Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 05, 1911, Image 1

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    Wv - W . 4THv ,., 1
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""V, " v iW ...KMir-'-VViwWii (VHtl,wflkiufci
..wiW'iwMnHH i.'l)hiltip
uiMion Hhtwlcnl BoolaV
City Mall "
l'Mlliiir io tfot tiir will lift
ono rtllvrrt )i ulionln of
I flo by 0 p. m.
Medford Mail Tribune
Cloudy Mat. 07 Mln. -t.t
lie!. Humidity it IVr Cent.
I)ly -lllxlli Vwr.
I'tiily'Klnit Yi-itr.
No. 1GD.
. i 1 1 . utu
j.ji i- .-.-
1 '-J u .
7 ,1
f A
Today Is Med lord Day and Towns
people are Turning Out in Larue
Number First Day's Rnclnn Card
Tomorrow will lie Grants Pass and
School Day Saturday Is
Ashland Day
Willi pet fool ucnlhcr condition
piovniliug .Mcill'iiril ilny at tho Wnguo
Kivi'r Valley Industrial fair promise
to liu a banner nut in point of ultoiid
unco nml enjoyment.' Tint lull
ground are. crowded this nflcriitHiii
with a largo throng of un'iry making
people who wander from grnudritniid
Io exhibit buildings, tukuii: in ttll tin
ilflnitH of one of I In- lirnl, if nut tin
best fair nwr held in southern Ore
gou. A Iik' number of event an'
hcIiim1ii"i for this itfloriiuim nml
there arc many on hand to see them,
Friday will bo (Irantit 1'iixk day at
tliMriiirtrnil'Hah'' rrMirlril ihnt'wi
largo number of down vlliy iwoplo
will liu in ntlciidniicc. A good pro
cram liu boon arranged for tomor
row ami nlso for Satnnlay which
ill In' Ashland day, Tin- fair will
(iIohii Saturday night nml from pros
it t imliuntiniW it nil! ho mot sue
(Hwsfiil, Tim fair Iiiih Itroiiplit a huge num
ber of out-of-lowii people Io tin' oily
nml thuir iiumhcrtt will In iucrcni
In ilnrimr lln inxt two days owing
Io tht! improvement In weather oiiii
dllioiiH. ,uh night tlm streets of
Ilm nily wore jammed with n largo
crowd of merrymakers, llio Mrool
carnival being tln attraction. Sat
only night t ehonriiivul will ond with
u I run carnival spirit nml doubtless
n record crowd will ho uut for thai
Tlm first ilnyH racing card al the
fair ground waH greatly enjoyed ami
the ono today will ho largely attend
cl. The results of Wednesday's rue
iiiu' wax:
Ki'iinctli C time, first 2:'JI 1-J,
Hcitonil, j a I l-'J.
Dolly .MoKinnoy nml Hollo M. fin
ishod second ami third in liulh bouts.
In tho 'J;'J." trot, Velum ;. won the
firnt two boats and Ilm race, with
St. MichnolH ami Mark II. finishing
In I ho order uaini'd.
KntniiirH' lilliih-np race, won ly
Mary Tudor, with Nick hocoiiiI, IIonh
third ami Knlciuh fouiih,
Tho racing pro;rnin for thi.s nflor
noon in iih followfl:
Kiirtt race, 12:10 trot, purso .flfiO,
ono mile.
Socoml race, 2: l'J pace, ,30n purse,
ono uiilo.
Third race, fivo-oij-hlliH milo run
iiinj; race, purno .f 125.
Fourth race, Ihrco-oinhlliH milo po
ny race, puiHo $25.
Fifth moo, Hpocial throcoij-hlln-niiln
iiiatuli raco for imii-ho of $200.
.Sixth ruco, novelty mulu team race,
purno $50.
Tho alillnnii nMroiiHlou WoilnoHdny
aftoinoon wiih porfoct In ovory dotnll.
'i'lio tit in-1 wiih promptly on tlmn, tho
alilloou liounillnn tipwanl currying
MIhii Tiny Jli-oaitwlclc with It. Whoti
a 1000 foot In tho hiiIiI Hho rut hor
nolf froo and lamlod Krarofully nml
ciiBlly not 100 fcot from whnro Bho
loft tho Krouml. Tho nBoonslon wax
u thriller. Thin afternoon uho Ifl
Hohoduletl to do it dmihlo parachute,
drop whoro tho crowd mtH two tluillH,
Tho oxhlhltH at tho fair i;ouiuIh
nro worth kIhk u Iouk dlutunoo to
iioo, la tho niuln exhibit hulldhiK Ih
found a Hploudld dlHpluy, Tho oxhlhlta
ruiiKO from noodloworlc and homo
mado hroad to tho fluent of tho Himun
rlvor fiultii, Ki'atim ami vcKotnhlou,
Tho JmhtoH wore Inmy yoHtorday plolt
Jui; tho wliiuoru.
Ships .Which Took Part In Great Naval Battle TodayMap Showing the Seat of War
. S TUC TOlPlP-ninJ TllPPPTSnPTHP ITA1 IAN RATPP "y-UP r. '.- '' --
President Lee Issues Statement De-
clarlna"tliat Brotheritood of Rail
way Trainmen Cannot tckc Cojinlz
auce of Slrlklnu Unions
Local Engines Dead.
Ono deml olivine nnd two
leaking in tho (InmlH Push yard.
At ItnM'litirK live dead euKiues
nml rnilroud officiulx with enntH
off doitiK the Hwitoldni;. Throe
('Ukuich dead at Ashland. Such
is the condition of tho Southern
Pacific strike in this region.
In tho Omnia Pass roiiuri
liotiHo a dond locomotive awaitH
a hoilcrmakor who never comes.
The leaking cii;iiicH nre Hup
poeil to noun he iik dead as the
ono now uccdiui; rejuvenation.
IC . . T. . -..- - ja ft Eltv -C? & I Id I?
fey a 2ggscwwug Sr-L U5H
Commercial Club Adopts Resolutino
Requesting Oregon Delegation and
Heads of Departments to Work for
$500,000 Appropriation
C. P. Briggs Serves Notice on County
Court to Stop All Road Work sr
' Warrants Already Out Would b
Held Up by Suit.
Many Attorneys in the City Volunteer
their Services to Defend the
County Court
DKXVKK. Colo., Oct. 5. "If the
HtiikiliK shopmen of the llarrimnn
lincK win," Hiiltl I'roMtlont Leo of (he
llrotherhooil of ltailway Trainmen,
today, "it will ho without ou,r aid."
"Their diffieiillies," he oonlinuotl,
"are not hiicIi ir we mny lake ro
uiKiiixniicu of. At present wo are
neutral, insofar as President Shop
hard, of the order of railroad con
ductors, or I know, There is no pos
nihility that any cliinie in our views
will occur. Wo would like to see the
shopmen win, hut we are in no posi
tion to lake mi active part in the
strike. Tho shopmen are affiliated
with the lahor federation, wo are not.
I helieve thoy are tpiilo nhle io care
for themselves."
People in Puyallup Valley are En
thusiastically Discussing Speeches
Made at Valley Fair Regarding the
Tariff on Sugar.
HAKKItSKIKM), Cal., Oel. 5. A
reward of $1 ()()() was offered liy the
Southern Pacific) officials hero today
for tho apprehotiRion of tho men who
started two engines at Tuft down the
steep midway grade. Tho two engines
crashed into two hox cars, averting
a cosily disaslor.
RAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oel. fi.
Dispatches, stating that two engines
woro tuinod looso hi Ilm yards t
Tafl, Cal., lain yesterday, nroused
tho officials of tho federation of
shopmen Io an investigation, whio'n
resulted today in a denial of the ro
porl that tho ouginos were delihor
alely allowed lo run wild.
According to the investigation oon
duotod hy tho slrikors, tho engines
ran away heoauso of leaky valves
and llio faihiro of strikehrenking em
ployes of Iho Southern Paeifio lo
properly hlook tho engines,
TACOMA, Oct. ri.Tlio pcoplo In
tho Puyallup vnlloy, whero frnlt can
ning la an Important Induatry are en
thusliiatlcally illaoiiBHlng Congrt'8
man Warhurton's speech nt tho Puy
allup Valley Fair yesterday on Biignr.
CougreHfiinnu Murdock of Kuuyna,
following Warburtou, pledged thu
progresalvea to keep tho fnllh.
"Certain newspnpura nnd politic
Iiiuh, rcrtalu rnptalns of big IiukIuobs
aio crying 'Keep Ht 111, bo qulot, stop
agitating. Let us alono or you will
hurt huBlncuH.'
"Hut tho liiHiirgenta nro not going
to quit until aomo of theao moustroun
Injustices aro atoppofl."
Reported that Austria lias Deter
mined to Prevent a Continuance of
Italy's Operations on the Albanian
Congrcflsiuuu Mm dock will apenlc
la this city October 0.
WASHINGTON, D. O., Oct, 5.
After denouncing nml repudiating
Admiral Wlnflold Scott Schley duilug
his Ilfo tlmo nml officially refusing to
npprovo his conduct at Santiago, Cu
ba, 'n tho naval UUtlo of which ho
was tho hero, tho United States out
did Itself hero today In paying tribute
to tho man who deaorvod Covora'a
fleot, now that ho Is dead. Tho fun
eral held today was ono of tho most
Imposing over hold In tho national
Thero is wild excitement throughout
Constantinople today as the result
of u report that tho Turkish fleot
has heen dotroyed in a naval en
gagement with the Italians off Mily-
lene. It i reported that the Italian
sank and captured the Turkish ships
and then lauded nnd seized tho Inl
and of Lemuos of which Mitylene is
the capital.
Tt is reported that heavy firing has
been hoard in tlio north Dardanelles.
Tho, Russian nnd Gorman
ambassadors today nro constantly
conferring with tho grand vizier nnd
nro urging the Porto to submit to
Italy. Offsetting this effort of the
powers is tho attitude of the commit
too of union nnd progressives, n
young Turks' organization which is
fanning tho war spirit among the
Turks to such nn extent that the
officials mny find it difficult to pre
vent serious anti-Christian out
breaks. LONDON, Oct. n.Tho Evening
Times, in nn extra, asserts it has re
liable information that Austria has
determined to prevent a continuance
of Italy's operations against tho Al
banian coast,
Humors of all sorts nro rife here
as to tho progress of tho wnr, but
Utile is definitely known of what is
Is in the Mormon Stronghold with
Senator Reed Smmoot Supervising
all Arrangements Rumors of Plot
Against Executive's Life are Heard
Support tho manufacturers of your
homo city first, Inst and nil tho tlmo,
and you will help yourself to prosper
ity. Hut If your local factories can
uot supply your wants, Insist that tho
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, Oct. 5.
President Taft Is spending a busy
day In tho .Mormon stronghold, with
Senator Heed Smoot supervising ar
Tho president tooR uroaxrast In the
now Utnh Hotel, whero ho received
tho "old folks." President Taft Is
tho central flguro of "old folks
week", a plcturesquo Uath institu
tion. During this week tho old folks
nro tho guests of tho young people.
They wear badges, one for every ten
years of their lives abovo sixty, nnd
during tho entire week aro transport,
ed free by tho railroads. The old
people camo In crowds today to greet
President Taft.
Plot Humored.
In splto of tho general antagonistic
sentiment expressed In Colorado, Wy
oming and Utnh Presldont Taft hns
consistently maintained his stand in
favor of a federal control policy for
public lands. As a result of tho
growing opposition to tho prostdent,
camo tho rumors of a plot to assassin
ate President Taft In Denver.
Two men were arrested at tho So
altle lodging house yesterday hy Po
liceman Hall and Special Officer
llroas, Mispooted of being tho men
who broke opon n Southern Paeifio
freight car Tuesday night and stolo
several hams.
Tho men arrested nro being hold
merchant carries "Mado In Oregon'
11. SJIarnisli is. having an addition Kods from other Oregon sources tolnWailing instruction from tho South
put onto Ins house, supply your uocus. cm Paeifio compnny.
A resolution requesting the Oregon
congressional delegation, the secreta
ry of the interior and. the forestry
service to secure an appropriation
for the impovemeut of tho Crater
Lake National pnrk was adopted by
tho Commercial club Wednesday
evening. Tho resolution as adopted
is as follows:
Whereas, tho Medford Commercial
club has expended $25,000 raised i.y
public subscription in tho construc
tion of a section of tho Crater Lake
Highway, and &iMA
Whereas, Jackson county has ex
pended a considerable sum in the con
struction of an additional fivo miles
of this highway during tho past year.
Whereas, the State of Oregon has
shown its co-operation in the build
ing of tho Crater Lake Highway by
the Cftnblishment of a couvico camp
and the loan of a considerable num
ber of prisoners for road construc
tion and,
Whereas, the people of Jackson
county have authorized the issuance
of $1,500,000 bonds for construc
tion of permanent highways, nnd
Whereas the pcoplo of Jackson
county havo as above enumerated
shown their faith in tho effort to
mako Crater Lake National park ac
cessible with the result that sovoral
thousand automobiles visited ihe
park this year as against none at 11
thrco years ago, nnd havo thus re
moved tho only objection towards im
provement of the park tijioii a large
scale, and
Whereas, Crater Lake National
park which coutnins ono of tho
world's greatest natural wonders as
well ns n sccnios wonderland of
beauty, nlono nmong tho national
parks, has had only meager appro
priations nnd no improvement worthy
of tho nnnie, and
Whereas, government engineers
hvo estimated thnt the sum of $300,
000 will bo required to construct n
system of roads in tho Crater Lake
National park and through tho na
tional forest,
Therefore be it resolved, that tho
Mfedford Commercial club horowith
rcquosts tho Oregon congressional
delegation, tho seorotary of tho in
terior and tho forestry service to
secure, an appropriation for $300,000
for the improvement of tho Crater
Lake National park at tho coming
Through C. P. Urlggs, nn Ashland
attorney, notice was served by a co
terie of Ashland citizens today on tha
county court that they must Immedi
ately suspend all road work in tho
county or suit would be Instituted to
restrain the county treasurer from
honoring any county warrants above
tho amount authorized by law for
road building purposes.
This means, If tho threat Is carried
out and the court sustains their suit,
that all of the road building machin
ery in the county must be boused un
til the Sl.500,000 bond Vssuo la avail
able. The county court this year had be
tween 885,000 and $90,000 which
could be expended for road fc-alldlne
purposes. More than this was ex
pended under the system which has
been In vogue In the county.
Ashland c'tlzens, chagrined at the
passage of the good roads bonds, now
havo taken the matter up out of
potty spite evidently, and intend to
force tho court to quit building roads
or have warrants already Issued en
joined. It is pointed out that If outstanding
warrants are not paid by tho county
treasurer, owing to a restraining or
der, that any additional warrants is
sued would bo practically valueless.
This would effect tho present contract
with Twohy brothers.
A movement was Instantly launch
ed in Medford today following tho
receipt of word regarding Ashland's
move, to havo local business men
sign an indemnity bond to guarantee
payment or the money which will be
due Twohy brothers when the Cen
tral Point road Is completed in order
to keep them at work this fall.
A score of Medfora attorneys vol
unteered today to defend tho suit It
it is brought by Ashland.
The Ashland plea, as stated by Mr.
Driggs at acksonville this morning,
was to tho effect that Ashland does
not wish to see tho county court go
further into debt under tho present
system. Mr. Briggs states that ho
is not In sympathy with tho move but
that ho Is acting In a legal way only.
stating that tho men who omployed
him said thnt It bo would not tako
tho case that they would employ a
Portland attorney.
Tho move Is generally accepted by
the peoplo of the county as being en
gendered by a number of Ashland
peoplo who were chagrined at tho out
come of tho recent bond election
which caused them to develop In a
marked degrco what is known in the
pnrlance of tho street as "sore-hoad-ednesa."
Tho county court adjournod today
after listening to Mr. Briggs without
taking any action In tho mattor.
Homo prosperity depends upoa
homo industry, and stato-wide pros
perity will be greater if factories
selling "Made In Oregon" goods are
pat'onlzed b ytbe local merchants.
session of congress.
Ro it furthor resolved, that copies
of this resolution be sent to the
members of tho Oregon delegation
and tho department chiefs at Wash
iugtou and that similar resolutions
bo sent every commorcinl dub in Or
egon loquesting' their adoption, 4