A Oh, Well! It IHlS t.1rulMI V'VJI ""SIQO CW W(Vt IN TMC, WdKuoioetit iv ticket To mg jNil CM CfSWTOo if. l r.uQ,, vu. MrvMw 10 tlSbi vT. V Utt . i TV feS I iSSU - Jl' -ff.VVA --"' v S. ''," . ' wr' ii i ft ill - n i i - Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (My A. C. Iliiwlt-U.) Uvv. Smilli if CInfknimiH nuuity, Oc.'oii, !wv. I.u .Mhi. Ilio pimtor of the ItapliHl fliurcli of Kitxlu l'oint. Illlt l0lllill II MHH'n tif IIKM'lilIKH ln'if. Tlny urn liuviiiK ii rooiI iiiuuitliiiiuft lint no M'cinl mow i nppiuiMit. .Mr. Hinl Mi. Nolll of KloiKiicti Itork iiuit'li. (tunc out Monday anil will ! .Mmlfonl. Tlii'y wro iict'oin pMiiii'il liy it iiuii)i man liy tin iiiiiih' of Si'litiilx who liml Iikiiii up lor n llillo iiM'imuion mill to tul.t' a limit. Imt report Unit tlioy w'io not Miy DlllMMtettflll in llmt liuu. Cliuiloy TliotiiiiN, ulio IniM luul hie toiiiu i'Iikiiki'iI limiliiiK xoniit of tin llfiiry niHi'liiiii'ry for Ilio t'lurtnu Wnikn ni'Hr I'roopt'i't, Iihh tnkoii III kHUiiM off Hinl imitril hit liik' wukoii or truck to Mr. I'opc, tin1 roiitnu'tor, nl tlu nitt of 0110 ilollnr pr iluy for ihii'Ii iluy tliut tlioy louil Htmitlrt on it. Tint plcft) on tin wiikiui in Mip jhim'iI tn mi'IkIi ulioul twclvi ton. Tlmy with l'i v iluy jjoiiiff from llnr liv "liilinn to tic Itiitlc liriiliii', u Hm Ihiii'i1 of five mill' unit Momluy uuil Tuvmlny tlioy uiooil it from tin' lunik nl lli(c Unite, nl KolcioV uorohw ('liuk'w i-ii'i'k, ii ilitiiui'ii of uliout n hull' mill'. Tlitty Imvii from eight to nt.li't'ii liorMiw liiti'livil ut one time, hill liu() to me the culilc mill hloeki iiionI of the lime. I'liiuley Miyn they iwme iieni' tiiniiiiK oer in lli' Hiitle uii'iil; with the loiul. , .loliii V. Smith ix puliiiiK thu work Huh I iilon on hi new Iioiimv mill will mien liHit it umler ixiver. I'cHrl Slow ell went out .Momluy mill out it "hen tree." He leportK liuviiif; tukeii uliout Iho liumlniil poumU of honey out of the tree hut while lie uiih tHliinif lliu honey the huen were lukiiiK uiilixfiinliou out of him ,for for they ntiing him unite hmlly. .Mr. uuil .Mm. .1. V. Urover, wlin liuve heeii huek eit.l oil u visit, ru tin neil IiimI .Momluy; I omitleil to htule in my hist Unit .Mr. mill .Mm. Newpoil, recently from fiiicinmili, Ohio, nrriveil in .Muilforil mi Smuliiy, (he I.'ith innt,, uutl jihon cd for me to come ufter them, Tlioy wvie met hem liy .Mm. Newport's fullier, .1. Ayem, nml went tip to Imh pluee mint' .Moimtniu Viuy. liny llnruiMli uuil Duviil Smith went out hiinliiiL! hint week, rctiiruhu; .Momluy niitht. They report thnl they killeil Heveu ileer. They hroiiKht in quite ii nice lot of ileer Iioitih mm ovi ileiice of their wkill iih uimriids. .Mix. Curl Cohley of I'nyloii enuie In .Mmiihiy uiht on homehuck uml the next iiioriiin roile on to .Meilfntil. S. M. W'ooil, lliu triivi'liiijr Kiilort iiiiiii for the Mmlfonl (loreery hIoic, wife, molhur uml liltlu k'uI vun) muoiiK iih hint TueNiluy. 1 miiii Uml the KukId Point Vinioiy hlore Iiiih jitht reeeiveil u film iihsoH meul of the populur IiuoUh, Uev. Ijlolnr, fonnerly pustor of Ilio M. K. ehureli of Moil ford, hut now of Newhuru, wns u pleiiHiint tinllor 'ln iluy uilil, (iiil Weilnesdny morning he went out lo n look ut iU orchard on n pint of the Peiroo trnot of hind he houht of ,1. W. Orovof. Mm, Win. Kpenoor nud Iter dnuglti lor, MIhh Dee, eitino in cut lliu Hullo Kull (ruin Tuonduy nfteriiooit nud uiol her IiiihIiiiiiiI ut Iho Suuuyhido, Mr. Spiinoor is workiti; ut IiIh trndo on Iho llrowu hrolhem new nloro. Their diiunhtor, Mihk Dee.'wenl onlo Medl'ord to iiltend (ho lonohors' iu Hlilule. dud Kdanll hroiiKlit in I wo IoiiiIh of hides from nonr I'roHpeet Tuesday. His touuiH lire finuliiiK' l'H' ' i'it, the conl rnelor, who is dolivoriiiK iijn teriiiul for (ho Prospoot ('oustruotiou company, A liuly hy llm naino of Wheeler from Prospoet onmo out TuoHilay ami proeiired a rip and wont on lo Con ical Point. , . Might Rain This Afternoon, Anyway HSf.WUTt' MU.V,tJ ( virmMGi. t .,,, rjt.i i'ii .,, 1i itl- iu Lja aj. i VIIIO tiOUf.HT lUfllOr 2O000 TlCKll-tsTo V r7 f 1 ' !ArUA IMC INJiT4jO u, to TO 1'HiU.V esNOIY IM I His lioy. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mr. ami Mm. Chiiiiiiiuu, who have heeii i-cmIiIIiik ueiir hero for xomo time, liuve Meno to Ailwmu to Hpoml the win I or. Mr. Mnmhiill mill hoii are nieiiilliu; a few (luyu In Piirtlaml tills week. Mm. II. Xorcrowi. Iier tliiiiKliter. Mlwt Helen, ami hoii Paul Imvo ro tiirueil to their homo riom u IU to iho eiiNt. MhM Kva NoreroMH will npuiiil the w Inter at I. oh AiikcIm. I'ror. A. J. Ilanliy, I'rof. Duvlw. Prof. F. I'. Cooper anil all the vmIioiiI toHehem In IIiIm vicinity are at Meil foril thU week In atteiulaiico at the letiehein' Imilltute. TrTo motor W'eilnomlay mornliiK wh mo erowileil when It Hot to Central, Point that It I'ouhl not lake otto iuih utiKor. Thent wmo uliout fifty poo tile K"I"K to Moilfonl who hail to k liy ntitomohlle, othern hy other prl vine coiiveyauco ami many alho walked. Mm. V. Warner. Mm. HcrrliiK. MImm Camphelt. MIhm Mc.N'aiwar, Mm. (Iieeii ami ilitiiKhter ami Mlwi Nor vmhmI were amoiiK the Cutral Point peoiile who Hpeul Weiluumlay after noon In Mudforil. Mm. I.ue liiKiam ami Mltm ICilua Noble went north Tiiotulay evenlnw. N. Jerry, the minor, has returned ftom an eiiHteru trip. Mlim HoHii Duforil ami slftum are HienilltiK this week In Hiiiiih valloy vUltliiK homo folks. Mlsrt Pwirl Hlenm returned to her home lu (IriiutM Pan Tuetiilay morn- lK. Mm. Ileolie, MlitA Sarah Ilelili, Mlm lliilller. CeorKo Vox, Mr. Cliapmnu. Hr., ami Jr.. Mr. Wilson Jr., ami J. H. llaruutt were amoiiK tho many Ceulral Point peoplo who Mpout Tin's day In Meilford. Men I.lttle has returned from a visit to l.nko creek. John M. Allen, the Dorhy cattle man, imiile a IiiikIiiosh trip liere Tues day. Will Alberts of Aslilaml Is here vIhKIuk frlemU. School closeil Tuesday for tho ro malmler of tho week, as all of our teachers will lie In attendance at teachers' Institute licKlniilnt; Wednes day In Meilford. Easy to Get Rid of Dandruff Dnmlitiff ineaiut that down near thu roots, of your hair there Is a vast army of little Invisible, germs oil mlcrohuH, Ami HiIh army never sloops; It wiiKes it war of iluxt ruction iiIkIU and day. It destroys, tho nourishment that the hair must lmvo lu order to grow vigorously 'ami uhumlautly. ' PAUIBIAN' KA(1)' now sohl all over Aiuerlca will destroy these V.uruiH anil al tho Hitluo t lino furnish tho hulr roots with Jmd the proper uotii iHhmcut to mtiKo hair grow Iuh Iiiiiih and luxuriant. 1'AIIIHIAX SACIH Ih tiininnteeil by ChiiH, KtiniiK to IiiiiiIhIi daudrtiff, stop fallliiK halt' ami UuIiIuk scalp or money hack. It Ih u tloltahtfttl hair (IioshIiik that wIiih Instant favor with refined women. Bold for only fit) cents a lai'Ko hottlo hy Chuu. Bli'itim and dniKKlHta ovorywliuro, Olrl with ntihttru hair on ovory car tun ami bottle. ' Notice. Notion Is hereby kIvoii Hint tho under signed will iiliply at the next regular meeting of tho city council of tbo city of Metlforil, Oregon, on November 7lh. IUH, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and mutt Ihiuors In iiuiiiitltliis less time one gallon, at tholr plnco of business at 32 Krutit St., lu said oily, fur a norlod of six months. M, & 13. J. ADAMS. . Dated. October 23, 1011. Haskluii for lloaltu, 'MKmrOUDMAtliTRJBriNPJ, OTITFOttT), OI.'WIOX, T1HJHSDAV", OfTQ.IKf, 20, 1011. ifOS t 1L0 WSOO Of'tM' "tittvT I WLOO'JT 500 ComoOm 'VNO VJHINC, "(OWK. Bj-..- Wll ' 7" IMNW Vfc fVO KILLS SELF Harold Fnutkcrson, 24, Blows Out His Brains In a Hold al Wcsl Fork Friends Hint at a Love Affair Was Employed In Forestry Service. KOSKIII'ltC, Ore.. Oct. 20. l)o Hiiidciicy today id given u (he rca oii fur the Miiicide of I la mid Faulk-ei-Miu, 'Jl, (if (iiiuils's Piths, who hh'H out Ills bruin in a hold at Went Pork last night. His fi tends hint ut a love a flair. Piiulkemon was eiupliyt'd in tin to vtry M'nii-i', IS . IHE WHOLE SHOW A fair crowd enjoyed the produc tion. "The Tniwliui; Salesman," al the Medlord WcducMliiy nit-lit. The company is a second niter hut Den .MneMilliiii with hit, tuuile, lent h tone to the play, which look it out of I lie inmlicoere class where the remainder of lliu company would have placed it. The play should ho rewritten and it sIhuk linos drought up-to-date, lint the audience wu iimusod and after all (lint's wluit thev went for. PKTAM'MA. Cnl. -"Pi is pip," ami a jury here Mumls (I to (I in ef fort k to find that pinpoint uro un sanitary. There will he a second trial. To Cure a Cold In One Dftjr Titkr KAXATIVU MltOMO giilnlnu Tub lets DriiHKlsts rufiind money If It falls to cure. II. W. UKOVli'H sluiui tins Is on eecb box. 2lu. itOTicn rort, 8rAi.no bids Ton BAin OP REAL rUTATE. Notice Is hereby given that tho under signed, the trustee, lu the mutter of tho estate of IMintHidcs Urns., bankrupts, will leoolVH sealwl bids for tbo puroluise of nny or nil of the following dosorlbed leal pieperty sltuatml In Mdlford, Oro K"H, nml describe! as follews: Lot numlHrt'd 2 and the south half of lot nuiuhctcd 3 In block 32 of the Original Townsltc of Mcdford, being a frontage of 73 feet uuil u depth or 100 feel, nud biivlug I hereon u flvo room Iioiinc, Ideil pioprrly for VvnreheiiHnJ luirposes, being mi South Kvci green, "tiwt mid on proposed siding of H. P. Iiiciuubiiiiico hImiui $1100, Interost and ine now due, principal runs for shout1 nine mouths yet, lot on lliiinett avenue, being 50 by APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo nro nppolntud neunts for J, B. THOMAS, Covcnt Garden, Lon don and Southampton, England, vvhoHo chni'KCfi nro 5 per cent nml t' conta per box. JA3. LINDSAY & SON, Ltd., Glas gow and KdlnhurKh, Scotland, C por cont nml 10 conta per box. HAWSON llOBINSON, Hull, Kiir lau, 5 pur cunt and S conta por box. Thoso nro tho oldont nnd lnrgost, flrina In tholr respective tt.wna, and tluilr rcforouco no to flunnclal null- ItloH can ho had at Meilford Natlonnl Hank, Moilford, Orogon. Caali can ho riihlod day after sale If required, and hlghoat tnarkot prices guaranteed. Uod Kaeod Mon HiiiokliiR BIG GIG AHB talking "HOT Allt" don't always llvo on air, liouco our remarks on olinrgoa. Tho clap-trap nliout prfvato unlo does not provo romtinoratlvo, oxcopt for Home curios of a tminll nature All qollara by prlvato enlo lmvo to wait until nticttouti nro over ao na to Itiow what to ask, and In tho enso of largo Btipplloii they often get loft. For further particulars, addroii V, N. WHITE & 00, .v" rv: ia 2Tr ' jl axi&j jZSirsxM hoop, v v- , r r " r 7 vvi rv.-i. r v Aitrv rruL y si . rvr?vvJi if s -' mLi a'. r- i i r i GRANTS P MN flOu. "N ft "u COT Wi MG ". .PsjA " I - ,-iLi tinea vrAJ . . 1 , f ' ?' ' ,H; rSS V ' PJVV'' 8a6NUOor,MG sya j -..--' ,iv"'' v,ii'' ..:. ;.v. J 1 - r v n -..a..i -r,mun..oi ' t VJ e"JL u 'niuu-v ' i vyiu'lr -ofc iou ruK." i iuwi; over too fi-H, ami IinvIiik fruit treos la lM4ilnC- An Iflwtl Iik-mMoii fur a Iioiiih. liii'llilllirHlice Hl'OIlt MSO. l,ol i hihI i In M'x-k t nnrf lots 3 nml I In block number'-.! t of JMinrwdss Hililllloii. (loeit now Iioiim on ono of tlnK tots, Kccdiii) Klr.-.-t iwtvfxl pnnt two of lots. liimmilirmicH nlTimt JHuo Ih'sIiUh taxes nntl (iuvIiik AsHasHinonts, etc )l Is Hip Intention to offer for salo anil sell lo tbc IiIkIiobI bidder tbo eiulty of (tic tmnkrupts lu the above projter-lli-s No bbl will be received for !ss Ibioi lb" liiciunbnitic shown to nxlst. KiiIimIhiiIIhI oUlty 111 earb properly. Will rewlvn lililq for ten dnys from lute of this noUso. IU-erv rlKhl to ri-fiiK.' iiny or alt bills for furtlior tl liills itniulir st my office in rooms 20.2: mir JhcIisoii County Imnk. : J. NICWMAN. Trustee Date.l October 18, 1911. FOR RENT faralalitA Xtoomc 11)11 ItieNT Tliri-o InrKo sloopliiK tistius vvltli stoves. :zi Houtli Holly. Board Rnd Sooma ItOOM AND HOARD nt Mrs. Kay's. No. 10 No, Ornpn St.. buck of 1'arrncre anil KriiltKrowora blJc. Xouiakcvplot; Kwmi roit lti;NT i-'umlsii. i IiohscUpIuk iimhiim c'loiH- In. Ml KunI atb. IS? I'OIt HUNT lMsaiwiut. clean housckuep fuse rooms. 317 West Second ut. XoaiMk i'Olt MINT S room hn clou.. In for lent. Will Klvu use of 4 rooms vvltli vt .iter Hint Unlit fHrulHlietl In exchange for lireilKf.iKt Hlld' illtlller hikI care of umm. Address Uok 2u, Mull Tribune. 1'Jl KOK ItlC.VT S-room modern bouse. Is rue twst front lot vvltli shade trttos. on So. Oiikdnlo, 3 blocks from Hotel Med fold. IiKinlro ltoom IS Jsckson County lliink hlili or plume M. 3171 l'selfta I'OIt HENT- House nt 226 Cottage st. 1SS KOIt HENT Three houses (3 to 5 loomi newly minted Inside and pa iwred, on N. Central ave. One modern. Itsnts reoHonnble. Call or address W. S. Hammond, So. oml Peach st, It. 1, Ilox 4. I'OIt HUNT New modern nine-room bungalow on King's highway, $25 per month. Seo W. H. Kvorhnrd, 909 W. Ninth street. KOIt KENT R room house clow lu. Will Klve n of 4 riHiius vvltli water and llfclit furnlshe.1 In oxohHiige for break fast snd dinner tout ouru of room. 191 KOIt ItENT G room bouse, furnished, city water: north of C'lurk st. In Uiiltv X37 W. 10th st. 191 Offices fot XBt KOR RENT Over tho postofflco with heat and light See A. A. Davis. Mlsctllsneoar Kt)lt I.KAHK Kelly eiulppel placer nilne. Gold Hay tqsilly Co., R. 101 IJIoctrlo building. " F0S EXCHANGE. EMMIANGE 120 seres gvwd Inml close lo ligle Point on county rosd, close to school Give good trade for Cali fornia property er sell cheap. A. do Wilde, 1S3 Millard inc., Insurious, Cnl. I'Olt EXCIIANGE-Clty or ranch prep crly for stock. 23U Cottago st. 1SS LOST. LOST Lady's buck comb Saturday, night. Kinder pleasq Iwvvo nt this of fice. 1S7 l.oKT -ICaHluiau Kodak a-A Speclnk I luder plense r, turn ti Irving Wortli Ingtou, .id l'iin Medford Hank MONEY TO LBAN KOK SALE Klrst class saloon doing good business, best location In city. Address llox fi, CUIco, Cnl. ISC TO LOAN -$11100 mi security Cl.uk Really Co. I'hono 2331. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I'Olt MALE--lli,Klu, Ifiou. restaurant mid confectloiicij adjoining. In thriv ing town nein Medford. Aililrcss Hex 7t. on re Mull Tiinuno, 103 I'OIt HALE- -KsUhllshdU olenulng and presHlng biinle"s cboap. Good chance for ono or two young inwu. Address 817. Mlllt Tribune 191 KOIt MALE Saloons, volod wet. That business and fanning property the town or Oak Vtar Will pay you to InvestlgHto. Wrlto at onco to 11. J. llarteu. Oak Har. Cnl. Will- accept business or rcslueaqu property in o. changi). 191 NURSERIES. rm Ql'AICUU Nl'HSl'.HUaifOilr tres nre budded, not glutted, Qur stork Is net Irrlgnted. V kuhiuuUb dvwytlilng put mil. We are not In 10 trust. II. II. IMtlersun. Office retuovsil to nfflos Uolol Nssli. In"lil fltuVnuM nct t Iwrliar shop. BATHS AND MASSAGES. DATUM and inssssK trsHtrnentN at your own home. C'hII 275- Home pben. 199 FOR TRADE. KOIt TltADIV 11 acres, 31 In alfalfa, IrrlKSttnl, Improvements, JI'JOO of tH-rsomil, $323 ail ucro. Closu lu. Clark llealty Co. 1'bono 2331, TO TltAUK House nml lot for tm. Aililreaa llox J C , Tribune. 183 FOR SALE OR RENT 130 acre ranch, 300 norcs under Irriga tion, 10 miles from Mcdford. Gold Hay lleslty Co, 218 West Main streot, room 101 Klectrlc Uulldlnc 14 FOR SALE. 3Soosi I'OIt HAM A lHirxln for anybody. -riMim frsmo bous In fine nelKbbor Ii'mmI; lsrK shed: chicken tiousa and Ksnlon; lot 60x112: only I960. 1VHI sell furnished If dcstrnl. TI7 W. 14th til , nar Ho. Newtown ave. 298 Z,oi I'OIt 8AI.K 13000; five lots. nw bun khIow, all mcxlern conveniences. S scre chicken ranch in connection. Ap ply to owner, W. M. Davis, Myrtle Cre-k. Ore. 210' A cress. I'OIt SAI.IC 20 acres twrtly improved, no house, four miles out; all No. 1 fruit land, no stone, price 31730. Ad dress II. oaro Mall Tribune. KOIt SAL1J1 1-2 acres with new four room house; an Ideal chicken ranch: $360 If taken within ten days. Ad rVess H. Ii H., caro Mall Trlbuno or call on Home phono 2S5-L. Oil SAI.K lOacres 3-yoor-ohl orchard, set to Newtowns, Spitz and WlntNtps. Umler cravMy ditch. 1 1-2 miles from Grants Pass postofflco. John II. Hair. WooUvllle. Ore, 195 KOIt 8AI.B Six acres, smntl house, nearly nil In fruit, nil cleared; price $1600; terms. Address Owner, oaro Mall Tribune. i KOIt SALE 10-scre homestead location, I cabin ami well, goml black oak tlm- IImt. quarter mile from school, four miles from 'town. One team, Imck and harness: 1 2-year-old mare; 1 oow and OHlf; $239 takes all. Call or write at onoe. & II. Clwppell, Gold Hill. Ore. 190 lClscellansoas KOIt KALE Kor one hundred dollars ou can get high cIohh furniture of two rtxiin house, one block from Main st.. fine for light housekeeping; rent '. only $10 per month. Must be taken on or before Monday, Oct. 30, S a. m. I $300 for $100, enough said. 133 N. ltlversido ave. ISO KOIt SALE 5 isisxonger nuto. has povv-j truck. $100: worth four times price SSHeil. O. 11. JIIOKSOU & Co., l is vt w. .MBIll. 1SS K)R SALE One mare 3 yenrs past, I ISO; one horse 3 years isvst, lOBi), only halter broke. Particulars Chulgreu llros.. 7ilii N. Tuft. 190 KOIt SA LE Choice Rhode Island lied and Crystal While Orpington cocker els, l'enbro orchard. Hell phone iiOl-R-1. 1S7 1'OIS SALW-Su0 ehe'p mostly young, by It. R. WlnUr. ltsgle l'oint. Ore 1U1 lMlt SAiTllMuUry plant. Central uva 711 South! 211 t'olt SALE Dureok Jersey boar rogls-, tercd; took first prise at dlstrlot fair, Oct. 3 to 7, 1911. A. It. Coffin. Med ford. Phono Roll 3311. 119 CORN KOR SALE 1 cent per lb. Conner Lund Co., Lower Tabto Rock. I'OIJ SALE Rarb wire good as new. $x.gu per muiilrtHi. Tel. 103 it 3. lsst . ! I'OIt SALE Ono wagon for $15 If ttikuu at 01100. Call 82S S. Grape st. !' l'JO I'Olt SAL14 Kurnlturo. Oil W. Slid st. 187 KOIt SALE Adjustable dress, forms with long skirt attachment. 322 South Central uvo. lss KOR SALE Poultry plnnt. 714 Soutn Central nve.; houso and lot, together with S00 chickens, all thoroughbreds; ono fine cow nnd ono 2t0-egg Cyphem Incubator. Phono 6112 Mnln. 190 KOIt SALE Cordwood, oak nnd hard wood, $1.50 por cord In carload lots. Gold Ray Rcnlty Co., 218 West Main; phono 1S73, KOR SALE Ono Mollno ondgnto seed er; 1 disk plow, 1 stool road scrnpor; 00 feet 1-3 Inch steel cable; 1 Jersey cow; stock qunbbos. John B. Hair, Woodvlllo, Ore. 195 WANTED. WANTED Rest 1010-11 five passenger automobile In exchange $SO0 to $1(00 property. Address, full description, llov 118. ISO WANTMD two young women em ployed dUrlng day thrso or four un fiu'iilaliMl rooms with Imtlu aJo In, Price not so much an object up suit old, rooms AildrcsH llos 110 V. O. 1ST By "Bud11 Fisher WANTED. Mlietllsneoas H'ANTKD Wsslilng and Ironlnpr. fine work a speclulty. 48 North Oskdale 190 WANTED Vou can't help but make money selling our Runrantced-to-Klvc-satlsfnctlon stock; free eutfit: cash weekly; exclusive territory, Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppcntsh, Washington. WANTKI8loek of all kinds to ps ture. Inquire of K. t. Mlneur. 1'hone S03xll. 188 KOIt HAI.K Htibftard squssh and stock siittsh. I'. ClHyvlI'o. Ilione Taelflc 732-J 4. 188 HELP WANTED. Xelp Wsnt 3?mJs WANTED Competent woman to caro for two smull children. Mrs. C II. Ilrown, KuRle l'oint rond. 192 WANTED Girl for RcnornI housework; one who can cook; wages $30 per mo. Apply Gold Itay Itcilty Co. Xelp Wanted stale .SALESMAN To aid us supply the brisk demand for our goods. Somo vacant territory yet in every stato west of the Mississippi. Cash weekly. Capital Nursery Co., Saletn, Ore. 197 WANTED Salesman foi exculslve ter ritory. Dig opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly, out fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company. Toppenlsb, Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position. Janitor, porter or office cl .inlng. T I. Main 133. 1S9 W v NTKD Position by experienced woman as housekeeper for widower. A. D., caro Jlnll Tribune. 187 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Colvlg. C L. -ReAmes Lawyers. Office Medford Natlopal Dank building, second floor PORTER J. NEEE, WM. P. iD3ALEY . Attorneys-at-law. Nos. 1 and 3 Post office building. A. E. REAMES Lwyer. Qarnett-Corer building. MDLKEV & CHERR1 (R. V. J1ULKEY, OEO. W. CHEERY) -Lawyers. Prac tice !n nil stato and federal courts. Rooms 11 and 13, Jackson County Rank bldg. Accountants. D. R. WOOD Oencral accountant. Tour books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business sollcttod. Office Medford Mali Tribune Rulldlng. phone 6G11, rosldence phone 1601. Asisyer ana Anslyst. SOUTHERN OREGON MINING RU EEAU Assays made for gold, silver, l-d. copper, and other minerals. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by conipotent mining as snyers and engineers nt reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mine and mining prospects. All mine owners are earnestly requested to send samplos -of their ores for exhibition purposes, and send full description of tholr mining property. Southern Ore gon Mining uureau, 31C West Main Street, Medford, Oregon. ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Enrl V. In- i gels. R. Kc. General assay and an-; myumw worn. vvnieui 11111 usimiui testing Best equipped assay office and testing laboratory In Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Pass, Or. Architects JOHNS A TURNER. Architects and Builders. Office 7-8. 32C Main; phone Main 3471. Residence phone 744. B1R Fosters. VERNE T. CANON 13111 poster and DIs. irtuutor. aii orders promptly rineit Room 39. Jackson County Bank build Ing. Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic, nervo specialist, 813 Krultgrowers Bank building. Offlco heurs: 2 to 4. Phone Home 2C9K. Residence 119 Roosevelt. Heurs: 10 to 13 uud 0:30 to 7:30. Phone 10SIC. .Special hours by appointment. Sclontlflo niiiHtjugo given. Advice In dlatotlcs. Medical gyniuustla hydro therapy. Transfer. EADS BROS, dray and transfer. Offlc Davis warehouse. Phono Bell SIR! Home 350-K Prices right. Service guaranteed. Civil Engineer. LOUIS W. WIHTINO. civil engineer nnd surveyor. Wnter filings and Irrigation work n specialty, surveys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering draft Ing, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Roons 1-3 Adkins Blnok, Medford. Oregon. Abstracts. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO.. INC., Juoksonvtlle, Pbonet Pacific, Mnln 11: Home aooa Billiard rsnors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cigars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young A Hall building. A nice, coot ylsce tc spend tho hot afternoons. TAOK WVTS ife j"" ' i it f r , "' I '" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cttfsrs sod Touacco. IflEDAND & ANTI.B, Smokehouse Dealers In tobacco, cigars, and smok crs supplies. Exclusive agent of I.ewl Blngle Hinder, El Merita and El I'alen cla. 212 West Main street. Comont WorkMS. WANT to save ynu money on your ce ment work. Work guaranteed, nny kind dono. Call on mo ut U03 New town, st. Home phono 12.1 V. ynrnlture. H. F. WILHON & CO.. dealers In now ami second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stoves and ranges. 16 South Kir streot. Phone Main 3181. Home 26C-L. MISSION KUItNITUIlB WOItKS Cor ner 8th and Holly streets, Mcdford. Mission furniture mado to order. Cab inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MOUDOFK & WOI.IT Cookstoves nnl ranges. New and second band furni ture. Eads old stand, 18 Kir street, Soui'h. Phone 9L Home 283-K. Mcd ford. Mnsio. MISB TUItNia. Piano Instruction and musical history. 309 South Newtown street. I'hono 6S03 Hell. Mining 2XoIiinery. SEE MATT CALHOUN of rhoonlx. Or. or mo Denver gunrtz anil & crusuet Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo rado. Catalogues and prices can bo had at rhoonlx, Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Vurserus. MEDKORD GREEN 1IOUHE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. Sit E. Main. I'hone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We arc not In tha trust. J I. It. Patterson, office removtd to lit E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO.. Inc. Growers of high grado nur sery stock. Offlco 10 a Fir Both phones. Votary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary public Bring your work to me at the sign ol The Mall Tribune. Physicians and Snrgto&s. DR. M. C. BARBER Physician nnd Sur geon Rooms 403-4 Medford Kurnlturo and Harware Bldg.: residence 1303 West Mnln streot; office hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p, m.; tol. 3141. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physicians and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-211. Office phone 501, residence phone 613. Office hours C a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. P. O. CARLOW. DR. fiVA MAIN3 CARLOW Osteopathic physicians Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Oarnett Corey bldg. I'hone Main 8351. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Dentist Office In Rial to bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth Telephone Main 681. Night Oinne 4432, I j it. nl'EAHNS Phvs:eaii and auJnn. Office Garnett-Corey- bldg., rooms 211-213, phono 6S01. Residence 111 Laurel st. phone 3093. DR.S. A. LOCKWOOD, physician and surgeon. DR. MYRTLE B. LOCKWOOD, practice limited to diseases of wo. men. Offices over H&sklns drug store. Phenes: Pacific 1001; Home 28. Dr. W. M. Van Bcoyoo. Dr. C, C. Van Scoyoo. Dentists. Oarnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford. Oregon. Roth Phones DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear, uoe. ami throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 316 l'.ast Main street, over Medford Hardware company; hours 8:30 o, m. to 8 p. m.; both phones. DR8. SAUNDERo AND GREEN Prau tlco limited to eye, ear, nose nnd throat. Office: Suite 318 Oarnott. Corey building Both phones. J. M. KERNE. D. d7s7 A. J. HINIICER, D D. S.. Dontlsts. 238 E. Main. Phonu Mam 3l9l.Hoine124K. Chinese Medlclnss. CHOW "YOUNO'a" ChiiTese'inodlclneswiTi cure rheumutlsm. catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung troubler deafness, Qarnlysls, prlvato diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. He me nt 241 H. Front st, Medford. Ore. to 4, C:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Phono Main 42. Printers and Publishers, MEDKORD PRINTING CO., tuts the best equipped Job office In Southern Ore gon; book binding; looms leaf systems; cut paper, etc, etc, Portland prices. 27 North Kir streot SINGER - WIIEELElf S WIlHoT sowing machlnoa for sale and rent. Re pairs. Caro Duncan local resiiroavntu tlvo. Phono 6013. No. 38 ttuutli Jlr street. Btenographers. BLLA K GUANJ'AW Polni Bloo Stenographlo wort dona quickly and well. llS& L. J. illTfaSTON. Public stoqaif raplter. Medford, Oregon. Phonees Of fice. Paolflo 571; residence, Paolflo BOSS. Room 318. (Jarnett-Corey blag, i T " ' , ns ' " ' Qranlte Works. VIEDKQRD PRICK CO. Geo. W Prldd, ), D Nagle. Geo. T. O'Urlen Coiitroc. tors and msnufuoturera of brloki deal ers Hi pressed brick and lime. Off) in Oamett-Corey block, room SO), H floor. Phono No. 3181. wUBmNmw