aj-H-.ffSi SUBSCRIBERS lMllliiir to gut inr wHI liv on rttllvurcri by Dliuttlnr of. J tlo liy 0 if, m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER I'Vilr. Mav. 78.JJ, ntln. .( ltd. bunt. Utt per cent. I Dully HI nth Yir. Kurly-I'ltHt Vtiir. TWELVE PAGES MICmrORD. OM'XION, HATUItDAY, OCTOKI3II 21, 1Q11. TWO SECTIONS. No. 183. Wl... , JJrTE BOZUS FOUND GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER WILL BE SENTENCED MONDAY MORNING CHINES SUCCESSFUL E REBELS CONTINUE TWO THOUSAND MEN KILLED IN BATTLE HDufliWi t&SEJr"!! v nL -' x ' ' " - v II NBPjlrHbPAyAir Machine Gun PjtooiT m' 'M W JKW XWLgzK?" fci V w China's Nrcw Atcmy W' Mar jHV wXr ";pf ls - m3 Vi Art or- mr. H VU EK9r-ij2M I Rami ex. jc VNlf iS )HBF ikkkW WILL kBSSyllKKl3B i'iifj HHkiL4fH MR nwVNCi - OH1NO tjamkd atv Provisional. PR&3JDKNT Or CHINKMsl KCJ1M3U1C. IMPERIALS ' MAKE ONE GREAT EFFORT TO Alter That It Is Believed That Ma jority ol Government Troops Will Go Over' to Revolutionists Side Japan Confirms Rebel Victory. PEKING, Oct. ai.--Ilollovlug thai on outbreak of tlui revolutionists here Ih liiiiulni'iit, Urn wlldoiil excitement ioIkiih today throughout tint city, guards aro on duty day ami nlftlit at nil llm fnrulKii U'Kallonii and lumvy Hiiiillcri of provUloiiH aro IiHiik laid In mo that n iiliUii of rofiiKo (or I ho Kiiropiiaii potmlatloit may ho at hand wlnm (In uiiivululoii coiiioh. Tin alarm Imruino critical In-in wht'ii hIiiiIciiIm wninud tho AniOpliiiu iiilHHlonarliiM In Chill province that l'oKIm: wnn noon to ho attacliml. It Ih hiyoud iii()Htlon that tho Hltuatlon la of tho Kravtmt. Tho roiirvBoiitattvim of tho (orolun iowor tlo not conceal their hollor that tho Kit'at nttniil; on tho foi'tit'HH of tho Maurhii dynaHty Ih ni'ur and II In freely iiivdlctud that when tho ammult dooa citmo hlood will flow In rlvoi'H liefoj.o tho city fallH. HAN IMIANCIHCO, t'al., Oct. 'Jl.--Ctnlo dlMiialclicu rurolvotl. Iioro today from HhaiiKluil liy tho (Jhliu-ao Woo (ri'HH declare tho linpeilalH near Man how havo Hiifforod it defeat at. tho hamlH of tho rohulri and Admiral Hah'ti fleet on tho YuiikIho KIiuik Iiiih heou iiipliiiud. Two (hoiiBaiid iiiim aro ro polled Idllod. Ilopoj.1 Victory for Uo1k;In. TOKIO, Out. B I. ---Official confir mation of pi'ohh roporlH that tho (Jhlnetio inbuilt arniUiH havo Kallied a uieaL victory north or llanltow woro kIvoii out horo today by tho Japan oho war offlco. It Ih adinlttod ly tho officials that tholr nocrot inoaim of coniiniinlca tlon Iuih li.oiiKhl tho iiowh that tho IniporlallHlH huvo heen hadly hcalon and havo boon forced to rollout. Ouo Omit ltally. HAN l-'HANOISCO, Cal Oct. at,--DlHpntolioH to rovoliitloiiary afiontH horo Htato that practically llio wlmlo or tho fJhluoHO army Ih mohlllv.od near HIiik Chow. It Ih liullovoil that when tho IroopH will havo boon coin plotoly aiiHoinbloil, thoy will niulio ouo Kiand rally for tho oinporor'H fliiK and If that'fallH ileHOptloim will bo wliolonalo. ' ClCN&HAL "V1T4 - TCJ1ANQ CONVICTS WILL SOON BUT WORK County Court Accpts Offer of Gov ernor and Committee Leaves Mon day to Look Over Site for Camp Will Work on Road Near Pumice. Twoiity-fivo oomiels from lite hIiiIo ponileiitiury. will lie .' work on tho (Valor l.uKo liiuhway l.v Nowm licr 1. Tli'm wiib uHHiircil when tho ooiiuly court ut mi iiilVirtual iim(Iiik held I'Yitlay ul'loruoou rocoivctl tho otTer of (lovoruor Vo-.l lro:u llu (loiuniiltoo of tho Alodl'mit ('oininnr oial Cluh 11111I aeccpled it. On Monday the mcmlior, oC (ho comiiiilloo, MoHNi-H. Uglily, (loriir und I'uliiam ncompanied ly .IioIko Nil und Couiniissioui'ifi Davis and Owen, will leuvo for I'oclor'ri place iiihl II is hldo of tho ' I'liiiiiou jjiiulo wl'ero (Jonlriiuloi' Nutwielc wiih cniupcil und look over a camp Mto for Ilie men uiul uituuko for cslnlilisliiiiK' them at tlui plnee. The men will ho ilirooled in tho work by John (Irlovo mid will tlii wiulor work on (ho ki'iiiIo IIi'ih oltle of I'eolor'H jiliwo whero il oirolcH i hluff und in vory narrow. . Tho 1'onvieln will nrrivo by Nooiu lii'i1 1 uiul will spend tho winlor work iuix on llio l'oml. Tho comity will feed mid elnlho (hem mid pay Ilium US eculs a day for (heir work. VANCOITVKH 1A WHACKS, Wn. Ueftiuine; Novemher 1 Ihin fort will ho (timed into a hit; Boliool mid (ho mujorily of tho 1100 men and offi ooiM Klnlioncd horo will lieoomo hcIiooI hoys until JMaroh 111. For four iiionlliH iislninlion will bo dealt out in all tho common brunches of kuowledtfo i"d llio morn mlvmincil siibjecU llinl mllil nid in n phWIoVh woiic. Mi?. Ma E3UN Sminq, a Leader ct the CHINBag. Rrvpiutiot . bryan'snamToiT oregon ballot Commoner's Namo Will Be Placed on the Official Ballot in the Oregon Presidential Preferential Primar ies to Be Held Next Year. l'OKTLANI), Ore., Ool. 21. For (ho fourth time in history (ho namo, of (ho "peorloss loader," William ,1 Itrymi, will appear us a cundiduto for tho presidenoy of tho Unil'.'d Stiiles, If. I). Wafjuou, luenihor of tho Juoksou t'luh, mid a leader of lie) democratic! minority in Orepiu, to day announced (hat tho oommoner's iiumo would ho placed on tho offio'.-il ballot in tho Orepui presidential prof oronlial priuuuies next April. Tho demoeratio vuto in Oregon is small. . , 15 IS PAID FOR FANCY HQWELLS Tho lliiio Hivor Fruit & Produeo Association has boon advised of tho fullowiiu salos: P. F. K. oar 5828 from Medford, Sept. 'J, llowoll pears: Horuo lllvnr I'Vuil (Jc Froduoo AsHooinlion; i'anoy, average, .fil.tri; olioiee, avurno, $.1; plain, avoraj;e, if'J.'JOj part car grossed 1111)1, 1". F. K.. onr 8 111 from Medford, Kept ember 'J, llowoll pours r llo;uo Hivor Fruit & 1'rodiico nsspoiation; ehoieo, a vorapo, .fiJ.-lfi; part onr grossed .DU, PASTORS GUILT BECOMES MORE ANDMOREPLAIN Police Hourly Weave New Evidence Into the Net Which Is Drawing More Tlnhtly About Man Who Bought Trustful Girl Poison . AUTOPSY SHOWS HE HAD CRUELLY WRONGED GIRL Police Have Well Established Theory of Passion, Greed and Inhuman Cruelty on Part of Minister. IJOSTON, Mass., Oct. 21. Quant and luiKKiml, his nerve completely trout' mid on tho verc of mental mid physical collapse,, Kcv. Clarence itichesoa is today helplessly wnlch hiK from his cell tho merciless inves tigation of his alleged m'irder of Miss Avis Liuncll, (he beautiful 10 year-old jirl found dead in her bath riKim. in which the jiolice aro hourly wenvintr new evidence into (ho net which is druwinj; more lightly nboul him. Tho H)lice nrbnow firm in thejje licf (hat tho !UQttve"for tho alleged murder was u desire on (ho part of Hip young clerj-ymtui (0 remove Miss Liniiell. (o whom he had been en gaged, us a troublesome obstacle to his marniigc with Miss Violet Ed monds. Death Itnlhcr Tlian Shame. The reputaiiou of Miss Lionel! was blameless until she fell under the minister's spell. No suspicion touch ed (ho youn girl until tho fatal night when sho sat in her hath room and swallowed tho (wo crystals of ovnn Ido which sent her (o fneo her Mak er, believing, tho police, (hat it was medicine which would avert impend ing shmno. Only when (eh autopsy revealed (hat tho girl was to become a mother did (ho police begin lo forge (ho links of tho chain of cir eumstnutial evidetico which led to (he arrest of Kichesnu nnd (he lodging oof a ehurgo of first degree murder against him. Now (hev have almost completed a well-substantiated the ory of passion, greed and inhuman cruelty on the part of (he clergy muii, nhnot incredible for a wearer of tho cloth. 11 contrast o Miss Linnell, Miss Kdinands is not a beautiful girl. She is however, heiress (t mi estate val ued at $800,000. Her engagement (o Kiehesou had been announced and hundreds of invitations' for the wed ding sent out. when jt was called off by Mrs. Kdmamls upon (ho minis ter's sensational arrest. Ouo Muk Only Missing. It seems certain (hat Miss Edmunds know of Iticlicsoii'K acquaintance with Miss Linnell. Friends of Miss Avis Linnell sav that sho freipionlly visited Hieheson's uiuirters in Cam bridge, and was thereon ouo ocon sion when Mi-s Violet Kdmunds ar rrived in u brougham und called out greetings to the minister. Friends aro positive (hat Miss Linnell was formally engaged (o Itichcsnn. Tho missing link in (ho chain of evidence is when and where (ho oy nnido was given to Miss Linnell. Tho polieo expect to suply this link soon. Thoy claim lo huvo witneses (ostifv ing (lint on the Thursday prior lo (he tragedy Kiclieson telephoned to Miss Linnell from the homo of Mrs. John Duuukiu in Cambridge snying: "Well, I will seo you Saturday. It seems n long (imo until (hen." A plea of insanity probnhly will bo introduced in case Tlov. Mr. llieho Hon is proven guilty of the lorriblo ohnrgo against him. Friends sup port tho insanity theory, and point lo incidents in tho minister's past lifoi as proof that ho has often shown symptoms of hoing moutally unbal anced. Mr. Linnell, mother of (ho dond (Continued otrPnfjeTTvo) ONLY ONE MAN HAS CHANCE TO SIT ON JURY Six Men Play Cards Today and Won der Whether Any of Them Will Actually Pass Upon the Guilt or Innocence of McNamara. ONLY ONE HAS GOOD CHANCE OF REMAINING He Is Old Farmer With Patriarchal Appearance, a Native of Ar kansas and a Bachelor. f4-ff4 A f F. I). Green, builder and "" rancher. , " " Itohcrt Bain, retired car- " " pentcr. , . " C. IJ. Manuiiig, fanner. " E. C. Robinson, contractor. " " A. H. Mcintosh, bnkor nnd " " rcslauraa( proprietor, under " challenge by the slate be- r cause of views friendly to la- " bor unions. " Oeorgc W. McKec, real es- X tale- ronlcrt jjudor' chullcngo- " ""v lly'IefcnsQpcausc he.bcjicves " dynamite explosion caused " " destruction of Times. " -f 1- -f -f -f -f -f HMK -f -f 4 LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 21. These six men indolently played cards on (ho (op floor of tho Hall of Records today and wondered among themselves whether aiy of (hem would actually pnss upon (ho ques tion of whether James B. McNamara is to he hanged for the destruejion of (he Los Angeles Times and the killing of twenty-ono men or is to go free becnuso tho stnto was unnblo to prove its allegations. Thoy represent the work of tho Inst ten days spent trying (o qualify a jury so "tho most famous murder trial of a ceuhiry" could proceed. The first four can only ho climin a(ed by promontory challcugc by one side or the other unless Judge Bord well should, on Monday, after con sulting authorities submitter to him, roverso his notion in overruling the challenge of tho stnto against Rob inson and excuso him. Tho chal lenges ngninst both McICco and Mo Intosh are expected to bo allowed, as both havo admitted bias, although in opposite directions. Only Oao Has Chnnrc. As a matter of actual fact, only ouo of tho six has tho slightest chance of finally being selected as a juror. Ho is Seabroa II. Manning, n partiarchial appearing old ranchor with long white ohm whiskers. He is n native of Arkansas, a bachelor, and, although ho admitted to having conscientious scruples against enpi tal punishment whero tho evidence was cireumstnuial (horo could bo 110 doubt (hat ho would do his duty un der tho law as laid down to him by tho court no matter what tho conse quences might bo to anyone. Bain probably will be tho first person promptoriuly chnllenged by tho state and it is likely (ho defense will mote out n similar fnlo to Green. Robinson, should thol.cotut hold to his docision, will nlso probably fall boforo a state prceniptory. Bolh Isides devoted considerable time today to goting authorities ready for citation should tho ques tion of excusing jurors bcouuso of their opinions regarding (he actual eanso of tho explosion at tho Times, whothor dynamite or gns, eomo up next week. So far Judge Bordwoll has iudicatod that jurors who ad mit to sot opinnions ouo way or tho other, will not bo welcome, although ho has made no positivo declaration rogarding it. PENALTY FROM ONE TO FIFTEEN YEARS IN STATE PENITENTIARY WORLD'S ALTITUDE RECORD. - VtOHS. (VKKRO., Roland G. Garros, the French av iator, at I'aranie, France, broke the world's record for altitude in an u"--oplane. He ascended -l.O motrc (i:i,U13 feet.) The achievement of Moos. Garros today betters Lincoln Bcachcy's height record made at Clii cago August Inst by 2.1fi. feet. ITALIANS TAKE ANOTHER TOWN Win Sharp Short Battle From Turks .Turkey Fears Atack Will Seen - le Made en-the Island Chosos. JURY CAME IN EARLY THIS MORNING AFTER ALL NI6HT SESSION ! Went Out Friday Aftcrneen but Fail ed to Reach an Early Decision Prisoner Shows No Sign When Verdict Is Translated to Him. VERDICT A SURPRISE; SECOND DEGREE FAVORED Bozus Will Be Sentenced at 9 0'Chwk Monday Morning by Judge Calkins. Look for the ad that offers it to you, 8ucoml-hund. at a rent bargaiu' BENGAZIE, Tripoli, Oct. 21. This city is in possession (oday of -100 Kalians, who landed under Rear Ad miral Aubrey and won a sharp, short ba((lc from the Turks. The Turks put up a stubborn fight nnd for a while the invaders wcro repulsed, but reinforcements from (he Italian fleet turned the tide of victory. ATHENS. Oct. 21. Turkey is in apprehension today of an attack by tho Italians on tho Island Chosos, ac cording to reports hero that Turkish troops arc being sent there. YALE WINS FROM ARMY SCORE 6-0 Army Men and Sons of Sli Battle on Gridiron Three Inches Deep in Water Contest Resolved Itself Into a Punting Contest. WEST POINT, N. Y Oct. 21. Yalo and West Point battled hero to dny on a gridiron three laches deep la water. Yalo won 6 to 0. In a rapid exchango just after tho klclcoff tho army men outpuated their opponnls and put tho ball on Yalo'a flvo-yurd Hu, Immediately sending Dona over tho goal lino with tho ball for a touchdown la thieo minutes oC play. Dean kicked Boal. Tho romalndor of tho period was a slow struggle In a sea of mud with tho ndvnntngo alternating from sldo to sldo, Scoro: West Point C, Yalo 0. Tho second porlod of tho first half opened with another oxclmngo of punts, which ended disastrously tor tho wearers of tho bluo, when Yalo attempted to kick from tho army's 45 yard lino. Arnold broko through and blocked tho punt. A gonoral scrlmmngo followed, Qtllesplo, tho army's loft oud, scooping tho ball f.om tho mud for a run to within two yards of tho oneruy's goal. Horo, with another touchdown Im minent, tho army was ponallzad for holding and lost tho cdvautngo. REDWOOD CITY, Cal.-IIillsbo-rough's millionaire volers cannot count well in small denominations. In oouuty tho forty-ono votes which they cast at tho recent oleotion, thoy counted five (oo many, George Bozus, who shot and fatal ly wounded Christ Spnnos in this city about two months ngo, is guilty o manshlniightcr. Ho will bo sen tenced by Judge Calkins next Mon day morning at 0 o'clock. TKe jury which heard tho caso brought in a verdict at S o'clock Sat urday morning tf tec bcinR uufiwaion all night, tho caso going; tclielmrat 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Late Friday evening Judge Calkins order ed (hem locked up for the night- This morning they came into court early and filed their verdict of manslaugh ter. The verdict came as a surpriso as a consensus of opinion favored a second degree murder verdict und it was believed that such a verdict would bo returned by the jury. When tho verdict was translated to Buzus ho displayed no emotion what ever. Judge Calkins, after thanking tho jurors for their work on tho caso, announced that ho would sentence Bozus at 9 o'clock Monday. Tho jury which heard tho qaso was composed of: G. Y. MoNabb, It. O. Duncan, Fred Ilerrin, J. W. Bonnr, E. A. Ford. W. C. Doneff, Ira Dun lap, IL A. Haney, Marion Tryor, J. E. Eiisley, S. C. Newhall, J. Hartman. KLAMATH EALLS SEES BATTLE Mayor Sanderson and Editor Murray Clash on Street Fight Over the Chargo That Mayor Was Protect- ' ing Vice District. KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Oct. 21. Aftor a street fight hero between Mayor E. F. Sanderson and Editor E. J. Murray of tho Klamath Chronicle, tho city attorney has today prom ised to investigate conditions in tho tenderloin nnd to stamp nu tl-o dis riot if possible. . Tho fight started over charges by Murray that tho mayor was protecting tho vice district. TACOMA, Wn. After goin from Iioiiko to Iioiihu requesting the loan of a butcher kife, saying ho wanted to kill himself, Alfrod Mooro, irrespon sible mentally, was captured by city firmoii turned ovor to tho police MACON, On., Qot. 20, Friends of Eugeno Ely, tho aviator who wa killed by a fifty foot fall last even ing aro incensed over tho manner in which curio-sookers stripped EJy'a aeroplauo for suvenlrs, oven taking us own collar and ncoktio from his body, Ely and his wife, hud intend ed to lenvo horo Miorlly Jor Daven port, Iowa, lo spend the winter at hifl father's home, IH ? il :. M r 3 , : f H c v ' "Vr-S nil .!