PXGE SIX AnSDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, M13DFQRD, OKlfflON; IWIDAV, NOVWMmOlt 10, 1011. i i BfRlPi THANKSGIVING SALE FROM SATURDAY, NOV. 11 TO SATURDAY, NOV. 25 C5-Q515Q " iV ft ft &t IP V VP 1 1 TSHE Summer is past and the harvest is ended. Everybody is thankful for abundant crops, and many other blessings of the JL year. We are thankful for an abundant harvest of trade, which we have enjoyed this year. To show you our thankful ness for your trade we have inaugurated this great sale. The money-saving prices we are making will make it worth your while to attend this sale. COME EARLY. Thanksgiving Sale of Silks 26 inch Regular 89c grade Messaline Silk in all light, me dium and dark colors. This is the biggest AQtf bargain ever offered at per yard !. 9v 127 inch Corduroy, black and red only, very sp'l, yard67c 27-inch Semi-Silk, all colors, yard. 19c Thanksgiving Sale of Ladies' Sweater Coats Regular $2.o0 Coat in all colors and sizes, each $1.98 Regular $3.9S Coat in all colore and sizte, each $3.19 Regular $4.98 Coat in all colore and sizes, each $4.19 Thanksgiving Sale oi ladies'Shirt Waists Almost 10 dozen of these values to $1.50: will close nn them out at each I Thanksgiving Sale of Table Linen and Napkins 39c grade l0 inches wide. .Mercerized, yard 33c 50c grade (50 inch all linen bleached and brown Damask, yard 43c G5c grade 64-inch all linen bleached Damask, yard 49c 75c grade o'4-iuch all linen bleached Damask, yard 63c $1.00 grade 72-inch all linen bleached Damask, yard 79c $1.25 grade 72-inch all linen bleached Damask, yard....$1.19 2.00 grade 72-ineh all liucn bleached Damask, yard....$1.49 NAPKINS $1.50 and $1.G5 regular grade Napkins, dozen $1.19 2.00, $2.25, and $2.35 regular grade Napkins, dozen $1.81 $2.50 to $3.50 regular grade Napkins, dozen $2.29 $4.00 to $5.00 regular grade Napkins, dozen $3.79 1000 yards of Embroidery for the Thanksgiving Sale, sale values to 25c yard 9c Thanksgiving Sale of Hosiery 25c extra fine Children's Ilose, very special, 3 pairs ...50c 25c Ladies' very fine Mercerized Hose for 20c Thanksgiving Sale ol Fine Comforts $1.50 grade fine Light Comforts, each $1.19 $2.50 grade fine Light Comforts, each $1.89 $3.25 grade fine Light Comforts, each $2.49 Thanksgiving Sale of Ladies' Petticoats 50 Ladies' Silk Skirts in al shades and colors values as high as $10, while they last, each.... 2.98 Thanksgiving Sale of Domestics, I Towels, Crashes, Etc. 32-inch Impo-ted (Unghams, 25c regular price in stripes checks and plain colors, while the last 4 Q Ihe yard C 27-inch Serpentine Crepe, regular 20c grade, all colors, yard 10c 27-inch Soiesede, all colors, regular price 25 yard 19c Regular 20c fancy .Flannelette, yard 15c Brown Turkish Towols 10c grade, each 7c 12 1-2 grade, each 10c 20c grade, each 15o Bloachod Turkish Towols Kegular 15c. ones.... 12 l-2c Regular 25c ones 21c Ivegular 35c ones 29c Ifegular 9Sc hlack Sateen and near Silk Skirts, each ...89c Regular $1.25 hlack Sateen and Near Silk Skirts, each 98c Regular $1.50 hlack Sateen and Near Silk Skirts, ea....$1.19 25 PAIRS GENTS' PANTS all sizes, values as 00 CA high as $4.50 per pair, while they last $Uv V Thanksgiving Sale of Sheets 72x 90 bleached Sheets, very special, each 38c 72x90 Bleached Sheets, ono 'piece, very special eaeh....59c 72x90 Mohawk Sheets, one piece, very special, each....69c Slx90 Salem Sheets, one piece, special each 68c Slx90 Pequot Sheets, one piece, special, each 7.79c HUCK TOWELS 5c values 3c 10c values 7c 12 l-2c values 9c 15c. values 12 l-2c 20c values 15c 25c values . 19c 12 l-2c lOvorett. Classic Shirtings, a big variety to select from, Ap a yard XvL 10 pieces Hleachcd and Brown Crashes, ex ceptional value, 1 j a yard lit Big Saving in Sheetings During the Thanksgiving Sale Thanksgiving Sale of Gents' Furnishings Regular 50c grade of Fleeced and Cotton ribbed Un- Ap derwear all sizes 30 to 48, per garment tVKj 8-4 Aurora Brown Sheeting, yard ... 9-4 Aurora Brown Sheeting, yard 10-4 Aurora Brown Sheeting, yard... S-4 Aurora Brown Sheeting, yard 9-4 Aurora Brown Sheeting, yard 10-4 Aurora Brown Sheet in, yard .. .(...a 23c 24c ......2Gc ,.... 25c .. 27c 30c Thanksgiving Sale of Pillow Tubing 42-inch regular 22c grade, yard 45-inch regular 25c grade, yard 17c 19c Thansivin Sale of Groceries "Highland Blend" Extra Fine Hard Wheat Flour, Every Sack Guaranteed, per Sack, $1.25 ,: , "American Rose," "The Finest of Blue Stem" Hard Wheat Flour $1.35 "Kenida," Idaho's Best Hard Wheat Flour, per Sack, $1.35 THESE PRICES ARE BY THE SAC K OR TON 15 lbs Best Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs, Red Mexican Beans $1.00 16 lbs. Pink Beans - - - $1.00 10 lb Sack White or Yellow 3A Corn Meal per Sack . . . J"v Reg 8 l-3c lb. Prujies, while they last, 16 lb. $1 Hutchison & Lumsden MEDFORD, OREGON Biwi wmPjmL 3 & )& Ij ""V r HSl&l'IiT&fiiiji' JEW