PXGU FOOT MTSDFQTO MAIL TRTBOTT5. MEPFORP, ORKflON, FRIDAY, NQAMOMIWR a, 1011. Medfokd Mail tribune r?rrj::it;2i. AN INIJICPKNDRNT NKWanAPHK runriimitsu kvkiiv aktiJunoon EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY TUB MNDPOUD 1'MNTINO CO. Tim Dcimocrntlo Times, Th Medford Mnll, Tlio Medford Tribune, Tho South ern Orogonlan. Tlio AMilnnd Tribune. Office MalJ Tribune Uulldlnir, 25-J Ainin North Kir Home 76 street j phono, 39 3021, DlCOltOB PUTNAM, Editor and Manager PROTECTOR OF PLUTOCRACY. alt neks upon 'ntArAfi nm ford. Orrgor- under tho not 01 .Murcu , 1879. Official Paper of tho City of Medford Offlcml I'oper or .incKson uouniy. .. BunsoRrrxioK hates. Ono year, by nmll "'22 Ono month, by nmll .: ,6 Per month, delivered by cnrrlor In Medford. Jacksonvlllo and Cen tral Point 55 Snturddy only, by nmll, per year.. 200 Weekly, per year Rwonn cnicnjLATioK. Dally RVornCT for six months ending December 31, 1910, 2721. TnU teased Wlro TTnlte Pnu Slipatchea. The Mnll Tribune la on aalo at the Ferry Newa ptand. San Francisco, Portland Hotel NcV Stnnrt. Portland, lion-man New Co., Portland. Ore. V. O. Whitney, seame, nnn. lWT!TlT"OIiTl- OSCOOS. frnrnti nf Southern Orecon nnd Nnrthrm California, and the fastest- Krowlnp city In OreRon. Population U. S. census 1910: 8840; estimated. 191110.000. Klvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water Syatpm completed, Riving finest supply pure mountain water and six teen miles ot street being payed and contracted for at a cost exceeding .. 000.000, making a total of twenty miles or pavement Postoffloe receipts for yeAr ending March 31, 1911. show- Increase of 41 per cent Bank deposits a pain of 2S pcf Banncr fruit city In Oregon Hocus niver Spltzcnbcrg apples won sweep stakes prize and title of "Apple Xlntf of ths -World." at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, and a car of Newtowns won rlrat Prise In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C . Roguo Ulver pears brought highest f trices in an marneis oi uid wunu uui ng the past six years. wrlto Commercial club. Inclosing 6 cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. ! TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. nprilC indignation of Pittsburg captains of industry with President Taft over the government s ; the steel trust can well bo imagined. This trust was created under the benign influence and protection oil the republican party, which for forty years has preached the beauties of high 'tariff. All those alleged illegal actions complained of in the complaint filed by TJnolo'Sain were known to have existed since tnc lormation ot tne trust, which received govern ment sanction and grew up under government patronage. It was known that the foundation of the trust was watered capitalization which could only be made worth money through plunder of the public through monopoly. Yet the government, controlled by republicans, aided and abetted it. All the absurd American financial system, framed for the rich against the poor, js the product or the plutocrat' created by the republican party. How absurd it is, then, for a republican president to attack republican institutions, republican plutocracy and republican monopoly. But the steel trust, like the tobacco trust and the oil trust, can reorganize under the supreme court, ruling "in harmony with the law." that is, in harmony with the blierman act as amended by the court m the Standard Oil case. So there is hope for the Princes of Privilege that form the steel trust. And the reorganization having been ap proved, further meddling is for all time stopped. They can then restrain trade at will and be immune from prose cution. Thus instead of being indignant with the beneficent Taft, plutocrats should hail him as their savior. He has shown the way to perpetrate trusts and keep them immune from further prosecution. Hurrah for Taft, protector of the "children of pre ferred stock." aus Men's Ladies' Boys' HOSIERY &? 1 0c a pair Black or tan -X Wh nro niton lug tlio tilgKi'st viiltti'H In Mod font tit .MtMi'w, ladies', Mia."!' and Hovh llotdory nt tuc h pair. Any , In color tilmk .mil tun. A DESERVED PROMOTION. SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl. Purchase of tho steamships Mongolia nml Jfnnchurin by Hie Pacific Mail com pany is planned, ncording to advices received here today. Vice President . P. Schwcriii is conferinp; with Jwlgo Robert S. Lovott, president of tho company, in New York, regard ing tho issuance of $40,000 of Paci fic Mail stock to mnko possible the purchase. , CHICAGO. 111. Sinners will have to prepare for tho second advent of Christ, according to n declaration on file today iu the office of County Re corder Dean by disciples of tho late "Prophet" Dowie. They ask all the followers of Zion to rally to the sup port of tho "king" when he shall come. SANTIAGO DE CHILE Promin ent physicians and sanitation exports representing all North and South Amorionn rcpuhlios Avore proeontnt the opening of tho fifth internation al sanitary conference of American republics here today. Tho conven tion is hold under tho auspices of the Chilean government. UNIVERSITY OV EUGENE, Ore. Senator Gore of Oklahoma will ad dress tho, shutouts of the university Sunday evening. Ili address will deal with tho live political problems of tho day and it is bolioved he will muku a tsrong plea for tho progres sive idea. , SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Adolph Tosohuni has a now theory to drive away tho glooms. Ho boliovog a slap will oronto a amilc, a thrnshiug mnke n hearty laugh. But his wifo didn't so she's suing for divoroe. BOSTON, Miwb. Confidence in tho re-election of Governor ISugeuo N. Foss of MasnchtiBclts. ono of tlio ntrongost demuorutic leaders in New England and mentioned as a presi dential possibility, is o.xpeoted horo today by tho betting commissioners, who nro ottering $10,000 nt oven inonoy on him. The money has boon polled for two dii.VK with no takers. PORTLAND, Ore. Tho future homo of Uii Krullsounilt, dnughter of tho goneral manngor of tho llnrri uiau linos, who will bo married to night to Clifford Woodhouso at New Orleans will bo-in Oregon. Accord ing to news roeuixtid horo tho couple will mnko thoir'homo on u big ranch ijl Litku county, Oregpn, after thoy liuvo toured tho Orient. A PPODJTAIENT of John M. Scott as general passen - ger agent of the Southern Pacific is"as satisfactory to tlie people of southern Oregon as it must be to the Southern Pacific, In Mr. Scott, southern Oreiron feels that it has a friend, one knowing well the country and its needs and heartily in sympathy with its efforts at devel opment. Mr. Scott's promotion is well deserved. Por five .veal's he has been assistant in chief of William McMurray, under whose administration the. community publicity plan was evolved and under whom the railroad did more for the development of the state than in its entire previous his tory. Mr. McMurray's transfer to the O.-W. R. & N. company would be a distinct loss were it not followed by the promotion of Mr. Scott who has been so largely instru mental in the success of the cooperative rcffimo. Mr. Scott, who is deservedly popular, states that his policy will be "to serve the public promptly, pleasantly and well, to keep in close touch with the public and to give the best possible service." And those who know the man know that this policy will prevail. There are some things in which the railroad and those it serves must clash, but the clash is usually a friendly one and never with the officials of the passenger department, to whom the people of the region traversed are indebted for much of their material progress an indebtedness gladly acknowledged. NEW S.P. OFFICIALS ARE WELL KNOWN Have Many Friends in This City Both Are Well Trained, Practical Railroad Men. LOS ANGELES, Cnl. Telegrams fom ovary sootioli of tho country nro today pouring into tho officoa of Job ITurrlmiui, Booialist nomineo for may or, congratulating him upon tho showing ho made nt Tuesday's pri nuirica. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Survoy iqg oii tho silo for the Panama Piioi fio world's fair is in progrsss today, proparatpry to tho determining tho letting of contracts for grading. Con tracts will bo awarded and grading flommonood immediately upon com pletion of tho Biirvoy. Much intoroNt Is .Qikon hero In the appointment of John M. Scott gen eral passenger agent of tho Southern Pacific lines In Oregon, and H. It. LouiiHbury as gonoral freight agent. Doth inon are well known In thin city. John M. Soott, the now gonoral passengor agent, Is ono of tho mont popular passenger traffic men In the wost ami news of his promotion hag been recoivod with unstinted pleas ure by tho public, lie got bin ourly training as ohlof clerk In tho Chi cago office of J. C. Stubhs, director of traffic for tho ontlro ITarrlmnn syvto.u. He sorvod for a tlmo with tho Union Pacific at Omaha and be fore coming to Portland had boon with tho Burlington, Missouri Pa cific and Grand Trunk lines. Ho has a vary wido nctiuulntunco throughout tho state. Gonoral Freight Agont II. It. LounBbury bogun his railroad careor In Portland nnd nil his experience has 'been received hero with tho liar- riman linos.- Ho has hold tho of fices of travoling freight 'agont, gon oral agent of tho freight department and district freight agent, of tho Southom Pacific linos, nnd is well known among railroad, men as ii Kood hustlor and a shrewd business getter. 10 BURY GIRLS N GRAVE lndlctt' Silk iJlo (Imuto Um gtutpr top, pulr U.V liMdittK' Muuvi'Uo'd Cotton llotio. yttrtui' top, MIr, . . . , . .LT.e Uxilics' HtaiuloHs llurwiu ilo rinum)lty, imlr. .', . . . ,'Mv liidles' SltlU lot Meno Cotton Himk, lmlr iW Uullo' Sumttto foot Utaok Klwc UiumI U)o. iwtr. ,u.o lulhV nut olio Ho?, split foot, aim) plnlu'black, RUitiit' (op, any slxo, pitlr -fir Boys and Misses' Heavy r:Mwl w:iiHUtt' fut colortnl IUt tuunl to mont LTio qmtllili'H, liero In kIios C to 'J 15c pair Misses' Lisle Hose i:ha flno (intlt iwnii )k fast color lloM In nl'K ti 4 to 10, color lilmt1: or hut ' 25c pair We're Always o n The Watch fill' liuwltlcN on.! t'XHrt liirti'itll Willi Vllll'l ll) llmSi Milt' lillllll iiiih IhUkiiin UV lour i it ilnuif. iii in i vi- mil' 'I.IH1H 111 till! In II, lit (if Hill' fiHl'lllir 'ii M'tmiiiii 1 1 lull iiiwMiMc xiiliim for IIKIm TllN I n't llnl dill UllHWII ! ll'ii' "f null'. I Ii i . in k ' I Hik nlnrr, cmiiilN r.ii' lli,i k;riivliiK iiiliiilly wt nil' xi ilili- liim nt nml mir Ini'i'iMiHi'il llUI MK KELLER i Tin: jiiwuiiiin 103 W. MAIN Underwear Hoys' hoary fleece Mnetl ShlrU nnd lr.tra, each U."n Hoys' liekty wool rlUxMl t'ulou Stilt. tnc,h .I.oo Mlssos' fleere llnel Unlo Suit, white or rsy, Mtli. . .'."Of MuMofi' extra flno (lunllty fleocc lined Union Suit, on. 1.00 I.ndioH' (JeeVe lliu'il ITninu Suits, nil alien .".Dc Ladies' oxtrn fln and heavy I'iiIoii Suits, Ni'eoo ltnnl. In it'K ular and cMra Iutho alios, onrh .l.l)U Just In New lino Ladioti' Side Combs, Hack Combs, llar reltes, otc.-the biggest lino iu town, enrh 10c to fiOc Just In Now 1 1 iiu ltIiiw' Hnml Hhk (double), altH) flno line Men's and Ladlcm' lin en, cotton nnd flno mull Handkerchief. 200 Doz. CaKes Toilet Soap, - ;3 for 10c TIIAXKSd'IVIXf.' POST ("AKIi.S li ICACII ey Medford Opera House, Tues. Nov. 7 DlltKCr KltOM ITS TKKMCXnOIK .SI ( KSS VI TIIK COM'. MIMA TIIK. ATKi:, SAX l'HA.VCIHCO, KX UOITIJ TO TIIK IIKII.K.', POItTliAMl. HENRY B. HARRIS John M. Scott and R. H. LousburyJ Coroner's Jury Returns Verdict Com pletely Exonoratinrj the Imperial Powder Company for the Disas trous Fire. 1'IIKSKNTS THE FIVK .MONTHS MISKUTV THI.ATKK, X. V. BTANFOHU UNIVKKSITY, Cal,- -"Japan loves us nlj too well to go to war with," said President David Rtarr Jordan on his return from the Orient. lie added that Jnjmn is too heavily in debt for such a venture. CHEHALMS, Wn., Nov. .1. live of the eight jjirl victim of the fir at the Imperial 1'owdor company' plant will bo buried in one gruvo tomorrow nflonioon. The bodiuj flmt will be iutorrod loKellier nro tlioite of Vera .Mulford, Kvn Oilmoro, Uertha Crown twilin irnohi ..ii,i t:..,i;.. W,,l('..ll ' The fuuornls of the rouuiiiiiue; threo probably will be hold Sunday. Tho corhoor jury Inst liblit return ed n vordiot completely oxouorutini; the company, although it was ndinil led that the ciuiho of tho fire wuh unUiio'wn. Wliite'Slaver Convicted. PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. :i. In the ouslody of a United Stutoa deputy marshal, Chrif Lowih, a (Jrcok, start ed ior AIcNoiII'h ThIudiI o boin a Hovcn year term for while Hlnvory, Ifo was coiixictcd of imporline; a 17 ycar old irl from Walla Walla to Pendleton. Tin IHkkcsI Conifily Mil rr tlio Yvnv COUNTRY A I'lny if (lly I.lfi. TWO JIKKNTIIS rOWKKK' TIIIMTIMC, CIIICACO B O Y HV KIXiAU KKIiU'V.V OKKJINAh f'AKTJ roMPfjI'M'K I'llOMircTlOV j'lticiiS: jsi.no, $i.oo, nor. Heat Snlo Sat,, Nov. I, Iliiufcliih' Dru Ktoii) t i TTanWtna for Health SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES JUST ARRIVED ' t A Now Lino of Mcii'h Hili Cnl, Iiooh 'Yum and Heavy Work Shoes SPECIAL Children's School Shoos 'Below Cost M. S. BIDEN South Central Look for tlio Red Eoot OPEN- For Business IUGGINS & LESLIE'S HnnmiranMrnnnw Second. rand Store at 30 South Orapo Street. Glvo ua a call and wo will treat you fair. Highest cash nrico for aocond hand gooda of all kinds. HAVt YOU EXAMINED CAREFULLY urns LTNM OF EXQUISITE .STEEL ENGRAVINGS WE AM 10 NOW SHOW INCH Prices Range From $3 to $25 The Merrivold Shop 134 W. MAIN ST. Medford Employment Agency WANTKll W mini cook on rnnrli. I'Olt SAMS :i I atrt'H m-ar l'ntitil Point. in aernH, IB In nruliHril, noiiio alfilfH. I'i :ri'H in liwirlnic. Collar iiomIk only I !; now In tin' llmo'to buy. Hi,in of good bortm. J?Min of koihI iiiuleM. Hcimo ami " bunny. A-No. 1 liuri. only 7 'y mini old; JS00. :! riKiin Iiohh. '1'Hke roo1 horiM or i iiwh n flmt mymHt for t-ndn. Kitlty In 10 hptwi for vrant 'lul-t. Tit A DM TUAIM3 so arre In Cull., will lake tam Hud otbor iourly brn.r T jtMd loin and ono 10-ncro tr.u-t to trntk" on nuroiiKo out. 10 room liouw In tlio tifit part of OrMtid Junction, Colorado, to tra-lii for jiroporty lioro. ItKX'l MS. Will nlfcnd to tho routine of your limine. OlrU for ImiiMOwdrk, ii. F. A. BITTNER "OOM 7, PALM BLK. ite Nash Hotol riioun llll; Home, II. Where to Go Tonight tfrrr' THE ISIS THEATRE l IIimo Thoy Aio AhuIii I ItOItKltl' ATHON nml I5KKIK .KMIN'NON I'ruHoutliiK Tlinlr (Ireat MmhIoi'. I lllMO IfllltltltHl ItKIUWII'TION" s over "TIIK Ono of tint uinit liftAiitlful HcliJ inont'iiloil to an nudlent'o. J s mIiowIiik tho Kond Hint etui Im not s mil of tlio world If ono will on! S tiy nnd look Ml tho bright bIiIk of .Ml (1110 UllOllld llimM NOHIIIH i iMMiiillftil net, wlilt'li donlNZ J lir... tliln wlili tlio itiiilorworli, hIiowIuk I how tlu rimhI Hill nlwtiyii coniiuor Jovor i', A MrlMl liil(n(lon I oxleudod j Ho all inlnlnlr or Medfonl ln romo nnd wltiitNM t It Im truly hut f wiiinlorfiil glory ntti'd out In oory J.l.-liill. Pildiiy day. i Iteinonilii'i', aiuiiioiir iiIkIiI i CIiIIiIidii'm iiuilliioii Kntiii'-S Star Theatre .Miithico V.wry I lay 1! lo ,1 . .M. Tin: i.ii'i: swirit ThilllliiK Dniiiia Draperies U' carry & vry oointiIl linn of 'Irup'-rli'M, turn ciirltilmi, fuiiirua, eln. nii'l ii nil cIihh.-h of ujilmlnlnriiiK A n(h jinl nmn to tmtk liflnr UiIn work rx lnoUely nii.l will vr h kioI wrvlif m In ixumlliln to get in avon I im InrKfUt cltlec WccRs & McGowan Co I.OSI.Vd TO WIN An liitiiMiiti'l llari Aniiiml Iho Woilil HOW WM.MIC IIKi'A.MK AN A( IKIChrt ItitttlliiK CikmI Cuiinily Ah ATlllilt Tin' I'oimlni' Sinner Pay utrlct nttriitlon to our mimic nnd rualbtle uffw.-t. ISVISN'I.N'nS 7 TO 10; 15 Rock Spring Goal OB BAKD AX.X. TIW TIICH. Offko and Coul Viird, Tuelflli nml I'riint Hireoin. I'lioiio 7101. Burbidge TH fJO At. MAM 5AVOY THEATRE U4r Ifow Munaeoniont I it I: an .i, i,h. , .,i.,i, i.'(urM ci-uii i...,v, ( . in i Tiiilnitnl 1 rniK If Dull IVip lOo TEtl CUMTil 10c PLUMBING HT1CA.M AND HOT WATKK HMATINO All Work Ouaranto I'rlcen HonHouAliln fi llinxitd Itloik, Kotrftnc on (hit Htrect. Coffeen & Price Pacific illliit lloina 2l) SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Houtli Klvcnddo S'v nml i:i.to.)n((i .Modern In I'ti-ry piirtliiiliir, win cook- lot', Miwiin lii'iit, ole, Woiiii'ii mill k'iIn loiiNt IiiIiik rofi-r. DIH'O.N. W. .M. H.MITI1 Hoiiio riiouo NIK. HOW Is the time to subscribe for your MAGAZINES WE WILL FIGURE ON ANY CLUB YOU MAY DESIRE Medford Book Store We Have Moved Tho .1. T. lliOHdlny flowor Hlnro r now Iu tlio M. !'. A II, Hloro, ntTiMN tlio Htreol from fui'iiior locution, (iliolco IoIh of cut floworn, hulliM, forim, paliiiM, ot nl wnH on liuiid. J. T. BROADLEY Valley Second Hand Store Wo Iluy ami Soil All KIiuIh of riocoud I land (loodn. JM. J, PlIiOrtHIt, Pro'ii. in North Kir Glark & Wright XiAWYUttS WAonznaxoir, , o. ' I'uIiJIq I.ntiil MuttorH! l'lnnl l'roof, DuHurt l.iinilH, OnntiiHtM and Rlliilnif Ciiwi'H, Horlp, AhhooIiiIii Work for Attornoyn. HusKlim for llouith. "