Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 11

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    ftrs wc: ,11 j, -:"xn
As a Financier Mutt Makes Rockefeller Look Like a Two-
By ""Bud11 Fisher
.PutMu io -J rw.
jur-p. ivi du.
00 r a tiCtmiMi
'WtL. yja viMfih
' vc tm'Uvyn" fvui". rr,
"IMI IM liin .llll..., .v. .... ii.v
iw'! Tttrn - car
-8 n
ttf VI S 1'
Br A- r )
Spot -:-
-.,, ' - : l UiLJkU:!
I on nia XubvftV. Y,t, . ,x WONnfia ' ' A--' F
y . .' - - ' - ' j a ii '
" fl ,5'";$V' I Downtown "H ' Pjj; J1 1:" ,'?5:fl'rw ' i
v --- !&;. 7 -"g- V ft?
' I
.Mvmi.HIkIuuii Ntiu- liiiiv I'.ilnl,
OoinlMM , Mill. y (.-v. T. M. .ltiiH,
P, l(. A(fii ami ,Mhij- K. ItiitliiiMi.
("HiHr. Mtnnnl v. V. Minnrfl:
(nil rT illvurco. Ii. L. Nh'liuU v.
t'lly r Ahlmiil ft lj wrii of revlnw.
Iliuil IMnli' 'I'niiifftT4.
Ilultlith N'oriDiln in St ,1. N'ouiiiiK
ont-umf iHli-h'Ml in NV I-l
nf SV l-l, Sw, 2I. TIKI, V 10
I'm) Atnlt-pMiii lo folk Hull,
lniMrl.v in IWttlt.v Hililitimi
HMll llll (VllUfll HV'Ollllf .... '.CI
Jim.. Illlliniti lo ', (',. I'nxiimit
loin I Ami 2. htnok K. It. It.
liliutl III ,fcllHMll 11)
(I. V. !). ti M. A. Aiiili'imiii
tfriifirly in itHliy' mliliiioii
In .lwir.ini 10
It. II. KhmIiIc tt ('. .1. (Mnnlnlil
liil .'i, lilni'k II. Iloiili'vunl iid-
ililloit lo AoIiIhiuI 10
.1. Ontnriliilil loll. 1". 1'ollmnt
dim iniMrly nlmvo .... 10
II. II. IIhitU, IniNlii. lo V. S.
limy, ot o mill ll, hlm-k K,
Undo In Hi 10
It. II. Ilnrrix to X. II. Ililitrolli
4 P'UIH'rty ill Hlntf nililtlioii In
Hullo Kill I '. ... 10
II. II. Ilarrin. Irnilri, lo .Mrn.
A. .M. Iliiirill. tnoiiily in
IUuff iiiliHlititi lo Mult.v KoIIh. 10
II. II. liiirrU, IriiNli'i. to Unlit.
S. flmy, prikporly in Itiilin
i iiii1! ..,.. ...,...... lit
lllssnliiilnii of I'nrliii'ititilii.
N'Otlro Ik lnwliy itlvmi Hint tlio
liflHtlWklilp orluttiu.r K- Clnrli. italm:
a I "ft I iwlnlo InmlncsM In Moitrnnl.
(tr.. lum liix'ii illwiiilvcil. 171!
1 1 '.nun.
.Mmrni No IciH. IC Mnvili-n. lot
I. Il HOll !). IXlldlKll llllVllftflK. 1111' l.f Mi-il.
fin. I, III. hoii. rrnlililKi I'M' fiH'1 nil III"
mil ill niiim or if. Tlilnl HUiM'l; inn fc.'l
mtM ii.ii' f.Lj.t tl Kn intf tlf.fintl
AnariUllinill No II -, Tl ' IIONtnl, Sot
. Illltvn '. flllRIMIII IIIIVIINIII', i.niy or
MKilrillil. Oit'unn, fiiiritnun Km font mi
Mi inn (Ii uliti if Ii 'I'liinl hlrit ; 100
trl; mlii jwr TimiI, M Ji, iiliKMllll.
Awwbhiiii'mI Nil. IS ClinM ! Vonnit.
Inl t, liliick St. iirlcliuil IioviihIIi. r'liv m
,MHllll. HI 'Hull; IMllHMM.' I llll IX'I nil
iiMt'in Kiiii- or i; iiiii.i Nirool: imi
Iter fu'il. $1 50; uniminl,
nUIIIHAHIll! Mil. R1.1.
An flt.liitfiiii ' ! clnilni Din i iinI of lli
llflllHlVrlllhl "f 'I'll 1 1 1 Klli'ttl rrolll
n'lMiJno lii M'i'l' kir.i'l iiml iimiviiiiliiu
ttlb Pll'ltlv l.'li.-fll. .1'. tout ill-
"ujrll'll mlrll iikiiiiii'II mill illrirllnir
' IJlV 'lll llii'iruf In Ihi' ilncUi'l of rlly
I tr-UM.. "
il'liA f'lly of Mcilfoul ilolli onlaln n
SctiiTi'iii I 'riiwt .no tiioii'Miii luivlmr
,IS" fl'-'l iiKiiloiil lln' (iiiiroW'iiii'lit of
'llll r I xhi-i'l fioiu I I'Anlnil iili.'1'l lo Ai
l'l Ht. ilili' liolli'i' nf Itio llili'iilloii of
hn I'fiinu'll lo mi urn' unlit liniirovi'iiti'lil
iilVW nmili' IiiiUhk ("ii iihin mnl nidi
liirliijviiii.iii IimvImk I '! i in iIim ril iiuiiIk.
I llo iHiiiiii'II lum t'oiiMlilnri'il Urn iiiiiIIit
mJU Itfrri-wlili nitrrttiiliiH Hit iroliiM
'Jilfl Of HUilillil! Hlli'll llllirilV'i'llrlll lo ln
irra iOIiii of ifl.inii.ilii
Linl' Milil riiniirll firllur fliiilH lliil
Um 1rrlul mnl lii'i'lllliir lii-llrfll (iriTllllIU
iifioii kjh'Ii liii or pint llii'iruf uiU.ici'iic
i (Utdl lioiroi'iiti'iil mnl In jiint uunir-
llllll (l ll..l'fllM. Ill llll llll' I'HM'I'VII
imionnlM lii'ii'iiiufiiT hkI iiiuiMii ilii
nnliit'iil' or iiiNi'riiiiioii of I'lirli lot or lutrt
tluirruf. mnl Miii'li iiiniiiiiilH ri'Hi.Tllvi'ly
bii liun'l't ilcrliiii-il 10 lm Hie iriiiiiillon
nti) mIiaiv of iiii'Ii lol or i:irt tln'ri'ol'. of
llln imTnI of mull Imiihovi'Iiii'IiI. mnl Im
llll'ri'll lll'l'lllli'll III lm IIMHI'HHi'll IIU'lllHl
liil hil or imii'i'lii ri'HlH'i'tlvi'ly. llw imino
iippi'iiilni; iiliovn i'iihIi Oi'Mi'ilplloii linlnit
llfu iiiiiim of llm mwiht of mii'li lot or
AflA'l'alW'MI.N'l' I'"" I'"" I'AVINO OK
frritHliT TO AIM'l.i: KTHKUT.
AM"nimni'iil No I. Aliiilni All Hit. lot
n. Illicit -"'. oilulniil IouiinIIh, clly of
Athiirorii- i'h'hoii. froiiiiiKii 7o fi'i'i on Uio
mllltli. Hlili or II. Tlilnl Hlri'i'l: 7 fi'i'i,
inU' IM'f foul. JI.MIi MlliotlMl. 1li1lHI.
Abn.whiiii'111 No. S. -I) II .Miller, lot 7,
liloi'U si. oriuimil toiMiHlli'. city of Mi'il'
foiil, Ori-Koii. fioillilHrt Hill fii't oil tin"
noil III noli' of I! Thlnl Hlrt'i't: 100 foot;
nili liDr rout. l 80i Himmitl. Ii'i"1!" , ,
AHeNNiiiniit No, )'. II. Aiiiiliii'ii, lot
ll,, liliH'K 21. OIlKlliill loWIIHlli'. city of
,M(:iirU'l. Un-KOIll fionlillio I llll n-ol nn
i nti moult Miid or n. tiHiiI Htri'.'t. ii;;;
fimt; in 1 1 pi'i' fool, H.r.O; itiiioiiiil, IIBO.flU
Anmohniiii'IiI No 4 II, l, llnyili'il. lot
7, lilm'li l. iirlnlimt iowiimIIi". city of
AlQilforil. lUi'KOni fronliiK" HM fi'ft on
lift mmtli Hliln Of H. Tlilnl nlri'i-ti too
Wrti: lutn prr fool, II.ROi iiiiimiiit,
AMKwHinniit No fi. llurrlot . 11, Iw-
liiililc, lul 0. IiIik'U '". orlKliiul iiiwnHiii'.
MIS' Of Ali'iironl. Or.'H'iiii fi'ini'iKi; 10"
vfn im tin' mnilli wliii- or KiTlilnl Hlroot;
01) ffli'l; into pit foot, I.CU; iiinount.
" ..MrlflHHiiiont No. (IW1. Mint Wnril
Ili.WUj'l. lot 7, liloi'lt il, orlnlnnl IiiwiinIIh,
CITv Of .Mi'ilfonl. Ori'iimi; rri"'i" n."
rm on tlio Mouth Hhlf or H Tlilnl mroi't;
ion ri'nii niio pur foot, il.fiOi iiiiiouni,
"'hhiJmhiii Nn. 7. Atnry It. OhiiII, lo
ii,iiKiou n. iiiIkIhiiI inwiiHiji;. city or
AlU'lfoVil. Oif'Kon; fronliiun l0 root nn
llm hiIiiiIi Hlilo or l-J Tlitril Hiriml l
frfniiiiiln per foot,. II. BO; ninouiit,
'Lffiuu..w...l m k ( I.'. Iv'lllC. lot 1.
I.iy.ik .7. nrlKlmil liiwiiNllf. Oily of Moil
I'lVril, (Hi'imu; rioniiiK'K oil riuit on tin
noiiii Hhlii of ii Tlilnl Htn-olijion fMt
nilt pit foul, 1 1. Mis uiiininiU 1)60,00.
SHi!6'niminl No 0 -- Klrnt ,M. I-J. Cliiui'li
TiTiNliloH. lot K. Iiln'l 7. oilKlnnl Iiiwiih It;
(!LV oI-'aIimII'iiiiI. J itKtn ; fintiut" l
rlh, .... ,,mi-iIi ,iii ii f 0 " i ril Htrri'l
;00 foot; into pvr fool, fl.nui muoiiut
fWI: ilo
f ico no.
ARwatinciil No 13 --Irvln llirK
Inl 11. , Murk SI. oIIbIiihI tnwimlti', cit
of Ali'ilfonl. iri'Kiui ; rronldur- I no fi.i
on lti no i Hi fililo or I! Tl'lr.l nlli'il. tun
f-i-l; nit" 1'i-r font, II HO; hhioiiih
,MNfiittiit No. 1 1. AllCim MMHonalil.
"I u. lot I. Iili'i'k JH, nrluliiul "tinvnnli.,
Cllv or .Mi-ilronl, MrKon; fronlniro "'
f-i'l on tin' hoi Ui xl.l.. of IS Tlilnl wln-i-l:
f f"-l; niti I'T foot, II 10; tiiiiouiit,,
Aitnetit No lSOrKiii A fnllfor
ill It. It, Hun portion or ilif ruilroHil
rlnhi-of-viv riontliiu 3d fiH on lli
Horih nllf of IL Tlilnl tr-i't; fionlnui
IB furl on Hi" inn til nlilo of K Thlnl
lril, 30 ffi.1: mtn pr foot, II 50
amount. 1133 no.
.titwi!iiii'iit No Ifl Ori'iioti CaII
f.iiTllii It It. Iliui port foil or tln rttllrfcio
rlKlitiifwny fmmliiK 30 fufi on tin
ihmiIIi xlilo of IC Tljlr.l utrcfl: ftmiUur
n t-fl on llo Mintli nlil" or )C Thlnl
owl; in ri"!: rmo P"r fwit, II SO,
nmoiint. 1 11. no
AnHfuiniKiil No t 4inrlii Vomit:
ninouiit im-n-nnoil, 127.13.
K.iotlon 5 Tlin rri'onlir of tin Cllj
of Mrilfuril In liirtiy itifi-iiit to ntT
nlHli'Mifill of ll'f jiNwnmi'iil licfli'.
iitiiilK In tin ilocki.t of niv tifim. mnl ti
Live notlcv liy pnlillcntlon no rniiilri-'
liv Oik rlmrlrr it Inl oiillnnnrx No SiO. ll
llin Mrilfotil Jtilll Tlll'iliif. n nnWHiiAp.'
juiIiIIkIicmI mnl of Ki'iirml clrriilutlon Ir
mmIiI ell'.
Tim Tori-iU'lllK iTilliil'!irn wjin tuvcf
liy lh rllyS.iillil'll of lln Cllv of Mnl.
fiinl.'frrMim.'on tho Snl ilny of Oclotr.
11)11. hv llin fnllinvluc vnli'i
Atun Irk. .'; Wntt, iivn: Wortinnn
at. Kiiiirlck, ulnniil; Illfrrt, nyr, mnl uyr.
Apprnnl Oclnlirr 4lh, 1911
Atliijft: Atnyor.
City llfcorilcr.
J IM,r ".fl ' I 'lll II llll'( 'l
"HSll pnWfil or priip,rty l'K'rll-l in tin
ffrf)i;olMit orilliuini'r. hh iimtii'it tlion-ln
nun, in inn urn u.'i'iiirf;.! ny ruini nrui
imprr. a n tfcnriteil In tlio ilockot of ttt
vnn nn luTpliy nnllfloil Hint tin nn
n'lUtini'iit iloi'larril liy lll fori'KOlnic nr
illiljiir Iioh liPun iiiml mnl tlin IPm
tlirtrt'ror oliTtnl In Hit rlly lin ilixUfl
mnl Hint llin mono In ilin mnl yi.u ur
ItiTfliy riilri'il to tiy tln Nniim to I In
liv ri'i'oriti'r It til n Inn iliiv froin tin
m-rvlni' of thli nolli'o, whlrli mrvli'i l
iitiuli' liy piilillratloii of I lie fontunlni
orilliiuiii')' nml thin notlrn lhn 1 1 dim.
In tin" Miilfonl Mull TrlliiniK inirinmni
In mi orili'r of tlin rlly rooiiell of Mil IT
noiiT. v. Tr.i.ruit.
Cllv llrrnnlrr.
All onllliutii'ii ili'l'lnllilu tlm roHt or llo
liuptoii'tiii'iit or I'lfllt Htinnt friuii 1 "run'
ii.ii lo iilvi'toliln miMum ntul itH.i.sliir
llm propiTtv I'.'iu'flli'il ihiToliv, mnl iln
I'loilniT miii'Ii wifirtnii'nl mnl iilri'i'tliir
tl nlry llirri'iif In tlm il..olit or I'll.
Tln rlly or .Miilfonl ilolli or.lnlo nr
rollowN: ft.'rll.ui I. no prolnnln luivlnr
Ihhiii rili-il mtnltiNl tlm linproviininlH or
I'lflli filmi't rrom I'ront Hlni't lo lllvnr
Kill.' IIVCIHI" llll" llllllcii ttr llll' lllt.'llllllll of
llm i oinii'll to I'miMi' rjiia linpiovi'iiinii'
to tin lilll.t" liilVllic Im'I'II OlVi'll, nml Urtli'
lioptiii'iiii'iit litnlnir I'.'i'ti onl.'ii'il mini.'
llm i'onni'll Iiiih roiiHl.l.'icil tin nmlti'l
Mini lii'ivullli ilm'i'rliilliN tlin lirolmlili
."il or innldor Nimii improvi'iiii'iit to I"
tin- mini or no.
An. I until council furllmr f IiiiIm tlm
llm Hpi'dnl mnl pcciillnr Imncrit nccm
Imr iijioti niicli lot, or piirt llicicif niljn
cent lo nn 1.1 liupiovi'iiii'iil nml In Jim'
proportion to lii'inrilK to ho tlin rnnpnc
liv.' oninillilN lii'ii'liinflcr H.'t oppoHlti
tin iiiiiiiImt or ilnMt'flpUon of ciinh lot ip
imrl tlini'ior. mnl mit'li iimounl.' rnHpnet
Ivilv urn Imri'liy ili'dnrml to lm tlio pro
liorllomilo Hlinrn or rncli lot or imri
tlimoiif, of tlm cunt of hiii'Ii linprovi'iimnt
ii ml n hi'i'i'liv ilrrliir.'.l to ho UKHnnHni1
liunltiHl Hillil lot or Piiii'i'Ih rnopnctlvnly
llm i tn in t iiiip.'iiiliot iilnivi' rncli ilciu'rlp
Hun lu'lni: tho nniiin of the owner or unci
Inl or imrci'l
'HMi'Niniiniit No. I Anno .Inffroy, lm
7 hloeX S3 of tlm nrluliiul JoiviiHlln.Cli'
or Ali'ilroril. Oriigiiii; rneoroYit In Vq, Sf.
imnc 1X2, or dpi cnlintv inrai'tliir'n mo
nrtlM of .inrliHim c-nntily. Orinn; front
nn.' ion reel on um polilli Ml.!.' of ! ftl
Mlll'l'li 100 fi'i'lj
iiniO'int. IS70.00.
I'll I o
foot, 15.70
ANHi'MXlimnt No. 2. fio. Tl. Ynnnir. n
rt block 23, orlulnol towiiHltn, Clly of
Mcilforil. Orniroii; i-nronlcil In Vol, S,1
piiun los, of llin county rnoonlor'H rcc
oiiIm of .Inckoii coiinly. Oii'Koni ftont
linn ioo rent on llm Hoiitli hliln of Kirtl
Hlrppt! ion reel; mtn por root, Si70
niiioniit, ri7n.f)0.
AHMi'Mxniciit No. S. Klrnt llaQtln
Clnnpl) TrUNtcnn, lot 7. block 12, nrlKln
n I towiiNllc. Cllv of Ati'ilforil. Ormson
rcconlml In Vol 00, puko 100. of llm conn
Iv rccni'ili'r'H trconiH or .TnckNon rnuntv
oii'ipui; fronlnl;n too rent on llm hoii 1 1
mih or ti'lftli Rtrnctr ioo fonti rii to poi
foot. 15,70; iiiiionnl, Irjo.OO.
,,hmciikiiipiiI No, 4,- l.iiolnila T. Wll
h.iii, lot fi. Monk 12, oiIkIiimI lowiinltn
Cllv of Meitforil. Orcuon: fimilnKn 10f
fent op llm hoiiIIi hlilo of Klt'lli xtrcol
I'lM'onli'il In Vol 01. tmiro 3S of tlm coon
Iv iccorili'r'H iccorilM or JorkHon emintv
Oregipii ioo font! niio por font, 8R.70
ninminl. 1.170.00. Y
AtiNeHKini'iit No, Ii. flnlmol IllHtrlot No
10. ii porccl nf land miirkril (K on tin
mop of tlm Oily of MeOronl, Ornnn, mnl
leoonleil In Vol, OR, poipi .152 or tlm
county I'l'i'tii'ilnr'H iccorilti or .liuikxoi
county. Oregon: riontiiKO 3".i0 rent on tin
Noiitn Nine or 1'iriii mini'i: :i"o root; niti l
per rout, 15 70: niiinillit. II.N3I 00 I
hmi'nhiiiiiiiI Nn 0 Um-llin H. Iljiniuni I
hit 18 .liliuO; 22, Diliiliiol towunlto, i'lljf
nr Ali'ilfonl. OrcHoit: rcnonli'il In Vol. 3.
'P II or llin county, itcrli't'n ii'ijimIm
of .inrkiKiti Cfiuiiiy, ur'-fton; rrmiliiK" (
rent on tlm um Hi mIiI" or nftli. hIii-i'I;
loft rent: mii imp fool.
, Kflf.lJH,
Amn'MNitiiiiil No. 7.-Hcolt V. Dnvln. Jot
I. (.nek S3, orlKlpiil inu-iinltf'. City or
Ali'iironl, iiinKon; iI.'hciIImII in ii: 6"!1
..r tlm l.i.nk or ri-corilH or .Incknou county,
c'refifMi; rrmililK.' lini fii'i on tlio north
Mliln of I'irtll HI rent. I0 rent! nit" per
root. 1,7.70; amount. I57n on. No M I' O. KlltH', lot IS. Pluck II. nrlKlunt lowiill".
city or Alniironl. Ornjion: rrcorilml In Vol
io. ptiKn 101 or tlin ci, only i. eiirilrrV rcu
i,iil or .iNckHon coiiMiy, hi Km. : firtni
!' loo fnnt oil tlm north hIov or I'irtll
Mlrnnl; lull fnnt: rutn pnr foot, 5 7':
mnoiint, nn.
AniiPhNtunut No ! Vrnnowi It. linn
kiiiH. lot I. hlork II. tnvviiKlln.
i "liy of Mi'ilfonl, Vuon. rnoonli'il n
Viil .,2. innc "f Um county in'ord
iii tnconlH of .lackmiu county, tirciton:
froutiiHi" inn fwt mi thn north uliln qt
cirili NtrMil; inn fri'l; rnlo iT foot,
ft to: iimoutit, l&7o no.
AMu-aMimut No IO lMltli ltiillnr, n
IMrrv.) or limit mnrkfil (H) on tint mnp
nr llm cllv of Alniironl. OrrKon. nml m
(ii il.. 1 in Vol 7, p.iK" I5X or thn ihiiiii
ly ire.iriler'H rn'onln or Jnektirtii criuii.
ly, i)rnoii: rrontiiKn 10n firl on thn
'inrlb t!n or nrth utrnnl: 100 fmt; rati?
per foot, 1170: nmotint. 1570 00.
AHw-dioiiniit No II. II. II Tort, n par
nrl of Imnl innrknil ((I) on tlm llinp of
llm Clly of Mnlfonl. Ori'iion. ami tt
ror.lwl In Vol 57, pok" C39 or the coiinly
Oiili r n-conlN or JackNOti county.
'ircKim. froiiinK ln f" " '' in"tli
l.ln or Kirth Mnvt; 100 reut, rate prr
root. 15.70. nmniint. 1570 00.
AKKinnumiil No is. Jauim Kent, a
tnrrt-l or limit timrki'il (J) on tho mnp
ir ;lm City or Alniironl. Orosoti. nnU rn
i-oti1l In Vol 74. p.iun 50 or tho county
ncnnttT"K rwonln or Jtirknon county.
lirKou: frontiiKn 59 fent nn tho north
.hln or 11 f Hi utrnvt: 59 r.nt; mtit inr
riHtt, If. 70; mnoiint. 133130.
HitUoii S Tim tnconlnr or tho City
of Atniroril In imrrhy illrcctcil to rumr
nlitteinuiit or thn imnntunonnt hereby
uutiln in tlm ilockrt or city lli'iiH, mnl to
uivn iui) ttuijldiilnn im rfjiilrtil
by tlm dinner anil onllntincn No. 250 of
Mitlil city. In the Atnlfonl Atnll Trltmnn,
it iwwuimiier puhllnhcil nml of Keneral
I'lrculntloii In unlil city
Thn forcKiilnij onlluniice vn imiiAcl
hy llm city council of llm City of Mnil
font. OrCHOii, on llm Snl ilny of Orlnli
r. ,1911, by tin follow Iiik von: Algt
rlclt. "uvn; Wntt. r: Wortutnu, nw
Kumrlok, nlmviit; Klforl. nyn, nml Mli
ln r. nye.
Approveil Oolobcr 4. 1911.
Attft-t: Mnyor.
itoitT. w. Ti:i,Fi:it.
City 'Itccorilar.
To thn owner, or rnputeil owner, or
neh imronl or pntimrty ilnccrllieil In thn
f.uuK.'Iou orillimpcn. im nniueil tlmrnln,
imi In the lien ilnclnn'il by nabl onll
nnnci' nn rnconlml In the ilncki'l of clly
You nrn Imrnhv notirieil Hint the nH-
N..MM..1...I , ilMtlnru.l t,. II,.. ,ir4..,il .i. ...
1 1 nunc" linn Im'.ii iiiinln mnl tlm lieu I
Mmrefop eiilnrml In llm city lien ilrtrkel '
inn nun um iwiiin in nun nun you nrr
In rrby rv'iulri'il to pnv tlm iwnie to tin
city miiirtler within ten ilnyt from the
n-Tvlcn of thin nollcn, which inrvlcn h
imitli! by publication of tlm furcRoInK
irillimuen nml thin nollcn three Hmich In
Im Ali'iironl Atoll Trlbuim purmmnt to
nn nrilnp of llm cltv council of milil city
Clly Iti'conbr.
I'Olt IIKNT I'lirnlflietl lioinw. mmleni,
on p.iytni'iil, clonn In Aiblr'Hn I. f.
boK 732. 173
rnit HUNT llvj-riK,iH -irlelly modern
biltiKOlow, Irtrfje utenplni; porch; nlnun
In.paM'.l -livijt;. IStfOO, 1)3 (Immva
nvenue. 172
for sale:
Full HAM Orricn innk noil rlinlrn,
clniip, nlK.i iiliiiuit now burin-fin. Teb
Phono I'lictric tii.1. It. 2. J7I
b'Olt ItlJNT Two room furnlnlieil lioum.
with -rrcniinil nrch. Iiniulre 51 1 Ho,
Oropn fitri'nt.
I-TIIC HUNT Nv iiimlern iilne.r(V,ui
biitiKiilow on KlniM tilKhwny, 2& per
month Sen w. II. I'verhanl, 909 V.
Ninth nlrmt.
f()lt ItlJNT Mix rowim, tiioilern hoime.
fiirolnlmil. Tol. 4S3S. 421 ISeatty
. Hlrnnt. 171
KOIt HUNT l'-urnlnlieil lioume, fine
nelKbborliooil. CO North Orocnc nt.
roil lii'NT Xmnll fiirni-heil hoipm nml
ti-ot. coiner of ISIIi aiKl tlnnw utriH-tn
I'hoim 101. I7C
I'Oll IIKNT Four room botiHc, I". 1218
Went loth nt. Alfi 3 room limine. 15.
Tclephono Pacific 403, It 3. 173
Xoaak"itur Bsmtoji
I'Olt IIKNT Hoimekeepini; roomii, 2 or 3
lit mine. 10S 1. 14th ittreut. Ilioue
C0C3. 171
MODEHN hou-rkeepln: rooma, 116 nJ
118. 2SS Rotith Holly.
Ottio tot Mmnt
I'Olt HUNT Two clecant front orflcn
rooiim. corner Main street. Inipilre
ClreKory'ii Htuillo.J
FOrt IIKNT OverSthe poitofflea with
heat, and UchL- rW-A: X;.Dl.
TUB IIBIUIBN MiHlern furiil-hcl apart-
itmntR. Mot water, heat, cllfcapnnrlnc
beilK, buffet kltchenK, prlvaln baths.
Bvery convJ-nlence Corner Quince ami
We At Main otroets. Ilomv phono 3.47
U 173
Board ana Xooma
Oil SAI.B Klrm cloud Mloon ilolni;
Konil IuirIiichr: bi-Ht Incnllon In city
ililrcHM Itiiv fl. Chlco. Col. inr.
KOIt l'.Cll.NOi:l'iiulty In l'ortlmul
renl'li'iici' for Alnilfonl clenr property.
AiMrcMrt box Kl. cum Atnll Trlbuiu).
TO LOAN--.Money lit on well Incut
nil cllv or much property. Aiblmss l,
earn Mil 1 1 Trlbliuo. 173
I.OMT Slniyeit or hIiiIiui. IMrty who
took bicycle fi-oui Nut l-'rlilny iiluht Is
known. Helm ii tlm Mium to Corey
Unmet I'm nml tnnllcr Will be ilroppeil.
I.OMT I'JIIi'm clmriii, l'lk'H horn wltli 11.
I1. O. K. on one nliln nml iv illul nml
wlno kIiihi on other bln. l'Mmler
plenne return to thin ofrit'O nbil rel'iilvn
inwiinl. 171
STIIAYI'll OU STOI.IIN Olin ilnrk Iron
uroy colt, Knlillm;, I yearn obi: hnx
whlto utrlp on f.irf lltlln wlillo on
both lllllil fedt. WnlKllt IlliOIlt 1.100
poutiilN. Uiir ClyilcNilaln ninrkliiKH. Ill)
vnworil for luforuiiitlnn lemllui; lo ro.
onvpry, Notify Phum Hi-eciiIiiK, Mi'il
fonl, Ore, or llubliiii'il llroa. 175
KOIt HA1.1J OU THADIJ I'or MciUonl
prnportj lh noiTH iinliiipiovi'il, IiohI
hoII, ut kokIo Point.
u itcrnH iiilJotiilnK ocliool nt ARnto,
40 ncri's In Hninn Valley,
lltiinpliroy, K15 UiihI Mnlni plume
3091, 176
TnralaheJ Boom.
I'Oll IIKNT Kurnlolmil loom nt 301
South Coiitrnl, oIomo In. I.mly pre
feireil. 175
I'Olt It I4NT Conifiirtoblo room for n
hiiHlneRH wiiiiinu. In pvlvnto homo. 4S
N. Onkilnln, 170
I'OH ltlSNT Mnilern fiiriilNlmil front
loom. 62S West Tontli Htroot.
'OH WONT Two portly fiirnlolmil
rooms for Hunt linuHekeeplui; ut .ill
N. It.irtletl ml I m mlie or Mrn
IhlsktiiM, 329 N. Ikuilott at. 170
JIOO.M AND IlOAIH) at Mm. Fay'a, No.
10 No. Ori st.. back of Parmer and
I'rultBrowrni bids.
I'Olt HUNT lUnch. 100 acres. O. J
Hell, IliowiiNboro, Ore-. 174
Ion BA1.1 New btin'irilow with one or
two ncreH iimler illteli: onn-thlnl acre
pliintcil to Htniwhi-rrJnn; Nplemlld pluce
for rlilokeim; Imlf inllo bcyoml iuvel
Htreet; nlxo 5 orn-trnct. Joiiirn How
HiiK. 20 a IVacli strrot. P. O box
SIS. 174
poll HAM' Pavnmntj llko n'lit. new.
cry iiIco moilcru Brbnm IiuiikiiIow on
pavcmi'iit, 1205. llinnphrny, Sir. VmM
Moll). Phono 3991. 175
KOH HAM: 1S00: completely furnlfllnil
Hlx-room limine, clo.-els, hath nml pan
try, atntloiiiiry wnnh trays mnl ce
inmit wnlkd. 7S9 Went I'levcntli Kt
Phoun Main Clo. 171
I'dH HAI.B BlKlit-room 1iiiniiilow, 3
tilockn from ilepot. Central Point: city
water, ilectrlu Unlit, bowit connec
tloiiH, nitinll barn, benbouHi', yard, flow,
cr Kur.b'ii: prion 1 1000 c.-ibIi. Inquire
C. A. Pankny, Central Point. 170
POH HAM: limine nnit furnltiiro at a
linrir.iln. Two blocks from Hotel Mcil
foril. Aibln-hH N- 15. M., corn Mull
Tribune. ISI
I'Olt HAI.I'-l'ood ilrlvlm; liorm with
luiirly iinw biiKK)' mi'l InirimnH. lfor
.wi'lxhH IOCS IIji. A biitciiln If luktm
noon. AililrniiM Hox KSK. Pontofricn.
I'Olt HAM" Purnlliin' nml hoiinnhobl
KkuiIh of 5-riim miHlern bunculow. all
or HlliKln pteci'H: Dlmi flock of chtiik
enH mnl KArilnii twilM. Plnco for mot.
Apply 335 KnlKht Kt, 1 block hoiiIIi
of JnckH'in whI. 174
POH HAM Omen toinntoen for pick
llutf. I cent per poiuiil In 50 Hi. lot.,
ilellven-il. Drop inl or leave order
with T. J. Webb, 1401 North Central,
Aledfonl. 172
POH HAM" Corn nt Ii-ano rnnch.
Phone 5"itt jmrty It 4.
POH HAM U C. Hinllh Hron. type
writer and ileiik. Apply 322 io. Con
trol. 1S2
KOIt HAM A No. 3 Oliver typewriter
In first cI.ihr condition, cheap. Ail
drewi P. O. box 16. 175
I'OH RAI.n Home), mulrn. narnein and
UiiKon. O. St. Hchermerhorn. 112 No.
Grope MtreeL 174
COHN POH HAM" 115.00 a ton. Conner
iJind Co., Tower Table Hock.
KOIt BAM5 Furniture cheap! 41S So.
Oakdale. 173
POH HAM: Oood Kentln driving horiu..
wltli bitKsy and liaroesH nenrly new.
Price rlKlit Hee 1". F. A. ltittner.
Palm libit;.. oppoMlte Hotel Nash.
FOH HAI.B A modern 5-stamp mill for
.ile cheap, eatilppcd with uater pow
er: also a Kcotch Manna boiler, nnd
tome proml'lni; cold prospects. K. 11.
Hawkins, Applepate, Ore. 180
FOH HAM" Poultry plant, 714 South
Central ave.; house und lot, tof-elhcr
with 800 chickens, all thorouchbreds;
one fine cow and pne 210-ejrs Cypher-.
Incubator. Phone S 1 12 Main. 190
I'OH HAM Grapes. 45c a peach box
fc'l. delivered. Home phone 13, party
L. 1S6
FOH HAI.B One Mollnn endcate seed
er; 1 dink plow, 1 steel road scraper:
60 fiet 1-2 Inch steel cable: 1 Jerney
cow; utock quashes. John U. Hair,
Woodvllle, Ore. 195
FOH SAT.K Pedlsreed Alrdalo Terrier
puppU'8, cheap. H. L. Jewell, Trail,
Ore. 175
FOH 8AI,B Cordwood. oak. nnd hard
wood, 11.60 ier cord In carload lots.
Oold Hay l'ealty Co., SIS Weal Alain;
phono IS73.
FOH RAM: Cow fresh In June; rood
milker. A. IV. Stone, ranch on Med-ford-Jacksonvllle
FOH SAM-: Het-lstered ttiirfcshlre
swlno and Jerney cows nt all time.i.
M. I'. llliiKham, Appleeato, Ore. 174
WANT to buy modern buniralow on vived
Ktrect. Price ami terms must bn
tiKht. Ariilmss Hox O. It., Tribune. 175
WANTBD To buy small business or
Inlen-st In ft business nt Med font or
ndjolului; towns, from 1500 to 11200
Addivss Hox 2S, earn Atnll Trlbuim.
WANTBD Land hern for Loi Angeles,
and l-lnlt propertv. 1 have mm
good Income propoIllon In l.oi An
ui'les for stock ranch hem. Lot nm
have your listing)-. Clias. D. Hoy. 201,
over Fruitgrower Hank. 172
FOH HAI.B I6iin acres veil located
Khimiitli lumber lands for sain. Ap
ply to Hulto Falls Lumber Co, lluttn
Falls. Oregon. 1S2
FOlt HALB 25 acres of best of "Imp.
qui! river bottom, limine, barn, nut
houses, 3 1-1 miles from ltlddle. In
Orchard valley; I3C00. Address O. A
Jones, Caiiyunvllle, Oregon. 185
OU HALF. IO.icn.1 3-year.old orchard.
et to Newtown. SplU and Wlnesops.
tfnder gravity illteli. 1 1-2 ihIIch from
Omuls Pass postofflce. John It, Hair.
Woodvllle, Ore. 195
FOH HAI.B .Vivo acres under ditch. 1
1-2 ii)lles from post office. Vlpo for
berries and VKti,tnhles or ohlckei
ranolT. Seo owner .20 South Petioh St
FQH S,L75 Twenty ojiivh or less, fine
Imnl, 1195 per iiefo, good location,
faring county road, half mllo south or
Again, school, four miles unrtheast nr
Central Point depot p f reft dally mall
rtllvery. Call or write, Built Brick,
son. .
FOH HAI.B 20 iicivs good land, close Inr
will raise anything from garden U
fruit, cheap for cash nr will trade for
Incpmo properly. Address M. U euro
Alutl Tribune. 173
FOlt HALB--"Criiftsmun" furnltiiro,
I can iniikit u limited lulinbor- of pieces
out or selected eastern oak. See the
big nrui clmlr In tlm 'exhibit building
ut tlm fair kiouiuIh, AddiesH Hox
otfl. .. .. - 'A
WANTBD TO HBNT Modern 3 or C
room house clot." In, partly, furnished
or not V. A. Waterman, Hrownslioro,
WANTBD Washing nnd Ironing: fine
work n specialty. 4S N. O.ikdale. 170
WANTBD Position house cleaning, Mrs.
Ford. Tel. Alain 135. 175
WANTBD Postlon mi' cook ' by good
Jnpanesn boy. Address corner Blghtli
and South Central. Phono Main 7X31;
Homo 37. m 174
WANTBD Position on ranch, married
man with small family; hustler. Ad
dress 11. K., care Alatl Trlbuim. 171
WANTBD Position as housekeeper by
widow lady with small child. Call at
432 North Ornpo street. 170
WANTBD Position ns foreman or farm
er on fruit or liny and grnln ranch n
eixpcrli'iiccil innn, formerly f armor for
tlm stole Industrial, school of-Colorado.
Address Farmer, caro Alall Tribune.
Mai" Waute "amala
WANTBD Lady canvnssoi-H. . Our fa
gnot), liiimeillato Incomes to capable
wmpen, Sell on sight. Prompt reply
procures exclusive territory, , Spelnian
Hi Co., Chicago. 171
WANTBD Olrl for general housework:
ono who can cook: wages ISO per mo.
Apply Oold Hay ltealty Co,
"." '." IL' ' ' '
WANTBD A woman to do lmu-ework
on fnrm, tlolmmlou, Hwlsi or NArweg
Irin; iln I ins'.'xnary to siiak Biigtlsh.
Hleepy Hollow Farm, Itnek Point, Ore
gon, IS ii!ll- from Medford on South
crn Pacific ruad; Home telephone.
II, K. WILSON CO., .Ii-nliTM In nVw
and second-hand rurnltlire and Hard'
ware. Agents for Household stove
and ran re. 16 South Fir street. Phone
Alain 31CI, Home 265-L.
Xclf Want'a K-J
HALBHAIAN To aid us supply tlm brisk
ili-miuiil, for our gnoilti. 4omo vacant
territory yet In evry Htatc w-st of tlm
Mississippi. Cash wwkly. Cnplta
Nursery fJo., Salem, Ore. 197
WANTBD AOBNTH Ono or the best
rolling nrllclen on the coast; Iln re
turn for every IS Invested: either sex.
Alack Blowers. Cold Hl'l. Ow 172
WANTED Salesman fot exculslve ter
ritory. Itlg opportunities. No expe
rience necessary. Complete line Yak
ima Valley crown fruit, shade and
ornamental stock. Cash weekly, out
fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company,
Toppenlsh, Wash.
VVANTKD Salesmen lu every locnllly o
the northwest; money advanced week
ly; many make over 11000 month
choice of territory. Yakima Valle
Nursery Co., Topeolsh. Woah.
LADIBH Your hals retrlmmed. Indles"
nnd gentleman'a clothes repaired. 16
Courts trect 172
Lk Ileamea. Lawyers. Office Medford
Maiionai name buiiaing, secono noor
Aitornsys-ai-iaw. .los. i ana z rosi
office building.
A. B. ItBAMES lawyer. Qarnott-Corey
GEO. W. CI IKHHY) Lawyers. Prac
tice In all state and federal courts.
Rooms 11 and IS, Jackson County
Rank bldg.
JOHNS & THRNER. Architects and
Rullders. OfTlce 7-8. 325 Main: phone
Main 3471. Residence phone 744.
D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your
books audited and kept for a reasonable
figure: your business solicited. Office
.Metirora l iriDune uuiiaing, pnone
6611, residence phono 1601.
A-uytr ana Analyst.
ItBAl" Assays mado for gold, silver.
irau, copper, anu outer minerals.
Mines and mining prospects surveyed.
assayed nnd mining maps and reports
made thereon by competent mining as
sayers and engineers at - reasonable
terms. Capital secured for developing
mlneo and mining prospects. Alt mine
owners are earnestly requested to send
samples of their ores for exhibition
purposes, nnd send lull description of
meir mining property, noutnern om
gon Mining Iiureau. 210 West Alain
Slreot, Mctironl, Oregon.
gels. it. He. Ueneral assay and an
alytical work. Cement and asphalt
testing. Rest equipped assay office
nun lesung inooroiory in Oregon. All
work guaranteed. Grants Pass. Or.
title CO.. inc., Jacksonville. Phone
Pacific, Main 11: Home 2006.
Billiard ranora.
S. T. RROWN & CO. Ullllarda. Cigars
and Sort Drinks. Up etulm. Young &
Hall building, A nice, cool lco to
ayenu me mil auttrnooiia.
BUI rotters.
VERNI3 T. CANON Bill poster and DIs-
inuuior. ah oruera promptly lined
Room 29. Jackson County Rank build
Ing. Medford. Oregon.
- Chiropractors.
DR. It, J. LOCKWOOD Chiropractic
nerve specialist, 312 1-riiltgroweis Rank
building. Orflee hours: 2- to 4. Phonr
Homo 269 IC. Re.sldencn 119 Roosevelt.
Hours: 10 to 13 und C::i0 to 7:30. Phone
10SIC. Hpeolal hours by appointment.
Sclentlflo massage given. Advlco In
dietetics. Medical gymnastic hydro-theropy.
Cigars ana Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE.. Smokehouse
ueaiers in louacco, cigars, ami unoii
era' supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewi
Single Hinder, El Merlto and El Pdlen
ola. 212 West Main street
CITY GARBAGE CO.. Medford Oar-
ongn, runmsn, nrt. nnu nnytiiing in
that linn hauled. Wagon calls from
two to three times a week; rostnu
rants and hotels, twice n day Offleo
phones. Main 2451: Homo 113 K. J. V,
Pcrrea and J. D. Kerne. ISO
SranlU Works.
O. D Nugle. Geo. T. O'tlrlen Contrac
tors anu mauuraciurerii or nrlck: ileal'
era In presjod brick and lime, orflci
In aarnett-Corey block; room 109. 2d
floor. Phone NaT 3181.
Civil Engineer.
LOUIS W. W1HTINO, civil engineer nml
survoyor. water ripugs nnd Irrlgntlon
wink n npechllty, surveys, subdividing,
building grades, city engineering draft
Ing, sewer design, concrete work.
pump nnd canal systems. Rooms 1-3,
AdkliiH Block, Medford, Oregon.
ner Sth and Holly streets, Med fori I.
Mission furniture made In order, Cub
lout work of all kinds. A trial order
MORDOFF & WpLFF Cookttoves. nnd
range). New and necond hand furnl
Jure. Bads' old slnnd. IS Fir street.
South. Phono 91. Home 283-K. JJ-.l-ford.
Orders called for and delivered. First
class work done by hand. Ijullen" and
CJeiitn' suits cleaned ami prensed. Co.
Eighth and South Central, Mi'ilfonl. Or.
AIISS TURKEY. Piano Instruction find
musical history, 309 South Newtown
street. Phone 6603 Belt.
aUnlBfr atachlaory.
SEE AtATT CALHOUN of Phoenix. Or,
or the Denver Quartz AIIH & Crushei
Co.. of 1710 Broadway, Denver, Colo
rado. Catalogues and prices can ba
had at Phoenix, Oregon. Alutt Calhoim.
Votary "Tubllc
IIELCN N. YOCKEY. Notary publlo.
Bring your work to mo at the sign it
The Mall Tribune.
MKDKOI10 GREEN llOtlttE Out flow
era, polled plants, shrubbery bulbs. 2l
E. Main. Phone 3741.
budded, not grafted. Our stock ta not
Irrigated. We guarantee everything put
out. We are not In the .trust. 11. U.
Pattersen, office removed to lit K.
Main st.
CO.. Inc. Growers or high grade nur
sery stock. Office 104 S. Fir. Both
phones. u
Phystclaas ass anr-oas. 'i
DR. r. C BARBER Physician and Sur
geon Rooms 403-4 Alcdford Furniture
and Harware Bldg.; residence 1303
West Alatn'fctreetr office hours, 10 a.
m. to 4 p. m.: tel. 3441.
DRacONROT & CLANCY Pnyslclans
and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg..
rooms 210-311-212. Office phona COl
residence phone 81J. Office hours a.
m. to 8 p. m. T
CARLOW Osteopathic PhyslclanS.
Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gamott
Corey bldg. Phone fllajn 63S1. 7, "
D1nefi!.RT.ESi?.a,.W". OJ-ANB" Dentist.
n.'C,J?.1.U.a''0,bi,jK- ,23 R Main.
as aamlnlstered for extraction of
Ph j,Tel,5P"10na Ma,n Ml Night
?,f,f,S?. Garnett-Corey bldg.. rooms
211-212. phono 5501. Residence 111
Laurelst. Dhone 5992. 'uouc'' "'
nRT, - f-OCKWOOb. physician and
surgeon. ,,
nr.-r. 3irrn.TLB a. i-ockwood,
prncUco limited to diseases of wo
men. Offices over Buskins drug store.
Phones: Paclflo IOO l; llome S. " 7
Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc,
Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc. -
r, .. Dentists.
Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford.
Oregon. Both Phones
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon, practlco .limited to oynj ,-ar.
nose, nnd Bynn scientifically
testtnl nnd glasses supplied, llfflco
216 Bast Atnln street, over Medford
llnrdwam company; hours 8:50n. nt.
to 8 p. in.; buth phones.
throat. Office; Suite 318 Oarnett.
Corny building. Both phones. .
J. Al. KKBNB. D. D. S.". A. J. IIIN1KBKT
D. IV fi.. Dentists, 228 E. Main. Phone
Alain 3191. Homo 121K.
Chines Medicines.
ClIOW YOUNG'S Chiuetie medicines will
cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds., gull,
ers. throat and lung trouble, deafness,
oanilysls. private diseases and, sj
kinds of chronic and nervous nllmenU
Htoinach trouble, coustlpatluu. Indiges
tion, womb und bladder troubles, rtwa
mo, at 341 a Front St.. Mmlford. Or.
to 4. 6-30 to 7:30. Rcsldenco phono
Phone Main 42. t -
grlnUrs ana Fnbllshers. .. 72
AlEDFORD PRINTING CO, has the best
ieu jou on ict in Houtnern urt
gon; be
eon! luinlr lltmllm,. Innaa l,.t ...UI.....M.
----"-- ... .. .n, ...wu ...M. -.ntniil-,
S'.jr'K1 lu,K lu-; eip., --uriianu prices.
37 North Flratrcet. ""
S I NGKItTwm.EM.fu- Tfc "W"! lsIIn
smvlng machines, for sale and reiit. Re
pairs. Cure Duncan local respresentn
tlve. Phono CO 13, No. 3S Soulh Fir
street. r
Xanches Tor Sent.
b 1-.
(30 acre ranch, 300 acres under Irrtga
mm, iu nines innn Aieururil. ,liHil
Ray Renlty Co., 218 West Muln street.
w.ti-,. I A T.H..vklHlA It.. It. 1 1.... T
room 101 Electric Building.
Ranches For Bale,
34 ',
CIO acres foothill fruit land, 10, miles
from railroad station: 115 per acre on
10 years tlmo. One.louth cusli;.oiu
tonth each year for ten years. Inters! jr
est on deferred payments. BlKgiity'
bargains ovor offvri'il. Gold Ray Rui
ally Co.. room 101 Eleotrlo Hull.llm&r.
218 West Alttln. ' 3f
Mtenograptiers. . y'-
Stenographlo work dona quickly kh4
wnii. ..i.
AlTSH I J. HINOSTON, Publlo 'skit'oS
rophor, Aledfonl, Omgon. Phones: Of
rice, i-iiuina .iu resiuoime, I'URins
6083, Room 318, Ottrnolt-Cersy hid".
LLy.T.. V ,'w"9'',t-'it
mi i-w )
J-"'d-'. -4iiaal-WlW
'nsj -T---.-tl",