-ite am 1 -tw-- - -TT-rr.. . . , . ., ... MWWaPMfNWtefcMftll afciiiiUliCw; - "?' -i ., i f,Tv ;t '.I Je in i u ft.: M :PAflT3 EranT MEDFOTO MAIL TRTBTOR arEDKOTO). OREflON, MUD AY, OCWRER 20, 1011. BEEF FAMINE IS THREATENING FINAL REPORT OF FAIR IS MADE TURKISH FORT WHICH WAS SILENCED BY ITALIAN BATTLE S01PS. Handlers Arc Golnn Into the Market Excellent Financial Statement Is and tnklnn Everything, In Sipjit at Hl(hcst Price Ever Paid for lanyo Cattle. IMiN'DLKTO.V, Ore., Oot. 20. One Of iho htJOflt Sdrlmis heat famines In 'SI Uto history- uf tho northwost threat ens JuJOOkIIik; to loading stock grow, or Jior. liutomt of offering tholr cittlo for nl6, liunUretlB of rniiehera nro going Into Uto JUnrliiH ns huyrs and are taking ovorytldnR In slslit nt tho lilghopt lirfco ovhr paid for range nil Ho. lluycrs explain this reversal of trnilo hy tho fact that ranchors have largo (?iullc8 of hay on haml and intend to fatton their own slock ami mill later in tho Reason. Made, Showinn That tho Associa tion Made Considerable Progress Durlnn the Fair Just Closed. PqitTIiANI), Ore. Xiuht Jailer );io Fuller, of. (lie .Multnomah eounly jail lodny reported Hint Hr. John Grant. I.yinnn, alleged bwindler, who was raptured in Orcjnui while escaping from California, offered him &."00 rash last niirhl lo allow hi mt fccoapo jail, and in addition! promised $1,000 if ho jmereeded in ronehmir Vnnrottver. It. t-. Tho final report of tho secretary of tho fair association shos ho finances to bo In most excellent snap?, thm holng over $000 tn cash on hand and over $2000 worth of hulhllngs nt tho fair grounds all paid for and some f fiOO yet due from stock subscription!) with no debts hanging over tho association for an other year. Tho hoard of directors feels that especial mention Is duo .Mayor and Mrs. Canon, Mrs. Miller. Miss Pelrco, Mrs. Kentner, and others for tho work they did nt tho fair In getting the exhibits in .order and tho safe return or every article left In tholr charge. It was no small task and these are tho kind of acts that arc llttlo appreciated by those who wero on tho grounds Tuesday, entry day, and saw how much there was to do In making aa fine an exhibit as there was tn that exhibit building. Somo of the merchants report that their trade was tho best during the i week of the fair of any they have had slnco comlnir to Medford, others re- M fc '- '-" .-i. ., ., kJKJU.j lit-v v4iV.w j ITTM ..,., , ' ' pmi 0r- fKOw FOURTEEN NEW HOMES PLANNED Charles S. Lelio Purchnsos Tract of Lr.ntl on .West Jackson anil Will Ernct Manv Muiidernuniialowj in the Sprlntj. COUNTY COUR VICE. ADMIRAUT INXERIOW .Cf TURKlSHroRTAT TRIPOLI.' port business not as good as usual. A gentleman from Spokane, Wash., told one of our leading bankers tho other day that tho week ntter tho recent fair held at Spokane that tho banker of that city found that their deposits had Increased over ono mil lion dollars by tho money loft In the city from visitors to tho fair. It Is a well known fact that tho merchants of St. Paul and Minneapolis have stated that tho visitors from tho couutry loft over $3,000,000 In tho Twin cities fair week. The big Roundup held recently at Pendleton It is said was worth over $100,000 In money left there by vis itors during tho week. And tho asso. elation cleared over $18,000. Now Medford Is so favorably locat ed for a fair and exposition that then, la no reason In tho world way from the start made this year, that a fair and exposition can bo worked up thati will ulean thousands of visitors will Mlln.t tinr.i nihl ni.it.iit tlwtlt .timt.ti" If "iv ... f.VM.. ...V.. .' .1 V J . . a piare is. provided uuu a goo( lair can be given on. If more of our cltl xens will now Join tho organization that gave tho most successful fair yet given hero and subscribe for stock bo that good groumU may bo purchased and proper exhibit buildings erected. The mou In charge are broad minded euoiiKh to work out tho problem In tho largest way Ktvlng attractions of various kinds such an automobile races, Wild West, relay races, .avia tion meets, and enough borne racing to satisfy those who desire that sport, then with exhibits or dtock of all kinds and fruits, grains, etc., Mcd ford can have a real exposition for nil southern Oregon, vTho Medford Henlty uuil Improve incut company have purchased n block of limit on West Juekson loul ova ml trout tl. V. Pridlay. Tin ground 1h nilunted just win I from tluj .liu'krtou Hcliool and is hctweon Summit iiveuuo uuil ('nluinhtirt street. Chan. S. Lclio is munnger of thin eompauy nud ho stolen Mini IiIk coin puny would nt oneo grudo I ho entire tract and otherwise put it In hIiUh for dwelling eonstrucllon and tlmt early next Hpring would eoiuiuenee the ereelion of fourteen liuugulowH on tlio hlook. I CONSIDERS OFFER fc . Is M i . Commercial Cluti Commltteo Meet Inn With County Offlclali This Afternoon Rcnardlnu Governor's Otter of Convicts. Tho eouuly eouil is In hpeoiul hcn hIoii lliis ufteritoii, In older lo leeelvo' from the eoiummiMoiul eluli coiuuiltlcn the offer made by (lovernor Wlmt lo, furnish Iwi'iily-nvo eonvieln lo llio ciiiinty for i end building piiipuHcx. Tho eomiultlee will I'iiiiiIhIi thu eouil with the tciiiis of (he giivcinor'rt of' for. A decision wilt then ho mudo liy (ho eounly officials. Look nt tho nds I Hal offer em ploymeut nud you'll find tho right otto noon. Piro at tho mine of the Sterling Gold Quurtft Mining nud Milling com puny on .Mineral Hill destroyed the machinery, house wind hlaeksmitli shop Thursday, doing about .f 1(100 worth of damage. Tho fins started fro mthe hoilor while the men were at lunch, The firo will omino a two weeks, nlnit down (o secure new machinery parts. TEXAN CAPITAL WACO. TexnH, Out. J0.- -Aviator llodgern arose in his iieropluue nt 1 1 ::tl) o'eolek lliirt tnoruinu', hciulcil for Austin. A great crowd has as hciuhleil to hce him off. lie was giv en a miming ovation nil the airship ascended. NUf 9m OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE . : : : ; . : : : : BUILDING UP A BUSINESS Only one year ago the 22d day of October we started in business in Medford seeking recognition for our lines in a field of strong and active competition. Today we stand the nio.nt prominent, figure in tho tomiminity, the recognized headquarters for fashionable Women's Wear, Cloaks, Suits, Millinery and furnishings; a Mno which is excelled by none. This remarkable, .success we have achieved by .the continued observance of our ironclad rule, whien is that no customer shall leav63his store dissatisfied. We wai.t your patronage, but first of all we waill your satisfaction. We think far more of a customer than a sale. In our store you will always find qualities to be the best and style the latest. We kctp in close touch with the markets at all times as we have sot a standard' of being "first" in everything and 'we intend to adhere to it. We take pleasure in announcing our .First Anniversary Sale. Tn celebration of the splendid patronage we have enjoyed we will offer various price inducements throughout the shop. Following is a partial list: ' ' ; EVENING DRESSES IALLY PEICED FOR THE ANNfVERARY SALE r White Messaline trimmed in a handsome white bam r Vs'.- . nd trimming and wide velvet, ribbon ball 1 SPECIALLY One is of Black Silk Marnuisette over fringe edged, lace yoke and set in sleeve exclusive model regularly priced at $G0 teAtlMiirdlrifilW i! -fa : lM n ANNIVERSARY SALE '$49.50 Another is one of Mode Color Messaline ovcrskirt effect edged with wide lace, wide lace re vers over shoulder edged' with chiffon, not yoke. Regularly priced at $50. . ."" ,H Yi fin ' ANNIVERSARY SALE $42.50 - "' ! .ix3llffl'l:iJ; Others that are regularly priced .'&, $12.50, $30 and $55, ANNIVERSARY SALE $27.50, $35, $42.50 and $45.' "v '"' ..". SILK PETTICOATS . AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES - i Mnrrr;i A line of Taffeta Silk and Messaline Petticoats in plain floral, Dresdeij and Persian patterns, including'most every color and black, tho biggest value ever offered ' FOR THE ANNIVERSARY SALE $3 TAILORED SUITS A much varied showing oji these practical garments. Man' have come in tho last few days which are marked out at special anniver sary prices. v One of very special mention is a linetof handsome tweeds, mixtures, etc., ilut are excellent value at $32.50 and $35. 1 - ' ANNIVERSARY SALE $29.50 . ....,., Another line is one in which there is some verv nattv strictly tailored models that are good values at-$22.50 and $25 and a few $30 values. ' ANNIVERSARY SALE $19.50 Then our showing is most complete from the modest tailored suit at $15 to the more dressy cheviot and velvet models at $05. ,i LONG COATS ' , Almost every express adds new styles to our already complete showing of these popular garments. The new bag coats, reversible coats and golfing material coats galore, all modestly priced, some specially priced for the Anniversary Sale. HOUSE DRESSES AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES FW1WR WW Two very special numbers from the new fall showing of liouso dresses which are very modestly priced at regular. The $1.50 grade, Anniversary Sale $1.25 The. $2.25 grade, Anniversary Sale w $1,95 CHILDREN'S COATJ5 AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES Complete line of sizes and stvlns from fbn lifflo ff nf.i w,, in i, ,..,n 1 miss at M in Mixtures, Caraculs. Plusbo m-fro o. ANNTVEBSABY SALE 20 PEE CENT DISCOUNT J P IE P c c c : : : - : -: : - : : - : - : : 1 '"' 9 FRENCH PLUMES AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES French Plumes are very popular this season. Wo are show jig a vevy wide range of sizes FOR THE ANNIVERSARY SALE ONE-FOURTH OFF ! . We want every ono to come liot'nocossarily to bujj; tmt to help luVohHcryo this, our first annivei-sary. Wo want to greet all our old friends and we hope fto make many now. , 7 ' '.Air4- . n i ft:., ' l Jj$B C s ff.lHililllliilililililillKlilll.IHli i Hi ....r.,,.,., ..j..J..J..rrr .r.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrT.rTrrTrTrrrrTTTrTT V . ' V , V