PAGE 8IX rEDFORD MATTi TRTBUN11, M18DFORD, OK1MON, MONDAY, OOTOJil'lR tH, 1011, MASS MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT Commercial Clul) Fall Roundup Promises to Bo a Great Success-- Every Resident of Mcdford Is Urged to Attend. VICTIMS OF LIBERTE DIASTER BEING BORNE TO THEIR GRAVES Tins full round up of tlio eommor olnl club, which is to be held novt Thursday ovoninj nl tho Nntntorium, promise to ho tho hipgosl success of its kind over held in southern Ore gon. A lntRO niunher bC residents from out. of town districts will he present as will delegates from tho vnrioti!, other clubs in the volley. Spunking nnd outing will ho the two chief features of the evening. -4 ruKEKAJj or viciviMroi or thtb imiiicj2ii xidviTKiv. Tho nboe photograph depicts a scene in Tonlou when tho victim of tho disaster to the I'mich oruiser Liherto wen home to their last noting place. UNIVERSITY CLUB TO GIVE DINNER Retiring S. Vilas Brckvvith Will Be i Guest of Honor at Beefsteak Din ner to Be Served on Next Tuesday Evening. COMMITTEE IS INSPECTING SITE Local Men Accompanied by County Court Arc Looking Over Proposed Location for Convict Camp on the Crater Lake Road. Look at nil of tho rem estate ails and at much of tho real estate al vrttid. lofor mvoifin. Look at the "For Sale" nds nnd nt Rouio of tho things that are adver tised for s.iliv The, University Gluh will give a jUeitfsleak dinner in honor of its re tiring president, S. Vilas Ileokwith Tuesday evening at tho club rooms. The affair promises to he one of the most enjoyable ever held by the club. A number of stunts have been ar ranged for tho evening's festivities. LAYING ROCK ON NEW BOULEVARD Preliminary Grading Is Completed and Contractors Start Work of Laying Crushed Rock Progress From Now on Will Be Rapid. HAVC YOU EXAMINED CAREFULLY TllK L1N.U Otf EXQUISITE STEEL ENGRAVINGS AV13 ARK NOW SHOWING Prices Range From $3 to $25 The Merrivold Shop 13 I W. MAIN ST. VAN DE CARS Medford's Staple Jewelry Emporium Out KYpair Department is second to nono in So. Oregon Our line of IWatches, Diamonds and Jewelry will please the intelli gent and judicious buyer WHY? Hocaiwo wc guarantee VALUE with ovory aalo AlrlDKOUM), OMMION With the preliminary grading of the Central Point road completed, the contractors are now engaged in lay ing the em.shed roek, and progress tu tho work will be rapid from this timo on. . Tho roek is being laid twenty feet wide with solid earth re tainers on either side which will keep tho macadam in place. The road is very rough at the pres ent time and travel through the val ley should follow tho Koss Lane route to Coiilrul Point. LOCAL ELKS VISIT ASHLAND Over Forty Members of ti'ie Antlercd Bunch Spent Saturday Night at Ashland Helping to Initiate Large Class. The committee of the Mcdford com-, inercial club appointed to negotiate r between the county court and Cover-j nor West regarding the working of' convicts on the Crater like road, acotapanied by the county court, are today looking over the camp site on upper Iiogiic river, in order to deter mine jut what will be necosary to mako the camp sanitary and com fortable. It is believed that the convicts will arrive by November J, to start the winters work. EUGENE-COOS U. 10 START SOON Report Current That the Company Has Let a Contract for the First Twenty Miles of Road Out of Eugene. We Thank You ooooo Wo IMi l orvjs our thanks to each and cry Hitiiii that isi(i'tl our More on owning d.iy l;t Saturday, anil boe that jou all i'lijojitl j on twelves as inucli as wo onjoynl jour prrsn'iuv. Imperially, ilo wo mMi to ttiank tlioo sending: tM-aiitlfiil offer ings of flowers. Weeks & Mriouau, Mrs. Kiigeue Aiimun, J. T. Itroadley .V Co., Motel Mcdford romtauy ami others of this city, and M. Seller i Co., Ileywood llros. Co., ItasuiiiSM-n At Co., M. L. Kline V Co., lloncyman Hardware Co., of Portland. To the Idlers .Music company, dniinft'rs of I he nw of a piano, and .Miss Ilro.ldloy, who so kindly assisted In tho musical pnigram, wo wish to our appreciation. '' ooooo t Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. I i 1MIIPPK IUTILI)IN(5 ' i n 'i yssTKmmm sw'wr MiMMiS te i mil hi Jin urn in i mm l i. . uiv h,r J31I1T0UP5 ((visible II L w EUQEXE. Or., O.-t. '23 -Uighl a"' Way Agent Ittiell ;f the t'out.'ieni Pacific compaiy, saij today thai construction work on the Eigns Coos liny Railroad would bein im mediately after n deal for tho jrir chase of the Lane County Asset com pany's holdings had been concluded Tho assert company holds a short stretch of right of way needed by the company. Reports are current hero that ihi company has let a contract for tin first twenty miles of road out ot Eugene. Over 10 members of tho local lodge of KlkB upent Saturday evening at A nil land hclniui; la tho initiation of a larno class of candidates. While at Ashland plans wore dls ciiBsed for tho trip to Portland next yenr to attend tho national conven tion ot Elks. TITLE "HONORABLE" FINDS NO FAVOR SALEM, Or., Oct. 2:k Secretary of State Olcott today confirmed the report (hut ho hud given orders to all tho department heads in his office that tho prefix "honorable" should no longer bo used in tho official cor respondciifie. Mr. Olcolt said: ''Webster nays that 'honorable' is n title of quality, conferred by En glish usiigo upon tho younger chil dren of earls and nil the children of viseotiuts and aroiifl. In American usngo il is n title of courtesy mere ly, bebtuoowed upon those who hold, or hnvo held, any of the higher oi i'icps, especially governors, judges, members of congress, or of the sen ate, mayors. "'Jn this country ono ninn is as good as another, mid public office does not ,111 my opinion, entitle the offi cial to any specinl badge or title of diminution," 19,200,000,000 ORDERED BEER That Number of Glasses of This Beverage Was Consumed In Amer ican Last Year Acordlng to Secre tary of Association. CHICAGO, Ills., Oct. 23.-Ucer drinkers in America consumed 10, 200,000,000 glasses least year, ac cording to II. E. O. Jfciiimaun, ncere tary of tho United States Iircwtii' association. Everyone Can Have JJoautiiul Hair Having a head of nlco hair la a bleBsIng within tho reach of anyone who will ubo Newhro's Horplcldo be fore tho dandruff germ has denuded the scalp and left a condition of chronic baldness. Horplcldo imparts that snap nnd luster totlio hair which Is so attrac tive. Having a eubtlo fragranco Horpl cldo appeals directly to persons of refinement. It has been sold for years, and boasts of more satisfied users than all other hair dressing) combined. Newhro's Horplcldo Is recommend ed and used by tho best harbors and hair dressers. Sond 10c In poatngo or silver for sample and booklet to Tho Horplcldo Co., Dopt. It., Detroit, Mich. Ono dollar size bottles nro guaran teed by all druggists. Mcdford Pharmacy, night or day. Near post office. I Hallowe'en Paper Mache Novelties See our new lino of tho above goods Just In and on dis play In our cast window. Tho larccsl pieces and best assort ment In the city, popular prices. 5c, 10c, 15c each Underwear Jjadlca' 1'lceco Lined Union Suits ftOc Ladles' Heavy Flccco Mm-d Union Sultn 75c Ladles Kvtra Pino Heavy Union KultH fjtt.00 .Mihhcs' Fleece Lined Union Suits fOc .MIsm-m' i:tru Flue Fierce Lined Union KultH $1.00 Hoys' Fine Wool Union Sultn , 91.00 Ladles' Summer Wclb'ht Union Suits, C0c to 75c valuo, cleaning out prlco 39c ea, 2 for 75c Ladles' Summer Vests lOo each, S for U."o Ludies' regular lGc to liCc rpiallty Summur Vests In uUes up to 0 1 5c ea, 2 for 20c Wo aro showing tho biggest lino of Men's Ladles', IIoyH and Misses' Popular Prlco Hosiery In the city. Our fall and winter lino is now complcto. , Sanitary Papor Drinking Oiips niKLSaiiHary GVopo rris.sii(j Vi)qv Towols. Aro liayo iho'ni, a now lino just in and popular prices. ' ; t Hussey's pntThejse? r rT" i. Printinf In aishl cloe to operator. AcccMtblo Ribbon Spool Operating lever (short and easy pull). Number of Item. Non-Acid, Repeat and Non-Print Kcy. Total and Sub-Total Key. Numeral Keys. TotaU Shown Hera (complete visibility). HBHS:9aasMMBBsraMHHaaHHHSMaBCZA BqpKkeepingMaiCiine GET the Burroughs Visible, one of the new Burroughs Models for 1911 (the Pike), which will give you not only the very fea tures you want but you then know these feat ures are combined in a machine made with the same skill and desire to "build the best,1' irrespec tive of cost, which have for years influenced nine out of every ten buyers of adding machines to get a Burroughs with its extra service. l'Jasier to operate tliati a (ypewriler. Knlire keyboard is under the oporalor's hand. MitlierJ'lexihlo or locked keyboard, lias lowest keyboard made. Oomplelo visibil ity of all writing and totals. Kvery item visibly printed. Every figure printed is always before you. Count ur ru cords number of items added. Short, easy, elose handlo pull. lOxelusivo liurroughs feature of separate keys for Totals and Sub-totals, printed in red. Totals inarlajd ; Sub-totals marked s. Items not added are automatically marked x . You do not need to change your position for a single detail. The machine is compact. Easily handled about on your desk. If you leave the machine, your figures will bo safe. (You can take (ho haijdle with you thus locking the machine.) iMay bo operated by hand or electricity. i rj' And besides its perfect mechanical construction tho I'lko Is of iiiillmlled durability. Wo stand back of It In ovory particular. Wo do not guaran tee It only for a your, or two yours or flvo years, but, like ovory other IlurrougliH, tho l'lko Is backod up by tho "IlurrougliH Sorvlco," which moans a perfect miichluo to begin with and a life tlmo ot ContluiioiiN Adding Machine Kcivlco. if your numhlim should need attention In any way, wo do nil ask to have you Head it to tho factory. .Init call our Inspection Sorvlco Bin lltiii ono of which hi near ovory user, and an other machine will bo loaned for yours Iiiimu dlatoly so that you have tho use of a Jlur roiiKlm continually. Then, too, you will receive tho benefit of liurroughs System Service through whluh you may koup In touch with careful sum maries of tho host systems devised; and liur roughs Inventions Service, which gives you tho privilege of taking advnutago of future develop ments and I'liprnvomcilts at very llttlo cost. BURROUGHS POLICY: To so troat ovory Burroughs Usor that ho can havo no juat cause for a complaint, to tho end that ho may bo a Boostor always. Sold at a small price, on oasy monthly payments, if dosirod Write us today, on your business letter head, for information regarding a free demon stration in your office. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY Commercial Club Building, Portland, Oregon t