Vf.. pfll nTy1 MEDFOUD MATTi TRTBUNTC, MI3DF0UP, OKMJON, FnHXA V, OCTOMIW, 20, IfllV page mvn & . w A i t ) - k ?: ft v . '-if: LOCAL AND PERSONAL Kvnryiiiiii IiivIIimI In iiLlontl tho iii"iilni; of I lie now tttino next Hat utility iifloinoini, Mnilfoiil Kiiriiltuio ft IliirilwitroCo, I Hi!' Mm. 1. (', (liutilltt In vIhHIiik AhIi limit filiniiln. ' nwrt I l' Kilter riiliiriii'il IiimI. uIkIiI from ii'lmrliii'MN (rip to HIkmoiih, Cut, H'u It, a. lloliiii'H, Tho I iimi t n no Wiim, oviir JiickHon County mink, Mr, Mini Mm. t, MIn anlviil from Miuwi'll, Iowm, mill mo Urn cik'kIh of It will imy you to watch tho flnli H.r iimichlm', Mih, I,. I). Mlm-iir iiiiirlnti llilii wciili roi' ImiKiilim, ())- Imm, rrnlin, r.lultiiiyi, I'liilim, Hull mill mmiy kooiI llilmtH to mil, W inny 8fi illfforitul IiIimIh of cIhh'hk, HIddI cut iiiffim ii npi'i'liilly, Dairy Mini wi'un cry liiilUir. rnmli ninili hkkh. .1, II, Mi'Hnlnr. 1 8.1 , Mr, mill Mix. II, I), Howard ami .Mi h. II, 1 I'lutl unit mm, Mm tor lloumr I'liitt, vImIIimI In Aiihlmul Tliuriiiliiy. Next Huliiiiliiy, 'J lo tl p, in, Mod fnr.l l''iinilturii K- Ililw. Co, IK'.! Wt Miut to c! you tit llm oiiiiiIuk nxt Kiiiunliiy, Moilfonl Ktiriilliiru & lliirilwurii t'u. I Ha Voluny Dlmit Ih over In C'nllforulii lookliiK iiftur I'iiko fitnnt lutnruntti. Kor im In or uxt'liiitiKu A fnw clioUn Itlioiltt I hI ml llitil rooHlnrn itml i:tirk nrnlii. Atlilr"itt "I'nlrvluw," Jnckmin- Vlllf. Mr. ami Mm. .loliu .IoIiiihou of (IiiIIh en-nit wuro In Mt'ilfuril yonlnr ituy vUltlui; tliulr ri'liitlvi-n, llm Kiitou fmullli'n, CliliH'int Mncwl Ult ntul Jnpnnoo nlr plnuta nt firoiiilluy's. I'lionn MM. Mm, It. I Clnrk P'tunuM ytt;r ilny to hr liinmi In Kan Jnm Cnl., uficr n vlnlt with olil-llmo Mcitfilnl tillOlllH. A miiKiiUln'iit ilUiluy of Orli'iitnl . ruiiH tiro ImliiK hIiowh nt tlm Med- font l-'iirnlturo & Ililw, Co. Morn. i.nu Mrn. I Hull In vlnltliiK W'" vlllo frli'iiiln, Wo wlnli to en 1 1 I lin intention of Hut litilli-u to iioniiitliluK lw In Oriental ruH Junt rcrHvi'il thin week nt llm Mini foul I'urnllurt' & Ililw. Co. lioro. ' 1R2' Mm. M M. Itummiu; nml iIiiukIi lr, Mm. K. K. Hkk of (irmitn I'mhh, litlttxl with Mtulforil frlmuU Tlium 'Iny. Wn want to uliow you immnthlnK In Orli'iilal niKi tlint will ninnl to your laiU. Auk to jhm tlm iUHplny Mcilforil I'urnlliiro & Ililw. Co. S2 Mr. nml Mm. A. H. Anil lufl lav iilKhl for it wvithI wh1jh' vllt In Hi. I'nul, Minn , nml Kmnmn City, .Mo. They hnvii ln'ii hik'HiIIiiu the nuiiiiiMir In Mcdforil with their win. In. Inw, Cliarlm 8. Initio. Homo of tlm moil Iti.-nutlful Orien tal nip mnilo nro now on illnilay nt tlm Mi'tlfonl I'linilluro t Ililw. Co.' nlnre. Call nml m-o them. 1K2 H. A. Mooro n'turneil to Portland hint iilKht aftr a month'ii nliiy In Meilfonl. (ii'iitiluc Orlontal nik-ii In licatitlful iI.'hIkiih at tlm Mfilfonl Kurnltiiroft Ililw. Co.' more. IS2 Mm. I. I.. Iteaiiiim left hint nlKhl for a few lay' vlU with her Krunil mother. Mm. Illnley-, nt Wooilvllle. Htm wan iHToiniianleil hy her niece, Minn Howeu dale. Thin 'l tho tlmo to plant Htraw ImrrlcH. All MirtH of plaulH for mile, II. II. Pattemon. Pan, phone 2193. Ham MrCleuileu, Hie Oolil Hill cap. Ilallttl, Ih In Muilforil toiluy. Mm. II. It. Crawford, of Joplln Mn In reentered nt the new Med ford. Uood mimln and entertnlumuut. OpvnliiK of tlm new htilldliiK i Cen tral aveuiio next Haturdiiy, 2 to II p. m. Medford Kuriilliiro c Ihlw. Co. 182 Mr. and Mm. Phil Metuchnu, Jr., ami MIhh I.IIIIiiii MetHchmi, or Port land, were In Medford yeHterday. A itotivonlr to each pient on 8t urday next, nt tho omoiiIiik of the now M. V. & II, Co. hulldlilB. 2 to II p. III. 182 K. C. Murphy of aia, Cnl., I In Medford. TIiIh' la tlm time to plant Htraw lioirlci), All Hortu or plmitH for Hale. II. II. Pattemon. Pub, plmne 24!a. Mm. It. Huiylhe of New York la ref-lnte'rcd at tlm NiihIi, M. II. Jewett wIhIich that thiiBO havliiK pletureH at her Htoro would pleiiHii rail for them. 185 Weeks & McGowan Co. UKDEIiTAKERB ay Phono M71 NlKht I'hoiir F, W. Mfwki 071. A. B. Orr, MM. IiADT AHBIHTANT. Carkln & Taylor (John II, Cm kin, tllimn O Taymr), nltorinty-iillnw over JarkMon touuty Hunk lliilldlu;, Medford, Mr. ami Mm. TIioh. W'IIIIiiiiih and Mr, nml Mm, II, C, llohr.lue, or (IraulN PaiiN, are nieudliif; ImUy In lookliiK --iver Medford. IHue nt the new JiHphlno hotel when In (IiiuiIm 1'ain, Hervlre a la earte. , u Tho. While returned thin morn n K to Klamatli Imllau iiKeury after a few iIid-h vlxlt with Medford frloniln, Mr, White Ih oiiKntted In roreutry work on tho renervntloii for the kov- eriimeut, (leorKe Cooluy Uoire, a nirpeiilor, 2 I yearn of m;e, died at liln homo In Haul Medrord yeHterday rrom pnei moulii. lo leaven a youiiK wife In Mi'ilford ami other relatlveg In Han llermtrdliio, Cal. Mm, l.eo J. Mutoiclie mid dmiKhter will leave tomorrow ror ChlniKO and Jollet, III, Mm. Mlkudm'ri vIhII nt UiIh thmi In iiwnle eHpeelally to he In n(teudaui:e at the widen wedding of her father nml mother which will he relehrnted nt Jollul on tho .10th of (IiIh month, IIhh Leonn Hull left yi'nterday ror her home In Prnlrle City, Iowa. The voiiiik Imly linn lieeii IIvIiik near Medford with her uncle nml aunt, Mr. nml Mm. Polk Hull, ror the pant two yearn, Mennrri. Olaildln K-. Dixon have ko "iired two rarlnaiU of I'iiko wire fenro t It Ih week. One for dlntrlliti lion ut Medford mid ouu at AlluritH, Cal. K. I. Wledell linn opened a nllllnrd tml pool room and confectionery itore on Honth I'ront mreet. K. P. A. Illltuur wan In Crautn I'iim Tliumday evcnliiK on IiiikIiiciih. V. P. Hall, the HrowiiHhoro mer chant who wn n-ceiitly htirned out, hnH decided to not iikiiIIi eiik'nco In InixliicnH there, and Ih now moving hht limiHcliold effecln to Medford. deo. T. Htiirdervaul of Manila Ih reKhitered at the new Medford hotel. John l.okke of Kiuko, N. IK, Ih In Medford lookiiiK over the city mid vn I ley. , It. II, It ii run of Afdilmnl wan In the city yeHterday. Councilman !'. K. Merrlrk loft thin mnrnliiK for n luiitltitH trip to Devlin Lake. N. I). Mrn. C, V. JohiiHon returned to Portland thht mornltiK alter n vIhII In .Medford with her mother, Mm. II. Ituudlett. Mr. ami Mm, It. A. Preton left thin moriiliiK for Portland. Mr, ami Mm. Fred Neal took thin uoriiliiK'it ItuHolmrR local for Wolf Cret.lt. (. I'. ItlllliiKH of AhIiIiiikI Ih In Medford nrrmiKliiK for the annua: uieetltif; nr tlm Jitrknoit County Sun- ilay Hchool convention which Ih to he held In tho HaptlHt church, Medrord, n Orlohcr 27, 28 and 29, Mr, ItlllliiKH Ih proHldcut of tho county Sunday hcIiooI nKHoclntlon. HiuipHon Copplu, wUe mid daughter or Hood lllver arrived In Medrord yenterilay mid nttor n vlnlt with A. J. Kuicmou ami family will coutliitiu on their trip tu California. Dr. and Mm. I). !'. I'orheH, or Tal ent, Hpeut Thumday iiIkIiI In Medford. PfONEFR LADY PASSES AWAY Elizabeth I. Vault Kenny of Jack sonville Dies Actl 79 Crossed the Plains lo the State of Orcjjon In I884S. sa Kllznlielli T. Vault Kuimy, who cniHHCil the plniiiH to Uncoil in J 815, I'icil thin moiiiiiiK ut H o'clock nt her lioiiie in JuckHoimllc, of gcuunil ile- Lllily. Mm. Kenny wiih 71) yenm of ngu ami Iciivch lo iiiour liiir paMHin tuo Mum, TliomiiH J. nml Willium (I. Kenny, Tito pjihhiiijj of Mm. Kenny ie uioveH one of tho ft rut white women in Oregon, Willi her parentM she eroHK eil plniiiH to lliiM Hliile in 1 H 15.. Upon iniiiiy oei'aioiiM nIhi noted on inter preter for the ImlimiH, Iter father wiih editor of the firaU paper in the htnte. Mm. Kenny wiih horn in Kentucky, n deheenilent of Daniel Ilooiie. Tliu funeral mtwcck will he held from the reHideiicv ut JiiekMinvillu Siinduy af termnni at 1 uVloek. Interment will ho in the .JacliHonvillii eemetery, CREAM COMPANY MOVES LOCATION The .Mi-iirmd Creum and Itnltcr eoinpauy which recently pureliasci the Southern Oiegmi Dnirj" company's futures nre prcpaiiu to move from their present ipiarterh on South Cen tral iivcuue to romiiH now Ijointr fit ted up for them in the N'lilntoriiim hiiildiii. Their new rooms will he '.Mx7f feet in hh nml they wil! he iniido over t'H)eeially to iiecommo date (he line of IniHinesH in whicl they are eugnged. LOCAL MAN WEDS HIS BOYHOOD SWEETHEART Mr .ami Mrs. S. Clay .trrivd in Medford Huh moriiiut; fnuii Iieim, Michigan. Mr. Clay left Medford Hovern! weekH ngo for Ionia, the home of l.frt hoyhood day.H, mid thri. re newed his neipinintaiiee with (lie girl he knew in the lontr ngti, urn! on Oc tober 1 Ith Mm. Itowiey heeame Mr. W. S. Clay. Mr. Clay has resided in Medford seventl yc.ir.s mid owns eonsidernhle properly here, imdndmg it fine roiilj'iice on NomIi Fvy lreet to which he took his hride upo.i their iirriMil here. FEEDS SWEETHEART POISON (Continued from Page A JOHN A. PEKL Un'ilertnlrr ami Kmhnlmcr jiicnunsor to tho undertaking no- parliiiuut of Medford Fiirnlturo Co, i orrico 2H South llnrtlett Street Tolophonos: day, Doll 471; night roHldoncn, lioll 473. Homo 179-L. Calls answered night or tiny AMIH'I.ANCK RKUVICK trtrjtrf RKf. ami Htudy iiiiihIc. KiieudK of MIhh Idnuel declare that hIio wiih njoiing woman or exemplary couducf, mid hud no male friends op aciiualntahco except ItlchcHou, wiioso ring alio wore. Meets HclrcNs. Then there came Into tho llfo of tho yunng'.iiiliilHtor tho turn or wealth and Hiiclal preHtlgo, dlHiuplliii; the romance. Itlehomm had heen In Cambridge hut a row montliH when ho met Viola IMiuauilH, an attrnctlvo hruuetto, mid helreBK to half a million. They' mum fell In lovo; Avht wiih forgotten mid a new engagement wiih formed, MIhh I.luuel remained with her faith In her mlnlater lover uiiHhaken to the liiHt. "I am going to lunch with 'lilm," Hho mild gaily to a group or her girl niomlH iih hIio left them at noon of Haturday taut. Throughout tho din ner which alio ato that night at tho Y. W, 0, A, lioiidtjtiurtorH, alio talked (nightly and iieeined In the heat or HpliitH. Ilor animation wiih noticed au an Indication or tho pleanuro or tho vlnlt with her flanco, After din ner MIhh I.lunol wont to hor room, where hor frlunilH hoard peculiar hoiiikIh nt U'o'cjoolc, They entered and round hor, clad In a kimono, mm tod In n chair, Her feet were In a tuh of water, ami on tho tuhlo hoHldo her lay. a package of cyanide. Bho died an hour later without recovering consciousness. WHOLESALE CIGAR STORE TO BE OPENED A whoh'Kulo cigar mid toliacci Iioiimo In to hu opened In Medford before Hprlmj. Tho word comen from Portland that the J. It. Smith com pany Iiiih decided to enter tho field In southern Oregon as actlvo Johhom and that they have chosen Medford as the distributing point. It Is tho Intention o? the firm to erect a building and to Rend their traveling hiiIchiucii ror this territory out of Medrord Inatead of from Portland. .jinm D'ANJOUS SELL IN NEW YORK At $3.90 The Iloguo Hivor Fruit & TroiluoB iishoeiiition have been ndvised of Hie following Mile: At New York, I V. K. ear (117, from Medford, September II D'Aiijou ponm, Hogne Kiver I'ruit and Produce ussoeintiou l-'niiey, ftveruge WM; elmiee, $; enr grosd .-fs 1 8IKI. 4 4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f 4 WANTUD Olrl for light housework, dotnl wngoB. Call C1C South Ornpo, 181 POSITION WANTKI) Hy young man experienced lu correspond ence, udvorthtlng or reporting lu newHpapor work, saleamniiHlilp nml orrico work, Address llox l, caru Malt Tribune. a Si Jt WANTKI)- l'o bev n wm cu'lo milch eow, OdresR ptifltTffiPO ion (II, Mi'tlt'tifn, Qrtgui, I ATTEND THE BARGAIN SALE PRINTS 1000 yards .HchI Dickh find Hliirlin Viwin, hnv- r g.'tin pritf&i ,1i Jl O yjii'd ,..,.,.,... ,,. MANNS CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O. OUUING FLANNELS 1000 yards Heavy Otiling Flannel, all colors, A A harain price, a 1 II yard ; TWENTY BIG BARGAINS FOR V SATURDAY CORSETS 100 pairs Coutil Corsets with two pairs hoso sup porters, bargain AQp price, a pair iOU UNDERWEAR Children's vests and pants fleeced lined, special, bar gain price, JZC each mJv SILK 2-1 inch Mcssaline Silk, all coloi-s; $.1.00 quality; bar gain price Qr a vard U7v TALCUM POWDER IMennwi's and Colgate's Talcum Powder, bargain price, per 1Qr can 7 gowns Women's Outing Flannel Clowns, worth $1.00; bar- gam price each : 85c GLOVES Women's cashmere gloves silk lined, all colors, bar gain price, a JZ pair "Jv HOSE Women's and Children's last black Hose,' bargain price, a JAp pair vU HAND BAGS Women's Leather Hand Bags, special b a v g a i n price f.Qp each "71 HAIRNETS Women's Hair Nets, all shades, special bargain price Ar ("lr'll IV SHEETS 72x90 J31eaehed Sheets, god q u a 1 i t v; bargain S: 48c RIEBON Our best wire edge .Ribbon always sold at 25c; bar- gam iH'K'tS a 19c WAISTS AVomen's Percale Waists, all new styles, bargain price, 7Qr each 7 BELTS Women's Elasti Belts, values up to $1.00; bar gain .price 9Qr each OIL CLOTH Best quality Tabic Oil Cloth, special b a r g a i n price, a 19c TOWELS Good size Cotton Towels, splendid quality; bargain price 7 each v PLAIDS School House Plaids for children's dresses; bar gain price, 1 7f ., vnrii 1 Iv PETTICOATS , AVomen's Satinc Petti coats, worth $2.00 bai--gain price .t- 1 Q each 1.17 COLLARS W omen's Embroidered dollars, 25c values; bar gain price IQft each 1 7 MUSLIN "Fruit of the Loom" Eus lin, -worth 12 l-2c; bar gain price Q PILLOW SLIPS 42 and 45 inch Bleached Pillow Slips; bargain each 1-faC 4f- COME IN TOMORROW & DON'T PUT IT OFF Furniture, Rugs and Housefurnishings A T FACTORY COST PJUCES CUT 25 to 50 Per Cent. Every Article Sacrificed Nothing Reserved GENUINE GIGANTIC SALE J- The House That Sells For Less CUTHBERTS We Lead Others Follow Next To Post office Cash Will Buy Goods Here For Nearly Half The Regular Retail PriceThink It Over. -i. ? . m . H J f! Mi J 4x- j -v ?! -I !. f-titft''! If-'" ' .'r'nr , .J&(r --C' WUaft.KKtFAlAi nn&, ,4Sti.1jg?yttft w,,v b. .x 4'tvy :.. 4 ,r '--'