltn rowH of hIiciIh on one hIiIo for the teams of the more rural iiicmhcrn. Ilehlud them nil hulk our IiIIIh, dim uml purple nRattiKt tho overwIielmliiR hlue of the Hky. It'd very tjulet. There nro few Hounds nml Ih iho few most fninlllnr-tho ruucoim w.irtry of u rtMiHter HOinuwhoro on tho oulNklrtH of town, an Intermittent tliuddluR of hoofs In (he Inch deep tliiHt of the roadway, Ml I en Stetson wrluRhiR faint hut roiiuIiio Hhrk'kH of iiKony from his cornet In a room ho bind the opera house on the nest Htreot, periodically n shnlllo of foot on the sidewalk below, less frequently tho whine of the hwIiikIur doora nt Si liwnrU'u place nml nhovo It all per hnpti the shrill hut not uuplcnmiut ac cents of AiirIo Tutlilll tm she pauses on the threshold downstairs and In jects. HiirprlsliiR Information Into the iiothlUR reluctant ears of Maine Gar rison! "IIo'h Rot hIx Hulls of clot hen, three for Hummer and three for winter, nml two others to wenr to purlieu, ono reje- iflar full dress milt and another with out any tails on the coat that ho told Miss Carpuuter was a dinner coat, hut Itolnnd llaructto ,hii,vh he must 'vo meiiiit u tuxedo, hecnuse nobody weat-H thnt kind of clothes except nt nlRht, ho how could It ho a dinner coot? And MIhh Carpenter told inn Iio'h Rot twelve striped shlrtH and eluht white ones and dozens of silk socks and two dozen neckties and handker chiefs till you enn't count nnd" Maine punelunte-s this monoloRue with a reRiiliif anil excusnhlo "My laud!" uml the youiiR voices fade away Into the midsummer afternoon quiet, I inn free to resume my Inter runted Illicit of fancy, but I refrain, Tho ntmoHpliero Ih eoporlferous, hnrtlly conduclvo to editorial JiiHpIratlon, nml I llud .the commliiRlctl tlavora of red cedar, rIiio uml rubber qulto nourish- reio'iilly Dr. Mortimer, the mlnlH Icr, eonii'H down I ho Htreot In corn puny wllh IiIh deacon, Illlnky Iick wootl. They nro tlhtcimMliiR hoiiio ono In Htihttiietl Ioiich, hut I catch refer ences to u worthy youutt mini nnd the vacancy In the choir. JohIo Lock wood rustics Into httirhiR wllh MchhIo (lahrlol In tow, .lotto Ih niltlhiR volubly, but wllh a hint of the confidential In lior tone, Hlio In hIhIh that "of courno I never let on. but every lime wo meel I cnn Jut feo1 lit til lookltiR nnd" HcHHle InleriioHeH. "Why, Tracey Tan iier'a Just cmry for tear he'll tnko on with Annie." I enn see JodIo'h tienil torn nt thin. "I bet he don't know what Annie Tut hill looks like Thnt'H too nbsurd" "Absurd" Is .IosId'm nowent worth II'h n very Reed word, too, but Fomellmen I fear ulie will wenr It threadbare. It cltMKw her leinnrltH iih thu two RlrlM dart Into the postolllco, ami there In pence for n time; then they einerRe, kIkkIIiu;, mid I hear .losle tleehire: "I'd Rtt Itolnnd Knriietie to tlo It, hut Iio'h ho Jealous. He miilicx lilt tired." HchhIo's rcpiiHe Is luaudlblt. "Well," .lonle eontlniieH. "I'm Hltnply not koIiir to enll theui out until I meet him. I'utlier nnltl I could rIm It n week from Hntunlay, but I won't UllleHH" HchhIo InlerruptH iir:iIii Inntidlbly. "Of con rue I could do that., hut If I JtiHl wiltl 'MIhh Carpenter and uiiests' that nosey old llouier I.lttleJohti 'tl think I meant him. loo, nml If I oul said 'Kiiost' (I'd look too poluteil. Don't you think nY' To my relief they piisn from hearltiR. mid I fti-l for my ple for comfort Any wily, 1 never did like -losle l.ocli wood. KuiokhiK, I inislllato on the iihIouIhIiIiik power of personallly. Here Ih Mr. Nathaniel Duncan no more than a fortnluht In our midst (the phrase Is used callously iih HomeililiiR sacred to country Journalism!, uml. behold, not yet has the town ceased to discuss him The control he has over the local iiilu.l nnd Imagination Is cerialuly wonder fill, the more ho since he has appar ently made no effort to attract atten tion rather, I should say. to the eon trary. Quiet uml unassuinluK he Koch bin way. mliidliiR bis own litisl iiettH iih carefully as wo wotiltl mliiil It for him, with till the Rtxsl will In the world, If only we could llml out uhnt It Is. Hut we can't leare him alone Trnrey Tanner Interrupts my iiiuk- IIIJs'H. "Hello!" ho twnnuH. like n tuneless tun Jo. " 'I.O, Tracey." TIiIh lofty ngd blase RreetltiR can come from none oilier than Itolnnd Hnrnette. "Wherji you roIii?" "Over to the rnllwny Ktnlloii." "Whnt for?" , "To Rive you HomethhiK to talk about. I'm roIiik to fend a telegram to ii friend of mine hi Nihi Vnk." "Aw, you nln't thtj only one can hciiiI telegrams. Kum lira ha in neiit one Just now." "Ho dhir "Uh-htih. 1 was sort of hniiRln' round when he came In, mid 1 been him Fend It myself. " "Hum Graham tolcKrnphlnRl Do you know who to, Trncey?" Helmut's su periority Is wenrlnR thin under contact with his curiosity. This surprlsliiR bit of news makes hi in distinctly moro nffuble nml Inclined to lower hmsclf to the sociil level of tho sou of tho livery stable keeper. Ah for myself, I nm Inclined to lean out of the wlndovf nml cull Trncey up lest he Kct out of hearing beforo I hear tho rest of It, Fo.rtunntely 1 nm not thus ohllKftl to compromUo my dlRully. The two nre nt jinuse. "(Jlinnio n cigarette and I'll tell you," ImrRiihiH Tracey Hhrowtlly. "Lew I'nr ker told me after Sam 'd roiuV , Tho deal Ih put throtiRli promptly. "Ho wns telcRniphln' to; Got, a mntcht" (To lie Continued.) Mrilfuril, Ore, Nov 7. tut I. This Ih to certify Hint about November my iIiuikIi ter wrfs InKen with a wvero uttnek of rlieiunittltiiii which rt'iulreil lior loft nrni iihoIchm. In fHot It iim mi near mrlyr.oil Hint hIio wiin not utile to inovo lior flu Kent, but kiiowliu; of nemo of Hr. Chow Voiiiik'h mnrveloiiH curea of loiu; hIuihI Iiu; eaM.N of rhouiuaUmii. wo ttectitoit to tioiiHiilt lit nt. In which I am iloaoil to Hity tiutilo no mlNtnke, nn liln remetlloa neteil iin ho cliilnn-il they woiihl nnd nf ter tint third treatment tho rheumatic twiln entirely left her nml nIio lain not hiiil any nyiiitonm of rheiiiiintlHiii slneo; Ih'mIiIvh her Konnrul lii'itllh Ih much tin lU'oveil nml 1 ito not hoNllalo In Haying I believe IhoKo nfflloleil with rliuimm 1 1 hiii or paiHtyHlH will tlo well to eonault lr. Chow Young, whom Iioiiho In corner of Tenth anil Front HtrentH. Mvdfortl, Orecoii. A. P. WKI8S. 211 Hnsklus for Honlth. i if? Ti v l APPLE SHOWS ON AT HOOD RIVER, ALBANY IIOOI) JMVKH, Ore. Nv. )(),. Tliu Hood Hivor fruit 1'mr, next lo Iho yearly iipplo Hh Hooil ItiverV IiIrrohI uiniuul cvtml. openetl yoMcr- duy for tliret! ilnyJ. Mmiy Ri-oworfl linve liehl out their Inmt fruit for Ilm fir. Aller heiiiR hIiowii here it will he taken In J'ort Iniul nml eiilomd in the exhibit of Iho Mlnle liortiotilliirul society lo he held next week. More ciihIi prizou Iiiim- been uffertl iih preiuiiAiiH lioro tllin jour than for merly. AI.HANV, Ore., No. 1.- The fiflh untitial Allany npplo tdiotv opened yeHlerdiiy in Iho Alco xvtiiiwiHiiii uml will eonliinii! for three tlnys, elosiiiR Isitluy niRlit. TO OUKD A OOZD Iff OHE DAY Tnko LAXATIVK HHOMO yiilnlno ThIi. Ids liniKlclsts refund inotn-y If t fHllw lo eon- It W (IHOVK.M ttlitimluru Is on iu-Ii box i'Gc. I llHsklns for Tfoaltn SAID FAINT Mrs. Delia Long Unable to Stand On Her Feet More Than a Few Minutes at a Time. TVndprRra8, ao--rMni. Delia Lon&, of this place, in a recent letter, nays: "For flvo or nix years, I sutlcrod agon lea with womanly troubles. Ofton, I couldn't Bit up moro than a few minutes at a tlmo, and If I stood on ray feet long. I would faint I took Cardul, and it helped mo Im mediately. Now, I can do my work nil tho tlmo, and don't ouffor llko I did." Tako Cardul when you feci 111 in any way weak, Urod, miserable, or under tho weather. Cardul la a strength building tonic mcdlclno for women. It has beon found to relievo pain and distress caused by womanly troubles, and Is an cxccllont medicine to have on hand nt all times. Cardul acts on tho womanly consti tution, building up womanly strength, toning up the nerves, and regulating tho womanly organs. Its half century of success Is duo to morlt. It has dono good to thousands. Will you try It? It may bo Just what you need. Ask your druggist about Cardul. Ho will recommend it N n Xl'rilt tn l let' AMtanr Dr M Chattf rv M4llnCa,Oituno'Hi.Tetiii.J hpeeial InttruHiont, tai 64-ims Vp. "Hob Tmlaaot Lr Womio," wot la pUla warper, ea leouuU Clark & Wright X.AWTTBS WASKXKOTOBT, O. O. Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Land, Contents and Mining Cases. Scrip. Ansoclato Work for Attorneys. IlasKlns for Health. In procrastinating one can Novor tell but that ,3 i Some time the Unexpected may happen ami Ruin may follow. Eliminate the danger. Insurance of All Kinds C. B. Walker Co. 102 W. Main St. SHE WOULD MILLINERY SALE Choice any Hat in House $4.25 30 Hats at $3.45 20 Hats at $2,45 10 Hats at $1.95 WILLOW PLUMES 20 in. wide, 24 in. long $14.95 20 in. wide, 22 in. long $12.45 18 in. wide, 18 in. long $ 9.45 Ribbons, Velvets and Sundries at all Reduced Prices HOME MILLINERY 1021 West 9th OPEN- For Business nioniNH & MLiiirH Keroiid-IIaiitl Htoro nl 30 South Ornpo Htreot. Olvo us n call and wo will treat you fair. IIlRhonl ensh prlco for Bocond hand Roods of all kinds. PLUMBING BTKAM AND HOT WATKIl IIKATINO All Work aunrante4 Prices IlenBOnftbla !i Hownrtl Illock, Entrc on Oth Htroct. Coffeen & Price I'AClflC UOIJi IlotlM 18 SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South Itlvcnddo New nml U-to-l)utc .Modern In every particular, gas cook In?, htciiin Iicat, etc. Women anil girls must hrlng refer ences. W. M. SMITH Home Phono Hi IC We Have Moved The J. T. Droadlcy flower store is now in tho M. F. & H. store, across tho street from former location. Choice lots of cut flowers, bulbs, ferns, palma, etc., al ways on hand. J. T. BROADLEY MEDFORD THEATRE FRIDAY,; NOV. 10 LIcbicr & Co. present Faul Arm strong's striking dramatization of O. Henry's story, A UETRIEVED UEFOUMATION, entitled "Alias Jimmy . Valentine" Direct from its notably sensational rim of TWO KXTIHK YI3AKS at Wnllnck's Theater, Now York. Tho San Francisco engagement of tlila great iilny at tho Cort Theater wua so tromciulously successful that three extra matinees woro necea- nry to .atlafy tho nubile. San Fran- cUco never hoforo know of such a positive nml pronounced hit. On account of tho hl demand for soats hero, tho management will sell only SIX SUATS to any ono porson; there will bo no deviation from this rule. Open Evenings : . e 1 (V 1 9 I i Brr "jRbB siiiiH m HIHIf jt UVf' Sunrise Laundry FAMILY WASHING A SL'KCJLUTY. Ahh WOIHC GUAHANTUKU Ordors called for and dollrored. First class work dono hy hand. Ladles' and men's suits cleanod and pressed. Tol. Main 7831; Home, 37. Corner Eighth and So. Central Avo. 444(4(4(4t44tc(444(444(44444' HAVE YOU EXAMINED CAREFULLY THE LTNE OF EXQUISITE STEEC ENGRAVINGS AV1- inrc NOW SHOWING? Prices Range From $3 to $25 The Merrivold SKop 131 W. r SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES JUST ARRIVED A New Line of Men's High Cut Shoes Fine and J lonvv Work Shoes SPECIAL Children's School Shoes Below Cost M. S. BIDEN South Central Look for the Eed Boot J? XX olm National Bank -of- MEDFORD, OREGrON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00 ; United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our care ful attention. F. K. Deuel, President M. L. Alford, Cashier Orris Crawford, Assistant Cashier V Get your plows ready for plowing We have a complete assortment of JOHN DEERE PLOWS All kinds of Plows tor all klmls or oll. A full lino or grain drills, spring tooth harrows, otc. HUBBARD BROS. rr4e We have a full line Of PEERLESS LAMPS on hand 4, S, 10, 32 C. P. carbon Iiiiiins; 25, 40, CO, 100, 1C0, 350 watt Tungsten lamps. Tho best lumps hnd tho boat prices.. All lamps guaranteed. Southern Oregon Electric Co. Phones: PacUlo 4G01; Home 124. 00-4i Rock Spring Goal ex XAKn axii tkm rasa. Office wud Coal Yard, Twelfth ad Front $troetA. Plinnn 9 1 (If. Burbidge THE J MAIN ST. 4 Z 4 Draperies Wo carry a very comnleto line of rtraporjea. laco curtalna, flzturoa. eta. nml 00 all clanaos o uphoUturlng. A special maiv to look after this work exclusively ami will give good service as la noaalblo to ifat In evn tlie lurgoat cltlvs. Weeks & McGowan Co ! XUM COAXi MAY I