a ," niy Hall -m . b" SUBSCRIBERS I'olllnif tn gX impor wll litr 11 iib lUvre(1 liy lihoultitf of" J fko by a p, in. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair. .Mux. 7:1, mlit. Ill); rel. lilt tit. 111. Dully- Ill (Hi Ymr. t"tn ly t'ltftt Venr mnwoiiv. OMfiOON, MONDAY, (XTOBlClfc Ul, M No. J 78. ATHLETICS TAKE SECOND GAME, SCORE: 3-1 INCREASE NY m i J& J& jg? j&? Valuation in Medford as Found by Assessor Increases $684,169 5 SSQR llftS E ROLL COMPLETE FOR TRE BOARD Mayor Canon Appoints Porter ami Runyard City Board to Go Over Roll and Recommend Such Equal izations as They Sec Fit. O.YIi UF "COAWi" MjICK'S STjIII HUllUiltS 3.284.169 BAKER SLUGS OUT HDMERUN FOREIGNERS V BED 10 FLEE CHINA For tit firl time in iiiiiny eurs I ho county iiHsosiir Iiiih his mil com plain when llm board of equalinlnui unit in .IncUcnivillc. This motning I lift ittWDttHitr il'CM'lltctl till liuitlil with Mm Hill report ami for tin' weak tlic hoard will lit1 in HdhttitHi. Injuring property owner enitipniiil anil making such eommtions an they win fit. Tim aHuoniM'il valuation of .)ackoii county as determined liy tho county nwosor this year will ha in the iniiichhoiliiiiMl of .:i8.r.oo,w, nl though tint exact ligures will nut ha known until thi' state tax commix mIhii lixas tlto' valuation of railroad anil other cu partitions in the county. One your nji, without tho ooipnr ntion iihm'ik iiii'iitH which an1 fixed liy llio statu eiMuinision lite aSHcscd valuation-us determined liv Ilia cntlii ly niWHor was f:H),'JUti,UU!l, whore . (l a ... A l.t T ii-tmTL-V'iir u is inuuti iu uc ?w nll.lfiH. Tho. increase being f :i,UH !,? .1110. a t m t I . . .. i .. .Mi'iiioin h nsescu vaiiiaitoii i tdtows tin iiii'icaxo of S-llH 1. 1 (Ji) in) pile of Ilia fact that n 'JO per cent ii'iltii'tion wart made liy Ilia iixso.imir mi inipnivcimeiils. Without Hid rail mads ami other large corporations Iha inecd valuation is .ll, ITI.HKI whereas una year apt Ilia valuation wan .$f,787,ll'J, Ilia incrcaso amount ing to i)8l,i:il. Lust year Ashland's assessed val nation without tha railronit huh .t'J. 717.1118. Tlili ywir it in 1,111,71(1. (loltl Hill has increased rroiii .il.'IS. tilll to .t'JI'.VUr: tVnlral Point fnun .!! iri.SIO.'i t.t . Ill l,i rni. Tin aoiinly hoard of equalization is now in session. Mayor Canon ItitH appoinli'il L, (!. Poller ami K. .1. liuuyurd iih a city hoanl tn look aft er Ilia proper adjustment of Hi" ' nwniMNKinentrt. This hoanl will go mar Ilia entire assessment if Ilia ail.v ami recommend hiicIi equalization ax may In iicccH;ary. Tha assessed valuation of tha Iowiim iu Ilia eoiiuly as fouml Ibis Vaar follows. Theo figures do l iualmla the railioailH: Meilfotil .(1,171,8111 - T J. CQQMM M X4 Jho will iu all jiroliulnlijyjnh'li for llio AttilotioH omrrov. WNINC M E Philadelphia Scored First Run Right Off the Reel New York Ties Score In Second but Falls to Hold Ath letics Down. CROWD GOES WILD OVER BAKER'S GREAT DRIVE i Marquard Did Not Show Form He Was Touted ito Be In Errors Arc Plentiful. N'l-w York l 5 l'lnlatlulphiii ..'. 3 -1 Now York 0 10 0 (I 0 0 (t 0 Philadelphia . .'. 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 x GOVERNOR WEST HERE TOMORROW Will Make Arrangements for Deliv ery of Convicts and Establishment of Camp Will Bo Put at Work on the Crater Lake Road. !' :i,i8:i,7.iti id i, not 118,01)1 2i'j,:ii7 MD.II7 AhIiIiiihI .... ('antral Point laaksoiivlllu (lohl Dill ... Talent . IMiiiPiiix 115.1117 Kaula Point O-'.MJj W'ootlvilla , , 7i"i,!177 Tlio iiHNi'hhnr liiulu valiiert uw fol Ihwh: Tillable limit. $7,0,(117; iiou-tillnhl.i liiml, ll,'i:i(U'.r; 'in )ii'oveiueiilH on land, $7(ll,'j:il ; (own IoIh, .fT.'JIKI.OJiri; iniprovenients an Hiiiua, 1,(1111,117; hind mil deeded, $10,05,1; ch'tfrapli ami aloelria liiian (privnla ttwiiarnhip) $ri000; slntiun ary i'IikIiiuk and iimiiiil'iu'luiiiiK uin ehiuary, . I K'J.II.'K) ; nieiehnndihe ami htoek in tratla, .875,0112; farm im plemeulrt, $1(10,852; uulnhiohilas, $101,220; nionay, $011,8:15; noleH ami ikkmiiiiiIh, $87,21)0; HliaraK of nloek, $110,81)5; haiiKeliohl fiiriiltura, $11 15, )00; hnrM'H, niuli'H, !., $:i7:i,-H0; aatlla, $110,210; nlieep, $28,015; Hwiua, $i:i,(IKI; doKH, $10:18. HOLY WAR IS REPORTED HI. oniltsr CONSTANTINOPM';, (VI, Hheik lleiniiHHi, a noted Avail in Tripoli, Iiiih dealared a holy war UKiiiiiht Hid ItnliniiH, neeoidiiiK to ad vIiioh voaoh'od ligro today. TIio-jo nilvlccfl Hay 51000 Arabs nra inandi iii;,' nnuiiiHt lliu Itnliiui Joiooh. (loveitiiir Oswald Wimt will arrii in Medford Tueduv imiruiiif; far tin purjKiha ttf (uiifurriiiK with tliu eotin ly eoiiil ami local htiNiuc.ss man re Kanliiit; tha mutter of pulling eou ieln at wort; on llio f'raler Lake Iliad. The eoiiuuillee of the Medfolt I'oiainereial olnb, foiisNtiiij; of Mi'Shrs. Huiltly, Pntuajn ami (lerifj. appointed to ayt between the j;ovor uor ami the county court, will meat tha governor on his arrival. Tha hiiWMirrnuxcd for a special meelinj; of tha county court nt which the xovaruor will ha jtrcMint. Soma titaa nK Ilia (,'ovornor offer ed to Hem! twenly-fiva conviots to work on tlio Crater Laka rond which ba fiiiid ha reminded iih a hIiiIo high way. Ila will iirrivn tomorrow to meet tha commiltea appointed by Ilia commercial club unit tlio county court to iirrntifca for Iha delivery ol (ho men and the crdublislunent of the cnnip, I'liNDIiKTOK, Ore Fire, beliav cd lo bit of lucemlinry origin, de stroyed tha Oregon feed yard and a Hkaliui; rink envcriuu a bloalc this nioriiiiiK. A number of hornus weic burned. Tim Iohh U ustlmateil ;.t $75,000. brandeis m SOCCEED HARLAN Strongest Tip However Is That the Honor Will Be Given to Solicitor General Lcmann of St. Louis- Think He Was Promised Place. WASHINGTON'. 1). l Oct. 1(5.--PoliticaitH here today areo that Pnident Taft probably will cbuoo a proKrcsHivc to succeed tlio into Justice John M. Harlan on (be Unit ed Stales supremo bench. One report is that Louis I), ltrai: dvis of Hostou will ba selected. Many, however, believe that Presi dent Tuft's personal dislike of H.-nn-deis Jtecaiise of tint hitter's connec tion with thu HulliiiKur ease would prevent bis appointment. Tlio strongest tip is that the honor will be Kivcn to Solicitor Genera! K. V. I.eiaanu of St. Louis. I lis friemN think lie was definitely promised the placo when bo onlered tlio f;ovurn nieut serxiee. Fight Settled. TACOMA, Wii., Oat. J(i. Tlio raise of interuihiiu rales belwwcen Seat tlo two years ago, which caused hij; fiKhls between the peoplo of 1-Vru Hill and of (ho UuwamlsU valley near Seattle and tho Stoue-Web- stor traction- interests, is over. Defeated bofor tha stnlo railroad coiuniission tha superior and sn prejiio courts, tho railroad company has restored Iha old rates. SHIIIK l'AKK, PlHIiADKLPlHA. Pa., Oct. 10. One solid swat over tlio rit,'ht field fence from Frank linker's war club won the second (,'auie iu tho world's championship stries for the Athletics here today bj three rutins to one fur tlio New York Giants. Tho deciding wiiton came in the sixth inniiif,'. Kddic Collins had pok-t ed one into tho crowd for two sacks and with tho score tied at 1 to 1 Mak er delivered ttio foods. He leaned against tha ball good and bard and an luwXtillov'i;ltJ?0lliUtf acros tho iiiiiiiu piaic sum a eceuo iitokc mono as staid Philadelphia has seldom seen. Thirty thousand fans, who hung, breathless, on tlio xtrugejo, split tho nir with one roar of joy. It was all over and from Hint time the Athletics were never iu danger. The fiift run for tlio Athletics was made in the first iniiiiinj,', when Ird cross ed tho pan on a wild pitch by ltnbe Manpiartl. In tlio second inning Oldring misjudged n double by Her r.og, who scored for New York, when Mig Chief Meyers delivered a nice clean single. From flm stnrl of the game Mc- .GrawV, beauty, Manpiard, was wild. In the middle of tho fit niggle he set tled down bill weakened again after Maker'.-, tremendous drise, and in the cigth McGruw jerked him out of the box, MMiding Crandall to bat. Crau dall delivered tho goods, but Plank, who was steady us a rack through out, tha game, held the Giants hKt less. and the tleed was done. The game bv innings: THE L1NH-UP. New York Dovoro, If; Doyle, 2d; Snodgross, (.f; Murray. rf; Merkle, 1st; Herr.og ,'lrd; Fletchor, ss; Mey ers, a; .Manpiard, p. Philadelphia- Lord, If; Oldring, of; Collins, 2nd; Raker, !lb; Murphy, rf; Davis, lb; Harry, ss; Thomas, ; Plank, p. WIZARD EDISON SAY0 U. S. IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR H!M. IT" J& Dynasty Tottering to its End; Thousands, are Starving ARMY MAY SOON DESERT MANCHUS AND JOIN REBELS Panic Apparent fn Every Action of the Government All Communica tions With Hankon Interrupted Shanghai Populace Panic-Stricken nArLw Sfifc. IIHp ilK?B r gajmmk HWv wre. AND MRS. THOMAS A.CDtSON ANO OAUOHTUE. MAOUONe-. The above group shows Tliomns A. Edison, the famous inventor, with hi wife nml daughter, on their nriwil in New York after a long tour abroad. "Did you gel the rest that was coming to you?" ''KestT Ahmad" bo said. ''.'o, indeed; it's too thick over there for me. The United States is the place for a rest. Here you can spread out without crowding votir next door neighbor." QUAKE KILLS MANYJTALIANS Communication Is Crippled and Ac curate Estimates of the Dead Can not Bo Received Feared Death List Will Be Heavy. TRUST CONTROLS 4? PER CENT Congressman Sulzcr Who Has Been Investigating Sugar Industry Says European Monopoly Caused Rccnt Increase Wants Raw Sugar on tho Frco List. IS'IJW YOUK, Oct. til. Only -12 per cent of tho Hiigar ludiiBtry In tho United States In controlled liy tlio so-culled tniHt, according to n Btnto maut uiiidi) by CongroHHinun Sulzor of Now York, CoiiKi'ouHmau Sulzor In chairman of tlio uuheommltteo nt! thu houmi com mittee appointed tn Inveuttgato tho mot hods of tho nllogod truat. Ac cording to tho reports mailo to, him by govonuucint oxiiortH, tao rocont la canned liy Kuroponn monopoly of tho Irado. Tha roports add that tho American Sugar Uoflnorlos compa nies tlo not own an aero of nilgai' producing land, After conferring with Congressmen Hindu of Mnluo, Malhy ot Now York and Jonnvuy of Arkansas, all mom hers of tho nam a subcommittee, Con gressman BiiUoi announced thnt ro Uof from tho present high prices of Biignr can ho obtaluoa only by plivc- cnuiBes Iu tlio prion of migar wro lug law sugnr mi tho freo list, Umpires: Connolly, behind the bat ; Hreuiiau on bases, and Klein and Dineen iu the outfield. FIltRT 1NNN1NG. Xow York - Dovoro fanned, Doyle filed to Lord; Suodgrass hit by pitched ball; Murray lino to Collins. No runs. Ubiladelpvia- Lord singled lo right and look second on Murrav'h fumble-; Crandall is warming up; Old ring saoiificed, Marquard to Merkle, Lord taking third; Lord scored on alanpiard's wild pitch; Collins sing led, through Fletcher; Koran unable lo field it in limo; linker fanned; Murphy filed In Devore. Oao run. SF.CONT) INNING. New York- Merkloout, Marry Iu Davis; llerzog doubled to center, the hit being misjudged liy Oldring; Fletcher out, Collins to Davis, Ker zog taking third; Meyers singled lo left, scoring llerzog; Marquard fan ned. One run. Philadelphia -Davis out, Doyle In Morklo; Dovoro muffed Harry's drive Marry vouching second; Fletcher lost Thomas' fly, Dovoro running in, making tho eateh nt his shoestrings. Planks out, Me.ve-ra to Merkle. No runs. THIRD INNING. Now York Dovoro fanned; Dovlo ItOMK. Oct. . Communication with tho earthquake section of Sicily is crippled today and accurate esti mates of tho dead as n result of yes terday's disturbance bavo not been received. It is feared tch list will bo Jieavj'. I Houses wero demolished nt Mau dlin, Santa Yeuerin, Guardiii and Moudiuell. Many bodies have been recovered. MEET CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY BOARD Local Men Leave for California to Meet Highway Board Which Is de ceding Upon Location of Trunk Highway. GREET PRESIDENT (Continue! on J'ti 0.) LOS ANGF.LKS. Oct. lG.-Ite-splcudeut in their best bib and tuck er 1000 school children selected from tho higher grades of tlio Los Angel es public schools, delighted tho chart of President Taft hero today. Their reception to tho chief exe cutive was easily tho big featuro of tho Taft two-day visit to this vicin ity, which began at 0:110 this morn ing, when ho stepped from his special train and was greeted by tho local coaunmittee. John D. Olwcll, Mayor Canon. George L. Davis, W. H. Goro and George Putnam left this morning for Cole station. Cal., to meet the Call fornla State Highway board which is now engaged in deciding upon the location of tho trunk highwnj through California which is to be constructed at a cost of J16.000.000. The local men were accompanied by four auto loads ot business men from Ashland. An effort Is being made to have tho highway follow tho coast to Eu reka, nud an effort is also being jnade to have tho road diverted at Weed to Klamath Falls. It Is for thol purpose ot Influencing tho California board to locato tho road up through tho Shasta valley past Yreka and over tlio Slskiyous that tho local uica left tor Colo station. Thu fact that Jackson county re cently voted a bond issue ot $1,500, 000 for good roads and plans the construction ot u highway from tho California line to tho Josephine coun ty lino, is thought to bo a big arKii ment Iu tho location of thu highway. PEKING, Oct. 1C DroadlnB Uiat tho present attltudo of non-lnterfor- enco with foreigners by tho Chinese rebels may change and gravo out rages ensue, counsels for the various nowcra today advised all foreigner to leave ttie districts whero tho great conflict Is raging. Latest reports aco that tho Rus sians at Hankow havo already taken refuge on a German vessol, and other European and American residents ot tho city bavo been transferred to tho gunboats in the river. Co vera men t runic Stricken. Panic Is apparent today In ovcry action of the government. Desplto frantic appeals, tho army chief, Yuan Shi Kal, Is apparently not anxious to act against his countrymen to bolster up the tottering Manchu dynasty. Tho government has offered him the vlco .royalty ot .Hunan ,audi Hupefc provinces. Replying, Yuan Shi Kat demanded guarantees of Immediate reforms and the enforcement of tho constitution. U Army 3fny Switch. It Is believed Yuan Shi Kal Is merely waitlnff to ascertain tho real strength of tho rebels and that If their successes continue he will cast In his lot with thoirs. If ho docs It means that nearly tho wholo army will follow his lead, and that an enormous popular sentiment for the downfall of tho Manchus will bo created. U & Thlrtocn transport trains, carrying 20,000 troops, loft hero today for an unknown destination. Tho Yang Tso Klang Is airaln In flood and thousands nro reported to bo perishing of starvation. Pesti lence also is raging and In ono placo tho death rato Is reported to havo reached 200 dally. Look at tho "For Snlo" ads and nt sotno of the things that nro adver tised for fmle. OIG BLONDE GOT ISHI'S GOAT First to Stir the Savage Breast ot Is hi, tho Wil Man of Shasta County Was a Blaging Bio nde With a Largo Plctur c Hat. SAN FHANU1SCO. Cal., Oct. 10 it was a big, tall blonde, who tho charms to stir tho savngo breast ot lshl, tho wild man of Deor Crook, Shasta county, now under observa tion nt tho University of California, who would havo naught to do with any of tho passing throntj that camo and stood besldo his pen, whoro ha wenvod baskets in stolid slloncq, un til thoro canto upon his vision a blaz ing blonde, with a hat blggor than a pnrasol, lshl nwoko. Ills ull eyes lit with pleasure and tho basket work fell from his hands. Ho leaped up and would have clasped nor In his arms only sho fled. Today lshl, a saddor, wlsor man, sits stolid at his bnsKotry, deigning not to look again upon that box which dolightH and flees and loaves a bleed ing honrt whoro all was peace. Look for tho nd that describes tho plnoo you would like to own. Slinughul In Punic. SHANGHAI, Oct. 1C Surrounded by tho robols on land and with In adequate shipping facilities for escape by son, tho populace hero Is In a panic today with .tho expectat'on that tho rebels will at any monietit do mollsh tho Woo Sung forts, seize tho arsenal of Klang Nan and Invado tho city, bringing death and destruction as they come. Refugees, fleeing Into tho city, say that tho main rebol forco Is en camped at "Wii Cane, whoro It Is building breastworks and mounting 140 field Kims, In anticipation of an attack from tho government forces. All communication with Hankow Is Intorruptod, presumably by tho rebol solzuro ot tho wires. Retribution Sought. SAN DIEOO, Cal., Oct. 10. He Irihutiou for tho murder of innocent Americans at Alamo during tho re cent rebellion in Lower California is predicted today by thoso oloso iu touch with tho Washington authori ties. United States Consul Qcnoral Gcorgo II. Murphy loft last night on bis second trip to Alamo and jt is now certain that tho government will doiny no longer in demanding puu isltniont of tlio Mexican soldiers guilty of tho murders. Mexican seorot service agents nro busy in San Diego. After several attotmpled kidnapping of former rebels, Jack Holland, former captain in tho rebel army, was stabbed on ono of tho business streets bore last night by two Moxiccans. 'IIo will recover. Look at All of the real estate ads and at rnuoh of the real estate ad vertised, boforo investifir,. M fc