G Ore" HtTrtj "piTu Unit -WW City HaU MEDFORD MML TRIBUNE SUBSCRIBERS Selling to gat ri)r will h on rtltvrid )) dIiojUr of- WEATHER Mnv.. 0t Mln., HI Hi He!. Hum., 10 IVr CHt. J fie bjr 0 p. w. M Dnlly Hlxth Yunr. CortyI'lrnt Yrnr. MANCHUS SLAY GENERAL AND Newly Appolntcil Governor of Pro vince of Shan SI, Accused of Trcn son to tho Throne. Is Hacked to Pieces by Loyalists. POLITICALLY HIS DEATH IS A GREAT MISTAKE INJURE C E " Consul at Amoy Telegraphs for Aid Conditions at Foo Chow Aro Threatening SHANGHAI, Nov. 7.- (luiwriil Wii l,u CJioii. ttu newly appointed gnvoi iinr ol" the piovlui'ii of Slum Si, lie tuiHi'il ol' troiiHou to llio throne, was UHKiiHsiiiiilcd !y MiiiicIiii wildium to day. Ho wffs a progressive but wiih opposed to llio deposition of tint em peror, it Ik reported, ami tlioiifzlil limiti'il monarchy bultur for China tliuii n republic. Politically tint iiHMtiHMiintloii of Wii in regarded a a MhiuiIiii niis tnki. It will deprive the government of u liing HiipKirt(tr. Ho Imd prae tii'iilly won the Slum Si rebels to tho bifbt of iho emperor when uhhiihhIii iited. Yorfl onlay's rewrlK Unit Pokin Imd fallitit iiro believed In' have ntHi)ltfl fnun tho Tnet that wivernl Marliu no- hhw, facing tho Iomh of their pcnioiiK iMMiuiiittnl suicide. (iciicrnt AmIi''. General Wii wan asleep in his tent 'at tlm Slii Kiu Chimin: eiicnnipme'il when b wan killed. Tltirtv MiiiioIiiw -nJMllLllVKU"CkJ1JlJli0lrJ'.,, l9Siit W7 wff-V tVpTr. Wu V froiifl? Hiirroiindi'd tbo tcnl ami ruptured llio u8ta8nliiM. In extenuation, the pris oners iiHitritrd that General Wii'h protimtalioiirt of loyalty to tho thronu woro falno and dolrarril ho was kc unttly urging a miiMMnero of Ibr Man itlniH. Kvery man in tin' band will bo beheaded. CoiimiI Auk's A I I SHANGHAI. Nov. 7.- Willi no iindiy reigning al Auioy, tint United Stiilo ouiiHid today telegraphed for protection for Aimtririm residents ami their intercuts. Tho cruiser Allufuy now at Wii Sung, will proceed today at full speed to their relief. Conditions al Foo Chow iiro limit threatening Murines from tho tor--peilo boat Hninbridgo aro guarding all tho roiiHidati'H and proporty of all foreigners in tho oily. Wii Ting Fang In Rebel. MLNllllAl, Nov. 7. Wii Ting Fang, formor CIiIiikho mliilHtor to llio United tttatoM, Iiiih definitely nit nnunrod liluiHolt a supporter of tlm prorlalniod now Chinese ropiibllr. TIiIh Ih a groat blow to tlm tlirono. In a Htutoiuont Issued today Wii Hiiyn. "My oxporlonco In Aiuorlcn loaves no tloutit In my inlnil but tbat tlm rupiibllo Ih tlm best form of govern intuit. I am awaro of tho objection tbat tlm Cliliiomi aro not yot ready to govern themselves, but to mu this argument neouiH iiiihoiiiuI. Ah long aH tbo Chinese aro ilonlod self gov orninont, tboy will loinalii unpro pared for It. Wliou It Ih granted lliom or, porluipH, nay, now that tboy bavo taken It tlmniHolvoH-- tboy will Hoou bavo prepared thommtlvoH for tbo tusk, Ah for mymtlf, I lovo reptibllcaiilHiu. Tbo (Jhlumio mon arch Iiiih virtually fallen and I de clare nllouliinro to tbo now and boi ler form of government." Skeleton Found. HAN HISUNAUDINO, Cab, Nov. 7. "Thin mini dlod bocitiiHo bo know too much." TIiIh oinlnoim hIkii, de dpliorod wltb difficulty, wan found today on a tree, wiiioiik "tbo plpon" on tbo doHort oiiftt of bero, DaiiRlliiK from tbo troo wan a ploco ot rottod ropo. Directly benoatb HiIh wih a pllo or liuiuan bonoa from which tho flenh bad boon tnrh by wild animals. ROKIA, llulKarla, Nov. 7. "Tiir Uoy miiHt illo," doolnroH tbo Ultro, a iimrnliiK iiapor boro. Continuing, tbo paper iuIiIh tbat tboro Ih llttlo doubt hut tbat In nnotbor month CoiiHtautl- noplo will bo In tbo IioiiiIh of tho Ilul-' Burlnn tinny, & m nil. i FACTOR IN THE SE Darrow Declares That Only Objection . State Had to Venireman Was Fact That Ho Dead the Appeal to Rea son and Not the Los Atifjolcs Times. DORDWELL SUSTAINS CONTENTION OF STATE Thereupon Sensational Clash Follows Bordwcll Defends His Rullnii. i HAM. OK KKCOItDH, LOS AN (JKMJH, Cab, Nov. 7. A HOUHntlonal uliidli butMiMin Walter Hortlwell ana Attorney Cbireaco H, Darrow marked the (tension of the McNamara en mo todny after tho court upheld a chal lenge directed by the ntatu iiKalmit (JoorKO W. Morton, a civil war vet eran. Tbo ntnto bail uuontlotiod Mortou'H menial ability to nil an a juror, and Darrow, In a bitter nud eloquent nddroxH, bad declared the only rismon tbat tbo utato wanted Morton eliminated wan becaiiRO bo "did not Iran to their tildo and bo caim )k was a Hoclnllnt." When JiiiIko Itordwoll Btintalnod tho Ktato'n challrnKo Darrow protoHt vil vrbemently and demanded por iiiInhIoii to call wltnoHncn to prove Mortou'H ability. IIIh reijueHt wnH peremptorily overruled. Ilonlurlt Dpfeiult. In IiIh decision Judge Ilordwull tioHltlvely derlarrd tbat a man'H bo iler In itortnlUm or In tbo fact that both , capital and labor aro vitally lutnrrHtrd In tbo outcoino or tho prmeiit trial doen not nrccnarlly dlHijuallfy It 1 m from Jury ncrvlco In (Ills cane, Tbo only question al lit hiio, bo Jield, Ih whether a man Ih mentally qualified to nil and la fair and Impartial. After dlnpoHliiK of Morton tho re mainder of tbo mornliiK kohbIoii wan devoted by tbo dofeimo In an at tempt to Impeach Juror (JeorRo W. MrKee, who bellevcH that tho Tlinen wnn doHtroyod by dyuamlto. Five wltneHHim wore rallod who toHtlfleil that McKee bad ponltlvcly oxprcHHod an opinion roRnrilliiR tbo guilt or tbo McNamaraH. Tho fuuturo or their Interrogation wa a nharp cronn oxamluatloii or each or those by JuiIro llordwoll, who, BoomlnKly iIIh mitlHflod with the way AHatHtant DIh trlrt Attorney Koril bandied tbo wltnoHHOR, perconally ctohh examined them and forced them to explain all or the detallH accompanying tbo al leged converHatlouH, TALENT TRADES FOR 385 ACRES i i Property on South Central Avenue Fiijurcs In Deal as Worth $31,000 Ranch Traded for Is Near Brownsville. A. P. Talent, of thla city, Iiiih traded four parcelH of Medford prop erty to W. A. MoHHlnor of MoMhm- vlllo for U(r aoroH or laud Hltuatud near UrowiiHvllle, Oro. Tbo value placed upon tbo propor tion exchanged Ih Jtll.OOO. Tbo Mod ford proporty In tho deal aro two fiPxlOO foot Iota on South Cenlral avenue, botweon Ninth and Tenth HtrootH; ono 00x100 foot lot on tbo comor or South Kir and Twelfth HlreotH and ono 100x100 foot lot on Dakota uvonuo. Tho proporty on South Control nvoni'o dooH not ln cludo Mr. Talont'H homo, corner of Ninth and Central uvonuo. All or tho proportloa bavo moro or loaa Itn provomoutH on thorn, Six Reportotl Killed, WRHH CITY, ro., Nov. 7. It Is reported tbat h!x pornoiiB woro killed In a eavo-in at tho Needmoro mine, tt Oronogo today, MIMRCA MMDttORD, n REBELS THREATEN fCREUlK WILIJCr ES W POST, DUE TO Horrhllo Atrocities Aro Committed by Italian Troops in War With Turks Atjcd Man and Sick Girl Left to Die. HKIlhlN, Nov. 7. Tho chnrKOH or FranceH McCulbiKb, corrcHpondent or tho Now York Woild at Tripoli, ot brutalitlea ttKnliml tbo Turks com mitted by "the ftnUnns nro amplified today by Herr (lot t bore, Tripoli cor rcHpondent or tho Lokal AutloKcr, a promlnout nowHpapcr or this c'ty, who left IiIh poxt becaiiHo or tbo al iened atrocltlc or the ltallaim. Ill a dtHpatch from Malta, Ilorr (lottlmrK allegeH that tho Italians purHiicd tbo Hick, crippled and blind, both women and children, and uhol them down. General Canova, tho Italian commander, ho Kiyu, wnn never p return t durliiK tho butcberktH. Unlelleatdo lleiirtle.sNiiesH. Tho corrcHpondent refera to ono Hpecltlc liiHtauco where an old wom an, painfully wounded, and a Hick Blrl and boy were permitted by Ital ian pbyHlcbuiH to dlo of liinmcr and thlmt within Bight or hiiudredu or Holdlorti, In part, tho hIkiioiI Htatontent from McCulltiKh, written at Malta, readH: "Ah a protest iii;uIiihI tho murders of Innocent Arab women, men and children, lanl week I returned my official paporn iih a correspondent to General Canovn. 1 cannot remain longer with an army which Is no army, but an armod band of maraud ers and a kimik or ushubhIiih. Women ami Children Shot. "About -100 women and children and 1000 men have boon shot. "Cripples and blind liORKiira bavo lieen deliberately wbot, Sick people, a'Iioho homes were burned, woro loft in tho Krouipl and refilled ovon a drop of wator. I poroonally wll niwHod tboHO Hcenes of horror and photographed them. "There was not tho fntnttiRt pro toiiHo or JiiHtlce. Tbo Arab quarter wiih overrun with rnwy sohllorB with revolvers, Hliootlug overy Aram man, "woman and child they mot. orricors woro woiho than mon. Tbo army Ih demoralised. "On roturiiliiK my papers, I was Htimmonod to headquarters, but ro- fiiROd to coiiHldor any communica tion oxcopt throiiKb tbo consul. I am now leavlni; vnluntarlly." Cold bors, tbo woll known German mili tary erlllc and correspondent of tho Merlin I.okal AmsloRor, took tho samo stop. Kvory llrltlsb correspondent oxcopt ono leavos today. Facts Ileyouil Dispute. "Tho racta or tho auassacro aro boyond dlsputo and tbo consuls bavo alroady Informod tholr Rovornmonts. "Tho BconoB aro worso than any UusBtan or Armonlau massacre. Tho pro-ltallim Jowa woro mnssacrod by mlstako mnoitK tbo Arabs. "Tho ArabH did mutllato covpsos, but not until after tbo Italians hogan tbo massacro. Arabs nt first woro mofil courteous opponents nud URod J" ' -civ i:iJir!f! I BUTCHER ES OMSCJOK, 'J'UKSDAY, NOVlfiiMJJKR 7, 1911. AN ATTACK Oil PEKIK-LEGATION GUARD WHO WILL mft.dHB.S AND !OK3!A3?DER Tl SEND STEEL TO WASHINGTON Earnest Effort Will Be Made to Se cure $500,000 arMorc From Con grcss for a System of Highways In the National Par lei An en most effort-aill bo made to secure an appropruiiou of $o0l),000 or moro from conwps for a system of biKhwnys UtbHriitcr lxku nur tionul.park".vTo u?irt!ii'"coimner cial club, .Inekwn county and the iredfonl city cotneil will eo-opcrate, as they have tuico before, and will send Will (J. blrcl to Wuhhingtou lo remain nil winter if nccofibury lobby inir for the measure. It in estimated that Mr. pteolV e. pen.sos will total $1000. Tho com mercial club at itn meeting Moiulay oveninj, nnauiinotisoly voted $350 to wards this amount. The county court ut its last hCMon voted $300 and the matter will cone before tbo city council tonight. KnginoeiN estimates and plans bne IicAjii completed at n coat of $10,0110 tor a system of roads through the national park, and around tbo rim of llio lake, which will cost nearly a mil lion dollar! to construct Tho co-op oration of both Secretary Fisher and Secretary Wilson of the Interior and Agricultural departments have bcci promihcd Mr Steel and there is every prospect that a largo appropriation can bo secured nt the coining fee hiim. At Monday nijjht's meotiiiK of tbo commercial club an address upon the park mid the propcotH of Kettinj: the aproprmtiou wa. mado by Mr. Sttvl and ho described his visit this last hummer to Yellowstone with Secre tary Fisher and tho hitter's promise lo "Ick" for the Crater ako park. Mr. Steel statctl that hu would "hrhur homo the button" if sent to Washington. W. I. Vnwler followed with tho statement Unit no money the club could jjpoud unuld bo spot lo bettor advnuttiKo and urged (bat Mr.Seel bo' sent. Kd Amlrows and others bpoko along the samo lines. He's cRal Naughty. TACOMA, Wn . Nov, 7 .That hor husband was drunk at tho funeral of his own father. Smith. St, Clair, In Portland, nlthougli ho luherttod SG0, 000 from bis father .at that time, U ono of tbo complaints' mado lV Mrs. Hobert St. Clair, vl(o or a botol man boro, arter less than tliroo iu6ntba or marrhiKo. "Ho also knocled aovoral ot my tooth out and loosened a gold crown, and .has an affinity," swears Mrs. St. Clair. Look for tho nd that calls for you nmnne tho help wanted nd. to brliiK In woundod Italians under a flag or truce. "Tho Italians frankly admit tboy aro conducting this wjip as a war of extermination. No rnmrtor la ovon given to tbo Arab, whom Canova porsUta In regardhiK "nB non-combat- nntfr , (u ,mm ( ..1 b- Jlwfc i,fc. F trmzEH LEGATION 60MPERS WOULD UT PAY BENEFIT IN LUMP SUM President of American Federation of Labor Suggests Radical Changes in Employers Liability Law Now Un der Consideration. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 7.--President Samuel Gomcrs of tbo American "Federation of Labor sug gCiUod radical changed iuthn,.,p re posed bill drafted by tho employer liability and w'orkingmen's compensa tion commission nt today's hearing of the congressional joint committee in vestigating the matter. Kegarding he provisions for the payment of u lump sum to tho work man or his dependent, Gompers said: "There may possibly come n time when the payment of a lump sum to a man wholly inenpeitated for work may be an advantage to him, but there would bo a great risk in its in vestment. 1 think it would bo better to snfogunrd him and his dependents by weeekly and monthly payments, thus saving them from charity tfnd pauperism for life. Tbo chances of a man entering into competition with concentrated wealth arc not promis ing." Gompers suggested Hint tho pro posed bill requiring each railroad o pay its own compensation for men in jured upon it bo changed. Ho said; "There should bo n power somo wbero to provido tho best possible protection for both pnssongors nnd employe on tho railrond. If tho rail roads contributed to a general fund for the injured employes it would prompt those with tho moro offeeti'.o appliances for general safety to tiso tboir influeneo to ffirflo others to come to the standard eipiipmont." LA F0LLETTE MAY TAKE THE STUMP WASHINGTON'. Xov. 7. It was learned hero today that n conference of LaFollotte oadors, including Sen ator ltoitmo of Oregon and Medill MeConniek and Alfred Baker of Chi cago, met hero last Sunday to de cide whether it would bo advisable for LaFollelte to take the stump within ten days, speaking in Bsoton nud Kew York in support of his presidential candidacy. LaFolletto said bo positively could not speak until luMmd eomplotcd an tutohiography on which bo is at work. He said ho would bo ready to take tho stump on December 1. New Name for Republic. SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, Nov. 7.- Loadors or tho Chlncso rovolutlon at a mooting at headquartors in Shang hai decided to discard tho nanio Chung Hwn ropubllo, originally adopt ed, and to tako tbo namo of Sin Hon ropubllo, according to a dispatch ro- colvod by Young China today from Its Shanghai correspondent. Chung Hwn moans "mlddlo tlowory," and tho robols decided that Sin Hon, moaning "Now appropriate, Cblnoso" wiib moro rl I m FUHEIGNEKS BKIN. E CQLVIG IS NAMED HEAD OF BOOSTER CLUB Will Direct and Manage Commercial Club Oregon System is Seen in Club Election Directors Are In structed as to Manager of Club. Judge W. XL Colvig was elected president and manager of UicMed-, ford commercial club for the year be ginning December It at a salary of iTJ.'iO n month nt the annual mcotiug held Monday evening. He will give up his law practice nud devoto his entire time to tbo club nnd its work. F. V. Mcdynski was elected vice president nnd F. Osenbrygge, trens1 urer. The secretary will bo selected later. Tho following were elected ns di dectors: Prof. P. J. O'Garo, Win. M. Colvig, G. Putnam, II. C. Gar nett, S. S. Smith, W. H. Gore. George Davis, Dr. E. B. Pickel, A. K. Ware, Win. Gerig, J. A. Perry, J. E. Watt, C. E. Whisler, F. V. Mcdynski, P. M. Cummings, F. Ossenbruggc, S. A. Nye, A. S. Hosonbaum, J. A. Wcstor lund, W. N. Campbell, B. Klum. The directors organized by elect ing W. II. Goro ns chairman and S. S. Smith ns secretary, and chose the following as an excoutivo cemmittee: IT. C. Gnrnctt, A. S. Hosenbnum, A. K. Ware, J. A. Wostorlund and F. AL Cummings. Tho Oregon system nnd tho long ballot prqvmled nt tho election. Ef forts to shorten proccednrcs by ap pointing n nominating committee to present names to bo balloted for as directors, failed, nnd forty or more candidates were voted for. $h'o twenty-one receiving the highest vote be ing deolnrod elected. It took ovor two hours to count tho ballots. Then tho directors -woro relieved of rcsnonsU hility when the club passed a rcsolu ' tion directing them to secure the serv ices of Judgo Colvig for tho ensu ing year. Town Is Shelled. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 7. Adkuhia, Arabia, was shelled by an Italian cruiser Sundav. The Turk ish gunboat, Italidj, in port at the time, wont down under tho firo, one of tbo of fours being killed. Tbo dis trict is in a panic, it is declared, but the actual damage is us .yet un known. Anarchist on Trial. . TACOMA, AVh., Nov. 7. Desplto his plea that ho had a right to criti cize the lawB of tho country Just tho samo as any other editor who at tacked tho tariff or any othor lawB or ordinances, Jay Fox, anarchist odltor of Home Colony, will havo to stand trial ror sedition. Killed by Elevator. TACOMA, Wn., Nov. 7. T. Ynmn gUhi, bollboy nt tho Donnelly hotel, is doad today because ho did upt under stand tho elevators. Wlilo trying to jump into tho olo vntor while it was nscondiug Yamn gishi got caught between tho wall and tho side of tho ago and was crushed. Iledied within fivo ininutos, No. 197. IDCDIIDI SPAIIQ lIVLI UULlUrillU CLAIM ross IS DEFEATED Republican Chairman Hatfield at 3 O'clock Declared That Returns Show a Landslide for Frothinfham. Show a Landslide for Frothinfham for Coyer nor. MUCH INTEREST TAKEN IN NEW JERSEY FIGHT Nebraska and Other States Ant Vot ingInterest Although an Off Year. BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 7. Hcpub Jican Chairman Hatfield tit 3 o'clock declared that tho returns from to day's gubernatorial election showed a landslide for Frothinghnm, tho re publican candidate. Democratic Chairman McDonald said that Fosh' plurality might bo smaller than was expected, but that ho would win. ACUSIINET, Mass., N6v. 7.r-Com-plcto returns from this town in to day's gubernatorial fight give Froth ingham, republican, 38; Foss, demo crat, 35. , AVON, Mass., Nov. 7. Foss car ried this town. The vote stoed: Foss (cdmorat 175; Frotbingkam, (republican) 235. Las year: Foss, 201; Draper (re publican, 101. NORWALL, Mass., Nov- 7. Nor- wall gives Frthingbum, republican, 215; Foss, democrat, 112. Last Year Foss received 143 ; Dra per, 171. x BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 7. Tho election ot L. P. Frothlngham, Re publican, In his right for governor of Massachusetts against Eugene V. Goss, Democratic Incumbent, is pre dicted in today's voting by Repub lican Chairman Hatflold, who clalmn 35,000 plurality ror his candldato. Foss claims tho election by 50,000. It lo expected that tho total voto will reach 95,000, as tlno weather is brlneing out heavy balloting. Now Jersey. TRENTON, N, J Nov. 7. Tho main test of tho strength ot Gov ernor Woodrow Wilson, candidate tor tho Democratic presidential nom ination, which will show either tho repudiation or endorsement of his policies, is expected to como in to day's election in Mercer and Trenton counties. Tho electors aro voting on three propositions under tho roforon dum law, besides on legislative and county tickets. With Democratic lutorcsts strong ly centered In Wilson, today's elec tion is ot unusual Interest for an off year. Now York. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Heavy vot ing is expected hero today In tbo judiciary and assembly elections, in splto of foggy weather. An unusually largo otr year voto was cast up to noon. A now general assembly is to bo choson, and aldermon aro to bo olected in this city, nud four Justices ot tho supremo court aro to bo named In Manhattan. Tho chlot intorcst centers In tbo Brooklyn judiciary election. Nebraska, LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 7. Throo supremo judges, ono congressman, regents ot tho stato unlyorslty and county orricors aro bolng olectod In Nobraska today. Tho congressional riRht is in tho third district, whoro a successor to tho lato Jamos P. Lattu will bo oloctod. Tho woathor Is Ideal hero, William J. Bryan Is busily ongngod urging voters to robuka Prosldont Tatt by supporting tho Democratic candi dates. New Mexico. SANTA FB, N. M Nov. 7. Ro ports from Albuquorquo, whora ths biggest Democratic fight was mads on Dorsum, tbo Republican candidate for governor, today prompted ths Re publican committee to leauo a state ment that Bursum will carry BonwI Illo and Albuquorquo, and wilt bo olectod by at least 8000. The Deaio crnts dlsputo theso flguroH. .' .i