Drooon HMwleal IsaWjgj City Hall vAt V ', ' r Medford Mail Tribune SUBSCRIBERS rulllnif to tft jipr will una d)lvr(t by Dlioulnr of WEATHER itiiiu. mux. nrjfi; Min, (7; ltd, hum. 7H& 5 proi .00 In, J flo by a p, in. linlly MUlh Ytmr. rorly-Klrnl Your. MIODFOJU), OHI'XiONj.AVKDNIiHDAV, NOVJrJ.MKU 8, 3911. No. 11)8. RETURNS ELATE PROGRESSIVES YUAN SI KM MAY DECLARE Elf CAESAR ncturnliifi to Pckln nt Head of a Stroiin Doily of His Own Select Troops Senate In a Desperate Dc-lemmn. MANCHUS FURIOUSLY ANGRY AT GOVERNMENT Grrat Unrest Exists Tliroiinjiout Pc- kln Today Senators May Bo Assassinated. PKKIN. Nov. 8.-Willi tho report nl intention of declining liliii-i'U' the (imHiir nf China, Yiiiiii Slit Kill todnv in reluming to Pckin it llii' head of n strong hoily of his own select troop Yiiii'h niiiri'li follows a couuuuuici lion ln Hi'iil (o the iiiilioiiiil sciinlo de claring ll"1' it truce or pence with tin rebels would j i rove uhcIcS utile Hid vovcrnuicitt were firwt reformed. Yuan' demand places tin senate in a divpcralc dilemma. Tint Muitchu nri' I'lirioiihly angry over the govern ment's attitude of couciliutiu toward the icbels, ami under the pretext of acting an a guard a strong force of MaiiclitiH am surrounding lla building in which tlif senate meets. U lu- liuyed .lool iniMinililn Unit, should fiirtlli'rliTnvf'liru'trril'ricnrd with Iho rebels be innih', the Mauohii will in iliatu a general iiiusHncrc of the llnnn uin (hut tiki member of (ho senate will ho tin first to conic under tin HWOI'il, Throughout Pckin (oilay the grant out unrest exists ami tin city in torn with conflicting rumor. One of these reports, which !h apparently well uti thculioutcd, is tliat an attempt hits been iniiili' o firo the imperial palace ami JiaL the emperor am) his siiic linvi! flml. Nanking Surrenders. HAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. S. Nanking Iiiik surrendered to tho revo lutionists with practically no reids ttuteo, HiivH a Shanghai correspondent of tint Chinese Fruo Press hero In n dispatch tniluy. Viceroy Choni; Yin Chan committed hiiIdIiiu when ho flaw that occtipntlun of tho city by thu rebels wiih Inevitable. All CIiIiioho members of tho Imperial army sta tioned In tho oity Joined tho rovoltt tlimlHtH Immediately titter tho death of tho viceroy, Tho Manchti soldiers, hcudml hy tho Tartar general Tok Liang, rotrcntud to Chco Klin Hun mountain near Nnnltlng and aro now engaged in a desperate resistance to offortH hy thu rebels to dlHloilgo I li out. , A Hong Kong dispatch to tho Froo ProHH hii'h that 98 rofilments or tho now Imperial army stationed nt Chin Han, neaf Macao, In tho provlnco of Quiiii Tung, havo decltirod for tho rovolutlon and aro marching toward Canton. -4 I DIES NOVEMBER 24. j USjJmJ.L 'i k -, 'flH re) f, ijmm Ti v .A-V; B MM M lH-'Sl BEBD ONLY SEVERE SETBACK IS IN NEW JERSEY Victory for tho progreMnlvoH In ovnrywhcro shown toilay In the returns from tho nloctloriK through -f the cant, tho only hovcto hfthnck hcliig In Now Jcrte, whoro Oovenior WIIon lout control of tho IcgUlaturo, which will hnvo a Itopiibllcun majority. Thc vlctorlvu chowhere aro hailed hy tho pro gri'HKlvcM n h vlctOrlori for pvoplo'H rule. The UeiuocratK nro Jiilillant ovor tho DomocrntlcalnH la Ohio, oipfolally In Cincinnati, and hail the flection of (lovemor 1"h In .MiiHuaclnmctta a atrt'iniillatlon hy tho people of Republican tariff principled, ' ' J Tho ItopuhllcaiiH, on tho other hand, aro rejoicing over tho result In Now Jersey, and claim that the galiiH of their party In cutting down Koss' plurality foreshadows the return of Massachusetts to the Hvpublloau fold, Tho socialists aro enthusiastic over their tcalim and predict that tho national vote next fall will brenk all records. j There Is much speculation an lj how tho unfavorable outcome In Now Jersey will affect Governor Wilson's chances for tho Democratic presidential fiomlnntloir next year. The supporters of Governor JiiiIkoii Harmon of Ohio reuurd It as a setback to bit rival. f TTTtt f 1- f-f-"f-f-- -f-f-f---f---4-4--f-f. BEATTIE TAKEN Ti PENITESTW EXEGUTDN Younn Murderer Preserves the Same Calm Unruffled Demeanor Which Characterized Him Tlirotinhotit His Trial. inril.MONI), Vn Nov. . Ilnnrv Clay Menllie, Jr., convicted of the muriler of hiri wife here, wan rciuovcil t the Virginia ponitcnliary toilay, where lie ilicK in (lie electric chair on November 'J I, uiiIcsh (loveruor Maun iuterforiM or Hie couiIm grant the young man a new trial. Mimttio pronerveil Hie same calm unruCfltfil demeanor which character jxcil him throughout the trial, ami Miiilcd iik lie hatlo hin pailoix fare well. Iteconlly eMattie rm'eiveil n poxl rant from ('levelaiul, Ohio, hearing tho iiiKcriptien: 'You're a dead gaina sport, nil riglit, hut I (louhl (urn on a current with vongeanee." Tho on nl contained a picture of an electric chair. S OF TAMMANY HALL Tammany Loses Control of Legisla ture and Grip on New York City Is Loosened Socialist Mayor of the City of Schcnactcdy. BUTCHERS WIFE: CUTS OWN THROAT Temporary Madness Said to Bo Re sponsible for Trauotly Officers Do Not Bellevo Crime Was Premeditated. , Nov. 8.--u liateliet, KAN l-'ltANOISCO, C'n C'liiiiii)iiiL'-liid wife with Hhooling her mid llii'it culing lii wn throut from oar to car, John Kdwiml Cooper, ii iiontraollng lather, in dead loday and IiIh wife in expoeled to wie eiuiili at any moment, iih tho ichiiII of what Hid polloo Hay wan tempo rary ninduoHH. Tho tragedy occur red in tlio CoofHtr homo horo ill an mirly hour. Thai tlin crime wan nol pvemodi laled in tho theory of the iuvcHtignt ing officern, Cooper in ahuul forty livo yoiu-u of ago niul tho fathor of turco Uauguturoi w -- ROLPH BACKED UP BY FRIEND Sixteen Out of Eighteen of San Fran Cisco's Supervisors Are Adheronts of Mayor Who Recently Won Out nt Primaries. f?AN FRANCISCO, Now. 8. Swept into office on tlio kiuiio wave of sentiment -it will ho good for the fair that elected James Holph, Jr. mayor of Sail Franoisoo at tho recent primaries, San Francisco loday has H hoard nl eighteen supervisora, who, with two exceptions, are of Iho fno tion which wan identified with tho Holph ciampaign. Only two purely Inhor candidates, Andrew J. Oullagh er, Bcorelary of tho San rYnnoisoo Jalior oouiieil, and Kdward L, Nolan president of Iho llrioklnyors' Union, will havo pari in Iho government of tho city under tho Itolpli regime. Lumber Market Weak. ASTOK IA, Ore, ( Nv. 8. Weak irhil (luditionH in tho lumhering mIc today is given as li'o ultiof rou- mil for the closedown of tlio logging limps in Iho lower Coinliiiuhia di- riel. T!pi oampa probably will re- miiin closed until spring unless uii- forseen ciniuniBlaueofl ncour to IrcMglheu Iho mnrl'ol, timher own- M's nay. m Lo'gon out or work avo JCIookiug j 1'orllnKd and Seattle XKNV YORK, Nov. 8. With their county ticket barely Humping through and with their judicial ticket in . Brooklyn overwhelmncd, and with the assembly going republican, Tammany Hull is badly frightened over the elec tion resullH today. The loss of con trol of the New York legislature n'nd the loosening of Tammany's grip in New York City is causim.' prediction of the passing of Boss Murphy. Republican County Chairman Sam uel Koenig threatens to demand a re count of the vole, so small was the margin of victory for Tammuuy in tho county. Itnrncs May Itctallatc. It is exjK'cted that Williams Barnes of Albany will now retaliate on the democrats who probed his nilitienl rule in the capital hy demanding that thu new republican legislature inves tigativ tho administration in New York City. Barnes hlnmes Murphy f,r tho Albany probe, and with republicans controlling the legislature his oppor tunity for refallation has oomo. The ballot of both houses in the legislature gives the republicans 111) members and the drmoorats 82. U is believed that the proposed in vestigation will bo directed against the Brooklyn judicial candidates, who it was charged, as candidates for the supreme bench, paid Tammnny .f'12, (100 for their nominations. Tho socialist vote was a surprise. In Schenactady, II. II. Morill wan elected as tho first socialist assam blyman in tho New York legislature Schenactady also elected Munn, so cialist, mayor. QUAKER CITY JDLTS BOSSES 9 Gann Rule Is Shattered in Philadel phia Blankenuurn Sweeps His Entire Ticket to Victory in tho Quiet City. f , I ttHff 4 f f f f f 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- Easern El eel U Returns. i- Mai.Hnehutt Kugene N. Fo-s, demoorafje iucumhent, re-elected governor. Republi can slate caudi4fltcc leading hy smjill margin Ohio Newton, I). Baker, democrat, clccfM mayor of Cleveland; Hemr T. Hunt, democrat, deoied mayor of Cincinnati; Urand Whitlnck, re-elected inayer of Toledo. Progressives hare majority of delegates to institutional convention, assuriuj; initiative, referendum aiidjktcall. Soci alist elected mlyors in many cities, sliowinf big gains throughout slatf. New YorP-I.egislalure goes republieauMhrowing off PO AB W S ARE ASSURED BY Counsel for Steel Tmsb - m i -7 PPPPPHR f ,' v JMJjBMggBfllppppB - "-- PIULADFJiPIlIA, Pn Nov. 8. Opponents of tho gang ride which for yoars has mado tbo'numo of Philadel phia a synonym for tho supremacy of the boss aro still celebrating here today tho victory of Rudolph Ulank ouburg who is elected mayor by II, 000 plurality. . ! Phutkenburg was Iho head of a coalition of tho ICoyslones, or iudo- .pondoutB, republicans and democrats. Ho earned his outiro ticket to victory and tho old-limo Quay clement was swept from tho field. Wlion tho certainty oamo that Blankeuburg had been clouted his ad herents Blurted a wild celobration. Tho elorgy of tho city led hymns of praise and tho wholo town kept tin I tho pubilution until nearly dawn TammanvV trim. Tmninnnv county ticket fKiUsd by nar- '-! row margin, (ppublienn fu sion ticket swfjd Brooklyn ju dicial distrid. Socialists show heavy rains. New Jersey Legislature goes republican, taking con trol away from Governor Wil son. Rhode Ifaoil A. J. Pother, republican, coventor and en tire stnte ticket elected. Re publicans eniii even in Iccis- "" -latttre. Virginia Democrats carried euhtomnry legislative dis tricts; repuhSenns held their usual rcprc-cntntiun. Mnryliuid P. L. Oolds borough, npiihlican, leads over Arthur Puege Gorgnu, democrat, for governor, re shit uncertain. KenOueky James B. Me Creary, democrat, elected governor by 30,000. Big dem ocratic minority in legisla ture, assuring Ohio James, democrat, to ho ne.t U. S. senator. Mississippi Earl Brower, democrat, elected governor without opposition. J. Les ter, socialist, polled 1000 votes for lieutenant governor, mak ing tho first opposition the democrats ever had in the stato. . New Mexico William C. McDonald, democrat, elected first governor nnd entire stato ticket eleotod. Indica tions republican legislature, whieli will elect Unitod States senator. iiliiij T Socialists Make Great Gains in Ohio Johnson's Soul is Marching On Cleveland Passes Bend Issue by Good Majority. " FRANCIS fLYffDE STETOOrS Franeib Lyiide Stetson will be lead ing counsel for the steel trust in the proceedings instituted by the govern ment. Mr. Sleton is also chief at torney for J. P. MorgKii. Orover Cleveland was Stetson's partner whoa he came to New York to pracfiue law between his first and second tonns as president. SEI) !Y BORDWELL FROM SERVING McNamara Triar Is Set Back at Least Two Weeks When Two Men Who Had Been Pascd by Each Side Were Excused by Judge. ONE'S MOTHER ILL; OTHER ILL HIMSELF Hiio, Nov. 8 I iso n is dead, that 4- 4- 4- 4 4 4-4-4--f-4- 4- 4 4 f 4- 4--f-f 44 4 H 44 4 4 FOSS WINS BY 8000 MAJORITY Republican Candidate Is Defeated by Returns From the Country Re publicans on Stato Ticket Lead- Great Victory. POSTON, Mass., Nov. 8. Gover nor Kugeuo N. Fos h today re-eleo-tod governor of Mussa'ohusetts hy a majority of about 8000 votes over his republican opiwiouT, L. P. Froth inghnin. Tho majority is grquUy xv dueed from that of last year. Itopuhlioau candidates on tho state ticket aro leading in tho count by small, margins. Look for tho ad that describes tho place you would like to own. ' CLEVELAND. O! Though Tom L. John "his soul is marching on," is ynid by his friends to be indicated here today in the viqtyry of jJvUmJJakor, vioesi iruMiii- 01 .lonnnonr- who is elected mayor of Cleveland bv the largest majority ever registered in the city. Frank Hogen, the republi can candidate, an old-time foe of oliusou. was simply smothered in the storm of hhllots which spelled victory for Baker whose plurality was 17, 000. "It is a monument to Johnson" said Baker today. "Johnson and his Klieies were the issue as much as though ho were alive today." Another Johnson triumph was the authorisation by tho city of n !?2, 000,000 bond issue for n' municipal lighting plant, a measure for which Johnson fought throughout his en tire career. Returns from thirty-five counties show fifty-one progressive dele gates elected to tho constitutional convention to be held in January, which assures a progressive major ity in that body, and makes certain the inclusion of tho initiative, refer endum and recall in the Ohio consti tution. Surpriso is exprasscd everywhere at tho large gains showns by tho so cialist party, which gained notable victories in many cities. In Ohio, the cities of Canton, Limn, Fostorin. WHAN KILLED E BABE IS SELIEE MATED Word Is Received From Burns That Documents in Indianapolis Would Be Available. Hilda - Johnson, a Domestic. ! Charged With Murder antflneiner- affon of Her 24 Hours Old Infant Police on HerTrail. (Continued on Page Two.) I " ruin TAFT SLAPPED NINNAT Republican Machlno Under Boss Cox Receives Most Severe Blow It Has Ever Sustained Democrat Elected. CINCINNATI, Ohio, Nov. S. The election of Henry T. Hunt, democrat, as mayor of Cincinnati ovor his re publican opponent, Louis Schwab, is regarded here today as a direct slap at President Taft, nnd tho severest blow which tho republican machine under Boss George Ii. Cox has ever sustained. Hunt's campaign was spectacular Ex-Mayor Fleisciunnuu appealed to President Taft early in the campaign with tho result that tho president wrote him an open letter in which lio endorsed tho republican ticket. President Tuft's personality thereby becamo a ditto issuo in the campaign nnd in clouting Hunt tho Cincinnati .voters disregarded tho president's in fluence and wishes, Hunt is a strong supporter of Gov ernor Harmon and it is believed that hi oleetion will materially advance Harmon's chances for tho democratic prosmential uonuuattout PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. S. While detectives searchod for Hilda John son, a domestic, charged with the murder and Incineration of her 24- hour-old Infant In a furnace at the homo of Mrs. George Kolly, on North Twenty-third Btreot, the woman ap peared at the Kelly homo today and excitedly demanded her clothos. No ono was at tho houso, except a new maid, who became so frightened that sho slammed tho door In the woman's face. Apparently furious with anger the Johnson woman shoutod that she would be back In n short time and ran away. Bubo Horn Sunday. Tho baby was born Sunday morn ing nnd Miss Johnson disappeared a fow hours afterward. Until her sudden appoaranco short ly before noon today nothing had beon seen of her. Detective Smith, who workod on tho case, claims to havo found bones of a baby's ribs and flugors In tho fttrnn.co and an empty chloroform bottle In tho girl's room. Left Sunday. The Johnson woman loft Mrs. Kol- ly's servlt'o Sunday after sho had worked two weeks. On tho morning sho dropped from sight It was noted that an unusually largo f Iro had been built In tho furnaco. An empty bot tle of chloroform was found In tho tho girl 8 room, and soon aftor tho hones wore uncovered In tho furnaco ashes. Tho warrant was sworn out by Smith, who worked on tho cast and who alleged that tho woman first chloroformed tho baby and then cast Its body Into tho flames. W! N SUFFERS J SET-BACK Republicans Have a Majority of 19 In tho New Jersey Legislature Think It Will Hurt Wilson's Can- dldacy. . HALL OF RECORDS, LOS AN GELKS, Cal., Nor. 8. Tho first set back to tho prouresa of tho trial or James McNamara for murder In con nection, with tho destruction of tho Los Angeles Times camo today when two of tho flvo men who had sur vived tho examination for cause and the peremptory challenges of both sides had to bo excused. They woro W. F. Clark, a retired undertaker, Grand Army veteran and an Ideal typo of Juror, and Samuel Mondon hall, a wealthy farmer. Clark la subject to heart dlseaso and his phy sician declared that to forcQihim to servo on tho jury would certainly chdangctr H!f lUS&flatfilmiri?0 mother Is seriously llland constantly calling for him and the family phy sician declared if her son was kept away from her it might causo her death. So both wero excused, leav ing only three mon in tho jury box as tho nucleus of tho permanent Jury. It was estimated that loss of tho two men would add at least two woeks to tho time needed to completo tho Jury. Word from 11 urns. Word was received hero today di rect from Detectlvo William J. Burns that all of tho evidence seized In the raid on tho offices of tho Inter national Association of Brldgo and Structural Iron Workers In Indian apolis would bo avallablo for uso at the trial of James B. McNamara, accused of blowing up tho Los An geles Times building moro than a year ago. Burns sont word that tho union's attorneys havo lost their fight, and th'at as soon as tho fedoral grand Jury, now lu session In In dianapolis, concludes Its investiga tion, he will havo tho ovldenco turned over to him and will bring It hero in porson, Not a Siirpri.si. This announcement, whllQ It did not co mo as a surpriso to tho do fouse, was a distinct disappointment, as Claronco Darrow and his associ ates had hopod to try only tho Times case horo iu California'. Ho admit ted that if Bums brines his nllogod ovldonce, which tho union officials chargo was "planted," all of tho al leged crimes charged by tho National Erectors' association will bo dragged Into this case. Darrow and Davis Insisted today that thoy would fight any such development to tho bitter end, and they said that It this nl logod ovldonco Is permitted to bo In troduced into the case It will bo only bocnuso Judgo Bordwell . coutlnuos "consistently unfair." TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 8. Tlio re turn 'of a republican majority of 10 in the Now Joraey legislature is lo day regarded horo as a serious sol back to tho presidential aspirations, of Governor Woodrow Wilson. Tho republicans will have u majority of one scat m tho senate and of 18 in tho house. Gives Blood to Stranucr. SEATTLE, Wn., Nov. 8. OivldK ft quart of his own blood' to Havo a stranger, George D. Swan, director of social work in the Y. M. C. A. ho.ro last night lay on tho operating tabio of tho Memorial hospital for.threo bonis, and aftor tho oporntion George A. Leudtko, tho man who rccoivqd tho blood noticeably improved. Ho had suffered from nnaentift. JJwrm today was baok to work, n liltlo weak, but suffering no other ill (i-fcots. The mall order houses of iho East would not bo so prosperous I ftho peoplo or this community would In sist on having "Mado Jn Oregon" goods from tho local merchants, Tho business of this community would bo hotter consorvod If tho buying nub ile and tho tmorchants, would Mf along tho "Made la Oregon" I4. - V!