-3b V it ?' h r , y MTODTWUD MATf, TRTOTWTC, MTOTTOmVOnKCION, TUTioSTMV, OnTOTJlStt 17, 10.11. FATTC TNVH - Aja .. a It Looks kind o Dark for Mutt Seeing the Big Series By "Bud" Fisher Wtor.ivirif.ij,. MotC or 6? .n; !' worths ?iUd. i it,Iu.. 'Mto TMti 6M'ttT(,M)tn A,it) mi? lA'i Mr (m . e.i.. ... . J""! j-i vm.vX 11" t i , I jfcjj f -. -1 I ' 1 Mi -: AND fjM'ijU.rjrtf yu rofAW "1NM-uVj f& 4? liEHBrtfJ ' Can too cent thist ror. i.vj.i: - r.t(,Or ihto 'm ficuo -. sot uc A CHNMCG Of- WiUHlC, mc tjir, i(VNt . rims HtiCi SB t ' " : ri ; : ; ; : . ' . .' .", : ,'& '' &' SfW, MUTT, t U ., ., .... . , . - . car iHoittO J ahouno PMMiMf. i i i..it9 . ...... . ' ; ' J c,it w r '.BLrMTiTrtt nun. i , v n ' I ' V" -rcumr tl. Ht'D JOlG ' " . . r n I '!sjiiiiiiiiiwp, ffi iiiBiL.fi" iir" . ; , con-xrctiTZD i9i ir Jrwco BROTHERS MEET AFTER 56 YEARS Reunion anil Dlrllulny Gntlicrlnn .it the Farm Home of H. C. Turpln Larue Gathcrlnii ol Friends and ndatlvcs. A M'liiiiuii Mini liiilluluy KitUx'riiiK u-im uiijii.vikI out ut I ho farm Iumiic oC II. ('. Turpln, u Tliur.lay ol limt wi'uk. Tim oimmimoii uiiiiid iihinil ovr Hid visit of .Mr. itml .Mr. C. T. Tin pin, of .Mioiiri, slio urrivuil luno Movcnil ilayit'iip). Tho hrothcrx hint not mot iufon) for Til) ycarw. Auotlior oci'iimIoii for tlm rminion win tho 7!lil liirtlulny of II. J. Tur plu. Tlu'n wii ii Inrgo orowil of clnl i it'ii mill Kniinlctiildrfii piiont mid It tlrlinlilfiil tiiiiii mih t'hjoyiMl. Tfiatrto pii'-otit verii .Mr. ami Mr. C T. Torpin, .Mr. iio.l .Mm. II. C. Tnrplo, .Mr. mnl Mm.AI Turplit, Mr ilotl .Mm. Tlom. 'I'litviu, .Mr. iiml Mm. Imiio Wyliiml, Mr. mnl Mm. Nye lit t . .. .M. .. iiiipui, .Mm. .Miiry .miiiiujiii, Air. inn GREAT NORTHERN TRAIN IS EAST CITY NOTICES. OHDIlTAKCfl HO. 094. All firillnuiied iti'i'lurlni; tlm rout of tlm liiiiiniviiiHiil nf Tlilnl Hlriiit from Kir Hlri'i'l lo )'.nJoii mrcnl .tint limit:. Iliif llin iirniH-rly lii'iirflli'il IIiithIiv. mnl ili-ulurliiK Much nMKi'UKini'ul mnl illrcct liiK llin entry tluTciif In tho duckul of Tlm CI I)' of Mvilfonl ilotli oritiln an follown: HicMmi I. Tli ut no prolrHln imvlntr Silk Snrcl.nl firrnk VJorltW I nun ,M-'ii riloil hbmIiihi tlm iiiiprovnneiii or oiik opruiti urt,tR5 nuriu s LonuiT1n, M,tMJl feulll ,,.lr lllr,.,,t , lyAu)u Loii Distance Speed Record liy Averagliifi 11.89 Miles an Hour (or 3442 Miles. tlt't't ilun imlli'f of tin lntt'iillon of I hi! ruiinrtl to oiiokii Kit )t Improvement to ! iiiiom imvinx ) n Kivrn. mnl miu lililirnvi'tiii'iit Imvlnu t(ii onliTi'd niailc. tho roiuii'll Iiiim ciitiHliliTi'il I lt miittur anil licrrwllli UMrortnliiN llin proluililit niHt of miiklni; imcli Improvi'iiiiiit to lc tin nuni or ftxgu. Ami imlil t'oiinrll further flinln tlnil llin mii't'lul mnl pi'ciillnr lirm-flt ncrrti. Inir niHiti rnrh lot or Hurt !liirtof mtfn. fil'IAT'l'LK Wit (lnl IT If oiit to Kiilil liiiiirim-iiirnl uml In Juic. niu i 1 1. 1.. wiu, vvi, li, lillii'l..........!.,.. ... i......ihu .. i. ii.. -..:..,- t . ,. pi'i'M (ioii u !' iiri nr iw i 'i j miv ivnp'M lllllLf t'llHl v I'lLMilv lo oliiotv online rh II vi' (iliioutiln lii-rflnnflcr Nl onionlta i ,,. ,i , f, .. . ,tli numlMT or OViicrliitloii of cucli lot liotir our lli print lort ot .Moiitniiii i.r purl ilicrrnf. ami mirli ninotiiitB re- mnl Not lh Diikota, tho (Irviit Kurllt-i",MC,IV,, "ro " iU-oiarii to i,o tho m. , , . , , ., . . 'proiiorllonnln Hlmro of mior. lot or irt c train, ttiiit'li left .Scalllo at; iiivnof. of tho coni of miicIi impruvr. I '.In ill. 1-Viiliiv lirnho llu. unrl.lVi""',,t' '" ilf UvrohY Joolanil to l0 i.-. n. in., j nun), irout; tiio worm m i ,,,,,, KNt nn.f int or .BrcN to liHIir iliMllllli'O xpot'll rocoril when il , lfHviljr, tliu immo npiiiHirliiB ntiovc f . i i .... . . , i j, I wall ili-Horlptloii Ih'Iiik tlm immo of Die .......vii i. ii.ii. ji nivmu.y iiiii-r noon at 510, aviTiy-ini; -lLSH iniK'H mi hour over n ili,staiii;o of U,I2 inilun. Tlm run took H'J lioum ami ten uilutilfx. IU miio of till; u;ik worth .jiino.imn. Kri'ifthtH ami piiHHi-apT traiiiK lllikit WITH Niilt'lraokcil lo lot il mi.M I'l,,, i ,j ,j i . i . ii ,i . trotnpiiiiy. lot 15. hlock 35, urlcltml town. tin' lonjjohl tiino oh( wax tho thnt Hiir. city of Mi-iifonl. oriBou. frmtiiKo niiiititi'H 111 CliUMpi to i'hmi(,' to tlm Krio roml. ' mwmr of hiicli lot or nnrcil. AMHIiMHMISNT KOU TIIH PA VINO OK tiii iti) HTitKirr rnM kiu HTiti:irr TO D'ANJOU KTIIKKT. WIDTH T IIIITV.HIX KUBT. AcKfHiimrnl No J Mnlforil Lumber rouiiinnv. lot I. block 3S. oriuliml town Mlti'. City of Mnlforil, Ori'Kon; fronluue H6 fret on tlm imrlll nlilw of Went Tlilnl liiit; 8.1 fit. nilu piTToot, JJ.iU; ninotiiil. I3: SO AMROMNiiient No, 2 Mnlforil l.uinbor Look nt nil nf tho rrnl i-Hlnte iuIh mill nt imiuh of tlio real tnliila u't- Mm. A. Turpln. Mr. ami Mm. II. p v',r,j!od' hfro '"v'i''" Hoiiuoy, Mr, Lnl.o l-Miiitou, Mnrluii (.'liiii'iii-i' ami Kalpli Tin pin, Voriiou ami I.ohIi'i-Tin pin, Alma Tlu'lina ami Viola Y.lnmI. RAILROADS USING UNEMPLOYED ELEMENT Munition for Hnnlth. CITY NOTICES. KAN' FRANCISCO. Oct. I".- To rmiruit tlm lahor ranlw of tin- Smith urn I'ut'il'iu. ili'plutvil liy thu uiua who wunl on utrilu iviH-utly, thu roufiiiuy Ik iiinlviiiK oviMlumrt towanl tho ivat uiHtinplo.viiil I'lniiuiil in San I'YanoiK- l!0, Aiiioiil; tin i-liiiiHi'M wliiuli must Im Kiiinl hy I ho pioHpt'iilivo employer me tin following: 'I am lo pi to any point ilcNigimt eil hy tho eoiiipauy. "I inn In lake (ho plaeo of any fm uier employo of the eompauy who in on Htriko or who Iiiim ipi'it for any Oilier I'KIIHOII, "I umlemtaml Uml I am to ilo pleeo work or ilay work n ntitiireil, "Ah ii eoiuliliou to rueeiviiiK any wiiijiih I iiKten to work thiily (lays uuluriH Mioui'i' ilii'liarm'd hy llin none puny ,am no wiikom hid lo ho paid to me if I voluntarily leave my em ployment within (hat periml, t "The eonipiiny nIiiiII, at any lime have the null! to mid my employment hy uiviujr. mo noliee lo thai effeel. Ho noon vk miHi uotiee is ;li'ii iu. eiitployuieul ami pay shall eeiiHe im mediately. If my employment hIiiiII he ended hy I he emnpaiiy for any nlher reiiMin llian mv fa'iluie to per form in v work lo it k siilisfuetioii, I kIiiiII he entitled In receive pay up I" the time of ilihcliuiirc." CATHOLIC LADIES T The l.ndioH of the Allnr Soeiely nr llm Calholli) eluireh will upon their now hall on Onkdale incline tonight. Theio will ho cards, tliuicim,' uml Hie followiuir musieal prnnini: Voeul hoIo, Calherinu Murphy, Mi Hare, accninpaniHl. Vocal solo, V. H. Rlownrl, M!kh Darn iiffompuiiiHt, Duel. MisHt'H Hellu nutl Nnrn'lleek. Vocal hold, Xlerahlino MikHnhe. Voeul kiiIo, M'r. Jack O'luieu. Ilaaklnu for Uonltb, OtlDZAnOK HO. S95. OrilliiMiiro ilmilarlnit tlm runt of tln lliipnoiiiiint of Klflii ntn-rl from Kir Hlrri'l lo Orupi' wtu-Kt unit iiiiiihIiik llin iroKTiy linipfliiMl thiTcliy, uml ilrclnr Iiik nlloli imiiNhiiiinl mnl illn-ollni? lln- onlry HiiTiHif In tlm ilooHH of rlly llnnn. Tin' City df .Mtulforil ilotli ordain an fllllillH. HiTtlon I. Tlinl no proli'Mln IiuvIiik Imtm fllril UKiiliiHt Urn itiiprovi'tiionl of Kirili ltrt rroin Kir utrret to OrniM' ulrt-vt ilue nntlpo of tlm Inti'iillon of tim counell to crtUHi niilil Improvrinrnt lo be iiimiIo InnlnK bri'ii ulvon, mnl miM' Iiii proi'imint liuvlnr; le,n nrili-rnl mnilr. Ilii eoimi'lt Iiuh omiHlili't-fit llm inulli-r mnl In'rewllli uHri-rliilnx tlm pnilmblr i'ni in iniiHiiiir Kiirn nnprovfinoni u i llm mini of :nu Ami milit roioiell fiirtlmr f Imln Hint llm KpH'lul uml pernllnr Imimflt ncerii Ihk upon eiieh lot or purl llmmif mljii ci'iil to Mti lit linprovi'iilent mnl In Jimt propntllon to liffimfllN lo bo Hie rcpoo tlvo iimoiititH liirilimfiir Hi't piukIi tln mimbiir or ili-Kerlplloii of encli lol or pint llmrenf. uml miicIi nmoiiniii rn NieiIUnty ore hi'ri'by ilii-lnriMl In b the pniperlloiinlo nIiiiiu of I'lifli lot or tuirl llnTeof, of tlm eoHl of Miieli Inuirovc incut, mnl In lirrrliy ilii'liin'il to tip HHNi'hHi'il iikiiIiihI unlil lot or pnreolN n Hlioolhi'lv. llm nmim iiiuii'iirlni; nbovr eoeli iloHutlptlon bi'lliK the liiinui of the imin'r of mirli lot or tmrcnl A.SHKSSMr.NT KOIl TIIH PAVINO OK Klin'll HTItKKT KIUImI Kill HTllKKT Til OltAI'i: HTUKKT. WIDTH TJIIIl- tv-hix ki:i:t. AMnoBmnrnt Niv I Illir Plni'N I.nnibir coiiii,iiiy, lot I. IiUh'Ic 42, orlKlinil Ipivn Mlto. City of .Mnlforil. Oitkoii; frontHK" in" ii'im on urn norm Mine or wcni ririli Mti.til. idO friii; ni tn per foot. i 3. llIIOIItll, f H.lfi On AHHvHini'iit No. 2 Itlu PIiion l.iinilicr eompiiny, lot Ik, block 42, orlKliml Inwii- "iic, i'iiy or .Meitrorit. uri'KOn; rronini;i inn ii'ci on tne norm unin or went Iflli Hlreeti lo fool; ruto por foot, t ; n 5 : mnoiint, I.U5.0U AHMUNMitiiMit No. 3 John A. Hmltli. ol 13, block 13. iiiIhIhiiI IiiWiihIIi', City if Miilfurit. OreKon; froiitiiioi 100 fri't in tho Hiiuth Hhlo of Wi'Hi b'lfth tilreot; lint fi'ol; rn I o per foot, 15.3.1: umoiint, I53R00 Ahhokniiii'iiI No 4.- llorlhn linpley, 'ot 12, blink 13, orlRlnul loiviiHtte, City if Moilfoi'il. Oieuon; frontiiUK IU0 foot in llm mm Hi Hhlo of Went Klflh nlrrrt: kmi f.ot; into per fool, 13.3.1: ntiimint, Kins no VHHlIHHMHN'l' KOIl 1MUVATK D1UVKH ON KIKTII HTIIKIH'. AkhohxiiioiiI No. I. Mi,' PIiiph I.umbnr 'ompiiny, umoiint iimkohhimI, 2I.UI. Hi-ellim 3. Tlm iveonlnr of tho City if Meilfoi'it Ih hi'iiiliy illrooleil to onlor ii iluti'ini'iit of tlm iihmihmiiu'iiIm huroby 'iimlo In llm ilocloil of oily Hon, nmt in kIvo notlen hy publication iih rn. inlietl by the ehnrter uml oi'illnuiien No. MV In tho .Mi'dfonl Mull Ti'lbuno, ii iowh pupcr jiiihllto'tl uml of (iMloriil elr '(Million In mi 111 elly. Tho roreHolim orillnnneo win lmimeit Hy the vlty eouiiell of llm City nf Mcil- rorn, (irctton, on me .'in oiiy or uuioncr, Hill, by llm fiillnuliiK vole: Merrick, on; wiitl. iiyo; Woiiniitn, uyoi lhncr. el;, uliNcnt; Kirort, iiyo. uml Mlllnr, uye. Approvoil Otitober 4 lit. 11HI. W. IC. CANON. A I text! Mtiyor. ItOIIT. W. TMIiKUR, Clly llerociloc. NOTIC1J. To Ihn owner, or leptitml owner, of neh piireel of properly ilencrlbetl In tlm fot'i'irolmr oiiUnmice, iih iimncil llmreln, mil In tho lion iieuliirml by mihl onll 'iiiuee uh ri'cot'ileil In the ilockct nf elly Von mo hereby nnllfloil Unit the iib MeNNiuenl ilenliireil by the fnivHolnit or- lliiiinee iiuh neon iiinno nun tne uen iii.irir.ii inilni'Kil In llin cltv lien ilockct. uml Unit llm Hiime In line Ami you uro iiecehy reillllfoil lo puy llm wiino In Iho elly reroriler within ten iIii.vh from Ihn Hurvlee of UiIh mil lee, which norvleo Ih iniiiln be nliliUciitlon of tlm foccuiilni? ih'iIIiiiiiu'k uml thin noliee tlireo UnieH In Mm Mi'iironl Mull Ti'lhiine iuichiiiiuI to )nl o,,.,,. of ll'y' Clly lleeonlor. 13S2.50. 1 AHDCHKinrnt No. B. OreKon A- ' nlu It. It. Unit Hirlloii of thu i riRht of wiiy fronthiR 30 feci ! hi fi'.'l mi llm luirlh Mliln nf U'iKl Tlilnl Mrmit t fret, rutu ikt root, ii.&u; nmouiit. llsr.Ko. ,Hiii'MOimnt No. 3. Krncnt 15. Hurt, lot 7. block 31. itrlRliiiil towmtllo. City of Mnlforil. Orviion; fronting X5 fret on tlm nouth lil of Went Tlilnl alreiit: St f't. ruto par fool , 'I I. SO; amount. J31I.5U. AioM'simieiit No. I nrnml II nrl, lot 6. block 31, orlk'lnnl IimmihIic. city of Mcilforil. Orrcon: froiitiicr NS ffot on llm miulli wble of Went Tlilnl ntn-at; Kb tii-t'i, rniu i'r-r tii, ,i rfv. iiiiniiiiik. J.1V" r.o Cdllfor. rnllriMil on the norlli nhlo of WNt Tlilnl Hlrcol: from u up. 30 fn't on the north nIiIp of Third Hiri-et; 30 fift; r.ilc per foot, II. SO; umoiint. II3&.00. AHHi'HNinont No, 0 Oregon ft. Cnllfor nlu It. It., (but portion of tlm nillrouit rliiht of Miy frontliiK 30 fo.t on tho Month utile of WVnt Tlilnl Htrcot, front iiuu 30 fri't oil tho Month Hlib' of Went Tlilnl HtrMt: 30 fi-et: ruto pur foot, so; nmouiit, $13Son. assi:hm.mi:nt oh pihvati: diuvkb on Tiiiitii HTiuarr. AKHi'HNinent No. 1 Medfonl Lumber coinpiiny, mnoiint iihmckni-iI, 131 30. Si'dlmi 2. Tho Iteconlur of tho t?lly of Mcilforil Ih hereby illri'Cteil to cntof ii Htiiti'inenl of tlm mon'tnoni'iitH hereby miiilo In Hm ilocknt of city llunx. mnl to kIvo not Ice by piiblleullon iih n iinhi'il by tlm ehnrter mnl orillniiiieo No. 2S0 In the Meilfont Mull Trlbinio, u ncvm.iHr pulillnhcil uml of Kununil cir culation In mi lil clly, The forecolni; orillumico wiik jiuhmpiI by tho elly council of tlm City of Mcil fnril. Oregon, on tho 3nl iluy of October, PHI. by tho following vote; Merrick, hvo: wnti. nvo: Worlnimi. iiyo: Hiner- lek, uliMcnt: Klfrrt. uye, mnl Millar, uye. Aimroveil October 41 Ii. rj II. W, II. CANON. Attml! Mayor, ItOIIT. W tk.i.im:h. Clly Itccoriler. notici:. To llin owner, or rcpuleil owner, of eneh pnreel of property ilcMirlbcil In the foieKoliiK nnllniilieo. iih iimncil therolu, mnl J it the lieu ilt'clmvil by x.ilit orill nnneo iih iccoilcit In the ilockot of city Henri, Yon uro hereby notified thnt tho itn Hi'iminent ileclnreil Uy Iho foregoing or lUuiinco hii been miulc uml tlm lieu tliernfnr entereil In tho elly Hen docket, mnl Unit tho Hiime Ih duo uml yon uro bi'ii'liy reunited to puy tho muiio lo tho clly rccordiir wllhln ten iIiivh from Ibq Hi-ivlee of (IiIh no I Ice, which xcrvlco Ih imido by publlcutlou of Iho fori'KoliiK oiillnnnen uml till h notlro tliriH) (Iiiioh In the Meilfoid Mull Trillium puiHunnt tp mi order of tho elly council of wild elly. iiout. w. Ti:i.Ki:n. Clly llccorder. FOR RENT SfnraUbcd Booms. Mill IIHNT Comfortable riMiin for u b'jlncfi woinuit In jirlvato faiiilly. tS North Ojkilale. jx l'M'IINI(UIKt) room, riiiiiilrn; water, milt ii b for ono or two ixuplc. 48 Qnlnco nt. .' J82 KOIl ItUNT Tlirc lrKo itleeplnc MMioiH Willi Mtovt'S. 222 Houlh Holly. lOUM IX)H lti:NT Thrco Iiouikh (3 to 5 nmiiii imwly paint! Imihlo and pa jierwl. on N. Central nvc Ono modern. ItiMilH reiiNonnblc. Cull or nildrcHa W. H. Mammond, Ho. cud Peach Ml., It I, Host 4. KOIl HUNT $12.50 per month, neren riMim hotiHo on weft ultle. Dr. C. C. Vim Bcoyoc, nolle SIS OurnullCnrey bldi:. J8C KOIl HUNT Hmall furnlHhcd flat for reiil nt 21 MlHtlntoe nt 173 KOIt HKNT Now moitern nine-room huiiKalow on Klturfl lilRhwny, $2G per month. See W. IL Kvcrhard. 903 V. Ninth Jitrcot. Board and Jtooms JIOOM AND I10AHD nt Mrs. Kay's, No. 10 No. Gnipa nt., back of farmers and Krullffrowurs bldif. Xoaskeptiir Kooms Offices fox stoat KOIl HKNT Over ib poalofflce wlUj heat and llchL Sea A. A. Davis. Baal Xstata KOIl HHNT Ten ncrrk within four hun dred ynrdu or clly, IIiiiIIh on inncint iimlxeil riKiil, Oood four room Iiouhc, barn, well, chicken bouse, etc. Phone I'll. Mmlford Implement Co. 179 FOR SALE. Eoosta KOIl H.U.!: I Imvo left ouo fine new modern 5 room IiiiiikuIow on pave ment; iiIho one Kod iilmont new C room hotine to m-II on luymontn iim low an rent, llumplircy, SIS Mist Main. 182 FOR SALE. sUkoallssaons KOIt KAMI 30 whllo 50 tom1 . tlior oMKlibreil lA-Kliorn hcttnv Htarllnu to liny, 301 Willamette Ml. 178 KOIt HAMV-Ono 303 Havaso rifle. In roimI condition, pliiM 100 rounds cart rldiccH, $15. Apply Nash hotel bar. 1S2 KOH HAM: A completo nmati.Mir phc loarupliy outfit for $25. A snap. I'hono Main G71. 183 KOH HAI.K-Kurnlturc. cheap. Apply 418 H. Oak.lalc. 182 KOH HAM: Klrst clniiH gna roncc, uood condition; barKul". Call at 522 West 101)1. 179 KOH HAM-U a Km! Hi Pros, type writer and desk. Apply 322 Ho. Cen tral, is COHN KOH HAM-:$ 15.00 a ton. Conner I.ohd Co., Tower Tablo Hock. KOH HAM: Good jrentlo driving horse, with bURRy and harness nearly new. Price rlRht. Bee E. V. A. Illttncr, Palm bldR.. opiiohHo Hotel Nash. I'OK 8AM3 A modern S-tamp mill for Hale cheap, equipped Willi water pow. cr; also a Scotch Manno boiler, and somo promlslnR Rold prospects. Ii. D. Hawkins, AppleRate, Ore 180 KOH HA LB Poultry plnnt, 714 South Central ave.; house and lot, toRcther with 800 chickens, all thorouRhbrcd.i; ono fine cow and one 210-ccr Cyphers Incubator. Phono 6412 Main. 190 KOH 8ALK Ono Mollne cndRato seed er; 1 dlok plow, 1 steel road scraper; (SO feet 1-2 Inch steel cable; 1 Jersey cow; stock quashes. John 11. Hair, Woodvtlle, Ore. J95 KOH HALi: Cord wood, oak and hant wood, 11.50 per cord In carlonC lots. Gold Hay Heally Co.. 218 West Main; phone 1873. KOH HAM: New, modern, well flnMied buiiRiilow mid three lot. 6 larpc rooms, 3 lurRe porches, bath and store room, larjte xlicd In connection; ollMhed floorM, flnphice; buffet. Jin oleuiil In kitchen and bath, brushed limns IIkIiUiir fixtures lot fenced, cement walks, roi.o gnrdoii, lawn, flower boxen; iiiukI bo seen to bo ap preciated. Terms. 82S Dakota nve. 182 Acrtaya KOH HAM: 20 acres Rood lnnd clo0 In; will ruiso miythiiiR rroin garden to frull. cheap for cash or will tnuto for Income properly. Address L O care Mull Tribune. 183 LOST. LOST Hither on Jacksonville, mid Cen tral Polul roml, or on HlieelH of Med ford, one 1'icnliillle tiiuk for niltomo. bile. I'lmler pleimo lelurn to .South ern Puelflo frelRht office, Howni'd. ISO MONEY TO LOAN TO I.OAN$8U0""to loan oirKOo'ifreiilt) ut 10 per cent. ChuU llciilly Co, KOIt HAM! I-'Imt cliua saloon lining Rood biiHlueHs; liest location In elly. Address Ilox C, Chlco, Cul. 100 KOH HALH 200 nere slock ,rmieh; 25 head slock, G orscs. ctckous. tools, etc. On nccount of bI.Khcrh will s.ierlflee nt $3500. Call at 1023 West lOlh t. 1S3 KOIt HAI.K To close nn estate In north ern California. The finest fruit mid n I fulfil much In the Sacramento val ley; r.O I ueres; one mile from railroad nod Rood town mid on flue road. The whole or this ranch Is rich Sacra mento silt loam, very deep, and has no waste hunt or overflow. All cholco pear laud; 170 aires In flno bearing fruit trees; 100 iien-H In alfalfa. Good bullillliRH. Complete equipment which cost $9000. Tho place Is n, big money milker mid In u short tltno will sell for from $300 to $100 per ncre nnd In tlm meantime puy 25 per cent net each year. We Invite the closest InvestlRa- iiou or iiuh rnncu mm know we can' sell II to tho first iMtrtles who see It mil have the money. If you want n l tract of the best hind thero Ih In the country, seo this ranch. Price $150' per nere; one quarter cuhIi, hulunca C per cent. Hen Leonard Co,, 017 J St., Sacramento, California. ISO KOH HAI.K Sec, bookcase, 1 steel heat er, 1 Perfection 2 burner oil stove. I g-as tamp, nil new; also 75 feet hose, dishes nnd matting. 335 Knight at 1S1 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Kxperlcnced wood cutter wants contnict, tlr or cordwood. Any amount. I). Aiken, Jacksonville. 1S3 WANTED Position: experienced book keeper and office man; can rfurnlsh good reference. I'. O. Ilox 576. 179 WANTED Work, city or country, young man with Rood education. A. D. O., care Mall Tribune. 181 POSITION WANTED Dy young man experienced In corrosjiofidence, adver tising or reporting In newspaper work, salesmanship ana office work. 179 WANTED rfy two good miners, assess ment work or contract tunnel work. Apply Hor 6S1. Mcdford. Ore. 1S2 WANTED Position as housekeeper by a middle aged Christian lady. Address P. O. Hox 20. 178 WANTED Hogs of from 50 to 150 lbs. weight to feed and fatten. Will return name weight when fattened. Address II. E. IJowman. care Mall Tribune. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Staraittm. H. P. WILSON & CO.. dealer In nw and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stove and ranges. 16 South Kir street. Puona Main 3111. Home 318-L. MISSION FUnNITtmK WOIIK8 Cor ner 8th and Holly streets, Mfldfnrd, Mission furniture made to order. Csb lnet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFK & WOLFF Cook-toves nr.d ranges. New and second hand fornl ture. Earls' old stand. 18 Kir street. South. Pbone 9L Home 383-K. ii;-J-ford. Xasto. MISS TUHNET, Piano Instruction -Jid musical history, 309 South Newtown street. Phono 6603 Bolt. Xlalaff Xachlaery. SEE MATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or, or the Denver Quartz Mill & Crusliei Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver. Colo rado. Catalogues and prices can Tt bad at Phoenix, Oregon. Matt Calhoun. Xarsns. WANTED If you need an experienced heating plant man you con get one by railing up Home phone 203-K or room t AIEDFORD GREEN HOUSE! Cut flow. i Oregon uooming House, m rroni St., Mcilforil. 179 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. COLVIO & REAJIGS-W. M. Colvtg. a L. Heames. Lawyers. Office Medford .sanouai wanK ouiiuinc. second rioor PORTER J. NEKK, WM. P. MEALEY Attoroeys-at-Iaw. Hon. 1 and 2 Post dtflce building. A. E. REAMS Lwyer. aarnelt-Corey nuiiaing. MUI.KET Sz ClinJRR (B. V. MULKET, GKO. W. CHERRY) lawyers. Prac tlco in all Btnto and federal courts. Rooms 11 and 23, Jackson County Hank blOg. Arciltocxs. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and Hullders. orflco 7-8. 326 Main; phone Main 3471. Residence phono 744. rs, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 82 E. Main. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In the trust. H. U. Pattersen, office removed lo 11 K. Main St. ROOUE RIT:n VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nur sery stock. Office 104 O. t'lr. Both phones. Hotary Public. HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary publlo Rrlng your work to me at the sign ot The Mail Tribune. Physicians and "tergeossL Accountants. WANTED. sClscillaneoos WANTED Small riMiniH. cloo liu buno. furnlwhed house or Box U 3, Mali Trl 181 WANTED Hy young couple, apartment or housekeeping rooniH. Must be inml ern and well furnished. Desirable location. Address C. D.. Mall Tribune. WANTED Washing and Ironing, flue work u Hpcclalty. IS North Oakdale. 1S2 WANTED Key fitting and general re hiring at Electric Shop, 100 N. Tnint street. ' 182 WANTED A horse, about 1300 lbs., used to work single; light wagon or democrat, harness, etc. State price nnd particulars. Box A. S. T., Trib une. 1S2 WANTED Yon enn't help but make money selling our guaninliHtl-to-Rlvc-satlHfuetlou stock; free outfit: cash weekly; oxcluslvo territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenish, Washington. WANTED Young team of horses, weight about 1300 lbs. Call Boll phone 4021 or address Box 99, care Mull Tribune office. 179 WANTED Loon of $750 on two years' time ut 10 per cent; real estate secur ity value $2000, Address 1!., cure Mall Tribune. 1SI HELP WANTED. Help Wanted rental WANTED Girl for general liousowork; smiill washing. Address Lewis. Wellen, Oregon, Mrs. Kred 1SI KOH SALE 20 ncrts flno Rogue River! volley iiuul, good deep soil, close to good town. Will divide Into 10-ocre tracts If necesmiry Will sell for cash or ulvo lerniH to suit purchaser. Grant AUdor, 20 Summit live., Medfonl. 1S3 KOH SALE 1590 acres well located Klamath lumber lands for sale. Ap ply to Hullo Falls Lumber Co., Butte I'lls, Oregon. 1S2 FOR SALE OR TRADE. KOIt HALE Oil TRADE for Medfonl Income properly, unimproved ncrciiKo Well' located. Humphrey, SIC Hast Mniii. 183 KOIt TRADE 90 acres fine Honda river valley laud to trade for eloso In resi dence property In Medfonl! will inula nil or part. Kco Grant AUdor, 29 Sum mit live, ISO FOR SALE OR RENT KOIl HAM! OH RENT HI II. P. Buffalo I'lltH traction engine for sale or will tnko Job wltli Htuue. Box IB, Phoenix, Ore. 180 FOR RENT Unfurnished Kooiut. KOH RENT Two room furnished Iioiiho. 7a I Y. Second Ht. ISt .. S "i- KOH HALE 2R acres of best of Ump- qua river bottom, iioiiho, barn, out houses, 3 1-4 iiilleH from Hlddlo, In Orchard valley; $3600, Address O. A. Jones, Cnuyoiivllte, Oregon. 1S5 FOR SAMJ I 1.8 acres with now four room house; nn Ideal chicken ranch: $550 If token within ton days. Ad dress U. M. B cure Mull' Tribune or call on Homo phono 2S5-L, WANTED Girl for general liousowork; one who can cook; wages $30 per mo. Apply Gold Hay Realty Co. WANTED' A woman to do housework on furm, Bohemian, Swiss or Norweg Ian; not noocssary td speak English. Hloopy Hollow Farm, Rock Point. Ore gon, 15 miles from Mcdford on South ern Pacific, road; Homo telephone. D. R. WOOD General accountant, Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure: your business solicited. Office Mcdford Mall Tribune Building, phone tCll, residence phone 1801- Assayer and Aaalyrs. SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, silver, lead, cappor. and other minerals. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports maoo iticreon oy competent, mining as Havers and terms. Cunlt mlne nnd mining owners are earnestly requested to Bend samples of their ores for exhibition purposes, nnd send full description of ineir mining property, fiouuierii ore gon Mining Bureau, 216 West Main Street, Medford, Oregon. DR. il. C BARBER Physician nnd Sur geon Rooms 403-1 Mcdford Furniture nnd Harware Bldg,: residence 1303 West Main street; office hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.; tel. 3411. DRS CONROY & CLANCT Pnyslclans and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg.. rooms 210-211-312. Offlco phone 50L residence phone 612. Office hours a. m. to 8 p. in. D,ArEr 2J3arlPw nxt- EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Moved to rooms 41C and 417 Garnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 636L DR- ARTEMAS W. DELXNB Dentist Office In Hlalto bldg., 123 a Main, fias administered for extraction of teeth Telephone Main 6SL Night Phone 4432. engineers at reasonable' DR. ffrE.VHNS Physician arid suw:eon. lal secured for developing J Offlco Garnatt-Corey bldg.. rooms Inlng prospects. All mine I 211-212, phone 6601. Residence 111 ASSATER AND CHEMIST Earl V. In- gels. B. He General assay and an alytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay office nnd testing laboratory In Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Puss. Or. Abstracts. ROGUE RIVBR VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO.. INC. Jacksonville. Phonea Pacific, Main 11; Home 2006. Billiard rattora. a T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. CIcara and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young it nan ouiiuing. a nice, cool place lo speua tne hot afternoons. BUI Fosters. VERNK T. CANON Bill poster and Dla, iriuuior. wii oruera promptly rilled Room 29. Jackson County Bank build Ing. Modford. Oregon. Cement Workers. WANT to save yon money on your ce ment work. Work guaranteed, any kind done. Call on mo at COS New town, nt. Homo phone 123 W. Chiropractors. DR. H. J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic. nerve specialist, 213 Fruitgrowers Bank building. Office hours: 2 to 4. Pbone Home 3C9K. Residence 119 Roosevelt. Hours: 10 to 13 and 6:30 to 7:30. Phone 10S1C. Special hours by appointment. Sclentltla message given. Advice In dietetics. Medical gymnastic hydro theropy. Cigars and Tocacoo. Xelf Wasted seal SALESMAN To aid us supply the brisk demand for our goods. Some vacant territory yet In every state wost of tho Mississippi. Cash weekly. Capltu Nursery Co., Salem, Oro. 197 OR SALE lOucros 3-yoar-old orchard, set to Nowtowus, Spits nnd Wlttosaps, Under gravity ditch, 1 1-2 miles from Grants Pass postofflcq., John B. Unlr, Woodvllle, Ore. 195 FOH SALE Six acres, small house, nearly nil In frull, nil cleared; price $1(100: levniH, AddresH Owner, rare Mull Tribune. ,. KOH HALE Five or ten ncreH under ditch, 1 1-3 miles from poHtoffleo. Fine fiic lionics, KnrnVn or chicken riiuoli. Hie owner. -0 South I'euoli st 184 WANTED Salesman foi exoululvo ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expo, rlcnce necessary. Complete lino Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock, fash weekly. Out fit ftee. Toppenish Nursery Company, Toppenish, Wash, WANTED Salesmen In every locality o the northwests money advanced week lyj many make over $1000 month choice of territory. Yakima Valle Nursery Co., Topeulah, Waslu SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED. POSITION By young nwn, p mnclilulHl or manual labor Address BOX 1). Q Tiihtltie, 183 IRELAND & ANTLB. Smokehouse- Dealers In tobacco, clgarH. and smok ora supplleo. Exclusive agent of Lewi Single Binder, El Merlto and El Palob clo. 313 Weit Main street Oarbngo. CITY GARBAGE CO., Medford Gar bage, rubbish, dirt, nnd anything In that line hauled. Wagon culls from two to tlireo times a week; restau rants und hotels, twice a day. Office phones. Mnln 2161: Home 113 IC J. F. per rros and J. D. Kerne. 180 ClranUe Works. MEDKORD BRICK CO. Geo, W, Prlddv O, D Nogle. Geo. T. O'Brien Coiitrae tors unci manufacturers or brick; deal era In pres&nd brink and lime. Offle In Gurnett-Corey block, room 309. 2i' floor. Phone No! 3181. Laurel at. phono 3092. DR. B. A. LOCKWOOD, physician and surgeon. .. D"; 35!TRTT'B MCKWoon, practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offices over Hasklns drug store. Phones: Pacific IQOl; Home 28. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc .. Dentists. Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford. vrteoa. , phono. and DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician surgeon, practice limited to eye, ear. nose, und throat Eyes scientifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 East Main streot, over Modford Hardware company; hours 8;30 a. in. to S p. in,; both phones. DltM. SAUNDERo AND GREEN Prac tice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat Office: Suite 318 Garnett Corny building Both phones. J. M. KEENE. U. D. R: A. JIUNHCHUT D. D, S Dentists, 228 E. Main. Phone Main 3191. Homo 124K. Chinese Medietas. "" CUOW YOUNaSChln-eseTin7dtclnoa'Wlil cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronlo and nervous ailments, Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb und bladder troubles. See nie at 241 S. Front st, Medford. -rn. to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Hesldenco phone Phono Main 42. Printers- and Publishers. MEDKORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped Job offlco In Southern Orot gon; book binding: looso leaf systems; cut paper eta. eta, Portland prices. -'LNorth Jf!ratreet SINGER - WHEEMiii 35 WILSON sowing machines for sale and rent. Re pairs. Cnro Duncan local resprcsenta. tlvo. Phono 6013. No. 38 South Kir street Xanchea Tor Beat. 130 acre ranch, 300 acres under Irriga tion, 10 miles from Medford. Gold Hay Realty Co. 218 AVosc Muln streot, room 101 Eleetrlo Building. M Hunches Por Sale. 010 acres foothill fruit land. 10 mllm from railroad station: $11 per aero on 10 years tlmo. One-tenth cash, p,oe tenth each year for ten years, impr est on deferred payments'. Biggest bargains over offered. Gold Hay Re alty Co., room 101 Klootrlo Bui ding, 218 West Main. ' teaogrtphers, ELLA 5E QUANYAW palm JJToek. monograpma worg uoue qutOKiy ana well. Civil Engineer. LOUIS W. WHIT1NO, civil engineer ami surveyor.. Water filing? ami Irrigation work a specialty, surveys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering draft lag. sower design,, concrete worlf, pump nnd canal synteins. Rnnnei 1.3, Adlstiis Block, Medford. Oregon, v MISS L. J. KINGSTON, PubJIo stenog rapher, Medford. Oregon. PIoneflj' Of. floe. Pacific 6571: residence, I'sclfle 6083, Room 318, Garnett-Corey bldg. Transfer. EAP8 BROS, dray nnd transfer, Office Davis wnrehoiiRe. T'linno Hell 3J53. Hume 850-K, Prlcoo right. 8orvM guaranteed, ii ,tt .1 "i M l j.i '? n M