o v i 5? JSEtmvom " ! Medfokd mail Triuune r Tl rr.li,S,.t -t J -vA.ii 6l., iAW INDEPENDKNT NKV8IAPRR X'UHMHUKD KVUHV AVTliltNOON "KXCKPT SUNDAY, T1V TUB ' MKOirOnt) PUINTINO CO. Tho T)flinocmtlb Timed, Th MMfottl MaI1.,TIi. Mpdfortl Tk'ibunft. The South ern Orcgaulnn, Tho Aslilnml Tribune. MmFoWMAriiViUTOum atFiDFOftbRificilfly; ewjtotme; NdYraM nifty -i, in'ii: r Tin ATTiriTTiTTT' "J on Hiilrlttml . triflti. Never hhvlngl t . X t ' v ,.. THE CITY BEAUTIFUL. Offlcn MrII Trltuino Itulldln, 36-37-iti North Fir troet; phono. Mala J0D1. HMM 76. WKOIlQIl PUTNAM, Editor and Manager 1 Rntnred nil second-class matter t Med- fonl, Orei 1179. Tregor- under tho net of. Murab I, v r rxflclnl Pnpor of the City of Mutton" it Offlrlnl Pnrxr of Jnoloon County. . on mtlrltXml tniili. Never Wiving gone- In for nrtlvu wni rht, .HiIm vor feeding withmit 'work bus wnrtu blip njrltuully flabby, ,resulenee streets, Jov is1 the tune to omer tnc twos so that thev may be planted durinjrtlic dormant rainy period. The railroad right-of-way between Sixth and l.ightl. streets should be cleared'of . hacks,' Utuiber pi Its and debris JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Drown ? Makes' no dlfferonce Who jqu arc, ' Tho point la tlhl you Sco that 8tar? i 'Montbc-r js now a sort of satnlly HiiOijgo, used to taking In but mil U giving 'out. So it foilowH that" ho Is willing for piistur In mil In tlio healthy onl-oM( mini, llu wlshvs fho stranger good iiu'cess. llo even hones stranger. ill ho able- In hlH My Idea of nothing to ilo Is lo( read about reductions of tho cost of Hying In Now York City. 1 .Ton an I n Miller is backing n 1)1k electric plant near Eugcno. That is right, poets should stick closo to fnoir meters. $ Evor know a- person who came from Now York for two weeks with out knowing that" ho caiuo from New York? 5 INSTALLATION or Muster light upon Illy main busi ness streets oB Mcdford is the first important step Inwiiiil flu- iiinlciiirr oF the citv henutiful. Cluster lights itransfonn the appearance of'the city at night and add much to its attractiveness. Realization of this lqnir desired object should be fol lowed lv systematic inmrovenient and beautittcatton m 1 V -L . !-. ... t . t other wjivs. Shade trees should be planted along all tliti p B ''"V"' m Iresidence streets. 'Now is) the -time to order tho trees so "' l" ' "'" i j -"" It Is reported that very lately tho head of a big concern In Chicago stood up to pledge himself to win of all kinds and beautified by parking. lls-present condi- o ni ror tho Master within tin. lion is .m ,lJBm.i..o fo tho .-if v. Tho (iiiiiiinviiil dill), the! .' !.l.1 . T' 8 of( r. . .w. s.mf -v - ,.--. - , Greater Alodfonl club, the University club have all ijttssed resolutions requesting the clearance and beautification of this section, which, improved, will add so much to tho appearance of the city. Tire city council should lot-many act unon the subject. . Medford having been made utilitarian must now bt; made attractive and the coming year should see the eneri ' gies of the people spent in eflorts at making it the city beautiful. THE PUBLIC MARKET. ATTENTION is catted to the article elsewhere in tins' issue upon the"T)es Moines public market and whafc it has accomplished for tho community. J public market increases the returns to the producer crown ho bright with these now jow- camo next dn.the lco president of a rortalu railway. Tho ninttor itf hand seUled, the question was opened of tho roll man's soul salva tion. Tho end of It was tho vice- president's acceptance of Jesus Christ as his personal n lor. Not tho ond cither, for to date this now convert has won flfly-rour of his colleaKiies for Tho Mnster. The rank nnj fllo of the believers iaco mo issue 'anew with" each re- vlvttl. Will church .meiilber leave It to chnnco'and the annual lslt of tne specialist, or will church nilmibrr himself seek that man who will In turn go odt to win another otio t?r ten or flttr-four? Will church mem ber himself act that tho Master's Sllpo tho Btecl trust i poena lias been Charles Steele s investigation a served upon A a. Item thnt wo Head' with test: " TI& fearful cold in Middle west." political platforr chopped up for kindling. ' 'Can You IllnniP lHmV (Iear Js? &J.:' Why-Is it you make fiin' xif pcoplo's names? Just cause. a follow has a queer name la it a reason yoji should talk about him? A. Mush. - . ' t .-. It is one Mcdford man's ambltlqn to have aomet named after hlni'so that onco?ih every 598 years his name would appear in the, newspapers. II ' ! -' Medford'rf"sano Hallowo'err proved that the days of the village- cut-up nro pasU, Thb'closo'of (he jelly season brings on the usual 'drop in tho prlco of sugar. and decreases the cost of livinsr to the consumer. A public market eliminates excessive profits of middle- men, both wholesale and retail, by enabling the producer lo deal direct with tho consumer. As most of the produce is perishable, the dealer must! ask a large profit to cover the risk of its spoiling, and most dealers assert there is little profit in handling vegetables and fruit. The farmer must compete with the world inmarkoting his product to thv wholesale!-. For instance, last year, .. , , .. . ,.. fl ,;. those who.grew beans had. to compete with beans grown in What a boon it would bo ir planks r . , ,, ... . l, , , ,. T rtM political platforms could be Japan, and meet the pncD sobtaiucd by the Japs, those who held out for moie did not sell to local buyers. When the farmer can sell direct to the eonsuiner he has an oppor tunity to market his output at home at better prices. lu these days nearly every business or class of business except the farmer, retail or wholesale, is working under an agreement. Thus prices are arbitrarily raised or low- ! fired without 'regard to the laws of supply and demand, and arbitrary restrictions imposed which restrict trade. Thq consumer is scientifically mulcted, and so is the pro ducer'. The- public market helps cure this condition. , Producers frequently cannot market their crop unless they agree Uot to sell direct to- other parties fordess than I an increased sum. The public market would help remedy this restraint of trade. Tho middlemen tire, all organized and can arbitrarily raise or lower prices without' regard to the lawsvof supply and demand. The producers and the consumers are alike unorganized. The public market brings them together. A public market is among the most needed institutions of Medford. At the Churches yroot'. ' i '. 'i ' 'i !' . Methodist Episcopal Church. 13. Olln Eldridge, pastor. Services Sunday as follews: Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjects, morning. "Tho First Pioneer''? eve ning, "Tho Handwriting on the Wall." Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Epworth League, G:30 p. m.; Junior (From the Portland Journal.) Governor WcjU'h prison iolicy will be subjected to severe strain in the twenty-seven convicts sent to Jack sou county to work on the fouita. mi :n i .1 rri.,.. . i mi m ii n ri ir iiiiim ii iriui i . i i r- Leaguo, 3 p. m.; prayer meeting --- - - Thursday evening. 8 o'clock. Excel-? nceompan cM on.y y im hUper. lWt music under tho direction of Professor, Cbldestor. You nro cor dlnlly Invited. v '.'Lutheran Church. i At ZIoiP Evangelical l Lutlieran church there will bo tie'rinaa Bervjeo itt 11 u. hi., English sorvico at 7:30 p. in. Subject of sermon, "Faith Ruyejopvil.'' Sunday school service (English) at 10 a. in. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Service Suinhiy morninj; nt 11 iiMolok. Subject of loBhon-scinion : "Alnm niul Fallen Man." Sunday t-eUnnl nt JO. Wednesday evening mcetiiif,' nt 7:30. All nro wcleomo. Itendint: room liuuru: 2 to P ilujlty exfiept Sunday; also Tlnuday even in from 7:1H1 to 0. Church edifice, 212 North Oukdulc Presbyterian Church. l'renehiiif,' nt Jl n. m., htibjept, "SU'iipiiif,' Out." PieachuiK nt 7;'J0 p.jn., hiibjuol "Tito Humilt of n Lie." Sunday school nt JO u. in. 0. E Society at (kIHI p. in. f- NEWSPAPER MEN'S ENEMIES 1 knew how J'Jf iv nowKimper man ninny luiookR ho receives behind his Imek ho would ndopt nnother pnlliric" renuivlu'd n citizen tho other day. Tho citizen wns iniHlaken, snys tho Diifur Dispatch. Tho nowspaper uutn wIiq succeeds expects to bo ma liuuud by every law breaker, swin dlor mid hypocrite, every , earplilft eittio and ovcry lover of notoriety who is ignored and, in fact, by nil petaouH who do not agree with him on 'public and privalo (pic$ton8, Tlie nv)iitpor man who expects to sto UirouRU lU'o withouj bcintr rocnted artd unjufilly censured slionltl mn0 i nrraiipmcnls'to die yotiuif. nsts .i i Ii.im'ii 'fin.' JlaaklM f?r IIelth. Testing West's Prison Policy iutendent of Uiq construction work The climate is mild, the mountains. in close proximity, niul every condition favorable for an escape. ,. It is a test tljtit 'will be watched wiUi intcrc.-.t. Jt may prove 'thewell known 6tirinis6' tbaf''there iireybrje men outside the pcnitcntiar' than some of those inside,. Jt may jy far toward confinnalion of the g'over- . it strained homicide. We kill more pc)- Iple pnx)rtioiiatly than any other civilized nation in the world. Wo av erage more than 24 murders a day. We have killed as high as thirty H day for a whole year. The' prisoits as a mere place of punishment ImVe not deterred the crooks and crimiij nR ' Possibly Governor WenPs plan may bIiow im n 'better miy. It eiuil not be wome. AVe are already at tlie head of the lbjt an a nation of tnar killers. If n dozen men 'or even one man, out'.of several hundred in the penitentiary enn be salvaged the ef fort is worth while. In any event; the system should be dependable citizens. We have- all been wont to believe that once in the pcniteutitiry, a man was beyond redemption. We have nors chifm that with the engagement I given n-fnir trial; It'ought not to men insula may be made useful audi Ijo eoifikimjed in uiVnss. It is by experiment am) impartial trial thill everv stcn in biiinan urocrcsw Ihik every tcp in human" progress lias been tnnde. Censure of Governor West's prison policy before a chance ilvays'iibed tho prison iib a place ot'jjias been given for testing its merit vengenuce. We Have loiiowcd the eonviet fnw the prison door when his torm o 'seiitoncc was euilcd.' rind branded him everywhere as a man ;o bo sljunueiL ' ' We have insisted on contemplating him as an I'shinnd, with htsj hand against every man and every man's hand against him. We have uneon rieionsly made him an outlaw:' We have invariably branded his brenst with a, scarlet letter. This course wo have pursued from the beginning, anil Jhivq nothing to prove its efficacy; It has not re- it vicious The men who do it, take an unworthy and an indefensible- po sition. They ought to be willing' for the governor to find, if ho can, more cmjiloynicnt, reduced cost and par tial saalvagc for tho prisoners. Ihjsidcs, the governor insists thnt the prisoners can ho made to aid tho stato by building good roads. Wliv not' have tho experiment tried, uml tried impartially on its merits? Is it not better for tho state'nud better for the men' for them to bulla roads' than to sit in piisoi; in mis chief -breeding idl-mn's? 4AaM;g53 n vM ) TT T- t Newbro's Berpicide Itlil Nut Disappoint. Don't become discouraged smpl hecnuso your hair falls and Is thin, weak and wispy, until you have trlei Ilcrplrldu. "l first begantp use Nevbro''s Herplcldo three years ago, after a spoil of fever, which' caused me to becomo almost bald, .llcrplclde soon restored tjie quantity and nat ural color of my hair. I feol lost without a bottlo of llerplcldrf In the house." Thus Mrs. Anna C Layn. S2 1 Second Ave, Loulsvllle.'ljy., tells In her own words bow sho lost her hair and how sho got It 'back. Mrs. Layu's experience has been duplicated a thousand times and can bo repeated thousands more. " "Newbro's Herplcldo keeps tlio hair and "scalp in a perfectly healthy con dition. Hi & A. Warm Bathroom ii' m Every niotlicr should be enrcful jhat the children take their baths in a warm room. The chill of a cold room Ts dangerous-after com ing out of the hpt water. A Paction J5mpcc tt Oil Hcnter brings bsthrdom c bctlroom to j'gjttlie ikgwe p( yanulhyou want in ivc or ten minute. All vot have to do b to touch match. The Perfection Healer bum mho hoiKXon ose MIifs nnc! it ahwiyt ready for ue. You can rnove'k nyvhcrc it i needed. Tlierc i) no watte of fuel and lt worming unoccupied rooms, 'Just tlie heat you want, when and where you wont iti Tho Pcifcction it fitlrtl wilh nh. nulppiatk-locking flame tprcftuVr that prevent tho wick bcinfc turned high enough (9 imolc nd u ewy to remove? and drop b.ick when cranio k. Drumi tinuKcd either in tuiquouelIu numrl or jUin utt I light rul oin. eieatit yet tttofig ml duuhlc iuulilo'Io rjt fuonv in ny home. Df.Wn irtrt I . lo i i't(K)iU . , m .StsjHrd Oil Company t. . .' : OncorjorWa) K&V '.iftVtSJrWw? "htrx'UMjVi KihMP'J'A ! Tonight . ,11 1 .1.1111 im I When tho hair papilla has not been destroyed by the ravagesjjof tho dandruff' germ, tho hale wfll f sumo its sape4d(d.Browt)i. . . ,'' Newbro's Ilerplcldo kilts tho dan druff genu and, checks fnlllug hair. Tho itching of tjio scalp stops almost instantly, Others Imitate and make similar claim but the nrlKlnnl dan druff germ destroyer Is llcrplclde. Applications of this wonderful rem edy may bo obtained at any good bar ber shop. - " Send 10c la,postago or silver for sample and booklet to The llcrplclde' Co., Dept. II., Detroit. Mich.' Mcdford Pharmacy Is special ngeuf and guarantee quo dollar size botf tics. """' j r : : - -f,4-- -- I THE REVIVAL AND THE SAIN TLY SPONGE OR THE CHURCH I I MEMBER WHO STARTE D AND THZN SAT DOWN I J H 1 (Hy Geo. N. Tnylor.) Tho annual rovlval season has aga'fn taken tho 'chinches.' Tho card board1'!!! tho grQcer'ri wlhiiow1 gjves tho time, placo and cut of tho out-of-town mnn who Is tq do tho work. Church member believes in tho ro vlval on general principles.' Pastor Boomed anxious to have tho town touched up a bit. - Their church, piani bor feels thuk ho himself lias not oulto made gpod. llo romombers 7 ' . pledgo his own best talonts to the Mastor'a work. Ho know ovon then that Androw wont out and brought I'oter Ills brother. Ilo know that tho disciple is to go into tho highways and byways to win his men and thus provo his disclpleshlp, Ho recalls that ho was to get'uext to tho bunch and tell them tho story of the cross. 'Having stoqd up and pledged, lie sat down. And In the sitting arrrty ho yot rests. Ilo ti-lies In olio or two thnt dhy ivhou he first stood up to '.ormons on Sunday mid so feeds bli? j Medfojrd Employment Agency WANTSP W man cook oa ranch. FOR SALE No. 1. 110 acres' 2 14 miles from town, $GT per aero. .- No. 2. l"o acres, a. good rauci In Sams valley. No." 3, afocrcB,' VS mllcfl out, Improved, 1700"'' ' No. 4, 20 acres '3 miles out, "200 per atrer No. n. ii acres Jlttlo Hutto runs through it, 30 per acre. Cedar iKMts" only lie; now Is the tlmo tobuy, " Horso and buggy, A-No. 1 horso, only? years old; 200. TRADH 80 acres Mn Call., will ti'ko team and ofhor 'property hero, 1 Heo car, will trado for lot ut same value. 10 acioK In Wash, oiutho Sound to trado tu&ncryjigo. 'A fine liungnlow in I'ortluud for ncreagQnip, . , RI-3NTAL8. Will attend to tho routing of youi4 houso. H'-,'" "' Olrls for Iiouflowork. E. P. A. BITTNER R00M7,fEfIMrBT4C. --iteluh Hotel ' Phone 4141 Home, 14, HOTEL MEDFORD MENU . - SJutiday,. NuvtMiibci' 5, 1!)1 1. -. $1.0QJir'Sovor Si,n:. .i'i ft to S:U0 V. Al. , C'cllTX' K:i!trs d'Ouvros .. Fresh C'ral) Coflclail m. I K'adishcs Olives' Mod; Turtle ConHiunmi' fii Tasso . 'lOnVlfsJi. Sole, ALatclptto Nonnandt : .".Petit Fijqt Jinx Oliaiupiguoiis r " Kff1"' Jitmst Yoiui Cliickcn, Dressing ' .Sweet Potatoes "plii Alasjieil Ptdatoes Cauliflower an O rutin. .f ' la u .Cptnbinatioii feJalud Clroen Apple or Lenioii iMtsrmiie I'io, Philadelpliia Ice Creaut or ('ustard Pudding Assorted Cake lyini, Tasso . ljuuunu'LQJvue u T '.?? S)ucial jrusie 'JMW ,', ' ' All'Brf'ntl ayd Pastrjes jtro Oii'.Owi) Mako Consult Wine Jjist for Alinertd rjtor i$d Oii)ger Ales a jWWSJiiMWM! PLUMPING BTKAMANI) HOT WATKR. HKATINa All Work OuarmBteK Prices rteHOBbJ JM5 nowwa BKack, Entrmw on th Street. Coffey 8c Price s I t :: 1 1 W I i 11 rjjrw Til SION Pacific & Eastern Will Run,ian Excursion t6 3UTTE FALLS 1 m T. ii I .MS, , Jf SUNDAY 1911 NOVEMBER 5, I Sjk't! ,. :nr Leaving Medford at 8 a. m. I Returning reaches Medford 4:50 h.m fc - "- ---"- - ;i &J(Jf4&4Mt4&&4r44M& f" - fc'i!i.a'jLi t 1- L.J-,. -i-i. J.JJL- B.J PIP.THHFS TO! FIT THEM. Hand palntlnfj Dono In Wate'Cojdrs. Menus and Placanls, MoN i iocs uiiu riuiuic vvorK, V . . -,,," !r'Codrs. M qd "Picture V m& ART STORE Pacific Phone 109d.N , ' Honye. Pho;jo .9, f 27 NORTH GRAPE STPEET ' - ' , r4y 4tfttrrrtt994tt4 4 tf4tt?1 THE ISIS THEATRE 2 lieu- 'I'licy Are Again 1 ' itniuiiiT A'liio.N 2 , uml ICI'l'li: .lOIINMU.V I'leMclitlng Tllelr Ureal Masloi-. piece Hutltlcd "TIIIJ HKIHWiniON" Ono or-tho inoul buuutlful iicIh; uvnr prem'uteil to uu umllinicu, iihowlng tlio gnoil that eau lo got:; 1 , lout of tho world If one wilt only!; try and look. at tint blight sblti of; life. No ono should iiiUii.hdiiIiik ; thin.' beautiful act, wjiloh with tho underworld, showing;; hiw tlm good will always romiicr ; lover ovll. . !; A uniinldl III ti I II I lili lu iivl.illililil d ,lIV. ,, ,l ' ,!, "II ! l'A.JIHI., III ' to all JUlulstcra of Mudfoul !i-ouli and wit iu'h this trnlv lint wonderful nturo- acted out lu every: 'detail, ltiiiuuinbor, amateur night ; l''rlda ClilJdren'o matlueo Sutur- ' day. 1 i t Star Theatre Mntinro livery liny U to 0 1 SI. TIIK l.tl'i: SAVKIt Thrilling lininin MISINO TO WIN An Itilcrniplcd Itai-it Auiuuil tlm World IIOW WIM.IK IIKCAMi: AN A"THI-SS Had ling (i'imkI Comcily .. Alt HATH Kit Tiur Popular Hiugcr, Pay strict attention to our music and reiillatlo effects. KVUNING8 7 TO 10: 1G SAVOY THEATRE Bndr Tttvt MAnaffmknl llrt Itiyi, Mppiuicil Motion IMclurm. C'liiin Hhow, Court umrl Trvutiuviit. Kn(iH II Unit. Prep, 100 TSX OBHTS 100 APARTMENT HOUSE Houlh itlvcmlde Now ami b.to-l)ato Moilcm i e-ferjr particular, $nn cook- Ja-r, nti-aiu heat, etc. Women uml glrltf iiiiist bring re for J CHces, W. M. HMITII Home I'lioiirt MK. We Have Moved Tho J, T, Ilrondley flower store Is now In tho M. V, & II, store, ncrosh tho stroot from former location. Choice, lots of cut flowers, bulbs, ferns, palms, etc., al vaju 9 band, L.JIT. BROADlEY .. . WfcSccttd nana More "Jl i Ml '' , Wo Uny. and, Soil All Kln'ilti of Second Hand Oobda. M, J, i'l LOU Kit, Trop, 15 Jorth Fir iiij'i;,.jj. Clark & Wrighl WASHIWaTOK, O, O. Publlo rnna Mutters: rinal Proof, t posert Lands, Contents an() MlnluK ,' v jjnsou, wrip. As'u)ito work for ' 'Attorney--. IluKKlns for IleuUh, I rtrrtf$fff?rf" mrntk ifciftiii'Wi' V