T- vrpfm ywr PXG1D TWO iMEDFORD liAJh TRTDUNID, MTUDTORD, OR1WOX. AVIODNIWDAV, OrTOBlOU 25, 101 LOCAL AND PERSONAL i . Attorney O, C. Korku In making several Improvements about IiIb South Orange Htreet roBidonco property. Thuro will ho work In tho patriarch nl nnd golden rulo derjroos nt tonight's bohrIoI) ot Hokiio Itlvor encampment No. 30. Thin Is tho tlmo ,to plant Btraw uarrlcn. All sortB ot plants for Bale, II. U. Patterson. I'ac. phono 2493. ChnB. U. Jones of Salem Is In Mod- ford. Edward Dale of Tonopuh, Nov., ar rived III Medford Tuesday, t Dr. Ii. II. Ash ton oLTnconiR arrived In Mod ford tills morning nnd will visit for fibvornl days with his old-time friend and colleague, Dr. Henry Hart of 43 North Orange slrcot. I)!no at the-now Josephine hotel when in Qrnnts Pass. Service n la cnre. 211 Leonard. J. W. Grovor of Eaglo Point was In Mcdford Tuesday. Mr. mitt Mrs,. It. D. llolzor ot Cor vftllla arc visitors in Med ford. Mrs, Jesse Hanks nnd sister, Miss Vivian Cardwoll, of Canyonvllle, re turned to their homo this morning, Jinvhu; keen In Jacksonville In nt totwlanco at the fnnoral ot tholr grand mother, Mrs. Klunoy. A great treat In store for you, November 1C. Hear the Hoyal Welsh Ladles' Choir. 1S5 Miss Fnnulo Haskins returned last night from a visit to friends In Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. G. 13. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Hownrd of Los Angoles, Cal., are registered at the now Medford hotel. Seo It. A. Holmcii, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. R. A. Moore is in Mod ford from Trlnadad, Wash. F. G. Zlmmor and sister, Miss E. Zlmmor, of Buffalo, X. Y., aro In tho valley looking around with n view to the purchase of a small tract ot land for grape and peach culture. Carkin & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Tayior), attorney-at-Iaw, over Jackson County Bank Building, Mcdford. A. L. Thomas, the Newport, Ore., Agato man, left last night for his home, after a week's vacation in Medford and in the valley. Mrs. H. II. Randall and daughter, Miss Irene, left yesterday for Den ver, where they will spend the winter. This Is tho time to plant straw berries. All sorts of plants for sale. II. R. Patterson. Pnc. phone 2493. Frank Sample and daughter re turned yesterday to their Jiome at j Salem. Mr. Sample, it will bo re membered, lost his wife a few weeks ago. Other children, one a baby, will be taken care of by relatives In Mcdford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Merrlmar. loft a couplo of days ago for Tuscan Springs, Cal. The visit Is made ai tills tiuio In tho hope that Mrs. Mer rimau'a health will bo improved. For sale or exchange A few choice Rhode Island Red roosters and cock erels. Address "Falrvlew," Jackson ville. . II. L. Coo returned Monday night from a several weeks' visit to Crlp plo rCeek, Colo., whore ho has ex tensive mining Intel ests. J. O. Richardson and daughter, Miss Graco Richardson, will leave to day for their homo in Vicksburi.. Mich,, after a visit of several months In Mcdford with W. K. Clonoy nnd family. Misses Hilda and Lydia Giesburg roturned to their homes at Montague, yesterday, nfter a vIbU in Medford with Miss Rosamond Konnedy. A. J Vanco. of Salt Lake City will nssumo tho dutios of managor of the Pacific Tolephono company In Med for dnhout tho first of November. J. J. Buchtor will bo assigned to work with the company In Portland. LIrno at tho Medford Lumber Co. Fonco posts nt tho Medford Lum- bor Co. Mrs. L. II. Wilcox and son Ralph returned this morning to their homo nt Long Bench, Cal. Leonard Oorthuys of Poughkccp bIp, N. V,, hns purchased a 54 ncro tract of orchard lnnd near Talent, Tho land I Bkuown im tho Unit prop erty nnd there are about 12 acres of It sot to fruit. Mr. Oorthuys and family camo hero about ft wook ago Just to look around nnd tho valley looked so good to them that they have decided to cut out their return to Now York and will sottlo hero for keeps. G. W. Wilson, an electrician, of Minneapolis, Minn., was in Medford yestordny lookluK the city over with :i view to locating. G. E.llulborg of Seattle is here looking tho valloy over with a view to purchasing an orchard tract. Wall plastor nt tho Medford Lum ber Co. J. W. MncClotchle of tho firm of Huntley & MncClotchle, will leave to. night for a month's business visit to hiS old homo In Minneapolis, Minn. F. J. Noyce ot Seattle arrived In Medford yesterday. Mrs. Harry Suculer Is visiting her mother In Woodvlllc. TEACHERS ARE GATHERING HERE Joint institute of Jackson nnd Jose phine Counties Will Open in This City Tomorrow Reception Will Be Held This" Evening for Teachers. Notice. Public meeting, Mrs. Prudence Stokes Brown will lecture on educa tion and socialism at the opera house Thursday ovenlng. October 2G nt 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Brown Is a gradu ato of Chicago kindergarten college. 1S7 CITY HALL NOTES. The cify conucit met in rej;nlnr session Inst ntjilil. Present Mnyjr Cmmiij Councilmen Watt, Kifert, Wortrunn nnd Miller. Absent, Kin eriek ami Merrick. An ordinance wns passed declaring the cost of assessment for lutirai sanitary gewer through block 7, or iginal townsile, from Bartlelt to Ap ple street; rate $1.03 per foot. The bid of the Clark-llenery eom- panj- for the purchase of .f 72,000 of improvement" bonds wns accepted at par niie nnd accrued interest from October 1, 1911. Applications for liquor licenses of J. K. Kynn and Win. Gett & Co. were rend and npprovcecl nnd license ordered issued. Cement sidewalks were ordered put in on the north side of Jackson lioul cvnnl from Riverside avenue lo Prid ily street; on both sides of Fifth street from Front street to Central avenue; nlso on east side of Almond street from East Main to Eenst Eighth streets. MARRIED. Emil Frederick Schmidt and Miss Susan Lj-din Wntson of this city were married Tuesday, October 24, nt the home of 'Sir. nnd Mrs. Jonas Wold b the Rev. E. O. Eldridge of the M. E. church. Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonas Wold nnd If. C. Belinz nnd wife. Refreshments were served nt the close of the ceremony by the hostess. Mrs. Wold. The young peo ple will Ko to housekeeping nt 315 North Bartlett. The teachers of Jackson and Jose phine eountius are today gnlhoring in this city for their annual iuslitutc. The formal se-sions or tho teachers wil open tomorow nnd will continue for three days. A reoeplion will ho tendered llu visitors by local teachers tonight. Mrs. Hruwn will address Hie tench era institute in this city in the afternoon. SEE THE Baseball Pictures AT THE SAVOY HAL CHASE, CAPTAIN AND MANAGER Or THE NEW YORK AMERICANS, WINS GAME fJY FAMOUS HOME RUN. ANII-HAMEY Ifi FOUND Lively Fijjht at Primaries In April Is Predicted Oregon City and Salem Have Prominent Men Who Would Make Race. Haskins for Health. The Herpicide Girl is ThanKful WecRs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Itey Phone 971 Night FkoM F. W. Week S071. A. K. Orr, S6ft. JADT ASSISTANT. JOHN A. PERL Vwlertnkfir And Einbjdmer I Successor to the undertaking do- g partment of Medford Furniture Co. I Office 28 South ltartlett Street i Telephene: day, Pell ill; night J I roBidonco, Bell 473, florae 179-L, Calls Answered night pr day '" AMlItJJJANCR 8KRVICK I am always grateful for real bles sings, and I know of nothing that I need to bo more thankful for than Xowbros Hcrplcldo. Thousands of ladles not only In the United States but all over tho world feel tho same wny about It. To this wonderful scalp and hair remedy they owe their soft, long, beautiful hair. Mary J. Terry of Lovejoy, III., writes: "My hair came out until there was Just a scanty cover for the scalp. I tried evorythlnir I over heard of or rqad about until I finally used Hcrplcldo. There Is nothing like It. My head Is now vcovered with new hair. J shall orovcr pralgo Horpl-cldo." Most hair troubles como from uuiiuruu. rtcuuro'8 ijcrpicnio re moves this dandruff by killing tho germ w,kich causes Jt. It also stlmu lates a flow of blood which nourishes the fol'cles. Tho scalp bolng healthy, tho hair docp not como out and tho new hair Js allowed lo grow. There aro other .preparations which thoy say nro "Just as good" as Herpi cide. It Is notadvlsablo to try them. Instead of doing any good thoy unay do positive harm. No one Is over disappointed In Now bro's Hcrplcldo. The results aro al ways tho samo, always satisfactory as IS Indicated by tho fact that Hcrpl cldo has been sold for years and has thousands of satisfied frendn. It is tho only genuine, original dandruff gerjn destroyer. Thoro Is nothing "Just as good,'' Ono dollar slzo bottles aro sold and guaranteed by all drugKlsts, Appl'catlons at good barber shops. Send 10c Ip poBtago for sample nnd book to Tho HorpJcIdp Co., Dopt. It., Detroit, Mich. .ticuioru j'liarmacy, Republicans of tho first congres sional district, comprising all the counties of western Oregon outside ot Multnomah, are likely to havo a lively fleht at tho primaries next April In choosing a successor to Willis C. Hawley. Hawley, with his standpat record, Is declared by his opponents to ho weaker than ever before. Soreral candidates In the progressive ranks are being mentioned, nmong tho lat est being George C. lirowuell, of Oregon City, former state senator. Another Oregon City progressive who Is being urged Is Stato Senator Walter A. Dimick. The latter Is said to be disinclined to run, because of the expense Involved In making the canvass. He has two years of an unexpired term In the stato senate to serve. George F. Rodgers, former mayor of Salem, 'Js another prospective can dldate. His friends urce that he could split the vote of Marlon county with Hawley, where both reside, and he Is well known In other counties of the district. A third Marion county man mentioned is C. Ii. McXary, brother and partner of tho district at torney, John II. McXary. UGO THEATRE Vaudeville and Photo Plays TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAM Featuring Juvenile Harry Liuulor JOHNNY BUSH AND SON TIiIh little follow Is tho cleverest, iiiohI refined and graceful Juvenile Comedian on tho stage today. Ills tm.lugs and songs wilt make you laugh, his laugh will ninlA jou scream. Drowu'd In his Kilts, his Imitation ot Harry l.auder, tho famous Scotch com edian, will convulse you. MISS CARRIE LOUISE AITON In an absolutely high class violin solo. ILLUSTRATED SONG "Some Day You Will Know. I l.ovo You." lly 11. J.'liA VlOJd.KTT. I'OlMt Miff PHOTO IMjAYS Wednesday's pictures aro ns follews: AX INDIAN l.OVI-3 Al'KAlU (Western). TIIK UMINT SWOUl) (Comedy). THE PITKAI.I. (Drama). KOOLSIIEAH (Coined)). An entire change of program Thursday, October Admission 20c and 10c )S up $ t i? $ p' f$$ $ m !:?$ c to t to to to to to to to to w to to The Medford National Bank aioo.6po.oo CAPITAL STOCK -$JIKVL,JS ud PROFITS Jj3 OOO.OO UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY HAl-'K DKl'OHIT HOXICS I'O It UKNT. W, II. 00UI1, PrriliUnt. J. A. rimilY, Vice l'ro. JOHN H. OUTIt, CMhler. 1'. V. MUKHIOIC, Vlot l'r. W. II. JAUlCnON, Aunt. GMliUr. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 4k &($ $ $ $"$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8 RUSS M ILL On Riverside Avo. L. B. BROWN, Proprietor. Food, Klour, St'ctl, Vclcli, WinltM' Oats. Jiarh'V Uolli'd. Q erms Spread in Skm ICouoma. )'jilft,li nnl vttur 'Kb' trout-It-1 t' i" i iiiiift.i i'i l(iinit nt work in Mi it Mi. t tit . tllfM. Kt'M' ft llfi t'l' lll.t it. tl-i I i tlwy rniti iniitnii,' , iuivv i' imi way ihvi into t11' In n n 'i'lllM 1.1 tlmt rmi'i.H tli.il .wi I ii ' Allil wtml ..m-.t a m t i inftl' Rrtut" nni'mi itit lVlot tlU'i 't lanilt'Miinc nnl turtiu Injr nKIll Clmanv 1tli li't yenfn nf inixwry. iKiu t (Mkt at.v I'lmitoa' Dvntroy Uir K 'film nt tho I.. rlutiltiK nf ! inniil. Willi llllil hlHiltilltt' mill rli.ilisliiu Mr i- '.. ti. r. i r ir"it iiiiii.m f.-i re., iiit A ?',- lutllo V. Ill jru0 tM tu ju. r u I Hit txprt linen slltt miiiiv it-iHi -lli'i. fur Nt.ui ii. Miiilo hut h.ii t i'Vi r " n mii'ii ii-tiiiii it'll' tori i ii iiioh. fr'in l l I' I i-i-Kt-tllilluii. In pi. iiit rt'llff rutin llu vr nrt him il- v.. in- i'i itmnlht IIinI 1 l P. will ! ih uur i .r Hint It will ' "t .ui in.; inn ir i in- voi)- nritt ruU t liitiu rn in inttW. kmi H'rr Htlttt. It' you ltiivi Hkl n Miiulil H itnV Unil uh noriultily B.llm iil in ilrtni Im nnil Invi'WtlMKto llio ntMrllN nt 1 !. Ii. iiinwi:, u KlluW Hull v. IK & Mitlfi.1,1 Wilt II. It I'liaiiiuuy. TRY THIS OVKKNIOHT CVIIK J'OK COLO JIRM) Oil CIIKST It Is Curing Thousands Daily, nutl Saves Tlmo nnd Monvy. Get a bowl three onarters full boiling water, and a towel. Pour Into the water a scant tea spoonful of II"OMEf (pronounce It IIIgho-jno). Put your lioad over tho bowl and cover head and bowl with towel. Ilrcatho tho vapor that arises for a few mlnut.es, and presto! your head Is as clear as a bell, and tho tightness In tho chest Is gone. It's n pleasant curi You'll enjoy breathing IIYOIKI. You'll feel at onco Us soothing, healing and bene ficial effects ns it passes over the Inflamed and Irritated membrane. CO conts a bottle, at druggists every where. Ask Chas. Strang for extra bottlo HYOMEI Jnhalont. M ' i gyyiL iiiumm yyjg-iii.iiMmMwjrjrriinr'iiM hiwi mntmrSws!Jfimm'tt Mmtmam I 1,51 Mnlii n Ji! f (i i gi n in m rtpag m$ Iraili a I rpa WHSKafitw: g dM mi a liKKUKaHH5- uMi'z i E'RSBh SiViMI ImTrSc y!!?'Ssyr::TCfll tuIt4Mniaam0mLA "-ItSmm I 1 G ,B?3 ITll "M Him in i" Mn ii I lil'T Til "T mi ftfuJinM 1 va mL kmi vanmmmfr-xasma&'w trw ufi -nr r hcT3 i LJwm7 About a Merchant in m mmm-5&'zammmmMr . i 5 Woo Did Toings of B . U I t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALK Kor ono hundred dol lars you can get high class furni ture of two room house ono block from Main st., flno for light house. keeping; rent only $10 per mouth. Must bo taken on or beforo Mon day, Oct. 30, 8 a. in. ?.'!00 for $100. enough said. 12G N. Itlvor sldo avo. 180 FOlTTTENT Kii riilsliud housekeo'i" Ing rooms closo In. 2'.', 4 East 9th. 187 FOR BALE Ono maro 3 years past, IUiO; ono horso 3 years past, 1050, only halter broko; particulars Cholgron Bros., 73C N. Taft. 190 FOR SALE Choico Rhode Island Red and Crystal White Ornlngton cockorols. I'enbro orchard, I3olf lihono C01-R-1. 187 WANTED Iady to cook for six men. Inquire Mr. Roulwaro at now hos pital bldg. J8G N Newtown, Mass., there is a wide-awake grocer who has learned the way to "know his business." And in the learning he has built his sales from $37,000 a year to $140,000. Darrell threw out the guess-work methods. Now he manipulates his business as he would a machine. Knows the lines that pay a profit and those that don't. Knows how much it costs to get that profit and where there are leaks, if any. Knows the clerks who earn more than their salary and those who don't Knows the earnings of each department and the entire store. And this knowledge is gained without additional expense by use of the Burroughs FOR TRADE 41 aores, 31 In nlfal fa, Irrigated, Improvements, $1000 of personal, $32(i aero, Closo In. Cluik Realty Co., Ph. 2331. BooKKeeping' Machine ltiy its use," ho writes, "I havo iui'iiod losses into gains. Mveiy dollar T'vc spout for it lias saved at least ten. Tho Burroughs is .not a luxury hut u necessity for every dealer." iMr. Darrell uses two Burroughs "Book keeping machines for all his figures, and his customers are given j iutii.illy all the time of hinftelf and his clerks. This man stands forth as ii hrilliant example to every merchant to you! To you! Write today for inforjiiation re garding the Burroughs and Burroughs Kystem. isk ns to show you how Darrell makes Business iSystem more money y knowing the vital fads of his husiness. Let us show you the Bur 7'oughs machine which does so much for him. Burroughs men are fitted hy training and experience to give helpful advice to retail ers. A half-hour talk with a Burroughs man has .Jirought hig returns lo many a mer chant. Vet the advice is free, the inter view creates ahsolulely no ohligalion. It pays us to give such service hecause a great many retailers learn in this way that it pay's .them to install a Burroughs System and a "Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine to oper ate it, Drop ns a line today, tell ns tho Bur roughs man may call! Burroughs Adding Machine Company - COMMERCIAL CLU BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON h4?1fp&pvHt