PAGE TCHRirR IS TAXICABS FOR " CITY ORDERED i tan 1 MTCDFOttP ISfATL TRTT3UNE, MEDFOTIP, OTffiCIOyr, FRTDAY, XOVTOMBKR 10, 1.011. BELLINGER UNDERWEAR Boys' Ladies' Misses' OPERATED UPON 1' V A Man Accidentally Shot Wlillo Quail Sliootiiifi Loses Ono of His Eyes Ucsiiltn Efforts to Save It Opcr :itlnn a Success. I'liyniiiliinn nllcndliiK l'Yiiillc 1"1 lIiiMi ftiiintl it iitKHHtHiiry In remove oiiu of i!n nyc (hi uiimiiiiK. lii'llingi'r wit iicehlculully nhol in llm fmu itt Kiimlny liy Win. 'I'liilmll wlifld (ml nniiil liiiiiliiitf. Scvernl idiot iMilmt'il tliu niilu of IiIm focf Mil douo (Hili'ii'd tlit right oyo. Tin' I'Ii'kIi WOlllllU Wl'l'f 111)1 III' II NtH'iltllri liiiluid Mini ii ni iniitli('nlly liculcd I Knur iluym lime win lulo'ii bi mi cn deuvor lu mtvo t lit ovo Iml thin morn iiiK il uii decided IliU i'iiiiIiI nut Im' done iim Hit' xliol IiiuI iuimmi'iI tlmiiitfli llm Nihil iiul of Hint member, ninl IiiuI lodged new ilM Iiiimc, 1'iiimiiiK in lliililiilion mill cndnnKcrliiK Hut muM (if Hut oilier I'vo. The m'i-ii 1 iftii won performed by lie. .1. .1. Kiiiiiii'iim, mi i'ii Mii'iiuliH .1' line city, iiislril by IIi-m. Coiiroy Ar Clancy. Chnrtlo Younii nml Court Hall Will Ptlt Two Machines In Operation ln-Tlils City December I Will nc flcct Metropolis. Mi'ilJ'oril ih to lnivn n liixiciil) ftiTv Iimi. .1. Court Hull ninl t'lmrilo Vihiiik or thin oily lull IiinI iiixhl for I'm I liiml where limy will pinchnm- ul ImkI livn lu.vii'iilm. Thy will Invent in Un heal ihinmIIiIh iiinehliii'N ohliiiiihihlc ninl will iiil Ilium iulo hoivjch bv Hu ll rw I ul December, One of Un'He Inxionlm will hne ii nIiiihI nl lliilel Nimli iiml tile tilhi-r nl the new I Intel Mcdfoid. BETTER APPLE PRICES ARE EXPECTED LATER Wo mo hIiowIiii; omo of Hid lioal Hiiuh of popular priced rndcrwmir lu (lie city nil woll unifilM (no mtcoii(ln). miitlo, full hIo, porft6t Ktir- l.udloV Union Hullu lu rOxulnr ami uxtrn InfwjjLhhw, r.Oe, nuil T.-ic, ,oo iiml 5i.r,) mill. MIhhok' Union Hull lu wlilto mid Hllvor 9 1. on Hllll. IIovh' Wool ltlbbud Union Suit In hIzoh $1.00 each I.nille8' lionvy flown lined VohIm mid I'nntH In Hlr.oa up to 'J il k nnwl, r.oc 50c each N! OR II MAKE TRADE Two .Meilfnril men, W. I. Vitwtcr. mill I'dniTJi I''. Kuitf, nle llilllii'il ill II nml oInI limit Honed in SeHtlle TitiiailHy. Hy teimn nf the de the local men iieiiittn mi Mpuiluient IiiMiwo uii Capitol Hill nml n annuity limine in Hitt uuivemity dilricl in Se nt lie. Wliilo Hie lined ieM (lie eon niilemlinn iih ill) in em-li enne il i miller Nlood Unit Ihe pmiiiicnt lintme nlnue hnuiKhl .'Jr,0(M. Tim cnnnid oration, il in uinlerwtu(I, wim hy n (mile wlileli limn over mom Home rivwr vnlleya lmuln known n Hie Meil- fnnl l'er-ApplH l.nml Co. hnlilin eoulHiuiiiff l'J.'.p nereM nml itunt-d f1e mnl niie-hrtir inih'H hihiIIu'iihI ol Meilfnnl. ASHLAND CLUB ELECT OFFICERS Tho Ahltiuil roftiinereinl Cluh lin oleeleil new iiffleern iih, follow h: V 11. ItHmfM, prewiilent ; .1. W. MrCny, vice preniileul ; l-'ied KiikIc, freiiMirer C. II, Uoiikiii. Irimlee to take tin plnee of Mr. 1 1 rime. W. II. Day was 1 re-ehimiui neeretary. The report ol the neeretary mIiohm n hiilihtmillil Muni in (he IreiiMury ami mi enroll ineiil of U2 ImiHttnni. N'ew incmWr voted in were .1. II. Martin of I.oo' depMrlmeiit xlore, MmiuKi'r Krcd Mi' (Irnlh of Ihe AhIiIuuiI On-lianl eoui pany, AltorneyH llurim and Sealer The dollar memhei'Hhip period wiih ii.xlenileil to daiiuary 1m nft.-r which it will Im five dollarx npiiu Heaiu'iiations were ueepteil from MoMxrrt. "hiiiHini;, ltuchnioild, Slcph eiiH, Caraon and I.ewin who have te moved from the city. KkoIm-I Si Hay Vepoil im fnllowt on tin- (liilliiun market :' The New York market fliix week ipiile Mlefidy lit Hm I'ollowiiiK ipima IIoiih: Spnl.eiiherK, "-!-"" mill $'.V2"; New (own I'ippina, $y.7:i mid ij:il)(l; VrkmiHiiM lllackM, .'J.2.rt mid .fJ.7.; .InualhaiiN. .VJ.IIII mid &i.ft0. Moh of Ihe hard keeping apples an- liciiijf xloicd here, ohiiitk conli ilently cxpccfiiiK hiulier irieiM Inter Sinie very huiiiWuie, WinepK fiom Weiialeheii Hcelimi lieiov Klored, own- ern rel'iiM'nuj In well them hut nmillier pnrly Iihm n few mid M-lliiiu llieui .il , 4-M.IIO per ho. We pnid .fl.tlll a ' hov for Mome (liejjoii NcH'toHlix llii- week to K' ahioml. ArrivntN of .Ion il hit iih iMlieh J I k 1 1 1 1 r anil market I HlritiiKcf fur prompt one. The fuel of tin- mater in thi mnrket on all, piod Im. apple, enM'eilly of he nit viirielu, will eouliuue vhIiiiii piite eoiihiderahly higher. Report Rebels Routed. ' MUNICH (MTV, Nov. Io.- itepoit from .liielulnii hero today declare i that five thousiiiul rebel troop be- ' -i ifs'iiiK the duehiliiu purison liave, hi en routed by 2-() federal troops. The fi-deral liKntfn are eKtimated at fnrly men, iiieludini; flt-neral Ameri do, the chief of that roue. Movm' lumvy flccro lined KhlrtH mid DrnweiM a re. I0e Milue, In hI.ok up (o I! 1 25c each Moi' work (llnvw, linat wcurluK (Jlovt-H lu town 50c, 75, ?'l, $1.50 a Pair HOSIERY. Alen'K heavy wool Sockn, a pnlr -"c Mimi'h wool mixed Horku, a pnlr '. .I-c trillion' fluo ciiHliuiere Hone, n pair ..ic ami Wtc. Ijtdlen' honvy fleoco lluod Iliimou Hebo, j;nrtor top, pair 15c Mlnnot' fluo wool rlbhihl Ucmo a pnlr 25c AIo a complete Hue of fluo and honvy cotton Meno at, a pair '. 10c to 50c Hussey's TIIMvS(.'IVIX POST UIIS 1 t'KXT IiCir Read the Medf ord Mail Tribune nmfr&tiwPifrfcwnwmtmWto&kkfr&mibimiwtowwfi Roynl Welsh Latlles' Choir. Tim Indie of the Royal WeMi I.n lief' Choir, wliieli nppeniN at h Nittotoritini hall on Tliuixluv. No viiiuher 1(1 lire henulifiil ifml urfi-lie, mil. only in I heir vocal iilrlliule-i; tliny urn hemiliful mid arli'-tie in Ihelr appearauee. Their preeul loir iiuirliM a Ki'iuil improvemenl in Ihe hitler atrihule, whicli in nccoiuI only to Iheir own uil'l of Ihe nil mid otil of aonif. for wIiciviih formerly limy wttre ullired in Urn full reualia of the nntioiiiil eoMlume, Dnmi) Widen ih now more Kiienlivn tlimi real, mid the rcHiill Ih Hint the Hinge appear unco of Hie elmlr in hemiliful mid urliHlie mid uiuiommou willial, Tlie old htovo-pipn liat !h reprenenled olllv by u few modified typical shapes, while tho iIi'cmh Iiiik lakou on viuioiiH iletiiKiiH and color, green, Iho-oolor of the leek, being Hie iiiokI pei'MiNleul Kill llicir Ameriemi kith mid kin will nifvy tlieiu uionl in Iheir black or wlilto livening drowse, for Ihe rcnll, look oli'iiuiiiig when limy wmlile thoir lay deeked in lluur IichI featb- ord, . NOTICM. Notlcn Ih hereby ulvon that tho Hokuo it Ivor Valley UnlvoiHlty club will nmko application to tho city counoll or tho city of Medford, Oro roii, nt Kh roKiilnr inaotliut on Novmn bur 21, 1011, for a IIcoiiho to noil iiplrltimuu IhiiioiH, mid mall Ihpinra, In quautltloH Iohh than a kuUoii, at Un club room In tho Mall Tribune, building on Kir ntroot, for n period of alx mouthu, Hoguo Ulvor Vallny UnlvorBlty Olub. 10 l)y Htiinton (IrlfflH, Secretary. - The Toggery f - r &i ir f: Introducing the Famous m I Mandleburg Raincoats and Slip On's i p.- ,-. -- 9y . rmmt - r . 1 a t 4 V vMr f rf Exclusive Agents .7V3 The Toggery (Of Course) Largest and Finest Clothing Store south of Portland : Umbrellas a)MMMMMMMMWV'MM' MMMMMMMMMMWMMWMMMMM Sweatiers with the new necK t KENTNER'S SATURDAY SPECIALS That Prove the Wisdom of Shopping at the Big Stor e Women's $4.50 Chiffon Taffeta Petticoats 20 COLORS $1.95 " ...... "We havft just roreivpcl a Hliipmonl of ."0 of tlieso splendid Petticoats, soft taffeta with pretty tucked and tailored flounces, special for Saturday at $.1.95 " JTi 7 SPOOLS OF CLARK'S 0. M. T. THREAD FOR 25c You know the usual price of this thead. We have 300 dozen and will sell only one lot to a customer tit this bargain price. Men's .411 Wool Blue Serge Suits at $18.50 THAT ARE EQUAL TO THOSE OFFERED ELSEWHERE AT $22.50 We have just received another shipment of those Blue Serge Suits that created such a furore at our Anniversary Sale. On sale Saturday at $18.50 Women's $2.00 Wool Union Suits SPECIAL AT, THE SUIT $1.19 . "We have about 5 dozen garments in all that we will sell at this price, all sizes, and wonderlul values at this price. Women's $18.50 and $20 Cloth and Caracul Coats SPECIAL AT $14.75 r Fully 50 coats that have been marked at these figures have been reduced for immediate selling. All sizes up to 1-1 in the lot. $5.00 Wool Blankets Extra Heavy, and large SPECIAL S3.35 t We have 20 pair of these blankets in white, gray and tan at the special price. They are wonderful values. 5 Large Silk Hair Nets in One Package SPECIAL FOR 10c This net is extra large and tied at the ends. The same quality that usual ly sells for 5c each. Women's $1.25 Heavy Outing Gowns SPECIAL AT 79c 10 dozen of these garments go on sale Saturday and they arc to be. had in all coloi-s and white. Men's $2.50 AH Wool Sweater Jackets SPECIAL $1.45 Just stop and remember what you usually pay for a wool sweater jacket, then you will appreciate these values. They arc good colors too. Women's $20 and $25 Tailored Suits REDUCED TO, EACH $11.75 We have taken 25 tailored suits that are splendid garments in every way and. marked this special price on them. $1.00 Cotton Blankets 55x72 Inches SPECIAL AT THE PAIR 69c These blankets come in white, gray or tan and are now greatly in demand for warm sheets. . i --- -jj "25 aiMj-J2.25 wool Dress Goods . SPECIAL' AT, THE YARD 98c About S00 yards in fully 30 different styles and colors are now reduced to this price. They are all wool fabrics and desirable in every way. Women's 25c Satin Pad Front Hose Supporters SPECIAL AT 15c At 50c this supporter is generally sold. We specialize it at 25c, but at 15c it is truly a wonderful value. Women's Wool Pants and Vests, $1.50 Values SPECIAL AT 75c This is the price at which good cotton underwear usually is offered. 10 doz en garments only to bo sold Saturday at this price. Women's and Children's Rain Coats, Values up to $5 SPECIAL AT $1.95 We have -10 garments in this lot, a few left from last season, and now offer them at this unequalcd low price. Men's 50c Buyaline Ties SPECIAL 35c 3 FOR $1 A purchase of several gross of these tics, which are 48 inches long, enables us to offer them at this price; 30 colors in tho lot. See them in our window. Women's $7.50 Rubberized Rain Coats SPECIAL $5.95 iTust in timo for tho rainy weather and all sizes from 14 to 44; a splendid valuo. $1.25 Comforters, Good Size and Heavy SPECIAL AT 95c 50oftheso comforters in tho lot and they aro great bargains at tho price. Light or dark colors. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmttm vmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nn 9