fovcrrcTrcisr MEnFOUT) MATTj TRTmJNX MADF-ORD, OTOON", TRTOAY, NOVliBVOR 10, 1011. 1 .iLi..i:H .i H ' I i 1 ! CITY NOTICES. OKDINANCrj NO. 007. li onllwlncu declaring tho cost of tho lm; rovpiiiont of alloy through liloolt 44, nrlRtiml townslto, from (Impo Htreet to Jlr street, uml inuwwlntf llio properly iionrfllril thereby, nnil declaring such MimsshhiooIiI, nnd din-cling llio entry ll.iirnof In tlin docket (if city liens. Tim City of Medford dolli onlnln ns fol low s: , . . . . Hec'llou 1. That no protests bavin, been rilotl against llio Improvement or nllny through block 44, original town Hlto from (Irntto street to Kir street, duo initio of Hi" Intention of tho council to oh use nnlil Improvement to be mndo hav ing boon given, nnd wild Improvement having been ordered made, the rouncti has considered tlio matter nnd herewith nsctrlalnn tlm proimbic cost of making such Improvement to t)o the Binn of 1320.(10. Anil snlcl council further finds that tlio special nml peculiar benefit accru ing upon ench lot or part thereof ndja- ccnt to mild improvement mm in jusi proportion to benefits, lo bo tho respec tive, nmnnntH hereinafter set opposite tlio number or description of cnoli lot or part thereof, anil such a mount h re spectively nro hereby declared to bo tlio propoitloimte nliaro of each lot or part thereof, of the cost of such Improve ment, ami In hereby declared to be ns sossed against ald lot or parcels re Miootlvely, anil name appearing above undh description leing tlio namo of tlv owner, or reputed owner of each such lot or pnrcol. A8K15HSMTJNT POR Tllll PAVINO Or ALI.HY THllOT'OlI HLOCIC 44. OHIO inal townsitk rnoM orapk HTRHKT TO FIR STRHKT. WIDTH SO PKKT. . . , AnmKHmnnt No 1 rorter J. Nof f. T.ol S and the north 6 foot of lot 7. blook 41, orlglnnl townslto City of Mod lonl, Oregon; frontngo 100 reet on tho north Bide of sold alloy na described In Vol S3. page 29. of the county re corders reconis or jncason couniy. urc Knn; 100 foot; rnlo par foot, 11.30; umount. $880 00 AMMsmont No. 2 Porter J Neff The south 26 foot of lot 13. block 44, original townslto City of Metlfortl, Ore Ore eon: frontage 25 foot on tho north able of snld alley as described In Vol. 91. pnKo 1S9. of llio county recorder's rec ords of .Tnckwon county. Oroiren: 25 feet; rato r foot. 2 30; nmoiint, IST.S0. Assessment No 3 Porter J. Neff. Tho south SC foot of lot 14. block 44. original townslto City of Medford, Oro pon; frontsRo SC foot on the north side of anld allev ns described In Vol. 91, jmiro 1S9. of the county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon- 25 feet: rate per foot, $2 30. nmount, 157 50 Assessment No 4 Porter J. Neff Tho south 25 feet of lot 15. block 44, original townslto City or Medford. Ore Kon; frontago 35 feet on the north side of said alloy us doscrlbed In Vol. 91, pace 1S9. of the county recorder's rec onis of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet, rato per foot, J2 30, amount, $57.30. Assessment No B. Porter J Neff The south 25 feet of lot 16. block 44, original townslto City of Medford. Ore con: frontage 25 feet on Iho north side of said alloy as descrruen In Vol. 91. lingo 1S9 of tho countj recorder's roc onlfl of Jackson county. Oregen: 35 feet: rato per foot, $2 30; amount, $B7 50. Asjicssmont No. 0 U JJiedermever nnil Cnllle Palm I.ot 17. block 44. orig inal townslto City of Medford. Oregen: frontago 25 feet on tho south side of Bold nlley as described In Vol 61, page 314 and 316 of the county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen: 23 feet: rato per foot, $2.30: amount. $57.5. Assessment No. 7 L. Nledermeyer nnd Cnllle Palm. Lot IS, block 44. orig inal townslto City of Medford. Oregon, frontage 26 feet on the south side of wild nlloy as described In Vol. CI. pago 314 and 316 of the county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 25 feet: rato per foot, $2.30; amount, $57.50. Assessment Na S. J. "W nates ct al Lot 1J. block 41. original townslto City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 25 feet on tho south side of Bald nlley as do sarlhod in Vol. S5, page 453 of the county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 26 feet; rato por foot, $2 30; nmount, $57.50. AsiVKsiiipnt No. 9 Frederick W. Voc-Um. Lot 20, block 44, original town site City of Medfonl, Oregon; frontage i'.i Tool on mo soimi siuc oi sniu um-j-us described in Vol. 62, page 429 of the county recorder's records of Jacksor. county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato per foot, $2.30: nmount. $57 50. Assessmont No. JO. C: W Palm. Lot G. block 44, original townslte City of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 100 feet on tlio soutli slue or sam anoy ns ue scrlbed In Vol. 40, pag 115 of the coun ty .recorder s records or jacKson coumy, Oregen: 100 foet; rate por foot, $2.30; uinount, $230.00. Srctlon 2. Tlio recorder of the City of Medford Is hereby directed to enter u stntomunt of tho assessments hereby inndo In the docket or city lions, nnd to givo notice, by publication ns required by tho charter and urdlnnncu No. 250 in tlio Medfonl Mall Trlbuno a news jiajier published nnd of funeral circula tion In said city. Tlio forttgolng ordinance was passed liy 1118 OJty council or ine uuy oi jieu ford, Oregon, on the 7th day of Novnn l.r. 1911. bv the following et: Mer rlok. uhsent; M'att, uye: Wortman, nb- Hent: j;murioK, aye; .uiieri, uye, unu Millar, aya. Aiipruvod November Sth. 1911. W. IL CANON. Attest: Mayor. . ItOUT W. TKLFKn, City Kccordcr. NOTICE. To tho owner, or roputod ownor, of each parcel of property described In the roregoing ordinance, as named inerein, ami in tho lien declared by said ordi nance as recorded in the docket of city Hens. You are hereby notified that tho as sessment declared by tho foregoing or dlnnnco has been made and tho Hen therefor ontered in the city Hen docket, nml that the sums is due and you are hereby required to jay tho same to the city recorder within ton days from tho service of this notice, which service Is niado by publication of the forogolng ordinance and this notice three times In the Medford Mall Tribune pursuant to an oruor of the City Council of said city. OJIDINAHCE HO. G0S. All ordinance declaring the cost of the Improvement of Hartlett ntreet from lSlnlith Btreot to Ninth fttreet and hh- HeSMttiK tile juoperty benuflted tuereljy, anil declaring such aMseasment. and ill- noting the entr) thereof In the docket ui uuy nens The City of Medford doth ordain as fulluws; Heotion 1. That no protests having been filed against the Impiovement of Ikutlelt Hi roe t from Klglilh Htieet to Nluth Htreut due notice of the lntentloi of the cuuiiell lo cauue said Improve ment to be made hnvlnif leri glxen, and iiultl Improvement liming beou orderwl mad, the council bus connldered the matter and burewith ascertains the prob nble oout of making such Impiovement to be the sum of $2412 00. And mid council fui titer finds that the special and peculiar benefit aocru tllg upon each lot or part theieof adja cent to Hutd Impiovement unci in Just ipopmtluu to Iwneflts. to he tho respeo tive Minouutu hereltuifter set opposite the number or dtincrliitlon of each lot or iwit Uiereof, and huoIi auiounls respec tively ale horuby declared to be the pro jiortlouuU uhuie of each lot or part thereof, of tlie oost of uoU I in pro vt liiunt, uml Ih hereby deolured to be us tumwttil against Muiil lot or parcels re xpuullvoly, the name appeorlni; above oacli iluKuilptlon being the name of the owner, or reputed owner, of each auci lot or inn eel. A88I188.Mi:NT POR PAVINO OV HAltT- LBl'T STHKKT PROM KIQHTII R'PHHiri' TO NINTH BTRK1ST. WiDTJl 10 1'ISL'T. AHt)SHinsnt No. 1 Louisa R Parker. J.t C block 1, original townslte City of Mudrord, Oregon; fi outage 50 feet on the wist Bid of Uartlett struct; described In Vol. 62. page 118, county recorder looords of Jaokson county, Oregen: 60 rent; rate pr foot, $1 Oi; umount, $201 00. AtutosBment No. 2 L H Rollson. Lot B. bjvok 1, qilgliml townslte City, of Medford, Oiegon, frontuge 60 feet on tlie east side 0f Hurtlott Htieet, de Norlliwl In R-91, onunty recorder's reo orilN of Jnnkson bounty, Oregon; 60 feot; mte inr fOQl. $1.02! amount, $201.00. BirasMiieui. jo. a.iauiHH it. 1'arlcor. Vi.'u1, "! ,,"s 58,i ttna "?' "7 iag m, county recorder'e records or jaciv - CITY NOTICES. son county, Oregon; 50 feotj rato per foot. (42, nmount, fsotno. Assottsment No 4. Milton Mnulo os- tnte. Lot 3. block 1. original townsllo city or Meuroru. iirogon; rmningo on foot on tho oast aide, of Unrtlotl stivot. described in vol is, pago 391, couniy rrcordor's rcconlB of Jucksou county, t)n'gtn; 50 foot, ntto per foot, $4.02, nmount. $201 00 Assostmont No 5 Milton MruIo os tato. Lot 2, block 1, original townslto City of Medfonl, Oregen: frontage 80 foot on tho cast side of Hnrtlett street, described In Vol 28, pago 614, county n-oorder's nconls of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 fool, rato per foot, $4.02; limouut. $201 00 Assessment Na 6 Milton Mnulo es tate Lot 1, block I, original townslto City of Medfonl, Oregon; frontago 60 foet on th oast side of Hnrtlett street, described In Vol 2S, pngo 614, county roconlor's neorUH of Jackson county, Ongon; 50 feet; rule per foot, $4.02; nmount. $101 00 Assessment No 7 William Davis. Lot 1, block 15, original townslto City of Medfonl. Oregon; fnmtng 50 feet on tho west side of Hnrtlett street, de scribed In Vol 42, page 165, county re corder's reconis of Jackson count v. Oregon S foot, rate ier foot, $4.02; amount. $301 00 AsHssmenl No S. William llavls. Lot 2. block 15. original townslto Cltv of Medfonl, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on the west side of Hnrtlett street, do scHImhI In Vol 42. jwge 158, county n-conler's reconis of Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rato per foot, $4.02, amount. $201 00 Assessment Na 9 William Davis. Lot 3. block U. original townslto City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on the west side of Hartlttt street, de scribed In Vol. 63, pago 344, county roconlor's reconis of Jackson county, Oregon; so root, rato per root, $4.u:, amount. $201 00. Assessment No 10. William Davis. The south 25 feet of lot 4. block 15. original townslte City of Medford, Ore Ore eon: frontage 25 foot on tho west side of Hartlett street, described In Vol. 63. page 314, county n'conlor's reconis of Jackson countv, Oregon; 26 foot, rate iter foot. $4 02. amount, Assessment No. 11 Mattle L. Kmor- lek and V J. Kmerlck. Tlio north 23 foot of lot 4. block 15. original town site City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontage 25 rcct on me west siue oi uarwcn street, described in Vol. S3, page 624. county xoconlor's reconis of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato per foot. $4 02; amount. $100.50. Assessment No 12 Mattle L. Kmer lck and V. J Kmerlck. Lot 5. block 15. original townslto City of Medford. Or gen: frontngo 50 feet on tho west side of Hartlett street, described In Vol. S3. page 521, county recorder's reconis of Jackson countv, Oregon; SO foot; rate per foot. $102: nmount. $20100. Assessment No. 13 Mattle I Kmer lob nml V J. Knierlck. Lot 6. block 15. original townslto City of Medford. Ore- "r."---- -t i . , gen: ironmge ou icei on i ,."'" "l nnntxtt Klrwt. described In Vol S3, pago 524, county rcconler's reconis of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot. $4.02. amount, $201.00. ASSKSSMKNT FOH PP.1VATK DHIVKS ON HAHTLHTT STHKKT KltO.M KlttHTH STREET TO NINTH STltEKT ,. , Assessment No. 1. V. J. Emerlck. Amount nssessed. $52.99. Assessment Na 2. William Dnvls. Amount assessed, $16.62. Assessment No. 3 L. It. Parker. Amount assessed, $20 27. Assessment Na 4 U IL Itollson. Amount assessed. $25.27. Section 2. Tho recorder of tho City of Medford Is hereby directed to enter n statement of the assessments hereby made In tho docket of city Hens, and to she notice, by publication ns required by the charter and ordinance No. 250, In the Medford Mall Trlbuno, a newspaper published and of guncrul circulation in said city. The foregoing ordinance was passed by tho city council of tho City of Med fonl. Oregon, on the 7th dn y of No vember, 1911. by the following vete: Merrick, absent; Walt, aye: Wortman, absent; Itmerlck, aye; i:ifert. uye, and Millar, uya Approved November S, 1911. W. IL CANON. Attest: Mayor. KOHT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. NOTICE. To tho .owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel of property described In tho toregoing ordinance, so nameu wiereui and in the Hen declared by Bald ordi nance, as recorded In tho docket of city llccs: You are hereby notified that tho as- mami.n( declared bv the foregoing ordl nanco has been made and the lien there for entered In tne city lien uockoi. ana that tho samo Is duo and you are hereby required to pay the same to tho city re corder within ten. days from tho servico of this notice, which service Is made by publication of tho foregoing ordinance and this notice three times in the Med fonl Mail Tribune, pursuant to an order cf tnc city council of said city. ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. ORDINANCE HO. CM. An ordinance declaring the cost of the Improvement of North Grape street from Sixth street to Vormont street and assessing tho property boneflted thereby, and declaring such assessment, nnd directing the entry thereof in the docket of city Hens. Tlie City of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section I. Tliat no protests naving been filed against the Improvement of North Grape street from Sixth street to Vermont street, due notlco of tho Intention of tho council to causo saiu Improvement to be made having been given, ana Baiu improvement navuii, lieen ordered made, the council has con sidered the matter and herewith ascer tains the probable cost of making such improvement to be the Hum of $19,621 96 And said council further finds that the Hpeoial and peculiar boneflt accru ing upon ouch lot or part thereof adja cent to sum improvement ami in jum proportion to benefits, to be the respec tive amounts hereinafter set opponlto the number or description of each lot or part thereof, and such amounts re HiiectUely are hereby declared to be the proportionate share of each lot or part thereof, of the cost of such Improve ment, und Is hereby declared to bo as- seNseil against said lot or parcels re spectively, the name appearing abovo each description being the name of the owner or reputed owner of each such lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVINO OI' NORTH GRAPE STREET FROM SIXTH STREET TO VERMONT STREET. WIDTH 36 FEET. , Assessment No 1. Mubel S. Harvey. Lot 1. block 56, original townslte City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feot on the west side of Grape street, described In Vol 86, pago 176, of tho county re-i-ordvr'H records of Jackson county, Ore gon. 50 feet; rule per foot, $5.69, amount $24 Cu AHvessmeut No S Mubel ' 8 Harvey Lot 2, block 56, original townslte City uf Medford. Oiegon; frontage CO feet on the west Hide of Grupo street, described In Vol. 86, juge 176, of the county re (.orderH records of Jackson county. Ore gon; 50 feet, rate per foot. $5.69, amount mi..o. Anemment No 3. G. L. Hchermer liorn. Lot 3, block 66, orlgtnul townslto uuy or Mi'iirord, Oregon; riontago so feet on the west Hide of Grano Htrcct. described in Vol. 87, pugo 16-108 of the couniy lecoruet h lecortis or jiicksou county, Oiogon; 80 feet; tuto por foot, $5 U'j, umount, $281 50. AsHoHwim-nt No 4. G I. Schcrmor horn. Lot 4, block 66, original townsltb City of Medford, Oregon, frontuge 50 feet on the west Hide of Grupo street, luHcilbcil In Vol. 87, page 15-108, of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; CO feet, rato por foot, $5 69; umount, $281 SO Assessment No 6 William L. Halley nt al. Lot 6, block 66, original towtiHlte 'lty of Medfonl, Oregon, frontuge BO feet on tho west side of Grape street, dotscilbcd ill Vol 28, pago 303 of tho county lecorder'g rccoidH of Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet; mto por foot, $5 69, amount, $281.50 AHKeHsmont No 0. William F, Halley. Lot 6. block 66, original towns!!. City of Medfonl. Oregen: frnntnirn 60 lout on thu west Hldo of Grape Htreel, iiHficiiuim in ui. 41, pngo ii or IIIO county reooider'N locords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50, feet: rato per foot. 'te.o - j; amount, fzBj.&o, J CITY NOTICES. Assessment No 7 S. C Oodlovo, Lot 1. block 67, orlglnnl townslto City of Medfonl, Oregon, fiontnge 60 foot On tho west side of (Initio Mtnet. ftoserllmil In n .7, pago 2.13 of iho county n conlor's records of Juokson county, On gon; 60 feoti rato per foot, $5.69, nmount, $2S4 50. Assessment No. S. S. C Oodlovo. Lot 2, block 57, original townslto Cltv oi Medfonl. Oregon; frontage 50 foot on the west side of Ornpo stm't, described In Vol 77, page 233 of tho county n oorder's records of Jackson county, Oro gon- 50 foot; rato por foot, $3.69, nmount $251.50. Assessment No. 9 Oortrudo J Itoddv Lot 3. block 37. nrlclnnl townslto Clfv of Medford. On'gen: frontago 60 foot on tho west side of llmpe stn'Ot, de scribed In Vol 54, page SOS. of the coun ty roconlor's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. o foot; rule por foot, $3.69 umouni, cm ;iu Assessment No. 10 Oortrudo J Itoddv Lot 4. block 57. original town. site City of Medfonl. On'gon, fnmtnge 80 foet on tho west side of Ornp stn'Ot. described In Vol 64, page 50$, of tho couniy rcconicrn ncoms or Jackson county, On'gen: 50 foot, rate por foot, $5 69: amount, $2SI 50. Assessment No 11 J K. Toft Lot 5, block 67, original townslto City of Medfonl. Oregen: frontage 50 foet on the west side of Ornpo stnn't. described In Vol 49. page 227. of tho county n- conlor's records of Jackson county. On' On' eon: 80 feet; rate per foot, $5.69, nmount, $2S4 80. Assessment No. 12. J li Tort Lot 6. block 67, original townslto City of Medfonl. Oregon; fnmtago 50 foot on the west side of Ornpe street, described in vol 4'.', pngo :sr, or tno couniy n corder's reconis of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feet: mto per foot, $5.69, amount. $2St 50. . Assessment No. 13 William Charley Lot 1, block 5.S, original townslto Cits of Medfonl, Oregon, fnmtago 60 foet on the west side of Ontpo street, de scribed In Vol 41, pago 546. of tho coun ty reconlefs records or .incksou coun tv, On'gen: 50 foot; rate por foot, $5.69, amount, $:$4 6U. Assessment No. 14 William Chnrlcj Int 2. block SS. original townslto City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontage 50 foot on t..o west side of Oropo street, descrtbod In Vol 41, pago 5is, of the county ro conlor's n'cords of Jackson county. On' gen: 60 reett rato per root, a.e; amount, $2S4 30. Assessment No. IS D. I Wilson. Lot 3. block 5S. original townslte. City of Medford. Oregen: fnuitagc 50 foet on the west side of Ompe street, de scribed In Vol 69. pngo 622. of the county recorder's reconis of Jackson county, On'gon- 50 feet; rato per foot. fii.ey; amount, : av Assessment No. 16 D P. Wilson Lot 4. block 5S, orlglnnl townslto City of Medford. Oregon fnmtago 50 feet on the west side of Ornpo street, described In Vol 69. nnco 622. of tho county rc- f,.in!.r, rAPfir,l nf .InrlfHnn onilntv. Or,.- , .-. .. . .- . w ... .... w. -....-w.. ....... ,rf .-.. gen: 60 roet: rato por root. $s.69; umount. 82S4.50. Assessment No. 17. W. D Ynnt. Lot 5. block 5S, original townslto City, of Medfonl. Oregon; frontago 50 foot on the west side of Ornpo street, described In Vol 59. pago 403, of tho county re corder's records of Jackson county. Ore Ore eon: 50 feet: rato icr foot, $5 69; amount. $284 80. Assessment Na IS. W. D. Ynnt. t.o 6. block SS, original townslto City of Medford. Oregen: frontngo 50 feet on the west sldo q Grapo street, described In Vol 59. pago 403, of the county ro conlor's records of Jackson county, Ore fon: 50 feot. rate per foot, $5.69, amount. $2S4.50. Assessment No. 19 O. M Selsby Lot 1. block 59, original townslto. City of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on the west side of Grape street, described In Vol 7S. pago 4SS of the county re corder's records of Jackson county, Ore 50 foot; rate per foot. $5.69; amount, $284 50. Assessment No. 20 Llernann Woody. Lot 2. block 59. original townslto. City of Medford. Oregon; frontngo SO feet on tho west side of Grape street, described in Vol 47, pago 165 of the county re corder's records of Jackson county, Ore Ore eon: 50 feet; rato per foot, $5.69; amount, $284 SO. Assessment No. 21 John M. Deword Lot 3, block 59, original townslto. City of Medford, Oregen: frontage 60 foet on tho west side of Grapo street: described In Vol 86, pago 350 of the county rp cordcr's records of Jnckson county, Ore gon; 50 foet: rato per foot, $5.69; umount, $281.50. Assesment No. 22. W V Shields. Lot 4. block 69, orlglnnl townslte City or .Medford. On'gen: frontago 50 feet on tho west side nf Grape street, described In Vol. 77. pago 120 of the county re corder's records of Jackson county, Ore gen: no foet : rate por root, $5.69; amount, Assessment No. 23. W. H. Maultby, Lot 6. block 59. original townslto City of .Meuroni. urcgon, rrontngo &u reel on the west side of Gnipe street, described In Vol 19, page 273 of tho county re corder's records of Jnckson county, Ore gon, SO feet; rate per foot, $5 69, amount. $284 50. Assessment No. 24 W. II. Mnultby Lot 6. block 69. original townslto. City of Medfonl. Oregen: rroninge 60 reel on the west side of Grape street, described in vol 49. pago 73 or mo couniy n. corder'M records of Jackson county, Ore Ore eon: 50 feet ; rato per foot. $5.69, amount, $284.50. Assessment No. 25. P. C. Hicham Lot 1. block 60, 'original townslto City of Mcdrord, Oregon; frontago 60 rcet on the west side of Grapo street, doscrlbed In Vol. 65. naco 117 of tho bounty re corder's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; co reet: ract per root, $5.69; amount. $284.60. Assessment No. 26 Mary P. Wil liams. Lot 2, block 60, original town slto. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage CO feet on the west side of Grupo street, described In Vol. 11, pago 329 of tho county recorder's records of Jacksoi. county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate por foot. $5.69, amount, $281 50. Assessment No. 27. C C. Heekman Lot 3, block 60, original townslto City of Medford, Oregon; frontago CO feet on the west side of Grape street, described In Vol 11, pago 41. of tho county re corder's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 00 feet: rate per Root, $5.69; amount, $284.50. Assessment No, 28 C. C. Heekman Lot 4, block 60, original townslto, City of Medfonl, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on the west sldo of Grape street, doKcrlbod In Vol. 11, pago 41 of the county re corder's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; CO feet; rate per foot, $5.69; umount, $284.50. Assessment No. 29. C. C. Heekman. Lot 6, block 60, original townslte, City or Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the west sldo of Grupo street, described In Vol. 11. n.iLre 41. of tho county re corder's records of Juckson county, Ore Ore eon: 60 feet; rate per foot, $5.69; amount, $284.50. Assessment No. 30 C. C. Heekman. Lot 6, block 60, original townslto, City of Meuroru, urcgon; rromago uo reet on the west Hide of Grape street, described in Vol 11. nniro 41. of tho county re corders reconiH or juckhou county, ure- keii: 60 feet: rutu pur root, jo.ov; umount, $284 60. Assessment jso. 31, Oregon e trun fornla Land Co. Lot 1, block CI, original townslte, City of Medford. Oregon; frontauo CO foot on tho west Hldo of Grape street, described In Vol. 61, pugo 'flfi t9 .1... r.iiinlu wnntwiinr'u mrmnlH nt 348 of the County recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; CO feot; rate per root, b.C9, amount :si &v. Assessment No. 32. Oregon & Cali fornia Land Co. Lot 2, block 61, original townslte, City of Medford, Oregen: frontage CO feet on tho west Hldo of Grapo street, described In Vol, 51, page 318. of tho county recorder! recorda of Juckspn county, Oregon; CO feet; rate per foot, $6 69; amount, $284 60. Assessment No. 33, Orogon & Cull fornlu Lund Co. Lot 3, block 61, orlglnul townslte, uuy or amdroru, urcgon; frontuge, 112 foet on thu west sldo of Urapo street, described In Vol, CI, pago 3 48 of tho county recorder's records of Juckson county, uregon; &u root; ruie per foot, $5,69; amount, $284.50. Assessment No. 34. Chus. C. Crouch Lot 7, block 38, orlglnul townslte, City of .Medford, Oregon; frontage 48,5 feet on thu oust Hldo of Grupo street, described In Vol 70, pugo 021-622, of tho county lecorders' lecords of Juckson county, Oregon; 48 5 foot; mto per foot, $5 69; umount, $27C96. Assessment No .35 C .C .neokman, Lot 8, block 38, original townslte, City of Medford .Oiegon; frontage 50 foot on the oust side of Grupo Htreet, described In Vol. II, pago II of the county r corderH records of Juckwj ncounty, Ore gon; 60 feot; rate per foot, $5.69; CITY NOTICES. amount, $251.50, Assessment No. 36.- -C .C .lloekman. Lol 9, block 38, orlglnnl tnwnlto, City of Medfonl .Oromm; fionlngo 50 foot on Iho east sldo of Grape street, described In Vol. 11, pago 41, of the county 10 oordcr's toeorda of Jackson onunty, Ore gon. 60 feet; mio er foot, $5.09; umount, JSSI 60. Assessment No 37 -CC Hookman. Lot 10 .block 3$ .oilglniil townslte, City of Medfonl, Oregon; frontage 80 foot on the oust sldo of Glapo street, described In Vol 11, pago 41 of the county ro conlor's recerds: of Jaokson county. Oio gon; 60 foot; nito per foot, $5.69! nmount, $3M 50, Assessment No. SS O C Hookmnn. P.ot 11. block 3S. original townslte. City of Medfonl. Oregon; frontage 80 foot on 1110 nisi suio or Ornpo SIIOOI, ueserinou in Vol. ii. imir.i 4i. nf tlio county re corder's words of Jnrkson county, Ore gon; bo root; rto r rooi, w; amount, $281 50, Assessment Na 39 -O C lloekiimn. Lol 12. block 38. orlglnnl townslto. City of Medford. Oregon; frontngo 50 foot on the oast sldo of Grapo si i eel, described In Vol 11. page 41. of the county rt. conlor's rocoids of Jaokson ominty, Ore Ore eon: 50 foet; mto per foot. $6 89. amount. $381 50, Assessment N. 10 Scott V Dnvls. Lot 7, block 39. original townslto, illy of Medfonl. On'gen: frontngo 50 foot on tho east side of Ompe street described In Vol 81, page 318, of tho County ro conlor's records of Jaokson county, Ore gon. 50 feet: mto per foot, $5.69; amount. $2SI 50. Assessment No. 41. Scott V Dnvls Lot S. block 39, original townslto, Cli) of Medfonl. Oregon; frontage 50 foot on tho east sldo of Grapo street, described In Vol 51, pago Sis. of tho county ro conlor's records of Jnrkson county. Ore Ore eon: 50 feet: rato per foot.. $3.69; umount. $281.50. Assessment No. 42 Claude M Hurst Lot 9, block 39, original townslto, City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontage 50 foot on the oast sldo of Ornpo street, described In Vol 73. imco 47. .if the county re corder's reconis of JniKsou county. Ore gon; 60 foet: rato por rooi, s.u; amount, $284 50 ... Assessment Na 43 Margaret Hurst. Lot 10. block 39. original townslto City nf Mo.tfiir.l ("lr..L-iiii' fnintni!.' 50 foot OI, tho oast sldo of Grape street, described in vol zk. page 633, or mo couniy r conlor's records of Jnckson county, Ore gon; 60 foet: rato per foot, $5.69, amount. $281 50. Assessment No. 44 Herman Lnw nmtx. Lot 11. block 39, original town slto. City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontngo, 50 foot on the oast aide of Grapo atn-ot. described In Vol. 61. page 810, of the county recorder's reconis of Jnckson county, Oregon; 60 feet, rato per foot. $5 69; umount, $2S4 50 Assessment No. 4S Herman I.nw rentx. Lot 12. block 3. orlglnnl town site. City of Medford. Oregon; frontngo 50 fool on tho onst sldo of Ompe street, described In Vol 61, pago 510. of the county recorder's reconis of Jnckson county, Oregen: 60 foet. rate per foot. $5 69; amount. $281.50 Assessment No. 46 Margaret I Hurst Lot 7. block 40. original town site. City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontage 50 foot on the onst side of Grape street, doscrlbed In Vol. 48. page 59.. of tho county recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oregen: 50 foet. rato por foot, $5.69, amount, $281.50 . Assessment No. 47 Margaret I Hurst Lot S. block 40. original town site. City of Medfonl. Oregen: frontago 50 feet on tho oast side of Qnipo street. described In Vol 48. pugo 597. of tho county roconlor's records of Jacksoi county. Oregen: 50 feet; mto per foot. li 63. amount, .3.jw . Assessment No. 4S D. T. Lawton I.nt 9. block 40. original townslto. City of Medford. Oregon; frontago 60 foot on the onst side of Grape strret, described In Vol. 72. pngo 291. of tho county re corder's n'cords of Jnckson county, Onv gon, 60 foet; rate per foot, $5.69; nmount. $281 50. Assessment no. 4 . i. wwwn I.nt 10. hlnek 40. arlalnill townslto. Cltl of Medford, Orogon. frontngo 50 foot on tl'o onst stilo or urapo street, ucscrioou In Vol. 72, page 291, of tho county re corder's records of Jackson county. Ore gon; 50 feet: rat per foot. $5.69: umount. $284.50. Assessment No. 50 Sarah Emerlck. Lot 11. block 40, original townslto. City of Medford. Oregen: frontage 50 foet on the east side of Grape street, described In Vol 88. jtage 220. of tho county re corder's records of Jackson county. Oro con: 50 feot. mto per foot, $5.69, amount. $281 50. Assessment No. 61. .iiiko v npnnos. Lot 12. block 40. townslte. City of Medford. Orogon. frontage 50 feet on tho east side or ornpo sircci, tiescriocu In Vnl !70. mien 372. of tho county ro- xnntnr'n rernnl nf Jnckson couniy. Oro gen: 50 feet: rato per foot, $5.69; utnnnnt. $281.50. Assessment No. 62. Medford Hrcwtnfc Co Lot 7. block 41. original townslis r'ltv nf Mmlfnnl. Oroiren: frontngo 60 feet on the east side of Grapo Htrcct. de scribed In Vol. 33, pago id f. ot mo county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 30 feet; rate per foot, $5 69. nmount, $281 60, Assessment No. S3 Medford Hrowlng Co. Lot 8. block 41. original townslte. City of Medford, Orogon; frontage 50 feet on tho east sldo of Grapo street, de scribed In Vol 33. page 167. of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet, rato per foot, :, .;; amount. s&4 so. . Assessment No, 61. Medford nrcwlnfi Co. Lot 9, block 41, orlglnnl townslto. City of Medford, Oregon; frontago SO feet oh the runt side of Grapo street, do Hcrlbed In Vol 33. pago 167 of thu county recorder's records of Jackson Bounty, Oregon, 50 feet, ratir jier foot,, $5.69, amount. $2l &u. Assessment No 55 Medford Hrowlng Co Lot 10, block 41, original townsiie, Cltv of Mf.dfnnl. Oregon, frontago 5b feet on tho oust side of Grape street, de scribed in Vol. 33. page iih. or mo coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet, rato jer foot, $5.69, amount, $28150 ..... Assessment No 56. Medfonl Hrowlng Co. Lot 11. block 41, original townsno, City of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on the east side of Grapo Htreet, de scribed In Vol 33, page 167 of the county recorder's reconis of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet; mto per foot, $5 69; amount, $28150 ...,-, . Assessment No 57 Medford Hrcwlng Co Lot 12, block 41, original townslte. City of Midford, Oregon; frontage 60 fett on tho east side of Grapo Htreet, de scribed in Vol 33, page 167 of the county recorder's records of Jackson couniy, Oregon; 60 feet, rato per foot, $5.69, umount. $281 50 Assessment No 58. Big I'lncs Lum ber Co Lot 13, Mock 42, orlglnul town site, City of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the east sldo of Grapo street, described In Vol. 75, pago 343, of the county rccoruers rccorun ui jt; couniy, Oregon, 60 feet ; rato per foot, $5 69, amount, 121 50. Assessment No, 69.-111? I'lncs Lum ber Co Lot 14. block 42, original town slto. City of ,M. dford, Oregon; frontugo 50 feet on the (ant Hide of Grupo Htreot, described In Vol 76, pugo 343, of tho couniy recorder's records of Juckson county. On gon. 50 foot; rato per foot, $6 69, amount, j$i so. Assessment No 60. Wu Pines Lum ber Co Lot 15, block 42, original town site. City of il dford, Oregon; frontago 60 feet on the eat sldo of Grupo Htieet, described In Vol 75, pugo 313, of the county rr cordcr's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 foot; rato per foot, $5.69; nmount, Hx 60. Assessment No 61. Hlg Pines Lun. her Co Lot 16, block 42, original towi. Hlto. City of .Medford. Oregon; frontngn bo rent on the oust Hldo or urupo siroei, described In Vol 75, pago 343, of tho couniy recorui r s recoru ui nui,n..ii county, Oregon. 50 feot; rato per foot, $5 69; amount $281 50, Assessment No, 62. 111b Pines Lum ber Co. Lot 17. Mr.ek 42. original town- Hlet, City of Medford, Oregon! fronlajro 60 feet o n the eat Hide of Grapo street, described in Vol, 75, pago 343, of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, 10 feot ; rato per foor, $5 69; amount, $28 1 60, AHHosmnuit No na, Hlg Pines Lum ber Co Lot 18, block 42 . original town Hlto, City of .Medford, Oregen: frontugo 60 feet on tlio Hlde of Grupo Htreot, described In Vol 76, pugo 313, of tho county rrcordir'11 rccordH of Jackson county, Oregon; 80 feot; rato per foot, $5.09; amount, $8.50. . , . ... Assessment No el. John A. Smith. j.oi 1,1, iiiock 43, original townsiie, i;ii) of Medford, Oregon;. frontngo 60 feot oil tlio oust side of OiiiiKi Htreot, described III Vol 29, page 4)8 of the county re- coddei'a n'cords of jacKaon county, Ore- CITY NOTICES. gon; 60 foot; tain per fool, 5.69; amount, $284 50. , Assessment No, 65 Joint A. Hmllli. Lot 14. block 43. or ullin townslte. c iv of .Modmil. OI0I2OIU fiontuim 60 feot on tho east sldo of Grape street, dosoilbod in vol stt, pngo nun or uio county io conlor's tccoida of Jnckson county, Om gon, 60 foet) mto per foot, $3,09! amount, Assessment No. 66. John A, Hmllli Lot 15. uiook 43. oilulmil towns lo. City of Medfotd. Oiouen: fiontngo 80 feot on the oust sldo of Grapo street, described In Vol 2, pago 300, of the county re onidor'M reconis of Jackson county, Ore gon, 50 root; into per root, .uu; amount, $S8I 50, Assessment No 67 Hnoltel M. While side Lot HI, block 43, original towiiNlto. Cltv of Modfoid. Oregon! fioutngn 60 feet on the oast siito or unipo street, on serlWd In Vol 87. pago 39il of tlm county recorders i coords of Jaokson county, Oiegon; 60 feet; mto per foot, $3 69; amount. $2SI.60 Assessment No. 6s Hacliol M Wltllo side. Lot 17, block 13. original townslto. City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 60 foot on the east side ot Ornpo streol, de scribed In Vol 2. page 15, of tho onunly locordor's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 60 feet, mto per foot, $6.69. nmoiint. $3S4 60 Assessment No 119 ltnohol M White side Lot H. block 3. oilglnal townslte, Cltv of Medfonl. On'gon frontago 60 fool on tho east side of Grape street, do scrlbed In Vol, 3S, page 15, of Iho count) recorders records of Jnckson countv, Oiegon; 50 fool; rato per foot, $5 69; amount. $281.50. ASSESSMENT OF 1'RIVATE DRIVES ON NOHTIl Ull.M'i; HTIIKKI Assessment No I lllg Pines Lumber Ca Amount assessed, $19 oo. section 2 Tho recorder of the City of Medford Is hereby directed to outer n statement of Iho assessments hereby made In tho docket of city" Urns, nnd to give notice by publication as required by the charter and ordinance No 350 of said city, In the Medford Mall Trlbuno. a nowspiipor published und of gonornl circulation In said city. Tho foregoing ordlnanco was passed by tho city council of the City of Med ford. Orogon. on tho 7th day of Novem ler. 1911, by the following vete: Mer rick, nbsent; Watt, nye: Wortman. nyo; Emerlck. nyo; P.lferl, nyo, and Millar, no. .... Approved November 8, 1911 . . W. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor. ROUT W TELPEIl. City Recorder. NOTICE. To tho owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel of property described In tho foregoing ordlnanco. so named I heroin and In tho Hen declared by said ordi nance, na recorded In tho docket of city liens: You nro hereby notified that the as sessment declared by tho foregoing ordi nance has been made nnd the Hon there for ontered in tne cny lien uockoi ami !,,! Hi' Kilmn In dun nnd vo u nro hereby required to pay the same o the city re corder within ten days from the service of this notlco. which service Is made ny publication of tho foregoing ordlnanco ami this notice threo times In tho Med ford Mall Trlbuno. pursuant to an order of tho city council of said cltv HOHT. W TKI.PEtt. City Recorder. DBDIKANCE WO. 013. An ordinance declaring the cost of the Improvement of Hentty street from Central avenue to Mnnxanltn, street nnd nssosslng the property benefited thereby, and declaring such assessment, nnd di recting tho entry thereof In the docket of city Hens. . , Tho City of Medford doth onlnln as fellews: . . Sctlon 1 That no protests having beep fl.od against the improvement of P.oatlv street from Central avenue to Mniinpltn sMect. duo notlco of the In tentlna of tho council to causo said lm nrnv.nif.11t lii h,t inado liav Ing been given, and said Improvement having boon ordered made, tho council has con sidered tho matter nnd herewith ascer tains llio proimnio cosi 01 masim, iren Improvement to be tho sum of $14,003 63. Ami said council further finds that tho special and peculiar benefit accru ing upon each lot or part thereof ndjn cent to mid Improvement nnd In Just proportion to benefits, to be tho respec tive nmounts hereinafter sot opposite tho number or description of each lot or part thereof, nnil such amounts re spectively aro hereby declared to bo the proportionate share or each lot or part thereof, of tho cost or such Improve ment, and Is hereby declared lo bo as sossod against said lot or parcels re spectively, tho name appearing above eacn descripiion ncing 1110 nuiuu ui owner, or roputod owner, of each such ASHEHMrENT POR THE PAVINO OP HEATTY BTHEET I'ROM CENTRAL AVENPE TO MANZAN1TA HTREET. WIDTH 30 PEET , . . Assessment No 1 Mlnnlo Thelss. Lot 1, block 8, Hentty addition. City of Med ford, Oregon, frontngo 61 foot on the east side of Realty Htreot as described In Vol. 37, page 602 nf tho county re corder's records of Juckson county. Ore gon: 61 feet; rate per foot, $4.26! amount, $272 64 Assessment No 2 Mlnnlo Tholss. Lot li block 7. Realty's addition. City of Medfonl. Oregen: frontago 36.5 foot on tho east shin of Realty street as do scrlbed In Vol, 37. pngo 502 of the coun ty recorders records OI jucKsnn comi ty. Oregon, 36 5 feet; ruto por foot, $1 26, amount, $155.40. Assessment No. 3. Mlnnlo Thelss. Lot 3, block 7. Realty's addition. I'liy or Medford. Oregen: frontago 36.5 fret on the oust sldo of Realty street us do scribed In Vol 37, page 602 of tho county recorder's records of Jackson count), Oregon, 36 5 foot; rato per foot, $4 20: nmount, $156,40. Assessment No. 4 Mlnnlo Thelss. Lot 2. block 7. Hentty's addition. City of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 36 r feet on Ihn east side of Realty street us do scribed In Vol. 37, pngo 602 of tho coun ty recorder's records of Juckson county, Oregon; 36 6 feet; mto per foot, $4,26; amount, $155 49. , Assessment No C Mlnnlo Thelss Lot 1. block 7. Utility's nddltlon. City of Medfonl. Oregon; frontugo 36.6 feot on the eiiHt shift of Hentty streot ub de- -erll.,l In Vol 37. fwllfll 602 of tlin COllll- ty recorder's records of Jnckson county,. Oregon; .18 r reel, rnio pur oui, i.i amount. $166 19. ...... ,. , Assessment No. 6. Mlnnlo Thelss. Lot 4, block 6, Heatty'H addition to City of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 36.6 feet on tho east side of Heutty Htreet, nH de scribed In Vol. 37, pngo 602 of tho county recordor'H records of Jackson county, Oregon; 36,8 feet; rato por foot $1.20; amount, $165.49. . , , AHHOHsment No. 7. P. Paul TIioIsb. Lot 3, block 6, Heatty'H addition, City of Medford, Oregon, frontuge 36,6 feet on tho eiiHt Hldo of Hentty street ns do scrlbed In Vbl. 46, pngu 608 of tho county recordor'H records of Jackson county, Oregon; 36.6 feet; rutu per foot, $4.26; amount, $168 49. Assossmoiit No. 8, P. Paul Tholss. Lot 2, block 6, Hentty's addition, City or Medfonl, Orogen: frontugo 36,6 foot on the cast side of ellntty Htieet, iih de scribed In Vol. 46. pago 508 of tho county tecoidnr'H records of Juckson county, Oiegon; '36.6 feet; rate por foot, $4,26; uinount, $165,49. Assessment No. 9, Cutlinrlno A. Initio. Lot 1, block 6, Heatty'H. addition, City of Medford, Oregon; frontugo 36,6 fent on tho east Hide of Realty Htreot, wh do Hcrlbed In Vol 40, pago 508 of tho county recordor'H reconiH nf Juckson county, Oregon; 36.5 feet; rato per foot, $1.26; umount, $166.49. Assessment No, 10. Cnthurlnn A. Lane. Lot 4, block S, Heatty'H addition C'lt" of Medfonl, Oregon; frontugo 36.6 feet on tho oust sldo of Heutty Htreot, as described In Vol, 40, pago 408 of the couniy recorder h recoruH or jaegson cdiinty, Oregon; 36.6 foot; mto per foot, $4.26; anlount, $165.49. Assessment No. 11. Catharlnn A. Lot 3, block 6, Heatty'H addition City of iMcdford, Oiegon; frontngo 30,6 foot on the eiiHt Hide of Hentty Htreot, an described In Vol, 40, page 408 of tho county reoordei'H records or Juckson county, Oregon; 36.6 feet; mto per foot, $4.26; nmount, $15,49. AHscHsment No. 12. V, J. Kmerlck. Lot 2, block 5, Heatty'H nddltlon City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 36,6 feot on the east sldo of Realty street, oh do srilbed In Vol, 84, jingo CO nf the county recorder's records ofiJaekHou county, Oregon; 30,6 feet; rato por food fUu; CITY NOTICES. iimoiinl, $186,19. , , Assessment No, 13. V. , .1. Entorlek. lot I, block 6, Hentty's addition, City of Medfonl. Orogon! fioutago .16 6 foot mi the oust side ot Hentty Nlreol, iih do BCtlhcit In Vol 81, page 60 ot Ihn comity locoidot'H icootilM of Jackson county, Oregon! 6 6 fotili nvlo por root. II.SOI niiiount, $185,49, Assessment No II -C P and Cynthln 11. Iltiok. lot 4. Mouk I, lli-nlly'H addition. CItV of Modfoid, Oiogoill fionlngrt 35 root mi Iho onst side of Hentty ntlcol. ns desorlbod In Vol 68, pngo 181 nml Vol 84, page 439 of tho county loetirdor's lo on rd a of Jaokson ooulily. Orogoni 36 6 foot; into per fool, $120! amount Assessment No. 15 C P. and Oyhthln R Huek, lot 3, block 1, Hentty's addition, city of Medford, Oregon! fiontngo 36 6 feet on tho onst side of llealtv streot. ns described In Vol 68, nun 131 nml Vol .14, inige 439 of iho county room dot h re cords of Juckson couniy, Oiogoui 36 5 foot; rata pur foot, 11.20; nmount, $168 49 Assessment No. 11 C p Hiiok, lot 3, block 4, lloatt)'B addition. City of Mod font, Oregon; frontago 36 6 foot on the onst sldo of Heatly all eel as described In Vol 80. nnun 43M of the county re corder's records of Jnckson cminly, Oro gon; an a reeii rain per iooi. iu. amount, $155 19, Assessment No 17 P P Huek, lot 1. block 4, Realty's addition CU)' of Med ford, Orogon, frontngo 36.6 foot on the. oast side of Hentty street, ns doscrlbed In Vol 82. pago 65J of tho couniy record er's records of Jaokson countv, Orogon; 36 6 foot; mto por foot. $4 2(1; amount, a5.!? ......I Vn lit It II Toft, lot 7, block 2, Wlldwond addition. City r,inl itra.uuii! frontngn 55 1 feet on tho oast sldo of Hentty street as desorlb od In Vol 76. page ii nf tlm county m rorder'H records of Jaoksen: 65 1 foot; rato per foot. $1 !. nntouiil. ",, -Assossmoiit No 19 -It "-Toft, lot J, block 3. Wlldwood addition. City of Med. ford, oiegon. frontngo 68 1 foot on tlio east sldo of Hentty streot, ns described InVol 76. page 21 of tlm oounly record er's records of Jackson eounty. "rcB'ml 66 I foot) mt per foot, I -. amount, "Assessment No. SO.-C. II. II. Parker. lot 3. block J. Wlldwood nddltlon. J'lty o. Medford. Orogen: frontngo 65 75 foot on tlio rust sldo of Hentty street as do. scribed In Vol pngo .;''; county recorder's records of Jaokson eounty. Oregon, 65.76 feot; rate per .foot, $126: amount. $280.09. Asiiossment Na 21 C. II It. . lot 1. block 2. Wlldwood addition. Cltv of Medford. Orogon; frontago 65 75 foot on the oast side of Hentty street as de scribed In Vol...... page v,5wn county roconlor's reconis or Jaokson county, Oregon; 65 78 foot; mtn per foot. $126, nmount, $58009. Assstnont Na 32 -C II It ''n: lot 2. block t. Wlldwood nddltlon. t Itv of Medford. Orogon, frontage 6 feel on the oast sldo nf Hentty "trout as do scrlliod In Vol 80. iwge 603 of the coun iy recorder's records of Jackson eounty Orouou. 6 foet: rnlo per foot. $IJ. lol 1. block I. Wlldwood addition. City of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 66 fool on the oast sldo of Realty street as de scribed In Vol. 80, pago 603 of tho coun ty recorder's reconis of Jnckson county Orogon, 66 foot; rate per foot. $4 3. ""Asses'sinont Na 24 Mlnnlo Cnlnhnn. lot 1, block 3. Kendall addition, city or Medford. Oregon, frontago 50 foot on the oast sldo of Hentty street ns described In Vol. 65, page t3 of llio county rooonl er's records of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 foot, rnlo por 1001, ij. inim Assessment No, 25 It J llolmrolli. lot 6. block 6, Kendall addition, Clly of Medfonl, Oregen: frontngo 60 fool on the rnst sldo or lloniiy siren n iircin..i In Vol It, Mign 25 of the county re corder's records of Jnckson couniy. Ote gon; 60 foot; mto per foot. $1.36, nmount .......-., Vn ? it. J. llolmroth lot 4. block 6. Kendall addition. City of Medford, Oregon; frontago 60 feot on the east sldo or neatly sirroi n "". n.--.. i.. 'l it ,irn i of the onunty to- conlor's records of Jaokson county. Ore gon. 50 feet, mto per rooi, M s; minium -i i nn Assessment No. 27 J. Lyon, lot J. block 6. Kendall nddltlon. City of Mod ford. Orogen: frontngn 60 foot on the rnst sldo of Hentty streot as described III Vol. 7S, ngo :.' or inn couniy ipvuiwi records of Jackson county. Orogon. 60 fret; mto per foot, $l,2. amount. . .'.;l.,ni Vn Tlm Itllev. lot block 6. Kendall nddltlon. Clly of Mod ford. Oregon; frontage 60 feot on the east side of Heatly irtrcot " described In Vol. 61. pago 61 of the couniy rrrord er's records of Jnckson county. Orogon; 80 feet; rato per foot, $1.26, nmoiint, "a-' i..,,.nl Nn. !. Thou. Illloy. lot 1. block 6. Kendall addition. City of Medford. Orogen: frontngo 60. feot on the east, sldo of Hentty street ns no rii..ui in Vol. Al nniro 61 of the county recorder's records of Jackson count Orogon; 60 foot; rnlo por foot, $4.J6, 3"V,JLn'.'-..:i?u&o 9n-M. J. I.nvn. lot 7. block 2. Kendall addition. Clly of Medford. Orogon'. frontage 62 feci on tho cast sldo of Realty street ns iio-,.rii,.-i in Vol. 85 nnrni 665 of tho coun ty recorder's records of Jnckson county, Orogen: 62 foot; mto per foot, $1.26, nmount, $221.62. Assessment No. 31. D. 1 Wilson, lot 6, block 2, Kondall addition. City of Medford, Orogon; ironingn iu '" "" tlio rust Hide or lieauy sirroi nn uj-ncrim-u In Vol. 76, page 628 of tlin rounly record, er's records of Jnckson county, Orogon; 62 foot, rato per foot, $4.26, amount, $""l 62 "Assessment No. 32 Julia M. Wilson, lot 6. block 2. Kcndnll addition, City of Medford. Oregon; frontngn 52 foot on the oust side of lloatty Htroel ns described In Vol, 81 pago 369 of tho county re corder's records of Jnckson county, Ore Ore eon: 62 feet; rnto por foot, $4.20, nmount $''21.62. "Assessment No. 3.1. Win. M Hlliio, lot 4. block 2, Kendall nddltlon, City nf Medford Oregon; frontago 62 foot on, the east Hldo of lloatty slroot as described In Vol. 84 pago 663 of tho county rocord er's records of Jaokson county, Oregon. 62 foot; mto per foot, $1.26; nmoutit, $221.62, Assessment No. 31 Knto Htlno. lot 3, block 2, Kendall addition. City of Med ford Oregon; frontngo 62 feot em tho oust sldo of Hentty Htrcnt an described III Vol 84, pago 612 of tlio county rciconlnr'H records ot Juckson county, Oregon; 62 foot; rnto per foot, $1.26; iiiumnit, $221,62. Assessment No. 36. Otto Hchrnilcj', lot 2 block 2, Kendall nddltlon, City of Medford, , Oregon; frontugo 62 fuel on tho cast Hide of Realty Htreot as de scribed In Vol. 61 page 418 of tho coun ty rocordor'H records of Jackson county, Oregon; 62 feet; rato per foot, $126, nmount, $221.62, Assessment No, 36. Otto Hehnidnr, lot 1, block 2, Kcmlill nddltlon. Clly of Medford, Oregon; frontugo 68 font mi tho east Hidn or iicatty slroot as iinsoriiMMi In Vol. 61, pago 418 of tho county record ers records or jiickhoii couniy, urcgon i 58 foot; rato per foot, $4.20; umount, $247.08. Assessment No, .17 A, 71, Campbell, lot 14, block 1, Kendall nddltlon, City of Medford, Oregen: frontugo ,'!H foj on tho west Hide nf lloatty Htreot iih do scrlbed In Vol, 87, pugo 444 nf tho count ty recordor'H reconiH ot Jnckson county, Oregon; 38 feet; rdto per foot, $4.20 amount. $161.88. Assessment No. 38, J, A. MoLnod, lot 13, block 1, Kendall nddltlon, City or Medford, Oregon; frontngo 62 feot on tho west sldo of Heutty Htreet iih do scribed In Vol, 60, pngn 603 of tlin coun ty tocorder'H iccords of Jackson conn. ty, Oiegon; 62 fcut; mto per foot, $1,26; amount, $221.62, Assessment No. 39. J. A. McLeod, lot 12, block 1, Kendall nddltlon, Clly of Medford, Orogen: frontugo 62 foot on tho west Hide nf Heutty Htiont oh do scrlbed In Vol. 66, puga 603 of the county rocordor'H reconis or JnckHon county, Oregon! 52 root; mto por foot, $4.26; amount, $221.62, Assessment Nn. 40, J. A. Molsiod, lot 11, block 1, Koudull nddltlon, City of Medford, Orogoni frontngo 52 feet on the west Hldo or Heutty Htreot, uh do scribed In Vol, 76, pngo 42 of tho comity rocordor'H recordH of Jackson countv, Orogon; 62 foot; ruto per foot, $4.20; amount, $221,52. i Assossmoiit No, 41, P. R. Hmlth, lot 10. block 1. Knmlull addition. I'liv nt Medford, Orotfoii; fronUiKo 62 foci on CITY NOTICES. tiio vv'os'l slilii of llonlty nd nil iih tie mm Hint In vol. fit pngi lm nf Ihn nulli ty loomdoi'H ionium of Jiiohhoii iiminty, Oiogoui 63 fooll inlu pni' foul, $1,211; iimmitil, $241 ft J. .. ., , ,.,, , Assessment No, 42.- -Nowlovvn Tlulinr, lot li, bliioli I, Kelidnll iiildlllmi, City of MoiUoid, Oiokoiii fMinlugu 68 fool on tlm fesl sldo of llriillv slii'ot ns do MMllinl In Vol 76. pngo 3811 of tlm num. ty loninlid'H iocoiiIs of JhcIihoii conn. IV, Oiogoui 63 foot! lain por root, $1 20: ninmiiit, $J!M.62. ,, Assossmoiit No 13. IV H. Hmlth. bit 8, block I, Kendall addition .t'lty or ModMid, Oregon) frontngo 63 reel on tlm west sldo of Hontly sllool us dcnui ll.cil III Vol. 72, pago 6)1 uf tho comity n. enrdor's i omnia of Jaokson nullity, Oio. gout 63 feet! into por foot, $l.26 amount $221.63. Assessment No 41 J. L. Hooker, lol 10. nml tho mn Hi 35 fool of lot o, blook n, Koiulnll addition, City of Modfoid. oio mm, frontage 86 foot mi Ihn Went shin of Realty Htreot ns described In Vol, til, pago 675 tif tlm miinty rpcnrilorn reronlii of Jnoksnn niiiutv, Oiegi'n per font, $1 'J6 nmount, $363 to Assessment No 45 -V. ('.Wilson, lot 8 and Iho south 1ft foot of Int u, blook . Kendall itddilhm. City nf Modftinl, On'MOti, rroninge 8 fort on llio wont Hldn of lloatty stioet as desorlbod In Vol, 84, pago 437 of Iho county record, er's tooords of Jnckson county. Otoguii', 66 feet, lilln per root, $136) lllliolllll, Assessment No 46 ttoorgn II, Itlilw, lot 7. block 6, Kombtll nddltlon, Clly nf Medford, Oregtuii frontago 60 fool on the west sldo of Hentty slroot as do. scribed In Vol, 76, lingo 332 of tlin oolin ty recerder's: rooortU of Jaokson county, Oregon; so foet, rato per fool, $4 26; amount, $213.00. Assessment No. 47 -OeorUo 1 1, End. hit 6 , blook 6, IComtnll addition, Clly of Medfonl Oregon! frontngo 50 fool mi the west side of Hontly slroot ns do. srrlbnl In Vol, 76, png 3J3 of tho coun ty reeordor'H records of Jaokson county, Oregon. 80 foott into per rooi, $l,ld; nmount. t2t3,nn Assossmoiit No 18 Mnlllo Hate, Int 3. block 7 Kendall addition. City of Medford, OreHOIl. frontngo 60 feel on the west side of Hentty slroot nH do scribed III Vol 66, tago 291 of thu county rooiiidoi's records nf Jaokson oounly, Oregon, 60 fuvt, rnlo iter fool, $1 26, nmount, $313 00 Assessment No 40, II II, l'nrkcr, lot 6. block 3, Wlldwood addition, City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 66 02 feel on tho west side of Hentty street ns do. scribed In II. pngo 4 23 of tho county u conlor's records uf Javksiiti rounly, Oro gon, 66 02 feet, ruto per fool, $126; amount !2l 3,. Assessment No 60 C II II. IMrker. lot 1. blook 3, WIU.hmI nddltlon, City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 66.03 on tlm west sldo of lloatty street ns dosorbeil In It. 433 of the county recorder's re conis of Jaokson oounly. Oregon; 66 us root rnto per foot, $1 36 ntnouitt, $281 38 Assessment Na 61 C II 11. I'srWrr, lot 6 nnd the north 33 feet or lot 6, block 4 Wlldwood addition, Ciy or Mntfnr.l. Oregon, frontage 71 font mi tlm west sldo nf llrntty slroot an doscrlbed In It. page 438 ami It. pngo 129 or Iho miinty recorder's rroiiYds or Jnrkson comity. Oregon, 73 reel, rale per root, $1.26; amount, tsiotm Assessment No. 62 , II. It. IVirker, Int 7. mid Ihn south 37 reel or lot A, block 4. WlldWOOd nddltlon, City of Me-I- ford, Oregon, rrontngo 80 foot on tlm west shin or llonlty strret ns dosrrltiod In R Pngo 430 nd 11. pngo I3 or the county recorder's records or Jnckson rounly, Oregon, 60 root, into per fool, II 26. nmount, $213 00. Assessment No. 63 Alice M. tinker, tho east half of Int 1, block IS, Hentty addition. City or Medfonl, Oregon; front ago 10 root on tho went side or Realty street ns doscrllied In Vol. 80. pngo 316 or tho county recorder's records or Juok son rounly. Oregon; 40 reel; rnlo per root. II 2, nmount, $170 10. Assessment No. 61 --Alien M, linker, tho rnst bnir or lot 2. block 18, Heady nddltlon. (Mty or Medfonl, Orogen: front ago 40 root on tlio west side or llealtv slroot ns described In Vol. 80, pago 316 or the county recordor'H rorords or Jnok son county, Oregon; 40 root; rule ier root. $4.36: nmount, $170.10. Assessment No, fc5-!tufn" IMwimls, tlm north 10 reet of lot I. block 17 and tho onst hair or lot 3, block IX or tlin llenttv nddltlon, City or Medford. Ore Ore eon: rrontngo 50 root on the west side or Routt) street as described III It. pngn KOI nnd It pngo 043 or the county re corder's records of Jnrkson rounly, Ore Ore eon: 60 feet, rnto per root, $1 26; amount $213.00. Assessment No. 6fl W, T. York, 63.5 foot or Int I, block 17, Hentty addition. City or Medford, Oregon, frontngo 63.6 feel nn tlio west sldo of llrAtty street iih described In Vol, 00, imgn 68 of Hut rounly rrrordor'a records of Jaokson county. Oregon, 63.5 feet; rnlo per foot, $1 26; nmount. $237 01. Assessment No 67 Corn P. Wilson, Iho south 40 reel or lot I, blook 17, lloatty nddltlon, City of Medford. Ore gon, frontngn 10 font on the west sldo or Really street as described In Vol, 83, pngn 330 or tlm rounly recordor'H records or Jnckson county, Orogon; Iff root, rate per foot, $1,26; nmount, $170 10 Assossmoiit No, 68 Cora P. Wilson, Int 3. block 17. Hontly nddltlon, City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 105 reel on tlm west sldo of Really street as de scribed In Vol, 83, pn go 320 nf Ihn county rocord"r'H records of Jaokson county. Oregon; 105 fool; rain per root, $1 26; amount, $117.30. Assessment No. 60 Cora K. Wilson, lot 3, block 17, llenlly nddltlon, City nf Medford. Oregen: rrontngo 105 root on llio, west sldo of Heutty street ns do- scribed III Vol. 82, pngn 320 nf Ihn nulli ty recorder h records or Jnckson rounly, Oregon; ins riot; rutu per root, $1.34; Assessment No. 60 Rebneen R, Moore, lot I. block 17. Realty addition. City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontugo 105 root on the west shin or Realty street as doscrlbed In II, page 786 or the rutin. ty rrcon'nr'H records or Jackson county, Orogen: 105 rent; rutu per fool, $1,26; amount, $447 30. AHsossmimt No, 61 Ocn, K. Clmin. hurluln, 11 parcel of bind nltuntod nt Ihn N, R Intersection of North Central uve nun and Heatly street, mnrkj'd (It) on tlin map of iho city nf Medfonl, Oregon, and recorded In Vol 22, pngn 476 or linn rounly roconlor's records of Jackson county, Oiegon; fnmtngci 162 root on Iho west Hldo of Hontly slroot; 163 font! rule por font, $4 26; amount, $617.62. Herilon 2, Tho rororder of iho Clly or Medfonl In hereby directed to enter a statement of tho nssosHmoiitH hmeby mndo In tho docket of city lions, nml lo give notlco, by publication us rmiulml by tho charter nml ordinandi No. 260, In tlm Medford Mall Tribune, 11 iihwh impor published und of geiioral chimin tlnn In said city, t The foregoing ordlnanco wan passed by Ihn city council of tho City of Med ford, Oregon, on tho 7lh day nf Noveui. bor. 1011, by tho following vnte: Mer rick, iibHimtj Wntl, nyo! Worttniui ayn; limerick, nyo; Klfert, nyo, nml Millar, nyo. Approved November 8th 1011. W. H. CANON. Atest: Mayor. ROUT. W. TnLKIJR, Clly Rocurilor. t noticVj To tho ownor, or roputod ownor, or nnch parcel of property described In Ihn foregoing ordlnanco, nn iininnd therein, nnd In Iho Hon doolarnd by nnld ordl nnnoo tin recorded Hi tho docket of city llonw. You nro hnrohy notified that Ihn ns sosstnoiil declared by the foregoing or dlnuiico has boon mndo and tlin lion Ihorofor entered tu tho oily Hon ducket, nml that tlin sumo Is dun and you nro beroby required to pay tlm same lo tlm city recorder within ton clnyH from Ihn service of thin notlco, which service In inudn by publication nf tlm foregoing ordinance, nnd this notlco thron tiuieH In tho Medford. Mall Trlbuno piirHiiant to an order of tho city council of said clly. ROUT, W. TMLPIHt. City Recorder. rBSB SAND, Anolhor nllnttmunt of vnry oholco val ley fruit land Ih now ready for distri bution. Wrllo Imniedlatoly to tlio J nut ha Plantation Co., Hlook 1050, IMtlHliiirif, Pa,, for upiillciillon blanks, Tho only in niilroment Ih Hint five noroH ha planted In fruit IrooH within flvo years, An tlinrlxcd Imprnvommit rnmpatiloH will llluUU,ni 11,01'H ' rniHomihlo iirlers.-nnd imirkcl Die fruit for tlio iwiiors' oil Hlmivp I j X