Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Image 12

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Snys He Is Endcavorinn to Reform,
tlw Trust Laws In tlio Interests of I
tho Trusts Urges Caution in Deal
Inn with Him
WASHINGTON, . C. Oct. ?.
Charging Heorge V. l'erklns with
trying to reform the trust laws, In
tlio liiteroatn or tho trusts, National
Hecretary II. n. Martin of the Ameri
can Anti-Trust league mndo the fol-
lowing loply to the speech which Per
kins mndo tit Detroit recently:
"Accepting Perkins own friends'
estimate that he Is the mouthpiece of
tho monopolies we rind his complaint
to ho:
"Klist, that tho Ilcpubllran party
In no longer willing to do everything
that tlio trusts want done;
"Second, that Perkins' friends de
mand an amendment to tho Sherman
law, which would practically destroy
tho law's effectiveness;
"Thlnl, tho Perkins crowd want
tho government to enact a general in
corporation law along the lines orig
inally suggested hy Archhold, dates
and Uockereller, heforo tho federal
Industrial commission 13 eara ago.
"Gary, Carnegie, Morgan, Seth
I.ow, former Congressman William P.
Ilephurn, and Thcodoro Itoosevelt.
then president, eomtdned In an effcrt
to put through the GOlh congress the
snmo amendment which Perkins Is
demanding now. Thoy were beaten
In tho attempt, tho judiciary commit
tees of both houses flatly refusing to
report the bills to either house.
"Tho proposed amendment lias
been deader than Julius Caesar ever
since, and I believe that It will take
n bigger man than Perkins to bring
It hack to life. .
"! doubt If there Is a man, either
In the house or tho senate, who w'ould
dare to face his constituents If It
became known that he Introduced the
Perkins bill to amend tho anti-trust
"Perkins Is Identified with three
great trusts, tho steel, harvester, and
money trusts, all of which the gov
ernment is now investigating nnd
two of which the newspapers are
currently reportlug aro ready ttt
como Into court to plead guilty to
violations of tho Sherman law In
order to niinlmlzo the punishment
which the law nrovldes."
'''"" " ' t ' 'in " .
nmuu trial
next wednesday
Indications are to Elfcct that J ml no
Bonlwi'll will Hear the Case onil
Will Not Grant a Motion for n
Chanfjo of Venue
Aristotratie (hirfhld Park one of the most exclusive resldcutl.ll sec
tk ns of Chicago, is manifesting grea interest tu the shooting of Itohert
llruce Watson, architect and politlclm. In front of his home, at No. :i!u
South Central Park avenue, by .Mrs. Harriet H. Coney, the beautiful di
vorced wife of George K. Coney, wealthy box manufacturer. It Is believed
that there will he developments of the most sensational nature when Mrs.
Conej Is placed on trial. It is said that the so-called "unwritten law"
may be resorted to by Mrs. C'onej's lawyers in an effort to free her of
the charge.
Star Theatre and many oilers for
seats have been made.
Among other things said nlvout the
films In the Portland papers aro the
following from the Oregonlan:
rumto's Inferno Is not only a lit
erary masterpiece, but It Is the in
spiration of the highest Ideal yet et
tained In tho realm of motion picture
art. The mysterious philosophy of
tho poem never would have impressed
the human mind with such dynamic
force had It not been for tho won
derful interpretation found In Gus
tav Dore's illustrations. The photo
play is based on these illustrations,
aided by a dramatic producer evident
ly In full nnd intelligent sympathy
with the original poem as well as
Dore's artistic work.
Medford may have a chance to see
the celebrated moving picture of
Dante's Inferno, about which so much
is now being said In the Portland
papers. To put this subject on film
was long thought to bo impossible,
but the fact has been dono success
fully with the result that Mrs. E. P..
Colwell, president of tho advisory
board of motion picture films at
Portland, has written tho words or
highest praise.
If these pictures como to Medford
the price will be 25 cents and a guar
antee of n large audience must bej
POUT AU PU1NCK. Haytl. Peo
ple were thrown Into a panic here by
a severe earthquake shock cat 5:30
Papers havo been circulated Friday morning. No serious damage
on the streets by tho manager of the resulted.
I.OS ANGKl.KS, Oil. Oct. 7.-
the defense in the cum of tlio Me
Nomura brothers, nccuvtl of dyna
miting the Los Allele Time build
ing u year ago, will have to go on
lual ue.xt week hefote Judge Hord-
well, was untile cciium hy tndnv's
developments. Hnnluell has deter
mined lo Irv (he ou-c, his intimates
sn.v. and no inuller what efforts the
defence iirnv make, I hey must prove
Thai the di.slriel attorney will tr
J, R McNumtirn, who is licensed of
having exploded lite lioiuh that
wreeked the Times hiiildiiig before his
htother, J. J., is believed t he a cer
tainty, although the district attorney?
deeliues to make nn positive state
ment and will not do so until the ease
is culled ne.xt Wednesday morning.
It is known that William J. Hums,
the detective, who is the head nnd
front of the prosecution nnd who.
rather limn Fredericks, will direct
the presentation of the, wants
lo try J. II. MeNiiumni first. He is
known to Imve told his intimates ,,.f
unless he can secure the conviction
of tlw tillered netive author of the
explosion, he can hardly expect to
complete circumstantial links in tlio
conspiracy case he will compile
ngninst the secnlary of the Iron
Workers Union.
Judge Ttordwell and the nllornevs
in me case will hold a conference
tomorrow at which Hie nucstion
whether the attorneys for the defence
will nslc for another presidintr judye
will he finnll.v di.poed of. It is he
lieved that Ihirdwell will tell the of
fieinls that he will nol step nside nnd
if thev move for n chnnce of judjre
he will deny the motion, narrow nml
hU associates, however, will make the
formal motion next Wednesday so
that thev can keep their record com
plete should McXnmarn not he ne
nuited, as they hope.
All of the veniremen have hren
summoned nnd will he in court on
Y eilnesdny, for the purpose of elim
inntion. r
?PW WW' 'p 5 )it f " . '
N. 0. (Dick) McDowell will Coiiilnct
Confectionary In tho Future fins
sell to Quit Business ami Stmt
Farmlnn In Sams Valley
Memhcis of the St. I.oiuh Iciiiii .a that there isn't the man luiiu; who
cnii get the hotter of "Steie" Kmiii, the ueuial tielder of the CuidiuiilM,
in u "Kidding" match. They have tried to jolly Kiiiiin, both iinliviiliiall.x
and collectively, and have failed, and doubt uuy one else' uhility to gel
Kvhiis' gtmt.
as nil euieiiuiiter Mans is lie itriuce o he .Milioua .eaeiie. Ill-
fellow players hae often ndvixed him to peek an riigiicciueiit on the nu
iloville stu'e ns n uiouologist, hut Kviius scoffs ut the idea.
1) II, IIiihhoII Iiiih Haded Ills con
feotloueiy and Ice eiciiiu pailom, at
Illl'J lOiiHt Main Htieet, to N, I). (Pick)
.McDowell for 1 (10 iicich of html In
tiaum valley
Mr McDowell Ih now In I'lmrr.e of
tlio huidueim and Ih exteudlug an In
vllatlou lo his fileudH to diop In ami
kco what hi" place In like, The place
Ih ouo or the hcid of Km kind In tho
city, In fact It Ih one of Medfnrd'a
licauty HpotN, mid Dh'k to do
a t;od bimlueMH,
Mr ItiiMNell Iiiih been cnr.nKed In
IhimIih'hm In Medfoid for ten )entf,
hut fnllltiK health ha rouipelled him
to ipilt hiiHliiomt and net lilniHt-lf hack
to tho Hllilplo life, llenco the HaiilN
valley farm. Of tho 100 acicn tin
IP'tit In e'lmu'.e lor the hIoic, I'.'O
acren aro bottom laud and cHpcctalty
well Hulled for Mtock nod niralta, the
rcinaliiliiK 10 l Kniln land Tho
place Ih leaned for a enr to Karl
Gray At the expiration of the Who
Mr, Hunoll will take powiewiloii him
Hclf nml In the meantime ho will
purrhnHc titock to put on the place
when he uliall have nceured pinmex.
MIIAVAl'KKR. Wis., Oct. 7.
Whether campaign money may he
legally spent in "treating" to liquor
nnd cigars is the subject now being
threshed out in the Senator Stephen
son election investigation, which took
n new turn when (lame Wnrdmi Stone
and u number of his deputies vvre
examined ns to what they knew
iihotit rccuiviug n generous nibble of
the fortune spent hv Stephenson dur
ing Ids campaign.
The day is iuiii taken up mr.i"v I
with the tcntimnuy of Deputy (lame
Wardens who vvcie present when n
large sum of money was placed in
Stone's hands with which to pro.
mote Stephenson's campaign.
Rodney Socket!, recalled, said that
Stephenson left it to his discretion to
spend the money entrusted to him, lu
structiug him substantially to do what
ever s)snible, keeping within the law.
The witness did not believe that llit
law prohibited campaign treating
Senator Ileyhiiru, howevcV had
different ideas on the subject. The
chairman stated that he believed
the .f.'IO.OOll spent hy Stephenson and
his campaign iimimcers for liquors
was illegally cxcpmled. A
Look for tho ad that it to
von. secoud-hnnd. nt a rnl hnrcnin'
SAX FKANVISCO. Vul, Oct. 7. -"I
was only heating the railroad
company of its fare when I "igii'-il to
go to l.os Angeles ns a strikebreak
er." said Harry Clifford in the city
prixou today.
Clifford wan arrnlKticil on n rlinrKO
of assault lo commit mured after u
Kim play in it llarlmry ('oust saloon.
Ho was held on . 10.01)0 honds for
trial. During his henriiig It devel
oped that he was a member of the
American Federation of lthor, nml
that he had entered the employ of
the Southern Pacific. He explained
his reason for so doing after his
heariiu; in court.
Look nt tho ads that offer em
ployment nnd you'll find tho right otnt
1 xVl Jx. 5
regularly. Why? IJecaiiho bo baa been taiiRht from childhood the value of good t"otb ami of tho neceai
RKFINRD people nre as careful of their teeth as of their milliners and associates. The smllu of refined person Kenornlly
shows a well kept set or teeth. They may show flllliiKH, crowns or other evidence of the dentist's art, but will Invariably bo
found kept In good repair. Some people's teeth aro of very poor material and need tho alumni constant attention or it
dentist to keep them In condition, If sticli teeth nro those of a pemou of refinement you will find him vlslllni; IiIm deullHt
ml of the necessity of keeping them In good condition If ho wishes to enjoy good health ami mako a imcccsii In IiuhIiu'sh.
IfJNOIlANT and III bred people generally havo teeth cnrienpomllng to tho rest of their makeup ami hIiowIiik the environ
ment in which limy were raised. Their teeth aro Kuimrnlly dirty, decayed, broken off, or partly mlHslug, leaving a mouth
full of unsightly old Biiags. Ho seldom gives them any thought or attention except to havo thorn extracted when they
ache, and as such peoplo grow older they havo moio the appearance of an animal than a human. Why such condllloiiH?
Lack of educ atlon and bMng taught tho value of good teeth from childhood, such people will Invnrlably bo found weak, unhealthy, and with a HhUchs manner as If life was not worth living.
to at once. Call on mo for free examination an d estimate.
CAIIRLKSSNRSS and Ignoranco aro entirely dirrcroiil. A person may he careless nf IiIh teeth hut still dooH not neglect
them through Ignoranco, Just puts It off from day to day until too lato. If you aro not Ignorant, and know tho value of
good teeth, why should you ho curoJcHM and neglect them? Had teeth, poor digestion nnd an lirllablo disposition go hand
In hand and nro conditions which contribute mutei tally to no many social and fliiauclal failures. Have your teeth attended
All my work Is guaranteed, as I use only tho best materials that money can buy. Iidy attendant,
22 Karat Gold Crowns
Porcelain Crowns . .
Bridge Work (per tooth)
Silver Fillings ....
Gold Fillings ... . . . . ..
Full Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate
Best Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate
Painless Extraction
AM) Ul
DR. BARBER, The Dentist
207-208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg, corner West Main and Grape Streets, Medford, Oregon
OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.-Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Phone Phone Main 653; Home Phone 287-L
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