PXGB IJOTH OTiTTFOTCT) MATL TRTROTTC. atTWFORT), OlilOTOST, THURSDAY. OCTOH15K. 20, 101 1. j1 1 Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEP13NDKNT NEWSPAPER PUUM8UKD HVKtir AFTJ-illNOON KXC1CPT SUNDAY, BY THE MKDPOItD 1MUNTINO CO, t " Tho Democratic Tlmpg. Thn Mcdfonl Mall. Tho Medford Tribune The South- trn Orcgonlan, Tho Aehlttnd Trlbuno, Office Mall Trlbuno Uulldlne. J5-S7-SS Mr Klrcet; phono. Main North Home 75, 3011, Orconun PUTNAM, Editor and M&napcr FILIPINO INDEPENDENCE. Kntftred ai seeond-cltiRs tnattor nt Med ford, Orpftor under tho net or March i. 17 RECEPTION IS GIVEN PASTOR Tlio reception given Rov. and Mrv K. 0. Ehl ridge by Iho members of Uio First M. E. olmlich Inst night, m. one of the most pleasant nnd onjoy nblo nfnirs ever held within the wnll of their venerable, hut honored, place of worship. Tho assembly room of the church was filed nearly to capacity by church members and it was the hap piest orowd of people which eouid possibly be imagined. Not an elong ated face in tho audience everybody filled to overflowing with an earnest dosiro to put shoulder to shonldcr in mi effort to assist the new pastor and his wife in the good work tlidy havo undertaken in church nfnirs in this comminunity. A splendid program .which was opened by music by the Sundaj school orchestra, wns rendered. Clar ctufc Jfeekor pleasi'd the audience with two solos. Ed Steep gavo the adrcss of Welcome. In this he gave Mr. nnd Mrs. KIdridgo to uiilerdnnri th:U (ho nelire church membership was a unit in its support of them in any church work they might under take. So hearty was the npplainc given Mr. Steep's address that no doubt could bo folt but that his re marks were sanctioned by everyone of tho assembled members. Rev. EI dridgc resjMinded in a very cheerful mood nnd gavo his audience to un derstand that both Mrs. Eldridge and himself were bind of the hearty e.-prcsi-ed good fellowship of the church members and ho promised them that. unless his vision of the future de ceived him, much good for the Fir-,1 M. E. church of Mcdford would be accomplished uppermost among these visions was a new nnd much larger house of worship. Following Rev. Eldridge's address were solos by Miss Ilc-c Fieldor, Mrs. Van Scoyc, and Mr. Hoy, nnd followin the-e n vocal duel by Mrs. Enstmnn and Miss Coffin; MAOT12L QUEZON tho Philippine cominissiouor. has issued an address to tho Aimii-nif iwonlo asking recognition for the independence of his country. Tho cause is a just one. There is no excuse for with holding this recognition. Left to a vote of the people of tho United States, independence for the Filipinos would carry by a tremendous majority. ThePhilippiues have been a gold brick to the United States an expensive acquisition with no resultant gain. As a nation we violated all the principles upon which we were founded, in their seizure nnd forcible possession. The Philippines were acquired through the doniinnt imr influence of those in control during the McKinley nd- nunistrntion, who hoped to reap unearned wealth through exnloitimrthc Filminos. .Now markets were pictured that would bring increased wealth and prosperity to the United States. A veritable get-rich-quick bubble was blown to justify n policy ot dishonor. The sugar trust nnd other monopolies alone havo prof ited by the "wonderful natural resources" and tho "new markets" have not vet materialized and when they do, to secure the trade, we must meet the worlds competition. The assertion that trade follows the flag does not hold except as a campaign catch word. Free trade opens more markets than unjust wais of conquest. If the money spent in forcibly governing and opening up the Philippines were spent in developing the resources of Oregon and the west, there would be created more mar kets, wealth and prosperity here at home than we could possibly secure from exploiting south sea islands ten thou sand miles away. -r BM HEAD LEAGUE HELEN I. TO Is Endorsed by j. Gnl Ewinrj, Father of the Pacific Const Lcanuo Which Means That Daunt Is Certain uf Place. - SAN FRANCISCO. Cut., Oct. 'ill. Tho unnditlnoy of Allan T. Hntiui as provident or tho Paid flu Const l.oauu to Riiucrcd .lndo Thomas l Crtilmm resigned, is endorsed today by J. Cnl Kwimr, fimtlior of hu lenitiie, who has jnt rottmuid from tho east. This means that Katun I practically out tain to head the or. ganixatiou. IS THIRD E t , ROGUE RIVER ANGLING. ! I'NIVKRSITY OP ORKCION, KC OKN'K, Ore.. Oct. 'Jti.-ln the sophomore- fn&'liumu mix hold on McAr- thur field at the CniverMty of Ore gon lat Saturday, Donald Under of .Mod ford won thiid place in the hun dred yard dash Tho day's program indirrcd into Uuiu'iMiy of Oregon student life what promises hi become n permanent cu-loiu. Tv vonr- ago the faculty after much st niggle were able to slop the uuniial hazing of freshmen at the university, althouL-h it look a number of expulsions o fore they were able tit finally to per suade the students that thy custom of luuiiig miiMt U relegated to the luemorius of the pas). As n mild Mibclitutc for hasting the faculty this year decided to allow the sophmore-. nnd freshmen to have a Saturday afternoon of spirited con tests with the seniors acting as judircs nil policemen. ATHLETICS WIN. (Continued from Pnge 1.) Philadelphia Athletics. AB. R. II. rO.A. E. Lord, If 5 1 3 1 0 0 Oldi-lns, cf 5 1 1 3 0 1 6olllii, 2b .... 5 1 0 1 S 0 flaker, 3b 5 2 2 3 1 0 Murphy, rf . . . . 4 3 4 1 0 1 JJavIs, lb 3 2 1 9 1 0 Barry, ss 4 2 1 2 1 3 f honins, c 3 1 1 5 1 0 Bender, p 3 0 0 1 4 0 .Mclnnca; lb .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 I , Totals 37 13 13 27 13 5 Mclnnes relieved Davis In ninth ut first base. Scores ami hits by innings: Now York .10000000 12 Hits 10101000 14 Phllad'phitt 0014 0170 13 Hits o' 1 1 2 0 1 7 1' 13 1 New York' Giants. '' AH. It. H. PO.A. K. 'Dovoro, if '. 0' 0" 5 0 0 Doylo, 2b 4 11 1 4 0 luoilcrass, ct .. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Murray, rf . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 I Morklo, lb .... 4 0 0 J 0 1 fiorzog, 3b .... 4 1 1 0 0 0 f lotchor, ss ... 4 0 0 1 t 0 Moyers, c 3 0 1 C 0 1 Ames, p 1 0 1 0 1 1 0nimlall 1 0 0 0 0 0 J Wlltso, p ... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Marquai'd, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 WIlHOii, c. 1 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 34 2 4 24 8 4 Crnndnll batted for Ames In fifth. Wlltso rollovcd Ames In fifth. Mnrnuard rcliovod Wlltso In seventh. WIIboii relieved Meyers bo- hltid but la suvouth. Summary. ' PJtoliors' recerd: Ames 4 hits 5 runs In four innings. Wlltso 7 lilts 0 runs, 2 1-3 innings. Marqunrd 2 runs 2 lilts In 1 2-3 liinlngs. Two bafio hits Lord 2, Doylo, Murphy, Harry. Sacriflco hits Da vis, Hondor. First on balls Off Aiiiqh 1, off Hondor 2. Struck out By Amoa 4, by Wlltso 1, by Mar qunrd 1, by Bender 5, Wild pitches Marquard, Hondor. Time 2 hours 12 mlnutos. Stolon bOBC Horzog. Umpires Connolly behind tho bat, Hionnan 6n bases, I)Iieei In light field, 'Klein in Toft Hold, ' f ' i The Portland Orcgonian contains a news story in a recent issue in which the assertion is made that, "instead of bettering aniline conditions and making Rogue river a sportsman s paradise, tlie recent law enactea proiiiou imr commercial fishincr has had iust the revei"se effect. " AVhen the people" passed the law, the cannery at the mouth of the uivor was put out of existence. It was thought that this measure would greatly enhance the river's worth as a favorite for hook and line sport. As a result, say old time fishermen of the vicinity, the salmon have been al lowed to wend their way up the stream and lay their eggs on convenient sand and gravel bars. The game fish "now feed on the spawn of the salmon. Getting all the good they desire, they will not rise for artificial bait.'' This was because four Portland anglers failed to have much luck in a few davs' fishing. Every one who has fished the "Rogue knows that the steel-head are the shy est trout in the world and the most notional. Some days they take the fly greedily and some days not all the art in the world nor aU the flies can lure a rise. There are days at a time, particularly in the late fall, when neither fly nor spoon nor bait seem to tempt the big trout. It was probably some such streak as this that the Portland ang lers experienced. Stcelhead are not plentiful in the Rogue. For years everything that came along was seined and the supply woefully depleted. There has been no late summer run this year as in former years. Vcvy few stcelhead have been halted at the two racks of the government hatchery workers. It cannot be expected that merely to stop the slaughter for one season is to have immediate results. Hi two or three years the result will be apparent in an in creased supply. No effort at restocking the Rogue Was made until las year, when 500,000 stcelhead were hatched at Elk Creek station and liberated almost as soon as hatched. This year over 3,000,000 were hatched and 750,000 of them held until thev became fingcrlings. Tn another couple of years tlie ettect ot tnc restocKing win necome apparent, lueau- a Smm-4 C wliilo iintuviil ponditinus have been restored and nature is v.o &aw in the restocking business herself for the first time in many HORIICIC'S it Means Original and Genuine MILK , The Food-drink for All Ages. More hcaltlifu! than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared ia a minute. Take no substitute. AskforHORLICK'S. Others are imitations. Carbon Paper $1.25 per box 100 sheets 5 Boxes $5.00 Guaranteed to mako as many copies as any carbon at twico tho price. Medford Book Store vears. CECIL LEAN AND FLORENCE H0LBR00K IN JOS. M, GAITES' STU PENDOUS MUSICAL COMEDY PRODUCTION, "BRIGHT EYES" AT THE MEDFOR THEATRE, TUESDAY NIGHT, OCT. 31st. e- i OUR First Anniversary Sale is Offering Some Unusual Strong Values in Tailored Suits Wool and Evening Dresses Silk1 Petticoats Long Coats and Dress Skirts House Dresses, etc. Help celebrate the Anniver sary by taking advantage of these special price induce i ment5 mm mm mm flrrnteli nml ruli rult anil wrnleli until yiiu r,, M jr vo could nlnidflt lour tho Imrninir Uln from yoni hotly - until H HmiiM an f you could n lonitrr nliiro thou cnillH ilayn of ayrul tortiiri Uioho tonlolo iiIkIiU or hIioiiIiihh agony. '1 licna few iropH of P. D. n t!w iuw'!H i:o?oinu Kiicuino ami, oil! wimt rolltfl tho Itoli (frnu hutuutlyt Coin, rort ami rnt at l.tatl l). I), I). lit n iiinipla oxlernul wnnli Umt clooniKi i,t,.i jioalu tho lailatiKjtl mtlrifiH iiotliiiiK Iko can. A mponaloil 'yclflo for lmrnn, I'hoMhiiIm, Hult i:iinii or any othyp ulcln tronlilo. , Vo ewn j'lvo you a full hI.o lyiltld of tlio Kotmlnit I), J), 1). rtimeily fm 11.00 nnd ir tlio vnry find Imttlo fnllu to Hi vn niildf a vvill not coMt yod n cant. "Wo uIo onn bIvo you a mituplo lot llu for 25 aentM. Why miffor uiiotliur cay vlitn von can rt I). P V,1 .Moiirord Pliatitiacy. -h'fii'j SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Houlli UUoMldo Now and lip.ttl)iitp Mwlorn In iwory (iiu titular, ku.i cook hit', hliMim lioat, etc. Woiut'ii , nntl kIi-Ih must IhIiik ivfor riH'i'i. V. SI. SMITH Home Phono NIK. Where to Go Tonight Clark & Wright r.Awvnna WAOKItHITUN, u. o. I'tilillo littatl .Mrttlenr I'liutl 1'roof. OoNrrt l.MMiln, ('tmtnutx Hlld Mlltlllt C'khom, Hirl. AKNitclntii Wot It rr Attoruoyn. IlnliliiH for ltonUli. TIRED EYES If rollovcd villi jiropor loiim often Kiiln ivncwcd Btri'iiKtli, olilatlitK tho ucrcmilty of clnwum for coiiMtuul wear. HomiiKh aro what fount, AbU any of my many ciintunmrii. EYE Spoonlt ut Ovor Koutnoi'M, Moilford. Dr. RICKERT COFFE Makes or Breaks A DINNER Try Our 30c C O F F EE and Join the Army of Satisfied Ones OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD West Sido Grocers THE ISIS THEATRE iir.iti; 'riiiiv ,iti! SIlMlfOltl'M (.'I fill I'lUOllll'M H)IIKHT ATIION nml 0 KIMMK.IOIINSO.V .Mi'ilfoiil UnmlK'KiiiMH will ho (Ii'IIkIiIiiI with Hi" grout now to Ik ar Hint Iho pnimlnr nIhih iiio to play a Nhort iuiichkoiuimU nl Hu' UIn tlii-nii'tj, linili pitrforiiiui'M aio uoloil for tho woiHlorfiil, ilttvor artliiK nud whoro thoy hnvo up UUiiriMl lliiy hnvo littou iho Inlli of tho town for iiioihIih, iiowm of thole ai'lliiK In pouiliiK In ftoin all pnitN of tho illffoiout pliicon whoro llicy llllVO lippOIID'll. K'lll'll iniiniiKi'H pralitoM tluun an tho Kiciitont dVawluic card they oor had. I'layhiK to bIiiihIIiik loom out) Im a Hiiro Kimninti'ti for ovory one to rniiit' onrly and mold lh iuhIi. iih with two ktin-h IiIk fiioi llt'H iho hoimo will ho crowdod ovoiy iiluht. no conio early. Star Theatre Matlnco Ihrry Day U to n P. SI. tiik r.xi'itiss i:vi:i.()i'i a Bciotnllonal lalliond utory. ACItOSS THIC I'dWII SHAM Wonderful ncenle. TIIK IIKI.I.Itl.Vt.'KIt OK TIIK Alt. Ui:V lloAutlful fairy tnlo. Hit KISTIUfH CIMIiDltUN VII nKrapli cotuody. M, SATIICU In Popular Kotit licit of MiinIc inn KfrcrtN i:vi:ninh i to io:ic f 'X Ug'o Medford Employment Agency WANTED W man enole on ranch. REAL ESTATE FOIl SAM3 10 acios II iiiIIoh out, 10 IICICH 1'4 iiiIIoh out. IliO ai-nH, pilt'o Jiiht ritcli t. will tradu. 20 acroR uoar ICanlo point; would coiiHldoi' a tiado. n-i'oom luiiiKnlow, furnlhud, ?300 down, hnl. mnuthly, I lot ho and hiiKKy, A-No. 1 lioiDo, only 7 yoara old; 00. TIIADIO 10 loom Iioiiho In tho linHt part of (Iraud .luuctlou, Colorado, to Initio for proporty horo, hots in Portland for ncroai;o. i room lioiiuo for toanm and wnuoii, KMPhOYMIONT Hunch hand; ono who iiiiilnr iitaudH tho work; Httmtly joh, Kltchoii man, (llrlti for hoiiHowork, i3. P. A. BITTNER OOM 7, PAIJM BLK. O"-- ito Nash Hotol Phono 1111; Home, 11. Theatre I X I Will It tin Pormnuciitly i JHhh Class Vaudeville! and Motion Pictures Klltlm clllllllfil llf lifllif ruin l.inlulil Don't niUri thlM rdiow. TIIK TllltKK IIICIIIMCS II.IA'STItATKD KOXI1 ; :Tiiii:i i:'hi,m.vt hhuuh w PKTI'lllCH I It) t'viitH iril cenlH frfffffrrf44sM PLUMBING HTICASI AND HOT WATKIt IIIIATINO All Work (iinrntej Prlron ItciiHOnntilo ." llouanl lllock, KulraMC on (II h Htroot. Coffeen & Price Pacific ;lo:il Honui 3110 Rock Spring Goal - OH KAJTO AT.L THH TIMS. . Office and Coal Vanl, Twelfth nnd Front Htrcotii, Phono 7101. Burbidge TXI COAX. MAM OPEN- For Business IIIQC1INH i TjICSIiIK'S Hecoud-llaud fltoro at 30 South Urnpo Stroot, alvo m n cull and wo will treat you fair, lIlKlMtnt ennh prlco for Bitcond liniul h'oodii of, all kliula. "5i8pfeiA'-' i l