. ' A1IOIK(m MAN TIM HUNK ;1101?fX)IMV,MKUON, SATURDAY, NOVUM UKR 'I, 1811. PXG15 THRTSW E SCORES AI CLUB SHOOT BOILERMAKERS ORDERED OUT TRY THIS holllut; wntiir, ami a (owol, I'our Into thK'wator it scant tea npfionrul f MYOAJHI (prtJiiounco It UtiiU.A'Tnn). ' lit tho chuttt In Rono. ,, It a tiloanant euro. Yoii'll ciiln'j broathlns MYOMKt. You'll foot' nt TTlTilL HAS BEEN GREAT OVKKNMJIIT (Jl'IIIJ KOK COLD IN lll',;il (lt CIIHKT MlKh-6'ino), nnco Ms (toothing, boating tvnd bono Put ymir rfoml oyer tho howl nml cover huad and howl with towol. Drnattip tho vapor that nrhou ror n riciat otrooiB an 11 pncHoa over nto 4 Inflamed nntl Irritated memtirano. CO rentu ft hottlo. nt (lruKBlntn ovory wlir.ro Al( Chnx. Htrnnc for extra II Iih Oiling 'riioiiMiuiN Dully, nml .Sat cm Time ntnl Moiicy, few tnluiitcii. and pronto' your head .... ...... ........ . .. T. ........i. .,. ...... .....-- rf.... ...... ....v.. - . .. (N't a howl threo tiartrM full or !h bb flcor an a boll, and tho tlKutnea hottlo HYOMKI Inhalont No Doltrr tntlcx to tliu Permanent Growth of Mcilforil Can Do Fnutiil Than tliu Aimiuiit of Power Which Is Cunsiimuil hy tho City. Colored Cliniiiilon ol West Sltlo Flops to His Knees nml Stays There; Whllo Referee Counts Him Out JohnsOif Is Guoil. Humphreys Makes Perfect Score for Du POUt Trophy While Eny;ir Wins Chnllciiiio Gun, DrenkhMi 10, Out uf a Posslhlc 50. . Bin Strike Will Start Soon on (lib Bin Four, Lake Erie & Western liH.laiia Southern and oilier East ern Roads. t POWER NCREAS DEVELOPED YELLOW STREAK t I , I ; ' 0 In Ihu iiiliinii of ninny, Chic Ilow lln, i-liiunji'dii iiolil Al'twl Hhlur, Hliitnifil it lilKt In mill HlHMik oJ, yullow I'rldny iilxlil. whou, without having mitwrMr)tly riHwXtMl Kium kuiil blow tin fMll to. tho 41111I nml with iwjjur yi wutflliori U tofoieo fount liliu nut In llio nygoud intind of hi ko wllli .lul .lohpton, l Urn NMutor I ti lit Athlutht (illil. Most puoplo wty tho "Chic" could huso ot to hln'fmil. nml cimtliiuoil Dm houl lifter IkjIiir Ml ruck In tho wicunil rouiiil litul li't hud tliu tuiiitt In do no. Hi) tluit iin It tuny, "Chic" Mliowitd in hi Judgiiiunl In slaying on ilio cuuvnH, for It was plain to bo i null thai, ullhouh "Chic" Iiiih It on Mil IiIm previous duwky rivals, ho u outclassed nil tliu way hy tho Kthlo plnit who In triivulliiK uuditr tin flat; of .lurk Johnson. At tlm lap or tliu gong "Chl" be gun IiIm how fHinoiiK rushing tactliA only to find that lilt) iiian had side slopped nntl lot "Ohlt:" fall ngninsv thtt ropes. Aflor four or flvo of tlimi wild rimliuN, Mr. Johnslng he inn to mUm "OhhC tit mid toward Hi.. I tmt nf ihu flimt rouiiil dlmitd tlm Wut Sltlur ft hiird right tn tho no. "Chin" slowed up and It only took it iiioinunt of tho second period fur "Chlo to ho to tlto mat In igno utlliloiiw defeat. Chic started ojf wrong wlMi he re fiiMMl to fight iinlo V. W. Kenneth uuh iiiihIh icfcroti of tho hout. This J'rnnklc Kihwuds and .lark Johnson agreed to, There wiih evidently a pieconcort oil effort uniting some of tliu tin horn sports to spoil Ihu tneotlug. Hobby Hum Hklppcd with tin blindages on hi lilting when time whs called for hi it hout with Hi'liuildt. Hddlo Clink and VflllU Kotiglt tefimed to hurt otieh other and Kilwiirdu piopcrly railed it no 'i outlet. .Mi.l.W 'Mnclt dufoatml Sli'KOl in - " 'n -ii 'i" 'nii Hjniiw tfin t fw i --,..-.-.- .- itilrcf llio tunlnllnliiiii of now un. whirlwind hout, tho bent of tho - .pnntliiM io take cure nf tle uiildy. nlng. A wtostllng limit us a pre- 'Mil ma iyul Mly ;iluiuuiwiuiit ltghUii"nr wan upuy won .miu. i iiuicmshou wniMQit. No liudor Imkv to tlm iiiiiiiiiiiii( (tdiiiiiioiiiiiil uhiwlliof a cl( uii Hi lihly lio hull (linn llutt ol' llio (utiuiiiU f I'lwlHclt.r wiitNMmi'il ly 't' tljr I'm' lights m! power. I'uw pi'iiplu . mho iiuiiv tln(i1'ity for cither HkIiIh or niH'(tr in lliulr pIiicch of IiiinIiii-hh or In (hutr InuMi'i Until Im I)Iii(cIv mmoNMrtn'. 'I'lil lu'lnj,' Iriiu un in iiiiiiimi in I Un elect rlcnl tlnnmiul nml Mily in tiny town or city U u niu luile.x Io llic Iiiimuoi4i nml ioiulaluiii iueriWMo in that 4111110 town or ctj.v. '.Six your hjjii ifio Kouu ftiu-r HIiM'liiii coinimiiy ni MtiipliiiK Mrfdfoiil with oleetrittity to tlm uiiiotiiit of I Hi) kiluwnlt or !i(l liniitc Mier; llntie yearn nno tliu coiiihiii iilciiMiNcil tlm Hiijil In mil kllownUi iir Hid lionomoHci ; lliix full tho coiu iaiiy linn iutnllii tniiitfoiiiieiin onp- lllllll of lllllllllillk' 12(1(1 kil'IVVHllM .if liOO liiime.piiwiir. The ut inoiortMC ill nii()ly ImvliiR Ih'cii (Oit'iil neeo Jiry to nnrcL tho (leumnilx in puwxr ftiiiiaitiinitlnn. II trmilil I... u.iPm I.. ninke ln itMcrtfou Ihiil tliu IQUO. lioiVUfpoHMi lieuiK liitiikolu'd J04IH.V iiiunim no inoro Io .MmlfnVri.vd Iliin liiiio lliHll dill the li.'il) lliiitrti-HJwer fiunliijinil for llic nnme ,ui(nwe fe ynnm hio. ' , AMi tTnun llio iiitroHn it (he hup. J'ly of duelrfeitj llic eoinptUiy'lM v't lutyiiur iltt iwtiro .vhI"im in m i'irnn jumuUik ratio. Tlm power lintw In Mil ptttti of tlii il v arc hcittK.otv .'iHrjfiiil im in iihji'trt' I'urryiuir eiiime ily Hint now tefiilmy U hcitty miiiic. ml jttet (1 rapidly rip ltm' force of nnin call oel ihiIw hiuI utrihft wiru. Tho iMiiiipnny Iih o.prieuii,il ionii' lUfllcullv lion'tofoto In lijpctirtiK tin iluininiln for liplitii in oiitini; ilH- trfcU hilt ltttMU HTo HOW (til Ill'IH Ht-'J teiuhiil tn. . , ' I A eliHiiK'viij Hit' fctrtuil litlilliiif ny tent Im lieeit ilMileil npoiu- TIiik n.v ITliii' Tn litfit AH iUl mimtii 'JK.u.. tljthlfl Uloiio rHiro npprnxliiiHlely 100 horso-powtir. The am --Icih now lialnu put in Im tlm new met cm v nrc icetifii-r un- plied (m iHiim'I eurienl iiri'M of the now type lueil on Hctio -toni.'Tlit 30,000 Butchered. FKANKFOKT, nerinituy. Xo. 1. "Tho Aiuoriciiii iiiul Auxtiiuu cniii. lute have lieeit iciiuncil to the intti now type ue.l on iiiim .toni..l.t- . of , vil ,.,.,. uf ,,,. , HiHkiw it .l.rncl ci.rreul of lliu ulir- t,ei rtd.l Iooi.Uo'.in" wiyN 11 .lii.pnt.-li until omtTBt. Iliuiobp; ifivilk t f rm Tripoli to the Fninklutter Zc u.t.eli yxhnw mi.l Ii.I!p ilu. m ,.TlirklM sll,H hlUU ,,. , Whm III oomiHiiiy, nImII hvc ,,. ilMi..1iiili1(i.1.i f ihe (!,, ,.., the noiKltlioiliooil "I' I'1'' (leiiiiaii con Mil.ite. Jit leiiMt .10,011(1 iialivcx wen eecitteil liv the Italliiim." uiiidolci itn oltH'tncnl ilif loViiiiH)! woik hI l'roHft 'Jll.tllHi hoiMo-poww or will liiiw hcon miilcil to the WiirLiliu' iinuKV nf tin. kVkiniii. 'I'lii. nmli 1 lnl..'ii hi Din iillin' Ami lln. " 1 ,- -1 " "" ", Will trivo the eoiiipuny 'ample povci alone will he 11 lug Inctor in ilcxelop for liuiiillnn; nnv iiuiuhor of hnr pi im iuaii of (he picMut iloiinmit te i'r oouMuiiiiuif iiiujccN which nun iicK'iircn ut Hie vulle. u 1 Splunillil Mi'oruiTtt.) niiuluiit llio leeHul oi)iiMr ol lhV,MfllCdnl pun cluli. lliiiupliicyH won lliirlhi lnl liophv with n iierfecl' Heoro.i iJr&ikintr 'i") out of XV Hiiyjut uan ill-"! olmlliuig' 1 1.1.... fiit.r.,1 .Tn. ,.,-ii.i.. Kit ciii, iiiuiihiiik 11; "in uri ji'inniiiiu ii'. ThoSi'eife: , 7,v Du Font Trijihx, Ufi Mini. .iiyurt ......... .' . .. ...... . .21 . ... 1. . &' - lloyilen Conint Suolv lfrit . . vf.yu . . t , .21) IllllflplllOyrt , ." 1 Daniel . . ..U.'.'IK, ... '- ....'l- MiieH .:. J1 (;iialleuK,(''iivfl() l'.')i F.u.arl Ill t'onini Ill- Seels .. 4 7 KANSAS Cl'' Ml, Nov. 'A. I'ltinii'viil Fniiihlfll '"" lioilwtlink eiV ittifMf todiiy rtt'iltgrd a trlk' ol nil tliu l)oilnuHkOifi ili Miif Font, frfiko Krii 'nml W-fflnu, linlidiiu Soullicru, Iijilliiitit IBrhnr mul I Ml ruili'oail to'liofcin iH'i o'clock to iluy. i Fninkliii iwiy 'nion of tin u conlnict livllio rttlln'P- in the chum-. itcx'Hjiniy. Wo arc (llHtrlhuflnR itRoiits for Orucon for tliu Kctx Spray Co.'b afMI littud actorl08.,..,Catt and got our canli or tlino-terms. Prdun-rs' Fruit Co. C -rr-r Daniel Milerf J2 II rr THE Sunrise Laundry I'A.MIIiV WASHI.Vfl A HI'KCIAIrY. Alik AVOItIC Gl'AIIANTKKI) Orduru callud for and delivered. First rla8 work doae by hand. Iudlcn and mcu'n ayltB cleaned and pressed. Tel. Main 7S31; S Home, 37. Corner Klgbth and So. Central Ave fit- RUSS MILL v On Riverside Ave. ' L. B. BROVN, Proprietor. i: , . ' Feed, Iflour, Seed, Votoli, Winter OjHs. Barley Rolled. We have a full line of PEERLESS LAMPS i on hand 4. 8, 1C, 31 C. I', carboh lampa; 2C, i0r, CO, 100, 150, 2C0 J watt Tungulcn lamps. Tho best lumps and tho best prlcca. All I lamps guarnutcod. I Southern Oregon Electric Co. ; Phones: Pacific 4601; Home 124, 44Hh The only way to help oneself is by helping others. I nlui to follow this UMt'liluK In my practice, net mo help you by proprrly correctliiK )utir cph, nllovliiK tho toiiwlou of your over wroiiKht nervoM, therohy reatorltiK jour tired body. DR. JRICKERT, Eye Specialist ' Over Kentnor's . v T!?5' aNitA em& ' ram 11. ti fcrw .-,tx. vri.At. it i jlzi m 1 4y7gjTyTFt -TiJlHrolc ImaKky, I HAVF YOII FXAMIrMFB rARFFIIUY TIIEL1NKOF EXQUISITE STEEI ENGRAVINGS WE AlE NOW SHOWING! Prices Range From $3 to $25 The Merrivold Shop 131 V. MAIN ST. I JlfrU l f lffimii Get your plows reaidy for plowing Wo have a complete assortment of . JOHN DEER) PLOVtS All lcIiitlB of PIqwb fo'r ulUltltyht ot soil. A full lino of tjrnln dcMlai Hprlnj; tooth Iwutowh. oto, . HUBBARD BROS. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$ $gj: as?; in a tV y The Medford National Bank CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 SURPLUS emd PROFITS $35 OOO.OO v.i- i UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY oBAF13 UKPOSIT 110X1CS PO U IUCNT. W. X. aOKB, Preildtnt. J, A. FURKT, Vice Pr.. JOHN 0. OhTD, Csihter. r. E. MERRIOX, Vic. rzo. V. B. JACKSON, Ant. Otiht.r. 'll!tf!(!;rt;di4!a.d;djd!4!'l;vtid!l!d!il:it.'ll;i!:t!d!lfcl.,lf?ll i !p ip ip If) l() if) ip ip p ip ip Jp ) J ip ip !J if) ip ? ij) p JJ ip tfi ! o ARE YOU ETNA-IZED AGAINST ACCIDENTS 15 DEPARTMENTS i MAKE THE MOST COMPLETE DRUG STORE POSSIBLE, WHERE EVERYTHING DRUG-STOREY IS TO BE HAD "Get It Where They've Got It" WITH uvciy iiecpssary departnuMit, "The Complete Drug Store" is in a .fjrtsition to supply all your drug store uaiils. Our accommodations, appointments, conveniences and facilities arc the best; you will find satisfac liWluircr Ifro offcr'yeu: ' 41 4. , i if, - . , ' WE PJ.EAS13 YOU Kvery effort Is ntailo to plonso you. Wo liavu the Roods we kIvo you tho bcrvlcc. Prices always rlcht. 1. Kxport Prescription Stjrvloo 2. Itnro Drug and Chomlools 3. Surgical Supplies 1 . I. Uuarantond Itiihhar Goods B. UlRh-grado Tollot Wares n. Distinctive SUtlonory ' v ' 7. Vutorlnary Suppllos ' r t r ' ' 8. Toniptlnc Confectionery 'J v 'S. Loatlier Ooods 1 0. 'lcctcd Cigars , ' ? ' , 1 1. Manicuring Ooods ' . " "i ' 12. Harbor's Supplies 4""- ' '' , ' 13. Tulephono Huylng , , 1 1. Mall Ordor OirportunUlea , 15. Itapld Delivery Scrvlco YOU TRADE nERE ' Trust us to take care of your Ir,ug store wants, and know we will never disappoint you. This is your drug storo MEDFORD PHARMACY Night Clerk Near Post Offl.ce Phone 101 Trf Diamonds, Watches and JEWELRY Everything in the Jewelry Line If You Want Quality, I have it MARTIN U. iREDDY THE JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Diamond Setting and Engraving Watch Our Window Next week for a bargain in poeket knives. Regular $1.50 values for 75c. This is your chance to get an absolutely guaranteed knife at a very low price. Medford Hardware Comp'ny 21S EAST MAIN ST. C. If. RDFIELD KKPltKSKNTlXa Aetna Accident Northwestern Mutual Life Both Phones 210 Fruitrjrowers Bank'Bltltf. Page Woven Wire Fence, All sizes of Page Steel Gates Garden and Poultry Fences Economy Lawn Fence First class R. F. D. Mail Boxes End and corner posts Northern cedar fence posts ' Call on or write us for Everything in the fence line. i r i GADDIS& DIXON "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" PHONE 2081. Distributors for Southern Oregon n nil Northora California. MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. if n. i i ; '. : ;i f I I I 4 Z ' X ' J 4 1 : :i U :: : u ; V -WrfWv i , I' ' '"'" wwfMftWWWWWWWMfWWWWWMWWMWWfWf