V. P ' v" i - tf ;! '. i 4 ' I 1 ' : JACKSONVILLE jMim. T. J. Kjijniy mi J Minn Harriet Doliui hnve bm'ii'vlbilliVrrii'mlH Iv-I..K.Ai.W.Wm'.''-' ' '' iMi'H. hewta Ulrli-li rolitineil Hiimlny i'tiiiii u vIhII with lior Hirtler Mrri. Fnnik ltaiiii) of Uf'ju). Alrn. r: II.1 IlimiiinV in at homo nmiin nl'ler il vinit ftTGiilllWiilii. lfir SIMIIM, .((in, HIMI.Vll III illlMIIIIHj, Villi i'il lier U'liilin'Miliiy. I. W. iMyoi-H, fruit limpiM'tor, wns lit tlio enmity Ht'iit liiHt Weilneuliiy. .linle jnlliiiiB him! ' Court HJeno Brifjilmr ImvUftffl I'o? ILW1' '"'"' m Anliliunl WVilni'Milay iiioriiiiij;. ' Kmil Doltolioiim wiih over from; .Miiilfoijl VelneHiiiy. b'iiuWc KiiniV, who Iihh li'Ofln upend- lnj tlin wuinner on lower, lloim river", relnrneil to JitukHoiivillu the i'ora pnit . , . f i . . . 'i . of tlin week. ilolin iiiul Out Heiivenini luivo 1h'Hk!1 (Iio HiwIjo vlimyiuil from ilti'ir hIh(it, MIh Millrtiip, of Iliiialmlilt enmity, Cnllf.. (niiiliiiiiiiiK altout Ion ..! I !..... .. I- t..l ..lill mmm ill. im'ii riuj; (iiiiu lM'i;n iiiu win 'tii ko I'ljjiruo of It an noon tin I'otitril fjons' fi'o your leime expire IJiIh year, ' Mll'llliHOIlvillc'H rilv I'Ollllcil Iihh boon iiriiHi'iiloil with a petition numerously fitinril, aNkiiiK St lo Improve tliu hill riiail hiiuIIi df town. TIiIh i'h onu of ,,. ...!', i. .. i ,i i inn mum iiiiporiiiiu iiiuniiiKiiti'rt'n to JaokriiMivillu ami Hiih improvement cannot lip I'ninlit too soon, W. I. Camni, Harry Vorniaii anil 0. AniHiijnr, !' offleiuiH of Men fonl, liinl tiiisiiu'iw wild tliu county ti rotirt M'lu.il,... 1 fill nilfljs Kugnnu Tlnuiipupn, S. K. Dun VliiKfttifl'Viink'UM'iliifttiii ntnl Holil. linney enpliiretl no ili'cr, hut enuKlit aany fmU ilnnn tlii'ir trip to Hipmw aid'. Uoht. (J. Jeffrey imijtm'il to Mcil fnnl Wmlniilay iiiiiriilni?. ' Mih. Ilnhy 1'ix hiik rttturnoi lo Kan I'YmwtKtm iiftt:r an oxlcnili'il ymit in Jaok-onvilln. 1'atniiiH of tin' I'ooillu )ik ri'Htau Vaut aro now miiiiiiioiumI by u Hti'i)n whiMtlo ini'iiioiiHly atliiHit'il to' a jint va!ir linili'r by I'M. 1'ottcr. It ntlrai'lH coiiNiilrralilo attention. ' Unlit. It. Do iv, i!iputy wlifriff, in bai'k from an oft'ioial trip to Sati'in. Mm. Q, N'. Ni'Imoii wiih a rrccnt virt lur in ihiii1. ' ' Mr. ami .Mm. J, 5f, Uucjoy of Koitb JiuikhoiiVrilo' wi'ro ni town 'Xliurnliay (raiJijiL' jilh our inurohiuitH. k Mr, ami Mri. Cluiunu-Sy Mfcn'y nrc lit Iioiih'. aftur an Ji!noiico of tu'o jvi'ckx from .lackHoiivillv. J M. TlininnN Col'llliH of .Moilfonl ami Mks Hninia AhnAtniiik o l'ort- liiml visitt-il in .Ini'kKoiivillo tliirt week. loliu V. White, formerly of Apple Rati, who left for li'm former homn hi Illiouirt, after Helling out, wiih In JaekHouville Thiirnilay. , .line (lilehriHl ami M!hh Dnliiy Dk'iijjy f( Siiiu'h Valley wiiro joTncil (ii iiiitr!mony WeihieHilny by JiiHtiue Dtix. ' Itev. Mr. Holt ami bin wife of Port land h wilt a nliort (inio iirJnekHoii ilh, latj.v. '' " J '' 'ThiuDuiiqiiitr party jrfven by Jnok onillo AHHombly of ArtimniH Friday niKl't wiih a NiieeeHHful affair in ev ery way. Kxeelleut mtisio ami n Hjilciuliil Hiipper were nmonj; the fon turoH, ami all enjoyed thviuHelvus loronnliiy. II. in Tiiylor and hm family of Ap. ple'irard' ifrfvo b'eehm' "VkideiilH of- Jifekrtoiivilli) for the winter. Mi-h. W. J. Warner of Medford wiih the (,'iiest of Mirtrf Leila Prim a few ilayH iipi. Ir. ami Mm. Joju Ttfrnbauli n,pj ih'.IaekKoiiville and may loeato here. 7,(l.iorKe Piitnamofrtlie'Tail Tn- binie, Warden CurtiH "of lliu'OroROii iffiiileiitiiiry, Win. neri,' of tlin P. & Kf rail road and Col. F. Ii. 'ton Velio, wtjre JafkHonville viNitorH Thumday, lr. ami Mih. flillette, who have bjien visiting their former homo in Minnesota, returned one day this 7J. W. Opp wiih in Kane'ri Creek clJHtriet reeeatl' on iiiiiiiiif' biirtiueHrt. Joseph Popd hnri been employed in rejiaiiiiii; the Kterliii Milling com imiiy'H ditch. fMrri. II. 1), Killrain of Portland h VlJitiiiK her mother, MrH. V,. J. Kuhli, Walter McKay of Portland, who hjft orchard iutoiVHtx here with FJk'Iclier Linn, wim in .InekHonvillo lajidy, iih iiIho were bin wifo. ' Mr. ami MrH. 0. C. Ueokmnn and tmu'r dannhter, Mihh rnrrio, arrived 'IJuiwilav from ralifornia. Tliey have Ijeen Kpeudin neveral weekH at San KraneiHco ami ltyrou Springs. J CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. -i liiink WchIoii Iiuh pureluiHod from rS' P, Walner the orchard tract on IJopkiiiK1 I,ane, oppoHlto Snowy Untie orchards. ffConneibnan II. V. Pearl is in Oak land at the beHido of his brother who ifTvory ill. fMrH. Will 'Snot' Is-'on'torlnlnlhR freuiH, from Applointo DiIh week, Frank MoKuo, Jr., Inul a Boiiotis 3C WOODVILLE ITEMS. jtev. nm) Mrs. ,,J). wi loft foj their nuw emiiKu in Sail Franoibco Tifiiwtiiiy -nioniinK. ' r' Mr, ami Mih. CharleH Hatch were Mhoppiiiij In (Ir'aiitH Phhh on Friday. Mr. J. P. Winf went to (Iraiilh Puhm llftit Tueniluy. MrH. Winf ex jm'ojh rt follojy'ili (fwliort time, u they, expect to make their homo ii UriintH Pumh for the winter. Mr. mill Mw. Willi1 will bu miHHcd in ho cial clrcloH Jjeri. Mi-h. Dijffield i( huh rojunied (o tlinu' 'Iioiid iii'Medford Imit b'umlay niter a Hhnrl Htny with Mm. Duf. field'H inothor, Mih. (!. (J. Seamoii. 8um HamJry reliiriioil from a httHi- iichh trip to KoHebiuu IiihI Thursday. ti.i ii.l.... ii i in in. tfiuiu'it nurr wiih Hllopnil III (1 noils PaHs bint Monday, . )y. tyHiin spent TlmrHiJay in Medfon! on biiHiiiesH. M. 1U Pel Pee ntlcmlcil the meeting of school directors in Medford last week. Mr, Piuree is president of tlo Wnoilvillti school board. Xth. flraeV Dix Hpvnt HntUrday ami 8unriay at lu'r home liere. mo yuniiK peopii a very Jolly party The yuuilu people of Woodville had at the old school bouse on Hallowe'en. Tim usurtlj .., i. . ,'il, ...! pnuiKs worn i(iniiici in ami jjaosrs and uIiohI ntorietl furnished uiucli amiiHCiiient. Dr. Cliisbolm Iihh moved into the Laws bouse just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. LawH. The doctor now Iihh Ii splcmlid office room ami is much better situated than in Ids former home. TieketH nro Heliiij Very 'fast for the 'I.yciHim course, ami (HI those who wish to i;ct jood reserved scats had better secure their tickets as soon iih possible. 'Tliu Lifdies,'Aid met at the homo of Mrs. 0. Poe last Thursday and plan ned HHK'li work for the future. On ......I (P.. A?,.! II II... I...I!...' ...!ll .'. next Tuesday all tlie ladies will meet nt llift jiiansu to clean nid repuper Hmne'of tllij rooins; ' ' At (bo last meeting' of tli) Wood vllle Improvement Club, Mrs. P. il. flilmore was elected president of the club. The Indies plan to do many things toward cnlnriin: ojir librait1 this winter ami are please;) to have so able ii leader ii the work. ' Mr, Kueelaml ' bis Kone To Porl Inud on a vinit, Webb Hall linn sold bin confec tionery H6rtf f MrWinTnh nmrex- pei'ts to ji to tilitj Franeiseo for n year. '.-'" Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Myers have moved nutti (lie Wagner ratieh up 1st 'i .vans creek. Woodville merchants are already receiving some of their Christmas goods ami getting things in rendinusn for the holiday trade. Mrs. John Hillis of Upper F.vnnn creek spout a couple of dny ill Woodville last week. Prof. Main has arranged for nr asthetie meet this week in the hcIioo groimiiH. rroi Aiam lias nnmsei mtieli bitcresb omong tin) bpyrt'an eouseitnently (here ij lifore 'iirtercs in the sefiool tbau'ever lie fore. KANES CrIEEK ITEMS. M- iil'l'lilTH I'in'k 9 lmyincss np l.o JIPJL'U? I "H " 'lay r!i!ontly. VilPfMi (rnAniAlfririjIinlhcKH in' the Hub city on Wediredny. Mr. and Mr. Nieholn of Medfonl spent a day hero recently as tbo guests of relatives, Captolrt fiwlnflen of ledford in a present a'giiTHt of frH.' lliggin botbani. ''u ' ' ' Mine. Olson and Stineburg of Oold Hill wore pleasant cullers at Mr. MardoiiH on Tuesday. - Hallowe'en pased off very quietly in thirt neighborhood asido from mlsplaoing several farm implements and otherwise ohstruetiiig the high way. Iho Householder spent Friday in. Aieiiioni on business and pleasure jlomUijiijjl. 'f , W ' John Italls and Ervin Hay returned homo from their hunt one day re cently ami reporl all kinds of luck. We are sorry to Hijy that Mr. Nor ris and family contemplate moving to Medford within a Hhort i)o where they intend to mnku their l'lii'mo home. aeeiueiil Tliuraday, being thrown out' of bis buggy and was badly bruised on the head and body by tbo horse running away. The Clnrk-IIonery ConMruotion company aro putting the finishing coat of iiHplialt on paving oontraot No. 2 and will have same completed h.V firfit of wook. , City' Kfl'gmoor Osgood a surveying First anil Second bIiWVh for thoWifo. walkH oYdereo inr" ' " " H. F, Orover of Rnygold was onll ng on i'rlnntlH .UfUja Jftiduyj afternoon. 'MM. W. D. Lewis entertained tbo LadioH Civil) Improvement Club Fri day afternoon, 1 MEDFORD MATTi TRTBUCT, n in ii i 11 MJlKP- MnrrfoKP Jjlirnsei. , Jhho OilchriKiifiil Daitiy DipiKcy. Mnninl. Murphy-Himtlcy fu Ashland on Oelober .'II, JIIJ 1, by Hev. W. T, Van Mcoy, (JeorKP' Carl Muiphy and Alice Huntley. ' ' Oilelirim-DuiiLry In Jacksonville on November 1, 11)11. by Henry Dox. justici) of llie pei'iei', Jesse Oilcfirist and Daisy Dunny. . . New Cusci. Ktnle of Orcuoti vs. Jerry Tuzar, trunsenpt. Ktnte of Oregon vs. 1. H. 0!im mitiKs, transcript. Htate of Oregon vh. Dick TIioiiiiih oii, transcript, I'rolxito Court. Kstate of Hnrali K. Iliish, order dis ixrciiic ad)iiiuisraorr i Jtcnl Kstnto Tntiuiffrt. Itiiymoml L. Farmer to H. 1'. (ladehus, lots 15 and' 30, III It. . !! !lortH !ML,li!i.,'i H''lVrl" Ocortto T. Woodbury to K. II. rronj'ji, el al, g iiej-es pi fjyp. Kl ill), 1 WOHl 10 ! (J. S. to Joscdi Ap;lejiake, 1(10 ncics in secioiV22, township U'i, 1 westl'j'ieufi1' LT. H. to Nellje'sU."'lk'esou, 40 acres in sdetion flfi, town ship .'IS, 1 'vcj.t', patent. Andrew World to .7. K. Knbley, one aere ju I). L.'p. f).r lown- slilp :17" 2 wcHt .' JaiildH Shields (o Andrew Wold, bind in p. I l, qwnplii)'.'17, M VCHt m mi i t n i i 1G7I) 300 Aniifcw Wold to J.'K. 'I'iisgy 1.8I n;re in D. I'. C. 55, lowfi. 3 norttt, 2'wn.st . . i , . ;'. .'L'. 1100 hilviq Ifjarro ( Kblon 1. Jfji ning, (ot Ipj bjoek 27, Hold I IIH Ji t i-f Aaron I'. Neljelblml'lo Dupcan I.illis, Kit) acres in seetfou'28, tpwnsbip 37, ! wefct ,i II. L. Herzinger to W. C. Fixley, land in towunlilpJ3H, 4 west,... Olnh M. Clmffeo toNo. 11.' Chaf fee. poter of. attorney. 10 10 10 Hmina A. C'ordes to fcmil Conies For Tride Lii rr-'i 1 ncroa crook iittdln, 31 in Irrl- Brttoti alfalfa, room hnuiso, barn, oilier bulliimgH, "lirlo to utntlon; fvntor right, J1000 ' personal .and jitock,' on njnln road; ' tnku eomo ensh, city JiroHrty or gooil imnor for iMliilty WiU. 240-nqro sfock ranch, -jO in qiilj.1- yr.(lon,vwitQr right, C-room Iioiibo, fither btildlnKH, C .an city property, v acre; tako ) ' 10 acres Umpqua valloy, 15 la "or clmnl'nlralfa amrtlmothy, 30 acres tillable; Jnke liouso anil two lots. ' SG'O'Hcro 'wheat ranc'lii 320 fn'cul- flvitlon, 30 ucro; tako valley prop- ' l-rooin Iioiibo cIoho to paving, J1000; taku any good property. ' 11 acres, 8 In pears, bUlnnco gar lien, good liouso; tako residence-, S4000. - . lluslness earning' JSOOQ yearly, 13000 for quick wi)o, . ' -? 2 acres Perry subdivision, 'In grovo, Bolf on oasy tonus. fi-room plastered bungalow, loss than cost, your own terms, range In cluded, lot r.0x230. ' ,X fSLAlYKltBATYfia" ' aqcpfiipjTs uidg. ' ' l'fionoii'.'" IIoBklnt for Heulln. APPLES Ffi EUROPE Wo nre Rppolntod ngonta for - J. B. THOMAS, Covont Garden, Lon don and Southampton, England, whose charges are C per tent and G cents por box. JAS. i'lNDSAY & 80JL L(d., fjlac gownantl Edinburgh.' Scotland, 5 nor coat and 10 cents per box. KAWSON ROBINSON, Hull, Eng laug, G per pant and 8 cents per hox. ' Those are the oldest and larsetit flriniB ju tWr "rospopllv.Q 'tcwpJ, apil heir roforonco as to financial abil ities can bo had Medford National naiik, Medford," Oregon, ' ' ,' ' CiBlivcan be cnblfid dayatter" sale' It required, and htghoflt markot prloea guarantoGcJ, " Uod Faced Me piqKli)g Tt OIQ-, AR8 talking "HOT AHl" don't always live on air, lience our remarks on chargos. The clap-trap about private sale dooa not prove remunerative, except for 0mo curios qt a small nature, ill iiiiiu nuuwuLH nro uvur so as to Know what to nsk, und In tho case of largo supplies they ofton get Iptt, For furthor particulars, address W. N. WHITE & CO. MTOFORP.fottEClON. SATtJRDAY, NOVEMBER 4, ' " i I . . I,,.' i , , ll. i ;.i';h power of nlUmiiy, Arthur 0. , Tdwiif1 to Samuel 0. tfdwardH, .' tyri' in J, h. C--it "anil 'i,.JiMv)ship IJJJ, 3 diBt ..... h ;.... N! rhulAfl'Wgllcr to'( hmlc-i Mnr-ro-: 'Jot 3&; 1ihjc 1, Tlittlo's HCi-ond n iyoim.rMcilford . II.II.'Harrffljg'Jacr-oiiWIieol- er, lotl.bloiikJC, JJntte Falls Samuel C, 'KilwnfDc to Arthur JO 10 V.. Ktlwtiutt.'i Seres in toivn Hlitfi 'MKYmmlX 300 I). II. Harris, tW, to .7. H. Scjjer, Jot .'I, bkek 'JJ, I?itt FoIIh ' , .... A ......... . 10 U. U J lapis, tniiti'e. in 3, K. Ilrnfnnrd, Ifil, block 20, ' Illjifr 1'JL"". I5"lt KnH. KiM Ulricb To AVm. Ulri-h, as- Hignce, land in township ',tt, Wm. Ulricb to KajJ I'lrich, laud in township 3.1 ; puhI Lester It. Ilnggs fo Kditb HriggH, land ijl lowfldbm ',i, . west.. L. A'. Milrtitl to laard W. Til tou, bind in towulm, ;j( 4 10 250 10 west W. Ii Kitlilor to W. h. Welch, loin 1, 2 itml 3, block 2, Oak Park addition, Centre-1 Point P. W. J?tnf!f!iff Jtf Job 7. Wild er, property, in Phoenix. . . . John Munis Jo Jna A. Smith, properly in AiXland S. IVJIoJp, to 0. C. Driggs, property jn AInml Win'. T." Houston to Kdmiind Peil, 40 aercH in scclioh 17", lovnsn7p""JT'lVest'. 5000 1200 800; 1 1() D. II. Harris, trustee, to J. If. Haybijni, pw?y in HuiC addition Duttc Polls .....'. 10 S. h. Leonard to, fieniice Cnpi eron.'bit'n lf'and 12, block 75, Medford ... .1(1 p&rft?p Pledge? It wo? fo lorjyjtustomafy for the habitual drinker to take the plcdgo regjilnrly, somctlin? onco a year, and sometimes In' b very fit of remorse that followed bis dbaucbes, and then break It. Hut now It Is Irsdually dawning 011 the world tlist pledges do not stop driinkennces. The nervous sys tem of tho habllutl drinker is dis eased and ho must havo" treatment that will euro hlK.tondltlon. If Or-rlno-floes not' bpoeflt after a trial, your money will be refunded. RJJlilNK cpsts bat ?l a box. Call ut our store mid pt a free booklet. Welti gladly tSll ou all about 'this meritorious Wwf for tho" liquor liab'lt. Leon" W. llasklns, 214 East Wlu. Jo Car Cola la On Oar Take L.AXAT1VB imOMO Quinine Tab let. Drticclkt rcfur.il nulney If It fMts tb'urrt E. W. OnOVira" signs lUro Ison'tach box.' JBc. KoUee. Notlca Is hereby given that tho under signed, will apply at the next regular nretlniry'df the cltycoitnclf of the clly of Medfonl. Oregon, 'on November lib. 1911, for a llcenne to sell spirituous, flnduif""nnd malt liquor in 'qbatotltles less 'thiift one gallon, "at their placo of business at 32 Front St., In said city, for a'perlod of six months. ' ' ' " ' uVfc'ET J. ADAMa Datod October 23, 1911. . '" DiBBOr.UTI0K KOTXCa. No .Ico Is hereby glvelr tfistt 'the f Inn of Mitchell & llueclv hits dissolved .part nership. All nccuunts duo the firm must bo paid by November 15, 1911. Any oiio holding accounts against the firm must present same before NOV. 191 1911. 195 MlTVHRia, & nOECII. B. KZH' AJl-i.-." FOR SALE OR RENT - - - " 430 scre-.umch. 300 acres tinder Irriga tion. 1Q miles frtaa Medford. Qold . )Uy-nalty Co.. 31 8 .West Main street: room ivi r.ieciric uuuaing. n Fori EXCHANGE nXCIIANan KO acres good lend close to Eagle Point on county road, close to school. Utve good trado ror Cali fornia property or" sell cheap. -A. do Wlldo, 183 MlllaVd ravo., Pasadena, Cal. ' . i r lXJll EXCHANGE-fit. acres creek bot tom, 32 cultivated, 16 Irrigated, Irri gate all, 4 pom house, 2 barns, sower, water nlned from creek, school "hud P. JO- on lilAce. 5 mjlifs to It. It., fine business location, inso city property. CI.AIHC UGALT y CO. Thono 233U 206Phlpps 'Uldg. KOIt EXCH.VNGK 20 acres near town, llonutlfiil view unimproved, Ideal chicken 'ranch, good-fruit land. Kx chango for Medford property. 820 West 12th st, 13S -'OnM;NClIAN!;Clty --.reporty, lbts, 'nere truets nnd ranches 'to oxehnngo foiiithor prois'rtV. "Oold ltn- Ilealty Co., 101 Eleclrlo bldg. FOR RENT I'Olt ItKNT rmnlshed rooms; hot nnd cold water, b,ith nnd olootrio lights; o)os9;Tar 221 8rti uHy st. 1 rnnsUhed ' Eooms. VXn UKNT Two or throo furnished rooniH, modern, light' housekeeping privileges' two blbcks from "Medford 'hetel: 4142 No Ivy. Phbrio 6511. ' 198 roil HUNT Nicely furnished room oIobo In. 322 South Central ave. 196 '- '- i. . ""i ,T i VOn KKNTNowlr Itturnlshed front room; bnth nnd telephouo; 4 blocks from Washington school at end of I,uiro st. XolOPlisno l-7. S rlpg: 722 West 14th st, , Hoard Xeoaui IIOOM AND BOARD ,t Mrs, Fay's. No. to No.4 Orbpo st-. back of Farmers ahd j'rultjrowers $K f ' XouskVls oobis FOR RENT 3 furnished liounokoop lug rooms. 222 South Holly at. FOR nKNT Ploasant, clean housekeep. lug rooms. 317 West Second st, FOnREHT XMH. I'OIt nKNTHmnll furnished fist close in. 2f MIhiWoc Ht. IDS KOH IIKNTU room lioiifio on iav. on-ril 3 liloeks from Mnln; uioilnrn, IJtJ'O., 0t H JtlversldiT. KOH HUNT 8 room modern houm. 41 Koulh Onkrtalo. 19S L70n HKNT-Cirtp In in rWit pnrty, rnooern six-room ountfniowr ni 72 w 14th nt. Inqulro of 13. H. Kllllon, Mcil rora IiIkIi school. 19C I'On ItKNT 4-roorn hoimo, 17; also, J. room hotiKo, 15. In'inlrn at 322 Kouth Contral, loo FOIl HUNT Ilunualow with ncrs In Jsoksorivllln, nil modvrn Improve mviils, fine bnrn. I'honn lnln 1021 or 4771; J35 I'OK HUNT Thrc houses (3 to 6 roomt nnwly plnt;l lmild and ia- Iir"'l, on N. Central av. One moijorn Itontn reasonnhle. Call or &Mrim W. H. Ilnmmoni, So. end roach nt.. H. J. Dox 4. Of fio fox KOH RENT Over tne postofflc ltat and light H A. A. Davis. rlth FOR SALE. Xoasea VOl HAI.p S room hous. J Mock oml '4ih st ; imvlnc. plumbs.) nnd wlfil, A V 1 1 1 take any reiinonabln, amount down nnd monthly payments from rllit party Address l O. IJox CSS l"OH HAI.I-r.'w s room plastered bun- icalow. lot G0x230, for leim than nc tual cest: taku small pdyment down. Imlanofl like fent. Clark Hfalty" Co.. 20 Phlppn bid;. Fhono 2331. VQll HAl.lZ By owner, modern flv. .room bungalow. Call at 121 Kast Muln n. 21S XtCfta KOH HAI.B I3Q00: five lots, new bun alow, all modern conveniences. 8 sere chicken ranch In connection. Ap ply to owner. W. M. Davis, Myrtle Creek, Ore,' - ' 210 Jiana for Bal. KOIt AI.?-C5 ncrf-s, nil Improved level land, 40 acres In alfUlfa. COO ix-ar treen, COO pencil trees, 8-room house. bams and nil other outbulldlnc. at t2(0"per ncre. Will sell part or all Atldrenff Hox 68, It. V. V. 1, Central rejnt, Ore. ' . 300 Kdlt HAt.r JO acres black sticky, all or part. Very very cheap, or will exchange for city Projicrty. Address X Y, care Mall Tribune. 317 KOIl SALE 90 acres partly cleared. ICG0O. 4 mlli; from It. IC, C miles from Medford. Terms $2500 cash, balance to suit. Address Owner. lior 100, Mall Tribune- 196 FOIt SALE 1280 aero stock ranch. 90 acres In cultivatien: 7 or 3" million feet of timber: balance pasture, -well watered by good springs and has ac cess to unlimited summer ranees in national ' forest, rasture the year round. OnV 3000-foot capacity steam saw mill: 3. houses and 3 barns, a orchards; farm implements. All gd with the place tf sold at once for J12.50 per acre. AYIU sell -with or without cattle and horses; Address IVrlght Droit, owners. Drew, Douglas, Ctxr Oregon. 215 l-OIt SALE A bargain for anybedy: 4- room frame house In flue neighbor neighber neighbor eood: large shed; chicken house and garden: lot GOxllS: only $950. Will sell furnished If desired. 73? W. 14th, sC, near So.Netown 'ave. 208 I'On KAI.E Aero and flvo ncro tracts adjoining Medford on long time, easy imyments or mlgbt exchange Gold Itay Healty Co.. 101 Electrla bldg. Acrssff XOH SALE 1 1-2 acres with new four room house; an Ideal chicken ranch: ftiSO If taken within ten days. Ad dress If. K. II., care Matl Tribune or call tm'llomu phono 28S-L. IHDIt SALE 20 acres parity Improved, "no house, four miles out! all No. 1 fruit land, no stone, price $1750. Ad dress II, care Mall Tribune. On 8ALE lOacres 3-year-old orchard, set to Newtowns, Spltx and Wlncsaps. Under gravity ditch, 1 1-3 miles from Grants Pass postotflce. John B. Hair. Woodville. Oro. ' 195 I'On SALE Six acres, small house, nearly nl Jn fruit, all cleared: price J1(j60: terms. Address Owner, care Mall Tribune, J jucilatos POR SALE Saddle horse, weight 950. gentle. Address L. It. Davlcs, Jack sonville, 195 1 ' FOR SALE Automobile, flno condition, , cheap. Address' Box '77, care Mall ' Tribune - -' 196 FOE 'SALE Good -combination saddle nnd driving horse, buggy and harness. Leaving city. Sell cheap. Address P, O. Hox 33. 196 FOIl SALE Kentucky bay saddle and driving horse "Doc" for sale, gentle nml Mmi...! R.tA Tlr TTeltiiH 195 nnd sound. See Dr. Helms. 195 FOR SALE Poultry plant. Contra! ave, ' " 714 South 211 FOR 8ALE Durock Jersey boar regis tered: took first prlta at district fair Oct. 3 to 7, 1911. A. R. Coffin, Med ford. Phono Roll 3311. 119 CORN FOR SALE 1 cont per lb. Conner Land Co., Lower Table Rock. '' , FOR SALE Cordwood. oak nnd hard wood. 35 per cord In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., 218 West Main phone 1873. FOn SALE Ono Mollne endgate seed er; 1 disk plow, 1 steel road scraper; "60 foet 1-2 lnoh steel cable; 1 Jersey cow"; stock quashes. John B, llalr Woodville. Ore. 195 FOR 8.ALE 3 span mules 3 to 5 yrs, old broken to work! wt. 1050 to 1250 lbs C. D. Till, 'West Sldo stables. FOR SALE 20 hounds houndH 20. I Jiavo 20 trained hounds nil over one yenr- old. will patch any- living anlmai Cheuil for 60 days only. Chis. Gilchrist flams Valloy, Oro. FOR SALE 80 linear foot glass nnO fruiuo office partitions. 10 feet high with glass doors. Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Voneorod fir counter 10 feet joig.ft?6 Inches yldo, 38 Inches high nearly, now,' inu xpmmo onice, FOn SAf.E At a 20 per cont dlsoouni a diamond ring worth $176. Addrest Hox 81, enro Mall Tribune 199 FOR SALE 5 passongor automobile In good condition cheap or might e;c cliango for real estate. Gold Rny Really Co., 101 Klectrlo bldg. 19.11. T IUSIHES& OPPORTUNITIES. UMAM. IrtVstuumt wll secilr" pjiritm nent Income by sactfrlng fXof6nlv. ngeney for your territory to H.tndlo New Clio mien I Itcfrlg'rrttor Cooler Itedliccs Ico bl 1 7S per cent, mnkcl refrigerators 8 lo IS degrees cooler thnn Ico nan. Or eft J out Invention of the oge. ThOiiMnds la use. Chemlcn. Ib'frlgerntlng fo, 4311 Chamber of Commerce, 1'ortlnml, Oregon. IDC ML. .OHT Flm Amethyst lmr win. 110 reward. Finder pleoso leavo nt this office nnd receive reward. OUT Kttslmnn kodak 3-A Kneels Finder plenso return to Irving Worth Inglon. 3d fhKir Medford Unnk. WANTED. Klsctllsoecms WANTED Work for man Can furnish four horses. nnd tnm I'hoim 2331 WANTED Washing. Ironing; will take liotnn or out Tel. Main 135. 19S WANTED You can't help but mnke money selling our guaninteedto-glve-sntlsfaotlon stock; free outfit; cash weekly; xeltslve territory. Taklm.i Valley Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, Washington. WANTED I'our or flvo room modern fiirnlslied hous P. O. IJox 673. WANTED To buy 4 doicn Huff Orping ton nnd White Leghorn hens. Addresn M. J. Pllcber, 722 West Jlth St. PhOne 7443 2 rings. WANTED To buy a good, gentle, fresh milch cow, Jersey preferred. Address P O. Hox 61. WANTED To buy a modern house clos. In, on easy terms. Clark Ilealty Co ' WANT to save you money on your ee ment work. Work guaranteed, any kind done Call on me. nt C08 New town st. Home phono 23 X. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Chauffeur wants nonltlOU Willi private fatnlly ok-'triick. Can da repairing A. Waker, S28 Morrison st. Portland, Ore. 196 WANTED Washing and Ironing. Finn work a specialty. 48 North Oakdale. 197 HITUATION WANTED Ily thoroughly competent and experienced chauffeur. Does all own repairing. Uest of refer ences fnrnlHhoL Steady or by the Job. L. Elgelxba'Clf. 923 South Oakdale Jive. A L. Marshall. 195 POSITION WANTED Lady wanting ponltlon had experience In various lines of clerking, bookkeeping, etc.. held responsible positions, cashiered. E. M., care Tribune. 200 HELP WANTED. 2!y Wastes 3fSMla WANTED Ctimpctcnt housekeeper ,for family -of three. Address 'P. O. box 257. WANTED Woman to cook and di housework. Call at Gray & Moe'd store. Zely WaattS Vim llOKAUA DfAMONOS Agents, ' every one, wear and sell our famous Coknra Diamonds; write for sample offer and catalog free. Northwestern Jewelry Co., 1123 Wilson ave., Chicago. WANTED Man and woman, no chil dren, on ranch. Wife to cook, man must1 undcrBtnnd stock and ranch work, at onco. Apply llpx 89, Malt Tribune. 195 SALESMAN To aid us supply the brisk demand for our goods. Some vacant territory yet In every state west of the Mississippi. Cash weekly. Caplta Nursery Co.. Salem, Ore, 197 WANTED Salesman for excolalvo ter ritory. Big opportunities.' No expe rience necessary. Complete line Yak ima, Vnlly grown fruit, shade and 6rnamental slock. Cosh weekly. Out fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company, Toppenlsa. wash. BATHS AHD MASSAGES. BATHS and massage treatments at your own home. Call 285-2 Home phone. 195 MONEY TO LOAN 2500 TO LOAN on good clear country real estate. Box D. N, Tribune. 195 FOR SALE First clnss saloon doing good business; best loeatlon tn city. Address Box' 6, Chlco, CaL '- 19 TO LOAN, on clenr real estate, 1100. jlOOO. or 32000. X. Mnll Tribune, 196 MONEV TO LOAN J5000 or any por- tlon to loan on improved property. Clark Realty Co., 206 Phlpps bldg, Phono 2331. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. COLVIO & RHAMrift W. M. Colvlg. C L. Roames. Lawyers. Office Medford National Bank building, second float PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-law. Nos. 1 and Post office building. A. B. REAMES Lwyer. Qarnett-Core) building. MVI.KEV & CHERRY (R, F MUI.KBY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 1 Jackson County Rank bldg, Aoooantants. D. R, WOOD General accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Aieaiora Man Triuune uuijaing, puonr 6611, residence phone 1301. - ' Apartments. THE RBRREN Modern furnished apart ments. Hot water, hcut, disappearing bed's, buffet kitchens, prhuto baths Every convenience. Corner Qulnco and West Main streets. Home lihond 347 L. 100 Ism: r ang Analyst. SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU ItBAU Assays inado for gold, silver, lead, copper, and other minerals Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed ,anjl mining maps and reports made thereon by. competent mining as Bayers and engineers nt reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine owners are earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibition purposes, and send full description of their mining property. Southern Ore iron Mining Bureau, 316 West Main Street. Medford, Oregon. V8SAYER AND CHEMIST Earl V, In gels, B. So, General assay and an. nly Ileal work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assuy office and lusting laboratory In Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Pass. Or. -t AreWUo. fOHNS ft TURNER. Architects snd Builders. Office 7-8, 326 Main: (lions Main 8171. Residence phone 744, v&m bvw business omur'oniP" 3111 Vest. nilljio VEHNKfT. CAWON-nill poseV snrt'Dlw triouior. ftii oruern prompny rillAU Room 39, Jsaksnn County ls,nk build nn. Medford. Orssnn OklrojHreetors. DR. It. J T.OCKWOOD Chiropractic, nervo specialist, 212 Fruitgrowers nnrw building. Office hours! 3 to 4. Phone Home 369IC. Resldnncw Up Rooswlt, Ileilrs: 6 to IS and am lb 730.Phono 108K. Special hours by appointment, !cloht!f!J ninSutg KlvJn. Advlco In dietetics. Medical gymnastlo hydro theropy. '' Transfer. IJAD3 RltOH. dray anil transfer. Offlrs Davis warehouse. Phono Roll 3152, Home 360-1? Price right. Snrvlco gunrantead. Civil Xngintt, UOUW W. WHITINO. civil engineer' and surveyor Wnter filings nmj Irrigation work a specially, surveys, subdividing, building prndes, city enRlncsr'oK drif t lg, sower design, cOncreto "work, ptitnp and en rift I systems. Roons 13, Adklns Block. Medford, Oregon. ' Absttaots. rogue rivbr valley abstract TITLE CO , INC., Jacksonville. Phones Pacific. Main 11, Home ZOOt, Ullra Vsnor. H. T. BROWN ft CO. Billiards. CIgsrs and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Toiwr Hall building. A nice, cool slsoe to spend the hot afternoons CIgsrs aaa Toseoeo. IRELAND & ANTLE. Sttaakshoase . Dealers In, tobacco, cigars, and swofc ers supplies. EXcIusIvo agent of Lewi Single Hinder, El Merlto and Bl Pslen els. 313 West Main streeL ' - rwraltsre. 11. F. TVJLSON.A CO., dealers In new nnd second-hand, furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household store nnd ranges 38 South Fir street Phono Main 3161. Home 26S-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Com ner 8th and Holly streets, Medford. Mission furniture made to order.' Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF ft WOLFFCookstovos and ranges. New and second hand furnl turs. Kada old stand. 18 Fir street. South. Phone L Home 282-K. iieU ford. Cforfesg. MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. OARRAGE HAULED. Itiv orders al 29" South Bartlvtt. or phono Iloilnej Taylor. Pa cific 3132. Home 107-x. SCinlsf Kschlsery. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix, Or, or the Denver Quarts Mill ft Cruohn Co., of 1710 Broadway, Denver. Colo rado. Catalogues fend prices' can t0 bad at Phoenix. Oregon. Matt Calhaua. anMsesss. MEDFORD GREEN IIOUgE Cut flow, ers. potted plants, shrubbery bulbsi. 923 E. Main. Phone' 3741. QUAHP.n NURSERIES Our treeS are budded, not gruftcl. Our stock Is not Irrigated We guaratiteo everything put out. Wo are not In" tho trust, II. II l'atterson. Office removed to brflfce Hotel Nash, Inside entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc Growers of high grado nur sery stock. Office 104 a. fir. Botb phones. Votary Tubus. HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary publlo Bring your work to mo at the sign ol The Mall Trlbuns. . rhyriclaas ana gargeoss. DR. M. C.-BARBEH Physician ana Sur geon Rooms 403-4 Medford Furniture and Harware Bldg.: residence J30 West Main street; offlco hours, 10r a. m. to 4 p. m,; tel. 101. bits. COISROY A CLANCY lli -slclan and surgeons, Taylor ahd Phlpps bldg.. residence phone 812. Office hours a. m. to I p. tn, UK. F. U. CARLO W. DZU EVA MAlna uutbun ustcopsinie physicians. Moved to rooms 418 and 417 Gaxnett- worey qiag. 1'none aism B351. OIL ARTEMAS W, DEANB Dentist Office In RIalto bldg.. 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth Telephone Main 68L Night ftr.iuuv ,i. Ull S rEARNtj Physician sjid sUHJeOii. Office Garnett-Corey bldg.. rooms 211-213, phone 6501. Residence 113 Laurel st. phone 2093. DR. a A. LOCICWOOD, physician and aurKuii. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD. practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offices over Hasklns drug store. Phones! Paelflo 1001 Home 28. Dr." W. 'M. Van Scoyoc. ' Dr. a C. Van Scoyoa. Dentists. Oamett-Coroy bldg., suite 318. Medford. Oregon. Both Phorten DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear, nose, and throat Eyes solontlflcally tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 218 East Main street, over Medford Hardware company?- hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m,; both phones. DR& SAUNDERo AND GREEN Prao- tlce limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Office: Suite 318 asrnett Corey building. Both phones. :' i J. M. KEENE. D. D. S.; A. J. HINIKER. D. D. s Dentists, 228 E. Main. Phone Main 3191. Home 124K. .MR CHARLES TURN Bit. Dootor Jtl rnoiiiiiuiiwii, Hiomucn irouuie, sprains; guaranteed It will euro. Manufactured ut Medford, Oro., by Mr. Charles Turner. No ono handles this medlchiii only Churles Turner, general tnanajjur, 63il North First.. Medfoid. Oregon. Chines Kedlclnts. ' CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese riiedlolnes"" wiTl euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds. Boil ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private dlssases and rfll kinds of chronlo and nervous allmsnts. Stomuch trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles, Ho mo at 311 a Front st. Medford. Ore. to 4, C;30 to 7:30. Residence phoss Phone Main 42. Sprinters and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has the bost equipped job office In bouthern Ore gon; book binding; loose leaf systems: cut paper, eta. etc., Portland prlCM. 37 North Fir street SINGER -WHEELER ft WILSON sewing machines for sale and rent. Re pairs. Caro Duncan local respresenta tlve. Phone 6013. No. 38 South Fir street teaogrsyhers. ELLA Ml OUANYAW--I'aTm Bl 1 Stenographlo work dons quickly wen. MISS L. J. IHNGSTON, Publlo stenofi rnnher. Medford. Oreiron. Phones! Oil floo, Pacific S71; residence, Paclffi 6083. Room 318. Oarnett-Corey bbM IranlM Works. p MEDFORD BRIUK; CO Oao. W. I'rio. (V I NoBle. Ooo., T, O'Hrlen Contrso tors and tnuivufaoturers of brick! deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Offltuj In Garnett-Coroy block, roow H. m floor. Phons No, 8181, " m Yh