MTCTyrromnrATTiTRrBUNii, mjodforb-, orwion', bath, day, October 7, inn. PAtinnrcvw ' V WILL IHE PILL BE SUGAR-COATED? liny I'M'sci lliiss Til 1 1 lor Ciuiiilty In 1012 Sayrt Hit will iln Uost He Cfin In Ciins Ami I)Isc;im! Which Ciiiiiitty Hits WAI.I.A WAI.I.A, Wii.. on. 7. I'iehlciil Till I wit niiiltMi llm Kc- pllhllcitll IIOIIllllMlltlll .ir llm IMKHidiMI. ij in UUvlhv (lovomorllny nl' Wwh. iiiKlmi lii'in lodav iiinl llm pnnditi-nl IiuiiIiiiikI Mi'iiiiiiilf iIim'Imimik lie Ulllllll l t ,.H , .ll. (loMMniir Mm, wlm Julht'il Hie im-. ly heio, introduce. lii in, ilfclitriiiit thill "Til 1 1 llllll lll'l'll 'IIII'XUIIhuI' i. .I lllO I'lHIHll V HMIK Mini (, .U( m-coinl in it 'j." VIiiii flit ii iiliii mime, lui mini; "Well, II' vnll Ihiiili you liui'il ll MIMWIIll llilHIS I'll till Hill Il0t I Ollll ll iMIln llllll iIIkOIUhi Villi llllW." TIih crowd liuiUlii'l nllli the paid ' limit iiinl applauded. - - 4 ! CONFESSES TO MURDER OF SISTER; MAY BE GUILTY OF OTHER CRIMES. IN THE REALM OF FASHION Striped Foulard Gown. A ouibliinllou of Mtrl'Hit and plain niiiliTliilit. which U miltnlili) fur cither n fotilnrd, prali or lawn drei. In llhiitmlcd hero 'tin round neck may SmTZZZ AT ii . y . rta-.t? jit j- k. n aiWiTwerfJt-. r .11 v s ,&. iww u 1 1 W d fc If flVBl lffWyi v v tBL aHIL H 4 tP"1- a J mm m iLLLLtflMiLLILLLar jbLLV 1 11 nun 1 - a m immm wr w m i 11 nzmmm aVa. I ft r,-JTZ' SW -" ,i .1 home.. &vu JHBmlPlfwB- 7 m Mm wHPy :r THE CRAVTOPf!) I'llliiwIiiK llm ilcalliM wllhlu ff. torn inliiiiliri of Mm member, ijf in r fjimllv, Mlitri Aniil.' Crawford, of Now Orli'iimi. .11 , (onri'wil in IimvIiik ml iiiIiiIhI.ii ml a iltiii; vs Itlfti i(itr'il lhi ilwilli of lnr oiiiiK nlnti'r, .Minn l''M. CniHfoni, s ytmtH !,. Hilw Jui ll'IO, Hid iinoiii''i fnHuir, iiiutlier iiinl twn mIMhik Iiiivh illmi ariir lirlir nuil n;i'iiliii' IliiinHH. AnorilliiK to tlm Hlalo iiffliliilH of I,hiImImiih, imdi iiii'iiiliitr of llio Craw fin it family car iIimI a llfn liiHiirmiro ioln nuil In imkIi i'mho IIii joiiiik woman prlxontr ii inimmt iiM tiiMH.rit inrv MAy AGNL5 CRWORD ,Tnti uresTTODiE MyiitRiousLy im IHE CRAWFORD rVMn.V. ANNIE CRAVFORD. 4 hUAIIT VOKItll DOWN. I mi tiuppli'iniMitiil dy n Imco or rm lirotiliiry Kuluipn or uniy Ih worn low , 'I'lio tillHiw Nlii'Vi'.i Imvu ilecp turiii'O ' tmi'lc rurfx ormiiiiiMiliit with luce or I'litliniliU'ry. The joI.d nnil tho ilmilili' d.iiincu tiro mmlii of tlio plnln fabric. LOWER flATES ON WOOL PREDICTED OY GOODING . IKMHi:, Malio, Oil 7 Prcllrlloin. Unit llio liilcrMalo loiuuiorco nun "Innloii will ofil.T low it rnti'a on ""! lilU I" wit ami that the wool liniHuift nif.t Hlu.itpnn. nf n iioiriiwoat win i. lii.nofliiNi to (ho Mini of f l.onil.uoo yirarly nM ro mill, woro mailo loi)u ,y o..(lovor nor .rHik It. (.m)illn, pnliint of llio national uoo roMi' awioila-lion. BLUE LAKE.P0ST0FFICE IS HELD UP AND R0BDED Ask the Ladies They One .mil All Praise Ncwbro's Hcrplchle. j:rili:iCA. Cal., Oi-I. 7. Kxeilo mi'iit pn;ail in IliiH vicinity lila uit n ilariiiK loliliiuy-of llio JJIitf I.n.o pontori'ii'i' about ID mi Ion from Km elm by two .pet ycmcn ear ly toilay. Tlio oiii;inci) hccnn'il &I00 in our MMiry. but oM'tlooki'il .151)1) in .(iniip Tlii wi To won blown open with mtro ul.M'i'iini', la-iiiK fint ooMired in n Idle of mail bugs to ilutuiuii tlio o.x pliiAion. I'ok at tlio ntlri for tliu chmico to buy tlio property you uccil at o "hkIiI price." , For the Gwlrproer. Tliwio nOKKiiUloiik may bo of lament to nwlmmera who havo tnxililn wllli wutr-r KellliiK In tlio earn or wottlnit the hair. ' Kaliirato n bit of Inmli'n wool with eltlmr mihuUuo or ollvo oil for tlio ear Water i iue i penvirateM llio ulleil wool Tulai a pleeo of elininoh oIkIiI Jnehen lupiaro, fnlil In half, now tnpo on emit of eneli folded half. laco cIiiiuioIh at )iumj of neok and tlu llrmly around bond boforo putting Imlhlni; cap on U'lil iioiiiiIh water from reaching linlr, aa It will not Nonlc throuRh chaiiiolH. CHINA SILK NOW USED FOR WAISTS If Hie liulii'H i-oulil know and ap-piei-lale wbal n ilfhulitlul uxt dioinK NowhroV lliipii'iio i-, tlio would all Itavo it on tliotr dreMii talilon. It im tbo iiiimt oxippHitu toi bit nrlleli omt lined ami al tlio name lime oii nj' iln- mot cKNontinl In iiiiI.t to liitvc bi'itiitifnl hair ouir.v lady hlionld regularly appl llerpioiilo to tlio hair and Mtmlp. This iluHlmy the dandruff Kiinn. Uv it tlio miilp i kept olear of daiulrj.f'i ami i In liafr xtopH fnllin;. Il.'ipiciile in free from rino, dors not iliiin or y and oim'(.i) an e. eeedliiKly dolionto mill pleiicinu' odor Newbru' llerpieido jii! the t.ort Ufa pnipamiiou that ulwayx appoaN In ii lady of ivfiiioniunt mid cultuni toMlat;. TJji'H' in uotliniK that ean take ilrt plaee. Thore in nothhig Jtl.'t like it, nearly like it or "jiiHt'jis uooil." "All ri'lialde drui'ilii noil and jjiinr. auteo lli'ipii'ide in one dolar sic but He-. ' Soiid lOo for booklet and Mimpti' to Hie lliMpieide Co., Dipt. !. )t.. Iroil, .M it'll. Applications oblnined at n pi id hai her wimp. MEDF0RD-PHARMACY Nljlit or Day, Near Poslofflcc. LONGER UNKISSED. NO MHIMMHHMMMMMMaWBNBHIHMaMBI Wind Overturns Bulltllnrj fiook at tin "For Holo" ndn nnd at noino of tlio thiOKri (hut aro adver- hrd for Main. CIIICAOO, 111. Ott. -7. JIlKh wIhiIh today overthrew a four story hiilldlui: uiidor conatniclloii on llio nortli Hldo, Hlx inoa wito takou from .In. ilnliflu tf wtintn Pmil I.tihIii mill .... .......... .., llnrry Oreoiiwooil primahly will ''-'(lotlll'S 111 riiomon iiiilt iwuiiu wiu "un-a .i two clillilrun, n lrl of l'J and a )oy of G, In tlio ruliiB. iR Jy Iiok for tlio nd Hint cuIIk for you amoni; tlio help wanted iiiIh. A J Gladstone Dowjc (JlmUloiio Howie, the ' iittklsiied," bCtinktiio! no mon. at leaat so cle- I'lnri'H Mln4 I.lvrli Mi'W'i-x nf U'mi. flttiKiin, ill , who iya alio Ih eiiKaued to' marr htm 'I he wedding date Iiiih not bti-u set ADVERTISE xp tou Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Sltnatton Want a Eerrant Qlrl Want to StU a riino Want to Sell a Carriage Want to Bell Town Property Want to Bell Tear CJrocerlxe Want to Soil Yoar Hardware Want Caitorntr for Anything- Aflyertlie Dally In Thlg Paper. Adiertlilnir I the Way to Bncceia Aflvertlalnr Brlnfa Cuitonters AdTertlilng Ktepa Caitomire AdTertiiln; Xniures Sncceia AdTerttilnf Snowi Enerry Advertlilcff Sbowi Flack Advertliln; I Bls Adrirtlie or Bait AdTertUe ions' Adrertla Well ADVERTISE At Onco In This Paper In roiirciviiig kI.vIcs, sc fi.iiin.r r.ii.i.ii.L .111.1 imiiYifi V l.lllii III."" O llllll lilllivilliw v makers of Col lege Brand Clothes haven' a Deer. Everv iiicelv and necessily is included in the garments' wc have just re ceived from them. Coming from New York, they re quire no recommendation from the point of style au thenticitv. It takes such a very little time for you to glance over our assort ment of these unique clothes that you cannot reasonably offer a lack of time, for an excuse for not visiting us. The clothes-making art Js exemplified to the full est degree in thist fa mous make of clothes. $18 to $40 Daniels tm ii Largest Men's Outfitters in Southern Oregon MEDrOKD KASUT1 XeUtl Prtcee, Is More Comfortable For Sum mer Than Muslin. Whim tlm real hot weather comes In women cry out for elotliea Hint do not eairy march. Flour and water mixed to a piiHto and mlffened by n hot Iron In iih hot an a poiom planter. It can keep every breath of air away from the body. lllotiHc.1 nnd frocliM Unit call for It are all very well on day with moderate Mouther, but duiliiK vveekq of thu kind of tmnpmnlnro Unit wo lmvo boon treated to recently wo want nouiutliltiK (hut U limp. China Hllk aorven thl liced, and It la much in demand for ono plcco frocUn ami for Benurulo lllOllMCH, 'J'hoao who mako a uniform of whlto duck and Ilium fkli'lH with thin bloum-a for all tho warm weather days have (-ono In heavily for plain whlto plaited walatn liiHtead of thu iiiuhIIii ones. The Hllk wanhcH woll, Irons with little trouble, and doo.n not wi Initio and cuish lllto a iimturlul that owoh Iln lioilv to Htni'f Ii. . VejctallcH. I'otntiieti $t.7f icr cwt; i t-l'c Ih. (nlihni;o So. I'armilpu So.' I.ottuco Co hoad, Carrot h, 1 l-l!c. llcotH - I l-2e. OnloiiH t . a i. Colory riOcWIl dor. Cauliflower 10 (ft1 ICc head. Turnips- 1 l-2e. ' Itadlahoa r.c bunch. Ouloun Onion, Co hunch. rt,,! :. K Krnlt. CocoanutH 10c earh. I'runcH Dried, 0o lb. I,ouiDUH ar.o do.oii. llaiiannn IR to afio per dozen. OraiiRua U T ? ICc do. Grapo fruit 7Co R1 doz. roll, Hut tor Kkkh anil l'oultry Ilutter French rnnuh, per nnc; creamery, OOe. Ukk Kieidi, ranch, !10e. l,oultry--Ueiifl, ilreHHod, 10: llvo, I2e; HprliiHH, dioMHed, ta to 15c. TurkoyH aa toar.o, diema-d, JMeatH lleof Ciivvh, I I 2 ii 5 Bteoru, rm. dranc I'oi'k 7.1-ac. , Veal Dii'HHijd, 7 1-an. Mutton 3fT:i t-2c, llvoj lamha, 7 t-ac. Hay anil Feed, Hay Timothy, $11; ulfalfo, $14; KraBH, $12; h'raln hay, $11. (irnln Wheat, tifiu IiiihIioI; ouIb, $nr ton; Imrloy, $35 ton. : ' I -4 J iiSfij ANNOUNCEMENT i i ' Dick McDowell hits purchased the P. 1. lviissell cou fectionery business and will continue it At same location. His friends and the public in general are cordially in vited to visit him and to look ovor the now store. . i ; ', : ; ; : ; ; : : : : : ; ; ; ; ; : ; iii i i iieMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 1 Let Me Prove THAT :j I will j?lvo you Ifu bent Hhnbi- poo you over had. I will rIvo you any tylo Imli ;, t c drewi, , I will guarantee ymi it atl factory inUncuro. ' I will (tirnliili you any ntylo 0 jrado of hair Rooda. N , I will rollevo any kind of Horo and itclilnt? foot. , S Shampoo vith Hairdress, 75 cents. Hairdress without Shampoo, 50 conts. Manicure, 50 cents. Face Massage, 75 cents; Hand Massage, 50 conts. Chiropody, according to work done. Ilair goods at extraordinary low prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed Madame Roode Eoom 25, Jackson County Bank Building Hotel Medford TABLE DTIOTE, $1.00 Chicken Broth a la Creole Celery Ripe Olives Boiled Salmon Sauce Tlollandaise ' Pomnies a la Bitz Cucumbers Cutlets of Cap6n au Petit Pois Punch Romainc Boast Young Turkey, 3?resh Cranberry Sauce Sweet Potatoes glace Wax Beans Saute Shrimp Salad Mayonaisc Coffee Ice Cream Assorted Cakes Fruit Roquefort Cheese and Bents Crackers Coffee Sunday, October 8, 1911. Meeker's MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Specials For Coming Week SOFT HATS IN ALL COLORS MEEKER'S MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IN MEEKER'S STORE 28 S. CENTRAL AVE. BEATRICE DIERKE Assisted by GEORGE ANDREWS, Baritone . , , and, tho APP0L0 MALE QUARTETTE MEDFORD THEATRE, OCT. 17 Subscriptions with Miss Flora Cray. General sale at Ifaskins Drug Store Medford Mail Tribune Want Ads Bring Results y& j WJ . - A Mi Vi -4 J i r