. traiiMMMMW ttrB' ,- City Hall jn.jjHov,t.if "11 !$& IV SUBSCRIBERS ruiiiuif to irt ppr wiu Iit mi iUllvrit by pliunliig of firs y o p, m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair. Mat. 70, Mill. IH. ltd. hum. .17. MnllyHUIIi Yir. rorlH'Imt Vrtr, r- MI3DIT0RD. OIIEOON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, Mil. No. 181. GOVERNOR OUTLINES HIS OFFER ELEVEN MEN ARE PASSED BY OEEENSE JZ? j& J& Will be Submitted to County Court at once OR J. F. REODY WILL BE NAMED BY WEST TO CAREFORTHEMEN County Must Furnish Convicts With Board anil Lodging nnil Pay Them Twcnty-llvc Cents a Day for Their Work on the Road. GOVERNOR ASKS THAT ACTION BE TAKEN SOON As Terms of the Men Expire Their Places Will Oo Filled hy Others From the Pcnltentlray. Oswald Wont, governor of Ore gnu, has Hihmittcd (he terms ami oniiillliiiiiM of his offer of twrnty-fivt' eouviel io ho employed on the ('ru ler .nko highway to tin; .Medfoul inunuiereinl tduh which recently np pointed a iiommitteu to net between Urn governor and 1 li eonnty court in regard to llm mailer. This commit tee, which coiimUIm jj Dr. J. F. Ifed dy, William (lorig and 0. I'utuaui will meet with I lie county court at ouch nuil Miliiuit formally to thai Imdy Iho offer of tho governor. It in helievcd that hy November I tweu-ty-fivo convicts will he at work on tlit highway, which in the cMimnliou of thn governor in a stato project. According to the term" of the of fcr fodiinitted hy (ho governor Dr. J. r. Iti'tlily or this city will ho iinmed its the prison roprcscutntivit am) wil( exercise (he name control over the men that would ho exercised hy the superintendent were they within the coufiucM of the primm. The gover nor will Hcud twenty-five convicts io woik on the louilx, necouipaiiied hy two cook and a hlnckiiiilh, Tlio county must fiiruioh the men with hoard and lodging and Mich ad ditional hhooN and clothing an they iiiiiv need from time to time. The eouiilv miiihI iiIhii pay the men iwen-ty-fivo cciiIh a day for their own purpose, which thoy use for tho pur irhuso of tobacco and clothing. No gourds are needed. Only one man will ho employed hy I he county, lie will camp with the men and di rect their work. The completii detail of the gov ernor's offer, us outlined in a letter to the commercial cluh follows: "Finding it impossible to come to Medford at this time to tuko up Hie matter with you in person, I widi to iuIvIho you thai wo au prepared to turn over to the committee named by the Medford commercial cluh, for the iihii of Jiuiksnn county, twenty-five uhlc-hndicd oonviols, nuitahlo for road work and in addition 0110 or two cooks and u blacksmith. This crew wtiioh will he iv good one, can bo turned over to you at any time-the sooner tho hotter- and under the fol lowing conditions: "Dr. J. l Roddy of your oomiuil teo will ho niuned ns the prison rep rosonlullvo and will oxereiso llm Hituui control over the men that would ho exorcised hy tho superintendent were thoy within tho confines of tho prison. "Tho men will ho fitted out each with a couplo of pairs of blankets anil will he equipped with good shoeH and clothing. "Tho prison warden will deliver tho men to D'. Keildy at Mod ford and will ho pleased to luiompany them to Iho camp on Iho Crater Lake roud for tho purpose of assisting in goting them located. Tho railroad faro and expenses of Hi men en route to ho hy Jackson county. Wo think it pos sible to secure reduced ralos for Ihem and will endeavor Io so arango it. "Tho county will ho expected to provide their food and such addition al shoos and clothing as they may need from tlino to time. "Tho molt to ho allowed twenty fivo incuts n duy hy the county court to ho used hy llieui for any legitimnlo purpose Wo find that such money is usunlly lined for tohacco and clothing. "Tho scnlenccH of tho men acnt you will expire at different limes mid ii I'iihI ns they arc released otli or uhlo-hodled nion will ho neiit to PERTINENT POINTS OF GOVERNOR'S OFFER He will send Iwonly-Hvo convicts to work on Crater I ,a l,c niad, acompauii'd hy two cooks and u hhicksmith. , Dr. J. I-'. ItYddy will net as priMiu rcpresciilalivo and ox cidxe full control over 'tho men, Jackson cnuuiy will pay tho men 'J,"i cents a day and fur nish them with hoard and lodging. Thn county will ulso pay Iho men's railroad fn it?. As the sentences of tho men expire they will In replaced hy others, If plan works county ciiii have the uieu indefinitely. Only one rutin need he em ployed hy Iho couutv, who will camp with the men and direct their work. Work should start at once to get material on the ground to provide ipiarlcrs for them. Tho earlier the men arrivo the hetler. Both Sides in McNamarn Case Anx iously Awaltliin Bordwcll's Decis ion ns to Man's Belief in Dynamite or Gas Theory. MPERIAL FORCES SAID TO HAVE SUFFERED CRUSHING DEFEAT jZ? All Communication with Hankow Suddenly Ceases; Troops said to have Deserted REBELS FORCED TO II E ATTACKING NW REPORT THAT SCHMIDT IS FOUND IS REVIEWED Heney Figures in Trial Today Court Will Jnvite Argument Soon oh Mooted Point. COMICE SELL AT $3.24 HALF 80X Carload of Rogue River Pears DIs posed of at London for Fancy Prices for the Different Varieties of the Fruit. A carload of Koguo Ulvor valley pears sold In London yentorday at prices ory satisfactory to tho pro dui'orH, D'AiiJoiih, In half I10XC8, brought 12.10 per hox; romlco, In half boxes, S3.2I; cornice, uccoiuIh, In full boxes htought 11.32; DoAujouH, seconds, $1.32: Hose, seconds, $3.39. This carload wn Hhlptied from Medford on September IK, and whh sold In Lon don JiiHt ono month later. Tho fruit wns from thn orchards of Charles Darhy, I). It. Hill, I- II. lloikltm and Dr. lllmoll, and wnu handled throiiKh tho Producers' Fruit comnnny. DEATH RIDES ON CREST OF WAVE !" ' m Towns of San Bias and Sihutancjo In State of Tcplc, Mexico, Said to Havo Been Destroyed hy Great Tidal Wave. MKXICO my, Oot. ID. Anoth er tidal wnvo is reported today to havo destroyed tho towns of Sou Ulas mid Hihimtuuojo, in tho stato of Tejiie, having a population of 1!000 ami 0000 respoolivoly. Conuuuuicatiou witli Topio has heen sovored. Mauy jiersons aro ro porled dead in tho two towns. take their place. If tho plans works out satisfactorily and tho county sires to keep them nion indefinite ly I can seo no reason why it should nut havo them. "If tho oouuty wishes those nion I would ho pleased to havo your corn mil leo advise uto at an early date, I would ask also that steps ho taken a ouco to got material ou tho ground for Iho purpose of providing quar ters for them. "Our oxporienco is that good treat ment of these men is a good invest ment,. Give them plenty of good plain food to eat nnd a good jdaco io sleep and you will got lots of w,ork out of them. You will, need no, guards, Nor will.you ueod to employ any men, except tho ono ninii, who will eiunp witli them and direct (heir work." i 1.08 ANOHl.KH, C;il Oct. in. John W. ItohortH, dealer In Mexican IiiuiIh. Itoliert, Haiti, carpenter. II. T. QunckonbuHh, retired enr pcutcr nnd r.cnernl laborer, A. It, Mcintosh, retired bnkcr nnd restaurant proprietor. T. W. Adman, pioneer real estate man, retired. OorKu W. McICeo, retired builder. Otto A. JuHcn, farmer. C. II. Munnlnt.', rancher. Krnest K. Docker, Inndscapo gnr dener. K. C. Hohluiion, carpenter and ce ment worker. V, I). Green, oratiRo grower. Thene cloven men hnd been Inter rogated hy tho defoniio when court oponeil In tho McNamarn trlalt odny and havo all been passed for can.-. lloth side are anxiously awaiting Judge nordwi'll's decision whother a man who believed dynamite caused thu exploxlon that preceded tho de struction of tho TlmcB Is ellRlblo. If lie holds that such a Juror, If ho is willing to any that his opinion In no way touches tho guilt or Innocence tho defeiiMo will rccelvu a vital blow. Tho court Is expected to Invite argu of MeNnmara, Is competent to servo merit on this point after tho ilefcuso has finally examined twelve mon. Heney FlgiitVA. Injection of tho personality oi Francis J. Ilonoy Into tho examina tion of talesmen has complicated tho situation. Attornoy Davis demanded whether ItnbliiHon approved of Ho ney's statement that "uocauso ho know Hums" tho McN'amarna must necesHarlly provo to bo guilty ns 'barged. - Tho stnto founht to keep this lliestlou out but failed. Robin son, howover, hnd not read Honoy'a speech. Tho decision of tho court, howover, opened up a wldo field for tho Interrogation of coming tales men. Tho report that tho Btnto has at Inst unearthed David Kaplan and M. A. Schmidt, nlleKcd to havo been con rorned In tho original purchase of tho dynamtto used to destroy tho Times, was rovlved today. It has appeared In ono form or another ovor lnco tho trial opened. Today It re sulted from tho Issuanco of n sub poena for Milton A. Schmidt, but neither tho prosecution nor tho minis men handling tho case would say who this particular Schmidt Is, or whoro he Is. Inasmuch as thero la a mur der Indictment hanging ovor Schmidt's head, It was hard to under. stand why ho should bo Bubjoonacd 1'iid not arrested, and Iho prosecutor refused to explain. LI SIT SOON Attorney General Crawford Will Leave for Washington Next Week io Defend Initiative and Referen dum Before U. S. Supreme Court. STRIKERS TO ASK TO GOVERNORS ENFORCE W 8AMJM. Ore., Oct. lS.Accordlng to telegrams received hero today from attorneys nt Washington engaged by tho Oregon state Krongo to nsslst tho state's officials In defending an at tack on the Initiative and referendum law by tho Pacific StateB Telegraph and Telephono company, hearlnKa be fore tho United State supremo court will commenco Ocober 30. Attorney General Crawford will leave for Washington next week to defend tho populaV measure. Should the corporation bo upheld In Its contention that the Oregon law Is unconstitutional It would virtually mean tho death of tho Initiative and referendum In every stato that has adopted It. ! FROST FOR TAFT; CHEERS FOR BOB Progressives and Standpatters of Tacoma Are Comparing Signifi canccof Reception Given Taft and One Given Mention of LaFollcttc. General Secretary Scott of Shop men's Federation Declares Law Is Being Violated and Declares Gov ernors Will Be Asked to Enforce It SAX FHANCISCO. Cal., Oct. 19. Governors of tho 1-1 states directly affected by the sfrlkc of tho Federa tion of employes on the Harrlman lines will bo asked to take a. hand In the attempt to compel adequate In spectlon of cars nnd locomotives un der tho Interstate commerce laws, ac cording to General Secretary Scott oi tho shopmen's federation. In a state ment IbBtied to the men here today Scott asked the strikers every where to report specific Instances or violation of the Inspection laws to the secretary of the Interstate com mercc commission at Washington, and violations of the laws governing safety appliances on trains to II. W, Belknap, chief Inspector, at Wash ington. NEW VARIETY OF APPLES FOUND Bears Ripe Fruit From May Until November, Having Blossoms Green and Ripe Fruit on Its Branches at tho Samo Time. ATillANY, Ore, Oct. 111. lloliov- iug tulit auow variety of applo tree lias heen discovered a. looal nursery company has just purchased nu. "ovor-hciiring'' trou from David lcnkins, paying if(KU). For several years tho trco litis hnruo ripo fruit from May until No vciuhor of each year, having blos soms, green and ripo lruit ou Its hrnuohcH at tho samo timo. Tho company will attempt to prop ajjulo thu "overhearing" troc, TACOMA, Vn., Oct. 10. Progres sive and standpatters are both com paring today the significance in the reception given last night to Gifford l'iuehot and Senator Miles 1'ondex ter nt n meeting called at n few hours notice, to the rather chilly greeting which met President Taft, whoso visit had been exploited for weeks. When Pinchot referred to that "Fearless and conscientious num. who fights nuil loses and keeps on fighting -Kohorl M. LaFollette," tho cheering laMeu for several min utes. BIG SrJPLANT TO BEJRECTED Northern California Power Company Plans to Construct $4,000,000 Power Plant on the Slopes of Mount Shasta. TEDDY TO STAY OUT OF CAMPAIGN Will Observe Silence During the Coming National Campaign Will Rrefrain From Giving Utterance to Any Opinions. IlICIIMOND, Va., Oct. 10. Thnt former President Ilooscvolt will ol servo silence during the coming na tional campaign is indicated today in n letter which he wrote to Con gressman J. Hampton Moore. "From now on," tho letter read, "I wish to avoid any speeches. I cannot do anything further of thnt sort now." Tho portions of tho letters were in terpreted to mean thnt olonel Roe velt wished to refrain from giving utterance to nny opinions which Lmight lie construed in connection with tho presidential campaign. 1 MAY BE JUSTICE. I 4 f- GEORjGE. W. W1CKE&3K&M WICKERSHAM MAY BE TAFT'S CHOICE Attorney General Looms Up on Po litical Horizon as Most Likely Can didate for Vacancy on Supreme Court Bench. Hl'TTE, Mont., Oct. 19. Attor- tney Ucnernl Ueorge 1cker5hnm looms up on the political horizon 'o- day as the most likely candidate for ten vacancy on- the-snprcmewct)nrt bench to succeed the Into Justice Harlan. Out of a Ions list of eh'giblcs which President Taft began ordering for the appointment today Wicker sham secerned to be the favorite. Tho president declined to discuss tho ap pointment for publication but it was learned hero that there is only a re mote possibility of a progressive re ceiving tho place. In tho list the only name which could bo considecd progressive is that of Walter L. Fisher, secretary of tho jinterior, whoso chances ao very poor. While President Taft oalizes that the appointment of Wiekershara might possibly provoke crticism be cause of his former Wallstreet con nection, he believes that tho attor ney general's recent fine record ns a prosecutor and dissolver of trusts will ovehnlanco this ctieism. RETIRE WEDNESDAY BY LACK OE POWDER With Arrival of More Ammunition They Expect to Be in Control of Hankow Within 24 Hours Attack Is Momentarily Expected. OVER 300 PERISHED IN FIRST DAY'S FIGHT Imperial Forces Show Unexpected Weakness In Battle One Ger man Struck by Bullet. PEKING. Oct. 19. All communi cation with Hankow was suddenly broken off today, nnd it is rumored hero that tho imperial forces have suffered a crushing' defeat. Scriom disaffection in the array is believed to have culminated in a largo body of the troops going ovci to tho rebels. Itelel Attack Expected. IIANKOW, Oct. 19. Desultory firing continues between the roynl ists and rebels near Wu Chaiicr. Au atttack from the rebels is momentar ily expected. The revolutionists did 1 -not-auf fer tHB-voverwhi'lamisr- defeat yesterday as fho imperiilist'.i repre sented, and had theic ammunition held out tho victory wutld bavo un doubtedly gone to the 'rebel color,?, nnder which the best fighting was done. Three hundred fell in yetor fordays's battle, both sides suffer ing about equally. With tho arrival of espjeted am munition the rebels will mnko another attempt to regain tho vantage won, only to bo lost to them again on thu north hank of the Han nvur yester day. The rebels aro fighting hard for permanent possession of the Hankow railway station hut tho lack ofammunition has hindered them from holding any taken position in tho vicinity. Take Hankow Soon. Rebel leaders say they will have Hnnkow within twonty-four Hours liKDDlXa, Cal.. Oct. 19. What is said to ho tho gt en test electrical un dertaking in California was begun todny when the final move was com pleting for beginning a $-1,000,(1000 power plant that will soon bo devel oping 120,000 horespowor from tho molting snows of Mount Shasta. K. V. 11. Johnson, manager of tho company, estimates thnt tho machin ery, diversion dam, tunnels and pow- erhonso will cost $3,000,000 and thnt tho "tower lino" for transmitting the power will cost anothor million. Tho eompnny is known ns tho Northern nlifornia Power company. ROMK. Troops will ho sent to Sicily today by tho Italian govern ment to search for ho dead as a re sult of tho carlluiuako and to euro for the injured and suffering surviv ors. Communication with Sicily is uncertain, hut it is understood that tho loss of life 'hero was heavy, When survivors fled from flinrro Sunday night fifty hodics wore ro covered from tho wrookngo. 1 RAIN COMES TO AID OF GIANTS Another Day's Rest Given Teams Philly Fans Say This Materially AidsNcw York by Giving Maty and Marquard a Chance. The n"d feel thnt yesterday's eiiKnement president hns a very high opinion of sows tho weakness of tho imperial Wickersham's legal abilities and trcps- Tho only known foreigner injured was a German sailor, who wns struck many of his ndvisors strongly favor gin ting tho present attorney general out of the cabinet OPEN WAR NOW; FOLK AND CLARK Leading MIssourlans Are Fighting for Presidential Nomination From Their State Folk Openly Defies Clark to Test His Strength. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 19. On account of rain all last night, which left tho diamond at Shlbo park in a muddy condition, thero will bo no gnmo between tho Athlet ics nnd Giants today. Ilasebnll oxports, Irrespective "of partisanship, gonornlly concedo thnt tho Giants aro now fightlne with thoir backs to tho wall in tho world's sorlos. If tho Athlotlcs win tho next gnmo, tt Is predicted, tho sorlos Is ns good as sottled. A victory for Now York moans a rovlvnl of Giant hopes. How They Hit. Tho Giants aro hlttlnR tho ball at .145. while tho Athlotlcs load at .200. Nolther club is hitting up to form. Tho Giants havo shown themselves weak in batting, Holding and baso runnlng and with tho oxcoptlon of linker and Collins tho Athlotlcs havo boon woiik In batting also. Tho Mnokmon hnvo plnyod bottor ball than tho Giants, to dnto, ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 10. With openly expressed defienco of Speak er Clark's political strength through out the stato, by former Governor Joseph W. Folk, war was today de clared between tho Clark nnd Folk fnetions of tho Missouri democrats, striving for stnto endorsement ot their respcilvo leaders as candidates for presidential nomination. Folk openly defied Clark to test his strength nt tho stato primaries, baoking up dis dcolnrntion of war with tho following statement issued today from Folk and followers: "Tho democrats of Missouri hnvo endorsed Folk for tho domoorntio presidential nomination. This en. dorsemout wns a part of tho Inst domoorntio platform nnd was ac cepted in good faith by a largo part of tho democrats of tiio stnto. Wo can buck that endorsement with 80 per cent of tho pooplo of the state," by a stray bullet. HAS SECRETARY WILSON QUIT? Report Out That Secretary of Agri culture Has Submitted His Reslg ation to Take Effect on Novem ber 15. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 19. A roport thnt. Secretary "Wilson has sub mitted his resignation t& take effect November 15, to President Tnft, l widely clrculatod hero today. TAFT JURAPS FROM SUN TO FROST-LADEN AIR Look for tho ad thnt offers it to you, second-hand, at a real bargain' BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 10. Snow clad hills and a frost-laden atmos phere today welcomed President Taft fro mtho suny ornugo groves of Cali fornia, where ho spent tho past five days. Thero was a foot of snow on Iho streets of Uutto when the president ial train pulled in here, and tho tern pornturo was down below freezing. Only tho day hoforo yesterday tho prosidont sweltered in a tompornturo of 0,1 to OS in Los Angeles and Fnw-dona, il . 1 m -Ml r VV"', 'J &:.