!,$' 1 MGB SIX ACEDFOltM rttATL TRTRUNK ltt3DF0RD. OKKdON. TW11UY. 00T01WR (. 1011. I t i GREAT STORM WRECKS SOU II TUal Wave Sweeps Gulf of Lower California Many Miles of Track ?rc Washed Away Storm Still Vagina. NOOAMCS, Arlr., Ocl. . Meagre. dolallM IcllInK of n lovnstntlnK storm, uccoiiipiiuk'cl by n. tldnl wave, on the coast or llio iitnto ot Sonora, Mexico, roacliod horo today. Many biilldlnga hitvo been wreefced In the towns or G'unymna ml Km pnlmc, according to tho report and tho dninnRa will run to thousands. All wires arc down south of Mor mofilllb, and full details arc not available. Many miles ot tracks nro reported washed out, and all trains aro hours late. Tho storm is still raging with no nipt ot abatement. It Is not known whether any lives wcro I031, MISSM .. i I .GIRL . HERE TONIGHT Famous Comedy will be Attraction at Opera House this Evcnlnp. Production is Well Equipped with Accessories AIKEN EXPLAINS HIS PROPOSITION Meyers, former iusltUiil of Ihu lo fmiol, Moulit Scotl tmlik of l.onlm, tneliotl by Mr. Aiken with tit pro iKwiliuu, Mr. AiKen's proposition Is Unit hu Oro., hits born kIvou nnlil Deermlier will show different tenets of tU'slrn-p In iimko Kootl llio limliltition'H lu ble land now in HtlutioM to Ida t!-ldeltediieN by dudno (IiiIuiih, of llio . TELEGRAPHIC TAKLOIDS. : i 1 SAN IJKPNAltDlNO, Cal. With less than a doxen persons In attend ance, Dr. A. W. MoDavltt. local den tist, entered a plea of not guilty bo fore Superior Judge B. P. Hledsoo in connection with holding Miss Jessie McDonald a prisoner Tor sixtceu months In a room udjolulug his den tal parlors. SAX FRANCISCO. Cal. The first nttempt to Bwlm from the Goldcu Gate to the Farjono Islands will be made in tho near future, by Walter Pomoroy. Tho island are 2S miles to tho west of tho Cliff house. Pom- crdy ficures on swimming the dis tance iu between 12 and 13 hours. Fred Raymond's famous comedy. Tho Mt&tourl Girl, will bo tho attrac tion at tho Medford tonight. Tho fact that this Is tho twelfth season for this play is a most conclusive proof that good, clean, wholesome theatri cal productions are always welcomed and generously patronized by tho theater-going public. Tho comedy is so col8ely Interwoven with bits ot pathos and such sensational incidents a& wuuld actually occur In tho lives of such peoplo as exist In tho Missouri Girl, that tho entirety is a revclatlot. In simplicity and Interest in play building. Mr. Raymond has equipped the play with tho best of accessories, and has spared no expense in making Its production one thoroughly worthy the patronage accorded It. COURT HOUSE NEWS Marriage Licenses. October 2, P. It. Myers and Mary E. niRhajn. ' October 3, T. W. Darling and Delia Bain. October 4, Clarence Terhune and Albcrtlcn Blclcr. OLYMP1A Wn. Leban Wenti, with his bride of a year sitting at his side, holding in her arms tho baby born since he was put In jail, was convicted by a jury on a charge of mortgaging property which ho dul -not own. SEATTLK, Wash. Mabel doling and Maud Wilson, witnesses in the movement to oust corruption in the Los Angeler pollco department, arc held in 'jail here, 'for 'tho'.arrlva'l of ,o8 Angeles pollco officer. They will bo taken on a bribery charge to Los Angeles to get them within tho juris diction of the California courts. TACOMA, Wn. Illdlng the same horses which carried them over the mountain trails, Alva Boggs aud John Buston, Mount Tacoma guides, are rtff today on a 7000 mllo horseback rido to New York, via the Southern States. TACOMA, Wn. Thirty-rive tall men charge made by Mayor Seymour that ho gavo out lists of questions in ad vance to civil service applicants, Browder Brown, discharged member of tho civil servico board, is suing for $20,000 damages on a slander charge TACOMA, Wn. Because tho Hon mother is too weak to nurse his cub, Kecpur Olson of tho Point Deflanco zoo Is advertising for a dog to play foster mother to the lion. ACOMA, Wn. Thlrty-flvo tall men are' wanted to uct as ushers at Presi dent Taft's speech at tho auditorium. They will wear Princo Alberts, gray cravats, and gray gloves. PORTLAND, Or. A herd or elk from Yellowstone Park will .be ship ped to Oregon and liberated In the national forest at Wallowa, accord ing to State Game Warden FInley to day. Several months ngo Finley asked tho government authorities at Washington to tako this action as many oik starve each year in Wyom ing'. Tho animals will bu shipped as soon as adequate provision for their protection In Oregon has been made. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. To seo fqur Inlands In the process of creation Is tho novel experience- of Fred Sch'ropder, university man, fllllbuster and globo glrdlor, who Is hero after n cruise through tho Arctic In his schooner Elvlora, While threo mllpa from BogBlav, n volcanic peak off tho coast of Alaska, Shrocdor saw tho volcano In eruption, and watched four new lulnnds form In tho sea from tho luvu which It omitted. LONDON, Joseph Boll, a Scottish aurgeon, who was tho original char acter of Sherlock Holmes, died at Mnurico Wood, Milton Bridge, Mid lothian yoatordny. Ho Instructed Conuu Doylo ut Edinburgh Univer sity. His hobby was tho study of mysterious) crimes. Prolutto Court. Estate or Clarlnda Oglesby. J. H. Hceman appointed administrator and R. H. Moore, 11. D. Reed and J. W. Hays appraisers. " Estate of Lillian S. Moore. Sale of lot 19. block -M, Medford, confirmed. 'cv Cases. Medford Grocery Co. vs. L. M. G raines; action to recover money. Colvig & Reanics for plaintiff. U. S. National Bank of Ashland vs. E. J. Wilber et al.;- to recover mou ey. E. D. Briggs fdr plaintiff. I J. B. Andrews vs. J. J. Koohtt, suit to forecloso mortgage. Boggs & Wilson for plaintirf. W. E. Davidson vs. R. W. Gray ct al.; to forecloso mortgage. Colvig & Renmes for plaintiff. Martha Oden vs. Vino Oden; sun for divorce. E. D. Briggs for plaintiff. Ileal KMate Transactions. Jackson County Building and Loan Association to H. C. Stoddard, lots 14 and 15, block 10, Queen Anno Add. to Medford $2500 Granlto City Savings bank to Georgo Cooney, south half of lot 8 In Sec. I, It. R. Valley Orchards company tract, Tp. 38, 1 E 225 J. P. Harr to Bert Harr, proper ty In Watkins precinct 1 II. D. Reed to A. E. Kellogg, one-half of lot 3, block 20, Gold Hill.' , 223 W. M. Abbott to Mary E. Burk man, one-half aero In D. L. C. No. 39, Tp. 30, 1 E 10 E. J. Langley to J. P. Harr, N. or N. E. 14, S. W. 14 of N. E. 4, Sec. 2, Tp. 41, 4 W. $2000 O. & C. R. R. Co. to Paul B. Sandoz, N.E. Vi of S. E. , S. B. H or N. B. M Sec. 5, Tp. 33, 1 B 2 IP R. A. Ferguson to R. Schuler, lot 3, blk. 8 of Ross Add. to ' Medford Bort Anderson and W. C. Creen to U. S. A., property In block CC T. J. Cook to C. T. and J. E. Davidson ct al., 20 acres in Sec. 30, Tp. 37, 4 W. W. M. Holmes to W. E. Davison, lot 3, block 2 In Nob Hill Add. to Medford A. F. Ilanke to Jesse Brooks, property in Sec. 30, Tp. 3C, 4 W. ..., D. S. Llvsay to J. F, Short and Luther Ward, 100 acres In Sec. 22, Tp. 33, 1 E J. M. Keeno to Elizabeth Tor- noy, 5 acres in Extension to Siskiyou Heights Add. to Medford . . , Elizabeth Tomey to G. C. Ulrlch, 2 acres of Eamo property Ellzaboth Tomey to George R. LIndloy, 2 ncres of same property Jesse Drooks to George Qulggle, 1 aero In Sec, 30, Tp. 3C, 4 W 10 10 10 10 10 10 Ilnakliia (or HouUu. Married. KOEPSBLL-HAZELWOOD In Jack sonville, Sept. 28, by II, G. Dox, J, V, Herman Knopsoll and Jose pllliio Hiizolwonil of Woodvlllo, Ueorgo 11. Aiken of (Inuils t'tuss who has been i'.Hio recently in eon ntetum willi rnilrvid lands iu iU section, has cvplr.iucd ins ntmid in regard to locutions on Uic.e trcl. A few dayrt fiso ii was repotted that lie was local iti stpmlters on rnilmnd , land willi n promise tlml tliey would soon obtain title to the laud. This' proxes to be enmooiw but tuinturul' tuMukc mnde by some of the men np-' (011101 tuitl limiish (hem with it u gal description of the khiiic. lie then tigriH'M to wntcli the progress of the suit nud notify thorn when tho laud ts i-endy for sale by the ritilnmd company or open to entry by tin' Kuvcrumcut it ilopomlmi: upon tin.' outcome of I lie suit now pending in the United Stntcs court of uppenk His proposition in lioiui fide. MEYERS GIVEN TWO JI0NTHS GRACE rOHTliAXI), Ore,, Oct. G. J. X. uirouit court. Meyers Ittlo yrslcrdity pleaded guilty to nil indictment for roce-tvinu; 11 deposit whuti hu knew Hie bank to bu iusoh cut. Mcyeirt recently or- gauixed u number of miiiiII bunks 111 UreKoii. i . IMsMiliitloti of Partuci-slilp. Notice In hereby given that tbt" partnei-shlp of Hlttner , Clark, doing a real estnto IiumIuchh In Medford, Ore., has been dissolved, 172 Hasklim for Health. You should have a a TRADE MARK Kellogg" FARM TELEPHONE It costs very little to install you don't hnvc to pay n monthly rental you buy it out right it's yours. Think of the steps it will save you think of the convenience it bring . You can talk with your neighbors; call up the doctor; sell your farm products and order articles in town without going out of your home. You are never lonesome when you have a Kellogg Farm Telephone, Our Free Books Tell Everything Any person who knows how to use aciew driver can set up a Kellogg Farm Telephone. You will And some vety intrrestlng and valuable Information In the FRBC BOOKS wc will send you. They are Illustrated throughout and thoroughly describe everything. Write today and ask for Bulletin''" KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD & SUPPLY CO. JlJHnii- TBfE3nnBnuuB wmzm K PACIFIC COAST OFPICES 90 Sevrnth Strttl. PorUand 225 South Wall Strtet, Spokane SI So. Lot. Anccles SU, Lo Anclca ts Coeaplete Line Carried In Stock FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO OKNKKAU OPflCK CHICAGO Buy Your Cutlery NOW "Wc have the goods in stock to meet your every demand. Silverware. Car vel's, Pocket Knives, Shears, Scissors, Hammered Brass, are already for your selection. Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager y V Have the Soil The Water 1 The Climate The Transpbrtation r0 s X Tho unnniiuiMiN veidiel ly I he Iniveling piiulio ol tho newly o)oiiud HOTEL MEDFORD A credit lo Ihe cily. A credit lo llio vall(y. A credit o (ho entire .slide. Have you Keen it' II' nol, come and tlo ho and loll your friends nliout ir. Europoan Plan. .Rates $1.00 Prtr Day Up. RAU-MOHR CO,, Proprlotovo. 1 Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all Union to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 120 GARNETTCOREY BLDG. f t-rttteJ DANCING Social dancing for hih school boys and tfirla, I'Vidays at 'I p. 111. Social dancing for hoys aud girls iu 7th and 8lh grades, Saturdays at 2 p. in. Social dancing j'or younger hoys and girls Saturday mornings at 10 o'clock. Friday eveningssocial dancing lessons in latest dancing begins at 8 o'clock regular dancing at D o'clock. &! Trice .10 cents each, including lessons and evening dancing. - MRS. J. W. McCLATCHIE at Tin: Kriscoi'Aii ham. Sportsmen Bnvo your truphlfia this yoar. Thoro will ho notio to nnro In n Tow yenro. Thlit cut nhnwa whoti to cut tho nkln. Nmvup cut tho front ot u tloitr'H nock. Call nt Ilunii'hrt')'' Oun Hloro nud got n pamphlet frt!, toll tit k how to avo pntno liondu, blnU anil nklni for riiR, publUhod by F. W. BARTLETT TiultlrrnilHt MtHlfonl, Or'K)H t Our New Location The Southern Oregon Elec tric Company is now lo cated in the College Block on N. Grape Street 6m Southern Oregon Electric Co. i VsT To Produce Enormous Crops INVESTIGATE Qmggi.M$km Medford National Bank Bldg. v Medford Theatre, Friday Sept 6 THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD. FRED RAYMOND S Famous Domostic Comedy. THE MISSOURI GIRL Yours. truly, "Zekc" and "Daisy." Grand in its Simplicity! Great in its TntousityJ Gorgeous in Its Mntiroty! A masterful combination of sparkling wit, heart- feeling pathos aud stirring incidents 1 Trices 50c, 7f3o and $1.00. Seats now on salo at I TaKkins. -1. SJM. I, t 0