WU i.i.' ', 'm. , H.Nt;"lH5ii'-4.4,i--'fv'i-4 .-.---- S-. K t ..( tt . v iw nn jwwjswstw j: !'tr.h' ,.. KW1Wl't:tK',fi3ftfe1lM," c . 1:1 u fc 1st Ii f il' a H 5 I ltri N i . lv I in i ;i V fr 4 & e it ft. I i PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 01 J UPON, SATURDAY, OOTOmW H, HMI. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J, 13, Wfttl, Dr. .1. M Kcono nml A. j. Minium trnusnctert Iniahu-ss In Jacksonville, olio day tills wcok. Hev. W T. (loulilor intulo n trip to tho county nent Thursilny morning. For al or exchange A few cliolco ltliotlo lslnnd Ked roosters ami cock erels. Address Talrvlew," Jacksonville.- - Mr. Conley, formerly of Griffin Creek, lins became a resident of Cur rey county, .tflicra lie lins leased n ranch. nny your winter's wood cheap now. 4.fiO per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Austin Corbln, R. R. Dow. H. B. Tronson and J. 13. Rarkdull have re turned from a duck shooting trip to Klamath county, but did not have much luck. They came back via the old Ashland-Green Sprlncs mountain and found a number of trees had been thrown across It during the big wind storm that prevailed a short time be fore, ocnsionlng much woodchop Ping. Chinese Sacred Ltltes and Japaneso ulr plants at Broadley's. Phono 6181. J.V. W. Wheeler and his family of Ashland motored to H. H. Taylor's farm on Applegate Thursday. Duy your winter's wood cheap now. 4.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. II. Crouch and his family were over from Jacksonville Thursday. James A. Wilson Is at Jacksonville repairing his residence property. New line of leather goods at the Handicraft Shop, 15 N. Central. 177 Considerable snow linn already fal len on the higher peaks of the SlsKl yous and other mountains. Tho county rock crusher Is kept busy at tho quarry west of Jackson ville supplying material for the roads near Mcdford and Central Point. Twohy Bros, arc getting their rock thore, too. The Samson Spray Co. wish to announce that the old reliable Sanip Bon lime and sulphur solution will be on tho market the coming season, at the right price. Sampson Spray Co., Grants Pass, Ore. 177 Mrs. Ella Cook or Jacksonville is tho guest of Mrs. Blaine Kluni. Mrs. Chas. N'lckcll and her daugh ter of Fairview tarried a few hours in Medford Thursday. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. 14.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. The county board of equalization comprised of Judge Nell, Clerk Cole aiinn and Assessor Grieve, will meet nt Jacksonville next Monday and con tinue in scssioc a week to correct the assessment roll for 1911. Aro now buying "apples. See us beforo selling. L'beral advances made on .export shipments. Pro ducers' Fruit Co. Sco R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. E. D. Weston visited friends living In Jacksonville Thursday after noon. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. J4.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Gus Lawrence was a Jacksonville visitor one evening this week. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. $4.C0 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. V. A. Sprlngford and F. M. Smith of Sterling transacted business in Mcdford Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Turnbough of Sterling have been nt Phoenix re cently. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkin, Glenn. 0. Taylor), attorney-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. County Clerk Coleman has already Issued 3100 hunting licenses and the demand therefor Is still fair. Buy your winter's wood cheap now. 14.50 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co. Z. Maxey, for many years n resi dent of these parts Is now living In California. Cor. Main and Fir Sts. Tho open wtorn. Curley Wilson, Medford's star catcher, has returned from Callfor liln, where he met Capt. Dillon of tho Los Angeles club. Ho will probably roport to him In tho spring. On Wednesday evening, October 38, Indies with escortB skato freo. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Itey Puoae 9B71 NigM Fhcwe F. W. Weeks M71. A.K. Orr, LAB ASSISTANT. mi t, twjwivw I Miuu i nrni i JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Enibalmcr Successor to the undertaking do I partment of Medford Furniture Co. rw no a .1 at . W...W mr -,., .,.....,.,. . - .... - . . . ... Telephones: day, Bell 471; nigut V n-ti imn Tr. 4 A n T rcsiueuce, un o. iiuuiu xij-u. Calls answered night or day AMBULAfccfe SERVICE Uf it i if rrrrrrrrr" -------------- -r There Is a morry nuto war on for the passenger traffic between Med ford and Jacksonville between V. A. Gorst and tho Rogue River Valley Railway company, each of whom has two machines In service. Rates have boon cut nearly ' wo aml ,nc round trip can bonnade for BO conts. Tho case of Mrs. Gardner vs. the Pacific & Eastern railroad company will be appealed to the supremo court and County Clerk Coleman Is preparing tho. transcript. Mrs. Gard tier's husband was killed In an accl dent on the railroad and she was giv en a verdict for $7500 by a Jury In tho circuit court. Circuit court for Jhckwrn county will convene again next Monday, the IGth. Judge Calkins has been hold Ing. court In Josephine county durlnR the past fortnight. Miss Marlon Towne. formerly dep uty county clerk, Is attending the law college at Ann Arbor, Mich. W. A. Hooker and Joe Williams are at W. J. Hoosey's place north of Jacksonville picking a large crop of fine crapes for tho Portland mark et. J. F. King and family of Heavy, Ky., arrived In .Medford Thursday and remained here Just four hours. They came In on train No, 15 from the north and left on No. 13, southbound, the Kimo day. These people had learned more about Mcdford In four hours than many of our town people have in twenty-odd years that they "didn't like It here." However there Is some solnco In the fact that Mr. King and his family left for -Oklahoma, where thcy-said they thought they would like to live. Dr. J. F. Reddy left Thursday for n few days' business trip to San Francisco. C C. Runyard returned a few days since to Wavcrly, Iowa, after a visit In Medford with his arents. Mr. and Mrc E. J. Runyard. This Is the young man's third visit to Medford In as many years. G. M. Bartshe, of Oakland. Cal., stopped off In Medford yesterday for n few days" drive through the or chards of tho valley. A. Hearn, one of Phoenix's mer chants, was In the city Friday. .Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Dolcn, of Lovcland, Ohio, arrived in Medford yesterday. They are hero looking over the city and valley. Mrs. .James Martin of Woodvllle, who was a delegate to the recent W. C. T. U. convntlon In Medford, spent a couple of days this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowar at their pleasant Griffin creek orchard home. Mrs. Waldo Klum of Ash land, Mcsdames G. C. McCarthy and T. Parslow at Portland, were also guests at this hospitable home dur ing the week. Mrs. A. L. Carter, returned tOher home at Grants Pass last night after a visit in Medford with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Coates. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown left this morning for Grants Pass for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Brown's parents. Mr. Brown Is enKrnecr at the Medford Jce & Storage company's plant. Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Baldwin, of Klamath Falls were registered at the Nash Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gordon, of Klamath Fa'la were In Medford Fri day nlghC C. C. Moore, of Qulncy, Mich., ar rived In tho city yesterday. Mr. and MrB. F. W. Carnah'an came in from the Blue Ledge mine Friday. K. P. Ferguson of Cincinnati, Ohio, Is registered at the now Med ford hotel. New designs In Jabots. Handicraft Slinn . 1R3 The Young People's- society of the Presbyterian church Is planning Its annual rally day servlco tomorrow evening, Sunday, October 15, at 7:30 o'clock. A great efficiency cam paign In which our workers plan to bo busy for the next two years will be outlined Corao and bring your friends. Tho Loyal Temperance Legion met Friday, afternoon. Twenty-three members wero present, Officers were elected as follows: President, Bertha SchllnBlg; vice president, Ar thur Hess; secretary, Lucretln Bate man; treasurer, Tommy Aklns; libra rian, Myrl -Davis; organist, Leonora Godlove; chorister, Cliarlotta Schlin slg. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. S. L. Bennett, Sr., on Tues day afternoon at 2:30. Every mem ber Is requested to be present, as there are matters to bo decided now for next year's work. Mrs. M. S. Burgess Is shopping in Portland this week. P. Rohan, of Elkhart. 111., arrived In tho city on a late train last night, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Sheets left this morning for Portland. Mrs. G. G. Bhlrloy loft this morn ing for McMIunvllle, where sho goes to attend n Hnptlst church convention. HtJWDa;, READ F BIG GAME Mall Tribune Bulletin Board Watch cd Closely During Progress ef CaWo In New Yfcrk Today First Inning Description Came at 1 1 :30. Hundreds of baseball fns in Med ford today gathered nt the corner of Mum and Fir streets mid watched the prosit1.- of the fiixt hnsclu game for the 1011 chiuuimmship, as it war. told iminiii by inning over the leaded wire of the Mini Tribune. The description of fint inning ar- hvm i ij.i.ivF ii. in. Jiuu iroiu Ulill time on the fans watched the game The s-eeoud will he played Atolnhtv m Philadelphia. Watch for the bul letins, starting about .Hill) a. in. Embezzler Sentenced. OLY.MPIA, Wn Oct. 14. State Senator II. M. Boone of Whitman county must go to the penitentiary for from one to ten years for urn- bexxllng $22,000 from thu Palouse State bank, of which he wus president and which later failed. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Tho first spadeful of earth turned by President Tnft during tho ground breaking ceremonies for the Panama Pacific fair will be placed In a silver casket donated by a local Jewelry company and placed on exhibition In their -windows. Attorney B. A. Huntington, of Portland, was In tlie city yesterday, tho guest of Dr. F. C. Page. D. G. Karnes, of Butto Falls is in Medford today Orders taken for Irish crochet. The Handicraft Shop. 1S2 I. CKallna, R. C. Hartmann and Otto Held, of Southern Illinois, aro in Medford. Theso gentlemen are all here looking for a location to engace In the fruit industry. Mr. and .Mrs. M. A. Goff of Los Angeles nrc here for a visit over Sun dar with their old tlmo Illinois friends Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ireland. T. H. Lawrence of Portland, who has been in Medford for several days, loft this morning for Talent and Ashland. Mrs. Fred Runkcl of Burlington, Wis., left this morning for" San Fran cisco. Mrs. V. "F. Turner of Portland nr- rlved In Mcdford this morning for a few days' business stay. M. A. Langhornc of Tacoma ar rived in Mcdford this morning for o few days visit wit Is father-in-law, H. Mctz, and family. Mr. Langhome, accompanied by his wife, who has been visiting In Medford several days, will spend the coming winter ii. Arizona. Mrs. W. II. Hamlin will leave to night for Cottago Grove to visit her sister, who Is IIL Claud L. Saylor of Medford and Miss Lulu May Rlmmey of Peoria, III., were married at Lako Creek, thit county, on Thursday of this week, Rev. Kinney performed tho ceremony. These young people will reside- In Mcdfordr n"West Mainstrcet. - 4 709 LATE TO CLASSIFY - f , 4 FOR RENT 12.50 per month, scv- en room house on' west side. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc, suite 318 Gar- nett-Corey1 bldtf. lgGli FURNISHED room, running water, suitable for one or two peoplo, 48 Quince st. ' 182 POSITION WANTED By young man experienced In correspond ence, advertising or reporting In newspaper work, salesmanship and office work. 179 FOR SALE-t-Ncw, modern, woll fin Ishcd bungalow and three lots, U largo rooms, z largo porches,, ball. and store ,rom, larxe shed In com uectlon; polished floors, fireplace, buffet, linoleum. In kitchen am! bath, brushed brass lighting fix tures lot fenced, cement wnlku rose garden, lawn, flower boxes; nnlnt be seen to bo appreciated Terms, 828 Dakota ave. 182 FOR RENT Small furnished flat for 'rent 'at 'ii Mfstletoe st. X7& FOR RBNT-Comfortablo room for a business woman In private fnm lly. 48 Ndrth Oakdale. 1'2 ' WAITED Washing and Ironing, flue work a specialty. 48 North Oakdale. 182" FOR RENT Ten acres within fom hundred yards of city limits on macadamized roud. Good four room house, barn, well, chicken hoitso, etc. Phone 1711. Medford Imple ' ment Co. 179 FOR SALE Fine milch cow, heifer rnlf, 4 doz, Plymouth Rock chick ens. D25 W. 10th Bt. 177 GERMANS LIKE CANADA. EDWIN CAMPE, ""-in -i - r 1 I ii i i ii K; ?1 Y vMI . M ,fi$sl JsSC? HVJiy f BARON ' OTTO STOCKHAUS! , Huron Otto StnekhiuiM'ti and Usir on Kdwin I'oiuiH', two (loiu.au no hlcmcn .are convinced that tho eas iest wav to make money i to uo to Cmiada. During the hist iiM months tliev wore, tu UritUh Col uu hia, with Vancouver their head quarters. Roth tho vouiig (lenuaiw are jubilant "over their pri-poe:s in Canada, whore tliev are interested in amiuing and forot project wdh 11. vou Alhersleheu, who. they .., has luado more than $:l,00(UHU) in Mirve years. They nrc now on their way to Berlin. w' N' GIANTS WIN. . - tContlnunl from rg M vore; Bonder hingted to center; l,onl forced Bonder. Merklo to Fletcher; Oldriug doubled to n-lil, Lord taking third; Collluis out, .Merklo nunswt. ed. No runs. New York .Meyers out, Collins to Davis; Maty singled; Devoro fanned; Doyle out, Collins to Ihnis. No runs. Sixth liming. Philadelphia rBakcr singled to center; Murphy t'hod to SuodgrnsK; linker out stealing, Meyers to Doyle: Davis out, Herzog to Mcrkle. No run. New York SuodgmMM hit hy pitclied hall; MJurray sacrificed. Baker to Davis; Snodgrus stole third; Merkle fiuiucd; Ilerzog walk ed; Suodgras ou.t attempted double steal, Thomas to Collins to Thomas. No runs. When Snorigrnsrf stole third Bak er dropiM'd Thomas' throw. Sliod- gpihs struck Baker feet first, hitter receiving n bnd Imt'on left leg. Game stopped. Seventh .Inning. Philadelphia Ituker fanned ; Thonuis . flit-d, Stiodu'rass; Homier out, Fhiteher to .Mcrkle. No runs. New York Fletcher out, Duvin imxiUted; Moyenr-doublod to left; Mnthcwsoti fanned ; Dovoru doubled, coring JleyerH; Doyle walked; Sn'odgniHrt faunoil. .One run. KlKblh Inning, Philadelphia fird fnnned; Old ring flicd to Devoro; CnlliuH out, Matty to Mcrkle. No runs. New York .Murray flied to Lord; Merkle hunted snfelV; Herzog fan ned ; Fletcher flied. No run. Mntli inning. Philadelphia Baker out, Mcrkle. uniHsisted; .Murphy opped to Mey ers, Davis out at first, Fletcher to Merkle. No ruiW. Summary: Sullen buses, Doyle. Snodgrahs; two base hits, Oldriug two; Huerifiee hits, Murphy 3Iurray; base-on halls, Mnthewpou 1, Ikuder 3; struck out, by MuthifwHon 5; by Bender, 11; hit hu.. pitcher, Sued- griiF.s; passed hull, .Meyers. Lmpnes Mem, Diiiuceii, Connol ly and Urennaji. 4 NEW YOIIK Oct. 11, With John McOraw and Connie Muck each ex pressing the utmost confidence in the outcome of the hattlo; with the players nervous and eager for tho cry of "play hull" and with thoii' hands of inns besieging tho gates at tho ball park long before they were opened, the day for the first game of. the world's championship dories between the Giants and the Athletics dawned cool and cloudless, with ev ery promise for ideal baseball weath er this afternoon. ' New riignui will ho used hy both (earns, thu men having spent thu past few weckri in studying them out, es pecially for this erjes. Indication are that there will he hmn betting on the game today than in yearn iiulcsi betting should break at the Jast min ute. The hleuuher fans formed in lines early at thu grounds mid thou, sands wero waiting for admission when tho miles opened. A flood of counterfeit tickets caused Honie trou ble mid dyluyrd mailers considerably at the gates, Athletic Weakened. Tho American league champions will cuter the contest considerably weakened. "Stuffy" .McTiincs will not only ho umiblo to play in tho op ening contest hut will probably he out of teh fcuriea. Ho has n severely strained wrist and is said to he un able to thrown liullifro'm'first o the pitcher's box. ., It is doubtful ifi ho -will b'a o nny use, uvea ns a pinch hitter ' Harry Duviw, tho .veteran, first haseiuaii, who has been with Muok since 1P01, will rcplaco Mclnncs. HR BUILDING FENCE HAWLEY f nf f ' ntnf iffn Coiitircssmnii nt This District Spcutls Day In Mctlfunl Intrrvlcwlun Local People Predicts nciiulillcaii Suc cess Next Year. Looking lifter his politeal fence, Cimivssniiin Iluwloy ii spending lln ihiv in .Modioli), fliterviowiiig loeal people. Mr. Iluwloy pretlicts republican xueeess for next year. 1 to sa,s that Tafl will carry Oregon. Mr. lluwley conferred today with loeal fruit rowers regarding tho possible re-introduction of tho La Foan bill in congress. NEW YORK, Mecnunod tho Jury ayuipathltod "Mi him In his objection to, tho uxtia low cut wowii worn hy Mlm Dorothy Jnrdou in the "diiuuor dimco" In "Mailamo Sherry" Igunolo Mnrtlncttl U today $(1,500 1 Ichor. Mnrthiettl was a dancer In the troop with Miss Jnrdon. lie lost his Job In Chicago when ho objected to her gown which he maintained was out "shock lagly low." Ho Kin'd for damage miHtnlncd through tho loss or his employment. Meeker's Millinery Department SAVE MONEY BEFORE YOU BUY A HAT -LOQK.OVER OUR LINE. WE WILL CONVINCE YOU OURS , ARE CHEAPEST AND BEST IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE FOR YOURSELF MEEKER'S MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Davis has played tint liMo this year and has shown scarcely any of hi old time dash. The pitchors wore not announced offioinlly until ju-t before tho gani' tail it was holiovi'd curly iu trh dn that tho opi!iug hurlers would he Mnthewsou and Itouder. The line-ups wore announced an follows,: AthlcliciLonl. If; Ohlring, oi . Collins, Jh; linker, :ili; .Murphy, rf; Davis, b; Harry, ss; Thomas, i , Mender, p. (limits - Devoro. If; Dovle, 'Jh. Snodgruxs, of; Murray, rf; Mork't lb; llerzog. ,'lb; Fletcher, ; Mo civ. i: Mnlhowsuii. n. Excursion Draperies Wo carry vrrr coinplti tln of (Imperii", luc ourtuliiH, rlxtiirr. ate.. nd to all clniS"! or uphololerlnc A npfclitl man to look nn-r Hits work exrtualvlv nt wilt Klvo aa oo Mrvlcii om ta poimlbto to fat Id vcii lllo arRat clllrit. Weeks & McGowan Co I By Special Request the Pacific & Eastern Will Run One and Last Ex f cursion to Butte Falls Sunday J October 15, 1911 Leaving Medford at 8:00 a. m. Returning, Reaches Mcdford at 4:50 p.m. i r4 rrtf-44t'tf4r44'-t -'sa-e'---''rvvv'-'r',- ,; Coming Coming Medford Employment Agency WASTKD Vonran cook on ranch. REAL ESTATE - FOIt HALK 3 room bourni, lot 00x125. $125 down, $10 per month; $I1!G. TIIADB 10 Iota In Portland. -10 acn.it 1.7 iiiIIch cast of BIN vcrton. ' " 120 ncrea adjoining Sllvorton. Trades of nil kinds. Want to trndo n house out for otio clono In. 160 ncren In Weed Co., Colo., to trndo for land bore, . Llit your proporty nt onco for wile or trndo. Tbono needing help or nny kind phono mo at onco, ' & P. A. BITTNER UOOM 7, PALM BLK. f- - ito Nash Hotel I'liono Hilt Homo, 11. Coming Paul Blackwell Tho Great Imporaoimtor and Rontlor You Arc Going Going Going To Hear ii The Fortune Hunter Produced by Paul BlacKwoll of Boston First M. E. Church, Cor. Bartlott and Fourth St. Wednesday Evening, Oct. 14. Adults, 35 Ct3? Admission School Childron,5 Cta. 4.0-4'4-4-4444-C-44444-t4-e4-4-t44UI4444i k t 4 J s 4 4 4 z 4 4 4 4 4 4 J J ADVERTISE XT VOW Want ft Oook Wut -Cterk vwunt ft rartntt Wna'' ft Rltnatlon Wftnt ft Bervint Olrl - Wftnt to Kail ft PUno Wftnt to Btll ft Crrtgt Wftnt 'to U Town rtoptrtj Wftttt to Sell Yonr Oroartift Wftnt to tfll Yonr XfttdWftra Wftnt Oni.tJierr for Anything AdvtrtlM TUllr in Tfala per. Adrtrtlilnr t the Wjr to' Haoecii Aartrtlilnar Brlnr Onomr Advirttalnr TCV Onitomer Advirtlilnr Xnrartft nooii Advirtlitnr HnoWft BUtrgjr AdvrtUln Showa Xlnok Aavirtlalnv Z "Bli" Advertli or Bunt Advertli Iionir Advrtt WU unvvvpinn . .. At Onoe 19th ' t. i In This Paper Medford Theatre Thursday Night, October..;. THE SHOW THAT SET ALL CHICAGO TALK .IIJG. TUNEFUL MUSICAL COMEDY "The FLOWER of the RANCH" By Joseph .10. Upward, OonipOHcr ol! '"riic Klii-fiu- Princess," "Tho (loddoss of liihcrly," "Miss Nobody .lYoin Slarland" and jujeorc oFolliorri. EXCELLENT CAST ,!!: HAKIMS with IIKTTV OALDWIOLh '10 Winding, Dancing Show (lirls and "Ponies" I0 A Hiiiffinf, 'Dancing, .Merry Musical flii'l Show 200 NitfhiH in New Vi;k; (I Months in Chicago Pi-ices $l.no, $1.00 and 00c. Sals Keudv Mondnv ii. .... 1 1 i .... i i-1. i i miii i lift i i nu i." i no iiiiin- i-kitrk www wwrwwrrrwwt ftrttf ,1 -1