rKti!iiWjfterT ffw'-v" r -s. , t" "rt ? " f WJ ! "! V ,1 n,,,,,. .. ,t1w,. ,,WT.,;.I?M, -U,.., JiMgp pw,.nwwp raGEsrs MTIDFOftD MATh TRTBUNR MIJCTQKD, OKKClOy, SATURDAY. OCTUOllllRl'l, 1011 t-wwiif REBEL LEADER IS IN UNITED STATES Dr. Sun Yot Sen Who for Years Has Been Real Lender of Chinese Revolutionists nnd on Whose Hcail Is Reward of $100,090 Is in U. S. FIRST jVOMAN HOUSEBREAKER DKN'YISIt, Colo., Oct. It.-Somewhere between Denver nnd Sun Francisco, today, in Dr. Sun Yal Sen alleged to bo the rent loader of the Clnneeo revolution and prospective president of tbo new nuti-Miincim republic in Clilnn, who lias n price r $1(10,1)00 on Ins head. He i .sendeav oriiiR to gel back to his war stricken country as quickly ns possible. DtiriiiK his sojourn hero the doc tor raised $1,000 to help the moll. He fin id: "ino work winch lor twenty year has been carried on by my?el and loyal members of the nnti-Mnucliu party, hoping to sec Chinn relented from the oppression which has bound tier subjects with tho unbreakable chains of unjust taxation and ill treatment, is now bearing fruit.' I' i i iii j i .u-l ' lun-iuaiwf I i " x..s. , . i ' .is ry;ij 1 -.y13W'i l.'1 " ' '"" -TO I I 1 I EAIR OFFICIALS LOOK FOR LAND Several Tracts Have Boon Surjtjcstctl but No Choice Has as Yet Been Made Permanent Fair Is Now Assured. NAVAL OFFICER WINS A PILOTS LICENSE MI5S MARIAN EATEN SMITH., PEKING, Oct. H, Pckliip today la an Incipient volcano, liable at any moment to break out Into flame with accompanying scones of carnage. Ominous quiet prevails throughout tho city, tho Bort of quiet that causes more concern than scattered out breaks for It shows that tho people arc acting In unison upon plans that aro well organized. All of tho government troops are mutinous, their officers fear to give orders lest the silent mutiny break out Into open rebellion nnd all tho foreign residents are gathered at tho various legations. "Weakening under tho prolonged strain of a rebellion that has ben slow ly reaching from tho outermost limits of tho empire, right into tho capltol Itself, tho government Is showing ev ery evidence now of receedlne from its past attltudo 'toward tho people. It Is offering amnesty to all rebels who submit again to tho Imperial standard, and is openly expressing contrition for favoring tho recent advances made by the United States. France, Germany and England which were so strongly opposed by tho masses. Mntinu Knton Smith, who un. found in IndiaiinpolU, hid., wander intr the streets in mnle ntttre and ar rested by detectives, charged with uiiijjmry aim pmnu mrccny, t one of the very few women to be charged with house breaking and burglary in this country. Tho girl is accused of breakim in to the home of V. F. Shirlev and stealing some food, an umbrella and a watch. ili! Smith, who is eigh teen years old and -says she lives in Albany, N. Y., admitted the bnrylurj I She declares that he was driven to her act hv actual starvation. The officials of the Soulhern Ore gon District Fun association have decided to commence negotiation for the purchase of a suitable tract of land near Medfoul for pcrnianont fair grounds and speed track. Several locations have been sug gested but the official will not de cide definitely for several days, but one thing i Mire, they will select a .site as near the city as is possible. The recent fair held in Medfout demonstrated the fact that to b' made a success, tho fair must he within easy reach of some city. It is estimated that nine-tenths of the attendance at the fair last week came from Medford. Ifc-'JW ' ww 1 'J v. RAISING UG E POLL ON HOTEL Wireless ompnny Ptitllnn Up Hup Mast for Aerials Much Interest Taken In Bin Job of Rnlslnu the Hufjo Timber. hook ul tho "For Halo1' hiIh- anil at Homo of tho IhingH that are ndvur tlnod for miliv Homo pronpoilty ilnpoiiiln upon homo Industry, ami ittntn-wlrio pnm portly will bo ttrcutur If fnetorloii Pacific Const. At Los Angeles R. Los Angeles 5 Portland 3 At San Francisco Vernon j Oakland 14 At Sacramento Sacramento 2 San Francisco 6 H. 11 12 3 19 G 11 SPECIAL RALLY DAY M.E. WASHIXfiTON. D. O. Oct. 14. A formidable display of naval strength tared Hangkang. by the powers Is included In the Chi ueso rebellion, according to Consul- General Green, stationed at Hankow, who cabled tho uationol capital this afternoon as follows: "Tho rebels hold Wuchang and Haugkang. Great disorder prevails in Hnnkow. Two American wnrshlus two Japanese three British, one Ger man and six Chinese warships arc stationed here. "Te rebels avo seized the provis ional treasury and the mint, captur ing 1,000,000 taels (SG0O.00O). The rebels crossed the Yang Tso Itlver In the provinces of Sze Chuen, and cap- The special alley day Sunday school .services to be held tomorrow morning at the M. K. church on N Hartlett street, bid. fair to be oip of tho largest as well as the most intercs-tintr service of the year. The purpose of the meeting is to secure 100 per cent attendance, and to increase the already large enroll ment which at the present is about too. The past year has been one of ma terinlgrowth and spiritual uplift, the increase in attendance over nuy pre vious year being double. The regular study class period will be given at the beginning of tin school hour .and all special rall. day features will come in the lattei part of the school hour. Heports and inspiring talks will be given Rev. Etdridgc will give a few minute talk, us will also Attorney Cauiida An invitation is extended to every one interested in Sunday school work to be in attendance. UtUTtNANT J H. TOWE.RS Lieutenant J. II. Towers, U. S. N. the second naval otficer to receive his aviation I raining at the Curtiss Aviation School at lluiumondiort. N. . won bis pilot's license by fl.v iiu: over Luke Kcuka. He used tho new eight cylinder t urtiss navy hvdro.ucroplaiic, and handled tho" machine witli exceptional skill in strong wind that would have taxed the ingenuity of the most k.l- till aviator. HOW TOBACCO TRUST W1LLBE REORGANIZED NKW YOKIC. Oct. 1 1. Details of the organization of the tobacco trust under the order of the 1'nited States supreme court were teamed hero -day. The original corporation will be resolved into three companies, to he known respectively as the American Tobacco company, the Ligget & Meyers company mid the 1. Loril lard company. All .fl000 six per cent bonds will be exchanged for 4000 cash, one-fourth in the new 7 per cents of the Liggett & Meyer company and one-fourth in the 7 ler cent in the Lorillard company. All .1000 four per cent will bo ex changed for .f-100, one-fifth in cah, one-fifth in the four per cent in the Liggett & Meyers company and one fifth in the 1iriIMrd company 7 per cents. The work of raising the 100-foot must for the wireless company uhmi tho top of tho Hold Mcdford is m progress and is attiacliug much nt tcntion. A lingo derrick is being .used to raise the pole, which is a task .of no .mult magnitude. Ihe wireless compauv c.Miccts So ho icudy soon for huiuon. TAt'OMA, Wu.- Caught as he wa breaking 11 window ut tho county jail and smuggling cocaine to the prisoners, Kobort Cooper, released t lucMlny niter a IlO-duv sentence lor vagrancy, was brouebt tutu court again by Sheriff Longuute today. (ooHr pleaded guility and go I -lo dnvH more. Clark & Wright WAIX1MOTON, S. O. PuMlo Imiu Mutter, l'ltiut Proof DvhitI LniittK. Cmtis nnd Million Ohkcs. Scrip, Atmt-lnto Work for Attorney. HnsKlna for Health. latBTAIIladk. Voti want us to do i our laundry becauHO wo do It perfectly, becauiio wo work along hyttlculo llucu, and ItoeaiiHo you can't do It a quiulcr mi well youiHolf, It pu'H to let tin do thin woik for you, THE STAR Steam Laundry Mcdford, Oregon, Hell Phono JUOl Homo (in SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Noiitlt HUorMilo New anil Up(olMto Modern la every particular, gnn cook I hit, Meant heat, etc. Women ami girl iimM tiling icrcr. CIIICN. W, ,M, MMITII Homo Phono HIK. Rock Spring Goal ON MUD AX.Xa TX TIM. Offlco mid Cool Ynnl, Twelfth nnd Front HlrtMiU. Phono 7IOI. Burbidgc VII COAX. MAJk TRY THIS ! ,1,1 QH7 v niM? Hffw MARRINELLO FACEPOWDER Benefits and Beautifies Hkln for Health I Mnknn for IrwUtb. It Is Curing Thousniids Hully, and Snc Tlino and Money Get a bowl three quarters full of boiling water, and a towel. Pour Into the water a scant tea- spoonfut of HYOMKI (pronounce It HlRh-o-me). Put your head over tho bowl and cover head and bowl with towel. Urcatliu tho vapor that urlxex for a few minutes, and presto! your head Is ns dear as a boll, and tho light ness In the chest Is gone. ICs a pleasant euro. You'll enjoy breathlnK HYOMKI. You'll feol nil once Its sooihlnu, healing and bene ficial effects as It passes over tho Inflamed and Irritated membrane. CO cents a bottle, nt druKKlsts every where. Ask Chas. Strang for extra bottle HYOMKI Inhalcnt. TI10 Powclor that sticks. Affords wonderful pro tection with no danger of injury. iMndo in Ihroc tints Price 50 cunts. -white, flesh anil brunette. Ask for a traveler's package. Tlris will cost yon nothing but will convince you that it, is the ono por foct Powdor. MARINELLO SHOP Room 5 Over Kentnor'a Phono 111 l ANNOUNCEMENT! wwywwww 14hHHt44HNM I rf . Having entered the Real Estate and Fire Insurance Business in Medford, I take this means of informing my friends in the valley The Following High Glass Fire and Burglar Companies are on my list: MICHIGAN FIRE and MARINE, PELICAN, OLD COLONY, HAMBURG-BREMEN, EASTERN UNDERWRITERS FIDELITY and CASUALTY r My Headquarters are at the Hotel Medford ri i't u 1' i r ? v ; ii.. jyjvJl JH000t GERALD SOOYSMITH kdfe iAMk V i"'W'.ij-ir-l i fi' t $m.