V ' J fcv 19 IA"GW TOUR IMlDDFOttD MATD TRTBUNK MF.DFORD, ORISON, WIWmSOAY, OCTOniSR 18, 101 1. -i '. ijMViiftaaaMaui ilhlMWtyti!W Mggfr iii I Villi Hir5fy i sr$V MIIrkWJvl : ffiFf iff I : mm - TV 1 October Challenge Sales KENT 1 Buying Opportunities That Will Electrify All Prude . . Tliis store has always been preeminently the shopping and bargain center of Mcdtord and, dur ing .these Challenge Sales we wish to particularly emphasize the bargain possibilities oi this store and the wisdom of shopping here from a purely economical standpoint, aside from themany advantages that come to you through larger assortments and a more perfect store service. I be values that we quote on this sale are all standard goods and. the savings are such as will make it advisable lor you to an ticipate largely your winter needs. , ' THIS SALE STARTS THURSDAY AND CO : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : : : -: : : ; . Newest Autumn Silks and Velvets for the Challenge Sale Fine Silk Corduroys and Velveteens now greatly in demand for dresses and skirts in such wanted colors as navy browns, greens, tans, blacks, etc., full 23 inches wide, the quality that we QOp have been selling all season at $1.35, now priced at, yard vOt .Fine Velvet Corduroys, full 27 inches wide, a choice grade that is usually retailed at $1 a yard; suitable for dresses, coats, skirts, etc., in such colors as brown, navy, black, green Qo and white; special at, the yard. 13 v Fine Messaline Silks, a soft, lustrous quality that is 19 inches wide, in such coloi-s as mtvy. brown, green, tan, red, garnet, Copenhagen, pink, light blue, yellow, white and black; also a largo assortment of fancy silks that are 19 inches wide, very durable, G5c and 75c values all in one lot marked very 9Q $1.50 36-ineli Black Messaline Silk $1.25 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk. $1.35 36-inch Black Peau do Soie Silk $1.25 32-inch Natural Pongee Silk Fine Soft Seco Silks in plain colors and dots. This fabric is a mixture of silk and cotton and is suitable for party dresses as well as silk kimonas. We have it in 30 choice colors and 9ip will price it very special during the challenge sale at, yd. a 95c yd. i : : : : : : : : BEAUTIFUL WOOL DRESS GOODS For the Challenge Sale Fine Storm Serges, full 50 inches wide, in such colors as navy, brown, tan, black, etc.; also a very large assortment of other choice weaves and fancy; suitings that vary in width from -12 to 54 inches. All in the newest autumn colorings and guaran teed to be pure wool; values from $1.25 to $1.35; priced QOp nomil if wOt A very large assortment of Dress Goods that includes some choice suiting fabrics in the popular mixture cloths as well as a fine range of such 'fabrics as wool batiste and some choice silk and wool crepes; are all in one large lot that includes JQ values up to $1 a yard and priced special at vl Fine Cloakings and Double Faced Woolen Fabrics that are plain on one side and plaid on the other, as Ave 11 as a fine lot of the newest 5G-inch suitings that come from the Jamestown mills. Values up to $3.50. a yard and none worth less Qfi QC than $2.50, all specially priced at, the yard QlDO : : : : : : ; : ; : -: : : : : : ;: : : -: ; : : : -; -: : : -: : : : : lUNEQUALED WASH GOODS For the Challenge Sale Fine Dress Ginghams, s-ach yell known brande as A. F. C, etc. in choice range of medium and dark colorings that are suitable for fall and Avinler use, qualities that always sell at Qp-P 12 1-2 to 15c a yard, special at u2 Good grade of Apron Ginghams that always sell at C 1-2 to 7c a yard, in choice range of blue and brown checks, 4 f arc offered at the yard 2 Fine Flannellettes full 36 inches wide, qpalities that sell at 18c and 20c. a yard in light; and dark colors, some of which have bor der designs for trimming, are priced special f C at the yard lel KIMONO Flannelletes, extra heavy and warm full 27 inches Avide, a regular 25c quality in choice range of floral and con ventional designs in light and dark colorings, are iioav of- j Qa fered at the bargain "price of AvV 3000 yards of cotton Challies the grade that is frequently sold at Gc a yard the assortment inckides fully 30 choice floral and Persian designs, light and dark rand avo price them at n the yard - :... Standard Dress Prints, the well known American & Simpson brands, greys, blues, reds, etc, i io limit, take Avhat you it want at the low price of the ya rd,., . - Standard Table Oil Cloth, full 5 inches wide in the colors only Avith a large assortment of desi gris that usually sell at 22 j P to 25c, iioav spceial at the yard , M.Oj Challenge Sale Values in Sheets, Pillow Cases, Sheetings, Etc. 72x90 Wearwell Sheets, extra heavy and fine, made with linen finish and wide hem seamless, a regular S5c number, 0( ' which we iioav price special at UwC Pillow Cases, extra quality linen finish with Avide hem in sizes 12x30 and I5v3(, usual retail price is 20c and 22c, j 7 now special at X 1 C PUIoav tubing, the well known Androscog gin brand 15 inches around, warranted for durability. AVe have (100 yards -f O which Ave offer special at XOC 10-4 Bleached Seamless sheeting, the well known Pepperall brand, regularise Q9p quality, now special at elC 8 l-2c Unbleached Sheeting, yard wide and extra heavv and fine. We have 2000 vnrds which wo offer snecial l at .' 6( Linens, Towels, Etc., For Less at the Challenge Sale Extra Hoavy Bleached Bath Towols, full 20x10 inches, a quality thai sells rapidK at ;t5c each, now special . 9r at Fino Table Damask, full 2 yards wido, ex tra heavy and fine, guaranteed pure Iik'i linens ina choice range of floral ami mmoII designs, values in the lot up to $1."0 (JC a yard, now special at L . 18c Puro Linon Crash full bloachcd Avitlt red selvedge, fine and absorbieut 19p fiOO yards in lot, special at X&C 8c Unbloached Linen Crash, full 1G inchos wide, soft and absorbent, 200 yards T in lot, special at " $1.25 Damask Linon Cloth, 3Gx3C inchos square, pure linen and in the choice dot designs and (Irecian kev border CQ si ecial at We Challenge You tp Find the Equal in Value That We Offer in Women's and Children's Shoes There is a great difference in the quality of shoes that are frequently sold at the same price. Wn have always sold lines that gave the limit of alue at any given price; such lines in ladies' shoes as l'l. A: Dunn and in chil dren's shoes as tied (ioo.se brand. Wo now quote these well known makes at greatly reduced prices as per list below: LADIES' SHOES $4.50 Qualities now $3.25 $4.00 Qualities now $2,95 $3.50. Qualitios now $2.75 $3.00 Qualities now $1.95 $2.50 Qualities now $1.05 $2.00 Qualities now $1.25 CHILDREN SHOES $1.50 Qualities. $1.00 Qualities 90c Qualities. 75c Qualities $3.00 Qualities $1.95 $2.50 Qualities $1.65 $2.00 Qualities $1.25 $1.75 Qualities $1.25 $1.10 jr tW 89c Jr yHJ The Notion and Ribbon Challenge Special Lot of Fancy Ribbons in Floral, stripe and J'ersian designs, Aidths j C up to 'J 1-2 and 5 in., 25c vals., sp'l A' Fine Fancy Ribbons, choice Dresden de signs, stripes, Persians, etc., as well as a large lot of stiff finish Hair 1 Jow Kibbons, widths up to 8 indies wide and val- OC lies up to GOV, special fciell 5c Best Patent Hump Hook and O Eyes, Black and Whit .:. tfU 3c 19c 5c Best English Brass Pins .'(() pins to paper 05c Extra Heavy Rubber Dressing Combs 2.V O. M. O. No. 2 Dress Shields leather Weight The Lace and Em broidery Challenge Fine Linon Torchon Laces specially suita ble for underwear in "Widths from 1-2 to .'I inches wide, 10c. values, special C al 0L Fine Val. Laces and insertions, a lot of ibout 000 yards which contain values up io 25c a ,vard, but there are no two widths of any one pattern, special for tle jft 'hallenge sale at ... J-" Fino Flouncing Embroideries in tho popu lar 27 inch width, also a large lot of other choice embroideries in' widths up to IK in ches wide, values up to (10c a yard 9tp special at j. 12 l-2c to 15c Embroidorios, both odges and insertions that contain blind work as well as eyelet designs, widths up to O 7 inchesspecial THE BIG STORE KENTNER'S- Tlll: MG STORE The Most Wonderful of all o gains arc to be Had in Our Womci .CJ-2 f ' j fDjf fTfifi-n) N ifflt.318'' m , ' WOMEN'S $30, $35, $: Jp on will really lie Miiprwed Sk and untin lined, wha-h aiv fu iiiixlure cloths and we i-ccuiuihcih' WOMEN'S FINEST : 'PIuk lot of suilK include nil have been $(!. They are made ol the celebrated Malr.eu make $20, $22.50 W01 .Indeed by the Mlainlaiil of n clawed a $25 valueK. llnwcver i $18nnd$20VKM MoKt of (bene HUitn in lldciut have alreadv been reduced in uric iiouieual price. WOMEN'S $35, $37.50, $riO AW of our liiiest Ciiraeiil what evl rente in .sllc hai h price. WOMEN'S $22.00, $25 and $2 GOVT. The coalH ol fered at lid pi special at $2f. I hey are oui enable a pcrnon io make a always ttnld al a small prolit WOMEN'S $10.50 TO $115 e ehalleUL'e vol! to I hi ai ' which are sat in lined. Theva e f were considered great banams. lib en f spi ua WOMEN'S GOATS VALUES UP TO $10 FOR $ These lvo lots of Coats are a few numbers (hat eaiifci ii many of this year's st le features. They are long coats tun utility purposes ealiiiol be equalled for value. Judge Our Men's Stoi Offered at This Ore- Men's Suits made of the celebrated Clolherafl factory ar These sqils are Velours, fancy Cassiiueres, Worsteds jiihI them to be 100 per cent pure wool. A noteworthy fad. !' to be absolutely shape retaining, to have hand worked button durable mohair linings. Incwrv respect thev measure up I priced al ifcJ2.no. We offer 75 of these suils'al the uiu i:ili- Special Lot Young Men's Suits, $10 to We have tfalhercd out, of our hIocIc about. 20 Suits, slyl men. They are 10 to $lfi values and we now offer the lol at Other Noteworthy Challen; Mon's 75c Golf and Pomborton Pliuinol . Shirts 49C Mou'b 50c Work Shirts . 390 Mon's 90c Pomborton Flannol Shirts .. 71c Mon' $1.50 Corduroy Shirts $1,35 Mon'n $5.00 Silk Shirts $3.75 Mon's $3.50 light weight Flannel Shirts $1,95 Mon's Wool and Cotton Undorwoar Odd lot, $1.50 value f,3c Mon's $2.50 Coat Stylo Sweaters $1.48 One lot Mon's $3.50 Hats $1,95 Mon's $2.00 Con Mon's $2.50 Cor. Mon's $3.00 Con Mon's $3.50 Con Mon's $4.00 Con Mon's $5.00 Con Boys' Suits 2 Pn Boys' Flannol Bl Mon's Wool Socl Mon's Wool Socl, Mon's 85o bluo d Boy.H High Soh Mon's Iron Clad .P