r.Uv Hn a t '2 1 15 SUBSCRIBERS rulllnif to tr pMpor wlU Jiv mi Wllvori1 by ulioniutf of- J fl tiy 0 p, tu. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fnlr. Max. 08, mlM. 41, Itrl. Hum. OH Per Cent. Dully -HUlli Vfiir. I'urtV'Kli-dl Vfir TWO SECTIONS. MIOIXlTORD. OHl-HION", KATlfMMV, (XTOBIOIfc 7, 111. TWELVE PAGES No. 171. GIRL, 19 YEARS OLD, DISAPPEARS MANY DEAD, THOUSANDS HOMELESS, RESULT OF FLOOD NORA AW LEFT MONDAY: NOTSEEN SINCE Types of Turkish and Italian Soldiers Who Are Warring Over Tripoli The Two Leaders Was Employed as a Domestic by Lin coln McCormnck Led Mother's Homo for Place of Employment mid Drops from Sifiht Completely MOTHER IN DESPERATION APPEALS TO PRESS AND POLICE Is Prostrated at Disappearance of Htr Daughter Employer Says" She Was Model Lady Norn Hailing, it pretty miss nimili'i'ii Kiiiium'i'H, who Ihik been em ployed fur some limit iih a iliiincsiic llV Lincoln McCollIIUek lit -II ItilnN Court, Iiiih disappeared and nil iffiut In locate hi'i- huvo failed. Ah ii re null her mother. Mr. Hailing, who m-miIc nt 7111 North fVulral, i PiomI ruled wilh grief. Failing to luul the girl through her own efloitH, Mi. Darling loilay iiiutlel to I lie new. 1 mi per anil nliee for out. Mien Darling box not been mien hiiiee Iiih Monday inomliitf, when she left" tier wiiioi.rV'liiRnWtfr,,Norlli Ceiilnil to relmu to her place of employment. Shu left witliout elolheH, uitlio.it money nml without n woi.l as to lior illll'lllioilH. MU Darling, iieeonliiiir In Iht i-m. I'loyer, Lincoln .McCorinuok, whh in it cheerful mood Kumliiv hi'fole she left lo unit her mother. She was heuiil singing eheerfully n she wimiI about her work ami if at that time she hud imy intention of leming tlie eouuiry they were cnrefully eoueealeil. Mr. Darling slates that there wan notltiiitr In the gill's ilemeauor while hIio wis nt homo .Sunday night to lead her lo beliea that Nbu WM cnulcinphiliiig leaving. In faet hoo who saw. the girl during the InM Iwenty.four hour before her disappearance saw nolli inir which would lend them to heli.no that hIio whh discontented with her lot, , I'aily Monday morning the git I hf her mollietV lionie to go to her woik. Sim wiiK.not mimed until in the nf. teiuoon when Ihu McOn macks, won derjng where the girl wan, go into eoiiimiiineatiou with her molher. II then deeloMd that Mis. Hailing thought (he gitl was nt her work. Mr. Darling then slutted it syslc mntie heureh for the gitl, but failed lo I hid nuy tiaee of her. Ax a In! icsorl hhe appealed lo the prosit and lo the police. Miw Darling is desotihed iih he. ini a very handsome miss of ,t (lo nouneed blonde type. She is small for her ngo. She had not In well for Holne lime, ltaviiitr been operal.'d upon for appendicitis rcoontly. p if her mind whh in any way dorniigfd il was not evident lo those who saw her IiikI. Her lucent employer speaks in the highest Ioiiiih of her, stilting that hhe Hccmeil u model young lady in every way. The niilliotitifh- norlb uud south have been iiiHlrueled to waleli for any Iraen of Ih'o gitl. Her deserip- lion Iiiih been hut led broadcast over the Hlale. The police have failed to find any I nice of her but heliovo that hIio left for the uni Hi, The police in l'mt- . laud have buen liislruoled to wuloh for liur, Eva Booth In West HNATTLW, WiihIi., Oct. 7.--Com-miiailer IOva llooth of tho Halvatlou Army arrlvod from the caul IIiIh noon on a tour of limnoctlou of tu coiihI, A rocopt Jou rommlttoo mot her at the depot. Tomorrow after noon hIio w inlilroHH a lill,' muutliiK at tho Monro tlioatro, Look for tho loHor of tl0 arlioloH you huvo found for i prompt ml may huvo him n lot of worry. " "i i i i 1 1 , i i i i i i i I mfmm r?rm'nmm??T'mrmmmmmmmmmmm . ' ".". .'. " ' - j """ .4, n. iRI MdM& - MlKElfcWaHHELitfK IRfllH s53r- XYTmiJTinr r-'rjHjnHBiwnjH&.BHainaLv'VL g&imzzz?r '- IW " . v- IS tka f T r b EHBKHBfBBU. r V Biaa . J. BBMBIIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrgBBBBBBBMM'" HHBBBBMBBHBF IVBBBI . . BBBBBB1 i-il "k -- .F1 Hiu.tiiimimKtHHHr tir.;yim""PWBKy-aMiimpM.iiPiww i fuc tb .srs art lilBiBif IsiSnHHiHiK -Ml-MiB BANNER CROWD em o mzMmmmwmmmm m attfnidincf niS.JiTX'riBBBHBBtt P ii rVBBktm.iWrjtal m,VVBKCMHk3nBJjaBaBiaHtJBB 11 I Wilis w Is lM--------------l---a----HtaNM-----B.M-..M DEATH LIST GROWS WITH P S Tremendous Damage is Worked Along the Banks of the Black River In Wisconsin Thousands Flee frem Their Homes TWO THOUSAND HAVE GATHERED AT BLACK FALLS River is Filled With Wreckage ef Farm Houses Towns are Submerged ' KT CAAMOt. MAKKI BEY JOSEPHINE TO TO TO Chief Incentive is Reduction in Frcljiht Rales, Made Possible hy Use of Ocean Gateway at Crescent City, Mid-way to San Francisco (JHA.yrH PASS. Oic, Oct. 7. At .i InrKol) atleiulcii iiiiihh meetlui; hem IiihI iilh'lit NtopH were (alen (o lioiul tho county for fn)0,ono Tor the purpoNo of IiiiII'IIiik mi nulonioMlo rielht mail from OraulH Pan" to Creneent (Jlly, Cab, a illutiuico of 1 00 mllim. While Hot piopoxcd lioml Inane In In for Keueral roail eouM ruction (luoiiKliout .Ioki!iIiIiio county, the elilef luceiilUo Ih a promlxeil leilue. Hon la frelalit raton. TIiIh in to lie iiiuile poHHllilo by tlio nun of the orean Kiiteway at OiohciiiiI (Jlty, mid way lielween I'oilluiiil anil Han l''ran cImco, Tho Kokiio rtur lien inlilway lielween Kan l-'fanclHco ami Porllaml, on the main line of the .Southern Pacific lallroatl, unit altlioii;li hut 100 mlleH from tho ocean highway, liearn an aveniKo tall fielitht lain of yjlh per (on (o or from either Kan KrauclHco or Portland. Tho preaent rail i ale from San Kiaunlsco eNceeOi, llio miilu team into Unit prevailed over the mime route pruvloiiHly, Tho principal hpeaiier nt the mcotluK wiih .lolin T. 1'Myuii, harbor eiiKlneer of tho Califorula Itlvor auri Harbor LeiiKiin of San c'iiuicIhoo, who allowed thai 1'ielnhl could be ulilpped by automobile fi eight trnclfH to or fiom San PrauelHCo or Portland to (IraiilR Piihh, via Crescent City, Tor Sia.riO per ton, without reference to cliiHHlflcatlou, art iiKiilmit I ho prerieut averaKo tall rate of SUH per ton, II Ih oHtlmated thai 10,000 toim of luodiictH and mercbandlso will pkrh over tho aiilouiobtlo road oauh year, IIiiih effectlm; a wiving of Sllifi.OOO a year to tho produceiH ind conHumorn over tho proHont rail rate, With tho opening oi" tho Panama canal It Ih oHtlmntcd that tho ton miKo throiiKh this Kiitoway will teach loo.ono toim n year, GENERAL SPINCiARDl. Italian Army Officers Keoeivinj; Wirele&s 5Iessnt;e;. MANUEL DOESN'T WANT JOB BACK Is Heartily Sick of His Turbulent and unruly uouniry is still in England Heavy Fighting In Por tugal Reported LONDON, Oct. 7. That Manuel, the deposed MiiK of Pol tugal, la beai Illy nick of IiIb tiiibulent and unruly country, and could not bu In duced to JcopnrdUn bin royal por"nn by again eiiturlng within Ittt boiderti, Is auuoiiuceil hero today, in nplto of the reporta that ho Ih tho author of the new lovoliitlnn wliluli In rlnlng in the PenliiHiilar klugdoui, A mpoit that Manuel bad already gone to Political lo bead tho uprising wan formally denied today by Man uel htuiHOlf, from Uiclimnnd, Eng land, wbero bo In malting bin bead ipiartutH on HiIUhIi noil. Manuel nhown inactlcally no interent In Por tugal or bur affair, and dlnplays not tho tdtgbtent eulbuRlaum over the proopeet to recoer bin tbtouo opouud up lo blm by the new movement, M0O, Spain, cOt. 7. Heavy fight ing between Portugiiono royiillnta and lepubltcann in reported hero today by coiirlem fiom acrosB tho fionttor. Captain Conceit o, commanding tho royutlstH, Ik reported lUifoated nt llragauzn ami at Vliibaln, 1 1 miles wotit of llrnKniDEii, another royallnt column In Hiirt;ouudcd. The people in tho north of I'm hi- g"nl ino poverty Btrlcikou an nt0 icady lo fight for any ono who will funiinh food. Tho repul'lleau government today officially rocognl,ed tho rovolt, SOUTHERN LINES SUFFER HEAVILY Shops arc Prectically Deserted Ben efits Paid at Sacramento Rail roads Said to ho Trying to Involve Strikers NKW OKLCANBi ha., Get. 7. The strike orr tbu llurrinmii liue is beiu keenly felt along the south ern division of Ihu Southern Pacific railroad, ueconluij; to complaints i eoied beie todny of n shortage i, care alony: that loiite. Tlie Southern I'fteifio shops til At giciH, an impel taut point near tlti eily, mo pi Helically descried. The law lune making it illegal li operate t ruin's not equipped wilh aii brakcH is niso enusing the railrotu eonsidernlile baidslup, the official.' deolaring that audals liuye liceu out ling llio hose ceiiplinga on tho lmikoe SACUAMIINTO. Cab, Oct. 7.--Wilh additional speeii) police num bering about ;i")0, mounting guard along the Southern l'neil'to railway' lines to prcent demount rutioiic ngaiiHl tlie men working in tlio simp and with tlie leadutw of tlio striking forces deleiin'tucd Kununnrily to drop from tlie benefit roll any union man who otolites a dUtuihuueo, both foe tioiih in tho tailroad disimto nro to day determined to conduct tlio striko peacefully. The first dishibution of slrike bon el'ils were tiuiilo today, mon of fam ily receiving .f8, and Hinglo men $(5 in llio mueliinists' crafts, all othora re ceiving .f 7 per wcok. No violoueo has thus far oecmred in Saerninonto as tUenltnuf'l on I'huo 6.) ANOTHER TURK WARSHIP SUNK Hot Fight Reported at St. Jean dc Mcrua Turk Forts Said to Have Been Firing on Italian Sailing Ves sc!: mmimninii i m an i m AT TODAY Every Coach on Trains Coming Into This Morning Filled With Vicitors Record Crowd Today at District Fair t'll-'Mi:. Croatia. Oct. 7. The -inking of a Turkish warship by mi Italian entUer is reported hero to day a the result of a ltot fight nt St. Jean do .Mvdun. Dispatches say that lliu Turkish fori at tlie pott had been firing upon u id sinking Italian sailing vcsrcls. On information of IhU coming to tiie Italian squadron a cruiser steamed iu ind opened fire upon Urn Turkibh foils, badly crippling them ujid put ting out of commission n Turki.li warship which had houglil te,fugo un der their guns. CONSTANTlNOl'Li:. Oct. 7. All Italian oxtublKluuenls iu Tutkoy wete ordered closed today by tho govern ment. A piopoal wa miide to al low Hie Salonika hospital, couduel d by the Sisters of Chaiity, to cou liuiio under TurkUh supervision, hut 'he of! or was refused and tho hos pitals immediately closed. OAKLAND. Cal. Acting under tlio piovislons ot tho now stnto law which requires ovory corporation to pay off Its men when they nro dis charged, tho Soutliorn Pacific com pany baa sent out checks to mi amount of a lltto ovor $00,000, ns tho order discharging nil' mon now on striko wont Into effect yesterday, Under tho ortlors ot tho loaders, tho union mon havo refused to call for their cliecks. Crowded coaches on all trains com ing Into tho city this morning Indi cates that today will bo the banner one. In point of nttendanco, nt tho Hokiio River Valley Industrial fall Hundreds of visitors arrived on early trains, and this afternoon tho auto mobiles running between the city and tho fnlr ground" nro overburdened by tho largo throng which la eager to be lu attendance on tho last day. Friday the day was splendid. Tho largest crowd of tho wook was on band to witness sonio ot tho best race yet been. Interest in the ex hibits continues, Tlio results ot Friday's races were ns follows: Three-fourths mllo dash nonnle Reg, first, 1:17 3-1; Lo Clalro sec ond. Threc-olKbths mllo dash Jim D. first, 30 seconds; otbor entries were Dick, Girlie, Flossto nml Llttlo Boy. Dolly MrKlnulo C, driven by Clarke, won two straight beats In the 2:11 hot In 2;234 and 2:234. Kenneth C and Bella N wero tho other entries, finishing second and third, In tho order named, both heats. In tho 2:20 paco, ttireo in five. Salllo Younger won throo straight heats In 2:25, 2:2414, and 2:2!, Marin finished third, fourth and sec ond in tho bamo raco; Hal Groy. fourth and two-thirds, and Mls Stocking two hocond and a fourth. Tho program for today Is tho best of tho moot, consisting of a froo-for- till paco, with four ontrlos; special ono-halt mllo, throo otitrles, Including P) scant, ii Medford entry. Axnola will try to lower tho truck paclm? record of 2:20'4 In a trial boat, '"rlv- en by James Wallace, of Sun Dloeo, Cul. Thoro will also bo a consolation BLACK RIVER PALLS, Wis., Oct. 7. Far more serious consequence! of tlie heavy floods along the Black river and the bursting of tho Dleis dam than were at first expected arc apparent hero today and the disas teroits news which is pouring in from various counties along the river batiks is ns yet far from complete in its tale of casualties and propertj Joss. " Am The death list grows with every passing hour. Several arc now reported dead, nml thousands rendered homeless. Partial accounts of the property damage in five counties estimate it at from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000. The Black river is filled with wreckage as far as LaCrossc, and numerous farm houses have been de molished. Communication with the farm districts lias uot yet been re sumed, and it is feared that there has been loss of life in the outlying sec tions. Hatfield, near the big dam of :hc LaCrosso Water Power company, which was hardest hit by the flood, is reported to bo completely sub merged and it is feared that tho prop ertj loss thero will be appalling. Probable casualties there can not ns yet be estimated. Other places where enormous loss es have been suffered are Roaring Creek, Irving, North Bend, Holmes,, LylJes and Mirwny. Onaluskn is in a most prccorious position, with the river raging far out of its banks there, and it is feared that the town will bo destroyed. It has been deserted by all tho inhabi tants. Refugees from tho stricken dis tricts huvo been pouring in all morn ing, nnd there are now 2,000 gath ered hero homeless, hungry and suf fering. Mayor McGill has scut out a call for aid. Tlio only communica tion with the outside world hero is from an improvised outfit at tho top of a telegraph pole, to which mi op erator climbed early today mid out iu ids instruments. (Continued on page TF AUSTIN. Pa., Oot, 7. Charges of involuntary manslaughter will bo lodged against tlie persons responsi ble for tho breaking of tho big Bay less dam hero last Saturday, accord ing to a statement made today by Deputy Attorney Gouoral Hurst. Tho authorities nro endeavoring to learn to whom may bo laid the charge of negligenco in tho construction and maintuinnnco of tho dam, and it 's against that tho manslaughter clinrgo will bo lodged. Tho inquest was adjourned today for a week i norder to enable the stato to obtain expert testimony. Tho next session will bo held nt Cornier sport, a few miles from this city. To dato 55 corpses havo been re covered from tho wrcckago. WASHINGTON, D. C Edward S. Maulo, and seven othor West Point cadets, It Is learned today, have been ordered by President Taft to bo pua Isbod for Intoxication. Four of the cadets aro ordorod dismissed, the others, Including Maulo, -will be con fined to barracks ami gymnasium un til October 31, and will sorvo punish. mont two hours overy Wednesday and Saturday. .! i v H 1 s 4 j vi t a 1 'm VI A i m t u ii , X MHttHHttHMflHIiMn