r T POTTS KOTJR MEDFORD ISrATfi TRTBIJNE, METTFQRD, OR I WON, W KPN MSI) AY, OiTOnrOll 2H, 101 1, Medford Mail Tribune msrm nr.r, i 'AN MI?HIlCNt)KNT NKWBPAinflrt l'UUMHIIISD 1CVKIIY AKTlillNOON KJCCHPT SUNDAY, I1Y TUB U MKDKOUD ritlNTIKQ CO. Thfl Dctnocrntlo Tlmrw. Tlio Rtttlford Mnll, Tho Med ford Trllmno. Tho South Bfn OrcKonlnn, Tho Anlilnnd Tribune Office Mnll Tribune Multiline, Si-27-89 North Kir iitrcct; phone, Mnln 1021, Home 75. niSOltaia PUTNAM, Halter and Manager Kntcretl second-class matter t Mod ronl. Orejror- under tho net of March S, in a. Offlcinl rnnor of tho City of Medford Official Paper of Jackson County. .. imnanramaM sutxi. One yenr, by mnll .15.00 Onn tii muli, by mnll . ........ SO IV r month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point .BO Saturday only, by mnll, per year.. 2 00 vyxklj, per year l.se ARTHUR PUTNAM UFFERS RELAPSE Second Operation Will Probably Be Performed This Week Acordinrj to Doctor Plielp Kinrj Brown Stay Hn Hospital Indefinite. SAN FHANJCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 25. -S-ArUutr Putnam, sculptor, suffer ed a relapse Inst night, it was i-rtiil. nt tlie fit. Kruueis hospital. His con valescence has been retarded and in stead of leaving the institution next yeolc his stay is indefinite now. Putnam, whose roeont historical figures on California, may immort alize him, wns oporated on for par alysis buvcral days ago. A loiter received in Medford li Putnam's brother from Dr. Philip King Itrowu, states that n second operation wilPprobaldy be performed u'M)ii the sculptor this week in an ef fort to remove the brain tumor. Dr llrown holds out little hoe of ulti mate recovery and concludes as fol fel fol eows: "There is tv small chance that the tumor may be removed en tirely. That is the reason for oper ation again in an apparently alino-l hopeless ease" WILL OBSERVE MOTHER'S BAY Program Is Arranged for Thursday Afternoon by Local W. C. T. U. at the Baptist Church All Mem- .;bcrs and Friends Urged to Attend. The local Woman's Chrigtian Tem perance Union will observe Mothor' Day at the Baptist uhurch Thursday, 2:30 p. m. Polio wing is the pregram: Spng ."Precious Promim" Ijcvotiouul Mrs. Leonard Prayer Mrs. Youmr IJuet . . . M'rs. ISnkor and Miss Price Pending . . . ." M'rs. IIowcl Short talk ....Dr. Myrtle Lockwood Duet ..Mrs. Burgees nnd QuUenbiir.v pading Mrs. Webster All members and friends are urged to attend and bring u friend. LOCAL CHINESE 10 1 REBELS -" THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND. X7"1JJSN PresuUMit 'rait traveled througn Oregon ms Y attendants and counselors were brnradiers ol tin late lamented assembly, who represent till thai is opposed to the Oregon system. This little band of stand-patters whom the people have repeatedly repudiated, have the ear and mind of the president and it is duo to such fatuous capranisni) mat ine nunnnisi lauon snip is unuuijj upon tho reels ot disaster. Insurgency is rampant throughout; the nation. Old systems, old methods, have been weighed and found want in ar, and the people arc determined to try new. They are weary and sick of the smug hypocrisy of the stand-patter preaching the doctrine ol the salvation ot the ruling lew apd the damnation of tho governed many of tho prosti tution of government. Tho old formulas have been outgrown and are being brushed aside. .Indifference which permitted the growth of a ruling caste, is being replaced by an awakened cit izenship that promises tlie salvation of the republic and the regeneration of democracy. President Taft heeds not the gathering storm. lie is as utterly unable to comprehend the insurgent upheaval as Louis of Franco was to understand the revolution, lie seeks to restore a day whose sun has forever set, of a political order that has passed away. It is the blind lead ing the blind. That is why the president heeded the voice of. the owner of the reactionary Oregonian. that hasn't been right on a public question in vears. And that is why he listened to Ralph Williams and other discredited asscmblyites. That j is why he had no remarks to make concerning the Oregon svstem. That is whv he snubbed tlie progressive governor of California and showered attentions upon Duncan MoKinley. the stand-pat lame duck. The asscmblyites have promised to deliver Oregon to Taft in the next national convention, ruder assembly methods they might. Under popular primaries, it will be i tremendous task. Nor did Taft s gloom tour of the. coast help him any. Ifcither it weakened him. As the St. Louis Mirror remarks 'The president is a piteous spectacle on the stump. Uis fingers are all thumbs, and his feqt are full of shoes and it is doubtful if any political chicken as sick as he is ever got well. AVithouf a Roosevelt to do his fighting lit is lost. Tlie people be harangues are, respectful, but un convinced. He sews himself up hopelessly, for in one breath he talks free trade in defense of his reciprocity measure, and in the next he talks protection to which free trade is the unpardonable sin. His present tour is worse than a mistake; it is a disaster. If he should continue hi present course much longer he will nominate "Robert Marion La Follette for president." A PRESIDENT OP ANY COUNTRY A KING Ot ANY KINGDOM AN EMPEROR OF ANY EMPIRE Never Mont In any hotter bed than jou euu sleep In at tho newly HOTEL MEDFORD Furthermore, lis rooiuu aro full of cheerfulness, sweet ilr and sunshine. The cuisine In superb , ' , Ij The lobby the coalost homo. The iiioKxniiluo moat nxiiuUdto. Forty rooms with bath, Hot and colli water, stotim bout, long distance telephone lu every room, Kleetrlu olovator ami In (act all the comforts tho travelltm public desires ato found heru, Tho beat tmtuplo rooms tu the state of Oregon. Kuropcuu plan. Kates $1.00 and op., lt.M'-MOIIIt CO., 1'ltOl'. , r srs m .r. r --.s fls'The Traveling Salesman" Tonight Medford Opera House, Wed. Night, Oct. 25 THE GREAT LAUGHING SUCCESS THE- TRAVELING SALESMAN llv lainoi ForlH-x, Author of "TIIK CUOItl'K IjAIIV" MOST niSClSSKI) COM KDV OF Till: CKNTTKV Till: 1'li.W WITH ONN TIIOISANI) liAClillS tiii: KKcoui) 9 Months New York, 7 iMontlis GliiGntjo. 5 Months Boston, Original Scenic ami Klcctrlcnl i:ptlpincut and a Company of I'nii Mial Kccllcm-c, incluilliig DON NacNILLAN nnd DOROTHY GRAY 11 Ice; $!."(), $1.00 ami ."Do. Scat salo .Atonilay Moinliig, llaKius' At least $100 will be sent from McdlWd to help swell the fund being rjjlsed for the aid of tho Chinese rev ojutionibts, according to members of the local Chinese colony which i vjjry binall, only three or four Chi luiimiii being in tho city. All of thoc tiro staunch supporters of the revo lution nnd believe that tlia rcbols will lie sueccsbful, nnd that this will loud to n moro enlightened Chirm. "Appeals for funds havo been ie ocived from tho heiuhiuuiteis at San Vjnnoibco und the loeil Chinese ai'e rcfipondiiig. AT FOUNTAINS, HOTELS, OH ELSEWHERt Get te Original and Genuine HORLIGK'8 MALTED MILK TheFoodDrinkforAHAgcs RICH HIU, MALT CHAIN EXTRACT. JN POWDER Not in any Milk Trust NT Insist on "HORLICK'S" - Tuko a i)ucUujo liotuw "The Traveling .SaloMiiaii," James Foibeh' favorite comedy, comes to the Medford Opera House tonight. Mr. Foiboe as a creator of f foible oxproHsions, aprang into prominence by ronton of the "Chorus Lady," but he has more' than duplicated Iiik first cuccobB with the "Traveling SulcMiiau.'' The nlnv ix a lnimcirnim exposition of tho life of a modern! drummer, n character which every man, woman and child in this coii'i try gcoms familiar with. A spcciiil couipuny of nctors of pioved ability Jiiie been engnged to interpret the various characters. Tho "drummer," Hob Ulake, will be played here by Don MacMillau, an actor of much prominence in comedy ioIch, and the opposite part, Ueth Klliott, i in the liiiudK of Dorothv Orcv. F. K. Deuel, President M. L. Alford, Cashier Orris Crawford. Assistant Cashier J? irs x. National Bank of MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository AVe solicit your business, which wijl receive, pur cjiru- I'ul altontion. N-r'-jr--s We have a full line of PEERLESS LAMPS on hand 4, S, lGSS C. I. enrbofi lamps; an, 10, 00, 100, IT.0, '-iBO watt TungstcD lamps. Tlio bout lamiw auil tho beet prices. All lamps guaranteed. Southern Oregon Electric Co. Pheucs: Pacific 4C01; Home 124. il J! ! ,.'jy- BLOCK PARTY THURSDAY, OCT. 26 9 p. m. Sharp Auyono who uhatea may take part In thin party. A nurso of ?G given to winning couple. , An admission of ton cents will bo churgud to all spectators. v- Campbell & Baumbach TWrnPTftAftP. T.nANff CmiNTV WAT?.T?.A"rJTfl " CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. S20 GARNETT-COREY BLDQ. Clark & Wrigjit LAW YD lip WABiimtrroM, n, o. l'lililln l.iniil .MiUtcro' Final 1'ionf. PcNcit LumiIm, Cmili'hlit unil MIiiIhh ClINflM, lici I p. Asmiolulu W'oilt fur Allot licys. IliiBUtiiB for Health. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South HUcistito New nuil I'p-to.Date .MooVrn In every particular, gas cook. tutr, steam beat, etc. Winen anil girls must bring refer ences. W. M. SMITH Home rtiouo NIK. We' Have (Moved The J. T. Iliouillcy flower Htore Is now tu the M. I' & II, store, across tho street from former location. Cliolct lots of out flowers, bulbs', ferns, palms, etc., al ways on hauil. J. T. BROADLEY Medford Employment Agency WANTI2D W man cook on tauch. REAL ESTATE Koit SAt.i-: 4 room IiiiiiknIow i I 00 I room house . . . . 1. . . . 15 0o 7 roiu hoiiso lS.ftO $200 ilouu, bal. a rent. 20 acres nwir IClo Point; would conlilur h trsile. U-room liiintttow, furuUhml. $aoo down. Iiwl. monthly. SO ncrtw llowr crwk bottom, VIM. Ilnrto Mini hiiKxy. A-No. J tiortv. only 1 ywir old; V-"- TUADM Lots lu Portland for ncrvage. t room lioutH fur twuus and WHJtOll. WANTtBI). A good (miiii sboiit 1300 lbs.; must bo good nnd cbMip. I hnvu chIIh of those kinds unite often. List what you have to sell In this office, or If you linio any vacant houses call. ji. F. A. BITTNER 'ROOM 7, PALM BLK. " ' itoNashHotol Phone till; Home, J I. Pure Clear Sparkling i'ou can't afford to do without this nplundid, rcfroBhitix drink. Call up nnd ordor o. cnn neat to tho limine. Tho purest, snout healthful drink known hi SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. HAVE YOU EXAMINED CAREFULLY Tlllfl LINK OF EXQUISITE STEEL ENGRAVINGS WE AUIO NOW SJIOW1NO? Prices Range From $3 to $25 The Merrivold Shop 134 W. MAIN ST. vrpjM.? &he WALL PAPER and PAINT STORE n '- ' " BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. ,,J.'J NOItTII HAItTljlVfT ST. SASH and DOORS Direct From the Factory i No loul rfUlItt rri! hkIi lrac flocV, nuiuch vrllyMllJ"l"'l,l"0!,, i No Ut ltn mow 1 In miking Hm-clui BoJ, li Pilrt rntcluwry, Ull luwlnnlci Ol Yel, Ly I'llin dirtrt to you. JroPpinB the ie , Uilr, we tn wll our iil li MWcutnl0 toMtufyyouorielunJyourmuniy.YouHUltoiut. Juit read iqmo of tho Erice contnlned in our Ig illustrated cfttalog. Dunjtlow Door (Ltf cul) J1.00 5.CioMltuclOuori,il.2S. 1.30 Attl'toritDoori.irj.nyitirld, COO Colli u Froul Ooon, il ii- .48 IfiwijoWioilovliim. 0(k-i, .10 I mills Window I :mr . , , 1.C0 2.Ual.t WinJow.. 42'l . .81 r,GolJS.r,loo(ln,2 ly, .60 Cicotole SlilnuU 3lln, 5-sl. toil jitltli, per K'lloil . .tp )VrllUlfcrClo!()p 43 111 ,1,1 , Where ho Go Tonight THE ISIS THEATRE IIIk Special Attraction i UAI'KIN'S .MONUICVS J 5 Tho world's Ki'i'iitost lioupo or monlieys. Those lllllo felluwH have I been the main tittrat'ttoii over tho l Oi'pheuin clrcull and oveiywhoro they liuvo appealed Ihoy hae I nbiMul lo slmiilliiii loom only, sot l Hteal has been llulr drawing J I alillllv, as tho uuttspiipor praises Ihoy havo leeolvod sptsilt of this I act aa the gieulcsl In tho world louaj , iiuiriiiK iniiii'. .iii"i iiiiiikiih' mouUe.s iIoIiik a Irnpexo act. (!iiu Mu picture nnWhltiK moio com ical? Hlcch rldliiK. IioxIuk. etc. Don't miss sccIiik ihem. Only act of Its kind lu Aiucilca today. ,. Star Theatre .Matinee Kwry Day "J lo n 1'. 31. TIIK KM'KKSH K.NVKI.OPIC A seusatlniinl railroad story. ackoss tiik rnii.it skas Wonderful scenic. Tilt: IlKl.l.ltlNCKU OK TIIK AIL ItKV- llcuultful fairy talo. Ills KISTKU'S f'llll.llltlCN Vll- nurnpli comeily. Ali SATIIHU In Popular Koucs llcst of .MuMo anil ICffccU t 1CVKNINCS 7 TO 10.15 PLUMBING STICA.M AMI HOT WATUIl HKATINO All Work (iutirantevd I'rlcea Itennonablo iin Ilownnl lllock, Ktitriuic on tlth Street. Coffecn & Price l'aclfle UO.'tt llonif. X4U Draperies Wo enrry n very comtilets linn of ilrsimrlrs. Inati eiirtnlns. nxturrs. ntr, noil Oi nil cUis of tiiiliiilntnrlUK A nixhiIaI run ii to liMik nftur tlila wnrk rxcllislvoly ntul will Klvn us kikhI fwrvlcn iiii lit iohhI1)1ii tu iftit in oven (tin lnrK-nt clt Irs, WceRs & McGowan Co Rock Spring Coal OH XAWD AT.X, THB TIV&- Offlco and Coal Van), Tncltlh mihI front Strsls, 1'liouo 7101. Burbidge 7HS OOA.Z. MA1 OPEN- For Business HK30INS .V MCSMICH KccoiuMlaiiil Storo at 3D Houtli Onipo Street. Olvo us ii call and wo will treat you fair. Highest cauli price for uticond hnud oods of all kinds. Carbon Paper $1.25 per box 100 sheets O JtS oxes $5.00 (limranteud to uiako an many copies iih any curlton at twice tho pilco, Medford Book Store 4444HH(m$m4l IfMlVMfWWWIIlWfflKflW- 1 1