MEOF0EDMATTiTRTBTTN!CMKDF0im0l0iVf FmiMv", NOVKMDIOR 10, 1011. PAOTU FIVE i i xrr. , . i '. f- Our Correspondents CENTflAL POINT ITEMS. (luti. WllkoiMon linn roturiiod from u ImimIiikmh lrli lo OicmwoH, Mm. .1. V. MoyorH, Mm. O. C. Ituliliiiitt mill Mih. Mli'o lluiiluy HIKUit Tlnmiiltiy In Antihunt. Mr. mill Mm, Wiillor Iloliimtt, MIhii HtrtuifC, MIhiI Hlitulilii, MIkh Yoiiiik. Huv, Hlioiin, I'iiiiI NiircniHH, (Inn. Wlllcomoii anil Mr. Itouco worn iiiiihiiiii:ui fmin lioro to Mmlfonl Thiiimliiy, Mim. AmIiwoiUi, wlfo or Holiorl AhIiwiiiIIi, (IIhiI at liur nwliluiKio In thlH clly m WiMlntiHiluy ovoiiIiik, ufinr it lliiKi'iliiK lllnmm, llur fiinoritl took plnuo thlH iiioiiiliiK unit wiih hiut'ily ittlt'intod by frlumlH. T. M .lonw today wild IiIh rwnl ili'iiro propurty horo to Mr. Illtzlnr, coiiHliliTiillim not amioiinciMl. Tho KC(iitloii kI vn y llin Cen tral Point IiIkIi hcIhmiI proved to ho a Kniat huitw. A vjiry onJoynhJo piomain. t-imihIhIIiik "f miiikh, union, rt'nllatloiiH. vU:, wart rwiiliiri'il, nftor which ilnlnty rofntHliinuiiU worn mTvuil, EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. J. U. Tahuit or I'urn Vallny wan In Muilfoul on himIiiwm TmiMtlny. CliMti'Ko Atrtinl or Kith Valley rafno over to I'hoonlx TiuMtluy. Mr. Alfonl Irt (iiTMlilont or tho I'hounlx Iturnl Tuli'tiliono company. H. O. Van Dyl toatl miporvlHor, Ih havhn; r.ravol hmilml ami put on thu North I'hoonlx Inno from wlwro tho ohl work wiih illHi'OMtlnuud. .1. (). Talent wim a MdfoYd vlaltor TiHwduy rroin l-Ntrn Valloy. 0. II. Holm of Tnl'Mit wiih In Moiironl VulniHiiliiy. Mr. mul Mm. IIiikIiih or IVrn Vallny wuro North Tnlont vUltom Thnmtlay. K. (?. KowhII or I-Mi'H ralltty waft In I'hounlx mul North Talent Thum iliiy mornliiK. A. M. Ilttlnm or Talent left Innl 'immlny for Kreniio, ('al., to HpemI tho s Inter. IiIh wlfo having ro thorn Home time iiro, (leorno Alfonl, prenlilont or tho I'lioeiilx ltnral Tolephono roinpnny, wan In Phoenix Tuesday on liimlnoMH. The many frlondK or Mettle Jlamlln will he Horry to learn that nho Ih In very poor hoalth and that n mii-rIouI opcrntlon Ih uerenwiry to navu her Ilf. Kho han written to her frlemlH horo that hIio ream thu coiiHoijnonceH liemelf. Hevnrnl men have hcen put to work tliU wctik rloanliiK mid unlnrKliiK tlm old mill illteli between Talent and I'lioeiilx. Juki what uho thu water will lie put to Ih not known. Mr. and Mm. J. 'Uoiialfn or Inde pendence. Ore., are In Talent vhH Iiik T. J. Doll and wire. Mm. Don nlfn In an aunt or Mm. Krank Cooper, a timelier In tho Central I'olnt school mid an aunt hy nmrrliiKo or II. K. Mulkoy, proHcoutlnj; attorney. Mr. and Mm. DoiihUo aro In lovo with thin valley and will vlall hero for nouio tliuo. l.aHt Ttiomlay at about midnight, riro hroko out In tho cntiln or Andy KleldH, on t'oleman creek, and evory- llilni; thu old man had wiih homed, Mr, KlidilM lived itloiiv, and cut wood ror .lack Martin, llu left hln oahln Tuenduy niiii'iiliiu caily and tlioro had heeii no riro hIiico. How tho flio orlitluatud Tuenduy ul;ht Ih a iiiyM tery. Your ('OiTOflpnuduul mot a man from Knislo I'olnt hiHt Krliluy and ho linked mo U 1 know whore ho could buy ii liiniu Iron luiltlw, ouo nn larno an an ordinary wa(fr tank, ho wild. "What on oarth do you want with Hindi a kottlo?" I nuked. "Wo want to cook Home or 111 o. llowlett'M IiIr cablingo that were rnlmil uji on tho north for(; or Utile llutto," ho ro plled. Ken Bluffy Iihh nolil IiIm JlO-nrru farm inihI or Talent ror $ I r,,ooo. Tho land Ih fine fruit will but there mo no modern Improvement upon tho place. Tho pilrchHtor will build all new hulldliiKH and othorwUo Improvo the propurty. Tho Kontloman'H uaiiio I Iihvo forKotten. hut am told that ho tliluka thhi valloy far ahHd of any part or tho count. Hay Is Valuable. SAN KKANCIKCO. Nov. III. Ulo liiiiiH ntiil n cold winter will malic .1 ton or liny ulioiit iim vulunhle it the homo tliut ruin iircorilintc In the innr- kel report. Tliere 1m iiii iiiipemliiiK Hcarely oT lliiK eoninioilily ami mile, n Culiorrniit i fnrcl with early iiiiih mid nit open wnlcr to nurture t ! youni! (.tiihk the liorl(e wll hood he keenlv felt. COMM SSIONER H DRAINS Dakcr Hits Full Crew of Men at Work GoIiiij Over lliu Slorrii Drains Re lialrlnji Them for (lie Comlntj VI11-tcr. BETTING FAVORS E mil AND GOD Mlreet CoiuiuImIoiioi' Duller now Iihh nearly IiIh on tiro force or men at work on mLoiiii draliiM and Htrout crowlun. I.NHt winter irmny (IinIiih woro In bad Mhapo bviMiuiH) or tholr Inndo qiiacy U, IihiiiII thu wl?r but theno coudltloiiN liMTti Imniii roiiHxIleil to a KroHl extent during iho pant Hiiuimor by tho liiHtallallou of Ntorm newer Hint by pavln); utreeU, thiiM enahlliiK thu dirromnt Ioum1UIm lo Uko crtro of their own ntorm wnlor. Tho Htruot ciowiIiik couditlomi hiire hen linpiovud inatorlHlly In thu outlyliiK dlNlrlet over what they wijih ni winter. Thin condition u llit; limile jnwulble by tho exteiiMlotiH In Mtreat phvIiik which Intro dono tivtny with no many Hlono croBnliiKii In tho chmo In HeclloiiN, thtiM RlrliiK the commlwdonor moro time and ma tirlMl ror tho rrther out crowduM. HTANKOIM) I7NIVHHMITV, Cal., Nov. 10. With the lMHiiK 3 to ' In favor or Cullfortila and mvith! of HtmifOrd'H bust "!" In poor flichlliiK trim for tho fray, the I'nlventlty of C(llfonila nnd Bfatifoul utiivomlty will meet Haturday for lliolr anniinl InlcroolloKlnto Hnby (jiuno on HU111 rord flold horo. It f throw yearH hIiico X tan ford line won tho ruiuual coutoul and tho Car dlnul MtipporterM hollovo that thlx Ih Mtniiford'K lt ehnn(: to Mhow that nho jnn "com buck," Tho California tonin will outwttlxh tho local IiiiIh 11I110 pouudH to tho man, norkfllojr'M avemito IioIiik 171 and Mtanford'H I OR, Tho avorae axo of tho bluo mid gold nfpind Ik ouo ytmr oldyr than tho Cardinal tonm, tho flKiirt-n beliiK 'l'l and M. KxprtH who Iirvo itcen both t earns In action declare that the C'nllfornla toam In not up to hint yonr'n ritaiidiiril, whllu tli Stanford twtm la muoh Htronsar. A Black Boom will ulrilfa town next Sunday nl ho NfttHlnriutu, wlinre CtilMjrtii Si I look wnlil'tf real not;ro iriitiHlrolfl will liolil tllo l,nunl. 'ffio (I0rrimny will jivu n ntrot tHimdo nl noon. Slirlh, mit n'u; ftfltigN ami )IhiikIuk in the princi pal limlisr which in tho foiiiiilati'in of the rolomd initial rolM. Tho roxter thin yimr include the following wll known nrlfafo? Vet WooiIh, iSfnt Tur- n6r, WitHor lllll, Clnrotioo MuuWIli, itro thu principal coiucilluufl.' Mf6 iMnhol Turner nml 1lm HvnV trnjtv (do (wo well known Hlngcr, nr nlon thin yonr, Arthur L. t'rltic mul Ilia cdiieatcd liooptt nml fijnl In jiu. Kllng. If you mm only afford to no (o ouo show thi.4 yonr o hci r (ho ooloroil poojitu sIiik anil nuo then) llllllflC. Tho pcoplo of this city anould hiiy "Mado In Oregon" Koodo (rom tho local merchant -whonovor tho prlco and quality aro canal to Mnstorn mado Koodo. Look ut all of tho reui otntc nU ami at much of (lie run) oHtato ml vrjrtihuil, before invliii- Txtok for the ml that deMcriho tho olaca von would like to own WILL PLAY EXHIBITION CAME BROWN & HALL'S H. A. Wrlcjht, Pacific Coast Chamlon Bllllartl Player Will Play Chris Gotllcl) nnd Also Lcc luro Saturday Evening. II. A. "Chick" WrlKht or San FrnnclHco, who littltli tho title 0' champion billiard player or tho Pa clflo const, and who In 1009 won tho amatour champlouHhlp ror tho Unit ed StatOH at Now York, will rIvo an exhibition Kamo and lecture tonight at Ilrown & HallV. Wrlclit will ox plalu to tho club luombamhlp a num ber or tint difficult nhotH which have won him thu title ho oarrlen. Ho In hii admitted iiiuwtor or tho difficult Kumu mid Ih roiardod a moHt bril liant player by those aKalnst whom he ha been pitted, both In thu until nnd on tho Pacific coast. Ho will play ChrN Cotlleb Saturday uvoiiIuk In the exhibition Kamo nnd IIiIh will lie rollowcd hy tho lecturo. When he entered tho 1S.2 balko llt.o tournament tor tho nmntour 1 luuuplouFhlp of tho United States lit 1U0!), WrlKht was pitted against Home of tho moHt export playors In bllllardfu llu dofeated C. l Conk lln of ChlciiKO, a veteran cuoHt In Mjo muatuur field, nfhkluK -100 poluta to IiIk oppouunCH :tl? In tho final Kamo. Incidentally Wrlicht In thu only play er on thu Pdclflc const to win tho i4mntur chnmpImiHhlp oast of Chi omh). iMlur Wright untorud tho pro feMlonal field find sticcuodud In win iiIiik thu hlKlient houorH on tho Pa cific conHt. llu hn n vurltnblo troiisuro In nlhr trophloa mid mud- nU. TIiohu who aro in any way In- teruHted In bllllarda nnd dealro to learn tioinrthliiK from an cxiort, are Invited to bo protout whou Wright itfvc hln exhibition Kamo. THE PLACE TO GET REAL BARGAINS IS GLOVES (-Msliincrc (jIovcb, upcciil, pair jnTTENS (I ood warm ones Kiccial, a pair ,25c 25c CENTRAL AVE., NEAR P. O. SKIRTS Made ofJ good Outing, each ....... GOWNS Madoof heavy Outing, each 39c 98c COLD WEATHER NEEDS AT LOW PRICES mm I W;' J" nil . fc v. rst WINTER COATS AND SUITS 100 Heavy Winter Coats, made in ill is season's most irp to date styles, all colors, on sale Saturday at, each $10, $15, $20 100 Beautiful "Winter Suits, well .tailored in all the new colorings, special. Big values at, each $15, $18, $25 See our new line of Fur Scarfs and Whiffs, special val ues at ;. $2.50, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 Just received The latest models in Silk Waists at $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 Special Underwear Sale JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT Children's heavy fleeced lined Vests and Pants 9C special Saturday, each mux Boys' gray fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers, 9Qp special, each - .'. uvj Womeifs heavy fleeced lined Vests and Pants, 9Qp Kj l 1 Ol V Hilt jttvUtnimfmtimiMMmHM Women's heavy fleeced lined Union Suits, all CQp sizes, special, a suit : J voKj Women's "Roulette" seamless Vests and Pants (JQ very sx)ccial each vev Women's "Roulette" seamless Union Suits, very special, a suit. Women's wool Union Suits at a suit $1.69, $1.98, $2.48, $3.48 and 4.98 1.25 Women's hcavv long Ivimonas at, each '. $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 Children's Flannelette Night Gowns, each 50c SNAPPY BARGAIN SPECIALS OIL CLOTH Best quality, col ors only, ' -I Qp special, yil...A'V CORSETS Good ( Vml il Cor sets, 7oc AQ ones, pair....0 NECKWEAR New side Jahots, s.::1. 29c MUSLDT Good heavy qual ity Sc, verj special, yd ity Sc, very BELTS Values up to $1, oS!1: 25c PINS Good special, paper.... qualitv, 2c SNAPPY BARGAIN SPECIALS OUTING Flannel in all col ors, reg. 10c Qp grade, yd X GINGHAM Good apron ging ham, Sc grade, yd " D. M. C. Embroidery Cot ton, spe cial, skein- ton, spc- 9r PRINTS Best dress Prints special, C a yard . .v' SILK Regular $1 Mes-salinc.spc- gQp eial, yd Otft BED SPREADS H c a v y quality ? val uo, each. Ji?1.2o val- OCft klM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11th Last Day the Big Sale A 1 A A W. H. MEEKER & CO: i ' Special Offer of One Day ANY LADIES $25 SUIT OR COAT - $8.98 "4., " k'J UP WtWHHMpipHPI