Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 06, 1911, Image 1

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Orcnnn Historical Soctily"
m.w Hnll
"A 'K,
rniu(f to irtt pnimr wiu )iv
out (llivt(l liv ulioiilnr of-
I flea by C ii, iti.
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair. Mnv. 07, mlH. !ltt
re I. hum. -IX
liiilly Hlxtli Vnnr,'lrnl Yiir.
No. 170.
J! ' JJW
rtnllro.nls arc Conslrfrrlnu General
Plans of Proccedtirc Analnst (he
Lnhor Oriianlznllons May Invoke
Slurman Law
Troops am Called Out In Several
Places to Keep
rmrwrio. lib., oh. ...-indie..
tiioulM nuitlii"! Smiiut'l (lompcr, pro
ideal of I la- American Federation of
Labor, the officers of the Kysleiu
federation mill ilin official of the
nine iittllvliliiiil unions composing the
federation may he ..ought in the fed
ml com Is by (ho Illinois Central
luilroad for violation of (lit1 Sherman
mill trust law in coithcoiKMiro of tin1
Hlriko on (In Ilnrrimuii lino, accord
ing ,lo M'HirtH ire today.
In an interview with u United
Press repreMculnllvcs, A(torm.v
lHiuilL,I.O('K(VfiTtil com. net for tho JJ
Huois Central, Haiti;
'l know that tin legal department
of tin! railroad is iiivenlignting the
Htrtku order itt-iticd to tint union men
on tlit) llnrriulau lines, and that the
department is of I In npiiittin that
what is being done Hourly violate
tln criminal chiiim. of the Slieriiuin
law. It ulno violates (ho civil cluue
of (he law under which tin diimugcd
party in thin niiso the Illinois Vn-tra-
may secure triple damage. ''he
eompany linn secured Homo iividenee
already and in Mill considering Jjie
cane. I will not nay that we will iihI;
for indietinentH. and I will not say
that wo will sue under the .Shonnnii
law. I cannot tell just what wo will
oiitldcrliig Several I'lnm.
It is learned here that the railroad
is considering several plaint of pro
cedure against the lahor orgnuixn
lions. One in to secure from the
i'ederal courts an injunction wider
I ho Sherman net reHtrnlninyr the un
ion from further promoting tint strike,
declaring it to ho the result of a con
spiracy in restraint of trade.
.Another method is to sua- for an
order for the dissolution of Ilia sys
tem federations, under this Hnmo
eliinso of thn act for damages.
'I'ho fo'urtli melhoil, and tlm one
which thn rallrond officials look up
on with most favor, hecauso it would
involve (Jumpers and other labor
"highor-upi" in the meshes of the
law, in the returning of indictment
against tint lalior officials for crim
iiial proseiMilioiiK in the fedora
Tho railroad attorneys heliovo that
the Danhury llattors and the Deln
easos cover the oontentloiiK,
liiiw Invoked. f
NKW ORLEANS, La., Oet. fl.
Ilariiman lrilirs of tho middle am'
far west are miuii to become, involved
in tlm moslicH of tho law through tin
notion of tho federal authorities hi
those sections who are today mak
ing preparations to olio thorn foi
contempt of court on a charge of vio
la line injtinotiouH restraining their
fro miiitoii'orlug with railroad prop
erly or employes.
Hlrlliois Indignant.
Tlm Htrikorn am highly ineonsod,
ami ara hoinj; worked up to Ilia fight
inu' pitoli. Tliuy protest strenuously
and indignantly against thn govern
ment's restraining order. Thus far
tho injunctions have heon successful
in preventing rioting And tho men
have not 'had tho temerity to ntoiupt
violoiico in any form, llowovor, thorn
uro already ita"" Unit tho leash on
their tempers lias heon strained to
Ilia hrcalving pclnl, and it h! admitted
that tho Kiliiiitioti is of Ilia graven.
Larue Crowd of Local People Sec
Races and Balloon Ascension
Many Visitors Here Today from
Grants Pass
Interest In Exhibits Continue
Racing Card for.thls
Tomorrow jt Fair
.Saturday, tin final day .of
the fair, will of for boveral forms
of amiiHomont. A hrief pro
gram for (lit day follows:
Itaeiiig will start with a free-
ritr.iilt fiiuiit. it'll li fmir itilriiij.
Thi) HMvinl pacing half-mile will
follow. Zyraul Jr., a Medford
" horbi', will ntart in Ihis event.
The consolation runniiii; race is
" nlwi soheduledd. Ill this race nil
horses not taking first money
heretofore art' jdigihK'. Tho la
ilioH.drivini; raeo will ho a" fea
ture; M-n. Hydti will dri'vi' Flos
sie, Mm, Date will drive Tmu
hndour and Misi King will drive
A liig douhle parachute drop
h scheduled for three o'cloqk.'
HBMwflKfllFQp ySSb&jfBBBNl. ma&mnrrLUL- tL .-. i . ..anMg yJL t?cfr-
ov rjrCE .Avnir rrtooD SHoxxjxrs
Uoajcq xfx 'xovvscw
kap. "itfawmti rrtww
OP.'vafnM:ED.r KTuooo-
.Medford Day at tho district fair
now heiug held in this city, was a
distinct miooomb in imint of mlmis-
sions and in attraction. A large
crowd of local people gathered at the
fair grounds and witnessed some of
the host race of the present meet
and Haw a spectacular drop hy .Miss
Tiny Hroadwick from a halloon 1U00
feet in air. The day was perfect
and all conditions tended to make the
afternoon delightful.
Today U Orants I'drh dny and a
large number of visitors from the
down valley metropolis are on hand
to take in the exhibits ami the after
noon racing card, which hy the way
promises to he one of the host of the
meet. Tho school rhjldron wjll also
he out this afternoon in force, r
Interest in the exhibit continues
and the buildings were crowded again
yesterday. The entries were all made
by number and tomorrow the names
of the winners will he announced. The
exhibit N really well worth seeing
and reflects the great productiveness
of the valley. Tho livestock entries
are exciting much comment. The big
ale nf live fitook will he held Sat-
rday morning.
Itaeo HesiiltH.
Tlm results of Thniriday'ri race
wore as follows;
Jilt) trot, purso $ir0 Won in
straight heats; first, Zelma ', see
mil, Mack II,; third, St, Michael; best
lime, 2:1281 -'J,
'J:1U pace, pnrso $300 Won in
straight heats', first, Axuola; second,
and third, Huron I.ovelaco and Salloy
Vounger, divided money ; fourth, Ma
rim. Five-eighths milo dash, running,
pnrso jfltiri First, Hounie Heg; 'seo
nid, l,o Claire; third Jack Kertroll.
Threo-eightliR milo pony race, pnrso
fjr First, Flossie; Hoeond, Little
lack; third, Nigger; time, 0:11.
Quarter-mile match race, pnrso
r-'OO First, roan gelding; seeond,
hay gelding'; time, 0:.ri.
I'll day's Program;
Today's program is as follows:
School day and Orants al'ss day.
First moo 11:M trot, three entries,
Second raeo 2:'20 pace, four en
tries, Third race Thrco-ipmrlers' milo
running race, $ir0 purse,
Fourth raooThroo-oighlhs milo
saddle race, for saddle horses owned
In Jackson and Josephine counties,
Independent Dealers Retain Luls
Brandels to Brlnn, Suit Against the
Tobacco Trust Claim Trust Is
Planning to Put One Over
NKW YORK, Oet. 0. Tho retain
ing by the independent tobacco deal
ers today of Louis Drnudeis of Bos
ton, famous for his activities in the.
Malliuger-l'iueliol nffalr, foreshad
ows a big legal battle between the in
dependent dealers and the tobacco
llrandeis represents the National
Cigar Ieaf association, tho New York
Leaf Tobacco association and the In
dependent Retail Tobacco associa
tion. These companies claim that the
trust is planning to "put .something
over," in its dissolution plans, into
which it has been forced by AWor
ney General Wiukorsham and the
Sherman anti trust law. They as
sert Hint there is a plan afoot t'
create five little trusts instead of -ine
big one, distributing tho stocks of
the subsidiary company to the stock
holders of tho American Tobacco
eompany, tho holding company. They
declare, this will leave the domination
of tho tobacco-business in the same
hands in which it now is.
The fight will bo precipitated on
Monday, when the time limit for the
re-orgainV.atiou of the trust expires.
SHATTLF. Wn.. Oct. rt Wlml i
alleged to bo tho first postal saving
bank fraud, resulted yesterday in the
arrest of Salip Ciu Ainat, n Malay.
When ho presented himself at the post
offioo to get .$100 alleged to belong
to 11, All, a count rymau of his living
in Sail Francisco. AH reported the
loss of certificate to tho postal au
thorities, ami Ainat is charged with
forging his iimno.
Party Takes Train Outside of Paris
and One is Believed to be Deposed
King Revolt Is Rapidly Spread
Inn over Country
PARIS, Oct. 0. --Eight I'orliigue-e,
including Don Alphonso, King Man
uel's uncle, today boarded the Opor
o express, southbound, outside of
One member of the parly wore n
cap and a mask over his face, and is
beileved to have boon King Manuel on
his way to take eoinmnnd of tho Roy
alists who are fighting to regain for
him his throne.
Tho Indicti' relay race inily having
ono entry, has been declared off. In
its pluco for next Saturday's pro
gram u ladies' driving race, one-mile
dash, has been substituted. No driv
ing horse that has beaten Ihveo min
utes in any raeo is eligible. Tho pnrso
will bo .f,r0; divided: First, ,ri; seo-
oml, $1f); third, $10.
VIGO, Spain, Oct. 0. All north
em Portugal todav is in revolt for
the purpose of re eating the deposed
King Manuel upon the throne. Re
peated rumors of royalists successes
are seeping out of the country.
Two detachments of royalists,
3000 in each, crossed tho border into
Portugal yesterday. Captains Coacei
ro and Mnchndo being in command.
Two hundred tinned pensnnts are re
ported to have joined n force of Aye
nionte in a march upon Oporto.
A special dispatch from Tuy savs
the peasants were routed in a batle
at Chavez, a minority of the garri
son finally joining tho insurgents.
Ranger Gribbte Rebuked by Land Of
fice for Violating Law by Entering
Cabin to Secure Evidence Against
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. (1. The
Portland-Yernon pennant series at
Los Angeles tilinot caused a "strike"
of the pickets of tho, striking shop
men stationed at tho Album and
llrooklyn shops today, who made a
united demand for quick notion on
tho ball scores. Tlio news of Port
land's second viotorv over tho Tigers
'..ui..,j,... .i;.i ...,i . ..,...!. ii... .. :..i. i-
z : r ,:: '-i' crook iast msit
...... .,. .,.., .... ..... ,,, , ... clml whoJ1 ln blnclcl ana wltu hJB
That Forest Ranger J. E. Gribblo
entered a homesteader's cabin with a
skeleton key to secure evidence
against the settler to be used in oust
ing him from his laud, and thereby
violated the law himself, is the asser
tion made by the officials of the fed
eral land office at Roseburg in over
ruling the contest brought against Dr.
Krward E. Emerson who has taken
up a homestead in the Crater ration
al forest. Tho opinion reads as fol
lows :
lln his apparent eagerness to make
oat a case against the claimant, the
witness J. E. Gnbble, entered tho
cabin home of this settler by means
of a skeleton key, thus himself vio
lating a statute, there being no law
authorizing nay detective, stnto or
federal officer to enter tho private
homo of any person without due pro
cess of law. Tho little cabin homo
of tho settler is as sacred under the
law as is the homo of tho man who
live- in a nmnbion or Nob hill."
Continuing, the laud offieo rules:
"The contestant has wholly failed
to prove any of tho charges and the
testimony of tho chief witness for
the contestant, . E. Grihble, is that
the claimant didt establish residence
on the laud for ho, Grihble, saw him
there and also saw his household
goods. That claimant did
cultivate the land for witness saw a
crop growing there. '.There
is not sufficient ovideneo to support
nay of the charges and the motion to
dismiss is hereby sustained."
Attorneys A. K. Renines and O. V
Lawlor represented tho ooutestee.
WALLACK, Idaho, Oct. G. With
out a clow to guhlo thorn, county
authorities toilay began a hunt for t
lone robber, who Bhot and ktllod
Owoa Perry, a miner, la a saloon
Now Occupied by Two Battalions of
Italian Marines Italian Merchant
man is Attacked by Turks, But
Aid Comes
Dozen Towns Known to Have leen
Inundated Property Less Tre
mendousTowns Warned He
Word as to Fatalities
Heavy Rains in Wisconsin Cause
Roods Special Relief Trains
Sent Out
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. 0.-
NelHsville, Wis., telegraphs that both
the Charles and Hatfield dams have
gone out. A wall of watec 30 feet
high rushed down tho Black rlrer.
Wire communication is now cut orf
and nothing has been heard since.
ROME, Oct. C During the bom
bardment of TriH)li the occupation
of which was officially announced by
the Italian government today, fifteen
Turks were killed and twenty were
fatally wounded according to the re
port of Admiral Aubrey of the Italian
naval forces.
Attacked today hy a Turkish war
ship off North Albania, an Italian
merchantman flying a white flag, was
succored by tho Italian destroyer Ar
tigliere. It was slightly damaged by
the Turkish shots, and the comman
der was wounded. .
MILWAUKEE. Wis., Oct. 6.
What may prove to be a parallel to
the Austin flood horror occurred at
Hatfield, Wis., when the big dam of
the La C rosso Water ' Power co-
Ipany there broke at 10:10 this morn
ing, following a heavy downpour of
rain which lasted for 2 4 hours., .
r -,...,,- li''.: -' v -"''
i .uiit. no parucuiarsBare - bet
i received, It is believed that asaay
The town of Hatfield was flooded
and at 11:45 this morning the flood
wave had reached Black River falls.
The telephone company has been re
quested to waru all points below.
Damage Immense.
Tho wires are down and no details
or news of fatalities can be obtained
but the damage is known to be Immense.
Telephono communication with
Black River Palls has booh severed
since noou. the oneratora of both
telephone companies notifying head
quarters that they are leaving their
posts on account of tho flood.'
Tho following towns below Hat
field have been flooded and suffered '
great property damage: Halcyon,
Wright, niack River Falls, Irving,
Melrose, North Bend, Stevenson,
Glasgow, Decorgb, Pralrlo, Lytles,
Onalaska and North La Crosse.
nERLIN, Oct. C Forts are now
occupied by two battalions of Italian
marines which landed there today,
according to dispatches received here
from Rome. The invaders found a
number of corpses of their defeated
foe. but, no sign of n Turkish garri
son, the forts being all abandoned.
The dUpatehes also state that the
Italian reservists in Switzerland hnve
renounced their allegiance to the
United Kingdom, and refuse to return
to the colors.
over and today tlu'.v demanded that
tho results be telephoned them here
nftor innnedinlely nfter the close of
Ihu gnme. Tho coiumitleo agreed to
do so and tho "strike" was axerted.
Tntorost in tho Rorios ' isnt fevei.
height today and funs here aro of
fering oddA of 10 to 7 that Portlnnd
will win. There aro fw, takers.
faeo blackened, tho Htraagor ontored
tho saloon mid lined up a scaro of
minors and lumbermen against tho
wall, Perry was alow In putting up
Ills hands mid tho robber coolly shot
him down. Ho then soarched each
victim, robbed tho bar till and
hackod through tho doorway.
TORONTO, Out., Oct. C A dis
cordant note was struck nt tho Meth
odist conference following tho address
of nishop Hondrlo, D. D., In which
ho referred to tho Boattlo trial In
Virginia. Ho pictured a court room
In which no womon wero permitted
and a Jury on Its knees beroro giving
tho verdict of 'guilty."
Aldormnu Shnpo of London at the
oad of this address askod what tho
judgo'a soatonco was and It tho prls
onor had boon "whlto would It havo
boon different.
Bishop Hoss Jumpod to his feet.
"I object to a quostlqn that carries
an Insinuation or Implication of In
feriority In tho color of a Methodist.
niut-k River High.
LA CROSSE, Wis., Oct. 6. Great
damage has resulted in this section
todny from the rampaging of the
Blnck river, following heavy rain
storms which continued steadily
hero for 24 hours, and the greatest
flood In many years is expected yet
to come. Tho damage Is already
several millions of dollars, but so
far no casualties are reported. Tho
Mississippi is rising rapidly ln this
vicinity, and dire consequences to
property and perhaps to life are
A special train has been nuhed to
Hatflold, Wis., which was tho hard
est hit by the flood, to remove Its
citizens to Merrlllan. Hatfield was
almost entirely submerged by the
waters when the levee protecting tho
shores of tho Black river above that
town burst, sondtng the flood against
the dam of tho La Crosse Water
Power company, 3C feet high, which
holds back Lake Arbutus.
Tho power company denies that
tho dam collapsed, whllo others le
claro that It did.
STOCKTON, Col., Oet. 0. The
burning of a book containing a list
of names of all patients of Mrs. S.
E. Knight, sentenced to serve four
and n linlf years in tho penitentiary
for malpractice, has relioved tho
minds of many Stockton residents to
day. Tho book, which attracted more
attention than (ho ease itself, was
destroyed by chief of police Ilriare
was sentenced to bo electrocuted,
petition for commutation, of sentenc
was not slgnod by ono Juryman, The
Wo're brothers In tonus of absolute govoruor of Virginia Is a Presbyter-
equality. Tho mun was whlto and Ian and will pay no attention to It,"
- i
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