,. ' n iK? if PXGB TWO u ' ,-i , "11. ' ir ' (' MEDFOTO MATL TRIBUNE, MEDEOUD, ORIWON. WIWNUSDA V. OCTOBK1? 1 1, 101 1. , it OFFfCIALS J. D. FarrclU Announces Important ' Chanucs O'Orlcn to le Relieved of AuHwrityrjvcr the Seuthorn Pacific' In Oregon. Jjf 5 l I l'OUTIJANI), Oct. 11. President ,T. l)..Inrroll or the Hnrrlmau Hues In the Pacific northwest has nn miunccd, i ImportanV changes In the mjfongemeut, i "7fio Southern Pao'flo mid the Oregon-Washington Kailroad & Nalga lion properties will bo segregated nnd tu now general manager will be niinolntcdtitor tho Southern Pacific lines In 'Oregon. General Manager O'ftrien will be relieved of authority over tho South ern Pacific and his jurisdiction over tho Orcgcn-WnslilnKton system will he extended to include Seattle as well as tho Portland district. HUJU filler yjU be relieved of au thority as traffic manager of the Southern Pacific ,' ' T t : : . . . ; SCENES OF DESOLATION IN THE STRICKEN CITY OF AUSTIN, PL A". ' rggE , , ;,; - j. aytArAMWhBBBBb3gyiHIHBBiBBBBWBBIBWHWHBiBiBdBL, g -rHB II WARRANT IS RECEIVED Uncle Snm Forwards Monoy for Fnl crnl Bullillnii Site to Colvlji & Rcnmns, Attorneys for Aiulrrsun & Green Can't Frnmo It. FREE LESSONS. JVHli ovory not of pnlnlH. Conic nttd mm us, j 1 The Art Store 1 C. E. COLLINS . J l!7 Nuith Urn no, s i JTc-Zi'lElectric and Gasoline Engine attorneys for Amlniftou nml Uicen, Tuesday, In puyuiont for tho federal building silo :i Went Sixth street Tho owners of tho warrant look considerable- delight In ilUpli,lim It. ns Its receipt littllmttoa that work will be started soon on the election of tho federal bulMluy:. Tho owners uf tho warrant would llko to frame It, hut Uncle Sam pro vide that such warrants mutjt he cashed uud returned. Pumpers For EETTs VHH4 "5 ivdflELb J THJb fl fiw for Y COMMUNICATION. Tublo Rock, Ore., Oct. 7, '11. To the Editor: I believe that Iho Dnily Mail Tribune has the wel fare of Ihe people of Jackson comity at heart, and I admire your figkt for 'Mado in Oregon" goodss I3ut there is nuothcr mutter of. vital interest to the people of Jackson county, to which 1 wish to call your attention. Wo nrc informed that numbers of Latin nnd Mongolian market jr.iru nera are preparing to iuvndo this valley. The writer has been up against them in other tedious of the country and he knows too well what it means. When they become established here, one of our chief industries will bo ruined nnd the money it pro duces will flow to tho orient. I realize that it will be a hard job o keep them out, as. they will pay fancy prices for the rent of garden land. 'Every one knows that the white man cannot compete with them as their manner of living and -words' "entirely different from our.s I have not the, space to elaborate here, but they use a system which comcIs a merchant to buy their vegetables. As a rule the oriental waits till the white man makes a country, then be comes in and skins off the cream and leaves the "Blue John." 1 have stated facts as I have seen them in other places nnd I leave you-to work out the remedy if in deed it can be worked out at all. Respectfully yours, G. P. HALL. Wreck of Boitalo Hardware. Co Main Strect and'Bajlrqad avenue. Look for the nil that describes llm placo you would like to own. Prominent engineer throughout the country mute in dec hiring thit u d. in t Aiiiliu, li . bad been Strengthened according- to recommendation made by the designing eignin. T, th.i'ki', the Oi Mer would not have taken nlnee. A risiid in estimation ha-been ordered t nltu-r Vie bl.nre fir neliJt r . PORTLAND IN MAY HAVE HAND IN FRAUD PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 11. It' was learned here today that tne governor or Alaska has a corps of. agents of the department of justice! at work in Portland gathering evi dence ajraiiis-t a score" of wealthy men who it is 'Alleged are concerned in the Aliifka coal laud frauds. Several of those" under investiga tion are men high ui tho confidence ficd, with the stnndpat wing of the of the administration and the ma jority of them are stronglv indent- ified with the republican party in Oregon. Special United States Attornevi General Townsend will leave for the east tonight and it is understood that Atttorney General Wickcrsham and later President Tat't will be ad vised regarding the cases and the. nnuics involved. Hint From Paris I TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS, YESTERDAY'S SCORES. Li : " , Pacific Coast, At Loa Anseles R. u. Los Angeles 3 10 Portland 9 11 At San Francisco Vernon ...., 4 10 Oakland 5 6 At Sacramento- Sacramento......,.,,,.. 4 5 San Francisco 4 5 Xutloual. At New York New York . , UrooUlyn ..,....,....,, 2 SEATTLE. YVn. Seattle and Ta coma vtl join bunds to exterminate tho private employment agencies. In Tacorua the fees exacted from tho public are estimated at 150,-000. PARIS Lovers uf cheap whis key will be interested to learn that two Frenchmen in Cochin Chuia have succeeded in distilling the in toxicant from bnuanns, claiming that it has a delicious flavor. A 1 f ESfiiluBslMBHH 5f9HBrcf4 ' HRPPi wM rafliHMKn it MH UIHBiH cm mil BiiB'iiS, ' I wsm. i I' I FLOWER OF THE RANCH WILL BE HERE SOON More or less local interest -howii bv Iho local theatre goers u Hi-ward's 'fiu'iuatiug inimical eom-i ul, '.'The Flower of the Ranch.' Tlmr-day, Oct. lOlh. Thtsfrelmnu-' i'i' musical piny contains twenty -ong-., of which more than a doz u hnvtv proved emphatic successes "What's the Use' of Dreaming," "The Pajama and tin Niyhtio," 'The Same Old Stnr," nnd "The Days of '111" are ihe whistling kii d that sweep with a half melonchuly rhthm in one's memory. llastdiiB for Health. ' K' v i.jprsl i il s Look at the ads (hat offer em ployment and you'll find the right one , soon. , SASH and DOORS Direct From th Factory No W:l itlnlUf (wim oixh ttr.-f IVxt, no wch w'wii i4 n oU wt m hIkI Iiu. Nj Utln Ulrt iit tH U mi ui (inlUM Cxk, Utbiipj autUawy, UtHt isJnl(i M m Mtitt nitHlk , Yrt. fcy uSat itnA , WM CM u3n, on cfl vt sh l l w vumH Icutufr ru ifttJ ywK imkj. You Ulitoomfc. Juit read omo of tho price contained in our big illuitrfcted catalog. DuWDKin((Utut) it.SO Art Ftl IXxm, uui ttt In, S.03 Curat Vn IWx, U2i- C4S n:VWuKidwTin.lOpr. .(3 (KJp Vtiuiow fiuan . . t.M . 'itl Witip. I'X UQ Ion iicktti, 4T oSia JO WrtteUitoCaUhs 43 n WS0W, :ia Water Country Home WW6 h fur In inu'Nmwiiiif ktim m MEDFOED TsJn iiinMor Tmm tlm iiK' vmi I'llll IlllVO till tllU imittiti' noiiv.!M'oiw(n uf Mm host city U7!itm u'nrkH svstoni nn uhunilivnco of wiiiiti iiwiii' Ktmnu lnvHHiiro. for your bathroom, kitchen, (Tumtlry, Inwn, Kitrilen r,.tf)w.t flfut firn iiitiTiU'tlon I(K). M'usa liitiniwiiii .ntM miiinlv soi'vico tts.surcd. if you install tho Kewanee SystemiofWafcr upply Tho Kownnco Tank in located in tho cellar ov buried in tho ground and tho wntor is delivered by air-pressure. No ulevnted or attic tank to ealc. freeze, overflow or collapse. Tho tank in made uf steel platea and will last almost indefinitely. Wo Imllil the uncut lino of immnlnif machinery--tbo reolt of over ton years uxorlmentlng ami ia.ucl oxnriun'. Kewnneo duiiiim urooiwrateil liyhuiul, i.ii"lmo niM , el - trie motom, etc. Kewanee Kyutem nn comiio. u-y " c:uy to lnuill. Kvery piani wni. oui. wnwr i"n" irunranieo. uver lo.uuu r.waieo aynvnia iun...ni operation. m cuarK" iur vnKiui.'vsi!invnii.v coinploto ucwance cuiuiog. Kcwancc Walcr Supply Co. For Sale By HUBBARD BROS. 011EG0N ttfiir Tf,i?a ygi SAX FRANCISCO, Cab Al though Jlrs. Martin ifcICcunn, wid ow of a Southern Pacific employe, had no claim upon the railroad com pany, the company awarded her $1,000 and lumber enough to build a house toda3. SAN FRANCISCO, Cab Minus just $23,000 .worth of love, John I. Coleman brought suit today against William Williamson, whom be ac cuses of having purloined hii wofe' affections. HOW WOMEN CAN HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR (Frdm Stylo and Friidiiou Magazine) "All women should have beautiful hair, and nearly overy woman could have an abundance of rich, elossv trossos if they wotiid stop washing Uioliio out of it. A soft, pliant biialp means luxuriant hair, and to have' it it is nooosSnry for the scalp to contain tho right amount of oil to properly nourish tho hair follicles. "Dry shampooing invigorates the scalp and hair roots, keeps out dnu druffaiid excess oil, nnd promotes giwytb of fine, glossy hud fluffy hair. "An oxcollent dry shampoo pow der can bo made at home by mixing four ,ouwe8 of orris root with four ounces of thorox. A tablcspoouful sprinkled op the bend, then brushed out carefully leaves the scalp cool and refreshed and the hair fresh, cloaui fluffy nd beautifully lus- t ? c -J , r SAN FRANCISCO. Cab Ac cused of the embezzlement of $3, 300 of the pot exelinuge funds at Honolulu. Private Eugene A. Love of the United States marine corps, wa taken from tho Steamer Sierra, on which he arrived here and turned over to the federal marshal. LOS ANGELES. Cab Chief of Police Sebastian has received a wireless telegram from Rear Admir al Thomas, commandiui; the Pacific fleet, ordering the nrrcst of Pay master Charles Gibbons. Admiral Thomas alleges that Gibbons is short in bis accounts. rwonwi mi t iw Ctotntli m - Hu. Btlso cloth costume with velvet collar. HIS TROUBLE NOT OF HEART Real Facts In Regard To F. R.' Huffman's Illness. Relief 0b tained By Curing His , Stomach Ailments. Wayncsvilic.N.C Mr. F.R.Ilulfman, I ; ol this city, says : "I suffered dreadfully j ; - rnTrivr n . r n.... t .. 11 i ' ii V '.vyilhwhat I thought was heart trouble, man, alleged swindler, who was cap- ... . tared at Lakeview, Ore, after hirJ and tried various medicines in vain. eeape from Oakkind, California,! After other remedies had failed, Tlicd will be arraigned on a dharye of I ford's Black-Draught restored me to conspiracy to ajd a federal pris- health. I would not. feci safe without oner to e-enpe, Friday in the United Black-Draught in the house. I consider States court here. j jt worth ts weght in K0d. witairvp-mv n n I,, It cured my indiccstion, and by this WA&IHNOrON. D. C--Attoriloymcans , WM rcstorcd lo hcaItl , can General YWkcrshn.u and his "M-;lloteXpressniyKnitilmlelorilsbciiClits." ciates yesterday opened the nrgu-' .n. .... M mnnl nf I i n Mini,, .. ..,.,.1 !..... u"w" -.,.k,. . W..-...V... " " --w iw vti All IV easo before the prcino Court. United Stales Sit- TACOMA, Y). Disclaiming in advance permission to enter n plea of temporary iriMinity, Deputy Pros ecutor Ilurcmeihter is at Kntonville today, taking a statement from Mrs. Vivian Irvine, who wafe shot two weeks ago by Frank Calvin. I i y TKLLURIDR,' Col. Seven miners were injured, two of them seriously. ny an cxpIoMou of 'JO pounds of dy namite in tho Lewis mine, eight miles from hero. THER0X FOR SALE HASKINS' DRUG STORE LOS ANOKLES. Cab With bis light arm completely severed .pint below the shoulder, Coxswain Charles II. Tnwnseud of the Unit ted States torpedo destroyer Whipple is having bis injuries (rented at a local hospital. Townseud fell under tho wheels while nttotmpting 0 board a switch engine. KpurniiiL' all offers of assistance, Townsend ran down tho wharf t distance of about 100 yards lo where tho Whipple was docked and staggered across tho gangplank. Newbro's Herpicide A Scientific Achievement. The discovery and turnlnf,' in an alarm of fire mukoa jiohkIuIo the heroic work of the firemen In puttiiiK it out. Undiscovered, a firo spreads with imazing rapidity, destroying every thing within reach. The dlucovery of the dandruff germ was of Inestimable valuo to mankind, but only because it paved tho way for tho greater service, the discovery of Newbro's Herpicide. Dandruff Is contaKlou ,8and Its spread is checked by the uso of Her plcldo. This delightful scalp dress ing kills the gorm and prevents tlui hair from falling. Jt stops that Itching almost Instantly. Herpicide Is tho ono standard nml original dandruff germ destroyer. Any other preparation making this claim Is an imitation. Recommended an1 applied by first class barber?. Bund 10c in i)0s:ag or silver for sample and booklet to Tho Ilorpb cido Co,, "Dopt. U., Uotrolt, Mich. One dollar size bottles aro guaran teed by all druggists. Mcdford Pharmacy, night or day, near postofflce. of your digestion. Poor digestion and good health do not go together. Thcdford's IJlack-Draught will thoroughly cleanse and set in order your j digestive system. j It has done this for others, during tho past 70 years, and is today the most ; popular vegetable liver remedy on the market. Try it. ' t , Insist on Thedford's. Price 25c. ' irwig Tiiir vtntT imii fond Tppfh Are a Pr.7 ' vp w vva a vvi v v uw rav wm rt r . j-p wmen Have you t Bad Teeth a .. Do you wish to trade bad ones for good onos? Como in for froo examination and estimate. Lady attendant. - !' 22-KARAT GOLD CROWNS ..$5.00 PORCELAIN CROWNS .. $5.00 BRIDGE WORK (per tooth) ....$5.00 GOLD FILLINGS ....$1.50 AND UP SILVER FILLINGS $1.00 AND U FULL SET OF TEETH, on rubboi plato $7.50 BEST SET OF TEETH, on rubber plato $10.00 All other work in proportion. PAINLESS EXTRACTION 50c REMEMBER THE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP ARE GUAR ANTEED TO BE THE VERY BEST. DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Building, Comor Wo.it Main and and Grape Streets, Medford, Orogon. Offico Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Phonr.i: Main (mII. Umup 287 L. : ; ' ; ; : jMMMMtgMlWWWtfMW' ri..Pfrv I i3 1 1 VJ JL JL JL M. , JL hj TfaRklna for TTenltfl Rock Spring Goal OX KAJTD AI.I, VXM TZatm, Office and CoaJ Yard, Twelfth wm) Front ti-eota, Phono 7101. Burbidge TUESDAY J WEDNESDAY A TALE OF TWO CITIES Unquestionably tho Greatest 3000 Foot of Film Ever.. Exhibitod THURSDAY PART I, Tho beginning of this historical and thrilling "story embodied In this, tlix first reolnruuBos your deepest fcalln. . against tho wroim Hiiffored by tho iiiuHHOH during tho darkest periods In Kroneh history. . PART II. Tito IntuuHlty of this second part In cioiikos with the uufpldliiK of the plot, which reaches Us climax In raft III. PART III. Tho closing of this magnificent pro diiclloii portrays Carton going to tho Ktilllotlno and uurrmlng tho death pen. ally, a wlllluit miurlflco for (bo InVo and fi'lcuidshlp hn boro Liuiy and her liny-baud. ' I ' Besides, This Great Star Feature Comedy .MAjflNI'H DAII.V (Thh P. M. KVK.VINGH 7 to 10: IS P. M. AI HATIIKU IX HOXG Eva Is Tired of -4 Life A Ncimmliig ItiiileMipie Comedy Si'o this ami you will bollcp for moio. matixi:i:h daiia' i! lo n i, .m. i KVHNIXUH 7 to 10! If5 P, M, ItllKT ."HII.SKJ AND WPKOTH r4'4V4''y4t