If m POTK1TOTH MEDFORD MATL TRTBUJjraDTOBB, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1011'. MiDoRD Mail Tribune AN INDKPKNDENT NBW8PAPHK PUBMHUKD KVKUT AFTERNOON KXCEPT SUNDAY, BY TI1H . MKDFOHD PniNTINO CO. AN EDITOR'S DUTIES. The Democratic Time, Thu Medford Man, Tiift wcarora Trimine, una ooum ftrn Oreronlan, The Ashland Tribune. 1 Office Mall Tribune Buttalnit. 15-17-19 North Fir atrcct; phone. Main 1031, Home 75. L QROItQB IUTNAM. Editor and Maaairer Kntfired na aooonil-el&M matter at Med ford, oiregor- under the aot of March I, 1879. pfflolal Paper of the City of Medford Of flolnl Paper of Jackaoa Countr. . . auasoHxrxxox jult-h. One yonr, by mntl , ....18.00 One month, by matt Per month, delivered by warner In ' Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point ......... .60 Saturday only, by mall, per year.. J.00 XVoekly, per year SO mn I I V B I I DRIEST IN YEAR! DCTOBE Not Since IB95 Has There Been Less f Moisture Than This year Mean for Past 23 Years Has Been. 1.70 Inches. Tho month of October has boon the driest recorded in 15 years according to tho local weather bureau. Thero nro but two other years since 1SS9 when tho precipitation was less. In 1S90, 0.17 inches were recorded, and in 1895 not a trace of rain fell. The mean of tho October rainfall for tho past 23 years has been 1.70 inches. " 1 J. O'Gara, special meteorolog ical observer, has compiled his re port for tho month as follews: OCTOBER, 1911, MEDFORD. A SYMPATHETIC friend lunvos tho following as de scriptive of an editor's duties: (To lift mortgages. To educate orphans. To preserve the family. To cultivate saving habits. To lighten the load of care. . V To keep the wolf from tho door. To give repose to the rich man. To give courage to the poor man. To build a barrier to tho almshouse. To enable a man to live up to his income. To support the credit of tho business man. To lay the foundation of home and independence. To encourage the marriage of prudent men and women. To keep embarrassed estates out of receiver's hands. u.u uuitiij iu u mult a iiu.i'1'iiuii.uu regit ru im ma uuuu. To place tho widow above tho need of marrying for a Ume. To add to a man's years by freeing him from appre hension. To .ave orphan girls from the necessity of "working out." a man. To boost tho town and the country. To advertise free every enterprise. To print glowing obituaries of people who spent their me saying m auout tne puunsner. To accept knocks cheerfully. To furnish free papers to dead beats. To stand-off creditors. To meet payrolls with unpaid bills. To be cheerful, to be kind, and above all, to issue regularly. HOT LAKE- SANATORIUM ,rzmT BH am 9Hfll RHEUMATISM CURED NATURE'S WAY LIQUOR & DRUG HABIT CURED Tho treatment though offectivo Is not harsh. Why ho a nlitvu tit thu habit when you can bo cured Write today for booklet. You may httvti ft loved ono which could ho restored. Wo will ln pleased to noml you special literature The treatment la tint expensive. HOT liAKK, OHK. WALTER M. 1MKRCE, PRES. AND MANAGER SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Houth Illverltl Now nntl UM1aU- Modern lit every particular, Ran cook ing, NKniiii heat, do. Women mill glilH nitiht lirlng fefor. elce, Vf, M, SMITH Home Plionw 84 K. Where to Go Tonight CONSTABLE BUYS BLOODHOUND S Date. 1 ... i 4 5 . . . . C j.... 7''.... i O 10... 11 . X-i 13.... 14.... 1G . . . . ic 17:... iS.... i X J v on u ih 23.... if, ' y -lit u I 2ji 09.5 29 09 30 C5 31 C3 ' Max. 64 G3 CO G1.5 C7.G 73.5 82 77 CO G2 GG 74 73 Gl.G 74 79 72 70 75 7S.5 78 73.5 G8 09 CG.G 73 72 Range. Rol.IIm. MIn. 4G 40 35 44 31.5 34.5 37. G 47 40 3G 30 33.5 39 38. 5 33 35.5 38.5 34.5 33 33.5 34 35 43 38 42 3G.5 30.5 33 37 35 32 Mean maximum, 09.7 degrees; moan minimum, 36. 8 degrees; max imum, 82 degrees, on October 7; minimum, 30 degrees on October 11: greatest daily range, 45 degrees on detober 20; total precipitation, 0.43 Inches; greatest in 24 hours, 0.10 inch on tho 4th; number of clear days 19, partly cloudy 8, cloudy 4. Mavimttm relative humidity 94 per cent on tho 13th; minimum relativo liiimldlty 22 per cent on tho 20th; mean of rolatlvo humidity 45.5 per cent. IS 43 17 44 2G 4S 17.5 48 30 42 39 41 44.5 27 30 75 20 57 27 47 3G 44 40.5 29.5 34 94 23 40 41 40 43".5 40 33.5 45 35.5 37 42 53 45 22 44 29 38.5 41 25 45 31 43 24.5 53 3C.5 37 41.5 32 3G.5 39 32 39 30 53 31 41 Sinaler Sends East for Two Dons Which He Will Use in the Future toj Track Hen Who Are Fugitives From Justice. War Declared Catarrh Germs Must lie Conquered or Health Will Ho Destroyed. "If you have catarrh you must van quish an army of porslstent, destrucr tlvo microbes before you 'can get rid oV it. 'You might as well choose your weapons, declaro war and annlhllato thlB army of catarrh germs right now. "Stomach doBing won't kill them; neither will sprays or doucnoa. HYOMEI, a pleasant, antiseptic, gorm destroying air breathed Over tho ontlro jnombrauo will put catarrh gorms out of business in short order. 1 HYOMEI (nronouuco it High-o-mo) Is guaranteed by Chas. Straug to ond catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds and croup, or money back. If you own a llttlo IIYOMBI hard rttbbor pocket inhaler you can got a soparute bottlo of IIYOMBI for only GO cents. If you haven't an ln lialor buy a complete outfit that only costs $1.00. He Was Married, That's Why. TACOMA, Wn Nov. 1. Football fnndVkiiow now why Jonny Hamil ton, unptnin of tho hijjh school foot bnll tonin d'ulu't play his usual (lush ing Biwio Saturday ngaiiist Lincoln lilgh school of Seattlo, which ended ijtt tie. Hamilton didn't Beom to l7avo ilia mind on tho game, the fans cbinnluincd, r .1 - t The way of tho fugitive from jus tice in southern Oregon will ho harder than ever in the future if the plans of Constable Siugler. He has .sent to North Carolina for a pair of genu ine blood hounds and will use -the animals in the future to trail ani mals and fugitives. Tito dogs ure blooded nnimnls and will bo thoroughly trained by Mr, Singler. CONVICTS ARE FIXING HOME Taken to Peelor's Place Where To day They Are Fixing Up the Grounds About Their Camp, Mak ing Comlortable for Winter- FOURTEEN WORK IN NEW CANNERY Fourteen women have been cm ployed in the cannery above Talent this senson and on last Friday they broke a record by puting up five hun dred half-gallon cans of apples. The cannery has been running for some time and has used up much of the surplus fruit and vegetables of that district. Next season that plant will be enlarged. TAEENT IS AFTER ARTESIAN WATER . i , A trial well is being sunk on J. B Coleman's placo near Talent where it is believed an abundance of pure water cun bo secured for city pur poses. The well is being dug at the expense of tho city. When a depth of twelve feet was reached it was neccssury to install an electric pump to keep tho water out. This well is only a half mile south of tho artesian wells on the Pellett placo and indications are good that tho plan of tho cjty for artesian water -will succeed. Xotlce. Tho now directory of tho Home Telephone company has been Issued and distributed. Any subscriber who has not roceived a copy kindly call up tho Directory Department, 10G-L, and ono will bo delivered. 192 THE IIOMB TELEPHONE CO. With the commercial club com mittee, and Warden Curtiss present the twenty-seven convicts sent by Governor West to work on the Crater Luke road, are today fixing up their camp at Peelor's place on upper Koguo river and making it comfort able for the winter. The men will spend a day or two in making the camp comfortable and will then start work on the road under the direction of John Grieve. A Useless Existence Ended j3tj) $ $ $ $ ij) $ $ i! $ $ $ $ $ Sj! $ $ if $ $ !5 $ $ Sp S $5! The Medford National Bank 09- Cfi- & ay ? CAPITAL, STOCK - 41100,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS $35 OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY UAFIJ DEPOSIT llOXIM FO It HUNT. W. H. a ORE, Prtaldant. 7. -. PC&BT, Vic Prei. JOHN B. OKTR, CftShUr. r. S. MSUBICX, Vlca Fits. VT. B. JAOXSOK, Aiat. Oathiar. 5 o v y We Have Moved Vi Th iT.-T. Hroadinj' flower atom Ih now In tho M, K. & II. Btoro, neroHH tho ntroot from former location, Cholrn lots or cut flower, bulbs, ferns, paluiH, etc, al ways on hand, J. T. BROADLEY 44r-f THE ISIS THEATRE lllG DOl'llLE HILL Till: Tlllll.'IJ HAUANM .Martini- Lucy- lark Original Mimical Comedy eittltlud l$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.$$$$$ $ $& I Tri Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDI Honey on hand at all times to loan on improve.; ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. S20 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. After a lAto of Tireless Destruction and Devastation the; Dandruff Genu Finally Succumbs. IIECOMKS A VICTIM TO XK WlHtO'S 1 1 KRI'ICI DK The dandruff Kerm is a busy little microbe constantly at work and al ways doing tho Bamo thing. Appar ently with fiendish Intelligence it burrows down Into tho ha'r follicles, destroys tho hair life and finally crowds out the hair, causing bald ness. Thero aro two suro ways of stop ping tho harmful career of this Invis ible microbic growth. One 1b to wnlt until tho germ has Induced incurablo baldness, after which tho ntropled hair folliclo offers no sustenance to tho germ; tho other Is to USE NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE. The dandruff germ cannot exist where Nowbro's Herplcldo Is used In telllgently. Dy killing tho dandruff germ It thus checks further accumti lations of scarf skirr and prevents the hair from coming out; While many imitations and substl tutea are offered for Nowbro's Horpl cido, thero Is nothing "Just llko it" or "Just as good." Oet Kentilua Horpicldo. One dollar sizo bottles sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Send 10c in postago for sample and booklet to Tho Herplcldo Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich. Applications obtained at tho better barber shops and hair dressing par lors. Medford Pharmacy. We have a full line Of PEERLESS LAMPS on hand 4, 8, IC, 32 C. P. carbon lamps; 25, 40. CO, 100, ISO, L'50 watt Tungsten lamps. Tho best lamps nnd thu best prices. All lamps guaranteed. Southern Oregon Electric Co. Phenes: Paclflo 4C01; Home 121". T , ' JaBK-.S.-a CHINA CHINA CHINA SUPPLIES ARE IN. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE &e ART STORE BE SURE Pacific Phone 1094 Home Phone 95 PORTLAND, Ore. Wesley Forgu 3on, 13, spout tho night In Jail be- caiiso his parents moveu to a now homo while ho was at school and failed to leavo their now address. Thmrm Im Only Onm , " That 5 Lmx&tiv& Brimao Quinine ' U9Ctt'THE WOULD OVER TO.OURE-A COLD IN ONE DAY. Always 'remember tho lull name, Look te Tjf , fothls signature on every box, 26o, & Mfir3srrrtJrV . . j , ,.yj I wotaau7 Get your plows ready for plowing sWe have a compldte assortment of JOHN DEERE PLOWS AH kinds of Plows for all kinds or soil, A full lino of grain drills, spring tooth harrows, otc. HUBBARD BROS. mm Is the time to subscribe for your MAGAZINES WE WILL FIGURE ON ANY CLUB YOU MAY DESIRE Medford Book Store ; III their 1 "OLD HEADS AND VOUN(i HEARTS" Cant of CliiirnrtorH; Delia MariiiDiy Mulmmy ' .....Marty ii Hunan : ,,., .......4 , mind .iiiiiiMid (inn timiniui'i , . I, iiticy iinr.aii Harry LiirltMiiu, it ti nttoruoy .11 in Lynch (a burglar) I Jaek IliiHun . i 'hum iieiug inn nisi not or un ; kind over played here, It should ; bo a big drawing curd, as all Idmlit i of hIiikIiik, (lit lie I ill": and good com cdy Is liitrodtii-ed, I KTILL ANOTHER VAN DALLE SISTICItH KuglUli AcrolMitlc DuiiierM Direct (nun thu I'aitlageii theatre,: Portland, routes England's famous I uornliiitlii dimcviH nnd nlugoiH, ? who am proitoiiitred by tho Lou don Times an two of tho greatciit Z dmicerri Etii;lauil litis over pro duced, a li m . a . .. .a I.. uiini laruei v riuay uigui in HlmiliiH. I.li.l U.t.ky.lt.1 mI.II.I ..ll'.l I i iiiiiiiiiii iii,ii.. iiit lit, iiiiii, in, n r I uitttlni'ii Imtttrdtiy afteruooit, U.L-. It -111 i I .- t 'I" ' I ' OPEN- For Business RlflGI.NH A LICSLlirH HocotiiLHiuul Ktom at 3C South Grnpo Street. Olvo ub a call and wo will treat you fair. HlgliPiit cash prlco for second hand goods of all klnda. Star Theatre Miithico Every Day to rt I. M. ONE l-'LAil AT Ij.ST Serond appearance at tho Star of Vltngrnph's faiitnim liupKi'Mouiitlou of Abraliaiu Lincoln, Valley Second Hand Store Wo nuy ami Soil All Kinds or Second Hand Goods. M. J. I'lLOHER, Prop. 15 Xorth Tlr rs. Pure Clear Sparkling You ea't afford to io without this iiplondid, refreshing drink. Call up and order eaoa sout to tho house. The purest, Rtout healthful drink known la SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. gIGHAM, Aienl. THE RANGER'S STRATEGEM A Western Hummer. CURED IOR CRIME 1000 Feel of LattKhs. AL SATHER WILL SING "GOOD 1V, MY LOVE, GOODHV." Pay strict attention Io our musln and reallatlc effects. EVENINGS 7 TO 10: 1G SAVOY THEATRE Undtr Wtw Uanrunt IM rut 1 1 II ri. I.trciiHril Million IMcttircR Cli-an Hliny, Courtroim Triiiltnrnl l'r.ink It Hull. Prop. 10a TUN OKMTB 10c Medford Theatre WED., NOV. 1st LITT & DINGWALL'S Protltictlon nf tlio Most Popular American Play Ever Written. THRILLING PICTURESQUE AND ROMANTIC STORY OF KENTUCKY LIFE. igsg&lmLm SASH arid DOORS Direct From the Factory No lottl rrtilU unlet iucIi lr k, no uxh varUlv a Atl Aful utH In it tA llvan. No (tctoiy uLt mot. iiUln uutina finl;cltM aoodt, Iim IfUtt piuluacry, Uu BUiflk 01 lUMbttlerintltrltu. , , ullinu illtmtt la vou. dropping lha lo- tiiftt . w cm tA our gli lot V. w iiuunuo to wudy you or I(uihJ your tnoxy Yeu uu no ruk. Jutt read some of the prlcea contalrtod In our big illustrated catalog, JuniiW Doort (Ll cul) Il.tO Jiou P.n.l Doori, tl.25- 1.S0 AitFionlDoon.nMnirttrUi, 6.00 Cotug Frol Duoii, 42.23-1.48 Iau'do Window Tiim, lOpci, .80 at!I Wiiulow Fiuntt . . , 1.00 2.U.U Wln.W.. 24.24 , .01 r'CddS,('Hoo(fi1i,2.rJy 1.80 Oeo4ol blaatU Slln, -U Ion jicktli, pr f llon , ..16 Wrti Ui for CiUIb 43 liftiWl'IH'l SO I In Old The Spirited and Excitlnn Horse Raco The Famous Ken tucky Tlicrouutibretl Queen Doss Tho Rolllcklnu Fun ocf tho Inimitable . Pickaninnies Tho Strongest and Most Expensive Cast tho Play Has Ever -. Had. Kentucky Wrilton hy C. T. Duzoy. Kcnttioky Thorouohbrcd HORSES Tho Fnmoiifl PICKANINNY BRASS BAND Prices $1.00, 75c, 20c. Snlo Monday at Hnsklns. ; !- . .x Clark & Wright Awras ( WAHHINOXOW, S. 0 v ruhllo Lntnt Matturx; l-"lintl l'rnnf, DoHcrt I.amlH, ContontH nnd MIiiIiik Ciihoh. Hurlp. AbhooIiUq Worlt for' Attornoy. Ilasitliis for Health, . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 & : r ' 1 Hftstyn for Health. '4fr