Vm trt '" " 'V, i'.-tit' "- s.- ptlge six MEDFCffiD MATL TRTBUNTMEDFORD, OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVTCMnEtt 'I, 1911. " i ' : : : : : : : : : JACK FROST HITS IN CROP Mercury Drops Below Frcwlnrj Point and Texas Growers Aro Hahrtl Hit Snow Six Incites Deep in Parts of Northern Texas. .f ST. LOUIS, Mo., Xow 4. With Ilia inoroury down to tlio freezing paint nl dnybronk in nenrly nil of the fiellon bolt of Texas, it was pre dicted today tbnt the cotton orop Yfliioh imunWd to be largo will bo killed. .Aaonnipnnying tlio drop in tompornlure wiir n heavy full of snow which wns ijenornl in Texas, Okla homa nnd Knntihs. In northwest Texas tlio mow is six inehos deep. At Tulsa nnd other Okhihonlu points t)io Icniporntnre dropped suddenly to J4 hojow. Twenty nboe r.ero is ic ported nl Lower Ohio vnlley points MANY WOMEN ARE BUTCHERE Italians Show No Mercy Even War ring on Defenseless Non-Combat-ants Ewjlish Lieutenant Tele graphs Particulars of Atrocities. man may e A TUMBLED Balloon With Which He Hoped to Cross Qccon Said to Have Plunged Toward Sea After He Had Started on Journey. ATLANTIC CtTY, K. J., Nov. 4. Molvln Vn n I nmn nnd hts balloon with which ho hopos to cross the Atlantic are boltcvod to have fallen Into tho ocean north of here, and members ot the life saving crew bare started in boats to render assistance if needed. The top of the airship only can bo seen and to evory nppearanco It is in tho water or resting on tho luml banks. After n good flight over the ocean Vnnlman steered north hero and watchers in the ilfo saving station saw tho balloon suddenly descend low toward tho bay. CORONER'S JURY QUITS FOR WEEK p i Will Seek information Regarding the Whercasliouts of Missing Butcher and 'Chauffeur Who Figure in the Case. Tho coroner's Jury Investigating tho death of Nathan llogoway hits adjourned for ono week. In the mmiutlmc some word regarding the whereabouts of tho -missing chauffeur and butcher with whom Kogowny was last seen will bo sought. Revolt In Manchuria. TOKIO. Nov. , Mmiclimiu U thicntenod by revolution. .Mukden w reported in n glutei of iVnnent and there is fear tlutt Clmio-o rebel will ally theinselve win, i10 Moheiniuen dun element nnd fire the three east ern provinces with war. Ilnsklns ior Hoaltu. FINE ROOMS 203 OLSON 2T. WASHINGTON. 1). C, Nov. 4. The explosion of a three-Inch gun board tho torpedo bout destroyer Preble off San Diego was reported to the navy department this after noon. Nono of the crew was Injured. r-svjsvr.s.r- BARGAIN In a fine driving horse, harness and buggy Price right Look nt tho "For Sole" ads nnd nt eomo of the things that aro adver Jicod for snl Look at tho nds that oftor em ployment and you'll find the right one BOOU. TT.-iftktn for TTMillh. Call at Rooms 6 and 7 Palm Building, Opposito Nash Hotel. Phone 4141. Medford Opera House, Tues. Nbv. 7 DIIIKCT KUOM ITM TUKMKNDOl'H HHVKHH AT Till? COMJ.MIUA TIIK. ATIIK, HAN KKANCMS(X, KN HOUTK TO TIIIO 1IKIMO, POimiANII. HENRY B. HARRIS PUW8KNTH THE FIVK MONTIIH IilllKllTV TIIKATIIK, N. V. The lllggcNt Comedy lilt of tho Ycnr COUNTRY A llny of City I.lfu LONDON. Nov. 4.-r-"Canno Eng land do something to stop such hor rors?" is tho plea today of Herbert Montague, second lieutenant of the Fifth Fusiliers, in a news agency dispatch from Tripoli, where ho Is fighting with tho Turks. Telegraph-) ing from Soukel Yohma, Montague ' tells of Italian butcheries in Tripoli, ( whoro ho declares Turkish and Arab ' women and children are being dally slaughtered by tho Italians. On entering and driving tho Ital ians out ot Arab bouses which they woro holding, Montague wires, "We discovered tho bodies ot 120 women and children with their hands and feet bound, mutilated, pierced and torn. Later wo found a mosqut. filled with tho bodies of women and children mutilated beyond recogni tion. There must, havo been 400 there." Montague's telegram has given new Impetus to an agitation that something be dono to check tho cruel ties of tho war in Tripoli. Lecture Tomorrow. Walter A. Hall, Inspirational (Spir itualist) lecturer, will speak at Smith's hall, 128 North Grapo Btreet, Sunday, November C, 1911, at 11 a. m. Subject: "Rational Spiritual ism; Proved by tho Bible." SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. William Wafford, agen 10, was dragged half a block under a street car. When he crawled out ho wanted to know if tho doctors would keep blm lato Tor school. Tke last rkihg in the World a Man should think of buying is "Cheap" Under wear. We sell no Underwear that we can not guarantee. We are exclusive dsalers of ths famous Vassar mads Union Suitsthe kind that fits, pricsd from $ 1 .25 to -- $6 the suit. Once you wsar the V; assar, nix on th 1 l ""'I 5 I ( mu Vf7 sr -T L da teW) J! JVUJjl J C" 't other kirtd, the hve-pisce, for evermore. We havs mahy excellsht lihes ih Shirts and Drawsrs, fleece lined, natural wool, merino, camel s hair, pure soft wqol, etc., etc. . Uhderwsar at 50c, 75c $1., $1.25 up to $6.00 the garment. "" See the grsat line of popular priced Uuderwear that we are selling for $2.00 and $3.00 per suit. It s the best valus in ths land fer ths money. Ask to ses what interests you, andyeu II seen discovsr that this is ths Stgre for Men s Uhdsr wear and Men s Furnishings of all serfs. TL. wtT 1 . t?',. " l-iic Aiara - to - r.us- . I are just the ones we re looking for those who have hereto-fore failed to obtain satisfaction, either in Ready-Tailored or Cus tom Made garments, at any price. Especially for such as these arethe Michaels Stern and HershWcik wire perfectly tailorecl, reasonably priced, new Fall and Winter Styles intended, Note especially the snug collar, natural shoulders and graceful models of our new Fall models. A look will con vince you where to buy your wearing apparel. t inF"HpiP sflivjMrH TWO MONTI IH POWKHH' TIIKATKK, CIIKUdO BOY IIV KIXMU HICIAVVN okkiinaii (hti coMPMrrn piionutrrioN l'lticiiH! 9 1, no, 91.00, noc. Heat Hnlo H4tt Nov. I, lliiNklim' Drug Htoro JEPW mL. . A J3taSr liiBFwfiPriPiill OTfliiIlv Dtiltn.d It Rink. Wkkk. Cm. MODEL CLOTHING CO. I HAPPY is the woman who is never unpropnroil who enn nlwayH lay ti nieo npputis- log meal or light luncheon boforo any guoHt unuxpocted or not. Iter friends pruliio her for hor linunawlfly ijunl Itles nnd uho feols tbnt dollchtfnl imtlyfnctlon which can only oomo from hoBpltnllty pTfely done. phe secret lies in having a well chosen selection of canned goods and table dainties always at hand. Look over our stock the heat of the-kind in tho town and ninkc a selection today. Thou put your fear in tho cupboard for you will he prepared for any company conic when it may. - ' , . . . J ZJ&-&t$ f . . ." ' ALLEN GROCERY CO. 86-40 B. OK NT UAL AVH. ft$&&A0l&fri1tftTfytbMtolfrftfttof i iftililtortii)toiHMiliWNMMrtiMMlfrlM Our new Phonograph Department now .w -fA" open for business fl vt -, 4 f : : -: ' : : : : -: -: : : ; : - : : ; : 1 . f, r.rf We have just unpacked a full line of the latest .Columbia Hornless Graphonolas- 4 , Come in and hear the latest Columbia Double Disc Records. Appointments made for private demonstration at your home. Graf onolas sold on easy terms, if more convenient. :'' iff ,. . ' i.V A." f t 'ft' vi PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY if;. Mr' : : : ; : : -:. -; -: ' : - ; Medford, Oregon iiMMMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMi1MMMMMMMM'lMMMMMMMMV'MM rt v 220 West Main Street