-' ) iJWu W IB' f : i it1- I". . L-.T iv:.H '" MTDDTTORD MATT, TRIBTTNTE, MTCDFOTtD. OKFION, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1911, rPAOE FtVE Mutt Underestimated Little Jeffs Pugilistic Proclivities By "Bud15 Fisher - i v 4 t " 1. . i ' " ' , - , t ' I ,W -a rsCfAWT OGNrypwT i "glSf .1 - - -, S "" tub nea' V ' - "' , tobODU.. f rfSm rffcOc! ' ,' ft, (S.JCFr, COIN k v, THftCoN (N ; btflggU 3MT0 0GM-yP SwpANO 'jt .Bfej 'I TfcCV- TrUJ CP f Bfe) WTCHJGfW Kj 4 HL S-Fl 'Es 2 P"j Hr Y PP 7 Hfcifcr-" Er tit , l l l CITY NOTICES. OKDINAMOJ 110. 6011. ,n riiniiico KHWNitini; Urn jtroprr' nilluPcnl li' mnl lieiiifll.il I'V (li mid It lll.'ll iMtl-Wt Hotter l'UIIlIIUt,ol uluiilf ii ll V li.il w..fli( - it Aiilii- menu" mnl Jii ks.ni Imutoviinl from ItiHifti'Vi'li uv iii l'i Or.jKoii lerrnoo. Uii. cost of roll Hirudins ,lli wniii. unit i.tovhllii-t lli MIUIIIIIT lf ('lirr)IIIIC H.llll UHHeHHIIIOIlt Into full ifftt'i ... Tin' I'lly of .Mf.lfnril ilnlti ntititln nn fllllllUH' Hiii"n I Wlixrcitx, llin oily oiiinnll illil liiti'liifur.' iitmlil" hy nrilliiuiir.i fur lh iwiiliiK ( Hi uunum of irii-ri)' HiU'iil i"l !'fii-ni'l ly ilin oiiii MMii'tl'iii tf III" lult'titl miwir Imri'liij tiller il-i'rH'tl In nlOM'tir liiifuro itlil ihiihk'II Mini Hlniw i'iiuhk. ir tiny, why ihiIiI imijwity niiimlil nut I hi iiHHuKK.'il fur lint riiimii iil..i of ill hmwi'T. mnl tllil. ft h turn- fur limultiK uny iith iri- lltHlM. Mllll'll lllllll. WHK ItlVt'll III ". inntaiii ltli mint iiiilliiiiin iniiro limn leti ilHyit lfit ill" tixuliinliitf f " miimtnidtlnii "f Willi Miwur. lull no l'i imiIh hmhIii"! Mini I'liiiHiriiKiInn or rMtWHIflll UT III' rout lll.'MMlf MIIN lllllll" liy hyiii Hint 'ilil wvt.r vhn, ly mla ittiurll, uiilrtiMl riiimlrurli'il. Alir, MlMfMIM. Illl UHll of llm conitlriic tli.ll uf tMlit ih-HiT liilN Inwil lllililrf nml lirrin in itf. rmiiK'ii in Iim ili kuiii ir Vi'iw. iiprxfir. Hrtlil rily ilulli offluln Hint il.clni llml wicli Wiri'rl nf ihoihtIX i)hmiIImhI Ulor In iiilliifKiit In nml liril" fli tiy llmt isTlftln Hlrl mwiir mnl li InWirM In Kl". quimlruolmJ nil lly ImlHi'fii Unwii Aiiim onniip ami Jink h lHiiilnl fnnii llimill imuiini la UrrMun irtr.ir. nml llml tli" rirt)rlln of iln turn! nf milil Hiittur vililrli vncU or Willi uurfi'lM nf limit ili'u!.l linir. Iinnnt im On- I., mtlu i.trvl rpt.tivply liy rwl.l m-m-ikI IrmilH of luinl. In ltij iiliiiiintl iwl iiimii.IIii iliii ilirrlitliiii kii'Ii Kiri--l Im-Iw. mnl Hi"' hh'Ii r i"l'l InUiMm Ik .ii-tiiiilly lifni'flliMl In tlin oimmtii Kt iiiionIIi II il'f Int Inn !" In liy lli iiHinlriirHiiti nf imlil nr. Htu llmt ""l'i m'vitiiI .iiiiimiiln rriri'Hnt Hi- imiMirllnnal lirliifll" '' "','' wlJ tmiln ft"ni wiUt imt. Anil icli or khIiI iinrr.-lii In Inriliy n'w'wl i" iiiiiiiiiiiI Ki'l iiiMi.llii li ilimcrliiUnii Itmnw fur lli' I'uiiKlrurtlim nf intlil wit lliw limiif nlilHiiilnt: iilmit iih'Ii itm!rlilluli IhiIiiK I In- inillli- "f Hi" oVnT, r rtiUtinl liMIIMr. iifrtirli Sllfll "'": J,';Vli!rMI . AHHKHMMISNT 111 A AMI INl'll ivri: Ai. tueivuit thih,ii;ii ."- twv Htrrwiiiw gt i:kn anni: AVKNUK ANI JAl'KHON It !';;: VAIIIi l-'UOM UciliMKVKI.'P AVKNUi: ani oitiMiuN Ti:ititAi;i: AwH-miinniii Ni I -A U. Hlurln. llin Minili Imir r li 6. I'liM'U I. y A tin- ...l.llllt.ii. ; nf lfr.l. n;.H.. fruiil- HtU'Vi t f''l Hll" l,,,r f"u, ' " ",,X--i-"l..?nN.. -Qu.t. Anno A.WI tliin luo. I"l 4. t'l''l4 I. Owl Aniw ml.llllnn. City nf .Mr.lr.ilil. JfyKJi rrnniKKf 6 mi iti "rili Jv ,'2: ikiI.I nFli'y. & f'ii ," l"'r r'K,' '' iiitiniin. in. . A uua. Ill-l.t Nil 3 li.ii lltll 11.1 I. lll.HM IiiWH 11111. ' -- ' .. Z J . ' , . . mUniln... . miv ..I . ..n.. w . rriHUHK" ", " v -;' ,-, li Mill lllll'J . ' f'"!. lull' twl" "" M,I!S11iii"!.i"nm .Q..r.'t. Annn AiMI urn" hi.'. ii J. ." 'i ""r" v,"", iVilillllo . CHv nf M.Mlfni.1. orrKoni In.! ulW. n fi-uli ruin HT fmil, l li, ""Ainlnt" No I Ju.n Anna A.l.ll tlmrtiu", in S. 'I"' ; H,"",J Mm". ,,V,.iii.ii. 'city r aiwifyrt:.. "f.VJf'.'f ...- r.ii tti (in iiiti iii(iii P"t"F --. tnV CITY NOTICES. Kiilil itlly. Co fi.it; nitu ir fun I, fl Id; iiin.itint. 171 DC AiNiiiHnini No :o quenn Anno A1 illliiiii. I in,'., tut I, iii.Hik u. uiii-.-ii Ami" iiilitlllmi, City of Mrilfiir.l, Orrttnn. fruiilurf.i 60 r.'i't mi llin imrlli nl.l f mil. I nllny: to r.iitj rul inr foot, fl l, niii'iiinl, (7.oo Amn-nmni'lil Ni. 21 cjiirfii Anni) Ail illtlmi. Inr.. I"i 0. I'lm'k 7. Oii.xmi Amiu ii.l.nilon, City nf .Miilfonl. iir.'uuii; finlilnuii 17 fi'.'t nil till) mil til Hi. In nf iuiIiI nllry. 17 frut, iiiln jmr fil, H.li iiniiiiinl, 101 td AmM-nHini'iil Nn. J2. Qiii'im Anil" Ail illlli.n, I lii'. Iit u, hliM-lt 1. Oiii'.mi Alum i.l.lilluii, City uf .Mi.lfnril, nKm: fruiiimin il ( 'ii tlm mirth ilit" ( mil. I iilli'V. 17 f.'ft. nitn lvr font. II. 4k; .llliritlttl, Rv ( AHn.iimiiiixit No. 13 Qili-i-il Ann.' Ail illliiiii. Inc. lot 4, lilnok 7. qiniii Alum .iililllluii. Cltv nf .Mnlfiirii. OiPKniii front'. k' 4 ''''t "i Hi" nnrtli nllit nf wihl ulW. 47 rMt, lulu jir fot. t: in; inn. mnl. t'J it Aniu'DMintiit Nn 21 iii-n Ann" . ) 1 1 1 tin. Hie . lot 3. til.H'k 7, iJiiiini Ann a.l.lllinli. CUV f Mi'ilrnnl. (iri'Uniw frunlHk-'' 47 fi-ot nil tll linrlll HliI" I'f kiltl ullv). 17 r.-ul, into nvr fnoU l.4k, iiiiiiiiiiiI. 19 it . , AiMHiinlilHiit Nn. SS.Qiiinmi Anno Ail illtl.m luo , lot 2. Itlnrk 7, Oiircii Aiiiip ml. Illl. hi. Cllv of Mritfiilil, Orounn. fionlimn 47 fi"t tin thn north nlil" nf pwil.t iilloy; 47 ri'tit, nitu twr foot, 11.411; .uii.iliiit. lilO 50 . . , Amn'iiiuiit Ni. JC Quon Anno Ail illiiiin. Inr., lot 1. hlnok 7. Ouphii Anna ii.lillllon, Cltv or AlpiUori), Oruison. fr.inUK" 47 r'l mi tlm north nl.Jo or mini Mlii-y. 17 f.-ut; rnto r fnnt, ll-IS. inn. unit. CB 8. AKHi'immxlil No 27 Ainlltt M. '!'? Int . iil.K'k , gm-i'ii Aniif inl.ilitnn. t-Uy r Mnlfiirii. Oiriiuii; fnmtuKw 17 fiot nn llin north hi.lii of widl nllpy. 4. f.'.'t, rutu ih.r f.i.it. It IV. miioiiiil o! 5C. AM'uiiiM No. S Jiit'i Annn A.J )ltlun I no, lot . Mock ?. giK'"" Ann.' iHl.lltl.in. Clly or Mmlforil. 4ririi. fr..nt.i( 12 fii't on Hi.' north ll t Mlil nHoy. 52 ri'tit. rate iht foot, fl 48. mnniint, tiO.vc. . , , AninnNiliinit No. 29 Quofln Alih Ail lltlnit ,ne. lot 7, Mock , giu--n Ann. ii.lilltloii. Clly or MimHWiI. (rKoii. fronliiw.' 112 ftfl on tti" north ll.i of rirtlil nllnyi 6S f.wl! ruto r foot, ll.lt aiiioiliit 176 96 . , , , MAdotnnni'iit No. 30 -Qneon Anna Ail illiiiin, Inc. lot . block . Qucuii A tino ii.lilltloii, City of M.'.lfor.l. ttroKon. rn.i.tuuii 112 r-t on lln north Mb or Kiilil iilli'V. 52 r't, rule ikt titol II. 4. iitiiotml 176 PO. An. HHini'iit No. 31 Qootm Anno Ail itllton. Ino.. lot B. block 0, uuiwii Annii ii.l.lltlnit. Cltv or Jtp.lfor.1. OrcKon: rrontuun 82 ft'ol on tin' north jbio milil nllny; 5S r.-ot; rntn l"-T fimt. Il.4; iiinoiint 176 96. ..... . , , Arou'imiiiiitit No. 31 Qnt'cn Anno A.I illtlun. Inc. lot 4. block V. Um-cn Anitr nililltlnii. City or JiMHiiru. um-kuo. ti Tuft uii inn niiriu p. ui- " CITY NOTICES. n.l.llllnn, rrontuKi. wtlil nll.iv .- . 1-1 HA Huh In. . lot . bjock I. UiKi'ii Anno ii lilltlo city of Mi'ilforS. ri'Kon. f. .. 10 f.-t on 11." tittHlt t.1.1" nf iuiIiI nlicy: t f""!. rutu icr font. II.IK, '" All!.'.-."?.!' No. 7 - -Q. Ann" A.l.ll. Ilirti hi' II V 'ok 3. god'" Atmij .. .Viu'iIiii Cllv of M.'ilforil. Ori'Kii! K lM.ii tl. iioril. i.7 r .l nlioy. I'" toot; r..to per foot. H-4K, ,l,lAr.,;.".,tUNo It -Qtwon Anno A.bU- tli.ii no. HI blook 3. Qi Anil" ii I'll. I " t Ity of Moilfonl. t)rc(5oiii f u 50 ...H on II... nnrll. Hl.lo f wiiil i niioy: 50 foot, rnio per fl. 1 1 M mii'.iiiit. .171 n ,,.,. ...... Aj,ii. ANM.K.HIIIO..I .'"I ..:"-"......... A..... ....... r. r.i.,1 on . III'lllHIl" ' - - ...-- - - - t ..... ...I.... r-. aI . fill.. Ik.tr r.Hlt. II. IS. -gticon Anno A.WI I, .,. tjc 36. ik l.,g.iorii.' Aiimi . HI(.H'Minonl No. 39. guoii Anno A.I- ll...lf..uil I i-M If A til " ... A K .!.... 11 (til .AS lull Milium, inc.. li a, uiu.-K v. win-. "" HiMitlon. City or AioUfonl. fKn , froiiltiuo 2 fo.t on tlm north xl.lo of I wihl nlioy. 63 r.ot, mto por root, II 4H. iiinioiini I76.ur, I Aio.onmt.nl No 31 Qiioon Annn A.I- '.Hit Inc. lot 2. block 0. , Qyoon Anno lii.l.lllllnii, Clly or MiUronl. Dri-Kon ' .M .- .. .1... ...r.ll Ulllll 1.1 ironiiiuu j ivci . urn "";.. ,"',. .,-. nni.i nilov: ss rout; mto i"r root, ll.li. tiliioiint 176 06. . , . .. AmtoHHiiu'iU No. 35 Qnoon Anno, Ail .lillon. Inc. lot I. block P. Win on Anno ii.l.llilon. Cltv or Mo.iror.l. Or. 'o i. fr..ntK" 50 ret on II." mirth ubl.; of mil. I iill.-y, 50 foot, mto por root, Bl.m, "I'lloi-N.. 36 -A. N. lllMrt.rnn.1 il.-. nnrtli Imir of lot ll. block I. gncon l llf'l ll ii." " ,--,',' ,; fto fool; lulu per fool, II. 15 Him III... It. I 7. lOO.t -i wii'-i'V " .Vi'iii. Clly of M-Uforil. (irok'on. fm, F- BO 7.-1 on th" north Hl.b; o( ".T.I iill.-y. 50 riot, mto por root. U 4H, ""VZ-Ji'iimoJa Nii. lo.Q..oon Anno AU illil.m li e . lot 0. block 3. giicji Ann" .'.Si'.'.'...' 'ity or .M...ir..niY 0..: finniiiKo "ii root on urn "'!" ."7, i,, JhVi.i 1 iTloy. 50 foot; rnto por root, l 4H, ninniiiii. ''"".. AHIIIM.HIII..II. 11 ijnoon Anno Ail- "' a'JL.hhiii . ii l No. 12 -g.i'icn Anno Ail- .i- iVnno. t7 I til. nM.iii.i.n ..-;,.. ,. ftn.,,,11 ..AHH.tf.Hni.il n. ;. buoon Anno "'.' V "" ;.. V.' I'.r Moiir or.l. OroKon. """ '.' r,"..... mi tl.o north Hl.b. i,V rmy "fit fVoli into lu-r foot, miioiiiil. 7lJi AhmiiHHIIIoiii ii". II, Qnoon mi i.r 11 i; Anno An- Allll" J.f.1.1 nUoy. r.o foot; ml" por root. MK. niminiii, ."", ir. -Onoon Anno A.l AHHiHHiiioiit M. '; .'"Y 'onoon Anno ......mil 171. 0 AHiirttHinriit N Aiiiitm 1 Inn . hit M.lillMnn. (MtV Of ii rniuiii Anna Ail in M" " :: a ...... . '..".!. .M,,ws..Hv:,n. Hi 'in'-". M cil fun 9Stfr.SrJWft iiiiiiiiiiiI. """., i7o,.oii Anno Ail- !!J;:;5,Vo.,.,,onrrPiifl' tulil 1 ilrioy. r,n root; into por r....t, l is, f ... 50 fool on Iho iittrtli ."V m i.1.1 nn..v.r.n rooti min por root, mn. Anno uillllon. Clly or Mo.iroi.l. fVK""; rn.ntiiKP 50 r.'i't on I bo H..11II1 h.I nr uiiil alloy. 611 riiil; rli per root, ll.ih, '"XZ'I.'h.uViiiV. 37, -Mjiry O'Nol. lot 10. nml tho woHt Imir or lot M. .block 1, u..i' A no ii.l.llilon. City or Mclfor.. n .mil: rrontiik'o 75 root on tho mini 1 hI.Io ..r Hiibl ulloy; 76 root; mto por 1001, II IX; minium in.. ,ii..i AHHOHHIIIOIlt No. 38 W. II HI K nn. bit 12, nml llto oOHt Imir or lot 11, block , gn.:..n Anno u.l.llllon. City nfMoiKi n I. liroison, rnmliiKo 76 f.-ut on Urn k.iiiIIi Hi.ii. "r mini nllov. 75 r.l; mto por root, II 4K. mnoiint, 111! 00. AHHoMHinont No 30 Qnoon Anno A.l- iIIIIkii, Inc. Int iJ. ItlocK.l, wuoi'ii .' mbll.b.n. . MIV ;. uf M. OroKon. fllllllllUI' UU JOOI 1111 ...u ni.i.-ii "" ," h'.IiI nlWi 60 f.;.it; rnlii por root, t.4S mnouiit moo. ln .. ahh.'hhiiioih io. y""" " i.:::. illilon. Ino. lot II. block!, gncon Anno ii.bllllou. .City . or win in . "'. rmntiiKo do i.'.'i 00 i no ri.iini " " M.il.1 iitloy. 60 riot, into por root, 1. 48; .......it... .71 (111. " viiuiiiiMirii.nt No. 41 Qnoon Anno A.l- .llt'on In", lot 10. I lock 3. gncon Anno I.I It .11. CI y of Mo.iroril. On-won: rr im ik 50 root on iho Himili bb; t ii.i.i llov: 60 root; into Pr root, II.4SJ it I il iunmim, .y. ,. ..rt A.... A.l. llil.m no. lot 1 1. block a, "ijuooii Anm; niiilltlon. (Miv ;. .ir. .J''""" 1,. "K"w iVhiXv-Vrtiiiiio, root; ins. "'AHHoiiHrntml"'.. 43,-Quoon Anno A.l .11 Inn Ino . Inl 13. block.3. Quooii. Aiiiii ...l-llllo". '''."L ? ':'MO" ii. V ...r of rroi.liIKO no loot uii . .. - - 51,1,1 ull.-y ;60 root; into por r.ioi, Il 4'.. iiinoiint III""' ... .. n........ A.,..n Ail. -SSSa:iS f....t mi tho Hi.iith nhlo. riniiiiuo IIW...-1-. ."" '"----.... in Hiil.l 11II0.VI 60 foot; mio por im... '''AHHoHHimmrNo. ir..-Q..oon Anno A.l- .llil.m lie. lot I . I'l'" a' llU0"Al A,,,u) ..l.iii in F i'lly of MP.iror.1, Or.'Kon: r .11 li B foot on llu Himili Hl.lo of Hii.l Hoy. 6 foot; mto por root, 1.4hj "' AHHOK'Nin 'i.T No. 10-Q.i 1 Anno Ail- iiibllllini, i'v . 11I Mo.iror.l. "f.1. ,.r Srioiiliiiio no fol on Iho 1101 ill Hlilo of " " A " I rt ,UAHH,HH.n' No. 4d.-Quoon Anno Ail, .llil.m Tin . in 1G. block :i, Qnoon Anno liiton cty or MoiUoni. Oiohoii; rr, ik 50 root on tlm Himili ,fll'.' 'f mini ' ilRoyi f' fcol mto por root, 1 IS, U,AHH0Hi..m.ntlNo. 47,-Quoon Anno A.l- .llim.T lo. tot 10. block :i..Qiioon Aino III 1. City i.r Mo.Uoi.l. OroKon. fto 60 foot mi tlm .iit1t Mlily jf h'.i.i iiiioy; so root; into por root, m M,C'iJ.H.fil!UN. IS.-Qnoo!i.AiiAA'V. ilUlnii Inn., lot 17. niocii a. wnoo" i.' I.lliiiii. C IV f MoilniiU. Oli'Koni SB BO foot on llto wiulli Hlily nf hi "if Hoy; 50 root; into por loot, 1.4S; "M HMoHHi'iont No. tH.-Quoon Anno A.l illtlun, Inc., lot 18, block a, Qm-n Anno city or MoiHtir.l, Or.-Kon; 6u r.-ot on tho hoiiIIi hIUo or H.il.l niioy. 60 r.'i't, rnto por fool, 11. it. IIIIIUlllll it 1 UII. A;h'hhiiiiiiiI No. 50 Qnoon Anno A.l .11 1 Inn, Inc., lot R, blook 5, Qiioii Aiimi ii.lilltloii, Clly or .Miilfonl. OroKon; fllllltllKil CU foot. 011 tl.ll HOIItll Hl.b. or h.iIi! iilloyi 60 r.vl. ntto r foot, 11.41, iiinoiint. 171.00. AHM.-HAiiimit No. SI Qnoon Anno Ad illtlon. Ino., Inl 7. blook 6, gui-mi Anno u.l.lltlon. City of Mo.lr.ir.1, Orogoiit rrmitni;.! 60 ft"'t on tho houiIi nl.lo of h.IiI nlloy, 60 r.-ol. rnto 1t root, It.U; iiiii'iiiiit, 171.00. . AnKOHNinciit No, 62 Quoon Anno AU lliloii, Ino.. lot K, blook 6, Qut-i'ii Anno Ait.lttlon, City of .Mi'.iror.l, i)r-K(m: froiltllK 50 fm-l, on tin. HOIItll Mltl" nf mill nll.-y; 60 fi.-t, rntn p.r root, II ID, mnoiint. 174.00 . AtoKotniiirnt No. 63 Quocn Anno Ail .liMim. Ino. lot il. block 5, Utji-oil Anno a. billion. (.'Ity' or Mi.ir.ir.l. OroKOn: riniitiip. 60 root on th. ho. nli nii r 11.11.I nlloy; SO Vol, rnto por foot, II IK; 1. 10.111I. 174 00 AHm-HNintmt No 64 Qtiflon Anno AiN .Jill. .11. Inc. lot 6, bliH-k 5. Q.i.jj-n Anna itiblltlon tt City of .Mo.iror.l. Oroon. fl'.llllllK". 60 root on tin. HOIItll Hltbi or .ilil nilvy; 60 root, mto ht foot, II. IS iiiiiiiiiiiI. 174.00 AHH.,HHiiituit No. SS Qili'ii Anno Ad dition, Inc. lot 7. bliifk 7, Quoon Anno iitblltlon, Cltv of Mcilf.ir.l, Urocon. frnnli.K" 47 foot tin Iho noutli mI.Ip of nu lil nlloy; 47 foot; ruin pur foot, 11.41; amount. 109.66. Aimt'HHinoiit No.. 66 Quoon Anno Art .IMI1111, Ina, lot if, block 7, Quoon Anno a.tltlon. City or .Mptiror.l. Oregon; rrontiiun 47 rout on tlm hoiiIIi Hblo of h.iI.1 nlloy. 47 r.-ol, rato pvr root, II. tS; iiuouut. IC9.6C. AHHi-HRiiiout No. 67 Onoon Anno Ail dltloii. Inc. lot 9, block 7, Qu.-on Anrm hUiIIIIoii, City or Mctironl. Ort-Kou; rront n;i 47 root oil thn HOIItll Hlilo or ratttt oll.'y; 47 r-'l; rato por foot, $1.4$; iiinoiint. 169 66. Npi-.m'Ul No 68 Qnoon Anno Au dition, Inc., lot 10, block 7. Quoon Anno ...iiiiii.ii. t'lty or Alniri.nl, Oroun; rront i;.' 47 r.-ot on tho noutli hI.Io or Hiibl ill 1 -v. 47 root, into por fool, IMS; amount jen.Sfl. Ahh.-hhuh'IiI No. f-9 Quoon Anno nd- dlllon, Ina. lot II. block ".'Qu.-rii Anno iti.lltlon. rity i.r Mo.Uonl. Un-Kon; fronr- ica 47 fool on tho H.iulh Hide uf until llo. 4J r.i'i. rnto jht foot, ll.is; StIIOUUt, 1(9.66, AhKOHrinout No. 60 Quoon Anno Ad 11 Hon, Inc. lot 12. block 7. Qut-ou Anno iiltlllluu. Clly or Motironl, ()ro:on; front l.o 47 fr't on tin. H.iulh hI.Io or mild .lit 3-; 47 r-ot. rote por foot, II. IS; imoiint, IC9.66. AHHoHHinont No. 61 KmtlllA M. Tur- or, lot 10, block 9, guoon Anno ii.lilltloii. ly i.r Moilfonl. tiroffon; rmntngo 52 fol on tho Hiiulh Hlilo or mtlil ull.-y: 62 -.-t. mto pvr fool, II. IS; nmount, 76 96. AHHoHHinont No. .13. Kinlllla M. Tur- or. lot II, block 9. Quoon Anno atbll- ion, city or .Mi-ilford. Oregon; frontiuto 2 fri't on tlo noutli Hblo of Hald ulloy; 2 root; rnto por foot, 11.48, uinouui, 116 96 AHHKHHtuont No 63. Ktnlllln M. Tin rr. lot 12. blbrk 9. Quoon Anno n.lilltnn, 'liy of Moilfonl, On-Ku; frontaRs Si. C -l uii tho Mouth hI.Io or alil alloy: 62 'i-ot. rnto por foot, IMS; amount, TO 9C. AHHoHHinont No 61. nuillllit M. Tur ,r. lul 13, blouk II, Quti-n Anno uitilllloi., Tiy nf Motironl, Oregon; rrontnro 63 'rot on tho Houtll Hl.lo or mild nlloy: 62 foot; mto ikt root, 11.18, iiiuotint, 176.96, AHHokHiuont No, 65. Quoon Anno Ad dition, Inc.. lot 14, block 9. Quoon Anno iitltllllou. Clly uf Mcdfortt. Or.'Kon; front-111.-1. 6J root oil tin. hoiiIIi Hblo or HO III ulloy; 62 root: rnlo pt-r foot. $1.48; mnoiint, I7C.90. AHHoHHinont No. fiO Quoon Anno Ad IIII..11. City i.r Motiror.l, un-gon; rrontngo 13 root, on tbu Miutli cltlo or nnlit nlloy; U root; mto por root, $1.48; utnouin, 176 U6, AHHOHNiui-nt No 67. Queen Anno Ad dition, Inc. Inl Id. block 9, Quoon Anno uil.lltloii. City or Motironl, OrvKOh. front i.KC 62 foot on tho Houth Nhlo of wild ul b'V, 62 foul; mto iht root, I1.4S; nuiouui 176 96. AHHoHHinont No. 68. Quoon Anno Ad illtlon, Ino, lot 17. Mock 9, Quoon Anno iitl.lttloii. City or Moilforil. OroKon; front iiuo 62 fool 011 tlm Month nhlo of Hold nlloy; 63 root; mto per font, $1.18; iiiiuiiint. $76.06. AhkohhiuciiiNo. 69. Quoon Anno Ad dition. Inc., lot 18. block 9, Quoon Anno niiilltlon. City of Motironl. Orogon; fronl- tlUO 60 root Oil tllll HOIItll fllll Ilf Hlllll ulloy; Qo root; mto iir root IMS; iiiuount, $74.00. Horllon 2. And It In hereby ordered, nml ontutnod thut nld novnrul iihhohh moiitH nml tho HoilH thorcof bo cntorod In tho Hen tlockot or H.tlil city, nml Hint tliotoupou nut loo Im kIvoii to tho tiwuori.. or 1. Minted owiiith, or kjiIi! proiiorty, nml Hint tlm Hnnio bo onrorcotl anil t-ullrctoi, In tho nutniior provldod by thn ohnrtor of hiiIiI oily ror tho collodion or ohhohh-iiu-utH ror tho liupruvfinoutH of HtrootH thoroln. . . Koctlon 3. It Ih rurlbor ordorod tlmt llin iintlPo nbovo provldoil for bo nub HhIioiI throo tlmoH In tho Dully Mull Tribune, 11 nt.WHpitpnr publlHhod unit or gonornl olroiibitlou In nnld city, In the miinuor provldott by oiillnitneq No. 250 uf Hiikl oily. Tlm rorognlng ortllnnneo wan imnsoil by Iho city council uf tho City or Mod rout, Oivkiui, on tlm 3rd diiy of October, I'JIl, by tho following; vnit Morrlok, nyo, wutt, nyoj Wortiuiui, uyo: Kmor lilc, uliHout; Mlfort, nyo, mid Mlllur, uyo. Approved Octobur lib, 1911. W. II, CANON, AltoHt: Mnyor. ItoitT. Tni.KHIl, Clly ltoitirdor. NOTICIJ. To llin owner, or ieimto.1 owner, of uiicli parcel of property tloHcrlbotl In tho foregoing ordlimuco, iih uiuueil tliorelu nml In. tho Hen dcohirctl by mild onll niinee, nn recorded In tho docket of oily Ileum You nro hereby notified tlmt tho nn HOHtimout ileclurod by tho foregoing onll nnneo Iiiih been iniitle nod tho Hen there for entered In tho olty Hen docket, nnd that the Hiiiiut Ih duo mid you nro here by reunited to pity tho hiiiiio to tho city recorder within ten duys renin the nervi lee of ( li Im notice, whlcli Horvlco In nindo by publication of thin notion mul tho foiegolng or.llnanco lliroo Hiuoh In the Mi'iU'uril Mnll Trlbun'i., putiiuaut to nn order of llio cllv oouuell uf Haiti olty, ' HOI1T. W. TKI.Pigil. City Heeortler, IlnBklns for U0.1IU1, llfjc Hjirny. W nrn tltutrllHitlni; nRontii for OroKnii for tlm liox Hprny Co.'b nffll Ititcil factories. Call and Kot our cntili or tltno Irrmii. ProdncorB' Fruit Co. Haaklna for Health. STOLEN. HTOI.KN Thurml.iy forenoon, from ro. Ixiicu A. II. WllllaniH, 619 IMwitnlH Ht., black uiul y.-lloiv nml r.mnry. ICownrtl for Information. I'nrly HURplclonotl. Jh3 FOUND BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITIES. I'Olt HAM-Healnurnnt nnd cunfoc IWihory 'HlOro .eoinbino.1, ror milo In Hliiiill town ticrtr Moilfonl. Addronrl Ibix 80, i-nro Mall Trlbuuo office. 137 I'Olt .SAI.I Hmnll boanllng Iioiiho. vor' clionrr. Ilont ri.'i.Honoblu. Apply 231 V. l'lflli Nt. 185 FOR RENT TnraUiiea oom. KOIt IU:NT TJireo rootnn with ntovni. 2: Urga nlcoplng 2 South Holly. XOUth KOIt Iti:NT 8-rnom mo.lein Iiouho largo caHt front lot with hIih.Io trw-n; 1.11 Ho, OMkibilo, 3 1'lwks from Hotol Mc.ir.ird. Inqulro Jtuoni lb Jncknon Cuiiuly Hank bldg.,ur phono M. 3171 lMciric. I'Olt ltKNT Itouio at 226 Cottagr nt. JSS KOIt IlKNT i:igit I room furnlnhitl houiio, iiluinb.il nml llgtitod. 140. 729 Wt-Ht 1 1th Ht. l'Jiono 6603. 186 KOIt ItKNT I Wont 10th Ht, I'hono 403 It. riH.ni Iiouho, 17. 121$ Alo 3 room house, 1 5. 2. 18S l-OII HKNT Molrrn 6 room bungalow on pa veil Htroet cIoho In, 120 por month. Imiulru 17 K. Holly U 186 KOIt HKNT Two room furnished Iiouho with Hcrroneil lorch. liujulro Sit South (Inipo- ' 785 KOIt HHNT Three Iiouhi-h (3 to S roonu nowly ikitnted IiihMo nnd pa-pon-tl. on N. Central avo. Ono modern. Itanta rtumoimlile Call or aiMro.is W. a llnintnond, 8o. end I'cuch nt., H. 1. Hox 4. KOll HKNT $12.50 iior month, Hovcn room Iiouho on wont aide. Dr. C C. Van Hcoyoc, gulto 318 Onrnott-Corey bldg. 18 KOIt HUNT New modern nine-room bungalow on King's highway, $26 per month. Bee V. 11. Evsrliard. 909 W. Ninth atroet. Board and Sooma HOOM AND llOAIlD nt Mra. Kaya. No. 10 No. Orapo at., back of Knrmera and Krultgrowera bhlg. Moakpt04f Boom KOll HUNT PlMwnt. cleun hoimokeep. Ing rotnnii. 317 Went Second Ht. orrio rot bbi KOR HKNT Over lh poatofflca with heat and light 800 A- A. Duvla. MtiolUnor KOll I.lCASi: Vully iulpie.l placer mine. Oold liny ltealty Co., H. 101 Hlectrlo building. FOIi EXCHANGE. KOll KXCIIANOi: City or mneh prop erty for Htock, 226 Coltngo Ht 1SS FOR SALE OR TRADE. FOR SALE OR RENT 130 ncro ranoh, 300 norcn under Irriga tion, 10 mlloa from Medford. Oold Hny Health Co, 2IS West Main atreot. room 101 Klectrlc HulltHntf. H FOR SALE. Sonica KOll HAI4K .V bargain ror anybody: 4- room frumo Iiouho In rino neighbor- hootV; lnrgo Hheil chicken liouso mul 'gindim; lot 6IK1I2: only $950. Will noil furnlHhcd ir dcHlretl. 737 14th Ht near So. Newtown nve. 208 1 .1 . . KOIt S.U.i: Thoroughly inodern 5-rooin bungalow; olectrlclty.. gaa. water; $3200. $1300 down, $15 a mouth. On pavement. Call at 625 a Orapo. 185 Lot KOK HAI.i: 9 olty Iota, vnter nnd newer; $2000. flood torma, Clark Heulty Co, I'hono 2331. KOll SAT.1'3 $3000; rivo lota, now bun galow, nil modern conveniences. S nero chicken ranch in connection. Ap ply to owner, AV. M,- DavlH, Myrtlo Crook, Ore. 210 KOll HAIiH Hy owner, one or tho best clone In rcHltlenco loin In tho city, good four room Iiouho, flno', Hhiulo trees, third block from Main on S. Central, Tormn, or will take lot In putt pay liiont. lnuulro nt 230 8. Centrnl or Phono Hell C071. IS I S.'CU FOR SALE. crtiff KOll HAM-20 ncrcs gotjil land cIobo In; will rnlnn anything from garden to rrull, cheap for cah or will trndo for Inroinc proprty. Addrcan M. O., care Malt Tribune. 183 KOH HALr-6IO acre well Improved Wyoming atock ranch, clear title, clone 10 count v mill. OiniMer part trudo for unincumbered Hoguo rlvor proper ly 011 iiihIi vuluutluu. W. II Hraiu.:I, owner, (Ininta Iaa, Ore. KOIt RATaK 200 ncro stock mnch; 26 b.-atl Ht(K:k, C oreH. clckonn. tools, ere On account or nlcknoxa will sacrifice at 13500. Call at 1022 Went 10th Ht 183 KOIt HAI.K 20 ncro rino Jloguo Hlver volley luntl. good deep soil, clous to g.hxl town. Will dlvl.lo Into 10-ncro tracts If iiccivsary. Will sell for cash or give ti-rmHto suit purcham-r. Grant Alldor. 29 Summit avo.. Medford. 182 KOIt 8AM2 25 acrea of lcst of Ump qua river bottom, limine, barn, out t.ousos. 3 1-4 miles from Hbldle. In Orchard valley; 13800. Address O. A. Jonoit, Canyonvllle. Oregon. 18S KOIt 8AI.B 1 1-2 acres with new four room house; an Ideal chicken ranch; IS50 If taken within ten days. Ad ilroKH H- K. !.. caro Mnll Tribune or cull on Homo phono 285-L. OK SAI.K lOacres 3-year-old orchard. set to Newtowns. Spltx and Wlnesapa. under gravity ditch, 1 1-2 miles from Grants Pass postofflce. John II. Hair. Woodvllle, Ore. 195 KOIt 8ALH Six acres, Bmall house, nearly all In fruit, nil cleared; price $1600: to rum. Address Owner, care Mall Tribune. HELP WANTED. VAN'ri;i tlirl tifMMl WBgl-H. Fcmnlo. TilghT ror Call 51t! ItouiK-work. South aroiK 181 3Cly Wastes Sal HAI.KSltAN To aid us supply the brisk demand for our goods. Some vacant torrltory yt In overy state wost of the Mtsxlsnfppl. Cash weekly. Capital Nursery Co., Salorn, Ore. 197 WANTKD Salesman foi exculslvo ter ritory. Tilg opportunities- No expe rience necessary. Complete lino Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly, out fit free. Toppenbih Nursery Company, Toppenlah, Waah. WANTED Salesmen in every locality o the northwest; money advanced week ly; many make over $1000 month cholea of territory, Tablma Vatle Nursery Co., Topenlah. Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED .Position by experienced woman an housekeeper for widower A. D.. care Mali Tribune. 187 POSITION WANTED Hy young man experienced In correspondence, adver tising or reporting In newspapor work, salesmanship and officii work. Ad dress Hox K., care Mail Tribune. 181 WANTED Experienced wood cutter wants contract, tier or cordwood. Any amount, p. Aiken, Jacksonville. 183 WANTED Hogs or from 60 to 150 Iba. weight to reed and fatten. Will return same weight when fattened. Address H. E. Rowman, care Mall Tribune. WANTED, POSITION By young man. ns machinist or manual labor, Address Box E. G., Tribune. 182 KOIt SAI.K Kivo or ten acre, under ditch. 1 1-2 mlleH from postofflce. Vine for berries, garden or chicken ranch. See owner, 20 South Peach st. 184 WANTED WorK by the day" or lionr1. 719 South Central ave. Mrs. Lucy Davis. 183 MONEY TO LOAN acucsilaaeoua KOH SALE Jersey cow giving 3 gal lons milk per day. K taken nt once price 145. Two miles north of Jack Honvllle. M. a Danforth. 181 KOH SALE Cheap, S passenger over land iiutomtiblle. good condition. Ad dress "W" Mail Tribune. 1S5 KOH SAM. A complete amateur pho tography outfit for $25. A snap. Phone v Main CC71. 183 COItN KOH SAT.E 1 cent ier lb. Conner Tantl Co., Lower Tablo Hock. WsceUaoeoaa. KOH SALE Good gentle driving horse, with buggy and harness nearly new. Prlco right See E. l- A. Blttner, Palm bldg., opposite Hotel Nash. KOIt SAMS Poultry plant. 714 Soutti Central ave.: house and lot, togother with 800 chickens, all thoroughbreds; one fine cow nnd ono 240-egg Cypher.", Incubator, Phone C412 Main. 190 KOH SALE One Mollne endgnta seed or; 1 disk plow, 1 steel road scraper: 60 feet 1-2 inch steel cable; 1 Jersey cow; stock quashra. John IX Hair, Wooilvllle. Ore. 195 KOIt SALE Cordwood, oak nnd hard wood, $4.50 per cord In carload lota. Oold Hay Healty Co., 21S West Main; Phono 1873. KOH SALE Light wagon, taken nt unco. Cull 535 S. cheap If Grape. 183 KOIt RALE Flrat class saloon doing good bualncss; beat location In city. Address Box 6, Chlco, Cat 196 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoraeja. COLVIO & REAilES XT. M. Colvlir. C L. Reamea. Lawyers. Offlco Medford national uantc Dutioing, icconu noor PORTER J. NEKP, Wit. Attorncya-at-law. Nob. office building. P. MKaLEY 1 and 3 roat- A. E. REAilES Lwyer. building. Oarnett-Corer MULKEr & CHERR1 (B. F. MULKET, uku, w. uukukij lawyers. i-raS' tlce In all state and federal courts. Rooms 11 and IS, Jackaon County Bang mug. Aocoantanta. D. R. WOOD General accountant Your book audited and kept for u reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Mciirord aiaii Trioune uunaing, pnone con, restuence pnone tsui. Asaaysr ana Analyst. SOUTI1EHN OHEQON M1NINO BU REAU Assays made for gold, silver, load, copper, and other minerals. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports mane inereon uy competent minim: as Bayers and engineers at reasonable terms, Capital secured for developing mine and mining prospects. AU mine owners are earnestly requested to send sumnlea of their ores for exhibition puriwses. nnd send lull description of uieir mining property. Mouinern ore gon Mining Bureau, SIC West Main Street, Motironl. Oregon. WANTED. KlseUanoM WANTED To buy n good gentle milch cow. Address postorrico box 61, Moti ronl, Oregon. WANTED Plain sewing nt homo or will go out by tho day, 117 South Front Ktrcvt. 1S5 WANTED You , can't help 'but make money soiling' our guaranteod-to-glve-witlHfuetlon stock; froo outfit: cash weekly; excluslvo territory. Yakima Volley Nursery Company, Toppenlah, Washington. ' WANTED To buy small tracts near city cheap nnd easy payments, devel oped or undeveloped, O, B., core Tribune. 185 WANTED Stock of tore. Inquire .or E. SOSxtl. nil kinds to pas L. Mlnenr. Phono 1SS KOIt SALIC Hubbard Hqunsh nnd stocu squash. P. Chiyvll'o, Phono Pncirio 732-J I. 18S HELP WANTED. APSAYER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In- ceis. li. Sic. ucneral assay and an nlytlcal work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay offlca and testing laboratory in Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Puss, Or. Aicbitacta. JOHN8 A TURNER. Architects and Builders. Office 7-8. 32S Main; phone umn aii. iiesiuence pnone 7. Abstract. ROGUE RIVHR VALLEY ABSTRACT ri'ii.M uu imu., Jacksonville. 1'uonei Paolflc Main 11; Home 3006. BUllard Tanors. a T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Cigars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place tp apeim ma not anernoona. BUI Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and DIa tributor. All orders promptly filled Itoom 39. Jackson County Bank build Ing, Mftdford. Oregon. Cement Workers. WANT to savo you money. 011 your ce ment work. Work guarantied, any kind done. Call on mo nt 60S New town, st Homo phone 123 W, Chiropractors. Hely Waated Teaatls WANTED Girl ror general housowork: small wnohlng. Address Mrs. Fred Lewis. Wollcn, Oregon, 181 WANTED Girl for general housework', ono who can cook: wuges $30 per mo. Apply Ood Ray Rcilty Co WANTEDA woman to do huutmwork on farm, Bohemian, Swiss or Norweg ian; not necessary to speak English. Sleepy Hollow l-'arm. Rock Point. Ore gon, 16 miles rrom Meiiror.l on South em PaoUlo road; Homo telephone, DR. It J. LOCKWOOP Chiropractic, nervo specialist, 313 Fruitgrowers Bank building. Orrico hours: 2 to -4, Phone Homo 2G9K, Resldenco 119 Roosovolt. Hour; 10 to 13 and 6:30 to 7:30. Phone 10SIC, Special hours by appointment. Solenttrto nmssago given. Advice In dietetics. Medical gymnastla hydro therapy. Cigars and tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse-. Dealers In tobacco, cigars, and amok era' supplies. Exclusive agent nf Lewi Single Binder, El Merlto and El I'ttlen cla, 213 West Main street BUSINESS DIRECTORY. raalM Works. JEDFORD BRIl'It CO. Ura. W. Prldd. O. U Nagle.Oeo. T O'llrlen Contrac tors and, manufacturers of brick: deal era In fjamised brick nnd lime. Offlca In Oanjfx-Coray uiock, room 209. 34 floor. ITiono No. 318L Civil Sf;tser. LOUIS W WHITIe, civil engineer nnd surveyor. WuterflllngKnnd Irrigation work a specialty, surveys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering graft ing, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Roonm 1-3, AdkJns Block, Medford. Oregon. ITBraltara. H. F. 'WILSON &. CO.. dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Jlouiehold stove and ranges. IS Soutlfflr street l'liooe Main 3161. Home 2IS-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cori ner Sth and Hotly atreot. Medford, Mission fiirnlture made to order. Citb inet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & "WOLFF Cookitoven and ranges. New and second hand furnU ture. Cads old stand. 18 Fir street. South, Phone SL Home 28J-K. Medford. T Music ' MIS3 TURNEY, Piano Instruction and muHtcal history. 309 Soutti Newtown street Phone 6603 Bell. lflalBff Xacalaarjr. -TEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix, Or, or ino uenver wuartz Mill . uruanet Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo rado. Catalogues and prices can be had at Phoenix. Oregon. Matt Calhouu. Sffnrsanea. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut How era, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 921 E. Mala. Phono 374L 3UAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We are not In the trust ft. It Patterson, office removed to 116 H. Main st UOGUE RIVER VALLEY KUR8EIIY CO.. inc. Growers of high, grade nur sery stock. Offlca 101 8. Fir. Both phones. . 1 JTotary Public. vh HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary Bublta Bring your work to me at the sign ot The Mall Tribune. PbTslclasa and ararffcoas. j DR M C. BARBER. Physician and Sur-r geon Rooms, 403,1 Medford Furnlturo and Harware Bldg: rcsldet.-o 1303 West Main stretit; office hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.: tel. 3441. DRS. CON HOY & CLANCY Pn-Hilclans and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg.. rooms 210-211-212. Office phone SOI residence phone CIS. Office hours a. m. to 8 p. m. . DU.F.O CARLO W. DR. EVA MAINS OARLOW Osteopathlo physlelana. Moved to rooms 418 and 417 Oarnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. 1 .- Dlt AUTEMAS W. DBANE Doilt.;. Offlco In Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main, Oas administered for extraction of lecth Telephone Main 681. Night Phone 4432. Dlt S rEARNS Physician mid suHreon,' Office Gurnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-313. phone 5501. Residence HI Laurel st. Phone 2092. Ls DR. S. A. LOCKTIVOOD. phyalciaa and Burgeon. u DR. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD, practice limited to diseases of wt men. Offices over Haaklns drug stor. Phones: Pacific 1001; Home 28. -; n, Dr. VT. U. Van Scoyoa " Dr. a C. Van Scoyoo. Dentists. aamett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford. Oregon. Both Phone DR. J. J, EMMENS Physician -and surgeon, practice limited to eyewear, nose, and throat Eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlca 216 Enat Main street, ovor Medford Hardware company; hours 8:30 a. in.' to 8 p. m,; both phones. " DR8. WAUNDrJlta AND ORiiEN Prac tice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat Office: Suite 318 Garnett Corey building. Both phones. ft J. M. KEENE. D. D. S.; A. J. HINIKKflj D D. a. Dentists, 228 E. Main. Phone Main 3191. Home 124IC . OMntse Kealctaes, CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese- rnodloli.es will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. Sea me at 241 & Front at. Medford. Ore. to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence yti.on Phpuo Main 42, , '- Printers and Publishers. ' ' MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has thVlxwt equipped Job office In Southern Ore gon; book binding; looso leaf systems; 27 .North Fir street L sTnOEH - WHEELER & WILSONS' sowing mnchluea for sale and rent;H pairs. Car a Duncan local reapresenta tlvo. Phone 6013, No. 38 South, Fir1 street. Stenographers. OUANYAW- Tk i l-'t.l.A ST niTAMVAWrinl... ... 1 stenographlo work done quickly." aai well. MISS L. J. HINGUTON. Public BtSiciaE rapher. Medford, Oregon. Phones! Of flco. Paclfla 1571; residence, Paclfla E083, Room 218, Oarnott-Corey bldg," Transfer, t H EAPS nnOS. dray and transfer. Ofrios uavia wnrciioiise, I'jiouo Heil 3153, Homo ,160-K I'riccM right, Hwvlee' guuruiiteed. jt ' r. t d , I 1 . 1 ."j 1 vl ; m I . ! t I " '0 J n