. .- -ii-- uiau MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUeI fi fcfi (-V1 ,kVw v SUBSCRIBERS rlllntf to ai vnvr will lir one (Ullvorad lir tiliontnr nf. WEATHER Cloudy Max., (1.1; Mln JW JU'l. Hum., n; ,lVf Cent, I I Ilc-j by 0 p. m. Dally MUtli Ymr. I'nrly.l'iriU Your. MJODITOUD, OUKOON, WKDNKHUAy, NOVEMBER 1, 1911. No. 192. Oronon Historical u w TAR, BAITED BV PITTSBURGERS, SMITES THEM HIP AND THIGH FAIRLY SCREAMS REPLY TO SPEAKER Mnrlln W. Littleton Voices Mot De nunciation of Sherman Lnw and Leaves Taft Very Little Tlmo to Reply hut Ho Handles Sltuatluii. CIIIIW OF IWMMU OF XAVWJlTION IS A DISCOVERS MAN WAS BEING BUTCHEnED TO MAKE PITTSBURG HOLIDAY founds on Tnblo With His Fist and Declares Recent Decisions Arc Epoch Making MOHUANTOWN, W. Vii.. Nov. 1. Member of Priwiilunl TuftV pinty todny it 10 injoiHintf ovor u lilt ;if tho prO!ilHiit h1 iii'kIiI with PitlnburKor- when iiioihI-ci of Hid ohnuiho of. iwmuioreo of (hot oily "bailed" liiin. I IttiiilriMlt of millionaires nml lf(l offioiHln of t Ik MiioI IrimlH attended a hiiuquot there at which the prci dont wan nominally Hit) guoMt of hon or. I limpid- (hi- tlm proidanl win forced to lu-U'ti to CongroMHinnn .Martin W. l.itllcloit in a lint donuii 'in!i'Mi of I lio ShoniiMii Ih-.v ami n demand for Km repeal. I.illlctnii's dtmiinoiulinu wan wilillv cheered. Tnfl Angry. When Littleton concluded Pronident Tuft had only nineteen minute to 'nlni n train, lit wan iiihiIi ohmr through. I(onli-.iiig that lie won lie in butchered to make a Pittsburg holitlay, ho attacked Littleton'- argu ment in a way that was record-break - . J4krJJut4lUlJii 'raft- I.rtlhiton had Hiitil (ha Shommn lnw whh indefinite. Ta ft hIiooIc his fists nt (In hiiMhiiwr-iiinn nml sheuted: "Thin law has been on (ho Mntuto hooks for twenty yearn. It Iiiih I-cm enunlrucd ami cnuitrui-d by tint nu pruiiio (Mini I. When on tho bench myttnlf I have hail opportunily to onunidor its purpose and offoi't. The two docitfiom- romloiod Inst "piiiu worn opooh making and in my judg ment give dofinito moaning to lb" hiiiiiiio. juoy nro mono, ami von will find (hont if you will seurch: Thut any combination in rout mint of Irado with tho purpose nml offool or Milling or HUppics-ting i-niupotitbui, I'onl rolling priooH or establishing n iimpouoly is in violation of tho it-it-ulo.' 1'ul I'lir-Mmo In U; "I way that the Kiipromo court p.it into tho law its purpoHo, I am talk ing wilh 111011 who undorMuud busi now; I am (nlking to intelligent 1111 1 who know what I a;n talking about when I Hay (hat men know whotlior (hoy intoiiil to nliflo competition, 0- tahliMh a niouopoly or control prici-H.' President Tafl'rt faoo wan hi if- r VBiiMh- ,MI" I rH Vv4TV4.HIHiK lVV(' H HHBtj-L 0 dH COMMANOlira RflLIP ANDWTWS.USH ('(Hiiiiiiiiiilcr IMnhp AudrcuK, V . N'., aid In tho HoiTo'iiiT of the Kav. will Kiici-ocil lt'our Admiral Ucj-iiinn) l' NicIioImou h h cliuf of tin' Huroan "f N'nvi--t'tioii. Aniiiiiiiici'iiK-ut of (hiK npHiiilaioiit huh miiilo hy Si'crctury .Moyor folloM-tiiR loccipt of a tol' Knim from I,r-idi,il Taft iiidorxiiiK tin M'iivtar'f M'li'i-limi. YUAN SHI KAI IS APPOINTED PREMIER OF CHINA; WILL ENDEAVOR TO SECURE PEACE BY ONION WITH REBELS WHO STOLEBIRL Married Man of Burloy, Idaho, Said to Be Person Responsible for Stranijc Dlsappsarancc of Youn-j Girl From This City. LETTER FOUND IN HIS TRUNK GIVES CLUE Mrs. Darlinu Has Had Warrant Is sued fcr His Arrest Cliarjjlno Abduction and Seduction. WOULD DG "BODD GHEER,! SOCIETY E Miss Thcnra Carter of Seattle and New York Here on Charitable Mis sionUnique In One Way, for She Asks for No Money. .Jniiu'K (lilloHpio, who HHint Hoveral weeks recently in Modfori!, Ih the man unit! to hu reipoiiMihlo for the Htian-,'0 iliHappoaranee of Miss Nora Darlini; in thi city Hoveral weeks a-;o. A warrant Iiiih heeu int-ued for Ii'im ai reh(. Ho is a married man and until lately hi family Iiiih heeu living at Ittirloy, Idaho, Tho warrant wan is xiicd ,y (ho Idaho anthoritioH on a complaint nwom to hy Mm DarliiiK, cliiiiK'iik' hoduction and ahdiiciion. Mrs. DnrliiiK. when hIio learned that (lilliwpiu had heeu in (ho hahit of meetiiiK Mjhh Darlin-,' Hecretly in tln city anil (hat he had left town a Nliort liino before her daiiKhterV diHiipponnuicv, hecamo HiispieirniH. She know that ho had formerly lived in Idaho and on leaviut; hero hIic went to Hurley, Idaho, whoro hhe touiid that GillcMpio Jiad been tin day before for tho iiii-'ko of -jond-iiif- liiH family hack to Khiimih. She immediately had a. Hen roll warrant iHNiied and in a trunk Gilluspio hud left behind wjih found a lotlor writ ten by Nora which showed that Oil- lioKpic had iiidnosd hop to submit to J YUAN - 51IIH-KAI. TANG3HAO-yi. CHILD EMPEROR Z jfjOS BSbh jtfA Adltk H hiiiiiiiiiiib t- ' miiiiiiiiiiiiiH mm . ' - '"t'SI'SB f-f----f -. w .XWmi m i '"" KlflES m 1,t'''' ' ' ' liPSS I f. i?v - "te.ilm&& LIEUTENANT GENERAL FENG KW3-CHANG . Mff SEEK SBFETYi Willi 1 fiiMcd. Tho I'ittHliiu'KiM-ri loaned for wwd attentaUvely. Tho prowidont iiIiuonI Horeamed: "My friouil and Urothor Littleta-i offuw whalf What iIoch bo offer oveopl (ho repoal of lliim nlaliilo and tho ouaclmaul of auolhor wbioh will bo Hiihjoot (0 tho 8111110 eoiiHtruclioti, to ho put in Iho form of federal in corporation T "I favor federal incorporation, but Hint Is no roaxou for ropoaliiiK this Hlatuto. hut iih enforce Tho Hlatulo; lot Iho (iiihIh (hen pi into a federal iiicorporaiou act. and receive Iho proloiiliou they are entitled to if I hoy follow (ho law "Only nno ootirso is open, p'nde ini'ii. I say with (ill Iho Niucerily at my command (hat wo nro (,'oini to have iiidividualiHiu and freedom from (Iiomo cnmhinutinuK which supproxs itompoliliou or olso wo iu'o f-oiiiK to a point whero (bo people will ilemaud tJuit Iho piivileKO which (hctto. 1111 1 iixoreiHo shall ho no loiter oxorciied by (hem hut shall bo (rauslVrred to tho ixovovuinenl. Then wo will havo HDoilllihlll. "l.know Unit 1 11111 speaking ii-,'ainst tho loaning of moHt of these eutlo men 1 oaunot help it. The 1-iw is on tho statute books and 1 believe it to bo a just law, Tho law muni bo 011 i'oreod, and stifling of competition, cslablishiuonl of monopolies and con I rolling prlocw must coiiro or wo must deliver it (0 Iho j-onlloinon who havo it in thoir hands to run tho cnliro business of Iho oouulry or luko Iho .Mii.s Theora Carler of Sunt Ho and Now York, foundor of the Sooioly of (tood Chi'or. in in Medfonl in (he hope of nrxHiiixiii-; thu Mieiely here, tliiliko moNt Hoeietieti .(his 0110 afkx for no money, in fact the word money doesn't occur aiiyuhero in its prop- .('Kiinilii. The Society of (lood Clieer lias for ils puriMo.0 (bo niviuK of pcivoiial help (i (ho itk and ooavalcsceiits enpimially when tho nro away from' homo ami friends. Minn Caricr has paid all the expenses of orKunmnj,, which only includes her tniveliiii; ex- poiiHOH, and has lono it heeauso hhe knows she is doiii- a (,'real work. In New York nho has met with ureal Hiioaoss. One of her classes I here in composed of Iho daughter sof the ery rich. These pti-lw are taken (o (ho home--, of (ho sick and to the hospilals and receive in return a hroadeniuir educalion hy mooting with (ho pwplo who are lens I'm lunate than "ho In no way is tho soeielv sectar ian and there nro no obligations ex cept a warm hoar! and a willing baud. "If somo day you nro taken ill in your travels, wo shall reach you wherever you arc, for wo intend' (0 orpnixo in ovory lnr-jo cily," mi.vs Miss Carter, "A few younj,- women in ovory oily will hrin,' tho oouvnlenceut a word of cheer. The foiuidinp; of this sociely is (ho result of an impulse which camo (o mo when sufferim- nlouo in a strange land." Miss Carler will leave Medfonl in morrow, She is Mopping ut Iho Hold Nash. Her Rialllo address is (l.il( West Twentieth avenue, uorlhwosl and her Now York nddi-osa (ill) Vst MOIIi Hlreel. She will ho j-!ail to answer any inquiries. 500 HENS ENTERED IN LAYING MATCH his will. NI1011 Ibis letter camo (o Hj-ht a warant was issued clinrpii-; seduolion ami abduction. As Gillospie had but a very Miorl start Mrs. Darlin--- is confident of overlakinir him am! Mi. Darling's perseverance in the search seems likely to ho rewarded. She left Medford for Hurley on the slighle-. suspicious, selling much of her furniture in order lo pav hor wav to Hurley. J. ('. Hogcrs, an attorney and friend of Mrs. Darling's is now caring for her and continuing the M'aroh for the man who induced her daughter to flee. BODY KNOWN TO BE ROGOWAY'S ALHANY, Ore., Nov. 1. The re port of tho finding of the body of a murdered man under a tree near that oily, believed to bo that of Na than Itogowuy, who disappeared there four months ago while on a business trip from Afbnny for the Albany Tanning company, of (his city, has been supplemented with proofs hunt lioro placing llogoway'rt death beyond a doubt. This morn ing a letter was received hero from .1 firm of Ashland' customers by (bo loeal tannery, inclosing a sample of Iho 'cloth out from the dead man's clothing, and it was found to bo of tho cloth sold to Hogoway by a lo- I'al clothing firm, which firm also Fear of a General Uprising of the People Is Manifest Throughout Canton American Citizens Are Flsclnn for Safety. " PKK1NG, Ko-fl.- Yumii Shi Kai vas todav tippiditiil premie-. of Chi na. Other iriuinut npixjintmetittj will be siibmittw The appoiplir.onl makes him virutal ruler of China, luuuoiliatoly ai'lc his nppiutmci.. Yum Shi Kai isirod a brit. Mato meat of tho jiolie," In: iutonJs to pur- tiic . His first ani, he sni.l, will lit (j cease hoMililiot against th ruhol-. r!.J.e he will opo-i iiegotialio-' with G-.neraI Li Yuan iluug, the revolu tionary commander, who recently proclaimed hiinolf i)rosidxt ,f CI i- 1111, with tho view of rc-eMublUhing permauenl peace. Wants Union With ItcbvR Yuan Shi Kai jiraotieally contem plates a union of the government nud tho rebels but wliothor tho rebels will nccpt bis overtures is an open ques tion. If be succeeds in terminating the rebellion Yuan ill virtually bo ruler of China beeaiiho (ha ci.j ror prac (icallv surrendered all power hy his edict Monday and Yuau's elevation to tho premiership places him in the most important cabinet position in tho empire. The other calRuet appointments await his decision. Fq jp V --?S l'1 - 'rSM a ifv.jiivjiv.. i- - j'.rm.aAHTtrl,i?c... vvvi' . vtAP SHOWING PROGRESS OF CHINESE REBELS. Chant-os in (he personnel of thef will replace the minister of war, Geu Chinoee nnny are following each oth-jea' Yir.-Chnng as commander of the or in rpiick succession in an effort I'rsfc nnn3' which is now nearing Uankow. Tlie chnnge was indicated Canton . ONE OF THE GREAT PAWNSHOPS. . -t..-.,. jj: ,;., t)i ,rt: ""mJ . " on the part of the government to check the wide spread rovolt. Shcng-INuan-Huai has been dismissed as Minister of Communications and Ton-Shao-Yi appointed in bis place. Lieutenant General Feng-Wo-Chaug, ilircetor-in-hit-f of the general stnif. by Yuan-Shib-Kai, who, do-,pitu his rumored indifference, is actively di recting the movement against the rebels. The recall of General Yin- pro vo unreliable under . a -Maiicliu commander, in view of thu rebel ef fort to draw racial linos. The map indicates tho various provinces now in tho bands of tho rebels. The cross shading shows tho provinces captured on October 20, the dotted shading, provinces enp- Cliang was inspired by the fear that tared on October 25, nnd tho vortical the Chinese, who comprise the mum Minding Miows the provinces captur bodv of the soldiers- at the front, will led on October 20. HA 1 T W J S 8TOKH8, Conn., Nov. l.Flvo hundred liens, ontoroii In tho Inter national egg laying competition, to day lioKnn their unlipio effort, for n world's ohiunploiiHhlp at tho oxporl iniuit station of tho Connecticut Ag ricultural collego horo. KxportH say that If tho knowloilRO gained thrmiKh tho compotltlou ro hiiUh In an avoraKo'lacreaso of oao ogir pur lion per yoor In tho United HlatoH (horo will ho -100,000,000 moro final slop and mYo n "sociulislio m-" "in' Mmm ll1 ",0 nntlon'a okr liubllu." 'Irnmsot.. owns (ho tannery. Tho description of tho dead man tallies with that of Kogoway. Tho wife of Hogoway is now living in Portland, lo which cily she movod soon after tho mysterious disappear ance of her husband, over four months ago. For a liino it was thought possibly that ho'had wilfully desortod his family. This is now proved lo bo a mistake. His wife al ways maintained, that ho had met willi foul play, A short tinio heforo Rogoway left Albany for his trip south a hide and junk dealer who was here was very hitter ngainst Hogoway and made threats against him. Rogoway was last seen in company with a couplo of junkmen in Medford and was thought lo luivo gono to Jacksonville with him. Tt is now belioved horo that possibly tboso junkmen aro rosponsi blo for tho murder of Rogoway. Look nt thp "For Sale" ads nnd nt Rome of tho things that nro advor tispd for enlo. To Americans for Safety. SHANGHAI Nov. l.-Cabled ad vices from Peking today state thai in the last rosoit the infant emporoi of China will seek refugo in the Ainorican legation. Tho imperial forces aro daily becoming moro ap prehensive as the rebellion progres ses nud gains stroiijjlh nnd it is fear ed (hat the emperor and thoso imme diately surrounding tho throne may liavo (o seek a haven nt any tune. ll is said that it has been official ly agreed to flee to (he American le gation as the surot place of snfoty in case of an attempt upon the' life of the emperor or hny similar crisis. Ill LDSANGELES Sweeps Primaries With Clear 3600 Majority Other Candidates Swing Their Forces Behind Alexander Women Counted on by Socialists. Fear General Uprising. CANTON, Nov. 1. Kvidenees of fear of a general uprising of the peo plo aro everywhere manifest nmoug tho adherents of tho imperial govern ment horo today. Tho dragon flag no loneer floats nvi (mfiwiimnni buildings, (ho customs officers have removed their imperial badges, guns havo been posted on the admiralty building and armed guards patrol the water trout and guard all landing places. The Cliiueso gunboats nro cleared for action. Apprehension nmong foreign lega tions is also apparent. A French gunbont has lauded an, armed force of sailors to proteol.the French con cession, while (he Hritish stuff of the Canton and Kou-lnn vnilu-nv ! imnn ordored, for safely, to Sh'ameen Ts. Look at H ' "l0 nl estate ads bind, where there. hro nine f.ireiL-n aml at '""oJl ot t,lQ real estate ftd- warships in (ho harbor, vyrtlsod- boforo iiwstipr,. LOS ANGKLKS, Nov. 1. With the issue clearly defined, what is expected to prove the hottest municipal cam paign in tho history of the Pacific coast opened hero toduy. On one side is Job Harriman, labor union nud socialistic candidate, supported bj tho entire working class of tho entire city and by a good majority of the so-milled "middle class" which has neither union nor socialistio affili ations and on tho other is George Alexander, tho present mayor, who .s tho candidate of tho Good Govern ment movement. Already tho followers of V. C. Musbet and all of tho olbor candi dates who made tho race at yester day's primaries havo swung into line behind Alexander and nro declaring his election absolutely assured. And it would bo if thero wore not a new factor in tho game. That is the vote of tho women, who were en frnuehi.sod through tho npotion of the constitutional amendment a mouth ago. With (ho count of tho vote of vos- (erday's primary election pratically completed the figures showed that Job Harriman, socialist candidato for mnyor, hud a lead of Ityilfl votos ovor Mayor George Alexander, tho Good Govornmont candidate. PHOENIX VOTES BONDS FOR WATER By Overwhelming of 70 to 5 Little City Registers in Favor of Bend Issue With Which to Secure Water Supply. FILE ANSWER ROAD CASE BY N I S Hy tho overwhelming majority of sixly-ftvo Phoenix otcd Tuofiiliiy in favor of a bond iseiie with whioh lo build a wnter system. The voto stood 70 for, and 5 ngainst. Tho bonds will bo issued nt onoo and work Murted. The wator will be used for domestic and irrigating pur pose-. Attorney A. E. Reames Says Case Will Be Argued nnd Decision Se cured From Supreme Court Not Later Than January. CAMPBELL HEADS ROAD THIS STATE Dunqmi W. Campbell is tho new oporating head, of tho Southern Pa oifio lines in Oregon, tho reorganiza tion hecamo effective today. Ho will bo, in ofect, general manager for this territory, with tho titlo of nssistnnt general manager of tho Southern Pa cific. His jurisdiction will inolude (bo main line of the Southern Pacific between Portland and Ashlaud nud all the branch linos. At Portland Harriman headquar ters no official word has been given out ns to tho porsouuel of tho bonds days. Tho othor important offioos to bo filled will bo that of general passonger agent, whioh plum will probably go to John. M, Soott, now assistant general passangor ngont, while II. It. Lounsbury, district frrtlfvllf llfinnf la Cfit.l tt lw. cl.tlu.l (Vit. the post of general freight npont. A. E. Heamos, attornoy for Iho. coun ty oourt in tho good road bond issue, has rotumed from a hunting trip nud has started work preparing his ans wer to tho suit brought by Ed M,. Andrews ngniust tho bonds. Tho answer, Mr. Itonmos states, will bo filed in the circuit court boforo tho end of tho prosunt week. Mr. Heamos states that ho helievos a deoibion in regard to tho suit will bo scoured from tho supremo court by January. GOVERNOR WEST TO BOOST OREGON SALEM, Ore., Nov. 1. Govorntfr West, it was stntod today, lint-; defi nitely decided to accompany tho govornors' special when it takes 11 flying (rip through tho cast for the purpose of advertising the west as a placo for liomoscokors. It is expected that oighteou govornors of western states will make the journey. West win jonve hero in time to cntqh thu special at St. Paul, Novo, 7. From St. Paul olovou of tho principal cilioH of iho oast, including Now York, Phil adolphin and Washington will ho vis ited. Tho unrty will return nnd iiiu. bmnl at Si, Paul Poccml'er 10, C