&, M "fWK T a iviiw roM.w t.. ft h- - ..- U. . iri!Mtt.ttlriUiillV1 MTCDFORO MATh Tl?mTTNF MWDFOUT), OUKOOiNT, THI'IISPA V, OCTOIMW f, IU! I. P2CGE OTUEW en -Wis-" HOT FIGHT FOR PENNANT IS ON Portland Has Good Clinnco to Grub linniiloiishli Takes First Gnmo of Series by Uulhl ttliifl tho Southern- crsMucli Interest In Mcilford 10 TO 8 ODDS PORTLAND Willi lliu IwMIiik 10 Id I) in Ihclr In vi i r, (lcHil(i nil tho iiioIIiik ol1 bm AiiKt'li'H I'uiiM, I'liiMiiinJ I'lieHio Count l,mjiiu i'liiiniiliiiiH for MM!) iikiiIm (li'iiiuiiHlruli'tl their uliililv to iiiliiiin luler ilitl'i'iit to llii'.v I Ioum'h hunch of Tijji'iM. Tint lieiivy hitting of lln Wriioi' tiilie Iiiih It'll ninny to liflli'M) (hut till IK'lllllllll fill' 1011 WIMlIll lllloil) llie hiiIiiiiIi of I.OM Aiiui'K'h. Alli'i .Vi'Nlcnliiy'rt hwiitft'Mt however, uhiir I'liithiiul hiii'ri'i'ilnl in oiit'Hluuuinj Iho VilhiKt'i'H, (hero an' few peopli loiluv who will ili'iiy Hint ihi eliuiiei" if I'ni'lhiiiil to iiKiiiii (nip tliu IIiik mi imleoil IiiIkIiI . Ioiii'n Tout Portland. rii'ltli't' June !u eoiiiiueiltlilir oi till' rliiiiu'CN of tint u'Mit'livu tt'fim pick I'nrlliiiiil iih I ho lictliT ti'iliu Aci'ordliiu to mi interview with tin Oicpiiilun tin !h ipiulcil ii h Hiiylnj; "I'iiiIIiiiiiI riKiintK to win. ImiiIIiiiiuii tho Ili-iiver will win. Tlioy lnue III- kImwj iiml it will tell." IJu ilouliti'dlv tho iiiiiiiiuiit ii'hM on Hi ciuiiitiu' M'l-lii in l.im AiiKdi'H- Th li'iiin llml win the hi'riiM lookx lik till' ll'lllllT." Willi olio iiiin Hiifttly Mouetl iiwii in tint locker tln outlook for tlu' Ht'ivM'i'H Iiiih improved iiiiilcrinllv. They im now two polnlN nhriiil of thi'ir liiuil hittiiii; oppuiit'iiU ninl in n xrrii'K where two tenuis nro xcp. nrali'il lv niii'Ii n Niuiill miirgiu niiu'li may Imppcii to oihiho Iho ilowiifnll of cither hunch. Tho mliU howccr. nut in fnvor of tlic tciim iilicinl Tin hi ihIiij.' "N'nlhiiik' kui'i lx lile Mieee' IioIiIn true in Iiiim'IiiiII n wiill n in other wnlkx of life. Till IIN' SlK'i'l. Fur tilt' benefit of Mcdforil fan the following hlnlixlicH me prepared: Should the (eanis break even on the Krrie Vrrumi will he four point ahead; eiiouyh to cinch tin ciiiiatit. Slmiild Portland win five they will oe M'veu point ahead, a margin Mifl'ie lent to cop the flat; if Oakland would win (wo ki'iiiom from the Villagers a week later. If hy any nlretch of Jic -lma;Iiintloii,'wnml'tlierO','un'.MeilforT faiiH who think it can ho done, the Hcnver Htrctch their liclorfcH to th Kiiuicm, then it iittiHt he conceded with it n t hiitu like mi even lin'itk in Ihim. hall luck for the ln-1 two weekn the hunting wilt acaiu fly in Portland for niiother year. Portland win f, bwo 0, 7 point ahead. Portland win (1, lone 'J, 17 'p'it ahead. Ptillaud win 7, hoot 1, 'JO pointc nheail. What .i to fiKiiro wlicro I lap' llouaii and ItU liuiieh will he should Ihey icverne he ahoef Melon' are the figure, for yetor day'n K"iiu'. It II I' l'oillauil D 11 :i Vernon 7 l.'l ! Great Interest Shown In Portland Over Present dull Scries at Los Anncles Portland Takes First Game by a 0 to 7 Score. pnimANi), on-., o..i. r..Th.' hi'ttiuu on Ihi! PoillaiiiUVuriioii kiiiiic toiluy won loweied I'luin III lo I) In 10 to H iim a lOKllll of yi'Mtenlay'H vletory over the lloKiuiiloK, (IiimI mleii'Nl h lieini: hhowu III the HiniiiM. Durniu' tint uiitni) ychleiday Uhmin. iiiiiIh of faiiH and fiiuettitM crowded aioiiud uewHpaper oflieeH and in'liil Haul piuloiM, lit'iiiiiin tint icluriiH ad. Potlaml won the openiiiK pnnc t ho heiii'H hv a 0 lo ni'imc. WORLD SERIES OCT. 14 NKW VOHK. Oct. r,. The nat.Mii il coiuuilfHiou iiicl today and deeideil hat (he IiihI came of the world m in tsill he phoed on Oetuher II, CHINNOCK BUSY NEAR GOLD HILL "' ' Pioneers Gather from that Section to Rcnjstcr Their Water nihts Came to Attend Mcctinn with Blond Ip Their Eyes. I YESTERDAY'S SCORES. ' I Nallonnl I'itKiie. At M klyn - Itrooklyii New Yoik At St. I.oiiw Si. I.oiliri ill ! llieilKO . . At Philadelphia Philadelphia llohlnn Second .'auie Philadelphia MokIoii j merle no. i At New York New York .... I Itoxtmi (I At Wiihliiiiton Washington Philadelphia ii At Cleveland Clevelaml 0 iieiroit ,. ,,..,,,,,,, - Hccond'yntno" ''fiywW'wiipwiww i'W1 Cle eland F Detroit II At ChieaKo Chicatro ...II St. l.oii (1 Second irainc Chi. St. loiiix . CoaM InKuo At Sail 1-ViiihjJsH'o It II F San Fraiicihco , . 2 " II Oakland U l'J 7 At Sncraiiicnto Sacraiiieulo . . , I 8 -I bis AiiKclcri (I l'J (I At I.os Anjjelen Porllaiid 0 II II' Vernon 7 Kl I inkiiiR for health. (IOI.I) IIIIA Or., Ocl. 0-Old liiti cih who lilt u heeu UHJim water for inlpitiou and ininiiiK piiipimi'rt fiom Itoiii; liver and itn local liiliiiliirii.' for 10, ."() and Mtiuu uIiiiohI (10 ycai, cnniit to town Tucriday with hlood In their c,vch ut tho hu'cmUou thai llicie iniulit he Home iiicntiou iim to Ilic validity of their HIiIh, whiuh Ihey lilou'h waa implied hy a nliiii' iuoiih lo uppear Intforc a iltiu of the Mute hoard of control at Ihi place lo take 'icniwlraliiiiiw of Uiiihc liuhtH. They were in uowihit pacified when they learned that Ihey would he KMpiired lo pay a certificate foe of 1 and an iriipilion fee of ?'J.o0 for Ihe fimt 111 ncrci. watered, with a arailuiiled feo per acre for uvcry acre .over (J, Time and iinin Sup(riutcud"iit lairo. T. Chiuiiock, for water diviH i.i No. 1, e.xiilainod thai the purpose of the reyixl ration wax to make the ukIiIm seeiuc rather than to raise nn, iUCH(inn iih lo their validity, and that (he comiiii; adjudication will rcmilt in a peiiuaucui npportioumeut of Ihe water which will eliminate the water Ii'm: and prevent encroachment l iciihiii of Inter locations. When the pioneers hoard thin explanation, they weie pica -ed at the wisdom of th slate in making them secure in their rights. Iherehy iiiHiiriiiK them apiiust possihle litigation with conflicting elaiiaaiils. ('pwaids of 7.' recistralioiiH were taken here, leprcsfutiu water riiiht on Sami cteek. Sardine creek, dull' creek, Wardx creek, Mirdseyc. creek, FooIm creek, Kvaiih creek, Kane creek and l(one river. The oldest rijjlit n'fjistcred was one owned hy J. W. Hayes-, which wiik secured from the uovernuicnt hy .la coh (lull, on the creek named after him, iit 18.1(1. THE SIMPLE LIFE FOR MINE-WEST tho Ideiiflifi'rt at the raec (rack mid fair kioiiwIh here (his nfteriioon. The iiijini'd were rushed t( an emergency hospital al Ihe fair kioiiikIh. EASY TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF No More Politics He Says Will Quit "Forever" wftcn His Present Term 'winirr men tin turn down near ii roolH of your hair there Ir a vnitt Expires Mloht Run, However, If army of iiuio iiiviiii Bcnim or mi HIs Enemies "Abused" Him !'''H' , , Ami thhi ai my never rIccih; It ' waus a war of dentruetlon nlKht and .,..., x ,, , r , ,. I ilny. It ili'NtroyH the nourishment SAI.hM, Ore., OH. f,. Accord.nj;,,,, tJ(j mr mmi Mv( n (moj, U) to Ooveruor West today he intend toiKrow vlgoroiiHly and abundantly, letire from ollticK "foievei-" whciil I'AHIHIAN HA OK now wold nil over hin present lerm aw mernor expires. Amerlru will destroy tlieno Krnm Wcnl Iiiih not hiinied nil hridKcn ( and at the name time ftirnlHh the hair hehind him howiiver. a he ailded that'rootM with Jimt the proper onnrlsli lii' mijihl li' purHiiadi'd lo run for ic- ment (o mako hnlr Krow dtiKtroiiH and lection if lux enemies "abused" him. .luxuriant. I'AHIHIAN HAOK In Kuarnntecd by Chun. BUanj; to baulih dandruff, stop faUIIni; hair and Itching ncalp or money back. It Ik n delli;btful hair ilrcKHliiK that wIiim ItiKtant favor with refined women, Hold for only 50 cents a larRtt bottle by Chns. HtraiiK ami driiKRlHtH everywhero. Olrl with auburn hair on every carton and hot tie. I it .. i ....... I' ....' W'M H niiliouiieeiiiiiii repuoiaics (he report that he was gronuiiiijT him self to rim fr United Slnlc Hunator niiinst Ihe present iiicmnheiil, Jona than Itoiirne, Kepuhlieau. BLEACHERS COLLAPSE FIFTEEN INJURED SPHINOFIKLD, Ilk Oct; A. -Fifteen wont injured, fte of whom mavi die, iih a pvult of the collapsing of HqHnn for 1Iltn Ik . . 7 I'll 15he WALL PAPER and PAINT STORE BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. :w NO I IT 1 1 HAHTMrrr ST. DANCING Social dancing Tor liigh stjliool hoys nml girls, ItVidays Hi 4 ). in. Social (hmcing for hoys and girls in 7tli and 8th grades, Saturdays at 2 p. in. Social dancing for younger hoys and girls Saturday mornings at 10 o'clock. Yiday evenings -social dancing lessons in latest dancing hegins tit 8 o'clock regular dancing at 9 o'clock. Price 50 cents each, including lessons and evening dancing. MRS. J. W. McCLATCHIE AT Till: KI'ISCOI'AIi HAM ZT 4t4t4tm4l4m-044-m44- f SECTION FOREMAN IS ON TRIAL FOR HIS LIFE OI.YMP1A, Wn., Oct. .'i.-Georp? II. Wilson, former section foreman at 'ItafiierTor Hi 'Northern TaVine'rail rontl, wan placed on tial for the nutr tier of .Mr. and Mrs. Archie Coble at Rainier on tint evciiinj; of .Inly 10 m Ihe superior court, yesterday. The work of sclcclhij,' a jury is proress itii: slowly and al noon not a juror had been passed. The Coliles were murdered while asleep in their bed, with an n.e mid the body of the woman outraged. il mii was arre-ted n week later nml Ijitve out a statement that while lie knew that he killed the couple, lie did not remember lining it. He denied this later. The court room in crowd ed ami us there are -It! witnesses to he examined, the casu will not pi to the juy for a week or more. Look for tho ad Hint offers it to on, tiQcond-hnnd. nt n real Imrcniut UGO THEATRE Postlvcly the last npearanco tonight of tho The Knox Comedy Co. An entire change of vnudovlllc. Kverythtng new mm,T' ' TONIGHT'S PROGRAM The laughable comedy entitled FOUR A. M. HUaUANOS!,! Did yon ever K up all ntght nlaylnK ioker? WIVE3!!! Old you ever catch them when they returned home a little tipsy nt 4 a. in.? NewiSpecialties By FERN MARSHAL, "I'm Not That Kind of a Girl" and GEORGE MGC0RMIGK, presenting his famous "BlaGk Face' Specialty also Threo reels of motion pictured. Laugh? Well you Just can't help it All comedy and fun. SPECIAL Any seat In tho cuts. Rogue River Valley INDUSTRIAL FAIR MEDFORD, OREGON Fair around-. Located at the End of Xortli Central Avenue. THURSDAY GRANTS PASS DAY AND SCHOOL DAY. 2:14 Trot. 2:20 Pace. 3-4 Mile Run. Saddle Race. Program Begins at 2 O'clock. One and one-third fare has been granted by the railroads Admission, adults, 50c; children 25c; box seats 50c and 75c; In tbo grand stand all other seats 25c; bleachers free. V. IL CANON, rrwj. GEO. DAVIS, Trcas. A. K. WARE, Scc'y. Officers of tho Southern Oregon District Fair Association as follows: J. A. PEKRV, rn-a. E. T. STAPLES, V.-Pres. J. S. OIITH, Trcas. A. K. WARE, Sec'y. Ml ?l r m M n FAIR VISITORS, You Can't Afford to Miss Our Big' Sale of FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES m RANGES EVERYTHING AT COST FOR INSTANCE 9x12 Axminster Rugs $16.50 $25 and $30 Values RANriF.U45,now $31; $37.50 now $34 With Reservoir $2.50 more . GENUINE GIGANTIC SALE-Prices like these, an opportunity of a lifetime; if you miss it you lose All Goods Delivered Free or Shipped H W r F r m m tFi m H V w A f" ' I Next to P. O. UMI I H !