, n armon Historical sotwiy r.ttv HH SUBSCRIBERS rnlltiitf to iret impir wltl 1it ihk (Hllvurnd by vlionliir of J flvi lijr 0 p, m. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Knlr. Mux. 7.1, iiiIh. !) rrl. hum. HI. Dully Hindi Vciir. I'oily Mint Your. TWO SECTIONS. m:WOll). OIWUON, tSA'ITUIMY, OOTOmM II, 1011. TWELVE PAGES No. 177. . GIANTS WIN FROM ATHLETICS, SCORE: 2-1 GREAT CROWD INITIAL IE SEES I PLAYED Attendance Shatters Record Great Crowd Gathers Lonn Before the Gates Arc Opened and Clamor for Admission Many Turned Away. BETTING BECAME BRISK AT THE LAST MOMENT $45,000 PAID FOR 40 ACRES ORCHARD N Great Interest- Is Taken Tlirouuliuul the Nation In Championship Scries. 'I tut hi'ipit: It. II. I. I'lilliiil-lplllu 1 tl I Saw VMli l! 5 I'Mlilltitllilllll ....(I 1 I) OOOO 00 Now York O o O I O 0 I O 0- I'OI.O OltOUNDH. NKW YOUK, Oil. 1 1. ltifro nearly r. (1,001) friin tin fiitiH, (hit New York (IliinU (inlay doftintiul tho world' champion Alh- ll'lll'H llflcr U lltl'lllIM' llllttll) IlllllllHt without immlliit. Until t ho great Mtitliownoii mill Monitor, tho IihIIiui i'lii'(, pitched ureal ball. A total of 1 1 tiltH wore reentered for (ho Kamo. Hurry l)nvln, Philadelphia'!! "old iiihu" who plieil ut (trl In (iluro of Mi'lntii'w. miuto puiwlliln the AtlilHlr.tr only run. For Now York MoyorH inn) l)onnt witro (ho principal with tho .-.4jlll..W,lUltil.lt,'U!lUr jHOl.U lilt- ,.,; Only oiio accident ninrrod (ho cnino. Tliul cninu when HnoiiRnuii, hllilhiK Into thlnl, cut linker Imilly on tlin loft log mill nrin, linker, how. cut, routliiucd In tho Knto, Only ()iu Krnir. Only oiio error marked I ho KtriiK . The hull uxropt for tluvl wnu Kill oiIkoiI (hroiiKhotit. 'mid tlino mnl ii Hit In tho Ihiko (lining nroiinil tho (Md, In tho KrmulHtmiitri nnd In tho liloutihcrri uit mini with cndiuidmnn nt tho oloMdiirHrt of tho piny. Homier. thoiiKh ho utriick mil inoro iiiimi than MnduiWHon, was Hcareely iih effective Tho peorlmm .Mnt(y, poorloim nt III. wiih minder til nil (linos. IlilliltllilnH only Hcoro enmo on whal wn run iuiIoiI to ho u Hiiap-plny. l'riul Mcrklc, who lout (ho ponuunt (o (ho Culm hy fnllliiK to (ouch hoc oml Iiiiho, redeemed hlniHolf, playing (ho flrnt ItnK l fnultloHH nlyle. Iltith loams played iirncllrnlly MnwIcHH Imll. Tho AthlHlcn woomed uoivoun nnil neither Collins nor 'linker, Iholr idtiggnrH, wiih nhlo to iniiko tiny howl wny ugalnnt Muthowimn, who nt nil Union hold tho American IciiKunru till ft1. Kiwi Inning. Philadelphia Lord mnl Oldring fanned; Collins Jlii'it lit Downv. No I IIIIH, Now Yotl Dovoro out. Bonder in Davis; Doyln singled (o right; Niind grnss fnnficd; Dnylo nlolo second; Muirny fnniii'il. No num. Hoiontl liming. Philadelphia- Maker singled, Mnipliy Hiiorilioed, Malhowsiui to Moiklo; linker took tliirtt on n ms I'd Imll; Davis singled, scoring link nr; Hurry mil, Matty to Alorklo, MiiIIiowhoii kniM'klni; down liih lint liinir; TIioiiiuh out, llorzoj; (o IMoiislu. Onn run. Now York Jlm'klo nut. Collins jo HiivIh; llor.of,' nut, Hurry t Davm; Fli'li'liur fiimu'il. No'rmiH. 'I'lilnl liiuliiK. IMilli'illpliiu lU'intur Irii'il In liunl lull wiih mil, Mutty to Morklo, Lord rilml to Muniiy; Oldrinir duuhk'd to loft; Cnlllim wulkod; Hukor I'niitiiul. No runs. Now Yink-Mi'VOM l'liod to Old linj,'; Mutty funnod; Do Voro walk imI; Dnylo flli'd to l.oid. No runs. Fourth lulling riiiliidolplilu Jrurpliy fnuli'd to Mt'.vurs; Davis out, V'lotidior to llor klo; Hurry popped to I'lotcliur. No ruiiH. t Now York Snod;rnHH hit tiy pitidii'd Imll, Murray nut, Colliim to Davis Murkln I'umicdj Cnllins imot- iil Uoiv.oh'h drivn, RuodjjniHi scor- iiiL". Flotulior rniiuud. Olio vim, ririh innimr. JJnlado1pliia. .TIininiiH I'lii'd In Do " ' (Coiitliiuod from piib'o 8.) Illinois Men Purchase Rcnshaw Or- chard, Better Known as Prultt Tract, Situated on Ealo Point Road, Three Miles Out. SALE IS MADE BY CHARLES HOY OF THIS CITY Newtown Apples From This Tract Took First Prize at Van couver Slkfw. (I. VY. ami II. T. Hiililmrd or I'r- Imuu, HliuniH, lmu puri'litiMcd tlu KhiihIiiiw oiclianl, hi'ttor known as tho I'ruill ori'liard, hitiiiitcil on tln Kiiulo Point road, thruo iniluti nortli. oust of Modlord, paiiif; $15,000 for folly iiciiw. Tlioro urn l'or(v nere in tin ori'liurd mid tlin prioo pniil wan l.i,(ll)0. THonty-oiiti at'tos of tho land is planted to olovou-vearold Nowtown npplu tioos, ninii noros ( lhroi'-. oar-old Nowlowns uud eij;lit ai'ivs to pi'iioliori uud KiikHkIi will Unix. New low ii npplos from (Iih orolianl took fir I nrin nt tint Ynn. i'oiimt, It. ('., upplo hliow last fail. The outiro oiHiard is under Hie l'isli Lake ualer canal, Hie troos aro all in a lioallliy oomlitioii and tho purrhiiM) nl Hid figure inimed is on, hiilorod mi oxi'L'iiliomtllv tfoml mii 'J'lioMjtiirehahr,rMpisrs. Ilnhhard liros., urn wol known Iiusiiiokm n HiroiiKliotil Illinois mid .MihsiSMpm. (. . lluhliard is i-x-miiynr of t'r liiiiin. II. T. Hiililmrd will mon to Modfonl next Minili with his fnnnlv mnl will lio upon uud 1111111110 I ho orolianl. This miIo was tnado liy Clmrlos D. Hoy, 11 roiil opinio doultir with ol- fiooH 111 tho Kruili-owors haul; block 111 tins city. NEARLY 500 DEAD MEXICAN STORM Confirmation of Great Loss of Life Comes Bandits Seize Relief Trains Troops Sent hut Arc Routed. MtiXll'O CITY, Out. tl.-(iurir. million of tho original ropoii that from Unco to fio liumliod persons porihlied in tlm tlidul wave aiuLcy- oloiii) that vaed ailing tho w'Cfloin I'oiisl o iMoxioo October '1 conu to day from tlio striekon Feetioii. Hau- ilits in Snnora huo seizod niton the .'ovoruinent roliof trains sent In (ho aid ot tho siiltorors. mid 11 is doubt ful if iiuy clothiuK or hiipplies have icacliod (limymaH or tho othor towns within tho area of devastation. TURKS STRUGGLE FOR CONTROL Yotiiui Turks Trylnn to Gain tho Power to Forco Disposition of Sultan or Forco Him to Adopt Ay messivo War Policy, LONDON, Oot. 14. Tho oontiiut- aiioo of tho Turko-Italian war de pends uopu tho vosult of a Htrulo lieiii willed today bolwcon tlio yoiuiir Turks anil tho cunsorvalivos for isoutrol of tlio purliumout al Onu stnntiuoplo, If tlio youiii Turks win tlioy prohahly will lmvo HiitTioioul power to foroo tho depoaitinn of tho H11I t mi or compel liim to adopt an iiKt'jobato wav policy. MEMBERS OF THE NEW YORK NATIONAL BASEBALL TEAM lk.rBBHRL-.V,ia&. .J Ti .' A tew SM$LJ p ,k "gl p l p&mmmmgsmja immsssrv m t"' " - f' JjiK$B!?j5riy vitt.1HKf!2.-jiB Jt .jv .'iK'Xsi ".jEnrsT Pfx wMmmi-r'wmwm mm m iiA i if ffSfli .im rUrfi'l 5v3KfT vtUiff !WmfF ik mm- - mmmxL- yzwiM.Bamr - .:m jmjmmj: ikwmj- '"- hku.a JMcGKAWl ' FM& 1 rWT BSVjMi ftVBM - v m riMBBm g-is ipcr -imw fesT5wm rz..: :a; w-. , v; im&wm BiMmmm&mKTz m ftJm,;j:ir i!7m wmr: .... m&F' -m&JKmEmarwm.- mfzJ a. Aim H. S PmgRimKA df mmf f4wm wm w.wkm vetMh y r.n.rrmmr mMrL-mi ' FT ' 7T ' ' IML'lfA, H Uam-m if Iff &i 1 w ' , 2Sr ' KKmKmwmWS vi ;.1SHilt jnvHuDi .f ,y m ijv 755 a lkwaar PH. j tl I jfBHBMHBB i am i t.p-p ffvHIIA kl!P' -J toc'P ; HW lltt d:tljr" mfhr? Al V !. -iBMV nUtFIi -K Hit' f5 F . ' Hf 1!t'iWI. . mi mtmi A -1 Rfc. 4to.v tlf . SJoB i HMS A BWT JLT r WKmLU yoi,). i,sa tHiHMMyk k wa , My, :?m x.xu ra&f&RHira j l,.,'.wg.l , -c5za DLU(crfi .-,n. . (,T'vu.wnfl'nBIHHHrH CT.tn Jll HJW,! bIBK.'; Tf vi L li.tT J lK V A HMk frt.. . . . '3mMm wtixAmui vm am&mm, ?lWI r'JBUbJlikC MHH rjyiHHMi iKHKy ft hhi fiaPM9Aal. IHHHHIr vraB . jLxm r k 'mmt,T3mr i wlml . sgmy q .V 1 .'" BP' : , :tHl JBHr ..iffi.a "m 1 k.,?' ?!. ift'sa biiils. .- .M'1," v, RvVK . M -'.S.4 J, i- ?c W1 I. ,iiMr" , -ASN, X-f - 4' tii'U ml ia- .m Mwrr-"ysami k vm ASSESSED VALUATION SG,500.000 Increase in Medford is More Than a Half Million Dollars Over One Year Arjo When the Complete Rcll Gave Medford $5,952,253. COUNTY INCREASE IS OVER THREE MILLION Assessor Has Not Yet Completed His Roll but Will Have It Ready First of Week. The nscs.c'd valuation of Med ford tlii year taken from estimated fiKiires by Assessor W. T. Grieve will khow an iucrcne over a j'car apt of more than a half million dol lars. This year the figures will be in (he ueihbrohood of .fo.r00l000, wlicrens last year. the assessed valu ation of the city totaled $T,9o'2Slb. Hence the increase wilt be nearlv $'u)f,(IG0. This j'ear's a.sscsMuent however in as yet estimated, (Ik work of compiling (ho roll bein bti'l uncompleted. Tho assessed valuation of- the county this year will be about $;13. 400,000, which is ' also cstinintcil. Last year the assessed valuation of thecounly -wnt .$2.V200,00(,- so Hint the iucreae will be about 200,0 DO At.esor Grieve expects to com plete the roll Monday when the bo.irs of equalization will meet. The board will remain in session the en tire week. TAFT TO DEPEND ON STANDPATTERS Secretary Hillis Holds Secret Con ference to Which No Progressive Republican Was Invited Fulton Williams and Hawley at Meeting. BITTER FIGHT ON AT TRIAL OEM' NAMARA Probably Not In Legal History ot United States Has There Been a Fighf In a Court for Legal Advantage. PROSECUTION FIGHTING WITH BACK TO WALL j Dective Burns Is Expected Next Week to Take Personal Charge of Prosecution. I.OS ANGELES, Oct. 14. Tho McNnmarn trial wn adjourned nt 13 o'clock until 10 o'clock Monday morniiif,'. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 14.- It was whispered in political circles to day that President Tnft will not de pend on tho progressive element in Oregon to turn tho state for him following information that Ilillis Taft's private secretary, held n sc secret conference hero with leading republicans and that the conference was seemingly so important thnl several of them accompanied Tuft o California. No progressive repub lican was invited to tho conforeuco Among thoso who participated wore lormer United States Senator Fid ton, Ralph Williams, republican na tioniil committeeman and Congress man Hawley. STRIKERS PLACES RAPIDLY FILLED i mail Harriman Officials Issue Formal Statement Asserting That One Half of the Vacancies In the Shops Have Been Filled by Efficient Men PORTLAND, Ore., Oot. 1 1. Tn a formal statement today llarrimau officials assert that ono-half of the positions vnoted when the sliopmon struck hnvo boon filled by experi enced inon and that the normal forco will bo employed in all northwestern shops within ton days. Shopmen, all of whom hnvo vo- muiued loyal to their unions, admit that n number of strikebreakers aro HALL OF RECORDS, LOS AN GELES, Oct. 14. "No legislative enactment ever framed can roll this defendant of the inalienable right guaranteed under the constitution tho presumption of iunocencc," thundered former Judge Cyrus Mc Nutt in Supcror Judge Walter Bord wcll's court today. "No juror who cannot take that prrsumption with him into the jury box can bo per mitted to pass niton the guilt or in nocence ot James B. McNamara and any attempt n the "part of tho slate to cloud tho issue will be resisted." Tho fight to determine whether an opinionated venireman shall bo per mitted to remain in the jury if ho is welling to claim that he can lay aside that opinion, "if evidence is present ed," which has overshadowed all else in the jreNamara case, continued to day. The prosecution is fighting with its back agains the wall. "Tho state demands a squaro deal." is the burden of tho cry of District Attorney Fredericks," and we do not believe Hint because n man has fanned nn opinion ho should bo ejected from tho jury box." But despite this contention it is certain today that Venireman Nel son, the first man drawn in the trial for jury purposes, will not remain in the box. Judge Bordwcll is expected to ox cuse him for cause when he finnlly hands down his opinion in tho case. Nelson has admitted that he bcliovcs that tho Times buildingi was des troyed by n dynamite oxplosion. ITo also has an opinion which reaches to tho guilt or innocence of Jnmes B. McNamara. So if the court does not uphold the defense mid excuses Nel son the defense will later oxereiso their peremptory challenge- right and remove him. Probably not in tho legal history of tho United States has thcro beon so stern and bitter a fight for legal ndvantngo as that which hns marked tho openin-r of this world-Piimniiu murdor ense. Neither side will yiold an inch, nnd ulroadv it has been shown that Judgo Bordwell's task will bo a herculean one. The fact Hint it is known eortain witnesses brought hero hv tho state failed to "como through" with their indcutification as solidly as tho pros ecution desired is known to tho de fense attorneys and they will insist; on each witness who testified to identification to also tell tho jury how many times nnd nndor what cir cumstances, they saw McNamara since- his nrrcst. Detective William J. Burns, soum of his friends Bay, is coming hero next week to tako personal charge of tho proseciilion. Tho defense attor neys say that (his is duo to tho (lis covory bv Burns that tho stuto has not cot tho "porfeo enso" Bums has written and talked of, and ho will nssiuuo porsonnl chargo of strength" ening tho weak links. PORTLAND. Ore Dr. Grant Ly ninn, charged with consuinicy to ef fect liiK escape from the federal of ficers in Califomin, will know Mon- nay morning wnoiner ho nuis ko back to Oakland,, Oil., for tnwl on at work, but assort that they nro not n charge of using the mulls to de oxperienced men, fraud, i I m $ 4 M ft !i 9