Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 11, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford Mail tribune
An indkpkndknt NKwrwArnn
Tho Dnmoorntlo Time. The Medford
Mull, Tim Medford Trlhun. The South
crn OrcRontan. Th AKhlttiu. Tribune
Of fie Mull Tribune HutMlng. S6-37-S9
North Kir ntrret. phonn, Main 3021,
Homo 75.
fJKOnan PUTNAM, Editor and "Manager
Kntered aa aocond-clnaa ninttai M. Mot
ford, oregor under thn act of March I.
Official Paper of thn City of Medfori.
Offlolal Paper of Jackaon County. ..
One yr, ty malt $6-00
One month, br ma 11 . .':
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, .Tnckaonvlllo and Ccn-
tral Tolnt "
Saturday only, by mall, por year . 5.00
Weekly, per year ....... ...... l-BO
Dally average for alic month nillnF
MVTntMT 31, 1910. 27J1
X.aiA Wire Unlt !
Thn Mall Tribune In on Mint
Ferry Now Stand, snn i ranc-iae...
Poithtnil Hotel News SUvml, Portland.
Howroan News Ca Portland. Ore,
W O. Whitney Seattle, WMh.
KEDroRD, ossaoH.
XlntronollB of Southern OrcRon
Konhern California, and
growing city In Oregon.
roDulatlon U. S. ccnu 1910;
eatlmated. 191110.000.
Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed. giving ,rlnP8t
supply puro mountain water and six
teen miles ot street being paved and
contracted for at a cost exceeding II.
009.000. making a total of twenty miles
of pavement, ,, .
Voatofftee receipts for year ending
March 31. 191.. show Increase of 41 per
cent. Bank deposits a gain of S2 pet
'nanner fruit city in Oregon rtoguu
Ittvcr Spltxcnberg apples won sweep
taken price and title of
"Appla Xing; of tha World."
at the National Apple. Show, Spokane,
1909, and a car of Newtowns won
Tlrat Prir In 1910
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver, n. C. ....,.
Rogue nivcr pears brought hlBhcst
prices In all markets of the world dur
ing, tho past six years. ... ,
Write Commercial club. Inclosing
cents for postage for the finest commu
nity pamphlet ever puousnea.
By Ad Brown
This idea of dnnnj: a poHien
ppiko when opening a new railroad
is liittinrr n nrettv costly mill on the
head. '
They arc having a tcrrihle time
with floods in Wisconsiu and some
conscrvntaives will no donht de
clare it is a direct result of the sen
ate having investigated old Ike
Tnft will probably bo asleep when
his train pulls through Medford on
Friday, the 13th. Well, more un
lucky things could happen on that
Now an actress whoso principle
occupation is tying pink ribbons on
poodle dogs, advises women to think
real deep thoughts if they would
preserve their waist line.
Nine men out of ten who object
to tho referee's decision in a hos
ing bout have wagered as much t.s
two bits on tho result.
Tho man who stole
still has the fcurile.
ilona Lisa
It has been discovered who owns
the biggest artificial leg in the
world. What interesting facts do
crop out.
If we have to have war, by H
mcaiiB lets have them like this Turk
ish-Italiun one where all the Idllinj
is done by thd war corespondents.
Wo think people are mean if they
realize when wo are lying.
BERLIN, Oct. 11. Positively de
clining to uucept responsibility for
tho Turko-Italinn Avar und its possi
ble consequences, tho German gov
ernment today expressed surprise at
tho gland wliieh it believes the Amer
ican press hns taken over that wnf
A high official of tho foreign offi
ce, in n statement to tiio United
l'ross, said:
"Tho government is astounded to
learn that tho American press holds
Gennnny's political aspirations 10
sponsiblo for Italy's war with Tur
koy, "It was not the Agadir inoMei't,
but tho breaking of tho Algeciraa
convention by Franco Bonding the
expedition to Fez that is responsi
ble for tho present situation.
ilia 1 1 nitiMiiiiipai i
Itefort'O'K Public Halo.
At the- front door of tho courthouso
In Jacksonville, Saturday, October
SI, At 2 p. ni.. of a ICO-acro tract of
land of tho Into Ilonry L. Togg, de
ceased, locuted near Kaglo Point, in
suction 33, township 35, south of
riuiKo 1 oast. Do not fall to attend
this sftlo. W.'A. JONES, lleforeo,
V. J, Cuttor, Atloruoy, Jacksonville.
THE Moro Observer is (be typical mournful mossbaek
when if comes to good roads. Not even Attorney
Briggs of Asbland can shed as many tears in eontomplat-
. ii 1-1 I. 1 1 1 I 11 J 1 1 Mil Ml
ui& hip uuii'iiii ami uiriMui liuure, wnen u win do jiossiuie
to tlie country in winter, and life will be wortb
while the year around upon tbe farm.
"Where tbe Aloro Observer got'its misinformation from
is unknown, but it, has figured out tbat .Jackson county
will be paying interest for 50 years, and altogether have
contributed something between four and five" millions of
dollars to bondholders; "leaving the principal to be put
up in bulk by tho taxpayers iul!HU, with nothing in the
world to show for it, as the annual interest tax left noth
ing in (lie treasury for maintenance and repairs of the
original million and a half investment in the alleged long
forgotten good roads."
Those poor grandchildren of ours!
This calls to mind a story going the rounds of the press:
He was quite evidently from tho country and he was
also quite evidently a Yankee, and from behind his bowed
spectacles be peered iuquisitively at the little oily Jew
who occupied the other half of the car seat with him.
The little Jew looked at him depreealingly. -"Nice
day," be began politely.
"You're a Jew, ain'tyou?" queried' the Yaukee.
"Yes, sir, I'm a clothing salesman," handing him a
"But you 're a Jew ? "
"Yes, yes, I'm a Jew." came the answer.
"AVell," continued the Yankee, "I'm a Yankee, and in
the. little village in Maine where I come from I'm proud
to say there ain't a Jew."
"Dot's why it's a village," replied the little Jew quiet
ly. And the attitude of the Moro Observer oxnlains whv
there are no good roads in Sherman countv.
Moro is a village.
Dot's why
ORDlNAttOll NO. 031.
An mMlimnro iWliuno; Uio nmteimmoitt
on tho property ttottft. l rr tho com of
luylhR i four-moli i' 1 imiltt on Kh
Olltll NtlfOt fX)lll IViuu MlOOt in Plum
xtirol mill lUrcothn; v uoiuOor In n.
m (iiv wnivr
ler iv Mtiliiniiit,Uhii..f
mnin Hon OnoHol.
Tho OHy of Mlulfnr il
jloi'o is ine couniy seat ol snerman countv. Jr. is
surrounded by what its own literature proclaims "the
most fertile land in Oregon." The surroundimr territory
is one of the grainarics of the nation; yet Moro is one of
tne lew towns in Oregon that lias lost population during
the past decade. Moro comes near being a finished town
with only the hammer of the knocker to break the quiet.
The majority of the farmers around Moro are not
farmers at all. They are soil exhausters. They have more
laith 111 the almanac than in agricultural science. Thev
balk on spending money for good roads, yet contribute
freely for rain making fakir's.
After harvesting a good crop the Sherman count far
mer is apt to sell out to his neighbor, who mortgages" both
places to make the purchase thus doubling the size of
the farm, decreasing the population, shutting out needed
new blood, and keeping the country in debt. When a
farmer becomes prosperous, instead of improving the
country or the local town, he spends his money in Portland
With no roads or other improvements to make life in
the country or country towns, attractive, with mossbaek
methods and active opposition not only to improving their
own conditions but to the efforts of distant counties toward
improvement, is it any wonder that Moro and Sherman
count" are going backwards at a time when nearly all
Oregon is leaping forward?
Moro, however, has done a little paving in a method all
its own. The main county road entering the city from the
south has been "paved" for a quarter mile or so with
stable refuse. It has the merit of being cheap also odor
iferous. The Moro system of pavement should satisfy those citi
zens of Jackson county who are talking injunction pro
ceeings against the good roads movement. A little of it
will go a long way when the wind blows. "
$3.30 IS PAID
Rogue River Fruit & Produce Asso
ciation Advised of the Sale of a
Car of Pears at Good Prices In
The Rogue Itiver Fruit & Produce
Association hns been advised of tho
following snlo of pears atChicnjjo:
P. V. K. car 1040 from Medford,
September 21, Hngue Itiver Fruit &
Produce association, D'Anjou pears:
Choice, average, $2.80; Howell
pears, choice, average, .1-2.70; llart
jett pears, choice, average, $2.30;
Hobo pears, choico, average, $3.!!0;
car grossed $1251.0.
Take First Prize at Walla Walla
District Fair Bosc, Cornice and
Howells Are Given Firsts by Pro
fessor Thornber, as Judge.
Fear Smith Will Escape.
SAN I-'HANCISCO, Oil., Oct. 11.
Frustrated today in an attempt
(o escano from tho Hunitnriuum of
Dr. R. K. lloiing, Miner Smith, one
with the theft of $84,000 from tho
treasure steamer Humboldt n year
ago, was moved to safer quarters.
It was learned by detectives that
Kinith was pluniiiug an escape to
Europe, so they went over to tho
sanitarium and demanded n delivery
of the prisoner. They wero forced
to search (he place, and found him
hiding in thn basement.
Smith wiih sentenced to one year
in San Queutin, but was allowed to
enter tho sauitaiium for treatment
for tho drug habit. '
Onco again Itoguo Itlvor valley
pears havo won laurels. This time
exhibits of Hose, Howells and Comlco
woro awarded firsts at tho Walla
Walla district fair, according to a
letter received by Prof. P. J. O'Gara
from C. L. Whitney, commissioner of
horticulture, Washington, who was
in chargo of tho fruit exhibits at
tho fair.
Mr. Whitney writes Prof. O'Gara
as follows:
"1 tako great pleasure In notify
ing you that Hose and Comlco pears
grown by A. C. Allen, Holly wooc
orchards, recolvod a first prlzo eacli;
also IIowoll pears grown by It. II
Parsons, Hillcrest orchurds, recolvod
a first prlzo. Prof. w. H. Thornlior
of tho Washington Agricultural col-
lego was Judge,
"Tho pears attracted a great deal
of attention, and wo gavo them a
very prominent place,"
liitli nfil.ilii n
follow.: . ' wk '
S.'i'lWvn 1 W'liANW II111 iM!v imuiiioII
illil lirli-toriirv, lilvii'N.iUlUtHV. Ooohuu' Um
lult'iiituu In lav nifni'i 'ittli wMrr nmht
on Klowntli Mtrtou ft m IVrtcli lt Vlnin
aiivct diiii (i iifWNM Hi. i' tlioioof on
th' iniHtty frontlim hhIii imi'llim of
tuiiil siivi'i ir iriiotii 1 Uio (imuo;o
of wWt limiirrty.uiii l' 11 time lilnl
pliuv foi iitvu'iuir' in l t UKuliiHt flio
l:i)IHK of wilO it in- n 1 11 on M11I1I imrl
ut xiilil jiiro-t mot tin- "isi sHini'iit of ilto
oim tlon-iir IIR ItfltWIlJ
Ami i In niisi, (Kttlit toioliilltin wnx
iltilv juiliiiihvil uinl i,.vi,iIiin iiiivilrvil by
Seolliin III! of lluf Oliimi or twh t'llj
Anil. wluivutM ii . tin of tho l!lllv
oil Wiik to lil l tuh tin. nul lilrtw IU01I
lii an lil iriHlll(fn f Uio iimiko of
ooiihuIi iiiik iny kiii'Ii i-'tiiH, Iml no
iiiiiit '! iitfiiili urn, or ut nay
ollivr Huii1 imolti it, 01 i.t-vlvtil li,s Uio
Council to tin- ptilirim "". or aulrt viilor
limlii vr tlip H;fttto. 1 ot t li ixidt
tlu-riiir iim nfoiTHnlil, mul ilit Council
liming I'tmxiilrri'il tli ouiioi-. mul dovin
lilK ttult witil wtltM' iiniiil H lin.l la
of mutcrlul tn'iiofll in wiiil tiity. ninl
tlmt all iruirty to l a-,.iwit ifiorufor
WOlllll In- llllrtl'il' till I. t'l lo tho OXK'Ut
of llo- rolmlili uinouot of Uio iratnf.
Ul HI mnUMUlH ll l loi"lt IIKAIUNt
twill lM'lilV. illil , i(hl r hi! Ill lilHlli Inlil.
Anil wh.Ton.M. tho i i of Hutil wutor
liwlll lim tvvn mul htr.l l iIi'IitioIuimI
to Ih tin' Minn or t,S4'' "
Xotv. w lii-i-eliy rurthor
illriHliu-tl Hint Uio ioirttoiuit Nliiir
of tin' mint of laying milil wiiIim' limlii
of vaoli lriwl of pn-j-- l.v froutlm? on
rtlil portion or wilil stn ' 1" Ino mnoliiit
ot oiioalto tho il.'M-r!'Uon of otioli
tmrcol of 1 11 10 1 lioliiM. mul Hint itioti
pleco or iHirvvl of Imi.l uofltotl liy tlif
InvInK of xattl wiitor ui.ilu to tho full
nttviil of llm militant ant iiiiihimIIi'
lli iIi-HiTlnUivii of tin' ixiiuo. mul Unit
tlto iinivfollvo miiounlN ri'iiroKont Uio
lrortloiml loniflta of nlil water lnuln
In unlit rt")WHitlvo lutf, it of Inn. I. mul
iiIko tho troiorttoiiiil fiotiliiKo Uuiiif
on aulil Hln'iit, mul t !- rouncll ilo,-a
livrrbv ileclare oucli of tin tHirvvIa of
uriiihrlv ili'HcrlliiHl In low to I m naaoanoil
mul Mich of ti.o anno i lu-n'tiy naaoaioil
tin amount wot iiiiimwiik isirh iliorlii
tlon for Uio ihihI of ln um .ilil miUt
assikssmi:nt kou a i inch wathh
main on i:i.i:vi:ntii hthkkt
rilOM l'UACH STIIKK-r TO 1'l.l'M
AsMH'iniiint Ko. 1. 11 HamwpII. h imr-
col of hiiul innrkiHl ( si on tho niti of
Uio City or Miiironl. I'rvcon. mul n-
ronUnl In Vol. ?t. ihir 63 of tho otuiiit)
rvoori!ir'a rccorihi of Jackaou cotiitl.
Ori-noii: rronttiKo l(u fit on tint nortli
slile of Ulwontli air'. U0 ft: rut
Iht foot. 9S rontHt amount, J3 00
Aaavaamunt No S Wrtlti-r S Mnr
tln. n parrot of lam! iiiarkcjl tAT) on
tho nmn of Uio City of .Mi'ilfuril. Oro
on. mul iconlpil n Vol 60. MiSf .JS
of tho couniy irconUr'a ri-corila of
J.irk.xoii county. On-Kon frontuKo 1i
fwl on Uio north Milr or KtoMMilh
atrift. 50 fi'i-t; rnto nr foot, 93 wnta.
amount. IIVO0.
AHtraainant No. 3 Walliiro wooila. a
Iktrct'l of luiul murkiM (AX) on the imP
of Uio City of MiHlforvl, OrcKim, mul ro
eonliil In Vol. 70. tagv iiS of tho Couil'
ly Hoconler'i lUcoriln of Jnqkaon conn
ty. Oivkiin. froutUKO 100 fft on the
north alilo of nitivontti atrcot, 100 fact,
rato por foot. US crnla uinount, 10S iH)
Aaaoaailiont No. t -Stinili Whoolor. n
pa rev I of luinl niarkiil (AVl on lh nm.
of tiio City of iloilforil. )n-Koii, mul re
coriloil In Vol. 73, paco IfiS of Uio
County Itioonlor'a n-conla of Jackson
county.' OrvKon; frontieo SO foot on Uio
north alilo of Cluvoiitli alroot. 60 fi-ot.
rnto ix r foot, !S evnta. muniint, t l.ot
Aoio.i.imont No. 5-11 A Wtiltor. a
IKirrt 1 uf luinl ninrkul lA'.l on Uio nmp
of tlu- City of Moiironl. Orrcnn, ami r
conKil 111 Vol. S3, fico 5J3, of Uio
County HworlorM iii-conla of JucUaon
county, Oroijoui fnjulaco 50 foot on the
north alilo of KlorVnth atrost; CO foot;
into p-r fiMit. 5S c-MitaF amount. $13. 00.
Aaaoaamont No n Kroiltrlck Wollf.
Mio wost half of Uio south hulf of lot
7. hlock . Park ml.llllon. City of Mqtl
fonl. OreKon: fronfnifo 50 foot on the
north alilo of i:ierntn atroot: 50 foil;
rato por foot. 8 rcnta; amount, $19.00.
Aaaraaniont No. . Krloilorleko Wnlir.
tho oual luilf of tho Mouth hulf of loi
S. Mock 9. IMrk aiinitlon. City of Moil
fonl. OroKon. frontuKo 60 fwl on Uio
north alilo or i:i. voiith atrial, 6n trel,
rate pr fiMit, 'J conla: atnniint, $19 00
AVHofiyincMit Nx, Kjp Wojlf llroM. tho
wrat half of Hi atJulh half or loi S,
hlock 9. IMrk'nilifltiQii. CMy of Moilfonl.
)roi.'on. fruntaso 'SO 'Toi't on tho nrth
lilo of i:iovonlh alroot. 50 foi-t, rnto pt-r
foot. 9 ccnla; amount, $19 00.
' AaaiaHmoiit No 9. -Slra !: 11 Mar
ahall. lot , block ',, Iloaa uililltlou. Clly
of ilrilfonl. On son frontaKo 50 fr nn
tho iiorlh ah!- of nioVonth atnot: 5o
foot, rato por foot, 'J& centa, uinount,
AaHoaamont No ' 10. Auciial I.HW
ront. lot 7, hlock 7. ltoaa nihllllou. City
of Jloilfonl.-OroKon. frontneo 50 foot on
the north iflli "of niownth atrret; 60
foot, ruto por foot, lS centa; uinount.
$19 00
Aaaoaament Na 11. Saillo M Van I)
Cur. lot C, hlock 7, Iloaa aihlllloii. City
of .Miilfuril. Ort!ii: fronlnKO 5o foot on
ihe north alilo of Kluvuth atreot, 0
foot, rato por f-xit, 96 conla. .iiinounl,
AaxcHiJUiont No 12. Kilgar I In for. Inl
block 7, ltoaa uililltlon. City of Mul
ford. OroKon; rronluuo 60 foot on the
north ahlo of KlrvantU, atn-ot; 60 foci;
rato per foot, 91 cunta; uinount, IIU.ou
Aaaoaamont No 13. J. C Jiuvlilaon
ami CharloH S Jlultarflolil, lot IS, hlook
. Iloaa aihllUon. City of .Moilfonl, Oro
nan, froutaRo 60 f-ot on lh north alilo
if i;ivonlh atrwt, to foot, ruto por
loot 9H conla, amount, $19 00.
Aatnaamont No 1 1. J. O. IlnvMaon
anil CharloM H Hultorflolil, lot II, hlock
v fin'H nilillilun Clio of Moilfonl. Oro-
.-on. fronfaKo ' fiot on tho north alilo
of Kliwnth atrnt; 50 foot; ruto por
foot, 9S c-nta. uiiioiiut, $19.00.
AHHiaxinuil No 15 Jim lliirnx, lot
10, hlock 8. Hohh nihlltlou, Clly of SI01I
fonl. OrKon, fronliKO 50 foot 011 tho
north ahlo of i:iiith Hi mil; 60 foul;
rato -r fool, 91 conla; amount, $19.00.
AaaoaMinont No 16. M. Hotelier, lot
9, hlock H, Iloaa aililltlou. City of .Moil
fonl. OroKon. rronliiRQ 50 foot on tho
nortli aide of l.i iitnlli atrooi; 60 foots
rut., nor foot. !)H entilri: ninoilllt. $19 00.
Aaaoaamont .No 17. II. A. Thlirhor.
lot , hlock i. I(..hh addition. Clly of
.liil fonl. Oregon frontuKo 60 foot 011
Ui north ahlo of Kliiventh atnot; 60
feet, rate per foot, 98 conla, amount,
$19 00.
Aaaeaament No 18. John Me.NulJy,
lot 7, hlock 8, Koaa lulillUon. Clly of
uilfonl. Oregon, frontauo 10 foot on
tho north ahlo of Kluvunlli Htrect; 40
fool: nilo per fool, 98 ccnla; uinount,
$39 20.
AaaoHamont No 19 W, 13, Weaver,
lot 6. hlock 6, O.ik Orovo auhillvlalon.
Clly of .Moilfonl. uregon: fronluicu 70.97
foot on tho north alilo of Klovcnlh alrenl,
"0 97 foot; nit pr fool, 98 conla;
amount, $09 55
AaHoaamont N'i 20. W. K. Woavor,
lot 6, hlock 6. u,k Urovn biiIhIUIhIoii.
Clly of .Moilfonl, Oregon; fronlagn 70.97
fort on tho nor'h ahlo of JJIovonlh
Htroot; 70 97 feet, Mto por fool, 98 centa;
amount, $69 65.
Aaaeaamont No 21. I.llllan 11 liar
vey, lot I), hlock n, Oak Orovo auhillvl
alon, City of .Mnlfonl. Oregon, fionlago
i;;i 8 feet on tho i orth ahlo of Klovcnlh
direct; C3 K fool, ruto per foot, 98 ccnla,
uinount, $fl2.62
Aaacaamo mi no -i-i.i: i.. ,oii .
foot, n
alicoti r.s.ts r viiu iiltu per
coiiln; mumiiit, $J7 sB.
Aaaoamuont No So, tl M Chlhliolh,
n piucol of hiiul riiuitliiK "0 full on ii
apnlli ahlo or Mlovouili aiioot mul n
ounjeil m Vol m, p,ig,. n f tho Coun
ty ItoooHlofa loconla of .Invliaon conn-
. inogon, rmntiigo o fool mi (ho
ainiiii aiuo or I ;ii I'tllli all cot, 50 foot;
inlo poi fool. U, oeiiti. muuuiit, $l!M)0,
HnoNiiui'ui .mi so -c llutuoaa. n
iniMvi or imiuI fioutlng M foot on (in.
anulli a ilo or Kloontli ali-oct mul n
conioii in Vol in. i:ii:,. 3;.n (,f u,0
v.miuij irruiiioin icooitia or .IiiuKnoii
vvn lo, Miognu. iionuign nu root on Uu
Hoiith ahlo ut KievohUi atiocl, &o fool,
vnto per fool, vs fi-uiN, mimuul, $ltnii)
.....Tk i . '". ;:' . v; .' I'liyuo, n
I .V .J Vii """, -"".'JW' m ,ll,, aoulhioat
iii.'.m """. .r ''"ih altiot mul
llniull on mot rooonletl In Vol 7.1.
''?' vN:,.,,r, fount Itoooiili.Ca tec
umi f . nrkHvni couniy, Oiogou. fumt.
; Ko Km iv,-t ,T u. aoulh alilo of lA-V.
'"," "Hoot, luo fool, into p,i fmii, i,s
i. .!i.',Hi'''"'""'"5 ''" - Itohirl rnnl Kim.i
Jh Uingo. lot . f . I,,,,,,. n.MHimi.
r i ;ieuiru. uiMin: fiiiiililgn 4
: ' ,"",,"' annul mini ill UloVi llti
mnin,',;. i.'.V ",l ,,", r'M"' "S l""""'
.. of"? """'" '" - lloliii mnl Kllmi.
ci ' I."?"!1 ? '! "", "".'' tMilli.n.
.il f .Mwlfnnl. Orowui. front!- in
nV . "" ihmiui aiuo iir Kli-iiiilli atiool;
in no ,M ,h', '""' y, VH"1"' 1",'"i.
i.-m""i",m,,"',i1 ,V'1 s" ""! mul ItllMi
hot I Uiiih. lot .1 ,.f Uio Itul.y Mil.lllloii.
V.'J . ;'""'" il. Oioiiiin. tcontair.. 5n
aiM... i it . "'". """' ,,r lolilli
..l..,iH,iiSoi-,"," ""r f,M"' '" ""
l...MrT".!,l,,'',,i ''"." " HoUit mul Kllaii
holll. "o. lot l ,,r u,o Huh) u.l.lllliin.
tit or Meilfoni, Oigun, fuminr io
Irlr'ii"? r,h, "!, or niotonu,
mmu.,;, VnV rW'" ,,vr r,M"- Ss """'
holll lim. ft t- ,, ,,. ,,,,,ull.
'" " .'loiuorn. (ii-i-moii. frnntnKti in
Si&'niMuV mU ' f W W',"!
h. m!iTT"V '"", ". '''" and Kllai't
C. il .?"?." .J"1 .'' '.' "'" ""' '"himon,
H i.f .Mwlfiirtl. OroKon. rrnutuuo &(?
al'lLi""!.''? T""". -''''" Wovoiilli
atiifl. All Tool, rnto per foot. t) ivuta
muounl. $iy no ""'
Aaji.Haiiient No. a I - Omnr Ockorumu.
v '.; '' .,.,!?. "i. .?"',. ;"y n
,, -. w..,in, iMunngn as root nu
Iho ai.uUi alilo ,.f Hlexenth alr'-ol; i
is jio ,'"r ,,0, U ,'","H' "'.
I...'iwi".'"",i 'l ,S. -'orl miilhfllMi.
t . Aloiironl. onKon. rrniiiHK o
ilr.- ."'V.'1? 1"""'. M'''o Of Kloontll
airifl. SO rielj rut i. i. f,MI, ;,v mlllll,
ainounl. $19 00. 1""'
i iiT ",l N" sc -llolwrt mul IIIIkii-
h. h lllgV. t,H ' f II,,, tU,y b.miiioii.
, i "f Moilfonl. i H. nun. friiuiMxo 7.0
-.V ."".!h? w"'"' H,,l" ,,r HI"onih
mou,,BU$,,V ,H,, " f,H"' s '.
AaiM-MniUoiil No 37 Itolurt mul Klliu..
' J "!. loi 1(1 f Uio Kill.)' nihlllliui.
J "r .V,,,lr,, OiR'in. fronlnm. 60
XI ,u,, Ut,' "."""'I "ll r Mh"..M,
airrel. 511 1 fool, rale K-r foul, 9.S (Utiila,
amount. $l9.oo '
Aaa.aui,iil No 3S - Kohert anil CIIin-
J.',','!.' ,"1,7',J", .sl ,r "'' "' "'I'llUon.
City or Moilfonl. Onigon. rnHthigo II 5X
foot o iho aoulh alilo of Klovonth atrooi.
am"n:''$ifi.77,,, ""r UH"' MS ""1'
Hoctlou i Ami u ih-rohy onh-rod
mul onlalnod that Iho aovrral aMrH.
uioiita ami tho ll.-na Ihorwtf lw enlotvU
III th utttwr lnuln II.... .i,Mift ..r ...,
clt. ami ihMt Uiorciiimn potlco ho ulvru
to tho owiiora or n-liuloil ounora of nuhl
proH-rty. mul that Hi. amuo lw ouforroil
ami coIIooImI In Uio maiiuvr liroilil.-.l ,o
Uio ilmrl.r of tho clly fur tho oollro
thin of nsaoaiiiiiMita for Iho Impnnomoiil
of atrooln lli.roln
Xoellou s II la further on?, rod ihnt
tho Hullo, alnivo provlih-d l piihllnh..,!
Umo tlmoa In Iho Hally ilnll Trlhuoo.
iiiHatmiMT piikliahoil anil uf getu-nil clr
ciilaUoii In aaid elty. In Iho nmnnor pro.
hlo.l hy Onlltiiiiipv No ISO of anlil oily
Tho forogolug onlliaiuoo wan piamoil
hy tho nl Iv I'inuiiill nt in., en.- ., i...-.
'i1".1! ,'r"K'," '! ths 3nl ilny of Oclnhar,
1911. l.v iho following vole- .M,.rrlt'k.
ay. Wall ayo. Wnrlinuu. ay,.; Kmorlclt.
ahai-nl. Hlforl. nyo. mul yr
Appiovl Oclohor
Itohl W. Tolfar.
3nl. 1911.
.mm or.
To tho owner, nr rMiinlo.l hwtia.
apch parcal of properly iloaorlhoit In the
uroKuuig onnniiooo. ua imino.l Itin-oliL
If. .).. If.... ...........1 a... -.. .."
... Mir a..-,, ,a.-,i,,'., ,, fV,..! .mil
aa roconlml In the ihaokot of ,y
You nro horoby iiollflrxl Unit Iho
aaaoaaiuvut i.i-lur,vi ,y iho foregoing
..i.iiimii. , unn nn-n IIIUUm hii.I l 1Ifi
therefor onlor.-il In Uio ell lion iliHikrt.
mul that Iho Willi.' la .Itio mul nii are
niirol.y r.iiilro. to my lh..,aaiuo to Iho
Lily It.eiirilrr ullhln leu ilka from tho
aorilco of ihla notice, which arloo la
mane n piiiiuoailoii of Uio rurogoliig
or.llnanc. ami ihla initio Uiroo tlmoa In
uio jieoioru .iinii iriiiune. piiraunnl to
nu uimit oi uio cny council or aitlil clly
ItOIlT W TUI.rUll,
City Iteeorilur
Violin Maker.
ItopalrltiB of all' stringed Instru
ments. Violin repairing a specialty.
Corner of 8th and Central avenuo.
177 CIIA8. HAIlItlS.
IlaeklnB for Health.
parcel of land a.lualed nl Iho aoulhwnat
intersection of !.! nnlli Htieet and 1'luiil
Hlrcot. and neon:, d In vol. il, liagu
L'35 of Ihe Couniy Hoconler'a nconla of
.liK-lrur.ii enlllill. tin trim! frOlllllUO 198.91
feet bn the south alilo of l.hivnriUi alrcotl
198 91 reel, rata por Tool, Vt CUIIIH;
iininilnt. $191. !)0
Aaaeaarncnl No IX Ivnn 11 Tyrrol, a
parcel or laml Hlln.iled at llm aoulhwoal
Intiiraccllon of l.iovcnlh street mul
Union atieot ami recorded In Vol, 83,
pago .'168. of Iho County Itccordor'a rec
orila of .faekaon couniy, Oregon; front
ago BG feel on the aoiilli ahlo of l.lnv
diiIIi Hlicd; DC r i; ralo pur fool, 98
centa; mnoiiul, I'M 08,
Amo'HHinciit Nu 2l.--I'OivlH Mlahlor,
ii pin oil of html Miniated at Iho aoulh
eaat Interaectlon of jjloVonUi siren t and
Union atreet mul recorded In Vol. 83,
pago 358. of Ihe County liccoidoi's inn
orda of Jnckaou cio nly, Oregon, finutago
WSl feet on iiic uuth ftUu of Eleventh
An ordluuno.i declaring tho aaaomiiiioul
on tho pn.orly heuoflie.l rr Iho coal of
lajlng a four Inch wutor main on Knllit
atnot from Vermont atnwi lo Tnft ho.
alio ami din-cling the recorder to inter
,i alaioment tlioroor in the nal.r main
lien doukol.
The city of .Medford dolh ordain aa
fnlhma: ,
..?"."""" ' Whoroua. the clly muincll
did han-loror.., hy roaolollou d. olaro Ha
Inloiitlon to lay n four-Inch Malor main
on Knight airo.. from Vermont ali.-t lo
raft aVi-IIUl- umi lo Mf.m-.IM lint i-iuil lli,.r...
of on tin- pnirl fronlliiK on aald pin.
lion of M.111I alroot In propoitlon in u,n
frontage r mid propel ty, ami rix a llm.
umi ph fur h.-arliig proleala ngulnat
Ihe laving of wilil water lnuln on aald
part 01 aald and Iho aaaonaineiil
of the ciiMt thereof aa aforeaald.
And. uhon-aa. aald i.-anlutlon iuh
duly puhllahed umi poated na required hy
Hicllon III! ut Uio Chillier of aald Cll;
And, win roa a, u in. cling of iin- Coun
cil wua held at llu. Iluio ami place flxi d
hy aald reaolullon, for Iho puipoMi of
conahh-rlng any hui-Ii piotoala, hut no
proleala were ut aald lime, or nt nnv.
oilier tlinn made to or received hy III
Council lo the aald laying or a.ild water
main or the nawoaameut or tho coal
theioor nu aroreaahl. mul aald Counclt
having iho mailer, ami di'otn
Ing that anhl wnti r lnuln wiih ami la
or fiialerlal heiu-flt In hiihl uiiy, umi
thai all propel ty In he aaanaa.-d Iheiefor
would he heni-rilod llu-rt hy In Iho oxlont
of the prohahlo amount of iho napoo,
ilvo naaeaamelilH In he Invled lignluat
a.ild pioperly; did onh-r aald main In Id
And whereaa Uu- coal of aald watei
main hna hren umi hi rohy la determliieil
to he lh- Minn of $1,803 18
Now, then fore, II la herehy further
determined Unit Iho piopoi tlniiafo ahuiu
of iho coat of laying aald water 11111I11
of ench iMicel of pioperly fioiillng on
aald porthm of aald atieot la llm niiimini
act oppoalto Ihe deacrlpllon of ouch
p.ucel or laud helow, and llnil each
nleco or paicel of laml hi-ueflled hy llm
laying of aald water main to Iho full
exlimt of tho uinount an in. I oppoalla
tho dnacrlpilou of Iho aamc, mul (hat
tho leapecilvo aiiioiiula icpreaeut the
pioporlional houofllii of aald water limlii
lo a.ihl riiapeclUo patcola of laml, and
uIho Uio piopoilloual fronlagn Ihmeof
on auhl alicnt, ami Iho council ilowi
herehy iholaro each of Ihe pau-ela of
pioperly deaerlhed lii-luw lo hn aaai MH( d
and each of llm aamn la heiehy aaaeaaul
Uio umoiiut ant oppoallo ouch deacilp
tion for Iho coal of lavlnir H.ihl wnii r
akhi;hh.mi:nt roit a i-incii wati:k
N U I , I
Aaaiaamenl No I.- -U, riederlckaon.
uu i, oiock i, AimciHoii-rnri addition,
City of .Medford, Oicgon, frontage r.O fi el
on the aoiith aide or Knight alnel, 60
feet; ralo pur fool, $1 us; umoiiut,
AaauHaineiit No. 3 - -l'enrl llulli-iihenk
lot ;i, hloek i. Anderaoii-Tori aihlllloii,
City or Medford, Oregon; froulage
60 feel oil (he KO11II1 hIiUi of Knight
Mlieol; 60 fool; 111I0 per fonl, tl II 1;
AaMi-Hanient No. 3 Pom I irollnnheuk,
lot I, hlock , Pago aildlUnn, City of
Muuforu, Ojct'oni fiouluuu 52 fcot 011 tliu
aoulVi n"ldi"'uf I'Vilglil "aliooTi Tti fori
rnlo per foot, $1 Oil, amount, $R(U
AaHoaamont No, I V. T, Wllaon. Inl
t, hloik I. I'll (!v mlilltlou I'll) or Mod
fold, Oleuuti. fllilihlHO "'I tool on tin
aoulh aide of Klltlllll atloel, ft 'J Cut, lull
poi- foot, II 0. ufllilllllt, $!.1 ID
Aaai aauii'lit No fl.H, tihofuor, lot 3
hloiih I. INigo iiihllltnii, Cltv of .Mmiroid
(In won, fioulnuo 6S fool on lln Mullll.
Mldn or Kulghl alri-ol, M fi'l, lain pel
fool, t ml, miiuuni $!& i,
Aaaoaaiuelil No II It II Toft. Inl I
hloelt I. I'llgo aihlllloii, (MIS of .Mi-ilfitd,
On itnn. 'fiontnite M led on Iho aoiill
ahln id Knight atieot, 'Al f.el, inlo poi
runt, $1 OO, muouiit, I Ml i
Aaaoaaiiiout No 7 I. Wheeler, loi
3, hlock I, I'iiho (olilltlull, CIU iil Med
ford. Oioguu, flotllago 5$ foot on llu
aillllh aide of K 1 1 In II t Ml Met, tilt feel,
tale poi fool, $I.U0 amount, $5 I'i
AkKoaaioenl Nu S .1 1 Wheiloi. loi
It, hloek I. IMho addition, Clly of Med-
fold, Oiimoii. fronlngo d'i To. I on the
Mlillli ahlo or Knight atit.-t M reel, lilt
pel font, 1,11(1, mnoilllt. I Ml i
Aaai amui-nt No 9 .1 Incadlor, lot
T. IiIih-U I. I'ngi- uililltlou. I'll) or Mid
find, (hoti'iu, fionliiMe tii fovl oil lh
aijiilh aide of klilulit all..! fcJ fi-nl, rnt.
H-r i.Hit, II OK, muuuul, $"'A J
Aaa.aauieiil No lit John A. Human),
Inl t. hlook I. higo aildlll-iu. fib of
.Modrntil, Oiogon, fiontH v'i r.-ol 011 lln
aillllh lil uf Klilalll attrot til f--l, rati
pel- fool, 1 1. mi. IllllOUnl, Ik'. 13
Aamaamiint No. II K. I. Ilnuiiumnl,
lot I. hloeU 3. !.. nihtlllon, 1 ll (
.Moilfonl. Oivunii, fnoitHito R'J fo.l 101
tho aoulh ahlo of knight atiool, M foil
lain Mr foul, iliui miuiuut, 5 IS
l UM..Mri. ...... I V.a Ill I VV lll.ttfHl.,1
lot 3. hlock S. I'rtgo adilllloil. Clly o
.M.ilfnr.l 1 i. (ton, fiouluHo t.i IV1I on
Hi, aouth Nidi of Kulaht allool, U'i (it.
lAln per tout. tin. itlli'Milit. I MS 13
AwHiaainoul No IS, a. A II aUimolul
lot 3. I'lm'k S. I -11110 aihlltluit, Ci ol
Medfoiil, Orogon. iroutHgo its r.-. on
Ihe aoulh alda uf KnlMhl alieot, 5( fool,
ruto pot fiaii. Iiiii) mooiiut. Ih.l'J
AaaeaNiin-ni .No II 11 O I'.iik'-r. tot
I. hln. K. S. I'.iko nihlllliui. Cltv of Moil
foul. Oregon, M feel on tho
aouth alilr of Knight t2 fo, I.
lain vor f.Hii. II mi, amount, I'.i 13.
Aaaoaalinul .No. U hI T Miimuior.
Mil, lot V hlook 3. I "age ii.hllllon. Cll
of Modrold. Orauiiu. floiilug.- tl f.l on
Iho ai.ulh ahlo of kulghl alrrol, 3 fori.
IMlo per fool. II UA, amount. IK II
Aetoaamoitl No. 10 (I II .Miller, lot
, hlook S, I'ngo Hihllllou. Clly of Mi.l
fold, lln-mni, fioulagii 5$ !' l 011 lh
aoulh alda of Knight alroot. f. ! fool, nil
iter r.hit, itOQ, mnoiint, & is
AkM-Mitmitiit No II I'oter Ihllu. hl 7
IdoCk 3. I'llgo ildillllou, ('My of .Modfout
(iroHnii rinntagi- 61 fiot on III" aoulh
aid.- of Knlghl hlrool. 51 foil, into pot
root. II 0. utliilliul. I&l 00.
AaavaMtuoUt Nu 1. -Mia June nuk-
rr. lot , hlook S. Pag rtil.llllon, Clly of
.Moiltnnt, OrHgou. riontago tl loot on tho
iinrlh aide of Kulghl aliool. 51 foul, tale
Iter iHit, 1106. ainounl, lain
Aaaawonont No It 'm VVIIeoK, lot
9. hl.KK'i'. Pago nihil! Ion. City of Moil
fonl. Oiogon. frontage AS f""l OH trie
north ahlo of Knight allool, til foot, rule
p.-r not. II o. Mimiiinl. lit IS
Amta-aamoiit .'... 3 Win Worth, lul
10. I.lnck S. I "ago addition. City of Motl-
fonl. (ing.iu, friiil. US foot on the
north aide of Kulghl ti.-ol, 61 f-,it.
rato m r noil. 11 as. amount, isa.u
AiMoaauioiit Nu SI -IVtur ICdln: lot
II. hlook S. Pago addition. Clly of Mod
ford. Ot.-gon, frontage 6$ fvt on Ho
iiorlh ahlo of Knight alrvol, IS fmt.
inlo iter foot. II ns, amouni. lil. IS.
AKMaani.tit No rj IL II Tuft, tut
13. htmk S. Page addition. City of Mod
ford. Oregon, fnuilago &t f--t on the
north aide of Iffilgl.t atiool. M fool, twlb
p..r fiMit, It OG. atlMHIlit, lfc 13
Aawaamoul No S3 Jwpli Tavlor, Inl
IS. klnck S. IStgo Hddlllon. City of ilr.l
'fonl. Orogon. fronlago 5S faol on the
mirth wide of Knight atroml, ii fvl, rato
ht fail, II 114. amount. $55 IS
AaaoMimoitl .N SI JumiIi T.iylor. lot
II. hltM-k . Pag. ildillllou, Clly of Meal
font, llr.gon. frunluK"- 6S fo. t on lh
nor It, aide of Knight atreot, -J f.ol. r'
wr fiaii. $1 oi, amount, lulls
AaaoaaiiHiil No 15 Hadle l'utrr. It
'J, IdiH'k 1. Pag u. Idltl. 10, Clly of Mod
fonl. orogon. fronUigo IS f.ol on Iho
north ahlo of Knight alrrvl. Is foot; rnlo
nor root. It os: mmnuit. lis is.
Aaaraauii-nt No Ci.Mull
Imii A llulhllng AaiMH'laUon, lot lu
hl.K-k I. Pago n.lilll I. ai, City of
Oregon, fionlago 5S fo I on iho iiotil,
aid.- or Knight almd. il foot, lata m-i
foot, l Oil; amount, lift IS
.aaainnl No 37 (1 II lUmlrlrka,
loi II. hlock I. Inua aihlllloii. Clly of
tlodfonl. Orogoti, rroiitage 53 feel 011
Ihe north alda of Knlghl alto.-l . it root,
ruto H-r f.M.l, II or,, amount. III 13
AAKoMauioul No SS (I II llemlrleka.
lot IS. hlock I. Pago addition, city of Ur.-goll fr.Hilag" 53 fo. I oil
The rlnrili aide of Knight aii.a-l; 63 fool,
ralo it riNd, II (Hi. aiu.mnt, Sl II
Aaaraami-Ht No. SOU II I l.-ka
lot IS, hlock I. Page City of
.Moilfonl. (mgon. fionlago IS fort on lln
Iiorlh of Kulghl alroot. 53 foot, ittli
Hr f.Hil. $1 o. amount. I&5 IS
Aaju-aanunt No 10 n Ii Htlnaou, loi
tl, Idock I. Pago addition. City f Mod
fnril. iirogon, fronlago 63 fl on thr
north a!.).- or Knight aire.!. :.3 ft, rnl
lr riHit, ll.oc. amount. ! IS
AasiHiaifleiit No 31 ICriHKl W ICrlrk-
an. lot 15. hlook I. I "a go .l.llll fllv
of Mo.lforil. Oregon, ftonlngo t: f,-l on
the iiorlh aide of Knight atlrot. 53 fool
ialo,oir fool, 1104. muiHinl. 155 13.
Aaiaainrnt No S3 -Anon ,M Millar,
lot in. hlock I. I Nig" n.hlltloU. City ot
Modfoul, Oregon; fuming.- 53 fool on tin
north aide of Knlghl atieot. 63 fioi, rati
per fool. l 00. amount, $'.5 13
Aaaiaamenl No. S3- I'lorelieo It 1 l.-r-rlik,
Inl 4, hlock I, Alliloraon-Tort aihll
Uon. Clly of .Me.lfot.1. Oi.-gmi; frontau.
Mi foot on Iho Iiorlh aide of Knight
alreel, 60 fiot. ruto p. r foot, $101),
muounl. $53 00
Aaa.-aamelil No 31 --Plorelice H lh-r
rick, loi I. Id.a-k I, Aiuh-raoii-Tufl nihil
lion. Clly of M.-dforil, On-goi,, rroulage
50 feel on Iho nut III aide of Knlghl
alroot, 6u foot, iato per fool, $1 o
amouni, f.S 00
Kiciluu 3 And It la herehy ordere.l
and ordained that aald a.-.i-nil naaeaa
in.'uta and Iho ih-ua llioroof ho outer. 1
In Ihe lien duikel of aald clly, mul thn
thereupon notice ho given III tin- owilt-r
or U'putcil own. ra, of aald propi-rl, mu
thai Iho Miln" ho enforced and lullede.
in tho tmiuricr provhh.l hy Uu'ihmterol
mild city for Iho colleolluii of aaaeau
nienla for Iho luiprovemiit of alrecl
Heel Inn 3 It Im further ordcr-d thai
the notice nhovo provhh-.l for In. puh
llalu-il tlirm- tlmnH III Ihe Uiilly Mm
Tilhune, 11 puhllahe.1 mnl of
geiieiul circulation In aahl cltv, In llu
miiminr provided hy ordinandi No. -'
of aahl clly.
The foregoing ordinance' waa pnaaei
Jiy iht- clly couunll of Ihe Clly of Mod
goii, on me ant nay or uciooer
y th following vole. .Met
rick. nv.t. Walt, live: Worluiail. uyc
Kmerlck, ahauul, Klfcrl, aye, mid Mil
111 r, aye.
Approv oil Oclohor llh. Pill
Atloal: Ma) or.
Hi HIT W.,
City Hi (order.
To llm owner, or reputed owner, ol
ouch parcel of piopmly tlcacrlhcil In llu
formolug oullnmico, an named Iheteli
ami lu thfi lien declared hy aahl ordl
milieu, uh leconhd lu tin) docket of oil)
Voii mo herehy notified that Dm ua
KCtouili ill declined hy the fniegolng ordl
1111111:11 haa lii-eil liiadn mul Uio llifu there
for entered In Ihe (illy lien doukol, am
(hut tli" amiui In duo mid ymi uro hereh
luiiilunl lo pay Iho Willi" lo Ihu clly n
carder wllhln leu days fiuiu (ho am-vlci
of Ihla notice, which aervlco la iiiado If
puldlciillon of Iho forenolng onllunhc
and UilH iiollco Ihlee Ilium III Iho Mud
fin. I Mall Trillium, imiauaut to mi orde
of tut clly council of anhl oily
IIOIIT. W ti;i,ki:h,
Cltv Itecouler,
ford, Oii-ll
Ptll, hy
Wo carry n very comnloto line of
ilraporlca. lacy ourtalnn, flxturea, eto.,
nml ('( all uhiHana of uplioluturliiK. A
apeclnl man lo look after thin work
nxotualvuly mid will glvo aa good
vervlco 11 h la poRHlhle to get lu even
llm Inrgcat cltlua.
Weeks & McGowan Co
Where to Go
UK) notm.K 1111,1.
Olio III), Mi renin
III Thcli' lll Coini'i.) Sucii'ai,
".'l' Till! t'MlOl'S"
Unto In umi IiIk ili-umrliiK :
act wiih frnni hIuiI In rlitlah, turn ;
wlllmiit 11 dull iitniiiiint; nun of
llm fiiali'Ht loinoily iu-Ih jnu (vr
nu. If Ami like cniiiody, Iieio II
la, umi i. 'tily uf Vmi will
IntiRli till jniii' alilua uclio nl all
Urn I'liinlcnl alliiMllnua ilmao tv(
iiMido itii llirmiKlt Willi. I'lotil)
of alngliig, iImih-Iihc mul lullilng.
jtial h Imt jnu imvii wHltnd for. o
ilnii't inlag It. I
iioiiuiiii'ir, I'W.mii.v riurnsi
.Mi'vlcan Airolinla
IjisI wnaii limy wem hiiiiiiiMl
with Jim llHriuitn A Ihilliij'H tIr-
ciim aa nun of iho lomllng nttuuu
llntia lln uiiro and act. Idltln 1'ital.
Um niunllofit child clown iicrnhal
In llm world Tim) JhchoiiI ikuiio
or tho iiiiiat ilirricult IiIcIim Knnw-n
III the itcinhiitic liiofoaalon - tho
hiigt gliow (vor.
Una Chmig.Hl Owimrlili.
Mlffi'ii'iit I'liiuiv,
MlrfcM'iu M,iiiM;i'iiieiit
Wi Mollcli Ynur I'nlningg.'.
Mt'Nr ,J II l.i,
Wo aril appointed iiRcntg for
.1. II. TIIO.MAH, CovBiii Oardcti,
tlon nml Hniiilimnptoii, i:ni:lnml,
wIiiimi chgrj;i-s nro 0 jutr cunt umi
l I'cillM per linj.
JAH. MNDKAY ft (N, Mil., lllng.
Kw mid IMInhiirKli. Hcotlniid, 5
per cunt and 10 cento por box.
littitf. t pur rent ntid K cunt nor
Th(W( nro thn oldtutl nml Inrnoal
flrnm In (liuir rngiinclly.i tcwiia. nml
Itolr rofnnipiio ng to tlnu11nl.1l nhll-
King mil Im hml nt .Moilfonl Nritloniil
llnnk. Medford, Oregon.
Cnah cnn ho cabled ilny nftnr nln
If, rmmlrnd, lin.l blKhotit mqrkiit
price i.itttrnntiiod.
Ilcd l'ncnd Mmi imnMrij; niO Cl(l
AllH InlkliiK "HOT Alll" iltm'i nlwayg
Ilvo on nlr, liunco our remark 011
Tiio rlnp-trnp nbont prlvnlo aln
tlooa not jirovu runiniuiratlvo. exonpt
for Homo onrloR of n Hinall nnturtt. All
iMillorg by prlvnto rnhj Imvo to wall
until ntiettoi.11 nro over no nn to know
what to nuk, mid In llm cnno of InrKu
niipnllcii limy oflon i;,.t i,fi.
Kor furlliur parllcnlnra, nddrcsa
VV. N. White (Si Co
Til I'AItU 1'I.ACi:
vkw vomc
An Ideal rntroat for ouldoor pnatlinna
Mr,."1,1,1"1" '"'NTINCI. I'lHIIINd
I!,,0'.."I1N0' 'ANOI-!INn. DANC
N(l ANiritOI.I.HU HKATINO. Whore
pretty wider nguha, mnna ngnlca.
mniiii-Mlnnca, carnellaiiii can ho found
on Ihu hoach Purn moiiulalii wnloi
and llm heat of food ut low prlcea.
I' roali flah, ohiiua, KtilUM nml nyatiira
Willi iiliiindiiiicu or viigclnhlca of nil
klnda ihilly,
Camping Oiounda Convenient gna At-
traotlva with Rtrloi DanUary
tovir wound thef aiAaov
Trom All Pointa lu Or-on, Waih.
Invton and Idaho, on at! 4Uy.
from Hnulliuiii Pacific, polntg I'urllnnd
to Coiiugo (irovo; uhio from nil is, k
" eiauoua viiiany and weal, (Jood
going Halurday or Hundiiy and for
nil urn Hunday or Muuilny,
Call on nny H, P. or Vi ti n Agent
for full piirllouliirM 101 to rmea, train
Molicdiilea, Hln. 1 iiIho for copy of our
lllualralod lamlilnt, "OutlngH lu Ore
uon," or wrltn to
antra) raauuifr Aftnl,
rortlixurt, Oregon,
a 4
1 1