TM'fc. 9w WTTWi)mi(,t tf arWDFOTtD MATLTRTBUNfl, MKDFOUD,' OliKflON, IWIDAY, OCTOMCH (I, 1011. PAGE MVE LOCAL AND PERSONAL t Mr. mill Mim. 12, ), .Mllln of llntto I'iiIIh, uro n'Klwtort'il ul (ho MuilMril Mittlhotv l.niiiiiiiM- una rmiilly 01 CVnlnil I'olnt ,.ft yVn(.,ji,y for .Vt Onli, fill., wlitim limy oxpt'ct to re mMo. 0. II, .lolinitiiii niiiiriu'it to hi homo at HiiciitiiHiiito, iiftor ti row iliiyn IhihIiikhh Miiy In Mi'ilfoitl, Liiilliix, hitvo yoitr milt miulo u thn llorlln Million' Titllorlti': Co,, m Contrnl Point, ()r, J73 I.oiiId llrllln tun) itiitiKhttT of imlJii 1110 InIUiik Mi'ilfonl fih-ntl. I. 12. TiimMiiiiiii, oiid of tin pin printout of tint Pitiitorliiin tlyo work, mitl hlit fntlit.r, Joliu r'tiHMtilniiui, Lift thin inoriiliiK for MnrtliiHvlllo, Imll Hiiit, Thtt Runlor Mr, I'limtolnimi x pt'tittt to loiiiiiln In liitlluiiit, Whoro In turn tixttiiKltt propKrly I tt I r Kt x. 1 1 In hoii will lin ithmtnt from Motlfoitl only itliont thri'tt wculdi, titty your wltitnr'H wood clionp now. H.fiO -tor hiiiI. (I0I1I ltny lto.ilty Co. l' II. UVoy tif llt'lltt Koiircho, H. link., mrlwil In Mfilfonl thht morn Iiik. Hi' Ih hcrit lotiUliiK thit country ovnr with it vlnw to locution. Chilli... Kuorrd hlllun nnd Jnpanttmi Air ptnnu ttt llroatlluy'. I'liun.i 5181. John WIkIiI. of Ititpltl City, H, Diili., rniiio In thht mornliiK on No. If. Tho K"iUli'iniiii Ih mi titHtirn ii'proffiititllvo of tint ItOKUKlanilit toiiipniiy mill Ih Ihto IooIiIiik tin I'tiiop'tiiy'n propt'rty ovor. Huy your wtntnr'n wood cheap now. t t.r.u titr rortl. (Joh! Huy Utility Co. Mm. K. O llimrtlHlfy of Klitiiiitth Kallh. who hit Innm vIhUIiik Mt'ilfonf rolntlvoit for wntiritl ilnya will return 10 nt'r ihduo Hiinmiy inorniiiK. nc cninimiilt'd hy htr brother, II, H. l)ol.-y. Inillitit, If you wnnt )our hnlr matin Into innhlonablt coltfuro plcuno lirlup It to nut, I nlm color nnd buy hnlr. Mm. I,. t. ltottuif, SIC Oakilalu nvn nut. Mt'tlfonl, Or County JiidKt J, It. Noll wits In Mt'tlford hut night. Mr. mid Mm. Arthur Conkllu nrti miioiiK tht Ontiitit Paint vlnltom nt Hut fnlr todtiy. Irlh trorlict lron book nt Tht llmitllorufl Hhojt. No. 20 North Con trnl. 170 liltlni'r Si k. t'iiiiloyuieut tigt'ittit mill r'it t'itnlt; tlt'ttlttrH, hnvt illtiMilvi'd pnrtniMnhlp. Mr. Illttnur hit tnkfii (hit iMiuiloymcnt pnrt of thtt himliit'tit nnd hitit inovt'd til of- fire (o tint I'alm-WHiltMnyttr block. Mr. Clnrk will rt'tnln tho coinpmty'K fornitT location In thtt I'hlppit block mid will do n rt'itl on I it to hindni'it. Iluy your winter' wootl clump now. 11.50 per conl. Cold Hay Itoalty Co. KxcIuhIvu ilcnlniiet In hnndmndu Jttwttlry til Thu llmitllcriifl Hhop. 20 North Cttntrnl. 170 Mm. W. I., fnlllint, of Cold t lilt. lit In tint city for n fnw d.i)V vlitlt with hir itittiKhtur, MIhk Mnlml Cob Hun. Aro now luiylii-; nppltm. Sen tin btiforo M'llliiK. 1,'bnrul ndvitnrih uiittlo on nxport ithlpiiit'iitM, Pro durum' I'rull Co, Thtt proporiy ownnrii on Hfittty ulrrnt itri itt't'iiiliiKly vtr tmirli tditt td hi't'aintit of Hit fart that thn Htrot't Ih bnliiK pat'd. Thr vvIiIimico of thin flatlon Ih ithown In thn fart that thoy am bi'itutlfyliiK llirlr hoinim, and en pt'clally aro thuy tloliiK kooiI work In KradliiK and himmIIhr tbo pitrklu;H In front of thtdr rfitpi-ctlvo plart'H. Huy your vlntor'n wood cheap now. It.r.O ptir rord. Cold Hay Hcalty Co, ('. H. I.nbo, ninuar.or of thn Mr-d-fortl Ittmlty and Iniprtivntiinnl com pany, ban Iftut'il thn Pay planliiK mill, In KitHt Mfdford, and now Iiiih innn tit work kiiHIiik out rlulHli ma liirlul for unvmal iIwoIIIiikh tho conipany now Iiiih In couihu of ton Htrutillon, Thtt WiiHliliiKton Brammitr ttfliool Ih koIiik l piny tlm AHhland Kraut mar fcbool nnxt Hiiturday at 2::K p. in., football, at thn Moil ford bull park. AiIiiiIhhIou It. iiintH. M. !', (Iranplnnr. it htorkholdnr of thtt SttirlliiK Cold (Juartx MJiiIiik and Million touipmiy, will ko to Han KraitclHro and Now York to hoII Httink In tho mluL't). Weeks & McGowan Co. UNOBttTAKEUH ny ritono 1W71 NlffltC I'lionrt F. W. W 07l. A. K. Orr, ! LAI)T ABHIHTANT. JOHN A. PERL Cndoitakcr nnd Kinlmlnior MccoHitnr to tho uiidoitaKitiK no imrtmont of MotUord Kurnlturo Co. I rtrrl u HtriMtt iToJonhonoBi day, Hull 471; night! trosldonco, Holl 473. Homo 170-1.. CiUIh niiNWorotl nlKlit or day AMIIUI'ANOH SKUVIOK Toi!i;i'iy Hill hint udilt'd a Hcarch IlKlil MlmiiowKritpli to H' ninny In novation at bin now ttloio. Tho NiiaiiowKruph IhrowM ToKK'iry mol- tiifM ami ToKKfiy ndvlco In bin blnck htlti'iH on tho Hldowalk or Htrt'tit and IiimI ovtmliiK iittrntitod foiiHldiirnblo nttt'iitloii. Thn Idea Ih a now onn In ittoio advt'1'tlnluK. Huy your wiiitor'n wood rlmnp now. H.f'O por cord. Cold Hav Htntlty Co, II. A, Wi'iiiiiiii, of Ht. Joni'plin, Mloh., Ih amoiiK tho many rccoiit nr rival In tho city. Mm, I,. It. CuIIkIioi', of Anita, Iowa, Ih vIhICiik Mndfortl frlnnilH, Mayor mid Mm. Jon Hftiniau of Cold Hill itro mnoiiK Mcdford'H fair vInIIoim today, Hco It. A. Ilolitifit, Tho hiBiirnncn Man, over JnrkHon County Imnk. I.'. It. Ilnrriiiauu, of Hluufoid, III., Ih In tlm city Junt lookltiK around. A. II. lohiiHon, of tlm Cariint-Corny company, loft thin mornliiK for a hiintliii: lilp In thn ui"UutaliiH out from Hoittdiiiirt. Huy your wlutnr'n wood cheap now. M.r.0 pnr cord. Cold Hay Hc-tlty Co. Mitt. Kraiik Douubii'H vlnltt.'d In (liaiiiK I 'a tot totlay. Mrtt. Charb'H Wilcox, of Jnekunti vlllo, Infl thU moriiliiK for Holt", ilabo. H. A. Nowoll, lftillrR' tAllor. Itooin in. P. O. Hiillului;. !74 Itauro Itoutxt and family, of AHh land, in" vlhltliiK Mfdford frli'tidtt to day nut! nttt'tidiut; tlm fair. Mm. v K. I'lntmy, of JackHonvllln 'eft HiIk mornliiK for a vliC. to frlmnlf In Cntlnvllln, Idaho. Carkln U Taylor (John II. Carkln, llot.n O Tnytor). ntlnrnny-at-lnw. tver Jnrkiton County Hank HulldlnR. Mod fortl. C. I.. Itfau. tho contractor mid builder. In I'tcctlnj; a very coxy little liunsalow on IJcntly nlrncl. Mr. mid Mm. JmucH Wlloy of Aith land went nmotiK (ho ccrnl dlHtrlc 'nlr vUltom ynntcrdny from tin tniith cud of tho county. , Chicken dinner will bo nerved by the Klmt Prt'ttbyterlan Church ladle Saturday from II to 2, nt 230 Hum Main nt. Duell lildR. Mr and Mm. I,. Spark, of AhIi and. ramn down ycHterdny to ecu tht. 'acven and the nxhlbltM. T Hlnter Johmton arrived In Mud rord a few dayn ago from an nil Hummer x In 1 1 In Curopo. Mr, John ton baa exteimlvti real citato tutor uMk In tho Antelope section. A. P. Harron returned Tui'inluy from a vlnlt of nevoral dayn In Hac rnmeutt). Mm John Hiitherluud and son nnt tlaiichter arrived In tho city yentor lay from Kurope. Mr. Hutlierluud it foremau nt tho Wcflterlund orchard tractH. Hon. V. I. Vawtor left Inwt iiIkIU for a biiHlncHH vIhII to Portland. 11. II. ChldcHtor htiM recently com pleieil the work of reinoik'lliiK tht luterlttr of IiIh biiiiKalow homo at SI? Heniit'lt avenue. Harry Pay no I expected to nrrlvt In Meilforil from tho Hutto Kitllt country with CO or 70 hend of fal rattle fropi hla herd. Mr. anil Mm. C. Lawrence, ol AHlilaud, wore In thn city yentortla) In atltmtlance at tho fair. (!. II. Craven, of Halem, Ih In Med fttrd for a few tlayn. Mr. and Mm. W. N. SavaKO, o' Hulmn, am In Medford for tt vlnl with Walter HeynoltlH and family o 320 North Holly Mroet. Mr. mid Mm. W, II. Itolln. of Don ver, aro In Medford for a few dayn Htny. K. II Kreuch mid family of Craud HapldK, Mich., nrrlvod In Med fort' Thin inlay. HPKCIAIt NOTICIC. MIhh Kvnlyn, rcpri'Ht'iilIni; tin Iteiuliifttoii company of New York ImporterH and miitiiifacturorH of hu mmi hair kooiIh, Ih at tho Kmporluii 121! Kant Main. I'OHltlvely tomni row t Hat unlay) tho last day. Hht Iiiih u Iuiko Htock of tho latent wtylei natural j?niy and wblto Included Your liiHpectltm cordlnlly Invited, AT KooiIh at manufacturtir'H prlceH, 170 100 DELEGATES W. C. T. U. HERE Stale Convention Now Under Full Hc.itiway SptcntiitJ Profjram Ar ranjicJ for Next Few Days Ladles aro Busy About lliiity more ilelcpileH to Hie hlitttt eoiiveiilioii of Hie W. V.. T. L. urrivctl in .Mi'df'onl tail iiilit and lliin moriiiu, milking tlm tolul ut (eiiilmiet' of ileli'Kiile more than 100. Tlm (IdmiIIoiiiiI t'xetelNt'H liihl uiylit were t'oiiiliit'tetl by Mm. Ilflt'ii Ilur foul. Tlm wi'lfoiui! utlilieHHt'ft were ilf' livercil by llev. A. A. IIoIiiicm, pan lor of tlm ItuptiM elmrt-li of tlii-t eily, Minn .Jeffrey nut) Mm. S. I. lleiilietl. TlifHi were ichHiiitlt'tl to on Itelmlf of the vinillnj; tk'lt'KiilcH by Mm. Miulj'it Menrw, pieii!ciit of ,!mi eoiintv W. C. T. V. Dfvotionnl ox reien mill pinyer ttvrvievri followed number ol' ilt'lcgatcM. nnd were taken part in by a ooill.v At nine o'clock Ihi iiinriiini;,tlit,n .vit m u conference of MiperiutemltMitH, followed by a general offieeiirt' meet on:. The coiiveutioii wuh etilleil to or der hv Mm. Atlit Wiillnee t'uriih. "lute prcitlenl. The reiidin of the (riisinle pHiilm follttweil, anil tliih ollowcd Itv hiiiiiitf noil prtyer, re torlH tif ctimiuiltee", itppoiutment ol commit If f, fccommeuilution-t from oreiilciitK' niintial atlilrcHx, reports of M'cretnry,. mnlitor ninl treithtirer. ami theft followctl by it uooutiile kch--Un tif prayer. Fritlny iifteruoon program: 1 rltO Devotioiin eoutliietctl by Mm. Alice HaiiNoii. 1 :!" Convention eullcil to order, '(catlini: of iniiiuteK of moniiii ms. "ion. I'relimiiuiry rcMtrt of eretlcn 'in I committee. HcMtrt of stnto V. I. H. Meretry, Mm. Kvn ('. Whccl r. Keport of htnte 1,. T. I,. ..eere 'nry. Mm. Pearl Weber. 1! -110 ItcHrt of MipcriiitcuiliMit ol ili'piirtmeiilH, (i miutitcH each: OrviiniratJon Work mutiny foreign f-ponkiii: jieo-tie--Mm. Kmtna C'yrun. Work muoui colored people Mm. I. K. Kullilovc. .r?. iff. Preventive Health tint heredity Mrs. Oril N'enl I-MwuruV. Medical temperance Mrs. Lena Hentley. Ktlueatioiial Scientific tempernneo iiihtruetiou Mm. Cutlie Hishop, PliVfieal education Mits Anna Wtiotln. Hominy school Mm. Ijr.zie NorriN. Teinpernnce literntiiru Mrs. Jane DoiiiiIiImiii. Union hi;uul Mrs. Untie Wilson. Cru-ntlcr Monthly Mrs. Ward Swope. Temperanei ami labor Mrs. Maml A'atkius. Piirlitimcutary usage W. ( T. U. institutes Mrs. Hen rietla Urowu. Aiili-iiaretities Mm. Anna Ktl;; iiiKlou. Mctlal etintest Mrs. Maraivt Houston. Miseelluiinoiis business. Kriilay eveuinj; prugrum. 7:110 Devotional service, eoiuluet tl by lluv, llieks, pastur First llui ist eliureli, Ashlitml. 8:110 - Aililres-cs by county pivsi louts, Tt minutof. each. 8:-l5 OfforiiiK. . President's amiiml uiltlress. OIR FIRST BIRTHDAY SALE Is proving to bo tho EVENT of the soason. Our storolias beon crowded all week with eager buyers. Saturday wo offer como exceedingly good bargains. For Big Snap in Bolts 100 Women 'h Mints! ic Holts, all col or 8, beautiful fk bucIclcH, .up to $1.00 jCJf P valiic'H, Sale price... wvv MANNS CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. O. Saturday Sale of Gloves Our Auuous Jb AY. L. Kid flloves, all colons. AQA Hcguliir price $l-5.JfnC Sale price, a pair f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f "f f4- WANT to buy inotlurn buuKulow on pavtul Htreot. l'rlco ami tormr- miiHt bo rlRht. AiltlreHH llox O. II,. Tribune. 175 WANTMD l.antl lioro for I.ob An Kttlou anil vicinity property. 1 hiivo onn (! lucomo propoRltlou In f.os AiikoIoh for HtocU ranch hero, I.11I mo have your llntliiKB, CIiiih:-1). Hoy, SOI, over Fruit Krowoi'8 Hunk. na ttrtftrw FOIt UKNT Furnlitheil room at :I04 South Central, close In. l.atly pro forieil. no FOlTsAliK "Craftmnan" Furnltnro, I can make a limited number of plucoH out of Httlecteil oasttiru oak, Set) tho hit; arm chair In tho ex hibit hulltlluK at tho fair kiouuiIh. AiWiohh Ims II 111, 171 ! IS YOUR HAIR DULL, I FADED OR BRITTLE? I ' (From Southern .Style Hook) Dreneliiuj,' ami riiisiiij; of the liair s a mistiike, Top mneli water hits riiiuetl moro tlutii one lieiul of tint' liuir. It is possible to remove more of the uuliiriil oil of the scalp than 's beneficial, iintl u certain amount is rctiiircd to keep the scalp soft ami piiame, aiiorttm omt rowing (,'tomiil tor the liuir, "Dry shumpooin removes tlust anil excessive oil, refreshes ami invigor ates the sculp ami loaves the hair clean ami fresh. Mix four ounces of orris root ami four ounces of thoroXf ami you have, a tlopeiitlahle shampoo powilor. Sift a tablespoon, ful upon the head, then hnish it well mitl eiireftilly through the hair mitl your shumpoo is over, with no hours of wnitinj: for your hair to tlry or exposure lo the tlauRer of cati'luui; colli. Thorax promotes tho growth of hnlr, ami makes it liht, fluffy ami beautitiilly lustrous," v VjittPrwJ CORSET DAY We have just rereived a big sliipincnt of Warner's Kust Proof .Coi-scts in all and styles. See the new low bust models at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 each. See our new "Rcdueo" Corset at $1.25 pair. 100 Women's Coutil Cor sets with three pairs hose supporters. Real MQgy 75c values. Spe- 4rlf) rial, a pair m.jj 100 Women's Kxtra (Jood quality Coutil Corsets. each ?Aa Sperhil price, flffC Hegular .$1 grade. wobishop y worth) The New Coats are Going Fast Some new arrivals for Satur day. Women's Blank Broadcloth and Kei-sey Coats, $10, $15, $20 and $25. At $15, $20, $25 and $35 each. New "Caracul" Coats lined throughout with fancy satin, $16.50 each. Beautiful new "seal plush" coats at $25, $30 and $35 i-aeh. Beautiful new Tailored Suits 100 Women's Suits iu phiin serges and fancy mixtures, $12.50 up to $37.50 each. Waist Sale 100 Women's Percale Waists. Just the thing for early fall 7Qa wear, eaeii Women's tailored waists in plain white, embroid ered fronts. Special New Silk Waists from $3.98 up to $9.00. 98c Birthday Specials Good Hair Nets, each 3c Coral Necklaces, each 15c New Hat Pins, each 10c Best Talcum Powder, can 10c Good Wash Cloths, each 3c Stewarts 10c safety pins, paper 5c G yds. wash Braid, bolt 25c All linen handkerchiefs, each 5c Underwear Sale Children's Vests and Pants, fleece 1I11V. Vly L,CiV It Artjw Boys' Union Suits, suit ...59c Women's Plecce Lined Vests and Pants, special, each 29c Women's Union Suits at 59c, 98c, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 suit. BEST DEESS PRINTS, 5c YARD BEST APRON GrlNGHAM 7c YD FRUIT OF THE LOOM 9c YARD 4 M I m - -- -- - '" --"! CsCLS.'i r:-' I THER0X FOR SALE BY I ' HASKINS' DRUG STORE - Look at i of tho real cHtuto mix mill nt muoh of tho real ostuto n.l. vjrtisetl, boforo inveatintj, UoHkltia for Health, - 1 m . Ml' mr k . j v - ' - e: t ' yi lnwiMiJ v lr m ! WEt'i 11 J iflS imrM . im ai Rr Hr ' v Off -j. , HBHiIit it "- ... . -"""tf ' K'7i 7 if J . , .-' i ' ,- - r' v- &' . rCl AT HOME B-ling's Good Fit Shoe Store Will be open to the public Saturday, Oct. 7th. Yours as praG tlGcil Shoe Men. Behling & Schmidt OLD TOGGERY STAND . I "M lI i. -" -rwi i i ii ),.,, jsm i : : , ; : : ; ; . it0jlfqW'yWiMWMM