' ,. MEDFORD MATL TJltHUKTi, MTDDFOBD. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 191.. 'PAGE SIUVEN'.V.jA If ( The Umpire Had Two Glass Eyes. t By "Bud" Fisher 4 At W A i i I . if i' -' - . 1 , - A W1 ' .I. m I, , i n - - ....--- - f . i.-.- - - - . . - - - - i -i iji i " ' "" n '' Cf . , , f fifth WAY'S GAVIN' VOU, J fcYT.ttlKe ) STR IK" ) "OLD DAVY" IS 4 FOUND DEAD Davlil Cook. Well Known In Mcilfonl, Dies in Alley Body Is Discovered hy an Employee of Doc Ryan Shortly Afternoon. l)uv ('nnk, widely Known in Med. ford us "Old Davy,' wn found lat till h afternoon in tint nlloy in III" rear of Dm' Kviiu'h hiiIihmi on North I'rOnt street. It in mijmi8c! (lint lm had suffered tin nlliick of epilepsy u wllll'll lit! WIH Htlbjci't. Tint body huh dui'ovnrrd tdioitly nfter I o'olouk by V. .Moyer, mi vim pynii in lint ftoyim Cafe, ami tint )- lii' were itiiiiifdiutely notified. (Wk wiiH well iiIuiik in year niul by iie iiiiiilitni it miner, lit' liiul liceit em ployed n( tint (Jntliiiin Cnnl mint itml Inter li.v ilii'feteiil Niilniiii iih'II ( i'Iiuiii mil mill tin mid work. II H not known llnil In' liml tiny relative. Friend til "Old vy" say (lint he had not been well for some time and t till t III', llllllM'lf llllll C.HMtcd HOIUIt mucIi cud iin hit mi't. ENGINEERS MAY REFUSE TO WORK CIIKWUO, Ilk, Oet. UO.- llliitnU Ctuil nil HiptirciK ninl firemen injty priwnt mi iillliitiiliini lo lln railroiltl tliitt llii'v will rt'fttso o handle tin h'xtniiiotivim of the road until thity urn repaired iict'onliiiK to n ieHit lion today. Tint engincem nnd fiti'iiu'ii who are mi'i'liiii; today again, rotor Hint lint loroinntivt'H tun in such n itciiiililion lluil it in dnngerotiM to lian- llltt tlieill. It in etpoled n eonfereiii'e will Im intld with President Carter of the llmthcrhond of Kniluay Firciiiuii. WOMAN LOSES HERE JEWELS WITH $T500 PORTLAND, Oro., Ort. 20. -A ro wan! of $M)0 wnu offered today by O. II. Kl Hi Inn Mr tint return or $12500 worth of JowoIh which wont stolon from Mm, Klllilun whllo hIio win, nuiThnHliu; a fur coat In if local fur rlor'H Hloro. , Him hnd tho JOwoIh In a liaiulltaK whloh Hint laid oil a tuiiiil! taltlo whllo tryliu; on nmlH, A woman who onlorod tho ntoro iilmilly urtorwiird iilul doiniititd Iuih-. tlly aftttr oxuinlnliuc a Hinall fur, In (Inliii; miimht hy the pollro. t , KAK KAIWKU Cal. Killed by liiiip from a flniniiiK niitomoiiiln iih it riiHlied down n Kteep hill near Knir fiix, Mrri. I. II. Kviiiih, (II, of Cimtiii null, irf dead hero today. Mrn. K. A. Kviiiih mid Mrri. dohn Finn woro nor IiiiihIv iiijiinul. OIA'MIMA, Wn.-Loenl opUonJ olnittloiiH pluniiml on a niHiilt'.oC po tiOoiiH, uuiiuol lm held ,uh upenlul oleelioiiH, uoeordliiK (o tho ruliuir jmd annoiiiiced 'hy Altornoy John Lylii, to llio proHtKUitiiiK' nltoruoy of 1'Vaiik-i llu county toduy. Tim oun ho held only on KouorUI tdmilluu diiloH. , .HKA'JVPLHr Wo. Oovenior JTn IlliH uiinouiiiteil 'tiikt TIarold I'rcHtnn will lm iitedurod tho tlminiiiuiHlili of lint Hlalo pilltlio Noevlmt tinitiuiisKloii lo Hitoiioed tiu Into II, A, Fairfield. I'rimloii Ih it proKi'eHHivo mid in '.ho i'lillior of llio liill oroutiiiK tlm pn'H out l'uili'oud uommiHHiuii. MAY REVIVE THE AMERCIAN MARINE KBW VOKIC. Oi-l. J0. Iti'vlvwl of tint Aiiioiiciui iiK'ii'liaul marine Ih in dii'iilcd Ity irt'eut aelivity of Amer iraii nlilpyiinln, wheru otdorn nrc held for the linildiiit,' of," fleet ! tH,)0(),(llllltoiiniiKe; Tim prohpeel of new Iiiihiiiohh fol louiiii; the openiuc of Die I'uniimit eniinl W rextouNihle for the ejkpun Hiuii. Anioiii; the hit; eontriietrt ori' four Hteainern for tint Aiiierienii?llu. wiiiuiu line, two for the Standard Oil company, thieu Htcaiu whaliirrt for the I'aeifie Count Ktuaiuhhip coin puny, two paKHeiiL'er HteamerH for Hut Clyde line, two for the Atlantic mid l';icifie lute, four for the 1'mi Aiueriemi mail NteamHliip linn and two for tint AIi(hIu .SteiiiiiHliip com puny. Tim American merelimit iiiariut now Iuih it touiiiiKit of 7,508,000 which in ntuumt a million Iuiik yioal er tluiii the toutuiKit of the fleetH i.f (leriiiiiuy, Franco mid Norway coin billed. Ilidn for 'iirrvifiu the inuils lif twccii Atlautie mid I'neifio trtn for I ho rmted SlatcM will be opened Ni veiiiher 25. SONG SERVICE BY THE BAPTIST CHURCH CHI0II Sunday evonini; lit' TM in plneo of the regular Hervieu the choir will lender an elaborate koiij: Hirvieo uu ler the direeliou of I'orreht Kd MieadeH, Thin will be ai itpirin M'rxii'i1 tf praino one hour in IviikiIi. to whieli all frieiuU of thin eoiiKrcua tion are heartily welcome. The piiil work of thin ehoir makes no future cointiieul niMH'MHiiry excitjtt lliey will bo very inntorinlly mid jibly anxistutl by .Minn Flon-neo lliizclri wIhmp exeeptionally rich and ttowerful ho prniio oiee will add greatly in iiiak in' this xorvico of prnitt -oui to In remembered. In order that thin or viee may not he disturbed il Iuih been Hiijjp'nteil that nil who expect lo worship al thin eliiireh Sunday even iii wiilpleiiHo not count Inter thmi 7::t0. A Rpeeial iuvitaliou in e,(euded o. all who have yet no church homo in Mudford. i SKATTI.K, Wii. -Ilriiiclnir npprov iinutely .fl.OOO.OOO- in Kold bnllii.n, the Htuumer'e; eloan-iip of n tlonii AlaHkati milling eoinpanies, the uteaiiiship Vieltiria of the Alask.t SleaiiiHhip piitiipnnv arrived Ikim Irom Nome. The p:inHonner Iml, (111, wiih the record for (ho year. OLDRING'S SISTER SUDDENLY DIES PIIIIjADKM'IIIA. Oct. 'JO.Ono placiH will eairy oil u, ib diamond a weight of utrnw in the fourlli jjume of tho .vii.'I'h f-piles Iih ,i ie milt of ii HiPHHiiKi received here to ilay by lt;iibeu . Al. Oldriu' of Ibu AthletlcM, that, bin Minter, I.illimi Obi. I'iiitf, l tlead at Iter liome in Mount Vernon, N. V. Despite m rief, Ohlriiii; ivill tal;e bin place in thu K'tuie. ! iim in i linn .in iliii.iii . I'UIMUM SKATK AT AT SAT. P.M. V I'upllH from WaKliliiKtou. Lincoln, JnckHou ami Kooxcvult Hcltuoln may Bkato for rlfUicn centH al Nntutorliim MkntliiK rink uvery But. p. in. Hlnlc oiieiu at 'i p. in. ami clone at C p. in. To Oar a Cold in Ono Sax Tali.. I.AXATIVi: I1UOMO gulnlii.) Tnl leU Itruk'ulxlN nfuiul niuncy tf It fullH In eun II W. (lllOVirH bIkiu. luru In ua eneli dor. :&c. WHAT SAVED HER LIFE Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. RlrourlllQ, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, la n Icttor from Rlvcavlllo, writes "For throo years, I nufforcd with wo manly troubles, and bad pains in my back and Ida. I was nervous and could pot Bloep at nljjht Tho doctor could not help me. He told I would havo to bo operated on be fore I could get bettor. I thought I would try using Cardul. Now, I wn entirely well. I am Btiro Cardul wived my life I will novor bo without Cardul In my homo, I recommend It to my friends." For firty years, Cardul has been re lieving patu and dlstrosM caused by wo manly trouble. It will nurely help you. It goes to tho upot reaebca the troublo rollovea tho symptoms, and drtveu away the. cause. If you Buffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardul. Your drugglut sells and recommends It. Out ii bottle from him today. N.P. Write to: ltkt' A4vlory IVpt.. Quite' inoe Mf4kln Co., Clutliux, Trnn., lur Sptctal Jiulnicliuii, nj 61-rie Ixxik, "Kixno TrriUnenl for Wuuno," cnt la pltla Mupptr, oq ruwl, FOUND KoUNf Itilx'fi iliTfiiilliaff cotilfiliilni: mimuII iiirw .wltli lv( r Owii'T irmy Juue name Uy payiiiK lor llilo notice WOlllllT Mline, 12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ' 't i'Oll tAL1't Hetniirnnt nml ponftc-tUue-ry lor eofiililinl, for nnln In Hiniill (own near Mulfnril. AililrcuM llux HO, cure Mall Tribune office. IR7 I'Oll K.l.l Ktimll liounlliiK honxf. -very elieiip lti'tit rcAKunuiiii .iiply szt XV. Klftli at. . J85 FOR RE4T rvmtabvd Booms. I Oil Hi:NT Cnmfortahln raiimi for n l";AlntH wainiui In irlv,.ln family 4S North O.ilcdnle. jgj I'lJUNMHIIllIt room, rtiimlnK water, flult alili' for otio or two jx-oplp. 1$ Quince t. is: roll i:NT-.TItrpo l;irK nlm-plnc rooms wllli rtovrs. 52! South Holly. KontM. KOIl HUNT Klulit room furnlnhnl liotiiu-, plumbeil nntl UkIiKmI, J 10. 729 Wi'dl lllhwit. l'hoiii? C03. ISC KOIl llKNT I room lioune. 17. ISIS Went lClh nt. Also 3 room Ikiuho. S. I'lionu tea it. :. iss lOU 1U:NT M(mWh 5 room buncnlow on ihivimI ntn-jl. clone In. ISO rt monlli. Imiulro 517 H Holly at IBS' VOH !M:nt Two rooin I urnlMlmd Jiouw wjth ncrroii'l jxirclu Imiulro SIJ .HoiUli (Jntoc. .t J55 roil IIHNT T4ireo' houses ruomi tifwly piUnleil Inside ami pa- (3 to I'ocalioutiiH Council, All memlmirt nnd frlemlH or tit tw roiinell will bo Horvod corn and venl ioii after council Friday evening. October 20, ut llio pileo of ar ceiitn each, '4. Chas. Strang (luarnnliHiN I'iii-JhIuh ,Sji;o fop FalliitK Hair nml Dandruff, Wo want you to know that tho Rlrl with tho auburn hair In on ovory bottlo mid carton of PARISIAN 8AC1H. Wo want you to know UiIh for your own protoctlou; ror thoro nro ninny Imltntlons, mid It In an easy matter to got tho spurloim arttelo. You can nlwayu mot .tho hoiuiIiio PARISIAN 8ACU3 nt Cbna. Strmm's for only HO coutti a bottlo, liu will not doeolvo you, PARISIAN SAOI2 Ih rlitldly Hiinr- nntood for dandruff, atlllim hald and uealp Heh, it 1b a moot dollfihtful and luvlu orutlnit hair dronuhu; that puts lire mid .brllllmioo Into tho hnld and cauHOB It to grow ,lf tho hair root ho not (lend, U'h tho tonlo you will uho nlwnya If ymi .utio 41 ouuo, APPLES FOR EUROPE Wo .uro appointed agents for J. B( THOMAS, Covent Garden, Lon dou and Southampton, Kngland, whoBo uhar&os nro G per cont and G cents per box. JA8. LINDSAY & 80N. Ltd., QIubV gow ninl Kdlnhurgli, Seotlund, 'G por cent and 10 cents por box, RAWSON ROUINSON, Hull, Eng- lang, G per cent and 8 cents per box, Theso nro tho oldest and largest rtrniB In tholr roapectlvo tuwna, and their roforouco as to financial nbll JtlpH cnu bu hnd nt Modford National (lank, Modford, progou. Cash can bo cublod (lay after sale If required, mid hlghoat market prices guaranteed, , Rod Faced Mini smoking UIO CIG ARS tnlklng "HOT AIR" don't ulwnys llvo on ulr, houco our remarks on chnrgea, Tho clap-trap about prtvuto snlo dooa not provo romutior;itlve, oxcopt for Bomo eurloa of a small nature. All Bollors by prlvato '.saty hnvo to ynlt until auctlpi.H nro ovor bo ns to kuow whnt to aBlc, nnd In ho cnBO of largo suppllos thoy ofton got loft. ,p'or lurtnor 'particulars, nddreu W. N. White (I IK-rcu. on ft. Of ntrat ave. Ono motlern. I tenia VnasonntiI. Call or adilrens V B. Hnmniouil, So. end Peach sU. It, J, Do . I'Oll ItKNT I1S.S0 ior month, serrn room hoimo on west shift. Vr. C C Van Hcoyoc, nultD 3JS Garnotl-Corcy tthlK. 1SS TO It Iti:NT New tnodrn nine-room bunculow on Klnc's hljiway. tit por monlli. Hco W. XL Dvcrhanl. 609 V Ninth street. FOR SALE. Act- I'Ort HAUnSvvf, moilern, well flnlsheil hmiKtilow and thn-o lots, S large rooms, 2 larKP IKircln-H, hath ami slorn riwini, large Blind in connection, IMillslicil fhwrs. flreiilaoe, tuiffet, lin oleum In kitchen and hath, brushed lirbKK lighting fixtures- lot fencttd, reinenl walks, roso garden, lawn, flower lioxe)t, must he m-en to be.np lireclated. Terms, 828 Xtakota ave. 1$2 KOlt BAI.K200 nero stock rnnch; 25 hue! stock, C orscif, clckens, tools, etc On nrcotint of sickness will sacrifice at (3S00. Call at 1022 Went 10th nt 183 I'Oll BAI.i; 20 acres flno rtogua niter t'ulley land, good deep noil, cli lo ffood town. Will dlvldo Into 10-ucrn tracts If necessary Will sell for rash or slo terms to suit purchaser. Orant Allder. 29 Mtirnrr.lt nve., Medford. 13 FOH HALF-1130 acres well located KInm.ith lumber lands for sale. Ap jily to Ilutte Kails Lumber Co., Butte Falls, Oregon, . 182 POH 8AMV-2I acre of best of Ump qua river bottom, house, barn, out houses. 3 1-t miles from Itlddle, In Orchard volley: I3S00. Address O. A. Jones, Canyonvllle, Oregon. 185 OH BAMI1 1-2 acres with new four room house; an Ideal chicken ranch; $S50 If taken within ten days. Ad dress H K ire Moll TrJbunc or call on Home phono 2SS-U Oil 8AI.K tOacn'S 3-year-old orchard, set to Newt owns. Split nnd Wlnrsaps. Under gravity ditch. 1 1-2 miles from Orants Iass postofflce. Joan B. Hair, WrxHlvlllR, Ore. 1D6 I'Oll BALK Six acres, small house, nearly all In fruit, all cleared: price tlGOO: term.,. Address Owner, care Mail Tribune KOH SALE Tlvo or ten acres under ditch, 1 1-2 miles from postofftcc. Flno for berries, garden or chicken ranch. Boo owner. 20 South Peach st. ISt HELP WANTED. Female. VANTHD A woman to do housework on farm, Bohemian, Swiss or Norweg- necessary to sp-nk .English. Ilock Point, Ore- Medford on Hon In Home telephone, ian: nol HIeepy)SJoIIow Farm, gon, lSPmtlen from ern I'atllo road; Talp WanUC acala SALKBMAN To aid us' supply the brisk demand for onr goods. Home vacant territory yet In every state west of the Mississippi. Cash weekly. Capital Nursery Co., Salqm, Ore. 197 WANTKD Salesman foe xculslvp ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete line Tak Ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly, out fit free. Toppenlsli Nursery Company, . Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Salesmen In every locality t the northwest; monoy advanced wli ly; many make over $1000 month choice of territory. Yakima Vslle Nursery Co., Topenlsh, Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Experienced wood cutter wants contract, tier or cordwood. Any amount. V. Aiken,-Jacksonville. 183 WANTED rfy trfo good miners, asfcesp ment worlc or contract tunnel work. Apply Box C81. Medford. Ore. 1S2 WANTED Hogs of from 50to 130 lbs. weight to feed and fatten. Will return same weight when fattened. Address IL K. Bowman, care Mall Tribune. WANTED. POSITION By youn"man. as machinist or manual labor. 'Address Box E. Q., Tribune. 183 WANTED Work by the day or hour 719 South Central live. Mrs. Lucy Pavls. 183 MONEY TO LOAN xutoellaaeoaa Board aaa Moovam ROOM AND IIOAIU) at Mrs. Kay's, Ho 10 No. Grape Bt., back ot Farmers and Fruitgrowers bldg. XonsskecpluV Xootns I'Oll KENT Nicely furnished houne kiiiplng , rooms. Call In afternoon 322 B. Central. 1S2 I'Olt KENT Pleasant, clean lintisvkne-l. lug riMtiiis. 817 West Second st. Offioea for sa FOB ItKNT Over the pc-atotflc yriu, heat and light Bee A. A. Davis. MlsctUantOTur FOB LEASE Fully equipped plac-r mine. Oold Bay Benlty Co., It. in Electric building FOR SALE OR TRADE. FOB BALE OH TltADE for Modford Income property, unimproved ncreniw well located. Humphrey; 815 liisi Main. S3 STOLEN. HTOT.EN -Tlulrmlay foieuonn, from rosl tlenee A U WIUInniH, fill) Kdwanls st., jbliiolc nnd yellow mule eunivry Bewuril fur lufuiuiutluii, party suHPloluuoil. 183 FOR SALE OR RENT 130 ncro ranch, 300 acrea under Irrlp-x-Hon. 0 miles from Medford. Oold Buy Benlty Co, 2IS West Main stre.it, room 101 Electrlo Building. !', FOR SALE. Eoaia FOB SAL1-Ono 303 Savage rifle. In good condition, plus 100 rounds cart ridges, I5. Apply Nash hotel Imr 182 FOB SALE A complete nmateur pho tography outfit for $20. A snap. Phone Main 6C71. 1S3 FOB BALE Furniture, cheap. Apply -US B. Oakdale. 182 FOB BALE L. a Smith Bros, type writer and desk. Apply 322 So. Cen tral. JS2 COBN FOB SALE l cont per lb. Conner l.and Co.. Lower Table Bock. XtacUanoaB. I'Olt BALE Good gentle driving horse, with buggy and harness nearly new. Price right. Seo E. K. A. Blttnr. Palm bldg, opposite Hotel Nash. FOB SALE Poultry plant. 714 Soutu Central ave.: house and lot, together with 800 chickens, all thoroughbreds; one flno cow and one 240-egg Cyphers Incubator. Phone 5112 Main. ISO FOB SALE First class saloon doing good business: best location In city Address Box C. Chicp. Cal. ISC BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Colvig. C L. Beames. Lawyers. Office Medford nauonai uanK uunuing. second noor BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Oranits "Works. ..liyjJ'OitD JUItlt-'K CU.-Oeo. W.Prtdd. O. T agle, Oeo. T. O'Brien Conlrao- tors ami rnanufactarera of brick; deal. -.xa in pressed brick and lime. Office In Onmett-Coroy Mock, room 308. 3d floor. Pbono ilo. ,3181. Clyll Enfflaeer. LOITIB V. WIUTINO, etvil eng'aeer nnd surveyor. Vater fllingl nnd frrlgntlon work a sper.lalty, aurvttys, subdividing, building grades, city englHReriitfr draft--Ing, sewer design, concreto work, pump nnd canal systems. Ilonns 1-3, Adkins Block, Medford, Oregon. Tarsitttxa. f IL P. WILSON & CO., dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stove and ranges. 10 fioutli Fir a true t. Phone Main 311. Home 285-L. is t M - i i - MISSION rUUNITUBE WORKS Cor ner 8th nnd Holly streetu, Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cab inet work of ail kinds. A trial order sollcIUd. . ' MORDOFP & WOLFF Cookstorea and ranges. New and second hand furni ture. Eads; old atand, IS Fir street, South. pjJone SLCHomo 283-IC Med Music MISS TUBNEr, Piano instruction and musical history. 809 South Newtown street. Thone 6603 Bell. Xlalag acac&lacry. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or, or the Denver Quarts Mill & Crushci Co of 171Q Hr.wlway, Denver, Colo rado. Catalogues and prlcvs can ba had at Phoenix. Oregon. Mat Calhoua. Vnrteries. MEDFORD OBEEN HOUSE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs, 933 E. Main. Phone 371. QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not graf tod. Our stock la not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. We aro noc lu the trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to IIS H. Main at. UOOUH RtVKB VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high srrade nur sery stock. Office 10 8. Fir. Both phones. Votary 3fafcUc PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEX Attorneys-ut-law. Noa. 1 and 2 Posl- ornce Duuamg. A. E. REAilES Lawyer. Garnett-Core' building. MULTCEY & CHERB1 (a F. MULKEY GEO. W. CHERRY) Lawyers. Prac tice !n all stnte and federal courts Rooms 11 and 12, Jacksou County Bank bldg. Accountants. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offtcu -Men torn jiau Trirjune uuiiuing, phone 6611, residence phono 1C01. Assayer asjs Analyst. FOR SALE One Mollne endgato seed er; I disk plow, 1 steel road scraper; CO feet 1-2 inch steel cable; 1 Jersey eow; stock quashes. John B. Hair, Woodvllle. Ore. 195 SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, silver, lead, cojipor, and other minerals. Mines and mining prospects Burveyed, aasjyed and mining maps and reports made thereon by competent mining na- sayers ami engineers ai reasonauie : FOR 8AIn Cordwood, oak and hard wood, $4.60 per cont in carload lots. Oold Bay Realty Co., 218 West Main; phono 1873, ; FOR SALE Light wagon, cheap If taken at once. Call 533 S. Grope. 1S3 WANTED, FOR BALE A bargain for anybody: 4 room frame house In fine neighbor hetidi large shed, chicken house nnd gnnien; mi ruxii:, only -.9&0, Will jteJl .furnished If desired. 737 ws Hth st.j, near Bo Newlewn live. SOS FOR MALE Thoroughly modern 5-room huiignlowr eleetrlclty, gas, water; $3200. f 1200 down, $15 n month. On paveini'ttt. Call nt 535 S. Ornpe. 186 FOB BALE I hno loft ono flno new modern 5 room bungalow on pave ment; also one gied almost now C room house to noil on payments ns low ns rent. Humphrey, S15 F-utt Muln, S2 X,ot FOR BALE it pity lots, water and , sowerr $i!0uo. Hood terms. Chuk Boulty Co. Phone 23S1 FOR SALE $3000; five Icds, now biiu gulow, all muiloru convenleuees. S itoro chicken ranch in connection. Ap ply to owner, V M. Davis, Myrtle fieck, Ore. 210 FOB HALE By owner, onoi,of tho belt close In lesMenco lots In thu oily, good four room house, fltiq slutde trees, third block from Mulu onB. Central. Terms, or will tnUe lot In part pay meut. Inquire at 230 S. .Central or nhnne Bell 0071 lsi Aereaffo. FOB HALE 20 ajtres good land oloso Inf will ralho anything' from mirden to fruit, elieun for cash or wilt trade for Income properly, Address M. a., carol Mall Tribune. JU3 MUcUaneon WANTED Washing and Ironing, flue work a specialty. 48 North Oakdule. 182 WANTED Key fitting nnd generat re luxlrlng at Electrlo Shop, 106 N, Front strcviU 182 an terms. X'apltal secured for developing it mining prospects All mine owners are earnestly requested to mind samples of their ores for exhibition purposes, and send lull description of their-mining property. Southern Oro gon Mining Bureau, 21C West Main Street, Medford, Oregon. ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In gels. IX. Kc General assay and an alytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay office and ivntlnK laboratory In 'Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Pass. Or. Axchl toots. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects ana Builders. Office 7-8. 32C Main; phone Main 371. Residence phono 744. Abstracts. WANTED A horse, nbptlt 1300 lbs., Used' to .work single; light wagon or democrat, harness, etc. State price and particulars. Box A. 8. T., Trib une. 185 WANTKD You can't help hut nmko money selling our guarnntoed-to-glve-satlsfactlon stock; free outfit: cash weekly; oxcluslvo territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenlsli, Washington. WANTKD To buy small tracts near city cheap and easy payments, devel oped or undeveloped. O, B., euro Trjbuao. 185 WANTEl Stock of all kinds to pas ture. Inquire of E. L. Mluear. Phone S03xlt. 188 ROaUB RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO., ING, Jacksonville. Phone Pacific. Main 11: Home 2006, atUUsfd 3?nars. a T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, cigars and Bpft Drinks. Up stairs. Touns & Hall building. A nice, cool yluce m iuim wiu uuv aiiernuons. 'IELEN N. YOCICEY. Notary uublia Bring your worklo roe at the sign ol The Mall Tribune. PbysleUaa aa4 .Sargeosa. DR. v. C- BARBER Physician and Sur geon Rooms 403-4 Medford Furniture nnd Hsrware Bldg,; residence 1303 West Main street; office hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. in.: id. 3441. HH. CONKOX & CLANCY Pnyalclana and surseons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg.. rooms 210-211-213. Office p&on- 501 residence phone 13. Office hours f a! u. fcy 0 f. (, rnJiOW Os'w.Sthlc . Physicians Moved to rooms 410 and 4l7 Garnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. ?J-C? ,,n. n,.al,, uLdK-' 125 B- "aiu Gas administered for extraction or pITone 44T.e,ej,li0ne ! Night 211-212, phone 6501. Residence lis Laurel at. Dhona 2092. DR:..?- WCKWOODrphys'lclsn ' "and surgeon. DR. jrYRTLE S. I.OCKWOOD. practice limited to dlseasoa of wo men. Offices over Hasklns drug atore Phones; Paclflq 1001; Home 2iT. Dr. w. M. Van Bcoyoc ' Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo. .. Dentists. Garnett-Coroy bldg.. suite 318. Minlford. Orfgon Both Phonos' DR. J J. EMMENB Physician and surgeon, practice limited to eye. ear. nose, and throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 2IU East Main stroet, over Medford Hardware company; hours S;30 a. in. toSp. m.; both phones. BUI Fosters. VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and DIs- inuuior. aii oraera promptly rillt-d Room 39. Jnokson County Bank build Ing, Medford. Oregon Cement Workers. WANT to savo you money on your co mout work. Work guaranteed, any kind douo. Call on mo nt COS New town, st. Homo phono 123 W. Chiropractors. FOR BALE Hubbard squash and stock souiiRli. Pi Olnyvll'o. Plume Pacific 1C0 732-J 4. 1S8 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted FomaU WANTED GJil for general housework: Himill washing Address Mrs. Fred Lewis, Wellen, Oregon. 18 1 WANTED Girl for general housework; ono who can cook; wages 130 por mo. Apply Qold Buy Realty Co. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic, nerve specialist, 313 Fruitgrowers Bank k building Offlco hours: 3 to 4. Phone Home 2S9K. Residence 119 Roosevelt. Hours: 10 to 12 and 0:30 to 7:30, Phone 10SIC Special hours by appointment Sglcntlflo musaago given. Advice In dietetics. Medical gymnastta hydro thoropy. Cigars sod Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLK. SmokHliauaer Dealers In tobacco, cigars, and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewi Blngle Binder, El Mcrltp and El 1'olau Ola, 212 West Main afreet DRti. BAUNDifiRo AND QREEN Prso. tleo limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office: , Suite 318 Oarnott-, Corey building. Both phones. ' J. M. KEENE, D, D. ii.; A. J. HINIKER, D D S.. Dentists, 22S II Main. Phone Malnjil91 Home 124K. ' Ohlncsa Uedtclnas. eilOW T-S'ChfilesTnidttiei'wii'i euro rheumatism, cutarrh. colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private dlseaoen and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, wpmb and bladder trouble. Bee me at 241 a Front st. Medford. Ore. to 4, 0:30 to 7iS0. Rcsldeucu phons , Phono Main 42. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has tho best equipped Job orfice In Southern Ore gon; book binding: loose leaf systems;, cut paper, ota. etc., Portland prlcesv 37 North Fir street 1 SINGiTlt - WHEELER S WH.BON sewing machines for sale and tent. Re pairs. Caro Duncan local representa tive. Phone 0,013, No. 38 Kputh Fir street. Sttnoirraphars. ; KLLA M. GUANVAW Palxw Jiloei Btonographlo work dona qulvkly M well. 5, MIBS L. J. HINQSTOW, Publls ultmw J ' rapher, Medfoisl. Oregon. I'hofiwJ! Off flee, rnclflo 6571J resldonotr Polf 5Q83, Room 218. Gorrtett-Corey bids. Transfer. S EADS BROS, dray an.l fninsfer, 0flt Davis wareiiouso. I'liouo Hell 3)93, Home 350-IC Prices rlfc'lit. Borvles guurmteed. ' I , -. , .i ft. mr b r il M tv 1 f t I 111 1 I ' !