K. '?r vrrti ' ; ,v. -v.' , 'sfV. u I n r- ?, ? 1 l PXGEETGHT s - t MDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OUECION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER n, 11)11. ft f jjjfcifcfr : : ; : ; -: : ; . i: S ''- -1" "V. ;'i f , A i , i j :, . . . ,k "' '. f 1 . ... " nr " - ., V , rtlM , '. '3XT..UA '.4fffKi I ' ,. V' ,. ... . 'i i I .' v ' I - '. '.?" ' "t" ' , Mll'iii.)i).-MiHiM'IH.'n'i " miiHH ... iMilinj'. .i'i. ". ., i frffit. - - r?in"i I ;v-, wMTBr"Si.V wM n'wSJ :l 'I if'3lLml!!".!l....tlll."J!!: ".':...u..1,.,Muiliii.ii IB-1 rcto- KS -.i;N.vl.iv'ii .Wri'cLJSA. w-Lfc:V:.lJv;.2,M.V.vv' 'vwirt J?l . 6 ' v---Tr,y- ";-? -?::Tt ?jjzn7r'ifW,'TrV,' , . i ir tii . "...' . . .-. . '. ' .. ; mwroTOyiraiq5OTV-7.ri- uavi..v.U' V.X1S.V Vv .i.VVvvvVN.vvvvkvvV'"M",""v,',,"tt""",v"" v..".,... 'r . .m - . , W"r" II fPVf.l .ii. y. .yy t.miownrrl-' ,"ffsnLj mmmmmmm ?m ' T n .ifc. fwfwi nfwu'aww wwi nwm . i The Greater Toggery (Of Course) 3nara?v ittt: tt r ft. rrmr?mmrmm! on yfei. jfRyl SSST .-.-.". .n.xnx.Tr. I..-.-- ,.-..n... TC BEtw i ! i ilklni Y' ' 1 mT V. " - - A A. A I',. UYV... Ami 1L...L-.11 1 .-.I.. tI . l,. '. f fflWtJf? Ml Pp; fill Pi I Jet!- PVBiR'vyi4i I iSfi 'vSjP; . .t fcSJ,rJff lrC!!ft 3BMaV I . Lnv.axJ r -.yrKaar mi Lisa!lrOk tasassM It fi rrTiTiitfiT1'! swffi23SEssakiri MSamm . .. T-T7JL. IVILb. ife Twa&MCyfc fJi .uf' " "i?HJBiiWHB LL-giipi. mmr? 't - -th M-h& i in 1 ;, r M .iffaian-lfc,i.iiiii "' m 3 3a7H5 t ., !,i At last THE TOGGERY is installed in its new quarters roomy, commod ious and hospitable and on entering) upon an era of increased prosperity We wish to extend greetings and a hearty Thank You to all our friends for their past patron age and encouragement. It is only through their support and co-operatipn that the evolution of Tho Toggery from a handful of goods to its present status of being the largest and fin est clothing store between Portland and San Francisco has been mado possible. We employ seven people and are determined to merit your continued confidence and good will. We are now prepared to break all former re cords for Style.Quality and Low PriSes a store where tho TRUTH ALONE IS TOLD the things for which the Toggery lias always pre-eminently stood. The Toggery is Everybody's Store There is room here for all Medford and the Rogue River Valley, and we want you all to come and see the largest and finest Clothing Store in Oregon south of Portland. , , -, rtWH'i 'Tt AESn Toggery Bill Co( urse "i We aro featuring Washington Clothes for Men and SRI, "lif"'" " '"''" "TrrrTjCTYTri 'M mtittsMtmb (Ilflflf TfO" vjimi WWL? ' m''-. ?.'::-.."fl o jp? Br- mm iln iifftrn i iitiSKM S .1 V f '.'V 'K Com lUtt 1011 Mltal Decker & Cobn -iv Bi1MifcJ"""""ll"i""""il"BWW""iiiMIP"M""tii."iMM,i I'' lHt 'TV1 i C c f , -I" i? . V ' " . M'Sifu; -.' i- i.'' "; pA V , ' -,' -' 'VT V,.' c t iDKlMKllM ,t , .. . 'iV'-i