Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 07, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mkpford Mail Tribune
The Democratic Time, Thn MMfonS
Mall, The Medford Trlbuno. Tho. South-
Kn OrciKonlnn, The A"ina ariDuno.
Offlco Mall Tribune. Building. I-7.
Worth llr
ntrcet; phone.
Home 76,
UCOItan JUTNAM, Editor (Old MnKr
Bntrj-ed n uedoml-olatia matter at Uod
for.1, Oregon under Jthe act of March I.
18J9. .
Official Paper of the City of Medford
Official Toper of Jnckson County. . .
One yen r, by mall .,. ....fD.Oj'
line inuiiui. ujr iun i V", '
Per month; delivered by carrier In
Mcdfonl. Jnckeonvlllo nnd Cen-
trnl I'olnt ....,..
Inturday only, by mall, per year.. S.00
Weekly, per year , -o
'Dally avoraRo for six mont-J epdlnR
Dccembor 31, 1910. J721.
X.-.d Wire nlt rM
The Mall Tribune la on alo at tho
.- v; Clnnil Ran FVanclSOO.
nnrtfnn.t Hotel Nov" Stand. Portland.
Uowmah Newa Co.. Portland. Or.
W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash.
n tv nafifins.
Metropolis ot 8outhern Oregon and
Nnriiin- California, and the fatot
Krowlnc city In Oregon.
Population U. a censua ll: 8840;
.,...t.t inii infina.
Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System compieieu. kivibk how
supply pure mountain Trater and aix
im mlfen ot atreet being paved and fnp nt n onAt excoedln- SI making a total of twenty tnUe
of pavemont.
- Poiitofflco receipts for year endlnrt
-larch 31. 1011. show Increnso or i per
cent. Hank deposits a pain of 33 per
' Banner fruit city In Oregon Hofruq
Klver Spltzcnberc apples won sweep
.takeVrJfe yjgM IHj
at the National Appln Show, Spokane.
190. and a oar of Newtowns on
Wrt 3M In 1910
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver. B. G ...
Ilogue lllvcr pears brought highest
prices In all markets of the world dur
in the past six year. ...
Write Commercial club. Inclosing
-nt- for nnstace for flie finest commu
nity pampniet ever puonsnea.
BERKIiKY, Cnl. ClinrnHcminjr
ns persecution the charge of a num
ber of society women of Snntn H6n
linking her" niuno with that of Frank
Leppo, n' real estate man ot Wat
place, ami :illej.nj: her responsible
for tho suicide of Mrs. Lcpjw. '"
wife, on'Oelober 21, Mrs. Doris Lin
v ejoln tuke,s an attitude of indipnnnt
defiance at the home' of her mother
here 'today. 'She is consulting at
ihrocyd iii regard to the matter.
SEATTLE ,Wu. In the arrest of
Emil Sorenson, wnter tender on the
Steamship Empress of Japan, the
customs officials believe they secured
n Hjijc t.o tho chain of opium smujr
plinc by way of Canada to Seattle,
Stfrenson was arrested in a Pullman
deeping car' yesterday at Blaine,
Wash., and in his suit case were
found 12 ens of opium worth $20
QLYMPrA, Wn. Although hi
fojlow-workors declare that Stanley
Sinter was killed in a mine by fulling
rook, roports that he died of heart
failure have been circulated, nnd us
n' result tho industrial insurance
commission will have the body ex
humed deciding whether his 18-ycnr
old widow wilL get the $4000-benefit.
&TACQMA, Wn.Discourhged at
tho lack of prospects for n boxing
revival in tho "north'wesft," 'Denver'
Eil. Martin, the big negro who once
uTado Jack Johnson extend himself to
defeat him, is preparing to take up
the -wrestling game.
TACOMA, Wn. Despite tho gen
eral feeling against any more recall
elections here until n good breathing
spoil after the election of the
Spring, recnll 'talk ngniust Mayor
Seymour and Commissioner of Plib-
15 Works Weeks has sprung up .in
account of their consenting to nar
row tho annroachos to tho new hulf
liUllion dollar bridgo to the tido flats
i( tho'dumnnd of the proporty own
tirs. '"VANCOUVER, Wn. Following the
twcnmplo of n majority of tho lnrgor
mtics and towns of tho state, Van
unuvor is pruparing for nn election to
g3t the conimmaion plan of govom-
PUYALLUP, Wn. With thrco par-
ti(W in the field and the socialists
olniiniiig the advnntage in tho munici
pjil election set for December 4, many
Puynllim women are joining in a suf-
fragiHt party and will trp and laud
Woiiiuu in offico bore.
ItEDDINO, Cnl. Daniel Fleming,
tlio Oakland Stato poliecmnn, on trial
l5r tho nlloged murder of Qcoi-ge
Vhllior of Tnoonni, was comiuiltcd
tiidny to tho custody of tho shoriff
Wr the renialnder of his trial.
'PORTLAND, ,Qro. William E.
Mpiristm was arrested hero on u tele
graphic felony waront fro Sa,n Frnn
ojifi. The man had been staying aj
0;o Impoijal iiotoj. Tio pghco- do
oHngd to iiuiko'piibliojho chjirgo'for
which Morrison is wanted in Cali
fornia. li
"JJasklna for Hoaltk.
THE movement' fo soiut a 'representative to Washington
to work for a large appropriation to develop the
Grater Lake National park, is most oonunomlnble, ami in
all probability will be crowned with success.
Orater Lake National
nation s playgrounds, has been ignored and passed up n)
congress and the departments. It is high time it received
its snare of attention and the tunc is ripe tor action.
Heretofore there was uo survey to base estimates upon.
Now there is a complete survey. Heretofore, the park was
almost inaccessible. The past two years have made it
easily accessible.
The state of Oregon has recognized its responsibility
bv furnishing prisoners for tho highway. The people of
Medford have done their share by public? contribution.
Jackson county is lending and has lent its cooperation,
The national government stands ready to do its share all
we have to do is to go after it.
These appropriations do not get themselves. They are
got by going after. The persistent seeker reaps the re
ward, the worker secures the harvest.
Those who get on the ground and stay there, who pull
the wires and play the keyboard usually land what they
seek from any legislature or congress. Let us by all means
have a man on the ground who knows the game, and such
a man is Will CK Steel.
N" TSLTSCTING Judge Colvig as president and manager
for the coming year the Hertford Commercial club
made a "wise move The new executive is peculiarly quali
fied for the place. , .. .
For the past year there has been more or less friction
in the club and dissatisfaction both within and without.
The club has been working at a disadvantage and so ac
complished but little compared to its previous achieve
ments. Tt is time, if A led ford is to continue forging ahead and
the "Rogue river valley is to continue to develop, that all
factions come tocrother. forcrct their nettv irrievances and
work unitedly for the common good. If any one can unite
these factions, tTudge Oolvig is the man.
We must come out of our lethargy, wake up and do
things. We have been dormant too long. Times are good
or bad as Wo make them ourselves. As most diseases of
the bodv are imaginarv, so are most of the diseases of
society, particularly the phase known as dull times.
Profitless dreaming, listless idleness, useless and need
less bickerings never got any one anywhere, much less
developed a country. We must work out our own salva
tion and Solve our own problems and the way to do i
is to begin at once.
So Declares Professor Rces Who
: Lepves, for Corvallis After Con
ducting Experiments in Irrigation
on Griffin Creek.
Prof. It. W. Roos of tho Orgoon
Agricultural College who has boon
conducting experiments in irrigating
otchurds in tho valley during tho past
season, returned last night to Cor
vqllis. Mr. Itceo has been confining his
experiments to the Heimroth upnlo
orchards on Griffin Creek. Tliis
place is better known as the Jujly
orchard. The'oxp'criinents were han
dled on a small scale, using water
from n small pumpiuk pluut, and
while small, ,tkc results woro vory
gratifying nnd will bo followed no
next year on a larger scale.
In speaking of tho experimental
station to be established near Tnl
Unt. Mr, Rees said ho was not nt lib
erty to give out any dofiuito infor
mation more than thnt a commiltoc
would bo horo from tho college very
soon, and that this committee would
bo empowered to close nil negotia
tions now pending which may have n
bearing on tho location and establish
ment of tho station.
Mr. Rces was asked as to what bad
beeotuo of tho irrigating exproimonts
undertaken in the valley three or
four years ago by Loui Dennett, who
was then an attache of the agricul
tural college. Those ho said wore
still being carried on nnd tho results
would undoubtedly soon be made
A meeting of tho stockholders ot
tjio Ashland Fruit & Produco asso
ciation was hold Saturday afternoon
and tho fruitgrowers expressed thorn
selves ns In favor of tho proposition
of Increasing tho stock to J5000 or
$0000 in order to erect a puckliiK
house. A number of representatives
of tho poultry nss6cIatIon were pres
ent with a vlow to cooporatlng In tho
building ot tho paoklng houso and
sharing It with tho fruit men, Tho
poultry mon will njeot Saturday nfld
toko' thn inattor up among- thorn
belve's, Tho fruit men adjourned for
two woflkB. ponding a decision by thp
poultry association, It Is now pro
posed to put up n 'building so uy l&o
,.& j-Ajy. fc in"i Miifcai" m - '
park, almost alone among the
EASTERN ifflflli
Western Conference Ttitle Now Lies
' Between Minnesota and Wisconsin
With the Farmer a Favorite
Fluke Costs a Game.
(Dy Grid Iron.)
As n result of Saturday's football
scores Harvard is virtually out of
the ensteni running and the won tern
conference title now liea between
Minnesota and Wisconsin, with tho
former tho favorite. Michigan mny
contest for western championship
but as it is in the conference, its
claims there will not hold,
heurtbreakers that are occurring more
henrtbrenkers that nrc occuring nor
often in tho new stylo of game. The
team thut showed the most aggres
siveness and which gained the most
ground went to defeat by n score 8
to 0. Princeton's scores were iniidii
by n sensational run' nfter a kick was
blocked and on n protested safety,
both having earmarks of flukes whilo
Harvard's was made on straight foot
bull and clever manipulation of the
forward puss.
Minnesota will meet nnd the confer
everlnsting trounced it. Tho scoro,
30-0, shows thut old conch Williams
had another wonderful team and one
that kept its strength n secret until
tho big game.
On November 18 Wisconsin nnd
Miuucsutu will meeet and the confer
ence titlo will then be decided. Tho
betting will undoubtedly strongly fa
vor Minnesota, on strength of last
Saturday's game, coupled with the
fact that Wisconsin could do no
more thnn defoat Iowa 32-0.
Wisconsin suporlers hold thnt their
team did not extend itself against
Iowa, saving strength for the Minne
sota game.
They point to . Kckorsull's review
of the Northwestern gaiuo, in which
ho says Wisconsin has us strong a
teuui us has been seen in action in
middle west in years ami are uopmg
for the best. Michigan should havo
beaten Syracuse, but tho best it
could do was a tie. So far any claims
she may make of western superiority
will not bo backed.
feet instead of 80 liy 100, nB had
been at first BUgKestod.
Look at tho ads thnt offer cm
ploymcnt and you'll find the right ono
W. F. Arant, Superintendent of Cra
ter Lake National Park, Will Seek
to Have Larncr Area Included in
Its Boundaries.
If recommendations made by W. V.
Araul, MiiMiriiittMidottl of Crater Lake
national park'to Swivlary of the In
terior Waller Kishor uro adopted tin
sijio of thu park will he inoreased ti.
threovtimus its pnwMU dimuiision
for the purtumlnr jmrpoxo of promot
ing deer and umkiug for the gnino a
preserve wliioh will hotter surve to
protect tlium than the territory now
,-et apart.
,s it is now, "Mr. Arant explains
the deer roam throtu(h 'Iw lmr' ter
ritory in the Muniuor unmolested, and
when the storms ,turt in the full and
bein tilling the mrk with as muh
as twenty foot of snow in places, the
deer cannot live tlvoro, so they seek
the low ground, which is outsidu the
preserve, and their lameness makes
them easy prey to the hunter': rifle.
"1 have been rifteply iutonwted in
this matter for some time, and foi
more than n year have been nnxiir.i
to have something done, if .possible,
to save the deer," said Mr. Arant.
"Jnt now I am more por-naded than
ever that it would lie a desirable move
and I stated in my ivrt, in miIi
"tanee, thut it is hardly fair to the
deer for tho goornuient to net prac
tically as an agency for furnishing
game to thu liic where thu hunter
ownits him, and in addition to lint
pu him there in xuoh a tame condi
tion that he doc not understand tlct
he should be wary of the hunter.
"There is no bhune attached to tin
hunters. Tlley have a right to kill
the deer when the ojwii season comes,
nnd it is the mot natural thing ii
the world for them to act under the
law of the season. They are iwt
game hogs but goutlcincu, and no
proper complaint oft a be made of their
conduct. The places where the de- r
come out arc well known. A man fa
miliar with the territory ami their
habits knows thu places where they
crorfs, nnd the hunters are compara
tively sure of jtifit where to lio in
wait, outside tho park, for the ani
mals to IN13S. They have all gone
out now, for llrt'o have been sonic
.storms up then- already, although tin
results have all gone, and tho past
week has been jinl like it is hero in
Klamath Falls, lint I venture to xn.v
there is not one deer within tun milt's
of our place up thurc today, where in
the summer tlteru uro probably 10011
of them roaming the park.
The park now embrace- 21!) wpinrt
miles, being 13 1-1! miles across ens)
and wont nnd IS 1-2 miles dUtaut
fnm the north to the south line. Mr
Arant suggests thnt (he protected
area be increased by tnking a strip
about nine miles north and cightc-n
miles to the west, and thus threble
tho size of tho proset park and in
clude nn nroa to tho wost, north of
Itogue river, on the head of the Hmp
cpia and Klk creeks. This territory,
in Mr. Araut's opinion, is the grcutoHt
natural wintering ground of the deer
on the Pacific const.
Also included would "he Diamond
Lake and Antelope Valley, the latter
being said to be the only territory
containing nntolopo in their natural
state in the country.
"Mr. Arant Is now making tho an
nual preparatiopg for closing up ev
erything nt tho park for the winter
Floors of bridges ovor deep canyoiiH
aro taken up. Somo of these bridges
nro 300 feel long. It is necessary to
remove the flooring to pro.erve it,
as twenty feet of pow, or n rush 01
water from so'nio thaw when the
wcuthor breaks would dostroy the
structures in ljort order. Jt is prob
able that Mr. Arant, who aims to be
tho Inst to leave, will conic out in
ubout two weeks, nnd remain until
tho spring wcnlhcr nmkos it feasible
to return and open up (luaitcrs pre
paratory to the park season.
Grows Hair at 65
Years of Age
Dear Sirs: "j hoard of PARISIAN
flAGIO and an my head woil d Itch a
i;ood deal, I thought I would try it.
I novor iiHod uny remedies bofnro
and was bald on top of iny head.
I am using tho third hottlo and
havo a lot of hulr whoro I was bald.
I would like you to boo tho now
hulr sprouting from my head. Tho
Itching in my gcalp quickly disap
peared. I am 05" years old and havo
boon at tho Ilazanr 01 years.
Win. A. Hoppor, A"otlnoor Hark
iiohk Ilazanr, Ninth uud Bumnon Htii,,
1'hllndolphla, Pa.
Largo bottlo of PARISIAN SAC110
GO coiits. Oimrantcod by Clins. Strauir
for dandruff, falling hnlr and scalp
Itch. Puts llfo anl, beauty Into faded
hulr and Is u df.Khtfiil hu'r dress
ing, J' '
7, inn.
Clmnecs of Orcnoti University How
ever for Football Championship
Aro Very Sllnht ftccortllno. to
Present Dope.
POHTLAN'I), Ore., Nov. 7. The
hopes of Oregon collegiate that the
northwest conference football cham
pionship would fall to the v
of Washington, (he Oregon Auricul
tural College this enou lime pine
tieally gone glimmering.
The anpirutionis of the O. A. ('
contingent were shattered badly
when Washington hunt the Aggies .it
Seattle by a score of 31 to 0. This
elimiiiutes the Carvollis farmer.
And the ehnnees of the l'nivcrsit
of Oregon team are poor. " Although
the OregouiuiiH won from Whitman.
they did so only because one i
tho missionaries' touchdowns wis
declared illegal on a technicality. To
nil practical intents Oregon yi
On account .of Oregon' unsalis
fnotnry showing her wannest sup
porters nro dubious ns to the out
come oil tho Oregon-Washington
game here November IS, the game
that prohnldy will dccldo the eliHin
pionship. If Washington wins the in
dication are that tho purple and
gold will win' the football pennant lor
the fourth consecutive season.
Ifn.'Mnn for IIrtHli.
Get tho
Original and Genuine
" tJmitofiCruP
ThcFoodDrinkfor All Ages
Not in any Milk Trust
Insist on "IIOKLICK'b"
Tilko tt puokdo huni-
See as Well as Others Do
Mr. Itooti was nuked nit to what ha
.Vol until llien will you' p-t perfect
comfort for, ydur eycu. They are
sclciitlflciilly acciirale. Step In anil
let me explain their superior uilvaii
Dr. Rickert
Eyesight Specialist
Over Kentiicr'H, Medford
You will Need tflfpiio for
Milieu .Meal.
l''reii Lot of
.. Wo.AlwiIIavc
Already ade Afiiico Wont.
Went Pidi OrocorH,
Vmtor Maw ftiuinHemant
l'-tiHt Uuii. liloeiuwd 'Motion Picture,
Clean Show; Cmirimui Trontnmnt
.rank II Hull, Prep.
10a TJW CUIHTP 10t
It's up to you to del ida v l.oro
you will have jour luiindty
wink done, ltowcwi, miii will
have no muse for t'oiuplalut If
you iIioAho
Steam Laundry
We know how to do biundrj
work thut wilt prove wit lufiu
tory In every renpert and will
doiuoutitrulo this fact to you If
you Mend nn your next bundle.
We're Always on
The Watch
fir imu.III.k and rxtrn Imrunlim wild
illicit 111 llll'HrW tllir IIUIItrTlMIK Iwlrtllllt
U. Iivrr lt M rhC tl to KlVi' mr
iiMtiMmTM lit- benefit uf our rxiK-rli'iin
In . curliiH tlir lHnt miiIIIi' itl iitH fur
' v Till fitt't. nnil our kimnril X-
i. in.- of rr if. ilirmiKliioit Hi-
tiMiniM r.-r Uu. rHiiii( Mipuiiriiy uf
-m r i -it iMialtiiVnl ni'l enr lMir.iwl
tkk jnwuun
103 V. MAIN
All latest Fiction
and at
Publishers' Prices
Come in and
look them over
Book Store
V man cook ou ranch.
No. l. no acres 2! iiiIIoh from
town, .Jim per aero.
No, 'j. Kin acroH, a cooil ranch
In KnniK valloy.
No. .'I. 9 auraH, 1 Vj iiiIIoh out,
Improved, $7r.00.
No. 4, 20 acroB It iiiIIoh out,
1200 per aero.
No, r. 10 noraa llttlo IJutto
rmifi throiiHh It, fUO inr unro.
Cedar poHtu only Uo; now 1st
tho time to buy.
Home and btKBy( ANo, 1
homo, only 7 yoaru old; $200,
80 acroH In Call., will talto
toam ami othor proporty horo.
1 itoo carp will trndo for lot at
liamo value.
10 iioroH in WiihIi, ou tho Bound
to trade for iyjroao,
A fliio buucnlow In Portlnud
for iicronKO iinp.
"Will nttond to tho rontlnif of
your Iioiiho.
airla for hoiiHOWork.
oito Wftsh Hotel
riinue tlMl Home, ,11.
I MsssssssssssV E VH
Where to Go
ni(' hill
One Wn Sii'eani
I The Man With the Pauls uinl the
Old Willi the Doll.
i 111 one of thu fmitoMt commly ncln, Into nlnglug, dancing
niu juuKiiug, inni over uu me
viown. M" inmio inriu nrrcmn ui-i
nlp.:.t end he will l'pet the
iii'Min thin nxlnllng with nunie
X new Jnke-i Hint nro nil up to dale
Mci hliu JiimkIo the ball on the fun
I ' lfn a Unockout. N. II. Wulclt
IiIm paniH.
!! TItoy (ro
IIIM UltlHIIH I'lllll S All.
Here nro the IhiikU i totem In n
I lit Kill b'.IHlllIK, Mlllo Mllllllg
skctMi Introiliiclng one of lliolr
I ketclen Kiitltlnd, How to Lauglt-
mi If oti linvn forgotten liow, JiihI
pay the UIm m villi the next five
iiIkIHh iiimI liHiii, nn ll'n ono IiIk
J roar from 7 till 10:30 and thou
wime more,
Itctneuilici' PVIday Is Amateur
!N'llit. Doors okii 7 p. in. Mai
luce Saturday mill Holiday.
r . .-....'' s -?.... 4t s4
All Work lunrnta
Prlci'fl ItenMuimblo
QA -IloMiinl Work, Kntrr
on (ltl Hlrii.
Coffeen & Price
Pin If lc IIOIU
Home ltf
Kotith Itlvemlde
New nud ri-to-l)nti Modern
In every i-irllrulnr, ;ai rook
lilt", uleoni heat, etc. Women
nnd (jl'li iiiiihI ImIiic; refer
Home Phono KIK,
We Have Moved
Tho J, T. Hrondley flowor
Htom in now In tho M. K, &. II.
Hton", ncrow thv ntrcet from
forniBr IocnIIou.
Cholro tutu of cut flower,
bulb, frn, iihIiiim, etc., al
wnyii ou baud.
Valley Second
Hand Store
Wo liny and SII All ICIniU or
Second Hnnd Condti,
M. .f. PII.CHKIt, l'roi.
in North Plr
For Business
IlinniNH .V; MCHIilK'B
HccomMlnui Hloro
nt 3(1 South (Irapo Street,
(live us a call and wo will treat
you fair.
1 Unbent cunh prtco for second hnnd
Koodu ot all hind.
Medford Parcel Delivery
KiVil Crocker, Prop, .
Purcolw, lOo, I fie, uric.
TriinkH 20 anywhoro In tho city.
Office: Valloy Second I land Store,
15 N. Fir St.
PIioiieh: Main .'1072; Home ant,
ItoHldoiico Phone: Home 115 X.
Prompt sbrvleo
Rock Spring '
on xaxd ai.x vsca ton,
Offico nnd Coal Yard, Twelfth and
Front Blroota,
I'iiouo 7101. j