h- CI v', O parois bix r CITY NOTICES. OKB1NAMOH XO. Ml4. All Ordinandi deOllltlnlf. He assessment n ilia propel ty bencHicd for llio com of laying? 4 .four-Inch Wilier niiiln on j'iliu tioot ii win Olson at reel tu Hum Dill nteitin) unit directing the. Itceordei to filter n Htnietiieui ilioieof In the: filler IIIUlll IlCIt llOCHOt. Tint Oily of Medford doth ordnln an follows! Hoctloil i, AVlirrewi, tlio City Oouncil (lid heretofore, tiy roHoluiloii, declare. H Intention tu Iny u four Inch water nuiln on Point street from Olson street l Htiinmlt iivcntio nnd to nsi-vsa the cent thereof oh tho ptoperty rrontliijr on wild irntltn of wild street lit iirpportlon tu tiiH-frontUKv or wild properly, nnd fix ft lluie nnd jplnee for iicnilng prolrels (tgotuM Hi') hiyiiiK nf wila water tnntn on iwtlil pnrt of wild street nnd tim clJllMrifnt, of the cunt thereof ftH afore w'ld; Anil, WlusretiH. sold resolution w duly iiuldlnhcd and posted n ronulrrd liy Kt aiWifi tin of the charter or wild city, At'il, Mlierwiik a Meeting of Ui Conn fill Vftfi bold Hi llio Unto and plnco fixed lo unfit .jconoliiMon, for tlm purpose, of 2iiHliitrlmr niiy such protoMH, tmt no prpluidr) wont nl until tlmo, or t nny oilier llihtf made to or received liy the Council lo Hie wild laying of wild water Kill III n till' assessment of lln col Itiervor h nforpfmtil, and wnlil Council giving ror.Niiriti the imitt.r. nml deem- MElWOln j rtf ATIj TIM HUNK MlfiPlflTOP, ' ... MION, TODNESD'AY, OaTOT.T0R, II, 11)11, - CITY NOTICES. hn in trntt Nl(l WHtiT iinxln lens nml Ik or inatcrlnt benefit to snld oily, (tint Ilrilt nil .ioki() to l nssosHnl therefor WoUliI bo benefited llion-hi to the extent u iijii pronaoi nmniiiu oi mo respco 1110 tuunissiiiontH to he levied ngulnst wilil nroHrly llil order wild main laid. And. whereon, the tout of said wntei litnln htm boon mill hereby Is determined to lie the sum of $1,976.04; Now, therefore. It Is hereby further determined Hint Hie proportionate shntv of llio cost of laving snld water main nf eneh tiimd of rirnnortv fninllncf im KnUI portion of said vitrei Is the Amount ma dimiohHo tlii ilescrlillcin of I'och iur eel ur htnd lielow, unil Unit nch lilecr or nn reel of Iftiul iK-nerited ty tho Iny liili of Mild wilier nuiln to tho full MElcnt of Iho ninminl so not opposllr llio dccrt)tloit of the tuiino. nml tlint tlio rn'specttvo nmountx roprrspnt tho liroporllonnl leiiontn of said wnti-r main to wtlil h'Hintlv nrool of Intnl. und oIbh tlm tiroportlonal front-ice thereof on fnld utrci't, tho Council iloea horvliy deelnro iich of Hip iwrc'!- of nroports descrllicd hclow to In? n.vic'wd nnd each of llio Hiiliic hondiy l nt-m'Ssed thr amount set opposite each description for tho rout of tnyltiB wild wnti-r main jssks.mi:nt -on a 4-inch watkii MAIN' ON WKST PAI.JI STKUlT TO HIT.MMIT AVUNlTIi AssoMHiiiont No. 1. l"nrmer Jt 1'rult KrowerH Han);, lot , block 1, Crcscvm hiiIhII vision. Clly of Medford. OroRon. rroiilnsr Id foot on tho north elde of JMIni Ntnt; 6S foot! rule ir foot, 11.03. ninnuiit, 11S.S0. Asewnieiit No J rarmers & Krult Krowoih' Ilank, lot 7. block 1. Cr scent milillIt.oiv CHy of M.tlforii, OroRon. frontairo SC feet on tho north tshlo of J'nllil Nlr-t. 5C T-li rale kt niot, $1.95. amount. (CS M. (connient No. 3 I'Virtnom & rmlt gnmnrii' ilank, lot S, block J. Orescent mili.llVlHlon. City of Mi-dforil. Onion. fnnitnf4" B1 loot on the north islde or 1'alin strict. 3(1 fo-t: rule per foot, 11.05. nniount. $SS.&0. ANKeHnmeiit No. . I'nnnera it lult Krowors' Ilank. lot 9, block 1, Cropconl nubdlvlHlnn. City of Mclford. OreRon. fronla;e RG feet on tho north uldo of Ialm street: SC feet; mte iht foot, Jt.05. niitouut. tlSS.SO. AKsesKiuent No. 3. ""armern & Krull f-r.wen" lUnk. lot 10, block l. Crescent KiiltdlInlpn, city of Medford. OreRQii; frontage 3C feet on the north side of l"nlm street: 16 feet; rate per foot, 11.03; amount, t3K.su. Assessment No. C. 13. II Walter, a pa Mid of land Islnjr lietiyof-n the Woltcr nijillllmi und the fn-sccnt KiiMivllon, on llio north hide of l'alm stni't. front uko IHC.:C foot on tho north side of IMItn Htrti't, lOC.JC foci; ruto wr foot, $1 oS; amount, 1111 37. Assessment Nil ".John P Lawrence, lot 4. block 1, Woltcr addition. Clly of ledford. OroRtm; frontage 55.43 foyt on the north sldn of Iatm streot; S6 13 feet, rate per foot, $1.01, aiuount. ISC.10. AsHCHsment Niv 8 K. N, Warner, lot 3, blis:k l.'Wollcr addition. Clly of .Medford. Oregon; frontage 53.13 feet on the north sldo of IMIm street; 33.43 feet; rule per foot, f l.uE, amount. $3C 10. Asseswiient No. y.l. N. Warner. lot lli. block :. Wolter nddlllon. Clly of Medford, Oreiion: frontnKo 53.43 feet on tin- north side of IMIm street; 33.43 feel, rate ht foot. $1 03; amount, fSS.10. Assessment No. 10. K. N. Warner, lot 13, block 2. Wolter addition. City of Medford, OrcRon. frontage S3 43 feet on the north side or Palm street; 33 13 feet; rain K?r foot, $1 03, nniount. JSC.10. Assessment No 1 1 K. N. Warner, lot 11, block 5. Wolter addition. City of Medford. Oregon; frontage 53.43 feet on the north side of I'.ilin street. 53 43 feet, nitn per fixit, 11.03. amount. $5C 10 Assessmetit No. 12. Kinll Wolter, lot 13, block 2. Wolter addition, t'lty of Medford. Oregon: frontage 33 reel on the north side or Ialm street, 53 feet, rato per foot. $1.03. amount. $53. C3. Assessment No 13 dull Wolter. lot 12. block 2. Wolter addition. City of Medford. Oregon: frontage S3 feet on the north side of Palm street. S3 feet, rnlo per fool. 11 05: amount, $35.63. AsseKsment No. II. Kinll Wolter et tix, lot 11. block 2. Wolter addition. City of Mislfortl. Oregon: frontage 33 feet on the north side or Palm street: 33 reel; rata per foot SI. 05; nniount, S55.r,5. Assignment No 15. Kmll Wolter et mx. lot 10, block 2. Wolter addition. City or Aleiirord. Oregon- frontage 63 feet on tho porlli side or Palm street: CS feet, rnlo l'r foot, SI 05; amount, S35.C5. Assessment No. 1C. Kmll Wolter et iix.tlnt it, block 2, Wolter addition. City or .Medrord. Oregon: frontage 7C fet on the north side of Palm street; 7C feet. rate h.r foot, ii ys: otnnunt, , no. Assessment No. I". I'mll Wolter et nx lot 8, block 3 .Wollor udilltlon. City or'.Medfoid. On-gon; fronlnge 76 feet on tllU south side of Palm street. 70 feet, rato per foot, $105: amount. $79 80 Assessment No. 18. Kinll Wolter et iix. lot 7. bloclc 3. Wolter addition, City or Medrord. Oregon: frontage 53 feet on the south side of Palm street, 63 feet, rate, per four. $1 03: amount, $35.65. Assessment No 19 Hinll Waller et tix, lot C. block 3. Wolter addition. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 33 feet on the south side t Palm street: 63 feel; rate per foot, $1.03, amount, $33 C5, Assessment No. 20. Kinll Wolter et ux. lot 5. block 3. Wolter addition. City or Medrord, Oregon, frontage 53 feet on tho south side of Palm street, 63 feet: rale per foot. $1 05 amount. SB6.C5 Assessment No. 21. Kinll Wolter et ui. lot 4. block 3, Wolter addition, Clly of Medford, Oregon; fronlnge 3 feet on the south sine or j-aim sireei; uj icei Assessment No 31, IMwnrd King lot 4, block 3, Crescent milnllvlsltm. Cll of Medford. Or gun i rrontAge 80 feet oi. Mm south side of IMIm street. RR fool, ritlo per foot. ft. Oil, amount, $XS.S0 AsscMimtoiit No. 32- J'Vtrincrn Krult gmivctN' Hunk, lot 3. block 2. OoncpiiI subdivision. Clly of .Medrord, Oregon; flJtlilltlVm All fault ( ttl'k u.nlll, l.t.. ktl' (im-ii vu ti'V-. VII tll- t-.MIi.ll niiltT If-L IMIm street, til foot; tale per foot, f 1.03; uiiiiiiiiu, fn.ii Section 2. And It Is hereby ordfred and ordained that the several iisiess- tneutri nnd the liens thereof bo entered In tho lien dockt of said cits, und that thereupon nut ice be glen lo Hie nVnor. or reputed on net, of said properly, and that the snme ho enforced and collected In the manner provided by llio charter of said city for the collection of nsso. ineutH for the Improvement of streets therein. taction 3. It li further ordered that lb" notice above provided for bo pub lished three times In the Dally Mull Tiibiltie, u neivsMier published and of Rcurr.il circulation In said clly. In the manner proldcd by ordinandi No. 2.10 of wild city. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed by the clly council of the Clly of Med ford, Oregon, on llio 3rd day of October. mil, iy tne toiioixing Mite: airrricK. ae: Watt. ae; Wormian, nye; Kmorlck. ib'ent: Ulfert. aye. und Mllliir. aye. Approvtil OctolH-r tth, lll. W. II. UAPitlX, tlest- Mayor. IIOHT. W TKUT.ll, City Kecorder. N'OTICIX To the owner, or repute,! owner, of each parcel of property described In the foregoing ordinance. a nameil therein jnd In the Hen declared by sitld ordi nance, ns recorded In the docket of city liens; You nr hereby notified that tho as sessment declared bv the forocolne orill- 'ntice has been made nnd the iienjthere for enlenil In the city Hen docket, and 'Imt the same Is due and you are hercb routilrcd to i.iy the saute to the city re corder V llhln ten days from the service of this notice, which service" Is made b im'o ration of thn foregoing ordinance itnl this notice three times In the Me,l- jfl .Mall Tribune, pursunut to an order of the city council of said city KOllT. W. TKI.KRK. Cily HeeoMier. CITY NOTICES. I ,ii 1 1. iiur fiinl. $1.05. ninoiini. $63 CS. Assessment No, 22. K, N. Warner et ii bit 3. block 3! Woller addition. City of .Medford, Oregon, frontage 53.43 feel on Ihe south r.lde of P.im street. 53.13 foot: rato per fool,, $1.05: amount, ,$56. JO Assessment No, 23. K. N Warner et n tot 2 block 3, Wolter nddlllon, rity nr Medford, Oregon- frontuge 63.43 feel , , i,e iiu'l de of Palm street; 63.43 feet! rato per foot. SI 05; amount, $56 10 ii i No v -11 N. Warner el nl. lot 1, block 3,-Wolter nddlllon. Pit) ot Muiroril. Oregon, frontage 63.43 feet on the south side or Palm street; 63 43 feet: rate per foot. $103: amount. SKG Ju ANKOHiiiiont No. 23 K N. Warner et nl. lot 2, block 4, Woller addition City of Mcilfnrd Oregon: frontage 6.1.43 reel on the south side or Palm street. !U. 12 feet, rate pur rot, SI 05- amount, $3U.10 Assessment No. 2C K N, Warner e( p ' . 1 l-loek 4. Woller iiiidlllnn. nty of Medford, Oregon: frontnpe 63.43 feet on the niiutli slile of Pum slieet; 63,43 feel! rule per foot, $1.05: amount. $5C 10 AssoKHinvilt No, 27.- Ii 15 Walter, u p.uce! or land lying between the Woltcr nddlilnii and the Crescent subdivision on the iioutli side or Palm street, frontage 100.30 feet on the smith side or Palm Mtrtiot: 106 20 rent, rule per fool, $J.5. iiliKiiint, $111.37. Assessinont No 28 llachnel Caslle, Jot 1. block 3. Cteseiint subdivision, Cil f Medford. Oregon front iiko 56 feet on the south side of Palm btreot, 66 reet: riitu per foot. , or.- nniount. $58.80 Assessment fs'n. 20 Wllllani Cox. lot 3, Idoelv 2, Crescent subdivision. City of Mrdfoi'd. Oregon: frontuge 6C reet or I bit, sniith side or Pulin street: 50 root, IlitA per foot. $1.05' amount. $68.80. Assessment No 30, V. If. Cook, lo, a, block 2, Crescent subdivision, City or Ucirord. Oregon! rrnutngn 60 feet nu llio south H(di of Palm siieet; 66 feel; jatu ior foot, 11,05; umoiiiil, $5b',80. ORDINANCE HO. 583. An ordinance declaring tho assessment on the proterty urnriited ror tne cost of laying a four-Inch water main on Ktl ght street from Taft n venue to Hiiiii- Ullt avenue and directing the recorler to enter a statement thereof In the water main lien docket. The Cily of Medrord doth ordain ns follows. Section 1. Whereas the City Council did heretofore, by resolution, declare Its Intention to lay a four Inch water main on Knight street from Taft aenue to Kumnilt uwuuc and to nsses.s the cost ihrrcof on the proiwrty fronting on said (rtloti f said stni't In proportion' to 'he mintage or sam proicrty. ami nx i time nnd place for hearing prolits ngalnst the laying nf said uater main n said part of said street and the ssessment of the cost thereof as afore said. And whereas said resolution wan duly published lnd posted us required by ; ectlon 11C or the charter nf said city. And whereas a meeting of the Council was held at the time and place fixed by said resolution, for the purpose of con sidering any such protests, but no pro tests were ul salil time, or at any otner time made to or received by tho Council to said laying of sufd watur main or i lie assessment of the cost thereof ns aforesaid, anil said Council having con sidered the matter, and deeming that jrjld water main was and Is of material l-eneflt to stiid city, and that all prop , rty to 1m? assessed therefor would be benefited thereby lo Ihe ox tint of the prolKible amount of the respective ns. MSMiiontN to be levied ngalnst said property did order said main laid. And whereas the cost of said water iinln has been and hereby Is determined o be the sum of ll.4lS.5l: Now. therefore. It Is hereby furthe: leterrnlncd that the proxirtlonate share ot the cost of laying suld water main of each iwrcel of projierty fronting on ibl jKirtlon of said street Is the amounl set opposite the description or each iar eel of land below, and that each piece or juircei or .lamt tieneriteii by me lay ing of said water main to Ihe full ex tent of tho amount so set opposite the description of the same, and tluil thr l.sitectlve amounts represent the pro portional lienefits of said water main rcild respect lie ki reels of land, and also tlm proportional frontage thereof oil said street, and the Council iloos A-reliy declare each of the parcels ot property described lelow to be assessed ilid each or the same hereby Is assessed llio amount set opposite each description ror the cost of laying said water main ASSKSSMKNT POIt A 4-INCIf WATKIt MAIN ON KNIOIIT STHKirT KltOM TAPT AVKNl'K TO .SUMMIT AVK- N;UK. Assssment No. 1 I U, McDonald, lo C. block 1. King's addition. Cily of Med rord. Oregon, frontage CX 43 rift on Ihe Mirth side or Knight street, 68.43 reel rate iht foot, $1, amount, $38.43. Assessment No. 2. Kmiicls A. Smith, lot 7. block 1. King's uddllloM. City ol Medrord. Oregon, frontage 58 43 feet oi the north side of Knight street. 58 43 feet; rate IHT fool, $1; amount, $38.43. . Assessment No. 3. Francis A. Hmllb lot 8, block 1. King's nddltlnn. City of ledford. Oregon: rrontnge 68 43 reel or he north side of Knight street: 58.43 reet; rate iht root, $1; amount, $38,42. Assessment No. 4. J. I.. Denimer. lot I. block 2. Kalrmouut addition. City or Medrord. Oregon; frontage 53 reet on the north side or Knight street; 63 reel, rate iht root, tl; amount. $33. Assessment No. 5. J. U. Derniner. lot 2. block 2. I-'alrmount nddltlnn. City of Medford, Oregon: frontage 53 feet on the north side of Kntglil street; 63 feet rate per foot, $1; amount. $53 Assessment No. 6 J I Oemmer. lot 2. block 2. Inirmount addition. City of Medford. Oregon: frontage 53 feet ot the north side of Knight street, 53 feet rate per foot. SI: amount, $53. Assessment No. 7. J. I. Denimer, lot I, block 2. .I'alrmouiit addition. City of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 53 reel nil he norlii side or Knight street; 63 feet rate per foot, $1; amount, $53. Assessment ro j. u. uenimer, mi i block 2. Kalrmouut addition. City of Medrord. Oregon, frontage 63 reet or the north side or Knight street; 33 fuel rate iht foot, $1; amount. .$53 Assessment No, U. J 1 Dominer. lo C, block 2, Kulrmount addition. City ol Medford Oregon, frontage 53 feet oi llio north side of Knight street; 53 feet rate per foot. $1, amount, $53. Assessment No. 10. J I Denimer. lo' 7. block 2, Kalrmount addition. City or Medford, Oregon, frontage 53 feet ot the north side ut Knight street; 53 feet rate per foot, $1: amount, $53. Assessment No 11. J. X: Detnmer, lol 8, block 2. Kalrmouut addition. City o. Medfor Oregor . frontage 53 feet ot Ihe north side of Knight street; 63 feel rate jut foot, $1; amount. $5.1. Assessment No. 12. J I Deinmer. loi 0. block 2, Kalrmouut addition. City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 53 feet on Hie north side of Knight street; 53 feet rnte per foot, $1; amount, $53. Assessment No, 13 J. U Deinmer. lol 10, block 2. Kalrmount uihllllon. City of Medford. Oregon, frontage 56 38 feet or be north side of Knight street; 65.91 ftet rate per foot, $1: amount, $55 08. Assessment No. 14. Murel Hiilllvun lot 3, block 2, King's addition. City of Medrord, Oregon, frontagii 68 43 feel ot iho south side or Knight street; 68.42 feet: rale per foot. $1: umount, $58 43. Assessment No. 16. W, It. HulJock, ot 2, block 2, Killg'H uildllion, Clly ol Medford, Oregon, frontuge 68 43 reet or tho south side or Knight street, 58.42 feet, rule per foot, $1, amount, $68.43 AsHessineilt No. 10 Y, I,. Cihsady lot I. block 2. King's addition, City of Medford. Oregon : rrontnge 68 43 feel oi Hie south side of Knight street, 58, 4T feet; rate per foot, $1- amount, $58 43. Assessment No, 17, J I,. Demniei. lol I, block 3, Kulrmount addition, City ot Medford, Oregon, fioulage 53 reet in i he south Hide or Knight stleet, 53 feet -ate per fool, $1, uiiniunt, $53. Assessment No 18. J. U, Derniner, lo, ;, block 3, Knlrmoutit addition, Cly ol Medford. Oiegou: fi outage 63 feel or Hie south side of Knight street; 63 reel' rale per foot, $!; amount, $63, Assessment No, 19. John V. Qofreen lot 3. block 3. Knlrinnunt uiblllliui. ("Hi or Medrord, Oiegori; rtonlnge 53 reel or uio suutii wuu of Knight Htucl; C3 fuel; into per root, It; ninoitttl, $53. Assessment No. 2o.- -J U Dcmntor, lot I. block 3, Krtlrmoiliit nddltlnn, Klty or Medrord, Oregon, fronlnge 53 feel on tho south side of Knight street, 53 reet. rnlo mt root, $1; itunmiit, $33 Assessment No. It - .1 I. nominee. Id J, Meek 3. Knlrntoimt addition, City ot Medrord, Oregon, rrontnge f.3 reet on the south side of Knight street; 43 fceti imo nor looi, i; nniount, ija. Assessment No. 22 d U Denimer, hu . block 3. Kali mount addition, City of Million!. Oregon; frontage 33 feet on tho south side or IChlglit street . 53 feet; rate per foot, $1, amount, $SJ. Assessment No, 23 J U Denimer. lol '.. Vlopli s5. l-"nlrniount nddlllon, Clly of Medford. Oregon, frontage 53 Tis't on Ihe south side of Knight street; 53 reel; mte per fool. $1: nniount, $53. Assessment No. 24. J U Deinmer, lot , block 3, Kalrmount nddltlnn, city of' Medford. Oregon frontngo J3 foot oil Hie south shb. ir Knight slrect: 83 feet: rale per Toot, $; nuioinil, $53 Assessment Nil ?. .1 1. m-mui...... Ia, I'locV 3 Kulrmount addlllon. City or Medford. Oregon, frontage 63 feet on the south side of Knight street; 53 reel; Kite ior root, tl; nniount. $3,1 Assonstnont No. 2t -J U Deinmer. lot Hi. block 3, Knlrinnunt addition. Clly of Medford. Oregon: frontngo aS!ts foot on 'he south sblo of Klilelit uii..ii- -.line fei'l; rnto per fixit. $1. nmotinl. $53.9S. section S And It S llen-hv nr.l.ir..d and ordained Hint said iiovoml nsess. iiienls nnd Ihe Hens thereof W eiitoivd in lh Hen divket of sold ellv, nnd that IhereuiHin nollve be given to the owners. r tvputed owners, of said property, and Hint the santo bo enforced and coileele,! n the manner provldtil by tho char ier of said clly for Ihe collection or as sessments for Ihe Improvement of streets Ihereln. Section S. It Is further ordered that the not tee above provided for lie pub lished throe times In the Daily Mall Tri bune, n newspaper published and of gvn-'t-nl circulation In .said city, lu ihe man ier provided by ordinance No, 250 or ld city. The foregoing ordinance was paired "v the city council or the Cltv or Med ford. Oregon, on the 3rd dav of October. 1911. hv the following vote' Merrick we: Walt, nye. Wortmnn. aye. Kmortck! ij-e. Kifert. aye, nnd Miller, live. Approval October tth. I'JII." , W. H. CANON. ttesti Mayor. IIOHT W TKt.KKIl. City Itecorder. CITY NOTICES. NOTICII To the owner, ot- reputed owner, of nch ivnrcet of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as mimed therein, tnd lu Iho lien declared liy said ordl nnce, as recorded In the diH'kct of city 'lens: You are hereby notified that Ihe as sessment ueciared ny me roregolng ordl ance has been made nnd the Hen there for entered In Ihe cily Hen docket, and bat tho same Is due and you the hereby -Mpilred to pay tho sumo to the cltv reorder within ten days rroni tho serv 'eo of this notice, which service Is m.i.1.. "v puldleattnn of the roregolug ordinance ' no mis nonce inrce times In the Med rord Mall Tribune, pursuant lo an order r tlio city council r said city. HOIIT. W TKI.KKlt. City Heconler. ORDnTANCE NO. 583. All ordinance declaring Die nssoss .nent on the proierty l-neflteil ror tie oil : of laying u four-Inch wnler main n Iwk uvenue from Kloienlh street to Mkotj avenue and dlrectlm; the r..rnr.l..r to enter a staletnent thereof In the wnler main Hen docket. Tho City or Medrord doth ordain as fellows: Section 1 Whereas, the Cily Council lid heretofore, by resolution, declare Its intention lo lay a four Inch water main ju Park nvouue from Kleienth street to nukola avenue and to assess the cost ItiefaHlf n III.. nr..,i..vl. .. .!.... ...(. MlPll..,. ..e U..I.I u.. a lu .. . ' .......... ., r-.iu niiiTl III pniHirilOII IO the frontage or said proiierty, und fix . time and place for henrlng protests igalnst me lajlng of said wuler main in said pari or said street nnd Ihe issessment or tho cost thereof as afore said. And whereas, said resolution was luly published and Mstod us miulrrd by H-ction 110 of the Charter of said Cily; And. whereas, n meeting or the Coun cil was held at tho lime and place rixed by said resolution, fur tin. mir ,.r considering 'nny such protests, but no .mitosis were at said time, or at any other lime made to or recoil..,! he ih.. oiincll lo the said laying nf said water Assessment No. It P, Dodpo. lol . block I, Dodge nddlllon, Clly nf Med furd, Oiegou. troiitiiKe f et ml Ihe west side of INiVk avenue 00 reel, rate per root. !S oenlsi tunuuiil, SAO to. issessutont No. j . v P Dodge, lot block I, Dodge iiihlltmn City or Med. ford. Oregon; tronlage tu; reel on Iho West side or Park livonil" 00 feel, late per riMil. fciv cents; itiuuill'l. ! 10. Assessment No. 13. -s H Moitrs, lol 1. block 3, Tuttles niibilHIsloti lo tlm City or Medford. Oiegou. fronlnge 83 fool on tho west sldn or Park avenue; 63 feet, into per foot, n cetiln, iiinouut, $15.03. Assessment No. II.--S. II Menis, lot 2. block 8. Tuttles hiibdlMslon tu III, City or Medrord, OiegMil fronlnge 53 feitt on the weui shlo id I'alk itionue; 3.1 reel: rato per toot. Si iMits, amount. $15.03. Assessment No. It -t. H Menrs, lot 3 block 2. Tuttles subdIvlloil to the City or Medrord. Oregon frontline M feet mi the west side or IMvk liloulie; 53 feet, rale per foiil, SS c ills, ninoiini. $16.05. , Assessment No. 10.- Kin n Tuttle, bit 4. block 3. Tuition niilidivlsliiii tu the City of Medford, Oiegou, rroulitKo M feet on tno west side of lirk u venue, H3 fis-t; rate per find, S& cents, nitnuuit, $3o.V Assessment Niv 17- Jiukson tMtinty Ilank, lot 5, iUhk. TiittbM subdivision lo Iho fill ot Medford. Uiegon. froul ago 33 root on the east side ot Park i venue: 53 feel, rule per fHd. S3 cents, nmoiiut. $13.03. , ,, Assessinoul No. 18.-11 II. Tuttle. lot fi. block 1. Tultles sUlUM8loll lo 'the Cltv or Medrord, Oregon frontage 63 feet on the east side of Park avenue. 53 reel, rnto per loiit, a eenis. uoiouiii. Assessment No, 1911 II Tutlle, lot 7 i.i.w.l i. Tmil.i- iil..ll IhIiiii til the Cltv of MedMrd, Oregon rrontnge 63 fit on the ,mst side of Krk avenue M feet; mte per foot. S cent: ntnolllH. t I t) Assessment No. 20.-11 U Tuttle. ltd S. Idiick I. Tuttles milHllilslon to the Clly of Mrdfonl. Oregon rrolitiiBO 3 feet on the ens! wide of ."ark avenue, ireet. mte per root, S3 cents, amount Assessment No. 21- V P Dodge, lot '. bbvk 2. Dodge addition City of M-d ford. Oregon; fronlnge s Jjt on the east side or IMrk uVeiUH' 's.r,.',,.,i " per root, 85 eenls; nniount. ' " Assessment No. 32 - P. Dodge, lot ,.!..... - 1,.,.1.. t,l,llllll I'llV HE .Mill foul. Ouyon: rronlnge tc root on the onst side or Pntk ii ,enue 6 reel. rut tier foot. S3 eeiitn; uttioiint. $3 10. ' Assessment No. 23 -W I Do-lKe. h I S. block 2. Dodge nddlllon Cltv of Med font. Oregon, fronlnge reel on the oast side ot IMrk avenue ru per fmd. 85 cents, iiniount. I jr. in Assessment No. 21 -W ,t5. 'J t.i,.,.t. u lto..i.i ikililtti.tn t ItV III AIi'U rorvt. Oregon, rrontnge C feet on the ,ast Side or Park UVeiuie SO feel, mtr wr fool. 85 cents; niiuiimt. 3 JO- Assessment. No 25-ll.rtha K IUr rum. a parcel of bind metked (t on !.," map .if the Jllra'Vr0!! Mn. und recorded lu Vol 39. lKe IIS r.f tho County Itecorder-.s records of 'aekson county. Oregon. ""!'""' f.st on the east s de of Park uvenvtr tsVfw't: rate per foot. 83 c nts, ntuotilit. $112.20, iinen1 Assessmeni .. -"-",".:;. ,,,' .i ircl of land marked tC ) on the map of the Clly '.r .Medford Oregon, un recorded In Vol S5. ige '-23. "'. 'county Kecorder's records of Jackso ..,.. a . rronliiee 11 feet on the " '.'. "", - ... ..,. mi, ui.i., til 1-iirH eoiir . - CITY NOTICES. .v, east .. ... utt ...,..,u !imm mi. ,u,.Ui 'Assessment No 27 John toj ' ux n parcel or land marked ( "" tin' map or the City or M.awM. OrtRoi. and recorded In Vol 70. IM ge 2 :.' County Itecorder's c,,r,l..,,r..lJ"nkIl. county. Oregon, fronlnge -; ""," .ist side or Park avenue 73 f.!,. rate IU4 I - . n .. . n soil W IKTii"... --- -"",;.- ... ntn-uow AU-essiiien. .. ' ,,..,-.. 1 1, lnmi rnurKt-u v," - ,. ...r..i r nap of the City of -Medford. Oregon. . recordist In Vol. 69. luce 34. ..f the County Itecorder's reconls of J"""" county. Oiegon. frontage 00.117,f. " Ih" east side or Park avenue. 100 reel, rate per foot, 85 cents, amount. I J 00 roVJ...m,,i Nil 29.-0. II P Vorltles ill AJ&litffttl , n I.....1 inurkMl fill. I Oil nuin of th City- ofwMwIford. Ofegon i $ recorded In Vol ". I""" ,30?' "' M?.V CoifntV IM.'order',r.'cords f Jnt Jn enitntr. Oregon, frontage 330 feet or resTdVof IMrkaivnue.230 r.e, rnie iht root. 85 cents, nniount. SIS-So Jtecllon 2. And ItV Is hereby orderei nnd ordained that luio m-veow ""-", menu and the liens VrfJn! Ill Ihe Hell UOCKCl Ol oi,,., .w and llui inaln or Iho ass.-s.sment or tho cost i iiioreiiHiii notice Is- given to the owner thereof us afori'Mrihl nml ii,i ...,., n i . L.....,.. U',.r. of wild nroperty, am .M,,..H ..., .1 . .... . t... laving considered the mn Iter, and deem ing that said water main was and is or material beru-nt to said city, ami that nil proiH-rty lo bo nssosM-d I In re for would in- In-iie filed thereby to the extent r Ihe prol.-ible amount or tlio rcsec ive assessments to lie levied against aid nroiKTty. did order said main laid. And. whereas, the cost of sab! water' lain lias been and "hereby Is determined i Ih the sum of $1841.50. Now. therefore. It Is hereby further leieriiiirien nun ine proportionate share r the cost or lajlng said wnler ni.ilii f each tKinvl of prois-rty fronting on win portion of ruUI street is Ihe iiniount e opposite the description or eneh par vl or laud Isdow. und that ,sich piece ,..ii.-i .,, mini neni'iiieil oy ine mving if said water main to the full extent nf ho amount so set opposite Ihe ileserlp lon of the s.irne.'nnil that the resiH-etlie imounis represent the propurl tonal ben rits of said water main tu said respec tive parcels of laud, and also the pro portional rronlnge thereof on suld street, he council does hereby declare each o he parcels or properly described below lo Im; assessed nnd each or the same ii-reby is assessed Hie iimotint sol opi,,,. -lie each description for the cost of luy ng suld wuler main. H.SKHSMKNT KOIt A l-INCII WATKII .MAIN ON PAHK AVKNUK KUO.M AVKNirKT" 'STItl:,:T TO WAKOTA Assessment No. I. K. C. Potior, n .ircel of land situated at the southwest ntcrsccUon or Kleventh street unil Park iveniie. rrontnge 160 feet on the west hie or Park avenue, 50 reel; rule per root, 85 cents; amount, $42 60. Assessment No. 2. I. U Watt, a par I of land frontlnir 50 f.-ei , ii,.. ....-, tide of Park uvenue, being a mrt of ot I. block 1, Han's addlllrin. City or Heilford, Oregon, frontage 60 feet on be west side of Park avenue, 60 feel; ate mt root, S5 cents, umount. $12.60, Assessment No. 3. Krnnees A. .Smith. ' parcel of land fronting 50 feet on Hie vest Hide of Park iivenue, being a part if lot I, block 1, Hurt's addition, city if .Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feel on he west side of Park avenue; 60 feet; .-ate per foot, 85 cents; amount. $12.60 Assessment No. 4. HiikIo a. Hir..,.in in reel of lnmi situated at the northwest ntersecllon of Park uvenue ntl Hie OlUlll line Of lol 1. block I. IlnrHu n.l.li Hon. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage .0 fel on the west side of Park uve luej 00 reet. rate, i?r fool, 85 cents, imount, $51 00. Assessment No. 5. It. H Dopp, n par el or land marked (DID on tho map or lie City or Meilfprd, Oregon, nnd re Wiled In Vol. 0, page 542 or the County ili-cordeKs records or Jackson county, iregotl. frontairu 132 feeL on the iv..ul s lilt the same be enforced and colbcte. ,e manner provide;; by the charter ol 1 nsiess Ml reel r that i.. ii,.. utld city for the collection nunts tor the Improvement ,,,5K'll..n 3. It U rurlher order.-,! th.J.. the notice above provided for be pub llshed three limes lu the, l'l "", Tribune, ii ncwsi-aper published and ol genernt circulation In said clly. In ihj. niatiner provided by ordlnanco No 2JI ''Vlie'ViH-egoliiB ordlnauci. was iiassrsl by he Clt council of the CIIV J'f Med f, .. I. Oreg ..Hie 3rd day or October. till' IOIIOWIHK ..' ........... ivorimau. uve. i. - ami .Miliar, aye I'Jtl. tu- w: Willi, aye ..ri, ..i.uu..f. I-'irrt. all1 MT, ..irf".i.. .....--. ' r ,,,,, Approve.1 uinr ;.I,'';.'ANOM, Mat or, W. TKI.KKH. Itecorder Attest: ItOIlT city NOTICK- To tho owner, or repuieo owner, ol acli parcel or profM-rty desurlbed 1 In Ho roregolug ordlnanee. as iia o "'''" and In the Hen declared ."''dor." r.inco a nconhd lu the dm-ket or ciij "'von nro hereby notified thai th ns sessmnt deelnred by the foiegolui: oi dlnanco has hi imubi and tlm lei therefor entered In llio city Hen docket unit that Iho same IM due and you an hereby required to pay tins ciinio lo lie clly recorder within ten duys from tin service of this notice, which service Ik liliulo by publication of tlm foregnlili ordlnanco and this notice three times i the Medrord Mali Tribune pursuant an order or tho City Council or said city. to suld rospcolive puieelH nf loud, mid nlsu iho pioporllomil rruiilnue Iheieur ojt suld slire. ituil Iho euunell ihicM heieli) tleelnlii eneh of Iho parcels of piopoilv deserlbeil In low to ve iishcsni'i! nnd iMieli ot I lie Nuinv Ih heiehy wsst'SMed the itinouiil set opposite eneh itcNcilp Hon ror Hie onsl of laying niiIiI water iiliillt AriMKSMMKNT KOIl A 4INCM WATIHt M'Mc. . MANTIC STIIKKT I'ltO.M MAN.ANITA MTItUIST TO Al.tCU nl III W Assessuteiit No I C. O. Jnhlisiili, tut 2. block . Iveitdiiirs addition, C(y or Aledfoiil, Otvgon, fruhlngo 62 reel uu the east slid of Nhintlo stirol. 52 foot, Ulle per foot, $102 aillillllll, $53 01 Assessment No, 3- C, O .Inliusun. lilt .1 Vi",, a Kemlnll'H iiildltlou, Clly uf Medrord, Oiegou, rninlilgo 52 roof on tho east side or Nhintlo slrvol: it feul. lino per toot, II 02, IllllOUtll, A3II Assessment No 3 W D llllnu wonh. lot I. bloek 3. Kendall's addition. t Hi or .Medfiud, Oivgoli, frontngo ftS jeei on me ensl able of Nlantli' stteet, ;. 'eel. nun per root, tltis, iimouiii, $33. Ill, Assessmeul No. I W D llllngwui III. 'ol 3. liloeU 3. Kendull's ndilltliiti, Cltv r Med foul, tlregon fiimlngii M reel oil he i-asl sbhi of Ntanlle street. 33 reet, i-nle ier find. II. II. niliotlut, $3,1 ill AssoKSIIIeUl No. . Mary Nwlndeli. lul R. hliH'k :, Ivonilall'N niblltlim, Cltv ur dedfoid. Oiogiui, rroiilago 52 foe uu Ihe east side of N In nt to stn-,-1. 31 fisd iite per fisit, H nt, iiiiinutil, $113 01 Assessment No 0 -MurV .Swllidoll. lot .". blocl, 3, Koiulall's nililitliui. Cltv of Medford. Oiegou, fuming)' 62 foot on Iho mint side or Nbintle stivel. 62 foot rnlo per root. II 112 am. unit. t..iui Asssismeut No, , -Corn ,M Aliliinii. lot 1, tiliK-k I. KoiiiImII'm niMltlim. Cllv or Medrord, Oregon, f nomine 60 fiet uu Ihe oust side of Nhtlille sli.et. HI r...-l rule ier root. $1 OS; umoiiiil. $11 on Assessment No. .V Coiu .M Alitsnii, lot 2. bloek I. Kendull's uiblilluu. cil) or Mtsirord, Orvunn. fiunlnKe 30 root on the oust side or Miuillo slnsd tu r't, nite pel root. $1 OS; iimouul, 131 00 A ho men! Nu tl Coni M Atuuiin. lot 3, bloek 1, Kciulfltl's Mddltlou. I'llV I Mnlfir.1, Oregon mintage ".it feet on he oust side of Nlautlc utrcrt, 30 feel, lite ier foot, lint nuioiilit, f A t mi Assossiilolit Nu 10 Coin M Aliliinii ot 4, block I, Kendall's addition, I'll) of .Medrord. Oresou. fiontagi to roet 00 the oast Side of .Via II He sttert 30 feel, mte per fool, $1113 nmouui. I3l.no Assessment No 11 Com M Atmtuti. uu a. iiiuck 1. Ixemlairs ml. Ill Ion. CUv nf .Midford. Oregon frotitnge to rnt on the east side or Nliillllo street . 5n foot rale per find. It. 02, umoiiiil, $31 00. Assessment Xu J Com ,M .Viii.ian. ot C. bhK'k 3. Keudall's addlllon. Cl r .Medford. Oregon, mintage 30 hwl on the west side of Nhintlo street , in foot rule per foot, SI. 02. iimouul, $31 00 Assessment No, 11 --Com , Ain.ian 'ot 7, block 5. Kendall's addition, cm if .Medrord, Oregon, mintage SO reel on 'lie wist side or Nhtltllc sireei 30 feel, rate iht root, $1 02. amount, $M 00, AsHossmeul No. 14 D t Wood, lot block 3, Kendall's addition. Clly id ilcdford, Oregon, frontage 30 reel on ihe west side or Nliillllo street. J 11 reel -aie p, r root. 11 02, amounl. J.I ou Assissment No 13 -Com M Auiitan, lot 9. bloek 5. Kendall's addition, Cltv or Med font. Oregon. f outage 30 feet i ll.e west s'de of NlntiHc sire, I. 30 reet ate is r fiHit. nu nniount. imiIo Assessment No U Com SI Allinail. lot 10. block 1. Kendall's nddlllon. Cltv I or Medfnril. Oregon: rrontnge to reel on Ihe west side or Nlniitlo street. 30 fit lite per root. $103. Amount. $5100 Assessment No. 1711 II. Klrby. lol s block 2, KetubiH's addition. Clly or Medrord, Oregon, rronlnge 52 reel on Hie west side or Nlantlc street; 32 reel, rule per root. $102. amount. $33 01 AHii.'Ssmcut No. I -It il Ton. lot 9. iiloek .'. Krudall's uddlllon. City or Med- torn, otegun; rmiitage 32 rwt on tin esl side or Nlnutle street 52 reel rate imt root, $1 02. iimouiit. 163 01 Assessment No 9 Mnrguret ). lot 10 tiloek 2. KetidiiU's aililllloii. Cltv or Medford, Oregon, rronlnge J; feet West side or Nianlle stre,. 52 feet. niln per foot, $102. amount. $33 01. Assessment No. ;n -It II Toft, lot 'I. block 2. Kendall's addition. Clly ot Medford, Oregon; frontuge 52 fel on in west sldo or Nlantlc street. 63 reel. rnto iht root, $1.03; umount. $33. n I. Assessment No 31 It. II. Tort, lot 12, block 2, Kendall's uddlllon. City id edford. Oiegou rrontnge 62 feel on tho west side or Nlantic street. 52 rout lie per root. $102. amount. $63.01 Assessment No 22 Joseph Ctinkey ot 13. block 2. Keudall'M nildltlnn. Cil) r Medrord. Oregon, rrontnge 62 reel on the west side or Nlantlc street, 52 reel ate iht root, $10:. iiniount. $53 01 Mectlon 2 And It Is hereby oiilere.' md ordained that suld several nssess tents mid the Hens thereof be enlerri' .11 the lieu docket or said city, and thai llcrcUlKin notice bo given tu tbe owner ir reputed owners, of ruhl properl). anil lint llio sumo be enforced and rullrelei 11 Iho manner provided by ihe charter ol shIiI clly for Ihe collection or assess ueiits ror the tiiiproieiueut or slreou herein .Section 3 It Is fin tlwr ordered Hint lie notice above provided for Im' pub. Ish.-d Ihne times lu the Dully .vlnll tribune. 11 newspaper published nml of tviieral circulation in said clly. In tin nauner pmrl.lnl by ordiuniiiM No 26i -f said clly The roregolug niilluniiee wits mss,sl y tho elty coiiuell uf Iho Clly ,if Med 'old. Oregon. 011 Hie 3rd day or October. "Ill, by Iho riiltnwiug vole: Mer lek. aye; Wall, uyo; Wiirtmati, e, huerlik. absent; Klferl, nye, and Mil nr. aw Approved OcIoImt I, W. Vilest: IIOHT W. TKI.KKH, Clly I lei-iii iler. CITY NOTICES. 1911. II. CANON, Mayor. ' of Park avenue. 1.V' r,.ii min i... foot, 85 cents; umount, $112.20. .oHsi-HHincrit no. ii. Annie com, a pnr el of land marked fCX) on tho map of (ho City of Medford, Oregon, and ro orded In Vol 75, page CI of Hie Conn y !teconlerH records of Juckson conn y, Oregon; frontage 132 feet on tho vest side of Pnrlc avenue; 132 fret) rato cr foot, 85 cents; amniiiif, $112.20, AHsessment No. 7 John It. Tyrrell, ho north half of tho east 171 feet or u parcel of lurid marked CV) on the map of the City of Medford, Oregon; front igo CC fiet on tho wi-Ht side of Park ivenue; CO feet,; rate per foot. 85 cents, imount, $6C.I0. Assessment No. 8. A. P. Tnlont, the louth hulf of the en si 171 reet of 11 par ! of laud imulteil fCW) 011 Iho map -r tho City or Moil fin (I, Oiegou: fioutugn 10 ftet on Iho west side of Paik uve uie; CO feet, rnto per foot, 85 cdiiIh; tinouut, $5C 10 AsseHHinent No, 10 W. P. Dodge, lot 1. block 1, Dodge addlllon, City or .Mud- rord. Oregon: frontage CC feut 011 Iho Went Hldo of Park avelitio: C feet; late per foot. 86 cents: nniount foi 10. Ashessmeiit No. 10. W, P. Dodge, lot 8, block I, Dodge addlllon. City of .did-flM-il, Oiegon; h outage cc fool on llio West Hldo of J'ntlc avenue; 00 feet; nil 11 per foot, 85 cciiIm; uniuuiil, 0U,IU, ORDIKANCK HO. S00. An ordlnanco d.clnrlnK the lissessment on the propertj ben. filed for tho cost nf laying u four-Inch water, main on NIantIo street from Munzntilln street to Alice street and dlrrctlnj; Hie llicuriter to enter a Hlnleinent thereor lu tho wntoi main lien docket TJ10 City of Medford dotli ordain ns follows: . ,. Section 1. Whereas: the city council did heretofore, by n solution, iieeiiiro us Intention lo luy a lour men wuut iiuui. on Nlantlc Hlreet from Manzanlla strenl to Alice street and lo nssess the cost thereof on the prop' rty frontlriK 011 sulil portion or suld slriet In proportion to Iho fiontago of said property, nml fix h time und pluee f.jr heurliiR protimlM ...... i.,u. iin. lnvirii. ,,t unto water main on said part or said street und tho ssinent of tho cohI thereor as nrore- H.1I1I; . . . .. Anil, wpereas, sain rvniiiuuoi. ""i duly published and minted us reiiiilred by Hectlon 11 or the CliurUT of suld clly. ..... .. ... ........ .. !.. ,,.n., Aliu. wiiereas, u uieoiiiiH " ."" iV"": ell wus held ut the time und place fixed by said resolution, for the purposo of considering any hucIi protests', but iro proteHlH weto ut sunt time, or nt any other tlni" mude 10 or received by the Council to the x.ilil laying of uld water main or the assesHinelil '" . !'"' C"M,1 thereor as aforesaid, and mild f ouncll having coiislilerid the mutter, and deem Ing that suld wal-r malil wiih anil Is of matnrlul benefit to said city, nnd that all property to lie ussessed thereror would be benefited thereby to the extent of Ihe piobablo iiiniuinl or tin- renin c llvo nsseiiHiiicnls to be levl"d 'k.iiohi said properly, did older labl nun I11I1I. And. whureiiH, lie rost of suld water main lias been nnd oereby Ih (let. rmliiul to be the sum of IIIIU.I8: Now. theiefoie II Is lieieliy furllier .i..i,.i ,..in,.ii nmi 11. 1. n-oiioi-llounto share 'of Die cost of luylng said wuler main of ouch mil eel of property fronting on , said portion of said stteet Ih the ninoiini 1 set onnoslle the description of each , NOTICK. To the owner, or reputed owner, of acli pan'o of proTly deserlbud In tin loregulug ordinance, so named therein Hid lu Iho Hen declnnd by said ordl lance, nu nconhd In llio docket of ellv liens: Von nro hereby notified Hint the iin essirient declared by the forognliig ordl '.nice has been m.iile and Ihe lien there for entered In the elty lieu illicit!, 11m tat Ihe same In due und you urn hereb) ispilre.1 to piy Hie same to iho clly re corder wllhlii ten (lays from the servlc or (his nollce, which service Is made hv nil ).i;.il Ion or ho foregoing orillnniiei inn this nollco three Uiiioh III the tied, .'oi'il Muil Ttlbuno. pursuant to mi ordei f the city coiiuell or snld elty HOIIT, IV. TKI.KKH, cily Hecordiir. OBDXNAMCB MO. BQ7. An ordlnanco ileelailng llio asseHsmeul on the property heneriieil for tho cohi of aylng a fiinr-lrieli wuler main on Mam- Hon sireei from I.'levonlli slnnt lo Dakota avenue ami directing iho He. cotder lo enter a sluleilli-ut thereof III the water main Hen docket - The City of Modfoid dolh ordain as fllllOWH: Hectlon 1 Whoreus, tho clly couticll (lid heretofore, liy resolution, declare Hu Intention to lav 11 fiioi-.looii ur,i,. .,,ii,, Oil Iluirillloii sired ft out Klevoiilh slieel III iJUKOIIt UVCIIIIII llllll 111 IISMI'HH HlO I'ONl imih'oI uf. laud below, nml Hull eneh deoo or imiooI uf In Mil holletlled by the iiUug or imi lit wuler nmiu to tlm full 'Xtniii or the iiimiutit so sot nppiiHllo Iho desoi ltd Inn uf tlm sniiie. und Hull Dm lespeeltvo iiiiioiiiiIm lepteNeiit Iho piopurtliiiiill heitoriln of Mllll Mill it nuiln o suld tespeellvo paicels of hind, unit iiso tho piiipiiiHoiial fintlliigii theii-or oil said slleol, mill Iho eoitui'll iloes herein- devliiio encli id (ho imirelH of itioptitv deserlbeil Imlnw lu ho iiNsimsed Hid oaeh uf the silllie Is heiebv imscnM'd ho iiumiliit set 0Iionii eneli doiioilp 'Inii for the eont of laying said wnlor main MHKMjt.MKNT I'Olt A 4-INCH WATCH MAIN ON HAMILTON HTHMKT KIIO.M ni.UVUNTII MTIUJI5T TO DA- ICOTA AVKNUK. Assossiuonl No I lloheit iiitd KIU11 Im.IIi hunge, hit I, lltiby itibllllim. Clly uf .Meilfutd. Oiegou, lliiillugo 12 6 feel ut the i-usl side or HiHillHim Htmel. 113 root into pel foul, tl cents, nlililliul, (39 96. AhscnsiiiouI No 2 lluhoil and lillmi- both l.iiUfle, bit II, Itilliy itddlHiiu. Cil) d Medroid, Oiokoii. friiuliiue It ft foot an tho isisl sldo of I In mil t mi slice! , 116 feel, lute pi r fool, 91 (H'lllS. Iinuutit, $133 Ut AssosMiuout Ni. 3 A. Wslkeivjhn mrthwist iiiiHlter uf bit t, block I, Inn's uddlllon. CHy uf Meilforil, Oie iil, fioiltuge l3 reel on tho isihI side if llamllltm sll.sd, il frel, lillo pel ml. 01 ioiiIh. niliouiil. tl'it HI. AsrH'ssuieiil No -- i. Allen nt til, ol I. Clnveidsle nddlllon, Clly of Mod- rnld. OleHOii. riottlnao 130 reel on Ihe OS I Sl Of llllllllltllll slliel. 110 f. et rule I'll foot. Ill ci ills, iimouul. $123 20. Assessment No, 6-1. II WIIIIiiiiih. lot 3, bliH'lf t of Hail's tnlilltl Clly of tledford. Omgnii, fronlngw 330 f.el 1111 llio east sldo id IIhIiiIIIoii sll-ecl. 3 In fisd, mle per toot. HI cents: nmiiunl. 1.i iu 10. Assessment No I, J V Pnlliler tiltil I. Hoot, lul I. bloek t. Ilsrr's nilillllon 'It of Meilfoid, Oiomou. finilliigii tl't ' el on the east side or llamllloil slleol, "it feet, mle pot fool, III oviils; aluolilll. 1J77 30. Assessinoul No. 7, II. W, llnndivle. ot 13. libHik 3, C and D suliillvlsloii, 'iij r MislfoMl. Orviciiii; rrunitige tit eel Oil Hie Kwl Mlllo of llilllltllllll klliol. in feel, rate per fool. 91 ocnis. amount. 1 1 ut Assessmenl No 811 W. Uoodftlo, lol II. Idock 1. C nnd D stilHllvlslou. Clly f Moil rord, Orewon, fl'uutime 30 feel on lie west sldo uf llaiiillliMl stieel, SO eel, lute per foot. 9 1 cell In, amount. M7 00, AssesNiuent No 9 - -Percy Peel, lot II Hid Hie norlii 2U S fet of lot 10, lilonk t of the C nnd tl. sulidlvlHlmi. Cltv- uf Modfurd. Oregon; rnintii)o 19 fel uu lie West side of ItHiillltuil Hi roe I. 79 Vei rate M'r root. 91 mills, amount. 175 01 Assrssmetit No 10 I. MI-liltT. lol 17. -lid I be south tot fe.l of lol III. bloek t. C nnd D. subdivision. Kltv of Jlwl 'ord. Oregon, ftcuitiigH 0 2 feel on the vest side uf Hamilton street, 70 3 ft. -ale Iter font. 91 cent, utitoilul. ICtf Assessment No II Joseph llrilllet. ot l.s, block i, C and D subdivision, 'Hi of .Meilforil. Oregon: mintage to ret on the west side of I IhiiiIUiui hi reel. 'I fmd. ml IH-r foot. 91 cents, nnUHllll, I IT 00. Assesnmetit No. 12. Joseph llrilllet. it 19, bloek 1, C and D. tuilsilv Islon 'liy of .Medrord. Oregon, mining 10 .el uli the wl side of llsmllluil treit. 0 f'.-l. rale wr find. 91 eeiii. nmoiiiit. M7 00. AsMessinent No 131 J lletlmge. I to, block 3. C mid D. ulIlvllon, 'It) ot Medford, Oreon, rioutagr to it 011 the wost sldo of llamllloil dreet. 3 f.s.i. rule ir foot, 91 eenls. noiini. $17 00 .NoMinfit No. 1 1 K J llnrliage. ol tl. block 3, C. mid D. subdivision. liy of tlodlord. Oregon, froutHge It "I un Ihe West side of lliimilliHi street feet, mle iwr fool. 91 ivnts. niiiuillll. 117.00. Ass, ssmeiit No. It K J. I let lul tie. 'id 22. block 3, C nml D HllbiilVlsioii. 'ItV uf .Medford. Oreuoil. froHtHgr 50 fiat 011 the went side of Hamilton street, I feet, into iht foot. 91 wul: Hrtinunt. lis a. Assessment No 16 A P llsrrow, lot 3. block 3. C nml D. subdivision. City f Medford. Oregon, (rontilKO (0 fiet on lie west side of Hamilton street; 60 Vet rule per foot, 91 cents, amount, 117 00. Vssrssiilelll No, 17. I. J Herbage, 'ol 21. block 3, C. mid D siiIhIIvIsIoii. 'lly of Medrord. Oregon, rronlnge 37 31 Vet nu Hie Wool Hiltof I Itilulltoii nlreet, 17 33 ret mte r fool, 91 veins, iiiiouni. 136 oj. AHsensmetlt No IS D J Hull, lot lock 1 Hiise Park iiildltlou. Cy of Medford. Oregon; frontage 38 fiet ou he west side of llniullloil street. M f. el rule JHT fool, 91 Cents, ulllolllll, $61 62 Assessment No 19. D. J Htllll. lol 9. Mock 2. Hose Park nddlllon. Clly nf ledfnrit or. 1(011. frontage do fiet on the nest side or Hamilton street, CO fi-el; ale p. I fool. 91 cents, HIII011I1I. IMIIO AHSI SHIUellt No 30 It .1 Hlull. lol III. bloek 1. Hose Paik udilllloii. 111 e nt ledforil, llfgon, frouliige 0 fret on 'lie West Mile of Hamilton slieel no it rule pi r fiMii, 91 cents, amount, ,fi 111 AHsissiitenl No tl D .1 Hlull, o I). 'bill; 3. Hose Park mMIHoo. Clly id 'iilfnrd. Oregon, fronlugo tu feet on 'be IV 1 si sldo nf lliiliilllou sltvet. tt, reel, rale Iht foul. 91 cents, Hlllulinl, .2 1.1 Assessment No. 22 D J. 8I11II. tot III. bloek 3, How Park hiIiIIHiiii, Clly of .leilfolil. Oiegou. froutnue 60 feel oil lie VVesI Hide of I lltlllllloll Hllis-t. All 'eel: rnlo per font, 91 eetilHj IllllOUtll. -21:1. ANSeHMIiloill No 2.1 D .1 Hlull. lol 'I. bliH-k 3, I tone Park iiiblllloti. t'lty or vieiiroiii, iiregou. rinniago Hid r. ot on the went sldo nf Hamilton si reel; (lit, el, rnlo Per fisil, 91 eeulH, lllllllllll I, 13 71 ASHesauii'iit No 21. D J. Hlull, lol idock 1, Hose Park addition, t'lty of M'dford. Oregon, rrontnge 16 5 reet on tie west side of Hniullloil Hlreet; Hi 1 'el. rule per root. III eenls. aiuount, 113,71 . Assessment No 251). J. Htllll, Ihe oriii no reet or lot 13, biook a, Hose 'ark tnlillllou. City uf 3leilforil. Orn .011, frontngo 36 fi.et on Iho west side r I lit ml I ton Street, !lil reet rate per not. 91 rents, minium, 133 81 Assessment No. 26. M P Drumlilll. he solilll 20 reel of lot II. block 3, IIoho Paik uddlllon. City uf Medrord, iregou; friuiliige an r.'.'l on Iho west dilu of llillllllliitl Hlreet: 20 reel: rnlo CITY NOTICES, I ii'd Miill Tillnino. put Mtintlt In nu outer "f llio city uuumiil of wild niiv. lit HIT. TKI.KMII. clly llecoriloi', OHimtANOH HO. onp. All iirdlliaiti'e deolillllllt I lie iiHSnsHUIKIlt on the pi Opel ly boneflli'il fur the eiisl uf 'using n loin -liioli wiiler niiiln mi Niiilli I'll' slieel fnnil Hti'oud Mlloot In Jilok son uli eel mid dliielliiu llio tn'ui'ilflr Id euler n Nlnli'iui'iil Ihi'ieuf In Iho vViilef nuiln Hon iliiekel The t'lty of Mcitftinl dnlli uiihilii uu fill III WH! flection Wlieieiis, llio clly eiiuiuill Hd hi'lellifore, h leNollllloil ilecliuo' ll'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lii lii) ii finii llllll Witter IIIUlll on Nut Hi Mr Nlicct ftnii Hioiuul Hlliul .liioksoii xtict'i nml In nsHesH llio inmt llleleof uu the li0ntlv lliluUug ml mi It I 'oi'tliili of imlil street III piopm llnje,(ti Iho rninlilgo of said iiuorty, und fu u iline mid pluoe inr IuhiiIum piiijoslii U'dllNl the hiving uf Mild wild i ninlli ut "ii til pin! ur suld slieel nml llio n ' ssnielll o( Ho- oust Iheieur iih lifnps xn id; Ami, whoivus, Miibl IihoIuIIoii hum lull published nml posted ns iviinlii'il by Uetloli IDS or Hie Cluitlei of Hillil I'llyi lull, whelens u meolllIK of Iho Ciiilp. 'H wns lo-lil nl Hie lime nnd pltieo fixed in- ruilil roHiiiiilhm, for the puipoKo of onildeiliiH mil mull ioIohIh, lull hu iuoWhIm woio ut sold lime, m' nl miy tbi r lime Inade to ur tie. mi by H40 'oiliiell lu Iho MHlii hi) lug nf sulil vvrtler niillll or Ihe nSN-HSUielil or tho cost lieitsir n iifoii'suld, mid no ut Ciiiiuell mvluM 1'ouhIiI. ml Iho lun!lr. nnd dnfiil ing ituil mild wnler 11111I11 miih mid la d iHnleltnt iH-ueflt IO milil ellv, mid tlint nit nr,OHrlv lo lie uhmoihI ilimraflu would lie benefited thejeliy In Hie ivtetll if the pfolmble HHIOIlMt of Ihe fiiei. live ,iss'ssnieiilH to lw levied iiUHlimt mi. I pmiHTly, did order subl nmlii laid, And WheioHH. Hie is uil or HMld wulsr littlli has Ih'i-ii nilil hereliv Ih delerililiil'il in be Ihe silltl id II. 1 10 00. Noll, tliorefofo, il IN heteby furllo-ri l.-lelilllnisl Hull ihe lt'i"itloiuite nliur1 if Hie ens! nr laying .said wall r nkiln of eneh Preel of llope flontlllg nil sold imrltou of sHld nlres't U ihe hiihiiihL set oiHilti Hie doiiortpltoti of itul( ;orer( of Innd l low, mid Hint eoofi pleeo or JMieel uf html lH-neflled by (lie 'nvinif of suld water ntHtii lo tit full xieni or me amouni so sot ouposllo ho denerlpttoii of lh snio, und Hhi he resM olive siiioiiiiIh t presf ul the pioHtrl!oiiMl beiioflls of snld water limit) tu snld lespvctlve IHIIl-els of hind, nHil also the ioHirl lonal front a Ke tliew-rir in HKbt slrwel, mid the ihiihoII di s tlerrby tlrrlltrr 1 Midi of Ihe uiicIm of iiioiierlv desertlied belnn lo ! HeHe, ml each uf lie snine Is hetrjiy UHesei 'be sutotint set iippiwlte eued loili irloi for the ism! of Inilng snld wnler IHSICHHJIKNT KOIt A .NClV.Tlllt MAIN ON NOHTH Kill KTIHIBT KIIO.M HKCOND HTHISirr To JACK. HON MTHNIPI'. AMsrssuiettl No I .-John C .MliridlJ'. let 2. block it), orlglnnl townsile. City .d Meilforil. OleiiilHi friiiilsiie 10 fel mi tbe nsi Hide of Kir trt. Ml ret; rule i-r rind. II It. siiiiiHiil. 13 ta ' As. mimviiI No, I,'- l "mnk J Mi'hl, lol 1, l.lmk t'.i. original townnlle, Clly of Mfstfutsl OreifiHi, ttonlHU to feet on Its Krai Mid,- of Kir ntrv.-t. in ft, rle ir fiHd. l smimnt. Itt t ,, soiiient No. 3 -I'mnk J ilohl. bd I. block 39. orlMlnol lownalltf, City of Imlford, Oregon, fronlMgn to fret ou Ihe Wont sldr of Kir street ,11 feel: tot tier foot, II. HMIouill, IM tu, ,ViesHetii No I Aiiguol loiwrent, lol t, blink 19, orlglnMl liivnlle. cir of Medrord. Oh Mini. froilw 10 fHnl IH4 llm west side or Kir Hlreel: 60 f; rat Iter fool. II II. suioiint. 133 10 Ah.-i.siihiiI Nil. t AiuiiHt laiwrontx. uu tdnrk 3. iirltdrutl luwiislle. Clly uf te,lfod. Ore eon. frwulNtfv 30 feet nil llm Ar aid, uf Mr Slieel, 1 feet, rut lir finii II ilUloliM, tt to AriM.uii nt No -- I, J. Qulatey, lol I, bliK-k 38, oilglnal loivnslte. City nf imtford. Oteg.oi, fro.llHe f.ll frt on Hie West stile of J'lr sireei: to fesl, tnlo imr foot. II, umount. Itt to. AHseHNineiit No 7 --James I.ohIIo, lot 3, bhK'k 38, original toiviille. City uf Meiirnrii, ureBon. rrnuiiige to reel on the west Hide of Kir Htreelt 40 fret, rain per riMil, ll.ll, nmoiiut, 13110, As.e.Kiiienl No tlnorg Hntnllii, lot X lilmk tl, original towiisllit. City dr leilfolil. Oirgml. fronlnge In reel on lit weal Hide of Kir htrvel: to feet, ml ("T nml. II II aiinniiii. tt to AsHeHHIIlellt No - I' Iteekinim. ltd I, liliH-k 31, orlulunl towiisll. Cily of .Medford. Oregon tronlage tu fei mi Hie W'-sl side uf 111- street, Ml feet, roll IHT root, l II amount, Itt to. Asm iiiot.t No IO" -C. C HeekhWiM, lot 6. hliH'k 38. original lowimllH, Clly it 3lstfonl. Oregon, ruining to fret on Ihe w. Ml hle or I'lr strts-l. to fe4l, nilo is r fiMii. $1 II, nniuiiiil. 5V3u Asvssmeul Nu 11- Kinntlskii Hluek. ol , la.H'k J. orlglnnl luwosllo, nty uf Medrord, Oregon; mintage tn few I un Iho or I'lr lrei I fell reel; Hi II fool. II II. amounl, 3t to rnlo pir AfurMsiueut No 12 1'rniulnka Hluek. to! 6. bloek. 17. oi Ik Hull loWHMlle. I'll)' of Mr.ir.ird, Or. sou. ti..iil.ia' in reel uu Ih Slut shle of Kir Hlreet. reel, rl'lr fool. 11 II, nniount. 5t.tti. Ah..iu,mi ut No It KniiKlMkn (llimk. Ih 7 bliM-k 17. orlaliiMl luiviirlle. Cllv of Medrord, Oregon, ftolllilge til find uu III - .!, ..I i Ir sir. el Ml feel, mle r TimiI, $111; ainouiil, 133 to. ANnoMMiionl No August laivv tout, lol 7. bloek 36, orlglnnl IowiisIIh, ii of Mrdfonl. Oregon. frioilMge to feel on tho yiiHl Hide of Kir Mll.wl: tU. net. late lo-r foot. II II; amiuinl. ttt.tn AHM.-Mmeiit No 13 August IwiVr jnlr lot 8, bloek til. orlglnnl tuwimlti, i.'lty of Medrord. ( iregou: frontngo tu feel ou Hie iiml Hide id Ktl Mlivol; tu N-et pile Iht foul, II II. iiinuunl. $(A,3li Ahm. ssinent No 16, William Hniiley. id H bliH-k .10, nilgluiil liiwiislle. CHy of Meilforil, Oiegon , floiillIHe So reel on the OHl Hide of I'll Ml loot: 60 feet; rule Hir theieof on Hie nroperty fronting ou suld portion or mild Hlreet In proportion lo tho fiontago of H.ild properly, ami fix a tlmo und place ror hearing proioHtH agiiliist Hut laying of said water inalti on said part of wild Hlleet ami the assessment of ihe cost thereof iin afore- t..r.""-,)V"r','114- .M''1'1 reHoliillii,',. was duly pulillHhiil und poHted us rcimlioil by Hectlon lit! of the Charier of said C) ; And, wlioic.iH, a meeting of the Coun cil wiih ludil at Iho tlmo unil place fixed by wild resolution, for tho piiiiipsu of coriHldeilng uny such proieniH, but no PlolcHtH Weill nt Said time. ,i i.t r, .... ,n v.: .::.."...-". : "' ....... .inn. iiiiiiu in or tei.-eiveii ny (lie niincll lo the said laying or wild wuler nuiln or the iiHW-HHmcut 'or Ihe cowl lienor as uforewild, and 'ilil Counull ."...in .nniii.'Kii iimi mailer, ami ei ill Hig that wild water iniilii was ami Is of iiialeihil livnvfll to said clly, nml Hint nil propTrty lu hu iihhiwiciI Iheiofor woiihl ho heiiorititil llmreliy lo llm extent or Ihe probable umount or Hiu ri'Hiiec- IMC UHHCMIUUeillH to llll lOVlfll llgllillNt wild tuoperly, did order wild niiiln laid. And. whereas, Hu- rust or wild water main Iiun been ami heiehy Ih diiiotiiiiin.il il... .... ,.m luA.n .;.. . .... Per root, 91 cents, amount, 118 80 AHKfHHtllellt No, 37, J. Hlull, lul 14, block 3. Homo Park nitilltlrm, Clly of oeiiiurii, wroguu; rrouiago an reel on lie west side or Hamilton siren!. 3t: 'el. rate per foot, 91 rents, iiinoiinl. 62 04. Hccllnn 2 Ami It U hereby ordered Hid nrdaliled that said several iihschn- 'iiuuts and tho lions thereof bo outeieil 'I the lieu docket of wild city, nml Ilia- hereupon notlco ho given tu the nwiierH, u- reputed owners, of wild properly, nml lint llm sumo bo enforced mid cullecteil 'n the manlier provided by llju ohurler if snld city ror llm collection or hhkchh ineiitM ror llio linproveiitiuil of Hlreetn herein, Hvotlon 3, II In further ordered thai ho iiollct'H nhovo provided for bo pub- 'lulled three times lu the Dally Mali Til- 'nine, ii uttwHiiaoer uiiriiiHiii-ii lino or ifi-n. ernl clrciihillou iii Htilil clly, In tlm man ier provided by ordinandi No, 250 of aid city. Tho fotCKOlng oiilliiaiico wiih tunned' iy mo cny council or Iho City or .Med ium, her r I Inr. aw, Appiovrd Oregon, on tho .'In I ilnv nf Oein. ier. 1911, by tho following vole: Mm lek. live, Watt, aye; Woilinnii, nyu; .iiiiirlck, iiliKt-nt; Klferl, nye, mid MM, October Hi, Iflll, W. II. OANON, W TKI.H.IC. U,yW- ..-. '.I of Into! Iw.lni.r llllll IIII1L I'lIITII In l.u "".' .."'....',". ... ""t i' .rin.Vii.v iiiftT'V ..'".'. """J.. ' "'""''. . nieee or imro-i " oiiiu i-n. - , - "., i mow, iiiereroro, il IN here IV fuilbur luylng of wild water main In tin; rull (Intormliied that iho i p "rlh mil,. l 10 I extent of tlm nmoiiiit ho'hoI oiipo'dto (,r ,,. t,OH, uf laying HnlilwiVer in In,,, (h-Hcrlptlot. '-f tl?. "V:.,:;..,!'r, t l b. I"-"'''. f PiPI".rty fnmtliig"';!! ine irni.-.'in.' -iiiiiiiiii. .:' .-- -v.. niiii i-ciiioii in sum siri'oi in mo nun jnupui uoimi uunciiiu ui " 'wi no.... hoi iijipuiillu Hiu dihcilplliiii mn ouch Allest; HOIIT. Clly NOTICK, 'I'll tho nwnoi-. or ri.nulnil i.iuiiiii- ..t each piii col or propuity iIcmuiIIioiI Iii ihn roregiilng oiilluauce, ho iiuiiied Hiiielu mid lu Iho Hon (led! I by snld luill- titincii, un iccoiilid In Hiu ducket of city Vou nro hereby notified IJmt llio us- hchhiiioiii ileclai-ed by Ihn fouiuolng ordl iiunco Iiiih been iiinihi nml tho lion tluire lor enieimi in tno rity lien ilucKut mnl nun ino winto ih aim nml you nro liuiuhy ioiiili'( to pay tho miiiiii. to llui city n, roiiIiii' wllhlii tun iluyii friuii tlio miivh" rf'il' nollco, wlileli seivlrn In muil. i llUllllCatiOII Of I III flllonolliir i.r.lli........ und IIiIn notice Uu co tliuiu In llm Muil-, foul, ll.ll: iimouul. $6t 10. AHHtHsuieiit No 17 - William lliinloy, lot 10, hluek til, original lotvnsllo. City ii .lii'ilfiiid, Oiegou, riontuge tu fool on be e'ist side id Kir Hlreel; 6(1 foel; mill tier fool. $111: tllmuiut. $33 1111, Ah, swiii III No Pi Hon I III V lliiilul. lol 'I. block 34. original luwuslto. City uf Meilfoid. Ol.HiUI, rninlilgo 611 reel oil t st slili- d I -'If slieel. Ill reel; rain per fool, $111. lilliumit, $66.60 Akhi'shiii.'uI No 19 John C MurpllV, i I liloell 39, oilglnal Itiwusllo, Clly of Medfoid. Oregon: frontage to feet on the vvohI Mi1' of Kir slleet; 60 foot, lulu per foul, llll; uuiuunt, $33,10, AHSeHHinent No id --William Hpell mini, lol It, bhK'k 30. original Inivnslli-, 'lly uf Meilfoid. Oiegou, finntiigo fill reel on Hu- eUHl Hhle nr Kit si reel: r.u rt'el; rate per fool, It II, n mount, $35,60 Hei'llun 3 And It Is hereby ordered ml onlMlneil that llio hovoihI ansesn-nii-lllH and tlio lb-UN IheteOf bo ellleri (I in (ho wnler luillll lieu ducket uf said illy, nml that Iheiolipiin liutleo ho given 10 the ulitiolH or li puled oWii.-ih of wild piopi'l'ly, and Hull Iho sumo bo enforced und colli oleil lu Iho 11111111101- provided by iho chillier or Iho city rut' tho t-ullecllnn r ItNSeHHIIieiltN fill' Dili llll pi UVCIUCII I llf lieelH lllerelll, rjedliou 3 It Ih furllier oidercd that 'lie nolle, lilmVo liriivlileil flit' bo pub. "shed tliiii' tliiii-N lu the Dally Mull Trl .Hiu, tl lieWspupei' piibllHheil mid or gen eral elrmthillun lu wild oily, In the man ner piovlded hy orilliimicu No. 200 or aid clly. ' Tlio fui cgolng iiiilliiniico wiih P.'iHHcd ny Iho clly cotini'll or the t'lty of Med r.ird, Oiegon, 011 tho 3rd day of Ooloboi, Dll, by Iho fnllowliiK volo; .Morrlcl;, ic, Wutt, ity; Woilitian. nyo; Kninrlck, 'imeiit; Ul foil, nyu, mnl .Miliar, nyu. Appiolcd Ocloher llll, 1911. VV. II, UrtHUN, fdiiyui-. W. TKI.KIJII, 1 Ki'coiilur. A! tost. IIOHT ciiy NOTICK. Tn Iho owner or mptilml owner, or, -ill put col uf pinpoiiy ih'HClllieil III tlio roregolug oiilluauce, llll millieil tluuclii, llllll III tho IIiiii ilei'luieil by said urill- nice, iih recoiileil lu llui ilocliot of clly HllllH! Vou nro liurehy notified Hint Hut iih-H-'HNiiienl iledliii'eil hy llm foiogiilug ordl- Hire IlllH been lllllde und tlio Moll there fill' eiiliiied lu llm city lieu docket und Hint llio Hiiiiio In duo mid you uiu hoiehy 1 . 1111)1 (il 10 pity tlio wiimi tu tho city re "Tiicr wiinin 1011 iinyH rioiii 1110 servicn of this iiiillcc, which sui'vlco Ih iiiiuIu hv puhlli-alloii of Iho foiegoliiK uidliiiiiicn mid this limine Hired tlini'H lu Iho Moil foul Mull Tllbiilio, piiiNil'Hit lu 1111 uiilci' of llm (illy counull uf wild clly. HOIIT. W.I THIiI'Mllt, Oily Hvconlup V r