PAGE TWO atEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNB. MttrWOttT), ORFCION. SATURDAY, OCTOUIOR 111, l!)lt, ! .. W- WQAl AND PERSONAL 1 Passenger train N'o. 1(5, stnUh bound, was held In Medford yesterday for about thirty minutes whllo l)r. Plckol, tho company's physician, gnvo mcdlcnl Attention to n passenger who wnn suffering excruciating pain from gnllfit6no.' Tho passenger, a man, was eh route from Portland to San Prnncjecb' and U Was feared ho would illo before assistance could be secured. Ho wh given relief by Dr. Plckel'and contlhuod his Journey. Kveryon'c Invited to Attend the onculnff of the new Btoro next Sat urday 'hfUirnoon, Medford Furniture. & Hardware Co. 1S2 Tho littles' Aid society of the First M. E. church will hold special session Monday, October 23, at 2:30 p. m. at the church. "Business of importance. A good attendance Is desired, It tvIU pay you to vatch tho fish mnrkot 'this week for bargains. Oys ters, crabs, shrimps, clams, fish and many good things to cat, Ve carry 25 different kinds of cheese. Steel cut coffco a specialty. Dairy and cream- Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cochran re turned Thursday from an extended visit' tb ' Denver and Chicago and other middle west cities, iry butter. Fresh ranch eggs. J. H. Messier. 1S3 11. P, Hoey, of Klamath Falls, Is in Medford today. t Next Saturday, 2 to 1 1 p. m. Med ford Furniture & Hdw. Co. 182 Miss Ulta Anderson and the Misses Darby 6f Griffin Creek are visiting Central Point fronds. We want to see you at tho opening next Saturday. Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. 1S2 W. T. Coburn or Grants Pass was in Medford yesterday. For salo or exchange A few choice Ithodo Island Red roosters and cock erels. Address "Falrvlew," Jackson ville. Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Strecter visited with Central Point friends yesterday. Chtncso Sacred Lilies and Japanese air plants at Broadley's. Phone 6181. Mrs. O. K. Smith and daughter, of Martinez, Cal., are In Medford. guests Mr. and Mrs. D. Mulr of 1515 West Main. A magnificent display of Oriental rugs aro being shown at the Med ford Furniture & Hdw. Co. store. 1S2 Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nyo of Gold Hiil'wero visiting Medford friends Friday. 'We wish to call tho attention of ho ladies to something new in Oriental rugs Just received this week at the Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co. etoro. 1S2 W. B. Sherman, the booster real cstato man of Grants Pass, was among Medford friends Friday. We want to show you something In Oriental rugs that will appeal to your tastes. Ask to see the display. Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co. 182 ' Some of the most beautiful Orien tal rugs made are now on display at tho Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co.'? store. Call and see them. 182 Prof. C. E.' English, who is prin cipal of tho Griffin Creek schools, left last night to spend Saturday and Sunday In Ashland. Genuine Oriental rues In beautiful designs at the Medford Furniture & Hdw. Cp.'s stpre. 182 "V. P. Morgan of Trail was In Med ford Friday doing his fall trading. This is the time to plant straw berries. All sorts of plants for sale. II. B. Patterson. Pac. phono 2433. Mrs. F. C. Elliott returned yester day from a visit tyith Grants Pass friends. Good music and entertainment. Opening of the new building on Cen tral uyenqe next Saturday, 2 to 11 p. in. Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co. 182 II. H. Taylor, of Ituch, was In tho city' Friday on business. Dine at the now Josephine hotel when in Grants Pass. Service a la carte. 211 Hoi fimca, The!1 lnfurancp k& County bnnft. ' rSeo It." a. Man, over Jacksoa Catkin & .Taylor (John II. Catkin, Glenn O. Tnyior), attornoy-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. " Miss M. B. Wood of Whitewater, Wis., arMVed In '.Medford Inst night and will spend (he winter here with her brother, M. P. Wood, and family. Wm. Uostwlck wat In Friday from his Applcgate "ranch. It. II. Wilcox and mother, Mrs. 1,. H. Wilcox, of Kong Bench arc regis tered at the new Medford hotel. Mr and Mrs. Geo. W. Green of Klamath Falls were Medford visitors j estorday. C. Cunningham was In from Butte Falls Friday. J. M. Ebe and daughter. Miss O. C. Ebe, are lsltlng Ashland friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeves will leave Sunday for San Diego, where they expect to spend the winter. Mr. Reeves Is a member of the firm of Power &. Reeves, architects. This Is the time to plant straw berries. Alt sorts of plants for sale. JL Br Patterson. Pac. phone 2493. 'heorKc, Hensolman Is visiting Gold HUrfylends. Mrs. Chas. Schneckloth and daugh ter, o Portland, arrived In Medford teruay ami win make mis place home. Mr. Schneckloth bavins 1 WILL WORK FUR unci run ntim With Arrival 'of WIII'G. Stcci Matter of Taking Up Work of Sccurinp, Appropriation fm Crater National Park Will Be Considered. J, V. lutchlcon left last night for n few days business trip to Roseburg. Weeks 6 McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS ' Itejr Pboae M71 FHfM FImmi 9. W. Weeks M71. A. S. Orr, LADT ASSISTANT. r estet ? vv wieir i engaged in a business enterprise here. Dr. J. F. Rcddy returned Thursday night from a business stay of two weeKs in San Francisco. "H. L. White returned from Butte Falls to his home In Ashland es terday. A souvenir to each guest on Sat urday next, at tho opentnir of the new M. F. & H. Co. building. 2 to 11 p. m. 1S2 Mrs. Fred Adams and daughter are here from Grants Pass visiting Mrs. Adams' sister, Mrs. A. Leonard. Prof. Wm. T. Shaw of Pullman, Wash., was entertained last Thurs day by Mr. and Mrs. Talllandlcr. Pro fessors Shaw and Talllandlcr were for several years together In college. Ira Kinny and family have returned to Glendale after spending the sum mer In Butte Falls. ' T. W. Swift, proprietor of the Electric shop, on Xorth Front street, was in Eagle Point Friday on busi ness. S. H. Houston of Talent was in Medford Friday on business. II. B. Daily of Ventura, Cal.. Is here looking over the city and valley. C. F. Fischer and C. R. Wisdom came in from San Francisco yester day in an automobile. Jack F. Lowrey of Tampa, Fla., Is in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson, Miss Mocker and J. J. Buchlcr made up a party of anglers for Gold Ray today. V. R, Powell of Azusa, Cal., Is anions the many Medford visitors to day. Mrs. Geo. Vou der Hellen and son, Master Donald, of Eaglo Point, left this morning for a six weeks visit with relatives in Portland and Cor vallla. J. H. Dally and son left on tho Roseburg local this mornine for Mer- Wllli tho nrrirnt of Will G. StcoS of Portlniul.'heutl oi" (he (Snter t.'je company, Friday 'afternoon, tlm work of semiring nu appropriation for tlut (.rater uike national pnvk will he. undertaken in earnest. Mr. Steel will be pledged tho support of Wi Iiumius men uml will later prohnh leave for Washington to woik for tin npprepriatiyu for the park when eongres convene. Mr. feteel slate-, that affairs hie in u fur better condition Hutu cut before in regard to the development of the park, lie says that Sccreturv Fisher of the tlepartiuent of the in lerior has pledged his Mippoit tj such a moe. Topsy" iartxoll, ,'itthhW OutloMer. tt?!!? New Novelty in Skating. Under the new management of the Natatorium sKntunj rink there will be somethini; new and novel in the line of entertainment for skiiler. The first will he a bloek party on Thursday, Oelober 20. The details of thN will not be s;iveii, but I u Gray, manager of the rink, guaran tees to give the skaters, n jolly good time at this parly and fitrthei tunic n purse of fo.OO ill be given to the winniii'' couple. The small admis sion of ten cents will be charged all spectators h0 will enjoy the fun with the skaters. , tj 1 fW IflHiilPmB&BteXiBBBHBB J i. HP & .V ' jrt'fghh'T' 4 , W VMS- fffJ - x v. .1 t.MM HH j2 Wm-M ILL READY FOR GREAT OPE NINI! Hiiiirl tin' iiiuiiiifiuitiiroifl of ynur linmo elly flint IiihL and nil tiui llnin. mill oil will hnliO'dint'olf U pronper. Ity. lint If jonr'loeul fiiethilieniW not mipply )"' wiiiitw. limlHt lliat'llm liieieliiilll enrt li' "Miulo III Oit'Ktiii" goodii rutin other On'tsun boiiicoii to mipply ytiur ni'otlw. fc Moilforil Furnlltiro & Hnrwnro Com pany Have .Tlirlr . Eslnlillsliinriit Well Dccorntoil (or nccoiitlun to' Friends Tills AttiTiiiion ami IMInItt. won by Harold Wulson. Theie was u Inrga attendance and nil voted the eiili'itaiinnoiit u hnee xueeeis. Tlte .Mud I'm d I'liinlluu' & Utti'l wino eiuiipaiiy lirte llieir iiiiinitll (oio builiilii'' boiuillfnlly deeoiulml in aiilit'ipallmi of a large erowtl r tdliivn tit lliolr ftttmal opoiiiug tln iiltouiooii and evening. The dt'coralloiw are uiililinii IrtiM- and vines mid aiitiiuiii llower. nil f which me In profusion evoriwhrie. An oieho-lrn will fuiiiNh iini"if fuuu 'J oVIot'k thin iinernooii until late tonight. Uest plaeen have been prttvidfd on both ll' rnt and seoniid 1 loors. Soiivunii-h will lit' given Hvvnj, ViiltiN to lio store nte tink ed and expooted to iiiuve aboiil the plum tit llieir pUwuie linger nw Idle mid ic-t in this or that depailuienl If you want to -in fact do tin ou please, but vvlint ever .vtiu do enjoy .voursclveV while looking over tho iiumeiise slocks mid listening to the excellent iiucit. HnsktUB for Health. r- JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Enibalmer JOHN A. PERL i I Successor to the- undertaking do- ' i partU9nt of Medford Furniture Co. : 1 t Office SO South Uartlctt Street Telopb.on.pi: day, Bell 47; night, ; rosldoiice, Boll 479 Home 179-L. Calls answered ulght or day - - AMBULANCE SKUVICK ' i lln, where Mr. Dally has extensive land Interests. J. J. Petty and family, Chas. D. Hoy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burgess qnd L'. W. Zimraer and fam ily comprised a party of anglers who took the Roseburg local this morning bound for a day's sport at Gold Ray. Examination for positions as assis tant forest rangers will be held In Medford next Monday and Tuesday, October 23 and 24. The examinations will he conducted by S. S. Swannlng, deputy supervisor of the Crater Lake forest service. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beale and daughter of Butte Falls are In Ash land for a, few weeks stay. 0. B. Verblck. ,A1 Lemons and son, Ed, returned TJiiprsdqy from a hunt ing trip In (he Butte Falls section. They succeeded in getting Jhree fine deer. Mr, and Mrs. TbaddcuB Martiuardt, of poqperstown, N. D hajo been, lu Mccjrnro, a few days tills week vsltlng relatives, lr. and, Mrs. Thos. MoffaJ. JlB. Lou D, Jones Is vlsltJng friends at qpld HIU and Sams valley. Mrs. MolViq Drinkers left (his after noon to Join her husband In Oakland. Cal. Rev. H, C- Hoxie camp over from Wllderylllo, Jospphlna pomity, tlil nipnilnw and at 'i o'clock tpmprrpw hu will preach ii( tho Grffin Creek JfCljOolllOllBO. The renins gf Geo. Cooey Rplfo, who died In East Medford gn Thps day, were today taken to, San Bernur (lino, Cal,, when his parpnts reside, for Interment, Mr?. itofe accompa nied the tpmaius. Mr. a,i Mrs. Hgh Qtory arrlYd U Medford yesterday. r$. Story a but ipepntly (otuvned frpm Europe, She was met by her husband in New York CUy. Mr. Stoy Ij (nefestpi In the Roguelunds company. A. T. Mickey Is building, an addi tion to his residence pn"i Ipj), street. Attorney G. W.Trofro'n'of Ashlnnd is In Medford today on business. PASTOR'S GUtLT PLAIN. (Continued front Pago 1. girl, is convinced that the iniiiistcr is insane. "Mr. Kielio-on, vitoin loved as a son. worried tis otlen by attacks which he had at our house," she stud today. "Although these attacks did not appear to be serious, they left him in a highly nervous state. lie worried over this, and once insisted upon breaking tiff hfa engagements with Avis giving bis jnior physical cunditiou ns his reason. The en gagement wits renewed, however. "Avis firmly believed she was en gaged to Itiin when sh0 died." Others declare that at limes Riclt eon acted ns if he were under the influence of u dmg. Richcson remuins very tnctiitrn in his cell. He refuses to speak to any one and scarcely ever answers hi guards. Motionless and sleepless, he sat nil night long, stnriug ino the darkness with vyido open, cxprpsMon los eyes. Friends nre rallying (o the pastor's support, but he'vyill be asked to resign hLs fashionable pas tonttcnt Cambridge. Catholic Ladies Entertain. I The ladies of the Alter Society of' the Catholic church had the opening of their new- hall on Oakdale avenue in the rear of the church, Tuesday! evening, consisting ot a fine musical program, cards ami dancing, u vocal solo by Mr. Stcwarl, a piano duct by!$ .Mini ami uciia Meek, vocai soio nv j iir XT t a A it f" SS-fr'AS Wednesday Night, October 25. Mnrnliv. lrrnrrtccii iftii.f umii. ' .--...,..... --rt.v--"v (ll-b. Medford Opera Mouse was plaed and the first prize, a cut glasH dish, won by Miss Mevcr, nnd the gentleman's prire, a silver mnti'li boy TRADE THE GREAT LAUGHING SUCCESS t i illffl It acres Bear creek bottom ( 31 In' alfalfa, fine stand. Irrigated, u-rooni! house, other bulldlncs, stuck, tools,,! etc: best little n'lfnlfa ranch In the' per acre, easy terms. ' J ! W. E. Coijey. a recent arrival In Medford from Washington;' is build ing a tine bunt-alow on t three acre tract ot land ho recently purchased on North Riverside avenue. C. M. KIdd Is making several re pairs on bis Xortb Central avenue home. TOP LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 t K - ttt , tttt1 FOR SALE New 5 room modern residence in nice locality. Client will take equity In 4-cyllnder auto, balance can be paid monthly It de sired. C. A. McArthur, room 3 P. O. block. Phono 3C81; Home 279. 183 FOR "SALE 5 room modern" bunwa low on paved street; ownpr leav ing city and wl.ll sapr(flpo. 8mall ca.8h payment and easy terms, C. A, McArthur, room 3 P. O. block. Phone 3C8l, Home 279. 183 WANTED By reliable party, fruit or stock ranch on percentage, one, two or three years. D., care Mall Trihuno. 188 FPR SALE Sna,p on small ranch, nearly 2 acres, city I'mlts Gold Hill; ISO all kinds of fruit trees, CO pears, DO apples and peaches, 25 miscellaneous trees; grapes; bush fruit; fenced; cnmpluto Irriga tion system: one block from new I2Q.000 high school; Just place small cqliool family tp truck and ralso 2000 chickens. Free range fpr cow. Bargain prlte flQOO, Worth double. Will consider ex chutige auto or anything of equal value. Wm, Soarle, Medford, Ore goii. At ranch till November 1st, 183 valley. 5325 Accent good nnncr with cash. tlJO acres, flno ntock nnd alfalfa ranch, 100 acres" In bottom soil, 701 of this cultivated, 20 In alfalfa, Irrl-f? Killing ttucn win cover tuu acres, nU tillable; good barn, I room house, ! family orchard largely Bartletts. 50 1$ acres logged off, easy cleared, flnou creek through tract, Ji5 acre; will take good papers niiHlnefs location, 2 acres bottom with barn, shed, large lot with 1 room house, all wlro fenced, perpet ual water right, sewer system, post office at place; trade for house and lot. 1G.00 Has done $22,000 yearly. Large So. Oakdalo lot and other good lots for good acreage, no Incum brance on these. 330 acres Willamette valley, 100 bottom land cultivated; buildings; $50 acre, trade cmlty $0500., Portland houos for ranches. 1800 ncres wheal land, 1G50 In cultivation, for good acreage, 1ft4 acres stock nnd dairy ranch, Willamette valley, 100 In cultivation, large house and outbuilding, tnko city property. Clark Realty Go. THE. j traveling! 1 SALESMAN Ity .lames 1'oiIms, Author of "Till'. CIIOUIS l.DV" sun Philips BMg. Pacific 2331. MOST iisoi'.ssi:i COM i:iv of the cu.vnriiv THE I'LAV WITH o.r. TIIOl'.S.WIl LAt'CUS tiii: itiroun 9 Months New York. 7 Months Chicago 5 Months Boston Ojlguul Scenic mitt Elctttiinl Eipilpiiieut unit t t'oiiininy ot t'nii snnl Evielleiue, ludtldllig DON MacMILLAN and DOROTHY GREV 1'ihrs Sl.wll, 1.00 mill ."l()c. Heat miIo .Mouilay .Morning, lliikliii' . i Wedding Gilt Gorham Silver 'I'odny, ns in oltlt'U Unio.s, 1 1 i 'liiorfl 'lui i.slit'd 'il'ls v lliost of (loltl or Silver--liiM'' tho nrtiHtir iiu'rit tfivtss m vuliio I'm hpyontl iiit'iv iiiti'insii' worth. Tho w u i u n I ilvcr sniitii m.'ulo u iNiiise of his Initio It Ih tlft loucho.s iinpnrlod life niul iiioiuiin (o I he p vo c i o us utotiil ami IhroiiKh it guvo oxpivs sion io (lit purii.y mid heavily of his thought. ( torliam Silvcrwuro of I o tl it y I'l'pivsenlH I he hiL,'ht'sl allaiuiiit'iil of liio Hlivoixilitli's crafl. Mvory pipco hntriu tho (io'rhaiii (ratio marlc has artistic sinificaiii't and trutt value far jxroul or than more display it holds a distinguished place in Ihl world of art, Oorhain S il ve rwar has a world with) pre eminence a position j us I ly merited and maintained for genera tions a reputation cov eted by ot hoi's, bill nov el attained. . ., Sold everywhere, by leading jewo-lora. the . Gorham Co. Silversmiths New York F carry a large assort ment of (jorhani Silver. Martin J. Keddy The Jeweler Near Post Office I FOB SALK Bicycle. $G; l-lirli cen trifugal putnj), jlO; two Hoiidau rliickeus, i cutest luyers, J5 (cost 10); roll, ijettln; , 17C,egg now ncubator, f 1G, cost $aG; bniodeis; new kitchen cubluotj lt, cost I22.C0: heater, $3; r0 feet garden hose, $2.r.0. 320 South King street. 183 Don't MOsM ' k' sh)' spP'VHH Be Clothes-HandicdDped AVIIIOX TIIIO OPPORTUNITY TO ATTAIN A D1S TINCTIVIO ALUM3AUANCK UtfS SO MASifiV WITH IN YOl'l? IM5ACII. OITU N10W FALL CLOTUKS OKb'KU VOU TIIK VIOKY LATEST IKTUOPOLITAN STYLKS AT ABOUT HALF AlITKOPOIilTAN PRICKS. TIIKY'RK UKADY NOW. AUU YOU i AV 10 AUK KXCLUSIVU UANOLICRS OF TIIW IIKUSIT WK'K AVIRItJ TO.'S CLOTH KS, THE LINK THAT YOU 1)Q NOT PAY FOR ADVIORTJSINO WIIFN YOU MUV, MlTT QUALITY AND WOIfKArANSllIP. , EEIQEg WE AIE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR KJXPXC:.p, YASSAR SWISS UNDERWEAR, WIL- SON BROS. SHIRTS, MODEL SHIRTS (UJION .MADE),' CARHART WORK CLOTHES (UNION MADE), BOYS ELK BRAND CLOTHING, "PEER. LESS" TROUSERS. A Royal Flush. Take the deck and you can't oqual it for nionov, marbles or chalk. . mm MODEL CLOTHING CO. (B9 W'wJr.r. CORNER MAIN AND BARTLETT ill HI IpI) ifli lit Ml I ihI fee H Un ' II ln V Dtilinid br lllk. WM.O.Co