Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 19, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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M ipford Mail Tribune
fTlio Democratic Time. Th Medford
MKlL.Thft Medrord Trlbuno, The South
irh Orrgonlnn, Tho ARhlana" Tribune
Office Mali Trlhtin nnIMtnf.S5-87.JP
Kdrth Kir ntrccl! photic Mln JOSI.
Homo 76.
AUTUiMN" days aw the most perfect of all days. A
tremulous golden haze f ills the eircumamhient air,
JMorest olad hills are gorgeous in their eoats oC many eol
ors. Peaee with contented mein broods o'er an "earth
showered with sunshine and
rutin ulley
Ollv or .Medfunl, nri'iwni
3i feet w iim north ni.l of
iVinv ' '
Olli,iin Ahlln
dlllon. Inc., tot a, block 0. Queen Anno
nddlllou. Ollv r Medford, Oregon;
ironinKO uii leei on tlio imrill Minn oi
mild alloy! .u fvot; into iwr root, US;
BKOtiatf TUTNAM, Kdltor And Mnirrt
Knlftreu" s necond-elnns mutter t Med
ford, Urcror under tho e of March i
Official1" rapcr 6r tlt. City of Medford
Offlclnl Taper of Jacknon County. ..
Ope your, by mall 6.J"
Onn month, by mnll .............. .Ed
lrr month, delivered by carrier In
Medford. Jacksonville, nnd Cen
tral Point ...............
Saturday only, by ninll, per year.. 8.00
JtVeckly, per year 1.80
woBir cntcui-ATioir.
Dally nvernsn for nix month ending
December 31. 1910, 8711.
mil 3aaA VCln VnltM 7Fxm
north nliln of
ThA MiM Tribnno Is on sale (it the
Ferry News Stand. San Franetaeo.
Tortlnnd Tlotel News Stand. Portland.
Bowman Now Co., Portland. Ortx
W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash.
metropolis of Southern Orccon anj
Northern; California, nnd th fastest.
crowlnp city In Orepon.
Population U, a census 110: S840;
estimated. 191110.000.
vvn hnnrtroil thonRanfl collar urftYlty
Water Syatem completed. Riving finest
supply pure mountain water and six
teen miles ot street being pnved and
contracted for at a coat exceeding II.- making a total of tivcnty miles
Of pavement.
Postofflee. receipts for year, ending
March 31, 3911. show Increase or 41 per
cent. Bank deposits a gain of 33 per
cent. . .
Banner fruit city In Oregon. Ttoguo
Itlver Spltwnberg apples won sweep-
takes prlso nnd tills or
"Anlt Sin- of tha Woria."
at the National ApplrShow, Spokane.
1909, and a car of Newtowns won
rirst Yxtsa ta 1910
at Canadian International Apple Show.
Vancouver. B, C.
Roguo River pears brought highest
prices In all markets of the world dur
tngthe. past six years.
Write Commercial club. !ncJo!rig C
Cents for posingo for the finest comma.
nlty pamplrtet -eve published.
iwm'iwl witli miiiwlnnn mil iriliiwlnnf in luwf!i Iwmtiiv .mnount,,
Jjiteless grasses rustle Jnintlv m irentle zenhvrs. Trnn- '". .. t s. woek n. oue-hi ai.
, ,',",. , . , , i , ...,,.' ., . ., iiimui, t;ity nr Medforil
sou ana iioui me (ivinir leaves om a uriurui larowoa to iuo mW'R'" B .. tuo
world and flutter noiselessly to oblivion. An unseen artist
paints the red upon the apple, the blue upon the grape,
the yellow on the pumpkin, and the brown upon the hill
side. It is the season of fulfillment, of the harvest. The stren
uous work of the year has been vcoinploted, and nature,
her productive labors over, smiles serenelv. It was to
perfect these days that sunshine and shadow, shower and
drouth, chased each other across the year, and the cycle
has been completed;
Autumn is filled with the peace that passed) under
standing because it typifies the finished product. It took
the storms of winter, the showers of spring, the heat of
summer and tho early frosts to make today the perfect
day. Lose a single day from the infinite variety of those
that have gone before, and today would havo been woven
in different pattern.
llic beauty ot autumn is the beauty of dissolution and
the beauty of death. Smilingly in brightest garb,- nature
welcomes toe end. 'I lie myriad creations of tho year silent
ly slip into the realm forgotten in obedience to tho law
There is nothing sad or terrible about death when the
cycle of lifjp is complete. It is the incomplete life that
forms the tragedv the life half lived, the strutnrie half
won, tne career halt timshod, and still in the making. loi
the untimely end of the half developed was black, the ab
sence of all color, adopted as a badge of sorrow, not for the
timely end of those 'whose powers had reached full frui
tion, and who, in the Indian summer of life, their work
finished, smilingly fall into the sleep eternal, as an autumn
uay laucs'iwo u nignt resplendent.
TACOMA, Wn. Though tho legis
lature passed a law recently that
aliens could not carry firearms
without n state hunting license,
Frank Hichmomi, an unnaturalized
German, beat his case today in Jus
tice Graham's court by showing that
German treaties with tho United
States provided for the same treat
ment for subjects of tho kaiser as
for Americans under the laws of
tills country.
MUSKOGEB, Okla. After a 60
mlio flight at tho rate of a mile n
minute, Aviator Rodgera was forced
to land at McAlcster, Okla., Monday,
being handicapped by a faulty motor.
Tito aviator left-hpre at 11:35 o'clock
this morning and at 12:30 p. m. was
at McAlester, CO miles to tho south
west. Ho jnado minor repairs on bis
machtno there and gave an exhibi
tion flight.
.TACOMA, Wn. Through conflict
ing testimony, Mrs. Ida L. AVarren
today lost the $50,000 suit sho
started against tho Northern Pacific
railroad for the death of her Iiub
baiid, a locomotlvo engineer, two
years ago.
TACOMA, "Wn. I). IHrano, a Jap
anese, la the first applicant for-damages
under the new employers' la
bility" commission law. Hirano was
cut in a whirling shaft at an ice
cream factory hero and had ail his
clothing torn off except his necktie
and shoes.
TACOMA, Wn. Oenver Ed Mar
tin, a negro, wlto once fought Jack
Johnson 20 rounds in Los Angeles,
Johnson getting the decisiori, Is under
nrrest here today with threo other
negroes, charged with shooting craps.
TACOMA, Wn. Llttlo credenco is
placed by the police hero In tho re
port from Los Angeles that David
Cnplun, wanted by tho prosecution In
tho McKmnara case, war. drowned in
I'uget sound last summer, after u
resldenco of tsuvoral mouths at Home
Colony, nn unarchlutlc settlement
near hero.
. SAN KJtAKCJSCO. Soma Hlrim
iit'gt wanted to tdiow Carl Johnson, u
liiiiclicr. n iorty-i'oot shark. Tltej
led liini to, u secluded pluee nnd rob
joii him. Jolin.soi) is satisfied lie
trttw n Bhiu-k.
, SAN FRANCISCO. Because she
pjicked her valise first nnd then
liioiiK'lit of what pho put in it, Qltwlvh
Wnlson, chorus ;irl, is under nrresl.
ratio denies intent to rob, pleading
carelessness '
' SEATTLE, Wn.In anticipation ot
luiaviur shipping with the opening of
tlii' Panama Canal, (lie American
Hawaiian Stcams'Iin colnrmny litis
placed mi order fur four large
Kteanihliips with the Maryland Steel
company at a of .f:i,200,000. The
(wnt mot provides that the first vob-
mil bhall he built in twelve months
and the fourth in twenty-two. The
vxsssels will bo npproxiuialely 12,000
tojitj enoli. ' v . ;
HAsktni for KeaUkT
THE divinity that hedges a throne to the royalist, or the
episcopacy to the churchman, evidentlv clothes the
courts in the mind of President Taft. In one of his cam
paign for renomination speeches the president says:
"I love judges, and I love courts." Then he adds that
.judges and courts "are my ideals on earth that typify what
we shall meet afterward in heaven under a just'CSod."
2s"o wonder judicial recall seems sacrilege in the eyes
of such an idolatrous worshiper of bench and gown, in
whose mind the judge is godlike.
Few of us, however, regard .indues as at all godlike.
To most of us, a judge is simply an arbitrator of disputes.
When he is unjust or corrupt, or incompetent, he forfeits
respect as any other derelict official and is subject to the
same criticism.
Mam- judges are political accidents, the creatures and
creations of corrupt bosses and corporation ruled parties.
unec in a While tlie capacity, ability and fitness of the
candidate is considered, but more often it is his subserv
iency or popularity or both. "Vliat is there sacred about
such? '
As Thomas Jefferson said over a century ago, and as
Abraham Lincoln quoted him over lialf a century ago:
"Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so,
They have with others the same passions for party, for
power, and tho privilege of their corps. Their maxim is,
'bom judicis est ampliare jurisdictioncm,' and their power
is the more dangerous as they arc in office for life, and nor
responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective
control." ' ' .
wilil nlly: 60 Tout mt vr foot, It IS.
minium, tii.ut;.
ANPonnuti'ut Mo, a -ijui-on Anno Ail
illtlou, Inc., let 1, bbH'K 3. oui'i-u Anne
mlillttim, City ut Mfilford, ort'Kuit,
rroniiiKo BU rei't on the north Kldti of
wtlil alloy: in font; -,iu por foot, (LIS.
amount. STI.Ot).
Aimwitiont Nik at tjuwn Anno Ail
itttloa, I no, lot A, t took Uiiimmi Ahum
nililltlun. .City of Mvitfoid. Dnwm,
rrimtiiKo IT foVt n tho north shin or
mini iiil,y. 17 M'tt rate pur font, It. Ii.
Anii.Kiuiitt ., 8J QiU'ou Anno Ail
illl Inn, I no., lot 5. block 7 Uttorti Amu
uilillllmi. City of .Mi'dfiinl. On'Kun.
friuituso 4T rMt on tlio mutli ulilo t
ntil ntli-y. IT fwt; i.itu l'i' foot, 11.18.
iliuollllt. H1.S6.
.8Nvxmii'Ut No. JJ - (luoi'ii Anno Ail
itltlon. I lie, lot I, liloclc ,, Uiuhmi Auiii'
mlilltlon. City of MiMforii, Hivkoii.
froutiiKO 17 foo.t ion tlio uoltli slilo ol
hiUiI iilto.v; tT foetj nxto ikt finit, 9 1. IS.
amount. 6l.5f,.
AHuosyauont NK 21 Quoon Anno A
iHllon. inc. lot a.- block 7, Ouocii Antit,
mlilltlon. City of M-ilfonl. UrfRon,
fronl;ii;o IT feol mi tliu norlli lil of
said ntlcy; IT feet; rati lHr foot. II. IS;
amount, $B',.a0.
An.srsNinint No. 25 oiuvn .Mine u-
lltlou Inc.. lot 2. block 7. Queen Anno
uililltioii. uuy uf Miiiroru. uivboii.
risi,liiTr- 17 font llliV mil' III (in of
mibl nlliy: font; rulu Hir foot, ii is
amount. .58.
.i0iwmimt No. 2tf -CJiu'en Anno Ail
itltlon. Inc.. lot 1, lilm'k 7. Oifcoii Aim.
liiiiiitiim. citv nr .Mcilforn, Oreuoo
fr..nti:i 17 fvi't on lite Uiirlli nlilo uf
unlit alley. 47 feet; rto iht fool. Il.ld.
iitnoimt. .50.
Afocnittt'iit No. ST Atni'lU M. Carol
lot 9. tilock . Quicn Anno oililltton. t lt
of Mrilfonl. Ori'Kou. frntm: f"t on
the north sUlo of wtiil alloy: IT fevt, rati
pvr fiHit. II. is: amoiirtt l.5s
Ar.Ktmint N'il 'X - Oun-n Anil" Au
dition Inc.. lot S, block 9. Utiwii Anm
. i.ii,i .iv ,,f MtHirorii. urruou.
fnititnKc 6S fiot on tliv norlli lil 'f
h.iI.1 Rltcy; 52 ftfet; ruto itr foot, II IX,
amount. IT6.90. . . ,
AMHt'MMiK'ttt No. 29 Queon Ane Ad
dition ,ne., lot 7, Mock 9. miocn Alio
addition. City of Jlcdfonl. OroKou.
froutiiKo 5S feet on tho norlti ld or
Htild allev, 52 tvKf, Wte tcr foot. II IS
iimoUnt IT6.3C.
sAneMHiui-nt No. SO Queen Anne Ai
dlilon. inc.. lot 6,.btock 9, lun Anne
Hililltlon. City of Sletlfiird. OreKoti
fnuitilK-e 53 feet on tlie norlli Hide or
!ilil nllcy: S2 fcAit; rate icr foot II IS.
amount 174.95.
Aiwei-nuicnt No. St. Queen Anno Ad
illtloii. Inc., lot 5. block . Queen Anne
addition. City of Mcdfonl. On'Kon.
frontage SS feet on tin nofjlt lde "f
mild iillev; 62 rot; rale lr finit, II. IS.
amount 176.36. , .
Aieieosment No. 31 Queen Anno Ad
dition. Inc.. lot t, Jdock t. Queen Ann.;
mlilltlon. City of Medfonl. (JreRon.
rrontiiKo 52 feet on tint north Hide 'f
wild alley: 52 feuf. tate per foot. II. Is.
amount, 176.96. ,
A.xeefment No. !. Queen Anne Ad
.n.i.. i,, Ini 9. tiloek 9. Qutell A line
n.Mltl'on. Cltv of Modford. Oiwnun. I
Hold alley IT feed rale nr foot, ll.ISi
amount. I6!t.,l. . ". .
ANoiiim:iit No, R(l,.QUoi'ii Anno Au
dltloit. Ine lot s. block T. Quton Anno
milium, city or aieiiruni. iireKoui
froulniio IT foot on tlm muilli ,Hldi of
Mrtld nlleyi 17 fnoli ruto per fool, ll.ISi
iintottui, iiti.(i,
i.N.iHMniiiiil No. f,T Oileeil AltlHI All
itltttm. lun lot :i, block T, QUceu Anno
inlillilon, city of Medront, Oicuons fionl
iliio IT fiH'l on I lie milllll lilo or until
sitloy; IT foot, into per fool, $1 IM
amount, ltu 611.
AftieNMineiil No. RS,-Oueen Anno An
itltlon, luo , lot 10, block 7, Qtlcon Anno
ntlilllKin, City of Midfoid, llieKimt rroul-
T root on the Hrtlltll Nldo of Hiild lit
lev; I. feet, mto per root, II IS: amount
Ax-aotiNment No. fn --Queen Anm nil
dlllim, Inc.. lot II. block T, Queen Anno
addition. City of Medford. uroimu. ftnnt
ncu ITVfeot On tlm noutlt utile of hubl
alley: tT feeij into per foot, It. IS.
amount, 6.3ti.
AHMcxtmicnt No 6 Queen Anno Ail
rtlllon, lun.. lut 18, bloeU T, Quern Anno
iiiiiiiiiiot Citv tit Mi'iiroiii. Dretfon front
il-o it reel on Hie xoutn tmio 01 xani
alley: IT reel: nito per foot, fl tS.
inmnni. Juy an
Axuoxxmont No. fil.Kmlllla M Tur
icr. lot 10. block 9. Queen Anno nililltlun.
City ir Med'ord, (ireumi. rrontiiMO 6a
feet on lite Koutli xble of ittild ftlley. ft J
feet; 111(1) per foot, It. IS, lUuouul
AHKi-XMinoul No, ,!, i:mlllbi M, Tur
nnr. lot II. block t. Queen Anno uibll
Hon. City or .Medford, tireumi; froniiiKo
52 feet on the noiltli Hide of paid alley;
63 feel; rate per fool,, nmoum.
AuMeHmnent No, 66 -Kmllllii M. Tut
uer, lot 12. bliHMi 9, Queen Anno addition,
City of Med'ord. Oregon; fruiitinto ,1i
feet on tin itoullt Hlile of wilil alley; 52
reel: ruto per foot, It is; amount,
IT 96.
AnHeMMiiiout No 6lKmtllla M. Tur
ner, lot 13, block 9, Queen Aline llrtitltloi..
City of .Medford, Oremm: friuilniiu "3,
feet on the noulh Hide of wild alley; 52
feet: rato per foot, II. IS, amount,
AiMCHmout No, 65 Queen Anne Ad
dition. lnc lot H. block 9. QuiHMt Anne
addition. Cl(y of Medford. Orewon. front -oK-i
52 teel on the poiilli Hide or wild
alley; 63 feet, into per toot. II IS
timount. 176 9 ...
AmioN-.niont No. 66 Queen Anno Ad
tlllliin. City of .Medford. OtvKon. frontnKe
52 feet, on the xoillli Hide of x.tld alley,
52 feel, ruto per root. II. IH, ntnouui.
176,96. . . . ,
AxuexKinetit No. T Queen Atiltti Ad
rtlllon. Inc., lot 16, block 9. Queen Antio
addition, cily of .Medford, orcKim front
afio 52 reel on tho noiltli nldo of mibl al
ley: 52 feet, rnt per fool. II IS. itmouui
AHxeHiment Nv 6S Queen Anue Ad
llllim, Inc. lot IT. Mock , Queen Anno
nililltlun. City of Meilfnn!. Oreitun. front;
aiso 52 f.-el on the mmtli Hide uf niilrt
uUey. 52 reel; rnlo K-r roat. l IS
amount. IT 96 ...
AnxeHHnieni No, 69 Queen Anne Ad
dlllon. Inc.. lot is, block u. Queen Anno
addition. City of Mftlforil. OreKoti; froul
aKe 5U feet 011 ttowHouili nldo or otjlil
alley; 50 feet; rate vr foot II, IS,
iimoitnt. IT 1.00. . . , , .
Hectlon 2 And It .in hereby ordered
and ordained that mi hi several uxneiut
nienlii and the lloim thereof U entered
In the- lien docket of mild city, and that
thereupon notice tw Klen to the owner,
or reputed owner, of hum property, and
Unit llio enme tw enforced nnd collectw.
In the ntniiiier provided by Hie charier
of nalil city for the collodion of anion
ineiitM for the liupruveuiontl of iilreelH
therein . .... . . .. .
Hectlon 3. It Ix further ordered Hint
the notice iiIhivo provlde-l for be iuiIi
llxheil three tlmex In lb" I 'ally Mnlt
Tribune, a newxpunT pubtlxhed unit or
Where to Go
xald uller; 52 feet, rate lr root. i 1 r ,,r..ii.l...l bv ordlnnnce
An ordlnnnce iiKxeHxtnsr tho nrnnertv
mlj.icent 10 nnd benefited by tlio 6 and
iiicii iiuerai newer conntructeil niontr
.illev between QiH-en Anno avenue nnd
lacknon boulevard from Itooxevelt nvr-
nuo to Ort-Rtin ternice. tho coxt of con
iirtictini: tnc name unci nroviiiinc tin.
iiiuniier of carrying vulil asKoBument
Into full effect
The City of Medford dot 1 ordain nn
Hectlon 1 WliereiiH. tho city council
lid heretofore nrovldo by ordlnnnca for
tho Kervlns of the tm-nertt of properly
idjacent to and benefited bv the con-
xtructlon of tlio lateral newer herein.
ifter doMcrlbeil to iinrwur befrtro Kalil
council nnd xbow ctiunc. If any, why
xatd property xhould not lc iixxviihcd for
l lie coiiHlructlon or mild xewer, and did
fix a Hmo for hcarltiK ny sucli pro
textk. which notice, whh clvcn In flc-
conlanco with nald ordinance more than
ten duVM Iwroro the beiclnnlni: or tho
construction of Kald xcwer, but no pro
textH ufrnlnxt Kald conxtructlon or ux
HeHHiuent of the coxt thereof wax murle
by anyone anil Ruld xewer wax, by Haul
council, ordered conxtructed.
Anr, whereax. tho coxt of tho conxtruc
tlon of wild newer ban been ma do unit
hereby Ix determined to bo tho Burn or
Now, therefore, xald clly doth ortlaln
-mil dr-claro that cueli parcel of property
dchcrlbetl below In adjacent to and bene,
flted by that certain lateral xewer 6 and
S InchcH In xlze, constructed on alley
between Queen Anne avenue and Juck
xon boulevard from ltooxoyclt avenuo to
OreKon terrace, and that the proportion
'if the coxt of xald xewer which each of
said parcelx of land should bear, baxed
on the benefit) derived rexpectlvely by
xald xevcrul tructx of land, Ix tlio
iinouiit xet oppoxlto tho dexcrlpllou of
noli parcel below, and that each of Bald
parcelx Ih actually benefited In tin
amount xet oppoxite 11h dexcrlptlon be.
low by the construction of xald Hewer,
Unil thai xald xoveral uniountx reprexent
the proportional benefitx of xald xoverul
paicelx from xald xewer. And each of
xald parcelx Ix hereby nxxexxed tlio
amount xet opposite Itx description below
for the cnxtiuctlpn of paltX xewer. The
hanio iippi-urliK above each dexcrlptlnn
being the tiumo of tlm owner, or reputed
owner, of each xuch lot or parcel.
lA'PRHAI. Htill'KIl TtlltOlTOn Ali-
i.i:v hktwi:kn qii:i:n ,anni:
AFHexxmont No, I A A', HlurKlx. llio
xouth half of lot 6, block I, Queen Anne
aiiuiiiou, t'lty or Aieiinu'ii, tireKon rroni
UKO CO feet on tho north xldtf of Mil III
alley; 60 feet; rate, per foot, 11,18;
amount, 174.00. 1
Axxexxmelit Nfl. 2. Queen Anno Addi
tion. Inc.. lot C, block 1. Queen Anno
mlilltlon. Cite or Medford. Oreuou:
fronton 60 feet on the north xjdo of
wild ullny; 00 feet; rato per foot, 11.48;
amount. 174,00.
' 'AxxexHmnrTs'o. S. Otieeh Anno Addi
tion, lor., lot . block I, Quoerio Anno
iilrtltinn, ciiy or Mfiiroiu. urn-mi:
froiiliigo CO foot on tho norlli hIUo of
xnlrt alley: CO feet; rato per fool, I1.1S;
amount. 174.00.
Axx.-xment No. 4. Qu.;c Jnno Addl
(Ion Inc., lot 3, Odock 1. Q-ticen Anno
addition. City of. ,Me,ir.l. OreKmi:
rrontaio dU feet oi the north xldo of
xald alley: CO fevti Fui iht fiu,t ti iv-
nmount. ITl.oo.
Axxi-xxmetit .No. 2. Queen Anno Addi
tion. Inc.. lilt 2. block 1, Queen Anne
uddltlon, City of .Medford Oref-on:
frontuKo CO fcut on tho north xlrt ol
will alley: SO foot; rnto per foot, l 18;
umount, 174.00,
ABXCBxment No. 6. Queen Anno Addl-
Uo?.'.ii"c- ,'? ' Wock Quoon Anno
addition. City of Medford. Ore;oii ;
frontutro CO feet on Ibo north xldo t
xnld nlley: 50 feet; rato per fool, 1 48,
umount, 174.00.
Axxexxment No. 7 Queen Anno Addl-
,,on.V.lnc" ,ot ,l,0(;k 3- Queen Anno
uildlllon. City of Medford, Or.'Kon,
froutaRo SO feet on tho north xldo of
xald alley. SO feet; rato per foot, 1 48;
amount. 174.00.
AxxoBxine'nt No. 8. Queen Anno Addl.
lion. Inc.. lot 8, block 3. Queen Anno
addition. City of Medford, OreKon;
frontujfo CO feet on tho north xldo of
xald ulley; SO rcot; rato per foot, 11.48;
amount, 174.00. '
Axxexxment No. 9. Queen Anne Addi
tion, Inc., lot 7, block 3, Qpeen Anno
addition, Cltv or Medford, Oregon;
frontuKo CO feet on tho north sldo of
xald nlley; 60 feet; rato per foot, 11.48;
umount, 174.00. '
AHxexxment No. 10. Queen Anno Ad
dition, Inc., lot 6, block 3. Queen Anno
addition. City of Medford. Oregon;
frontuKe 50 feet on tho north xldo of
xald alley; SO feet; rato per foot, 11.18;
amount, 174,00. .
Axxexxment No. 11. Queen Anno Ad
dition, Inc., lot C, block 3, Queen Anne
addition, City of Medford. Oreuou:
frontuKo CO feet on tho north xldo of
xaiu uney; 00 reoi; rato per root, 11 48,
umount, 174.00.
Axxexxment No. 12 Queen Anno Ad
dition, Inc., lot 4, block 3, Queen Anne
addition, City of .Medford, Oregon,
frontline CO feet on the noMh xldo of
xaiu auey: r.o recti rato per foot, 11.48;
umount, 174.00.
Axxexxment No. 13. Queen Anno Ad
dition, Inc. lot 3, dock 3, Queen Anne
addition, Clly of Medford. Oregon;
frontage CO feet on the north xldo of
xald ulley. CO feet; rate per foot, 11,48;
amount, 171,00.
AxxexKiuent No. 14. Queen Anno Ad
djtlon. Inc., lot -', block 3, Queen Anne
addition. City of .Medford, Oregon,
frontugo CO feet on tho north ld6 of
xiild ulley: 60 feot; rato per foot, IMS.
amount, 174.00.
Axxexxment No. 1C Queen Anno Ad
dition., Inc.. lot 1, block 3, Queen Anne
addition, ' Oily of iltdford, Oregon .
froiiiuKo Co feot on tlio north xldo or
ham ulley; 80 feot; ruin per fool, IMS,
umount, 174.00.
Axxexxment No. 10, Queen Anno Ad
dition, Inc., lot C, block 6, Queen Anne
addition. City of Medford, Oregon,
fi'unlugp CO feet on tho north xldo of
wild nlley: 611 feel; ralii per 'fool,;
iimmml, 171.00.
Axxexxmoiil No. 17. Queen Anno Ad
dition, inc., lut 4, block 0, Queen Anno
... ? ait
Ullltlllll. ,M,W. . , .
Asxemncnt No. 31. Queen Anno Au
dition. Inc.. lot 2. block 9 Queen Aline
ad.lltllon. City of y',,for'.V l,fV? !.V
frontage 82 feet on IhO north "Ide of
mi 1,1 alley: 52 feet, rate per foot, lis.
amount 176.96. ... 1
. -..o, ,...,., v,i si. Oueon Anne. Ad-
rtltlon. Inc.. lot I. block 9. Queen Anne
addition. City of i-tlford. OfeKO'Ji
frontugo 50 feet 00 h" worth bt; or
Kiild alley: 60 feot, Mto IHr fool. I.I8.
nmount, 671,00. . . ,1,.,i..ii
Aexcsxment No. 36. A. N. (l,i'lr,1,",I:
the north half oC lot 9. block 1. Quwi
Anno ndltlon. Cltr of Medforil. OreKon.
frontugo 30 feel on tlm xouth !! or
mild alley: 50 fett, mto per foot, 1 1. IS.
""r'-ilnlfV 3T.-M,,ry Q-Nel. lol
10. nnd tin wext hlf of lot 11, Idijek 1.
Qicen Aline addition. City of Med for. .
Oregon; frontu 75 feet on llio xouth
"ble or VaM alley. 75 feet; rate per foot.
11.18; umount I'l.tJO. TlluiiltiH
Axxexxmeiit No. 38 1 "'.'''"'J;
tot 12. und the wt luilf of lot 11. Mock
J. Quvc-n Anno addition, Clly of Medford.
Oxegon frontase 76 foot on tho xouth
xMo of xald alley 75 feot. rato per foot.
11.18; nmount, Illl.OO.
Axxexxment No. 39.-Queen Anne Ad
dlllon. Inc. lot 13 l.Ik 1. Qi--t Anm
addition. City of .Medforil, Ofegon.
fron age CO feet on the xouth xldo or
said alloy. 60 fct. rate iwr fool. U.l-
"TMcwmViilV I0.-Qucen Anno Ad
dlt'um Tnc . lot II. l.Mck 1. Queen Anne
a billion. City of Medford. Oregon
front ikc 60 feet on tho xouth xldo 01
xilil 1 alley: 60 feet; mto l-r foot. -?
"T";imVnl V .-cn Ann. Art
Itticm, Inc. lot l?ck 3. Queun Aiim;
addition, Clly of Medford. "fegon.
fro" ik. 60 feet on the noutli nld.. f
Sold alley; 60 feet; mto per foot, It. 18.
r&.nont'Vo 4!.-Quen Anno Ail
dlllon? Inc.. tot II. block 3. Queen Anne
Id Urn. Clly of Medford, OreRon;
rroi tugu 50 feet oil tho HOUtll xldo of
"ild allov: CO rt 1, rato per foot, ll.lh.
H,TxeHx?uent0Na 43,-Queen Anno Art;
dltlon. Inc. lot IS. block 3. Que. u An tie
addition. City of Medford, 'V'V"
fro ago 5 feet on tho xoutli eldo of
xoltl ulley ;5o feet, rate per J.ot. HI
""rxcHHfneia'No H.-Quecn Ann0 ;,
dltlon. Inc.. lot 13, block 3, Queen Anno
u" .III in. Cltv of Med for.!. Orego ,
front g CO fVet on tho nouili Hide or
xal.l : alley; 60 feet; rato per foot, 1148
""Minlnt No 46.-Uiueen Anno-W-dlt'mm
Ina. lot II. hi'kk 3. Qucm Anne
IdlUin. Clly of Me.lfor.1. Orego
front Jilra C f'-t on tlm houIIi nll or
xald alley. CO feet; ruto per font, II l.
a',exxI!,lnt'a 46.-Q.ucn Anne Ad
.iw,ci?y ,Vfu,,oy
"r mtago 50f!-t on tlm outl. Hid.; Of
xald alley. 50 f.-.i; rnto per foot. 11.48.
aTU-e-H."nlNa 47,-Quecn Anno Ad
dition, inc.. lol 16. block 3. uewi An
niiiilon fill of Medford. Oregon,
fro it. g" M Vl 011 tho xouth Me of
ial.l ; alley. 50 feet; rato per foot, 11.18;
n,Tx&,f,L!,f, 48,-Quccn Anno Ad
dition, Inc.. lot 17, block 3 ; Quctm Amm
addition. .City . of AloOronL. "f.M
rroilingo ou leei oil, ","" , ,y ..
xald alley; CO fecl,.rttta tr " 48(
ttT-rx'H,r,e;a No. 4?Queen Anne Ad
dltlon. Inc. lot 18, I'lock 3, Quel A"'10
aililll on, City of. MoUor I. ""'go 1 .
froutuge 60 feet on tlm ""'", "''J0 .'i
xald ulloy, 60 feet; ruto per foot, i.4.
UexHn;Vo. 60,-Queen Anno Ad
dltlon. Inc., lot 6, I)l"fk5, Qm. A'" "
utMKIon, City of Medfor . ""
frontugo 60 feet, on tlm ' 1 '" ,r
xald ulloy; 60 feot; rato per foot, l.i.
'"Tx'eLmnll.r'No. Cl.-Queen Anno Ad
dltlon. inc., lot 7, Mock C. Quee. An
addition, C ty of Alodfor.l, "fVBU"I
frontugo 60 feet on tho wiuili ll' f
xld ulley: 60 feet; rato per foot, li
Tnliiinlni No 62,-Queen Anno Ad
dltlon, Inc., lol 8, block 6. Qi'" . A"'
nililltlun. City of Medford, O ego .
frontugo CO feet, on tho Hulll Hide or
xnld alley; CO f.elj rato per foul, ll,
aniount, 174.00 , , . .,,
Axxexxment No C3. Queen Anne Ad
dition, I ne. lot 9, block 6. Queen Anno
addition, Clly -f M-dford. Orego .
fl'oiltugo SO feet on llio noiltli Hide of
Mlii nlley; 50 r.-.-ij riity, pt-r foot,,
'''AxxoHHuiuni No. jl. Q'i'W' 6nm'i$ir
.1111,,,, 1,,,. 1,0 r. iitnf,u r. Ml ecu
addition lo Cltv of MfcilfOfrt. Oregon
r... .... r.n r..,., ,, 1 hi, xouth Hide
Mill alloy; SO feet; ruto per root, i.ib
amount. 174.00 . ...
Axxexxment No. 66, Quon Annj Ad
dition, Inc.. lot 7,'hlopk 7. (Jiieeii Anno
mlilllimi, Clls of Mi'dford. Oregoill
froutOKO il feet on llio "Mlli lilo oP
manner tiroviile.l
of xald'clly.
Tho foregoing
by ordlnnnce Na
ordlnnnce w pnxxril
by the city owimcll or the City of Me.l
for.1. Oregon, on the 3rd day of October.
191 1, by the roliowiug vol". .uerrie.
aye. Watt, ave; Worimun, aye, Kmer
IcR. nhxotit. Klfert. aye. and Ml I tor. ay..
Approved octotwr Uh. !?.,,,.
W. II.
ltOIIT. W Ti:i.t'i:it,
City Kccorder.
To the owner, or reputed owner, of
each parcel or pioperty decjlled In III"
foregoing ordinance, a iinmc.1 therein
and In the lien rticlttrert by
nnnce, uh recorded III tho docket of cll
roil are hereby not If led Hint tho
xlxxmoul dectareit by tho foregoing nr.ll
nnnco hn been mndo nnd Hie Ibm there
for entered In the clly lion docket, ami
Hint the name Ix due and you are hern
by required to pay ih name In the clly
recorder within ten dyx rrom llm wry
Ic.kOf ttilx notice, which nervlco III
iir publication of tblx nolle and the
foregoing ordluniieo three Hinex In Hie
Medford Mali Tribune, purxuiint to tin
order of the cltv council or xnlil clly.
ltOIIT, W TCI.I'lJlt.
Cll Itecordor.
BODS. . .. j.
Tho clly council Of tho Clly of llrrt
ford, Oregon, will receive willed pro.
PomiiIh foe the purehaxe of 172.000 ou.
mIx iter cent. Ion year lmproemenl
boudx (optional after the flrxl
a meeting lo bo held October 21, 1911.
All bldx muxt bo accompanied by 11
certified cluck eutml to 6 per cent of
Ibo amount bid for, xal.l check In ho
mndo puyuMo to Ibo clly trennurer of
llio City of Medford, and to bo forfeited
to xald city In fiixo Hiild bid Ix ncceple.l
und hjiIiI boinlx nro not purchnxed III
accordance with xald propoxlllon wlllilu
20 ilayx lifter tho notice of mild accep
All MiIh muxt bo filed wllli tho rltv
recorder at any time before S o'clorK
p, 111. October 21. 1911 , fi
Tho clly council rexervuH llio right In
reject tiny and alt bl.lx.
J ' ItOHT. W. Ti:i.ii:it,
Clly lleeorder.
Dated thlx lSth day of October. Hill.
for Salo of
Bfnl Xatat.
Notice Ix lioreby given tluit Ihn under
nlgneit, tho truxtee. In the mattor of tin
j-xtnto of IMmuide Ilrox . bunkruptx,
will recdvo xealed bldx for tho purehaxe
of tiny or all of tho following ilexorlbea
real properly xlluated In Meilfonl, Ore
gon, and ilexcrllied nx followx:
Lot numbered two and llio xouth half
of lot numbered Ihreo In block 32 or
tho Original Townxllo of Medford, be
ing ii'fronlago of 75 feet and n depth of
100 feot, nnd having llierfcm flvo room
houxo. Ideal properly for wnrtilioiixi
ournoxeH UrtiiK on Houtli Uvergreen
xtrect and on proponed HlrtlnK of M. I'
IiicunilirrtiTco nboui 11100, mierext nun
tuxcx now duo, principal runs for about
uluo nmnthx yet.
A' lot on Hennoli avenue nring an oy
over 300 feel, linn Having iron ueun
In beilrlng, An Ideal loc.illon for 1.
home, lucumbrnnco about ir,u
,otn 3 nnd 4 in mock i mm mix .
and 4 In Mock numbered 2 or kuiiiciiuch
uildlllon. (lood now lioiinu on 0110 ot
IhcNo lotx, Kecoiul xtreet pitveu pant
tvtu tit lolx. Ineumbranco about HI911
bexldex laxeH und paving nxxexxmontH,
it ix tlio Intention to offer for rate
und xell to tho lilghext bidder llio C'lully
of tho bankruptH In llio nbovo propor
HoM. No bid will bo received ror ihxh
lliiin tho liicumlirnnon nliown to oxlxl.
Hubxtantlal eiiulty In inch piopeiiy.
Will receive bldx Toe Ion uayu noin nine
of llilx nut leu. itexervn tho right to
rofjjHo any r nil bhix, ror ruriiior
ilelnllH inijuiro at my oriieo in roouix
20.22 over .lackxou County bank,
!'. .1. NKWMAN, Truxlee.
On led October 13, ID 1 1,
' -
Violin Mukor.
Kopalilni; of ail BtrliiKoil Instrii
inoiitH, Violin roimlrhiK n Hpoclult).
25 yi.'arn' oxporlnnco. Work I'liitritn
tcpil, 105 H011M1 (Jontrnl nvoiino.
177 OIIAH, IIAHllia,
To Be
At the Opening
Of Our
Oct. 21
2 to II P. M.
We want
to show you
largest and best
Tlm WoiIiI'm (InmU'Ml I'liiiliiiiiln.
4 l..l li,l,i,lunl,ii. IIimIh 11,1111, 1, ...... I I
in.n, tin l in,,, ,,i,i ni', ii wi,ii,i , in
i crmitinu, i
In Hlngn U'niiitoiliinil
Thin Ih imHlilvnly dm (IrAt 1 1 mo
nit ml of llitti Kind linn ovor Imou
Inlnuliirttit oil Oil' Pueiriu eiinui
i .
j mill ruining illrout (rum tlm Or
I iitimiiii lit Poitlitliil, wlioio limy
Imvi) nit'l wllli tun Hroutimt huo-
j emm llit imnt wimlt, Kv(ry iiowh.
impor or I'ottliiiitl Iiiik itiiiioiiiicutl
tli In art iim tlm Hrmilnxt 6.iiiNiitlon. I
i .....ti ,,u ii .1 i..i
on ,i, n ii nioni lllllMOXllllK
i porftiriiiiiiito (liny linvu tivur wit
iit'iumil. No onn nlioulil mlnrt m,f
t Iiik llilx truly wuinlniful net.
. -.
llittt GliwiKml 0vtKulilt,
Dlffornit I'liltirr.
lUfferrnt .MniiiiKoiMriit
Wo Hollclt Your I'litniiinKff.
lll'NT ,V IIAMi
Southern Oregon
Get a Souvenir
Star Theatre
.Mnilmv ..tor) Uay 'Ji In rt I. M,
"IN Till: I'AHIS SM.MH" Hon
llio lorrlllc tmttlo IjoIwohh n trtnti
nntl ioopnrtl.
IMucntlniinl. '.Hl'llii. II A .V N I) .V H I.AKT
I'MJIIT" If you u thrill,
wit no Hi In (ourruiiinl rlnc l:it
"UAH'S CIUIrS"-A wtialttrti ri
ttintico portntylni; mnrvoltt of
Al HATIICIt III INijuitni- KH;h
I lent uf .Mtitili) mill I'lffi'it
Opposite P, O.
New Books re
ceived Daily
Silver Horde
Dan Mather
now in reprint
Book Store
f rollovotl with jiropor Ioiihoh oflon
titlii rcimtvdil HtntiiKtli, ohvlatlug tho
lOCUHIllty Of IllllHHOII for COIIhtllllt
ifimr, HtiHiiltH nro wlmt count, Aslt
,uy of my ninny ciiiituiiiors,'
Speoia li f,t
Ovor KoiUiiop'B, Medforil,