t r fy PAGE VOVR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKMWON". lMUl)Ar. OlTOBHtt f, l!)ll. Medford mail Tribune AN INDBl'HNDBNT NKWflPAPBn punUHHilb nvEitr Ai-rriiwooN KXCEPT SUNDAY. tiX TUB MEDFOHD ntlNTINa CO. The Domoonttlo Times. Tho M-xJford Mall, Th Medford Tribune, Tho South ern Oreirontan. The Aahland Tribune. offie Mult Tribune nulldln. 18-17-18 -- --- .. . ,., .viaiu North Fir Heme 76. treetj phono, 1031. QEORQB PUTNAM, Editor and Uuiipr ntwed u econd.cU matter at Med ford, Oror- under the act of. March t, 1879. Official Paper of the City of Medford Official Paper of Jackton County. .. MEDFORD'S STATE RATE CASE. MEDFORD has had a ease before the State Railroad Commission for nearly a year. Since the original hearing only one member of the commission has visited this locality and that was recently upon the important business of gathering in the drinking cups, which the Sou thern Pacific were using in violation of the now state law. For this task the taxpayers arc paying him $1000.00 per year, lie stated that he did not know anything about the Medford case and had not given it any attention. Last winter when proposed amendments to the railroad commission law to clarify that statute from impurities in jected by the peculiar interpretations by the commission ot its provisions were discussed, one ot tne coiunnsioners in order to head off this much needed legislation to protect the statute from pollution, where a long cxplnation as to To Work Again WOXW CnCTOATXOK nvrraca for nix month! ending December 1, 11, S7J1. Dally Stall Xeaied Wire TTnltea SUpatc&ea. The Mall Tribune ! on ale at the Ferry News Stand. 8an Francleco. rwland Hotel Newa Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co.. Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Waah. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown It has been discovered that the Yaqul Indians In the recent Mexican squabble used gold bullets. Oh, death, where Is thy sting? ' Bryan says he will never run again. Not even from a nominating com m it tee, wo take it. It is to bo presumed that tho tele phone company has all wires laid for its fight on tho initiative and referendum. atjBSomxrxzox aua. One year, by mall . 'K,S2 One month, by mall ,; "u MedfoM.ntJBokonyiiie and cen- why decisions were not handed down in the Medford cases, 9aturday0onniy.'by'mMYpfi gj the same appearing ill the colums of this papier at the time. Weekly, per year AlllOllg SO1U0 Of the statements Was 0110 to tllO effect that the commission had not had time to examine the "vol uminous exhibits," ten in number, filed by the complain ant in support of its cases, and that it would take "months'' to analyze this evidence. The legislation was passed up, and then the commission went into hirnation upon the Medford cases, and when the due season arrived (which came by the way of Medford in its initiative resolution) the commission came forth to engineer another flank move ment to head off justice and equality to interior cities. Xow that the People's Equitable Rate League is or ganized, Clyde 13. Aitchisou, chairman of the commission, is quoted bv the Oregonian as saving ""We have carefully laid our plans and have gone elaboratclv into detail for the most comprehensive investigation in the historv of the commission, and these hearings will be exhaustive." And yet this same commissioner complained last winter that Medford had overburdened the commission with ten volu minous exhibits and other masses of oral testimony in her cases which would require months to analyze, but between the interim of the adjournment of the legislature and the adoption of the initiative resolution by the Medford Traf fic Bureau the "cup" bearing commissioner had not heard of this testimony. ' The commission filed in the federal court in the injunc tion proceedings of the Southern Pacific Co. affidavits in support of the order made by the commission increasing the advantage of Portland jobbers and putting out ot business interior jobbers. Some of these affidavits were identical Medford cases, and the attorney emploved bv the coin- mission to defend it before the court nscd the same figures and illustrations employed by counsel for Medford in the evidence and argument made in her cases. The federal court dismissed the application of the Southern Pacific Co. but the railroad commision finds itself unable to draw thetsame deductions against the Southern Pacific Co. in behalf of Medford as the federal court drew from them to support reductions in rates from Portland which Medford asked to have duplicated for her use. What avail is further "elaborate, comprehensive and exhaustive" investigation? It is simply further evasion of justice and dragging out of time to prolong the iniqui tous duplex rate system by which Portland jobbers are milking interior commerce, and in effect is the same meth od adopted by the commission when it had the interstate commerce commission plocc on its suspended docket a case which it had brought against the Southern Pacific which had increased transcontinental rates to the sum of the local rates in and out of Portland that had heretofore been of advantage to Salem and other valley points. The advanced rates favored Portland jobbers, and the suspended case was of great assistance in delaying a decision, and the rail road commission case would probably been still on the sus pended docket had not the Gile case forced it to a hearing, the same as the People's Equitable Rate League is forcing tin issue that one man's 'dollar should buy the same num ber of miles of transportation as another man's dollar for the same service. This Turkish'-Itallan -war has an advantage over all others. The same fleet has been destroyed three times. A revolution In Portugal Is at tempting to put back the king that ono little French actress pulled down fc r .vtnvtMM a. W-a.fc MR, JOHN U ROCKEFeUEH ROCKEFELLER 10 END HIS RES! Private Wire is Placed In Homo of Oil Kino and Telegrapher Is En gaged Believe It Means a Re sumption of Work The time of year is fast approach ing for people to perpetrate rhyming invitations for Hallowe'en parties. "Most actresses owe much to their dressmakers," says Lillian Russell. According to a Medford dressmaker actresses aren't the only ones. OFFICIAL COUNT Antioch . Applegnto The .official count by precincts at the recent election as made by the county clerk, is ns follows: Precinct For Against 3., East Ashland 39 West Ashland CO South Abhlaud 87 Barron 5 Bijr Butte ... 47 Climax 9 Central Point 138 Eaglo Point 85 Flounce Rock 74 Foots Creek 1C Gold Dill 99 North Jacksonville 74 South Jacksonville 117 Lake Creek 5 Meadows 0 Northeast Medford 132 Northwest Medford 309 Southeast Medford .... 81 Southwest Medford 508 Central Medford 473 Mound 34 Phoenix 98 Bock Point 13 Saras Valley 30 Sterling 4 Talent 100 Trail 51 Union 17 Wutkins 15 Willow Springs 20 Winer 30 . 33 20 89 183 154 39 127 8 ?3 57 13 20 49 18 13 28 23 25 32 0 41 31 no 40 9 50 13 03 20 30 4 12 44 Totals Majority for bonds, 1408. Total vote cast, 4102. 2815 1347 I YESTERDAY'S SCORES. I Pacific Coast. At Vornon It. II. E. Vernon 3 Portland C At San Francisco San Francisco 2 Oakland' 9 At Sacramento Sacramento ,3 Los Angeles G 7 11 8 7 7 11 Notional. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 3 Ts'ow York C At Bt, Louis St.,fLouls 2 Chicago 8 American, At Boston Doaton f 11 Washington , 2 At Philadelphia Philadelphia ...., 1 Is'ew VpfU t ! i 0 PAR BRIDGE NEXT MONDAY Central Point Structure Will be Completed Saturday and then Crew will Begin Work on Local Structure The bridge crew now at work on the Central Point bridge over ellar creek, will complete their labor there Saturday evening and on Monday will commence the work of repairing the bridge over Bear creek in this city, according to the county road eui nccr. The local bridge is to bo rcdecked with heavy lumber and all of tho braces will be tightened which will place (he old structure in the best condition possible. At leust it will resemble a bridge a little more than it does nt present. Now it can be termed a corderoy road in mid-winter. F LIRTING WILL BE HERE SOON No more pleasing announcement could be made, in a thcatricnl sense, than tlmt Mort II. Singer's Chicago musical comedy success, Harry Bul ger in "Tlio Flirting Princess" wiUi tiau Turkey Trot, STATE PREPARES LENGTHY BRIEE Reply to Pacific States Telephone Company Now in Hands of Printer Document is More than 30,000 Words in Length TAMiYTOWX, .V. V.. Oft. tl.-The iustullin'ot u pnwito wire in the home of John t. Rockefeller, tho oil king, nt his home on l'ocnutieo Hills, is calling the belief here today that John I), is about to give up hU ret plan ami get back to work. Rock efeller hat engaged a telegrapher, and it U thought will soon get in touch with htiMiicxs affairs again. MRS. M'NAMARA TO LOS ANGELES Accused Men are Cheered hy Word that Their Mother will Soon lio with Thcm-Hliih Tribute Paid Her by Sou W ANUIXKS, Cul., Oct. (1. "Thank Ueinon, mother will bo hero cmly next week. That's tho best news 1 have heard in month". 1 foci her advice will ho worth almost as much as my loading attorney, Sho is one of thu wisest h well as the best women in nil tho woild." This was tho tribute John J. Mo Xumurn paid In his mother when in formed that tho defense had decided to scud at onco for .Mix. Mary Mo Nniimrn. "Yes. that's fine," chimed in .lanics H. .MoN'uniara, tho younger brother. "It will seem like did times to hae mother around to tell us just what to do, won't it. John?" Although the accused juen arc scheduled to fco trial next Wcdnos. day, charges of nurdciing 21 men in connection with tho detraction of the Los Angeles Times building, neither is worrying. Tho news of their mother's coming has greatly cheered tho brothers, tind thoy arc eagerly looking forward to her nr rixul. The defense today definitely de cided to bring Mrs. Mc.Vaumra to Los Angeles. John .1. and James II were at onco told of this decision., FELT BAD ALL THE TIME Shellhorn Lady Suffered a Deal, But Is AH Right Now. APPLES f OR EUROPE Wo are appointed agents for J. n. THOMAS, Covont Gnrdon, Lon don ami Southampton, England, whoso charges are 5 per cent and I 6 cents per box. Great' jas. lindsay &. son. im.. aiaa- row and Kdluburgh. Scotland, 6 per cent and 10 cents per box. HAWSOX KOIMNSON. Hull, ICng lnng, G per cent and S cent per box. These nro tho oldest and largeRt firms in their respective tcwtm, and their ro fere ii co aa to financial nlill- ! Shellhorn, Ala. In a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrie May says: "A short tlmo ago, I commraced to have weak spells and headaches. I felt bad all tho time, and soon grew so bad I couldn't stay up. t thought I would dlo. At last my husband got mo a bolllo tIcfl cau bo hnd nt Medford National of Cardui. and it helped me; so ho got Dnnk( Medford, Oregon. some more After I had taken tho f Cagn ca bQ cab,od d nf0f , second bottle. .IaScaUrelwcH.: fJf ,rod ,, h, hMt njarkct I wlsh-overr-lady, suffering from i rjclVf KunrantCed womanly trouble would try Cardui. , , . ,, , . ,,, , It is the best medicine I know of. Itf "f I:ncc ,? "S n,K ",a,C, ,,.,, ,. ! llvo on air, bunco our remarks on vnm'n tnntrv- charges. used.' Cardui Is strengthening mcdlcino for women,: Tho c'nitnip about prlvato sale made from Ingredients that net spe-1 aoca no1 I)rovo rorauncrnuvo. oxcopt ciflcally on tho womanly organs, and 'or 80mo Cl"108 "mnH nature-. All thus help to build up tho womanly con- dlers by prlvnto sato have to wait " .....II Hlmllflt . n.i.i m aa . Iji iiiilii uiiiaiiuian iiiu uiui du no ii iwtuv. what to ask, und in tho case ot largo stltutlon to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's ills, it han a successful record ot over 50 years. Your druKElst sells It Plcaso try it. H.li. Write to: UJIm A-lvlwry t)p.. Ctutu-t pocsa MrJldne Co.. Chittnoo. Trnn., for Fptctal Initruttiont, and M-pjg took. Mom TrrtUMat for Wocun, mm In plun wupixr, on rttjueU. supplies they often get left. For further particulars, address W. N. White (D. Co 70 l'AltK I'LACK . XKW VOUK -) SALEM, Ore., Oct. 0. Tho btateV brief in the enbe of Oregon versus the Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph company, which is to be filed with the United States supreme court, in answer to the one filed by the company attacking the initiative a'nd referendum law as u violation of the federal constitution, is in the hands of the state printer today, The brief, which contains 30,000 words, was prepared by Attorney General Crawford. Tho document denies that the init iative and referendum is unrepulicnu and n government by "brute force," ns the corporation ullegcb, and de clnres thut it nets as a check "upon vicious legislation by tho legislative assembly and provides menus for tho people to carry into effect good mensures denied bv the legislature." be here at tho Medford opera house. It will come direct from its long run of three hundred and forty nights in Chicago, with tho same production, clever comedians, pretty girls, and (ho wonderful dancing numbers, in cluding the famous 'Oogio und Gloo my. Gloomy' dances, n)so the Egyp- The Art iStore Wo take pleasure In announcing the arrival of our new lino of "studies for oil, water color and pastel, Any of theso will bo reproduced by our artist, I!. Mlcliebicu. C. E. COLLIN 157 Noith Ornpo. -'- ;; x Jb. m i Sunrise Laundry i; I'A.MIIiV WAHHIXtt A HI'WIAI.TV. AM WOIIK rU'AIM.NTKKI) ) OrderH called for and delivered, First rluss work done by hand, ! Ladles' and men's suits cleaned and pressed. Tel, .Main 78.'! 1; J Homo, .!7 Corner Hlgbth and Ho. Central Ave. 444(4fif4r444&4r444&&-4- J--!-- &he WALL PAPER and PAINT STORE BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. 1 J: &44&4f4&&44'4(4(-4(- !J!l XOIITII JIAim.OTT ST. HOTEL, MOORE European. Special Rates by tho Week or Month. Rates 50 Cents Up. ! RAU-MOHR CO., Proprietors. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Mouth Itlverxldo New and l'i.Hlto .Modern In every particular, gnu cook ing, ete. Women and gills iiiiinI bring reference. W.M. 8M1TI1. Homo I'liouo NIK, AFTER ALL IT NARROWS DOWN TO The Merrivold Shop FOR The Ported Typewriter THE OLIVER 11 W. Muln Hi., Mrdfortt OPEN- For Business ItlCOINS Ai UUSI.M.'H Hft'uiHl.lliui.l Storo nt no Houtti drape Street, (live us a call and wo will treat you fair. .Illghrxt rnah prlro (or ccond band good of nil kind. , Potatoes riuv Iturlntnk I'otatoeti. JANIS III COS., Capitol Hill Itnnrh, (Near Il.Mer- voir.) Order your winter nupply now. I'rleo' rlRht. Wo deliver. Call Hell Phono Main MSI. Pure Clear Sparkling Vou Jan't afford to Jo without this splendid, refreHhing drink. Call up and ordor n enno wont to tho hotiBfl. The pureut. moyt healthful drink known it SLSKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. Newport TAQDIWA BAT OBSOOR'S rOPUZ.AB BXAOX BESOBT An lilrnl rotrrnl for outdoor pimtlinra of nil kliulH, IIUNTINCI, CIHIIINO, HOATINO. HUIU'' JIATlllNO. HID. INO, AUTOINC, CANOlilNd. DANC NO ANO UOl.UKH HKATINO. Whnro pretty wnlv ncutm, uiamn mourn, iMOdii-HlniiiiM, ciifnulliinn can Im found on the liciich. Purn mountain wnivr and Dm boiit of food at low prlcuii, Kr.mli fldli, oIiiihh, ernlni nnd ayntarn, with abmidunco of vouututiloM of nil UIiicIh dully, Vtnplnr around ConvanUnt nd At trctt with atria nltry BogTjlatlon, LOW BOUND TBZF WttABOM , XIOKETg 2'rom All Polnt In Ortgon, Wl. Invton U(1 Zdnlio, on ! dally, I-DAT ATUBDAY-MOWDAT TJOXBTI from Houtliorn Pualfla points 1'ortland to Cottauu Ornvu; ulno from all (i, & H Mtiitlorin Albany und west. CJood KoIhk Haturdny or Hunilny,and for roturii fiunduy or Monday, Call on any H. I. or O. ft n. Agont for full jmrlloi.ln.-rt um to farm, train Mcliodulort, oto.i uImo for copy of our llltmtratod boolilnt, "Outlnsa In Ore boh," or wrlto to WM. MOMUBBAY antral raaiongai Afaat, PortUnfl, Oroifon. Where to Go Tonight --"- THE ISIS THEATRE iiiu notnii.H itiMi Mr, Kiodc-rlrlf Tiovilllloil tremulrt tho itreiit Htuumlliiiiiil Novelty, s, Moro-riiiioso llo, Mho or II. Ninth Wonder of Hit. Woiltl TIiIm autoniutoti Ih t'lillml I ho Mold-l'ImiHit and linn been hIhuu. ; In all tint Imulliut cllUm of the world. Tho iiiiiiiihium of all the alU'H, an well iim tho kouciiiI pull. He, Ih hulled to toMt tliolr xldll and try to miImi tho niyitory that ; Iiiim pUKxIed two contlueutH, . .IhTIf l,OVI4lili .SImkIiik mill Dauilii)' Soubietlo , Direct fioui I'nntiiKoV, I'tutliuut, i where hIio Iiuh Iicoii one of tint ' loiidliiK uttrnrtloiiH of Iho pnxl ; weoU. Don't fall to won Hi lit won J derful iiiM'foVuiaiuo STAR THEATRE Tho Throo Muskatoors I'AItT 1 IititiniM fauiinm nlory of H" time of l.ouU XIII, nlmwlm; Hi" celebiiited lhrm uiUHkuteorM and their diiiihltiK ouiik coinrude D'ArtiiKUiiu. i'AUT II. Wboro D'ArtaKiinit, Iho fanuiua ouiik uiunlo'ttM'r. U liitrintd (by the ipieou'it attendant with whom ho U In loin) with m confidential mUMou. ThroiiKh many pwrlU be Ih MUOt-oMifut. An All Coined) I'lliu. H'h a Coniedy and a dood due In Popular Hoiik IIUh ileal of .MumIc and 1 If Lain. Afteriioonw and Kvutuj;. $C00 REWARD THE DIVING GIRL AL. SATHER In Popular Song Hita j Draperies Wo carry very complni" tin of ilrnimrlPK. Inert curtalna. rlilurra. lo.. anil t'o all enr ut uiii(ill"rine A nitrclNl nmii (ii look arivr ilila work rlillilKly and wilt KlV aa KikkI rvlro nn la )Ula tu (at In ovkii tlio larKa( clllva. WccKs & McGowan Co M1n Stiandafurd'o Piano iVchooi Piano, Harmony and Muidcal Illntory KMII.YT HTANDI'.KOim Kxaiulner for New KiiKlnud Cotmervntory of Mimic In IIOMton Mnkcri n Mpoelalty of tralultiK tcucherti. Heud for timtliiionlnU tad teruiH. Phono 7211. 170 Utn North Onkitile. PLUMBING htkam and hot watkit iii:atin Alt Work (iiarantii4 Prlroa Ilenaonabln W llownrd llhxk, Kntranr on Dili Hlrevt. Coffcen & Price Puclfle IIOIU iioiuit am Rock Spring Goal OB BAND 41,1. THI TXMB. ffflco and foul Vnrtl, Twelfth und Trout Htreeta. Phono 7101, Burbidge vim nnAT. Mar- Japanese Bam.boo Waste Baskets Best for the House & Office Small & Large Medford Book Store r v