i- ..- I JO 1 ,lMyittMWMt'M t, , ., x r r , WT'x'"e'e,MiwmHSHe,r wu e-" x-t .,-.,., r ..iw., ",-".-fcva HI t t . , , v V , ., (f.'.ti" -,,?"tVJfJA-.V'". , u II' POTTO BOC CITY NOTICES. U i. ?i OK&XHAH0K no. m. An ofdliiiine. uVclnrlng thr tisxessnient n tuv ptopetiy i)cnorna rot- the cost of laying it four-Inch wnter- ttintn on ,1'xtin xlrM faim OlMnit sll-cel In Minn. irilt hVoiiuu nnd dlieetliiA' the Jtecordoi u enter stfileinonl thereof tit tho i senior niiiln licit dockM. Tim t'lty of Medfoid tliilli onliilu on Hnr-tlon 1, WherenH, tho City Council illi hereiufore. Uy resolution, decline Its Inlenllnit lo Iny-a four inch water main! mi ivtlm ntwt from oimt street to Hiunmll avenue end to nssess tho coHt thereof on llio property fronting on Mild portion of MM siu-el in pmportloit to tint ,froii lnfi' of ntd properly, and fix U litfio unit place for hearing proit-stM ngxlnxl Hie laying or wilO water mnln on Mill part of said street nnil Ilia ni'MfttNittoiit of the cost thereof n afore Hdlil; And. whereas, said resolution wm illilv published anil hosted its required by Hi-cttnn lltl nf the Ohm lor of shl City; Anil, wlun,!, u meeting of the Conn nil want liehl at the lime nml place fixed bv Diihl resolution, for tho purpose of ioiislilfrir.fr any fcucU protests, but, no iiinteulx were nt until time, or nt any other time mmle to or received liy tho Council to the Mill laying of snld wnler MiAitt or the np smnenl of tho cost thereof oh nforissld, nml said Council iiitvinir coiwhlereil the matter, und deem ing Unit M ivater main wns nml In of mrtle'rtnl benefit to mid clly, nml Ui'il nil property to bo ns'ssed therefor would lx bem-rited thereby to the extent of the probable amount of thn respec tive nxxeswneiits to be levied against n.Ud properly, did order snld mnln laid. Ami. w herons, the cost of snld wntei lilnln ban been und hereby In determined to be tho mini of $1,976.94; Now. therefore. II In hereby further determined iimt the proportionate shnro of the cost of luylng said water mnln nt neb unreel of uroitcrtv fronting on unlit porllon of mi Ul sin-el in the nntnunt MKDVOfci ittATli TmnTTNTi, MWDTTOUD, ,ORK(IONT, TirriT)A Y. OP'rOni'lU 12,1011. 1 ' mm m CITY NOTICES. Annejinment No. SI, Kilwnnr Klnc lot 4, blools 3, Crecent milxllvlnlon, Clt of Meilfonl, t)retrn. rrontinre h feel the KOIItli Nlile of l'ilio nli.-i-t: KA r...i rn( nor foot, 1105; lunount, ISX.SO. AH.MOFxnient No. M. b'lirtners A l.'rnll liiflwcrv llnnlc, lot S, block 2, Crexeoni KhliillviHlnn, Oity of Meilfonl, Oretton. fronlnfee fifi feet on the notiln xble ol Tiilm Ktreet; R feet, rnte lwr fool. it. OS timoitnt. fR Q. Section 5. Ami It Is hereby onlerc' ninl ohlnlneil thnl the ievernl ifsis mentR nml the Helm thereof be enterei In Ihe lien lloeliet of Kiiltt fit v. nml tbif theretumn notlro lie Klven to the owner or reputed ownerx, of K.bl proiH-rtv. nno thnl the Hiune he enfotxvd nml colleetei' In the manner provided by the elmrter ol Hald oily for tho collection of uysenti metilfi for tho Improxemeul of street therein. Siotlon 3. It Ik further ordered llini the notice nlxive provbleil Tor be nub llnheil three t linen In the nnlly Mnl Trlhiim, a nowypnper puhllhel nml ol Relieml elreulntlon In M.ilil ctty, tn tin innnner urovlilel by onllnnnco No. 2C of snld cllv. The forrKitltiR onllnnnco wn mused bv Hie cttv iH)ncll of the City of Med- for,l. Oregon, n the 3rd dny of October I'.Hl. liy tlie rollowlntr oli-: Merrlek nye; Walt, nve Worlmwi. nve; Kmerlck. ntisent: Klfert. s nnil .Miliar, aye. Approved October tth. 1911. W. IX. CANON, Attest: Mayor. IIOIIT W Tr.t.VKR, City ltecorder. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. neimen( Niv 11 W. V Dodfle. lol ". block I, lodtto nddltliNn, city of Med- me per foot. It: amount, MS. AttRCHMinCUt NO. 20 -.1 1- t,mlllrr till , iuock 3. ntirmotint nd.lltioo, City of lord. Oivhoii. trontim ti r,(.t on the i'im,rii. l'i;8"U'. "oihuro o.i reel on uHt nine or rant avenue, r'-eti rale he Koiith nlde of KnlKliI Htreet; as reeliin.-f root. .S,1 o'litw. nmonnl. t i -Ale per fool, l; ntuounl, S3. AXKctouuvnln. I2.W I" HdB lol AxHOftHtneut No. 21 .1 I iVinnter, lot .1. block I, Poduo midllhm, Cllv of Aled t, block 3. Knit mount ndilHIou. Cltv of foid, Oiej;oi; ftonlle ah feet on tlir Medford, OivRon; frontline SS feet on Went ndu of lStik ivventie M fi't. mti lie iioutll Side Of Klllutlt nliwl: A3 frot! Per loot. S3 CeiUH. llmonnl I Ml III. ate ht foot, Jt; umoiint, $.3. AnCK.Hlucut No. I3.M, 11 Meant, lot Axuesxinent No. 22. .1 !k hemmef, lot i I. bbH'k 8, Tuttles HUbdllton to tho ity of Medford. Oregon frontiiKo n3 icei on mo wedi moo or tlHK iiveniiei CITY NOTICES, t. block 3, Knlrmount ndditloo. i'Iiv r Gilford, tlreuon: rrontlice S3 feet on he xouth tdo of KuIhIiI Htreet; SS'feol; I R? foot, into per foot. K,1 cuttn. anttiunl. Tito inr foot, Jt) omounl, 53. i$iS.o,V A!eitm,nt NV 33 - J U ni'mmrr, lot AiseHHineul No. It. 8, It Mearx, lot .", block 3, Knlrntounl addition. City of ' 2. block 2. Tuition HUbdli iilon tn tin ledford, Oronon. frontaco A3 feet on 'City of Medford. Orvmin. fronlniso M ho coutli Hlrio of KnlKht Hlroet. JS feel; I feot on tho went nM of INuk nveitnc it to wr foot, it: amount. 1X3. Asersmcnl No. St -0 U Deinmer, lot s block 3, hVlriuoiiut addition, city of leororo. iinKon; rrontiiKo J3 r-l on nc Koutii mite or KnlKht xtreet; 33 fee. -nto Per foot, it: ninouut. i&S ,vixemeni .no ss j t iemmer, lot nol opposite the description of ench ivir C1 of mml below, nnd Hint ench piece or pnrccl or lnnd tienentcii by me iny Ini; of nld wnter mnln to tho full extent of the amount so set opposite thi dcnorlptlon of the name, nnd thnt the rtMH-ctivo nmounts represent the pntortlonnt benefltH of xntd wnter main to raltl rpijePtlve pnrreln of land, and nlxn the proiMirtlon.il frontaifO thercif on isild street, the Council docs hereby drclfiro eiioli of the iiarcelsi of pnuwrty dexcTlbed below to lw wel and each of Ihe Mime heivby l nBH0.Mtl the ninoimt Met opimsllo tnch description for Ihe cost of laying fcald water main. JVH.Si:S;.MKNT KOll A 4-INCH WATKH MAIN ON WI!ST l'AUl STItUirr TO SH'MMIT AVSNl'B. Awtessment No. I. Knrmera & Krult nrowerH Hank, lot !, block 1, Crescent hiibillvlxlon. City of Medfonl. Orecon: froiit&KO C foot on tins north sldo of J'alut street; SC feet; rato per foot, Jt.03; nmount, tss.so. Axsexxment No. 5. l'nnners & 1'rult KrowernT llnnk, lot 7, block I, Crescent xnlidlilxlon. City of Medford. OnKon; frontHKO BO feet o:iAthe north side of IViim street; s leei; rnio 1T ntoi, 41 o. amount. $Sft.u. AtSwKXinoiil No. 3. Parmern & Krnlt KroWero llmiW. lot S, block I, Crescent mitidlvltiloii. City of Modrord. OreKon. froillajre EC feet, on the north nbln r r.ilUl Rttv-et; 3G feet: rnto fnir fiKit, ?t.03; nmount, tSS.SO. AM-!umeni No. 4. Farmers & Frttlt KroWrp" Hank, lot 9, block 1. Crescent Hiibillvlxlon. City of Medford. Orvj-on. frontng" BC f"Ct on tho north side of IVxlm Btreet: 60 feet; rato ler foot. 11.05: nmount, iSS SO. Aiisxnieni No. ". Karmcrs & Fruit-Kt-oivfra' Rink, lot 10, block I, Crescent kuIhIIvIkIoii. City of Medford. Oregon; fronlaKe 56 trvt on the north side of j'nlm xtn't r0 feet; rato per foot. Jl-05; nmount. 5S it). AKScxxiiient No. . E. K. Wolter a panijl of land lytnrr letween the AVolter miilliion nno i ne wrcscejii suiwoisiun, oil the north uhlo of I-nlni street, front OK" 1M0.2G feet on the north side of 1-alm xlreet, IOC 2(5 feut; rate per foot, il or,; atnount. $111.17. Anxexsinent No. T. John V. Ijwrence. lot I, block I. Wolter addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontage S3.43 feet on thu north side or I-nlm street; 50.43 feet: rnto per foot. $1.05; amount. $50.10. Asw.'8nieJit No. 8. K. N, Warner, lot 3. block 1. Wolter addltfon. City of MMford, Oregon, frontage 53.43 feet on the north xtdo of P.vlin Htreet: C3.43 fi-et; rnto per foot. 11,05; amount. $58.10. Awexiiment No. 9. K. N. Warner, lot lfi, block 2. Wolter addition. City of Meilfonl. Oregon; frontage C3 43 feet on the north side of Ialm street; 53.4S feet; ruto ier foot. SI 05; nmount. $50.10. Assessment No. 10. li N. Warner, lot 15, block 2. Wolter addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 63.43 feet on the north, sloe or iiiim street: oj.is xeei; rnte ier foot, SI i5; amount. S5S.10. Assesnnient No. 11 K. N. Warner. lot a 4, block 2. "Wolter addition City of Medford. Oregon; frontage t.3.43 feet on the north side of Iatm slroef. 53.13 feet; rnto ixt foot, tl.05; amount. J. CIO. Assesstnenl No. 12. Kmll Wolter. lot 13. block 2. Wolter addition. City of Medford. Oregon: frontage 53 feet on tho north side of I'alm street; 53 feet; rule per fool, tl.05: amount. SS5.G5. Assessment No. 13. Cmll Wolter, lot 12, block 2. Wolter .addition. City of Mcdfotd. Oregon: frontage 03 feet on tho porth sldo of I'alm street; 63 feet; rati! per foot, it OS. amount. $55.03. Assessment No. 14 Kmll Wolter et ux, lot 11. block 2. "Wolter addition. City of. MeiUord. Oregon; frontago 53 feet on the north sfdn of Palm street: 53 feet; rato ncY foot $1.05: amount. $55.05. Assessment No. 15. Kmll Wolter et us lot 10. block 2. Wolter addition. Cit' if Medford. Oregon; frontage 53 feet on the north side of Palm street; Rr feet; rate per foot, $1.05. amount, $65 05. Assessment No. lfi. Kmll Wolter et ux, lot 9. block 2. Wojter uldltlon. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 70 feet on tho north side or palm street; ,o teei; rote imt foot, $103; amount, $79.80. Assessment No, 17 Kmll Wolter ct ux lot 8. block 3 .Wolter addition. City of 'Medford. Oregon; frontage 70 f-et on tho south side of I'alm street. 70 feet: rato per font, $1 05; amount, S79.S0. Assessment No. IS Kmll Wolter et nx. lot 7. block 3. Wolter addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 03 feet on the south side of I'alm street: 53 feet; rato per foot, $1.03; amount, $55.05. Assessment No. 19. Kmll Wolter et nx, lot C, block 3. Wolter addition, City of Medfnnl. Oregon; frontage 53 feet on the south side of lilm Btreet: 5S feet; NOTICti To the owner, or reputed owner, of i-nch parcel of propeity desorllied In tin foregoing ordinance, so mimed therein nnd In the lieu declared by sold ordl nnncu, as recorded In the docket of cltj Hens: Von nro hereby notified, thnt the as xesMitont declnred bv the foregoing ordi nance hns licen made and the Hen there for entered In the cltv lien docket, and ihnt the same Is due nnd you are herein renulrrd to pay the same to the city re-eiM-dcr within ten days from the servlc of this notice, which service Is mnde bx pu'o. cation of the foregoing ordinance md this notice three times In tha Med ford Mall Tribune, pursuant to an ordct ot the city council f said city. UOKT. W. TKLFKIJ. City Recorder. ,s r,vt; rate Hr root, S3 cents amount. HR0S. . . . . . . Atoesoutrnt No. IS. R 11 Metirs. lot 3. block S, Tilttlrs sdhdlMloii to the or Meiirard, Orogon. fiont.igo aa on the west side or lvnk avenue. 1 - . - . W . .. ... ....,.! ii .u .in j i i jfiiimi'r. in ., iihi: rim, nr mill. ., i-.-m-i 111111,11111. block 3. Pitlriiuinnt niliillliMi citv ir i J I.", nf. ledfoid. Orogon. rroiitngo 53 feet mil Asseniment Niv, 1tl.wi:iliu TUtllO. Hit ii I feet lo ha til respeotjvo pnionls of land. iud nlsu the inopolllonul rionliiKo theienr t;1!.?.'1 -"- nnil Hie council does hereby doeliire ench of the pnroels ol roperlv described below to no itHsesNcit nml eitPlt of tho xiiiip) Is hereby iisiessed ho aiumiiii set iii)oslto eneli ileseilp ton for the coil of hiyliiK said wnier VJWKclHMKNT volt A l-I.STII WATHII 'J 'J IX J&hM1 a 5t ' ' kt u k'kt Kl t) M MANXANITA HTHKKT TO A1.ICIC rsiswt.l. he south bh of Knlcht xtn-ikl: f,3 f.tr vte in-r foot. $1. ninouut. $33 AShVSSment Niv ! ,1 1, Dommer. lot 0. tiliH-k 3. Kutrmouut addition. Cltv of ledford. Oregon, frontage 3S 9S ti-e on ho south side of Knight street: SS as Vet; rate per foot, $1. nmount. $S5 ., Section 3. And It Is heivhy oiilei-.il ml ordained that said several ussess tents nnd the liens thereof lo entered n the Hen docket of snld cltv. and that hereupon native be given to the owners, r reputed owners, of said property, und hat Ihe same be enforced nnd collected a the manner provided bv the ehnr- er or sniii city tor me collection or ns essmenis for the Improvement of streets heroin. Section 3 It Is further ordered that lie notice above provided for te pub-1 Uhetl three limes in the Oally Mull Til- ! line, n new simper publlslnM nml or gen- ! nil elreulntlon In said city. In the mail er provided by onllnnnco No, 2J0 of l old city Tho foregoing ordinance was paused I me euy council or me I'tty or Mel ml,. iu,r foot. $1.05: amount. $55.05. Assessment No. 20. Kmll "Wolter et nx. lot 6. block 3, Wolter addition. City nf Mcdfonl, Oregon: frontage S3 feet on the south sldo of I'ulin street; 63 feel; rnte per foot, $105, amount, $55.05. Assesstnent No. SI. Kmll Wolter et ti v. lot 4. block S, Wolter addition. City of Medford. Oregon: frontage SS feet on tho south sldo of Palrn streot; 63 feist rnte per foot. $1.05; amount. 255.05. Assessment No. 22. K, N, Warner ct nl. lot 3, block 3, Wolter (uldltlon. City nf Medford. Oregon; frontago 83.43 feet nu tho south sill" of I'alm street: 6S.43 feet; rata per foot, $1.05. amount. $50.10 AssrssiiiKiit No, 23 11 N. Warner et nl lot 2, block 3, Wolter addition. City of Medford. Otegoit; frontago 68 43 feet on the south side of Palm street; 63.43 foot; rnte ner foot. $1.05: nmount. $50.10 Assessment No. 21.- K N, Wurner et nl. lot 1, lilocK 3, Wolter addition. City of Medford, Oiexon; frontago 53.13 feet on (ho south sldo or i'alm Htreet,- 33.43 feet; rate per foot, $1 05, amount. $50 10. Assessment No. 25. It N. Warnrr et nl. lot 2, block 4, Wolter addition. City nf Medford. Orogon: frontago 63.43 feet on lho south sldo of I'alm street; 53.43 feott rate pur foot, $1 05; amount, $50,10 AsHOMsmonr No, 20. K, N. Warner e( nl. lol 1, block 4, Wolter addition. City of Medf6rd.;Progon; frontago 53.43 feel on the south sldo of I'alm tr-t: 53 43 feet, rule per fool, $l.q5: amount. $50,10, AssesHinont No, 27. K, K. Walter, a parcel of land lying between tho Wolter iidilltlon nnd thu Cmscent subdivision op tho south sldo of I'alm street, frontage 1DG20 feel on (he south side of Palm nl met; 100.20 fed; rnto per foot, $1.05 uiuount. $111,67. AKHCSHinent No. 28. Ilacliiiel Castle, tot 1. block 2. Crescent subdivision. Cllv nf Mrdfnnl.OroKnn: fronliigo 60 feet on the south fide of Pulm fllreul: 60 feet, into per foot, 11.05: nmount, $5X.S0, Assessment N". 211. William Cox, lot ii Mock 2. CreKeint sib(llvlsim. City of Medford. Oregon: frontago 50 feet on the outli sldo of P.ilnt street 60 feet: rnlo per fnot, $1.05; nmount, $68.80. Astiiis.siueiit No 30, K, II. Cook, io, 3. hliK'U 2. Crchivnt subdivision, City of Mi)dfnrd, Oregon: frnnlugo 6U feet on tlin south side of P.ilin slrcet; 6fl feel; rntiv per foot, $1.05; amount, $58,80. - ORSIKANCE NO. S83. An onllnnnco ilectarlng tho assessment on the property leneflted for the com of laying n four-inch water main on Kntcht street from Taft avenue to Sum- mil avenue and directing the recorder to enter n statement theroof In the water main Hen docket. The City of MedTord doth ordain at follows: Section I. Whereas the City Council did heretofore, by resolution, declare Its Intention to lay n four Inch water main on Knight street from Taft avenue tc Summit avenue and to assess the cost thereof on the proterty fronting on snld portion of said street In proportion to the frontnge of said property, and fix lime nnd place for hearing protest agulnst the laying of said water main on said part of said street and the n-xi'symenl of the cost thereof as afore said. And whereas said resolution was dul) published nod posted as required bv section 116 of the charter of said city. And whereas a meeting of the Council v.ns held at the time and place fixed b said resolution, for the purpose of con slderlng any such protests, but no pro tests were at said time, or nt uny other time made to or received by the Council to said laying or said water main or the .assessment of the cost thereof as aforesaid, und snld Council having con sidered the matter, nnd deeming that s.ild water main was and is of materia.! benefit to said city, and thnt all prop erty to be assessed therefor would Ik b.-neflted thereby to the extent of the probable nmount of the respective as srssmenls to he levied ngnlnst salt' property did onler said main laid. And whereas the cost of said water main has been and hereby Is determined lo he the sum of $1,410.54: Now, therefore. It Is hereby furthei determined that the proportionate share of the cost of laying said water main o,f ench parcel of property fronting on sjIiI portion of snld street Is thu nmount si-t opposite the description of each par cel of lnnd below, and that each piece or parcel of land benefited by the lay ing of said water main to the full ex- lnt of tho amount so set opposite the description of the same, nml that the respective amounts represent the pro portional benefits of said water malr o said respective parcels of land, and also the proportlonul frontage thereof oa said street, nnd the Council does hereby declare each of the parcels ot property descrllied ltelow to lui assessed and each of the same hereby Is assessed the amount set opposite each description for the cost of laying said Water main ASSESSMENT FOlt A 4-INCII WATKIt SIAIN ON KNIGHT STItKKT KltOM TAIT AVKNUK TO SL'MillT AVK- Nl'Ii Assessment No. 1 I. II. McDonald, lo. 0. block 1, King's addition. City of Med funl. Oregon; frontage 6S.43 fi-et on the north side or Knight strevt. 5S.I3 feel rale per foot. $1; amount. $58.42. Asm-Ksment No. 2 Francis A. Smith, lot 7. block 1. King's addition. City of 11,-dford. Oregon, frontage 68.43 feet on the .north fide of Knight street: 68.43 feet; rate per foot, $1; amount, $58.43. As-t-ssment No 3 Francis A. Smith, lot fi. block 1. King's addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontago 58 43 feet on the north side of Knight street; 58.42 feet: rate per fuot, $1; amount, $58.13. Assessment No. 4. J. I. Dcnimcr. lol 1. block 2. Falrmount addition. City of Medford, Oregon, frontago S3 feet on the north side of Knlcht street: 63 feel. rate ier foot. $1; amount. $53. Assessment No. 6 J. Is. Deinmer. lot 1, block 2. Falrmount addition. City of Medford. Oregon, frontage 53 feet op 'tie north sldo of Knlcht street: 53 feel. rote p-r foot, $1; amount, $53 Assessment No. 0 J U. Demmer. lol J, block 2. Inlrniount addition. City of Meilfonl, Oregon: frontago 53 feet on the north shle of Knight street; 63 feet rat ifer foot, it; amount, $53. Assessment No. 7 J. U. Deinmer, lot I. block 2, Falrmount odd 1 1 Ion, City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 53 feet on the north side of Knight street; 63 feet, rata per foot, $1; amount, $53. Assessment No. S. J. i. Demmer, lot '., block 2. Falrm6unt addition. City of Mcdfonl. Oregon, frontage 63 feet op tho north side of Knight street: 53 feet, rate per foot, $1. amount, $53 Assessment No. 9 J K. Deinmer. IOt . block 2. Falrmount addition. City of Medford. Oregon, frontago 53 feet on the north side of Knight street; 5.3 feet rate per foot, $1; amount, $63. Assessment No. 10. 3. I,. Demmer. lot T, block 2, Fnlrmoiinl addition, City of vteciroro, Oregon; mintage 53 reet on the north sldo of Knight street: 53 feet; rato per foot, $1; amount, $53. Assessment No. 11. J. I Demmer, Jot 8, block 2. Falrmount nddlllon. City of Medfor Oregor ; frontago 53 feet on tho north sldo of Knight street: 53 feet. rate per foot, $1; amount. $53. Assessment No 12 J !. Demmer. lot 9. block 2, Falrmount addition. City of Meuroru, un-gon; rrontago s;i reet on tho nortlf side of Knight street; 63 feet; rato per foot, $1: amount, $53. Assessment No. 13. .f, I.. Demmer, lot 1.0, block 2, Falrmount addition. City of Medford. Oregon, frrintngo 56 98 feet on he north Bide of Knight street: 65,98 feet, rate per foot, $1; nmount, $55.98. Assessment No 1 1 Murel Hiilllvan. lot 3. block 2. King's addition. City ijf Medford, Oregon; frontage 68 13 feet on ihe south side of Kulglit street; 68.43 feel; rut" per foot, $1; ."imoUnt, $58" 43. Assessment No. IS. W. It. Hullock. lot 2. block 2. Kliuj's addition. City of Meiirord. Oregon, rrontago 58 43 foe t on tho south side of Knight street; 68.43 feet; ralo per foot, $1. amount, $58.13. Assessment No. 11;. -W D. Cnss4dy, lot 1, block 2, King's addition. City of STedfonl. Oregon; frontugo 58 43 feet on thO south side nf Knight street; 58.43 foot; rato per foot. $1, nmount, $68.1?. Assesumeut No, 17. J I.. Demmer. lol 4, block 3. J'a'1 mount addition, Cty of Medford. r'-gnn, frontugo 63 feet on the south sldo of Knight streid; 53 feet; ate per foot, $: amount, $53. Assessment No, 18. J U Demmer, lo1. 2. block 3, 1'iilrmolint nddlllon. City of Medford. Oregon, frontage 53 feet on tho south wide or Knight street; 63 feet; rato per fool, $1; nmount, $53. . Assessment No. J9, Jphn V. Cut teen. tot 3, block :t. Full mount addition, City of Medford. Oregon; rronluge fi'S fret 011 tho youth eldu of Knluht Htitct; 63 ft-ut; 4, block S. Tilttles stllidlilsloii to the City of Mcdfonl, Oreuoit, frontage 53 Teet oil too West sldoo" I " avenue. M feet; rnte per font, 85 cents amount. $I5.0S. Assessment No. 1?. Jnekc'n County llnnk. lol S. block 1. Tuttlcx subdivision to the City of Mcdfonl, oi.n front into 33 feet on tho llst side of nirk avenue: M feet: rnte per foot. SS cents, amount. $18 0. . . Assessment No lM.tt!.' II Tlltlle. lol 0, block I. Tilttles subdivision to the City or Meilfonl. Oregon: frontnge 5S reet on the east Ide of IVik iivenuo S1 fret, rate per foot, 5 ctiits. nmount I Iu.Oj. Assessment No. 1911 H Tilltle. tut 7. block 1, Tnttles subdivision tn Ho Cltv of Medford, Oregon frontugo S3 f-el on the tsist sldo of Pitk iivenue, SS feet: rote per font. 85 cents nmount. $13.05. ., , , Assessment No. 20. 11 It Tuttle, lol S. block I. Tut tie subdivision to tin City of Medford. Orogon frontugo : r.l on the cost side of Purk avenue nmoiini v onl, Ongon, on the 3rd day of October, i R1 feet; mte ier foot, 83 cents jmi. uy me loiinwiiig voiu: .Merrick , i $ia.v.i. , , , ive; Wott. nvv; Wortmon. nye: Kmerlck. ! Assessment No 21. W P Hodge, lot ve; rcirert, nye. nttu .viiuer. nye. Atmroved tKstolx'r 4th. 1911. W. It. CANON, attest: .Mayor. nvillT. W. TKI.FKll. City Keconler. I. block 2. Dodge addition. Cltv or .viisi- ford, on-goti: frontm it1 n ui mist side of Park avenue, ot feet: rJ,tr ier root, 85 cents: nmount $". Assessment No. 22. W V Dodge, lot S. blink 2. Dodge Audition. C'lv of Mcd fonl. Orogon. frontage its fWt on tin ... ..11 ". !..! ............ Ci! f..,l rut,- NOTicn 1 "'.1.' ,".". u; "?.."-. :::..!& 10 n a . Ilsfr H'sJl. TIIl". tlllli'tlll' "' " -' To the owner, or reputed owner, of 1 ' s,.xnuMit No 23 W.P Do-lge. I01 ich imrcel of property described tn the j 'uuwu Dodge uddltlou. on of Med oregolng or.llniinii-. ns mime,! tben-lu. I f,r.i oi.-uon frontage 00 Ml on tin ml in the Hen declared by snld ordl-1 A" sd,' of Iirk iiveiiue. OS feet, rati nc. as recorded In the docket of city ' r tni. SS cents: tuuniint 1 1 'fnn' VsMcssmenl No. 21. W P Doilge, lot You uro hereby notified that the ns- f . i.i..l- u.,.iu n.i.iiiio,, nt of Med essment dechrl by the foregoing onll-, r,')rij Oregon; frontage 60 feet on Ihe ance hns been made nnd the Hen there-' ,.t side of Park avenue feel: rnH orentere,i in the city lieu docket, nnd ,M.P ,.,. xs cents; nniiMinl. I& H t Hir c-.iiil- in Hill- am, , o ,!, miri'uv -nuIreit to pay the same to the city rconler within ten days from the serv ce of this notice, which service Is iiiude v publication of the foregoing ordinance nu mis notice three times in tho Sled- i imni Nit. 35 II,' rlli. 1 rv iur : num. a 'parcel of lnnd marked CV1 ur the map or me i;ny 01 ji ;: gon. and n-corded lit Vol 5. iige 115 of the County Recorder1 records Jf . ., ....... ,1....,.,.. rrnnlrttn 13. ------------.--....-... ...... i ,i,iph,,iii i-ituii,). ,i'"i,, .--- ...... iiru .i.tii iriiiuiie. iiiirsuniii loan ornor rt un the east Hhle or llirit nveiiur f the city council ot sard city ... mt IK,r fool 1,5 cents, amount HOIIT, W Ti:i,FKIt. Iiiijl " ! City Recorder, . Assessment No. 20 John TC. HownnJ lHlrcel of lnnd marked tin 1 on the KO 54J5 mup or lin- iiyoi .iiruiiif"."'""- -:- TT' t recorded In Vol. 85. page SJ. of the ng the nssess- fJ,Vh'.. i...r.i..r-s rroords of Jackso- benefited for the en,,,,-. Oregon: frontage 7S feet on the -Inch wntvr tn.ilii ...'..,. .. i...l. ..... :i f.-el. rntr .,..:.:........ -."-- rein iiui- ,,, . . --.-- v un rutilM nmoiini. tn ,, ORDINAITCE KO An ordinance dec hi r I nent on the property ost of laying u four ,M 1.lr ....H.... .... , ., uo-imr 1S1IUI l.irvt'lllll sircci II M ...... hikota avenue and dlnctlng the recorder I ' v-VissniVnt No. 27 John Osborne et v eiuer n. smiemeni inereor III We Water u n 1111 reel of bind marked UVJi or naln lien docket. ( '.fr .,,-,, if n. cily of M.drord. Oregon J,lZSlly f " '" -" ,Vml rocor ted in Vol. 70. page SIS of the ollows. . 'r-niiniv llecorder's records of .lacksot .S.-ciior. 1. Wherens. the City Council ',?"n,V. Oregon frontage 74 fret 011 the Il heretofore, by resolution, declare Hh i ,.ast sl,le of Park avenue 75 reet nit ntentlon to lay 11 four Inch wnter main j '."? foot S5 cents; nmount. 13 75 mi Park aveuuo from Cli-vinlh Kir..1 1,. ,H '".:.-. v.. s w V Olasgow .ikota avenue and to nssess tlu cost'. '..-...i .. inn.l' mnrketl tVA) on the iienoi on me proK-rty minting on s.il.l i ", r n. city of .Medford, Oregon, one onion or said street In proiHirllon to recorded In Vol. 59. tuge 31. of the he frontage of said property, amt fix ...,. tv Htcordcr's records of Jackson J mi'. aml ,",a.co for ",,n.rl"r Protests , counts. Oregon- rronluge 100 feet 01 igalnst me laying of snld water main fi.i" ..ii mI.i of Park avenue 100 feel n sum part of said street and tli. SKcssment of the cost thereof as afore mid. And. whewis. said resolution was luly publlsheil nnd posted as rcmilnM by lection US or the Charter of said City: And. whereas, a meeting of the Coun- II was held lit tho time und place fixed y said resolution, for the poroxc of 'onstderlng uny such protests, but no rotests were at said time, or nt any ilher tlmo mndo to or received bv !) $SS 00 It ,1'K .. . T.sxt sifi nllltsll UlllllUIlk I ''V.e. "- c. V,i. h 11 r Vorhles a parcel or land murkiil IPK) on tin mat. of the City of Medford. Oregon und recorded In Vol. 72. imgo 3011. of ttn County It.-corder's ri-crdH "f Jc sou county, Oregon: frontwge 330 feet on tli" east side of 1-ark avenue; 230 , fejr nite imt risit, 3 cents, .amount. $I9j -0 Section 2. And It ur1 'hereby onler.i -...1 nr.i,.l,o.il ttmt said s-veml usess .....iu ..,..1 ibe Hens then-of be entereit ouncll to the said laying of x.hl wuier , t. Hen docket of said city, und thai iwln or the ussessinenl of ti cost I tii(.reuion notice N given to Ihe owner Itenfif oh aforesaid, and said Council ,r reputed owners, of said properlv. and invlng couslden.'il the matter, und deem- UI the same be enforced nnd collected ng that said water main was nnd is In the manner provided by the charter ol jf material l..n..rit 1,. u!l.i .,1,.. ', , ...... .... 11,.. ei,lli-tlon of assess bat nil nnimrtv la iw nuimwil ih'urn. I ..'.....,- ..,,- in,. Iniiirniriueut of slrevts jvmitil Im. Iinfii..,i ii,r..i... ,.. ,,... . ... . . !. ..... if the probable nmuuitt of the resixs.-- i Si-ctlim 3. It Is further ordered that ,tv iipnc.iMiu'niH to 00 leiinl against aid property, did order said mnln laid. And. whereas, the cost of said water naln has Is-en nnd hereby Is deb-rmlned o be the hum of 1ISII 111 ow. tlierefure. It lb.', notice "above provldnl for pub llshed three limes In the ."" , u ,'r Tribune, n newspjper publlslied mid or general circulation 111 win -.' "" iiMiiin-r provided by ordlnaiicu No 250 " The'forogolng ordinance wns ixifwI by he city council of the City of ?. -d-ford. Oregon. 011 the 3rd day of elolr. .a,. ... ,,... ...ii..i..tiir. vol,,: Merrli'K. let opposite the description of ,nich par-lve' Watt nye; Wormian, nye. Kioer el or hind below, ami Unit ench piece 1 Z-U 'ubsent; l-firerl. aye. nml Mlllnr. nye r parcel of land benefited by the laying A.mrove I clol-r 4lb. 1911. ,, ., if said water main to the full extent of '',r"w" w (. CANON. In liirl,v r.ll,..M tetermlned tlial Hie proportionate shore r the cost of Inviiii- M.tlil u-ni... ,..ni.. f ench parcel of property fronting 'on S.Id portion of said street is the amoiiut uu ninouut so set oiiiiohIIi. 11... ,i....i Ion of the saimv und that the restvullve mounts represent the proportional beu fllH of said water main to said respect Ive parcels of land, and also the pro lortlounl frontage thereof on said street, he council does hereby declare each oi he parcels of prors-rty described Iwhiu to U) assessed and each of the same icreby Is assi'ssed ili union, ,t u, die each description for the cost of lay. nrf said water mnln. vSSKSHJIKNT FOlt A 4-INCII WATKIt MAIN ON J'AIIK AVKNUK FKOSI AVKNURTI1 HTU'''T T'J AKOTA Assessment No. 1. K. (!. Potter n larcel of land situated nt the southwest i-im-i-iiuii ui i.iuveiiiu street nml Park ireniie. frontage 150 feet on the west Ide of Park avenue; 5il feel; rato i,er foot. 8 cents: amount. $42.60. Assessment No. 2. J. j;. wntf. n par fl of land fronting 60 feet on the west ildo of Park avenue, being a purt of ot I. block I Hart's uddltlou. Oily or Uedford. Oregon: frontage 60 feet on he West side of Park iivenue; 50 feel, olo per fool, 86 cents, amount, $42 60 Assessment .No. 3 I-Yanrcs A Smith. , , 1, J . (ioios wi jeei 011 me .,,-n, i,ie t,i j-jirK avenue 11 joi i. niocK 1, uarr's if Medford. Ore iron frimi ., . . : 'j . ---... inn vvesi sum or j'arK nvenue; 50 feet; ,-nta per foot, 85 cents; amount. $12.50 Assessment No. 4. Husle C Streets, u mreel of lunu situated ut tho nortliwest .ntersectloii of Park avenue and the Miutli llifo ot lot 1. hhick I. Ilarr-s nddi t Ion. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage fee' on Hie west sldo of Park nve- ' '.."," iV.V,n "'r --"i. 85 cents; WMII( WS.fl, W. TKI.I'Kll. ltecorder. Attest: .Mayor. HfiHT. City NOTICR Tn the owner, or .reputed ow-ner, of nch iiarccl of prnM-rty duserlbed H tin foregoing ordinance, us iiannnl toiireln and In tho lieu declared by s.ibl ordl i.-ince us recorded In the docket or clt You are hereby notified thnt the ns sessmeut declared by the foregoing or dllililict bus been IIKlde and the Ilei Iherefor entered In thu elty Hen docket nnd that the same Is dun and you un hereby required to iiy tint s.une to tin ...1.. ....,. 1.... u.'in,iii in 1I.-1V11 from tin s-rvlce of this notice, which Herilco Is made by publication of the foregoln orilliinnce and thli notice three limes in the Medford .Mull Tribune putsiiiint Jo un order of thu City Council of snld city. OBDINAHCE NO. MO. An ordlnanco declaring tho assessment 011 the property henefllril for tho cost of laying a inur-incu waicr muni Assessment Nm I -C, o. .lohnson, lot ' 'i00,i Kendftirii nddltliin, City of iiedrmd, tteuoit. rrimliigii a feel on he east Side of Nlanlla street; A3 feet. ftto iter foot, iliij. uiuouut, $s;nn. Assexsnicnt No. 2 CO .Inliusim. lot Jl lrtC' ' Kendilll'x uildllloii, City or Medfnnl. tircHiiu. fioutnge 62 feel 011 lho dost nidi) of Nlantte Htreet, SS fenl, rtite per foot, $102, nninuul. ISS 01. Assessment No. .1 -W D. IIII11H worth, lot I, block 3. Kondiill'n iidilltlon, -My of Medford, Oregon, fi outline st feet on thu tsisl Side or Nhiiillc slroet feet; into per font, ft 03; nmount. Assessment No. 4.--w 1) llllugworlh. i..'.J"' - ivi'iniairs ainiiiiiiii, fitv of Medfoid, Oi-egvin; frnutiigo 53 reet on tho eusi side of Nlautle slieet. S3 reel. He l'i' tool, $1 OS. iimotiiit. SS lit. AHWftHiiieht No. S Marv Swlnilmi. lol ., block 3, Kemlairs uililllhin. City ot ledford. Oregon fniutiiKe Si fret 011 ho (Hist side or Ntniitlc slieet; SS feet, ste er fool. II Hi amount, tUtll Assessmwat No, o.iarv Swiudeu. lot . block 3. Kendall's iidilllloii. Clly of Medford. .Ori'HOIl. fioiltnue SS feet 011 he oust side of Nlimllc slroet: S feet. '-nto pel- foot, 11.02, amount, 164.01 Asxessiiieut No. 7 Cora St. Ainiian ot I, block I. Kendall's uddltlou. Cltv f Medford, Oregon, frontage SO feet oi ihe mist side Of Nliinllt' stleet. Sil feel -ate per foot, $1.03, amount, )si on. AssisHsiuent No S -Cora M. Annum ot 2. block I. Kendall's ndilHIou. 1 'It v (i .tietiiiini. wrepoii. inuuiiKe mi i,sti on tie east side of .NUnllc street, .10 feet -tile per foot, $1 til. nmount, jji on, Assessmeut No 9 Com M Amaaii ol 3, block 4. Kendall's addition, cut r Mmlford. tlregon, froutaite fiu fet 01 ho east side of Nlniillc street. SO feel, ate per foot, $ Oi. miinunt, $51 OK Axsexsmnii Nn III- Cora M Aiiihnii ot I. block t. Kendall's uddltlou. City if Mrdfonl. Oregon; frontage ,11 fti un be east side of Nlantte street. So feM. 'ate per root, $1 02. iimount. $si 00 AsNessmetit No 11 --Cora Amtitin lot 6, block I. KeuiluU'M uddlllon. I'll) of Mrdfonl, Oregon frontage SO feet 01 the east side of N III 11 lie street. So fwl -me pet- root, 11 ox. nimiiiut. $61 ill Assessment No 12--oin ,M Amnnii. ot fl, block J. Kendilll'x nddlllon. Ctt f Medford. Olt-goit floulsK, SO feet 111. he west side or Nlnnlle street. $0 rrfl. ute per foot. $102 amount. $61 UV Assessment No 13 Corn M Annum. ot ,. block S. Kendall's nddlllon. Cltv r Mcdfonl, Oregon frontnge So feet mi he west side of Nlniillc strict. 50 fvet. ate per foot. II. 03: ntuounl. IS I 00. Assessment No II - D S Wood, lol t. block S, Kendall's addition. cn of Meilfonl. Oregon, frontage So fet on the west side of Nlnnlle street so feet rato per foot. $1 02. amount. $it (o. Assesumeut No IS Cum M A lima ti. lot 9. block 6. Kemlairs addition. .'It! of Medford. Oregon, frontage SO feet ne :ho west side or Nlnnttc street. So fret ute per fml- l-nI nmount. IS too Assessment No 16.- Corn M Atminn. "at 10. block . Kendall n itdililion l-nv if Medford, Oregon; frouliiRe 30 feet on li west Side nf Nlautle street M) fet. ute per root. $102, amount. $51.00. Assessmeut No. 1711 If. Klrby. lot . block 2, Kendall's addition. City of iledford. Oregon frontage 52 feel on he west side of Nlnnlle Htreet: 82 feet, ato per foot. $102. nmount. $33 01 Axxessment No 18 It l( Toft, lol 9 block 2. Kendall's addition, city of Med ford. Oregon, frontage 32 feet 011 tin rest side of N I11 title street, S3 feet, rnto per fool. $io.', nnmunt. $S3 0I. Assessment No 19 - Margaret Dall) ot 10. tdoek 2. Kendall's addition. Ct of Medford, Oregon, fmuluge S3 fet 01 he W,nt side of Nlnnlle street. 5s fl rate per foot, $1 01. ninouut. $83 01. Assessment No 20 H. II Tort, lot 'I, block 2, Kendall's uddlllon. City of dedford. Oregon, frontnge S2 feel on he west side of Nluntlc street. S2 feet rnto per foot, $1.02; nmount. 133 01. Assessment No. 21. It. II. Toft, lot 13, block 2. KfiutnH'n addition, City or edfonl. Oregon, frontage 62 feel mi Ihe west side of Nluntlc street. 52 feet, .ue H-r fool. $1.02: amount $53 01. Assessment No 22.-- Joseph Cuskny lot 13, block 2. Kendall's iidilltlon. I'llj of Medford, Oregon, frontage 62 feet on the West side of Nlnnlle street. 62 feel, rate per font, $102, amount, $33 01 Section 2 And It In hereby ordered nil ordained that snld several iisxcmh enls nnd the Hens thereof be entered in the lieu docket of snld city, and Hint hereupon notice bo given to the owner ir reputed owners, of sild properly, and hat the mime be enforced und eolleclec 1 the milliner provided by Hie charter ol sold cltv for the lollecllon of nssess iniiitn for tho Improvement of street 'herein Section 3. It Is further or.l.ir...! llmi he notice above provided for 1st pub Ished thnw limes in the Dully .Mnll Tribune, a mwnmpr published and ol Kiilicrnl circulation In said clt. in the naiimir provided by nidinnnre No SS1 of said city Tim foiegolng ordinance wom ikissci' uy lb elty council of the Cltv of Med ford. Oregon, on the 3nl dny of October, 1911, by lho following vole- Mur 'luk. ne, Wall, nye; Worlmnii. aye K'Uierlrk, iilwsnl; Klfert, nye, and .Mil iur. nye. Approved October I, 1911. W If IJAMfiN. "iliest: .Muyor. ItnllT. W. TKI.FKll. ' City Id cantor. CITY NOTiGES. Piiice) or luml below, uml Dial each idioc nt' lulled or taml hciii'fHcil by the tMug or sniii wnler iiiiiin to tho full leiit of the nnmunt so set otipoMlto tlm description of tho snnur, fiiitt Hint ho icspeellve iimmillls I i'i t'riotit the iioiiirthiiiul hiunrils of snld wnler niiiln 11 sold lespeellVe paicels of html, uml so the piiipiii'lloiuil fiontiiMo (hnieof wild istriel, ami Ilia council does hereby itcelitvti each of lho piiicoln of piopettv iIksciUiciI below In he niisesHOil ami each of the mime Is hi'lehy nmi'ifd Hie iiiuoiilit set opiniNllo isieli ileseilp. nun no- mi ciihi ur laying sain wainr IIUllll, AH.MKSSMKNT FOlt A l-INt'll WATKH MAIN ON HAMILTON HTIINI.T I HUM KI.KVUNTII HTIIHI4T TO DA KOTA AVKNI'K, AsxesMiienl No I- Itobi'il ami l'ltsll' lielh Lunge, lot I. Hiihy aildllbiii. Clly of Medfinil, Oicnnii. IroliliiHii I2.S feoj un the eusi side of I In nil 1 1 011 slieet: I2.A feel, Idle per foot. 91 eelilx, iilllulllit, $:i!i IIS AhhesMliielit No, 2 Hubert nnd Kllwi belh Lunge, lot II, llliliv iiildltliui. Cltv of Medlonl, Oroumi, fiiinlnuit I U S feel on the east sldo of Ihuiilltnh slieet, I 14 S feet, lulu per fliul, HI I'elllS, illiiilliil, $I33'U3, H Assissineiil No. 3 A. W Walker, the mrlhwcsl iiiiarier of lot 2, block 4, l ill's uildltloo. Cltv or AliHtfoiil. Illi- iiill, fioiltnue HIS feet on the isist sldo f lluilitllnii slieet; HIS feel; rule per '.ml. Ul ceiils: amiiuut, 1166 HI. Assessment Nu I -V. 1 1. Allen ol ill, ol I. Cloverdale nitillllou. City of Med ford. Oregon, rionliigo ISO feel oil thu 'list side of Hamilton slieet, ISO fie I; i-mIh per font. Ul Cents; uiuouut. IltS.10. Assessment No ft -J. i WlillulllH, lol S. block I of Hun's iidilltlon, City ut Medford, Oregon, ftnlituge 3311 feet nil 1I10 east side uf lluuillliiu stroel. 310 feet, into ier fool. IH cents, aiiinunl, IS 10 20 Assessment No. il.-j.V. Palmer it ml L Hoot, lot I. block I. Hair's aitdltlon, 'Ky of Medford. Oregon: finutuxu SI'S feet on the ciikI wlile nf lliuiilliini Mlieet. .'9S feet, into per on. nt ivnls. umuiiut, I2T7 30. Assessment No. 711. W. Oondsle. it IS. block 3. C and I). miiIi.Iii IhIoii, 'Uy of Medford, OicMn. fiontage SO el u n tlin wst side of I Lililllt nti street, ill feel, lilte pet' foot. 91 cents UlllnUllI, MI oo. i Assessment Nu V II. W (londalw, bit II, block 1. c. nml D. subdivision, clly if Medford, Oregon; frontage In feet op .he west side of Hamilton street. SO ret rnte mr fool, 91 cunts; nmount, I" ill). AssetHiuieiit No 9 ISrcy Peel, lot IS ml the north 39 H feet or lot 10, bbsik ' of the c. and D, subdivision. City or Medford, Oiegmi, frontage ?ji h f,mt on ha West Hide Of lllllllllioll street; 79 .V et rate iwr foui, ol MiniM, ninouut, KJ.PI. Assesninent No. 10 U MUlller, lot 17, ul Ihe south 0 t feel of lol Hi, block I. C mid D subdivision. llty of Sled urd, Olegou: riolltllgu 7ll.2 feet on III" vest side or Hamilton silent; 70S feel; ute per foot, 91 cents, amount, ISS 93 Assessmeut No. ll--.loeph Unmet, it IX. block 3, C. uml D, subdl vision, 'llv of Mrdford. Oregon, frontage SO f-f 1 on the west side of llnmtltnn mre-l; n fuel, nitii ier fmd, 91 eeolM, nmount, 117 00. AxMiuivut No. 12 Joseph Unmet, ut 19. block 3. C. slid D stllidll IsIiiii. lly of .Medford. Oregon: fronluge SO el on the west side of IImiiiIHoii slrst: n feet, nite jii-r foot, 91 cents: amount, 17.00 AsMi-MMnenl No IS K, J Herbage, ot 20. black 3. C anil D. subdivision. Ily of .Medford, Oregon, rroutugn SO 'el on the wm side uf Hamllluu ttfeet. $11 feet, nite Hr fislt, tit tellts, itnminl, $17,00, Assessment No II I. J. I letting. 't 21. Idock 3. C. and D siiImIivUIoii. ity of Medford, Oregon; frontage so '.et on the west side of lUinlllon street; fe.-t. rnte tier fisii, 91 cents, umoiint, 1 17 00. AssesMmenl No IS " J. HerlMlge, ot 22. block 3, (' ami D. suleilt islon. 'Ity of Medford. Oregon, frontage SO '-et on the Went side of llHinlltini sliest. o feel, tale wr foot, 91 cents, amount, I DO. AsMessuiiiut No lfi A P Ititrrow. lot 1. block 3. C. und D hiiImIIvIhIoii. Clly f Medronl. lreyin. frontaKii 50 foil on he West shin of lliiinllloii street. Sn Vet; rrtte per root, Pi cents: umounl. 17.00. Assessment .No 17. I. J. llerbngn, I 31, biiHik 3. C. nml D. subdivision. Uy of Medford. Oregon, rrontago 37 3S e( on the west sldo of tliiiulllon si not. : 33 feet- rate per fixil, lf cents. uloliiit. 3S OS. Assesininit No. II D. J Htull. lot S. block 2. Hose Purk nddllloii. Clly of Medford, Oregon! frontage 6S feut on lie West side of lllllllllioll xlreet; 61 '-et, rale xr fool, ;i cunts, uuioiiiii, IS I 52. Axsesxmeut No III. D. J. Willi, lot 9 Imk 2. Hose Park liildilluii. Cltv of tedford. Oregon. fronlot HO feet on Ihe west side or llnmllloii street. Oil feel; tin per foot, wi renin: lunount. ISC. HI Assessment No. 20 D J Htull, lot to, block 2, Hose lark ndilllhiu. City of Medford, Oregon, frontage nil feet nu Hie west side of Hamilton street, nit et; nil" mt foot, 91 CfUllM. uiiliiiiul, ISIS 10. Assessment No 21 D J Hlult. lot 0, 'lock S. Hone Park iiiIiIIIImii, Clly of xlfoid, Oregon, frontnge til feet on he west side of tliiiulHnii street, 5i. "I., nun Per fool. 01 cents: niiiiiiinl. CITY NOTICES. ,f ml Mull Tribune, iiiiisiinul In nu utiler of llm cly ciuinell ur mi III ellv, HOUT. TUI.KKH, Clly KimuilDi', oitDiH anoii o, r.im, An initlnniice ilci'hitliiH; His nxxexxinunt On III" pl'iiperlV lmllrileiA fill' IIUHHiil of I. in lug n rmir lueh wntnl' main un Nut'lll I'll' sheet from Hi eoud slice! In ,ucll xuil Mtleel mill (lllii'llllif llu leiHMili'l' In cntel il Hltitruii'lil llii'leor III t li" Water iniilit (leu docllot, Tlin I'll) uT Mnilfoul ilulli iltillllll nit follows: Mi'Ollim I. WheleiiH. Ihe cllv cunui'll did hxreluruio, lis' lesolulhili iU'PIkiu lis luioittlidi in luy it foui inch water main i' i North Kit- hOciiI iiiiiii Seciiiul xllis-l in .IiicIimoii slrcet uml to Hwqtut the cost lliiioof Oil the lilliiily. fnmllng on Hlld iiiii'lbm of xslil stri't'l In iiiiol'liii In ihe fiiiiiume of wild property, and fli u lime uml pinr for I nmrlng itulexl nitiiinxi tin lujlng or xubl wulel lunlii o-i HHliI piii'l til hi sliif niul His. H M xiiliflil uf the onx llieii'iif iim lUUIii Slllllt And, whcroiiN. snld leunlullrtu WIIH duly liiilillMliei and (xisleil as iisiilreil liy Huliou in; or iim ciiMiter of swhi Clin Anil, win leas, a unxdlUK of III t'oilfi- en wax loin hi ine lime unit ilXPn rivel hi snld timilullon. for Hie pyrMiw of couxldi-iliig din Much liKilesiM, hill nu iiotexl vine at so Id I line, hi at uny illii't- nine inmli' In ur reimlV'sl by Ihe I'ouui'll in the said latins until wnler main or Ihe iis-exxnii nl uf the mml liitimif nx afoivxabl, nnd xnlfl I'ouiu'll IiivIiik I'liimlileretl Hie inAifer, nnd deem ton thnl said wnter main wn nml Is of null. rial beliefll to xslil Ulfj', HIHl that nil propi-riy to lie nxxiHsxed thiefor would Imi lieneflleit thereby III Ihe evlelll of the prubilble lillllitllt nf the lenmx". Hie Msxexsiuculx tn be levied llgHllixl xtld nroixtiv, did iinlxr Nutd main laid. Anil wheivsH, the ensl uf xsld wnti-r iitln bus been nnd lieieby Is iIi-Imi mIiihi In lx the sum uf II. 1 10. ill) Null. IbeieftM-e, II IM lleleby further detxrtuliieil th.it the lu'onortl'miile hare of the cost of lutluir xnhl wntne ni:ilM uf ixieh ii.iiiMi of ptniertv fronting oil aid portion of xnhl street ix hh MHimtiit set OlUxiXlle (lie disM rtpllmi if ouch pa i e,l uf hind In low. soil thnl nueli iilree or jmrorl ir lnnd bensritrd by the li-lug of snld wnler mnln to tlw lull rvtenl of the nmonnl sn set oppiniHh ihe iexcildon of the Milne, nml I Imt the iHiellt'e aumiiutx lidirexent the tminoi Mniixl iMiieflix ur sold wntxr iimln lii wild ieii'tle IHiieels of Und, nm also the ptopnrllouiit fronluge tfisiixir on x til street, nml lh iiutiiell iloea hereby dil'lxiv enrh of l(e tXHTelx nf property dexerihed below to bx nrwm Mid isieh of Hie xuuie Is hereby xiexe,i lbs amount xet opponltn each itixxorlll- Hon for the eiml ur laying skIiI wnlxr m'n, IS-'KrlftMKNT PO A I-INCH WATHH MAIN tN NOIITII I'llt KTItlltn IHMM HKCOND MTI t HUT Ti JAtllC. Mlirtlhy, my fort fMtl rnl per HON HTHKUT. AxMvMHUIellt No 1 John 1 lot i, block lu, orlKtruil loienll. Of Meilfonl. HleglUI, frUMtWKW Sj) ,,i ,n.- it-i sine ,ii ,-ir xirixsi, ,n ii rite ix-r fixit, $1.11: mnount. US. So. Amx-xxmeiii No $. - I'miik J Slxhl. lot t. block Sit. original tost-ntdl. City nf Kiniiitni, oxoii, iiouiaxt, au irei un tlin . ex i xtue ol i It sifrei reel; foot. It II. Xlili.iiol. IVStA .voexxment No S -lniuk4 Mehl. lot 1, bbk S9. nrlglnxl townxlle. City of iledfun! Oregon fronlMge f,A feel on Ihe wrxt xtde of Kir street' SO fixC, rftle per fieii, $ t amount, ISS So AMk-axnient No i -Aiigiuit ljiwrnt, lot S, block $9 orlglonl toWHxtls. City of tisifonl, t)regm frontage In rol on the Wexl side of Kir xlleel. ',0 fx1; rxte M-r fixii. II II, amount, lis 3D. Axxexxiornt No 6 - -Aiikuni Ijiwrents, lot block SO. nrlklnsl towwxlle, Clly of Midford. iiitKoti, f i on is xx Q fi 0II )M Hest side uf Mr street M feel; mix Xr find. t II sioonnl. SSS. Axsexxmenl Nu t. U .1 QillMlrt)', till 1, block Ss. orlgin.il lowttxltw. City of Xi.-dfonl, Oregon, fronlnxe hit feet mi tlw west side of Ilr street: 0 feet; ruto xir fixil, 11.11. amuiint. il JO. Axm-xxineut No 7 James laixlle. lnt 2, block SN. original IowiimHk, Cily ut Mcdfonl, Oregon, rroulage u feet on Ihe west xldx nf I'lr xlfsl; So fret; rut" Inn foot, $111, amount. 155 SO. AxxexxiiiHnt Nn h axorgc llninlln, lot 3, blixik 3)t. otlginul liiwimlie. Llty or Slistfurd. tjreco.i. fruuluMo SO fcji mi Hut west xtde uf I'lr xireeti ift'feM; rnM pxr Assessment No, 5. It. H. Dopri, a pnr i of luml marked (DH) on the map of "-. . ,V. 0,,'rd, Oregon, nnd re ed In Vol. 60, page 612 of tho County ( vl His cord UecorilerH reeonlx nt in,. I.,,,, ,...,.. OicR-on: frontage. 132 feet on the west sd of Purk uvenue; 132 feet; rute per foot, 8u cents; amount, $ 112.20. Assessment No. 6. Annie Com, a par cel of land marked (CX) on the map of the City of Modford, Oregon, und re corded in Vol. 75, page ci cif tho Coun ty llecorder's records of Jnekson coun ty, Oregon: frontage 132 feel on tho west sldo of park uvenue, 132 feet; rate per foot, 85 cents, amount, $112.20. Assessment No, 7. John It. Tyrrell, ..,., ,,.,, ... ,,.,., , ,,. .jIMi ltl jeel or II in reel 011 tiei'ag a mur-iiitu nam ,.,.,. ?. being u nan Nluntlc street from Manuiiillu street to addition, city Allen stmt and dlnctlng tho llecorder logo 50 feet on '" enter a, statement thereof lit tho water lii'tiri u iiiiL-Ht-i. Tim City of Medford doth ordain ns follows: Hectlon 1. AVlierens. tho city council did heretofore, by r solution, declare lis Intention to lay a four inch water mnln on Nlantlc street from Manwwilln street to Alice street and to nssess the coiit llmrenf on the lironertv rrolltlni: Oil Slllll portion of said street In proportion to thu frontage of said property, nnd fix a time nnd place for hearing protests ugalnst the laying of said water mnln on suld part of said street nnd the xxnient of tho cost thereof us nfoio said: And. whorcuH. snld resolution wns duly published uml poNtnl as required by Section 1IC of the Courier of said Cty; And. whereas, a inciilng of the Coun cil whs held ut the Him- and placo fixed bv said resolution, for tint purpose of considering uny hucIi protests. but no protests were nl said lime, or (it any other lime made lo or received by tho Council to the said hiving of suld wntor main or the hhnchhiiii nt of Hi" c'"Mi thereof as nforuftnlil. and said Council huvlng coiislileicd the mutter, nnd deem ing that said water n.tiln wiih nml Is of matorlul benefit to suld city, uml , NoTICK. To tin) owner, or reputed owner, nf ench parcel ia property described In llu foil-going ordinance, so uiiiried therein ml in tlin lieu declniVd by suld null iiince, as recorded lu tlin docket of ully liens: You -are hereby untlfled Hint tho ns SNiiient declnred bv Ihe foregoing ordl lliei has Ihnoi loaib, nml flm no ti,,..,,- for entered lu the city Hen dockl, am( in, no- mime ix uue ami you lire liereb) reipilrcil to pny the same to the city re corder within ten days from the service or thin notice, which service Is mndu by lin nciilloii of the foregoing ordlnunce iml this notlcii three iiim-x in Hid Sled nnil .Muil 'tribune, pursiiniil to an order of ti e elty council of snld cltv IIOIIT. W. TI'LKKII. Cty ltecorder. OKDIKAWOi! wnr nn An ordlimuie declining lho iiHuessmnnl on tho properly I filed for lho cost uf Jiiylng u four-Inch wnter mnln 011 lliiin llloii street fiom Kleventh slreoi tn Dakota avenue and dlrccllng tho lte corder to enter 11 xl.-ileuicni ti,..r..nr Whe water muln lien docket. folio .Meiirord doth ordnln ns H.0U011 1. .VIi!rens, thn city council did heretoforo, by rcsolullim. ih-ohiro Its lllleiilloii to lav 11 ronr.lnol, ,fi,. 1.. .... if...m ......... :.."'.-.-.: !. "in ," """"'" "Heel iroill I'.U'Vl'lltll HtrCel Jo Dakota nycnilo uml In iihhi'nh tho cost thereof on the property fronting on snld porllon of said slrent In proportion In lho frontage of suld properly, and fir a tlmo anil placo for heuilng protests against thu laying of snld water mnln on said purt of snld street uml the r.n, ,,,, 11 U4 , vlnl (iii'ieof ns urori- Hull, 1 '". WliereUH, Slllll lesnlllllou Was duly publ Hlicil iiinl posted un iniulrcd by Hectliin 10 of the Chiirter of xiild Clly; And. whet ens, 11 meeting of thu Coun cil wuh held ut (hi, ti,,,,, ,, pi,,,.,, fx,n, Uy said resolution, for tin, purpns.i of considering uny such protests, hut no liwirnin nrm III Slllll 1 1 fill', or lit luiiwri ui iuiiii uiarKcii (i;vvj on the mull ui li in I..1L- .viiiiuririi xuifiiii 1 ..... . 1 .. . ii... -.r..ut - -- - iviHini. 'ii Hi'ii, 1.11J111. iiinr nil iirinifipiv ii iiii MuunuHPn iiinri'itii oiiw.n iim., i.. .. . -. - - -- an.VeeCramroi'!''' ,,u,r,c "' '" rM,y i hi. extent cJuncllto si, I. yl,, sail wnter' amount' $66 10 ' r 80 Cen"'i ,)f 1'" Prolml.lo ninouut of tho respev- ,( ur the usscxxiuo t ,f ti,,, WZ TSimMllKn it v 1. -r 1 . .. "v" "HsessmentH lo hi levied tK"l"t 'hereof iih aforesaid itid said Coin H south ha? of 'thx'..iririIrVfft,,n' ",0 B,,,,, Diopcrty. did ord. r huI.I unlti laid , ving conslilc,c.l t m utter nd h ,.! crirMealnimm, CH'm I -' " , ..'.T't.B?. X,.WWVW"ZLZ "'"i 'T"" '"i.''r ... d .. W! ford Orecoii- fro Ti f ',V , ' '" "I'111' r "'" '"'0Mt so set oppoMlin ,,f (in emit of laying snld wu ,r n , west sl.l Air PnM description of the unlite. ml lliul ,,t emjli iiarrnl of opo'y rn Iim 1A.1 foil 8! i centu! ViiViiimt rr in la,t'"' respecllvn iiiiioiimIh rolircselit llio h .1,1 p'orl nu of snld sheet In II imiiV.I iar root, 8 conlaj uniount, ftCIQ. j pionoillonul bcnofllH of najd ivulur iii.tln not oppiwltu n,y (cJrliilu!i ol ! wiil .2.11 1 AsxexHliinnl No S2 D J Htull, lol HI. block 3, Itoxe Park (uldltlon, Clly r lixlford, Olegou; frontage Ut. feet nn he Wexl Hide of lliiinllloii stn-et; SH .'."'-."'' I"'r r,,"'i '' cents: nmount. Axs.xsiiient No. 23 -D. J HI nil. lot t, hbx'k 3. Hose Park iidilllloii, Cllv of lixlford. Oreiiun. rioulnge IH S reel 011 Hi" West side of 1 1:1 in 1 1 1 111 slliet; H! 6 '""i lilln per fool, 91 cenls; nmoiini, Axsesxmenl No 21 D'. I. ((lull, lot 3. block 3, lloxe Pmk Iidilltlon, Clly of Mcilford, Oregon; frontage HIS r.-ol on he West side of lllllllllioll ntrecl; 411 6 .,-.. rnt" l'"r '"'" " cents, aimmnt. 113.71 Axxexsment No. IS I). J. HI 111 I. Ihe nrth 30 feel of lot t3, block 3. Hose i-nrx 111111111011, ni)' or .Medronl, Ore xnn: froulAKu 311 feet on tho west side if Hamilton slieet, 31; feet; rule pur root. 91 cents; ninoiiul, I311I. Assessment No. 20. M. P Druinlilll. "h" south 211 feet of lnt 13, block 3. Ilosn Park nihlltlou, City nf Sledfnril, Jlegoll, rroiiluge 20 feel nil the West side uf Hamilton street; 2ll feet- ruto per 1001, ai cenis, uuioiiiii, $IH.u. Assesxinenl No. 27 D, J. Htull. lnt II. Idock 3, KriNO Park uildllloii, cily of .Medronl, Oreguu: frnnlngo 6li feet nn he west shin of iimlion Htreet: 611 ,.'.li.rut" '"'r r"0l' yl I'l'Ulx. iimnilul, 0 01, Hecllnn 2. Ami It Is hereby ordered mil ordained that said soveml iivxcsfl- nteiilii nml thn Ileus thereof ho entered ii mo nun iiocnei ur sum city, uml ilia, thereupon untco be given lo the owners, ir reputed owners, of snld property, nnd 'hat the SUllie he enforcml niul eili.,ni...i lii llm manner provided by Hie churler if snld city for tho cnllcotlon of ussess. nmnlri for tho Improvement of nticclii therein Hcotlim 3. It Is further ordered thnl thn notices nluivo provided for lin puh llshed three, times In thn Dull Mnll Trl mine, u iiuwsnuiiftr milillslieii una ,.r .,..,,. ml circulation In suld city, In thn limn ner provided by onllluiiico No, 260 of said clly. Tim fnicgoliig ordlniinco wiifl iiuxxed . r" "-" ii'oucn or ine I'lty or Slod ford. Oregon, on the 3rd day of Onto, her, 1911, bv tho following vulot .Mer rick, nye; Willi, nye; A'orliiiiiii, nvu; Liiierlck, iilimml; Klfurl, uyc, uml Mil, Approved October Hit, 1911, W. II, CANON, f.Mii, $1 I), nmonnl, ISS S. Axxexxunint No 9 --C. t lleekmnu, lot I, block 31. original lownxllii. Clly of .Mnlford. Orrgou. fruntxirx SO ft on Hie Wcxt Side uf I'lr xlleel: 8(1 feet, mle xr fuot. II II. amount. ISS SO, xx,-xxiiieul No H - C. C. HeokiiKin, lot 6. block 34. original lownxtie. illy of Medford. Oregon, frontage Sit fxel mi IIM- West xlde uf I'lr stleet. Sil f, MI ier foot. 11.11. nlimunl. ISi So Arwxxnn-nl No II.- I'l-nimlxku llluck, ot It, block 37, iirlylnut lownxllo, i.'lly Of Stndford. I in-gon. fioliUge SO text on Ihe .si xlde of h'lr xlreel So fx; mlu wr fool. 11,11. Hiiioiiui. ISS.Sn. Axx, xxillelll No IX - l-'iautlxku OHult lot i. block SI, original loHimlln, City of Medford, Oreguii. riontnae Ml f,wt on tlm i-iihi xlde of Kir xiiis-t , lu feet, rat imr fixil II II. aiooilill, S6 60. Anxexmiixiit No. II -KramlHUH lllitell. lot 7 tibx'k 3'. ullHlunl loHllxlle, City uf Mmlford, Oregon, noolxge SO feel nu Hie ixi aid, of fir nlmi. So (ret, rnlx er fool, 11.11. aumiiiil, Sfl SO Axsexxiueut No. II -Allgllxt MW- roiiU, lot 7. block SH. orlglnol luwiialle, i'lty of Medford, lireguu, fionlaii u feet on the caul Hide of Kir Htlwull ill r-Kt; rale x r fiMit. li.li; hiiiuiiuI. ISi So. Amx-sHliieiil Nu. IS AllHUSt Ixiw rent, lot , Idock St, original Inwnxllxv 'My or Mi-dford. oragun: fiunlxgi In feel un the eual xlde of Kir Xlreet) ill reel, mlu per foul. $111, Uinuiinl. IS III. Assessment No. 10. --William llMiilny, lot !l. block SC, urlglliul liiWIIKile, Clly of .Medfoid. Oregon; frmiliiHe Sn fexl up Ihe e.i xl xld.i of -'lr xl 11 el. fill feet; rato per fool, l II, 1111101111I, $55 60 Axxi-Kxiiixut Nu 17 - William linn! 101 tu, hiocK an, urigiuai tnu'nxii. .Mayor, Attest! HOIIT. W. TKM."Klt. Clly Hucoriler, NOTICK, io tlm pwner, or ropiilcd nivnur, of elicit parcel of properly dexcrlhiMl In lho fiiregoliig (irdliiaiii'b, so nniiiud lliurelii nml In llm lh,n dcoliitcil by suld oiill nanco, us iccordcd lu (tin docket uf city loll nro limchy notified Unit tlm as HCHXiilmit declnred bv the ronnroloi. ,.,..11. nnncd Iiiih been mmle niul tho lien Hituo for vtiiured lu llm city lien ducltut nnd thnl lho hiiiiiii hi duo and you nro linteby icniiliiid lo pny tho siiiim In llm (,ty i,'. '"".',' "'"'"I "'ii uayn iroill llio HiilTlon 1. 11 in iioiicu. w lien muvlcu in ),ui,n- h. p ihliciithiii ,,r ih forcgiilnir oniiniii.iv uml UiIn iiollto I In co IIiiich In llm ftlml. i'nxl f Mcilford. ilUHoli: fruiiluUM til feel 1111 in- euxl side nf Mr Mtieel; III feat; mle per foot. II II; niuriiinl. $55, lo. Axxixixmeiii Nu ts -Hen llayumiid, hit II. block 31). original IiiwiihIIo, Oily uf Medford, Oregon; fniulngn 60 fxel nu ne eusi xlde uf I'lr xlieel. So feel; rain per fuot, $111; amount, $Sft,6o, Axxixxini-tit No III .I0I111 C. Sllirphy, 'it I block 30. original liiwnslln, Clly of .Mmlford, Oregon, fionlngn to fuel 1111 the west xhb uf I'lr stttxit; 81) feel; litte per fool, II It: uiuminl, IBB. 611. AKxessineiit No 20 Wllllnm . Hpull iiiiiii, lot 12. block 3R. nrlglnxl Inivnxlte. 'It v of Medfoid, Oregon, frouluittf So feet on the euxl side of Kir stieol: 60 feet, rule per foul. 11.11: uinouill, ISRnU. Heollmi 2 And It Ix Imrehy urduroil uml iirdaliieil (hut thn Novmul ushuxh uidiiIm uml the liens theleiif he niilitinil lu thn witter main lieu dnclinl of snld cily. nml Unit Iheieiipon iuiIIcm he ulvuii to tlm owiiurs ur icpuleil' uwiuirH ur imiil propel ly. uml Hint Ihe xuinn ho eufoii'id hiiiI collecied In thn miiuncr provided by lho charier or the cltv for tlm collection ,f iixsexxuieiitH for Urn Iiiiiii uvciiiiint of in els therein. Mi'Citlnn 3. It Is furlhor ordered Hint llm mil Ice ubovo provided tut ho puh IIhIiimI lltreo lliiii'H lu lho Dally Mali Tri bune, u newspaper putilliihed nml of gmi rial I'lrouliiilun lu snld clly, lu the iniui ner piovtileil by orilliiiiucu No, 2BQ of sild city, 7 Tlm fiiiegolng nrillminri) was iuihhciI lw the city council of thu city of Mini ford, Oregon, on lho 3rd day nf Octulutr, I'JIL by llm followlnir vntm Mmrlek-. uvnj Wutl. uyo; Wot 1111111'. uyoj Kiiiniick, alixniil; Klfert, nye, uml Siillur, uyo, .tppioteii iiuioinir 1111, 11111, AV. II." CANON. Mlcsti Muyor. IIOIIT W, TKLI'KII, Clly licconlur. NOTICK. Tn lho owner or rcpulml iiwimr, of e.ic pmcel of propnrly dcsurlbeil In lho fuiegoliig iinlliiuiice, iih mimed llii'inln, uml lu tlm Hen iiculiirml by snld null uumic, un rcroiilml lu llm iliickut of clly llmis: You 1110 hcichy uniiricd llini tlm nn rissmeiit ilctihircil by the foregoing unit iiiiiicn Iiiih been iiiuiln und llm 1 1 it 11 tluno for iiiilnrcil In lho oily lhut dockui uml Unit llio nn 1 no Ih dim uml you urn Imnihy teiiuli'cd lo puy tile hiiiiiii to lho oily nt. cr filer within ten iluyn from llio sni'Vlcn uf IhlH notice, whluli hhi vlcu Ih iiiiiiIu Ii' pillillnullon uf thu fiii'cgolng oi'illniinco uml IhlH imllco llireu IIiiich In llm Med foid Alull Tilbinin, pursuant in nn oi'ilm' uf llm oily cniimill nf snld nil v. HOUT. W. TKLl'Klt. "...i..-. Clly llvi'ordon . 0